Home for the Holidays 2014

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Comee HOME fofor the Holidays



Local celebrations and attractions Tasty holiday recipes Choosing gifts that grow with children

A special advertising section of ThisWeek Comunity News Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

Experience the Season! Columbus

1156 Oakland Park Ave.



4261 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.


See the back page of Home for the Holidays for specials & holiday events! Delaware

25 Kilbourne Rd.


All stores open daily • Closed Thanksgiving

New Albany

5211 Johnstown Road







Since 1940

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Home for the Holidays | Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014



Events Ongoing

63 E. Broad (SR 16 & 310) • Pataskala, Ohio


Santa’s Mailbox: Nov. 24 – Dec. 19. Santa’s mailbox is located in front of the Griswold Center (777 High Street) in Worthington. Drop off your letters with a printed return address and Santa will write you back. Snowflake Castle: Dec. 1-6. Stop by Santa’s Workshop for this 30th annual event. Children work with elves to make their very own wooden toy, visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus and can enjoy trains, face-painting and a gift shop. Everal Barn, 60 N. Cleveland Ave. Reservations required, Children must be accompanied by an adult. Call (614) 901-6560. Visitwesterville.org for hours and more information. Home For The Holidays: Dec. 6, 13 and 20. Extended shopping hours and a variety of activities will take place in the Uptown shops during the weekends leading up to Christmas. Historic Uptown Westerville. ShopUptownWesterville.com. Make-n-Take Mini Tree Class: Dec. 13, 14, 20 and 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 2500 Airport Drive, three sizes available starting at $19.98, special groups can schedule classes anytime, call (614) 252-6046, www.demonyes.net.

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Old Fashion Candy Shop • Homemade Pies Tuesday–Saturday 7am–8pm & Sunday & Monday 7am–2pm

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Expires 12/28/15


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SoBo Style Small Business Saturday: With Tatoheads Food Truck 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Clintonville

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with The Dispatch BEGINS NoV. 17

$3o,ooo IN CaSH aNd zoo EXPERIENCES

Enter today and you could become a finalist and join us for 10TV’s broadcast of Jack Hanna’s Into The Wildlights special at the Zoo, when we’ll draw the names of the winners.

NOV 30 Worthington Tree Illumination Ceremony: Visit the South East Village Green for the City’s Tree Illumination Ceremony. MC Chris Bradley and the Worthington Kilbourne High School choir will help Santa usher in the holidays by lighting the tree. Prior to the program, enjoy ice carving demonstrations, carols and a children’s craft (all weather permitting), 5:30 p.m., The ceremony will take place rain or shine. Dec 2

WIN youR SHaRE of

The Columbus Dispatch and the Columbus zoo and aquarium are teaming up to celebrate Wildlights by giving away cash prizes worth $10,000, plus some special zoo experiences.

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Clintonville Woman’s Club Candlelight Luncheon: Open to the public, call 268-5525 for reservations. Grandview Holiday Tree Lighting: Come help us celebrate the season with

Dear Santa, Dear D a I have been very good this year. All I want under the tree is a gift certificate from Balance Beauty Spa

the lighting of the community Holiday Tree. The winners of the holiday coloring contest sponsored by MembersFirst Pathways Financial Credit Union will help flip the switch. Tree lighting will include carol singing with the Grandview High School Singers and refreshments to warm your spirits, fetivities begin at 6:30 p.m. at Grandview Center Clay Café will have flat or ball ornaments available for purchase that can be decorated at event (Flat ornaments $5 or ball ornaments $10). Finished fired ornaments will need to be picked up at Clay Café (1644 W. 5th Ave.) on or after Dec. 12. Dec 5 Westerville Tree Lighting Ceremony: Carols, candles and family fun! 7 p.m., Westerville City Hall, 21 S. State St. (614) 901-6500. DEC 6 SoBo Style Annual Holiday Open House: Refreshments and 10% off entire purchase during the Open House, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Clintonville. Santa Run 5K & Little Reindeer Dash: Presented by Mount Carmel Health Systems & Speedy Sneakers! Prizes awarded for top finishers as well as for best costumed runner! 9 a.m., Gahanna, www.thesantarace.com for information and registration. The 32nd Annual Hollyfest Arts & Crafts show: One of the largest of its kind in central Ohio with 118 crafters of homemade items. This juried show features vendors from Ohio and surrounding states. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Hilliard Davidson High School, 5100 Davidson Road, Hilliard, OH 43026, Admission is $4, seniors and students $2, The show sponsor is the Hilliard Area Chamber of Commerce. Grove City Christmas Celebration Winter Lights: Come celebrate the spirit of the season with the community throughout the Grove City Town Center during this popular annual event! Santa visits 2 to 7 p.m., charitable donation collections, Grove City Arts Council Christmas Art Exhibit, ice sculptor, real reindeer, Mistletoe Market and the annual Christmas parade and tree lighting, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Grove City Town Center, grovecityohio.gov.

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Love , Mrs. Claus

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Gold Sponsors

Saturday, December 6, 2014 9am-4pm Silver Sponsor Hilliard Davidson High School Tolles Career & Technical Center Corner of Davidson & Avery Admission Santa Paws 118 CRAFTSPEOPLE Adults $4.00 • Students $2.00 Buckeye Card Holders $2.00 Children Under 12 Free

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Home for the Holidays | Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014


Events Santa’s Coming to Town: Santa will visit the children of Grandview and Marble Cliff to see if they have been naughty or nice. Picture will be taken of each child with Santa, free of charge. Pictures taken on Saturday will be emailed to those submitting email addresses at the Library. Co-Sponsored by the Grandview Heights Public Library, 11 a.m. to 12 noon, Grandview Library. DEC 7 Christmas Under the Clock: More than 35 local shops will be featuring special offers and events during this community open house, shuttles will run from 5:30 to 9 p.m., Plain City, find more information on facebook. Westerville Sertoma’s Rudolph Run 5K Run/Walk: Lead the way, just like Rudolph during this 6th annual event which precedes the Children’s Christmas parade. 1:30pm, Brooksedge Blvd. to Schrock Road, to State Route 3, north to County Line Road (614) 794-0401 Westerville Sertoma Children’s Christmas Parade: The Westerville Sertoma invites you to welcome Santa during this annual family event, which follows immediately after the Rudolph Run. 1:45pm, Brooksedge Blvd. to Schrock Road, to State Route 3, north to County Line Road. DEC 8 Mozart’s Annual Holiday Fundraiser to benefit Clintonville/Beechwold Community Resources Center, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Clintonville. DEC 9 Girls Night Out at de Monye’s Greenhouse: Holiday centerpiece workshop, enjoy hors d’oeuvres, desserts and beverages while building a beautiful centerpiece! Choose from Holiday Sleigh, Deco-Wreath or Mini Tree, 6 and 7 p.m., 2500 Airport Drive, cost is $39, call for reservations (614) 252-6046, www.demonyes.net.

Business After Hours (BAH): A Holiday Celebration at Residence Inn by Marriott at Crosswoods: The Worthington Area Chamber of Commerce invites you to enjoy networking, door prizes and seasonal foods and beverages, along with our Mystery Gift Card Grab Bag, just in time for the holidays, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Residence Inn by Marriott, 7300 Huntington Park Drive, Columbus 43235, free to Worthington Chamber members; $20 for guests. DEC 12 Worthington Community Center Holiday Party: The Worthington Community Center will celebrate the holidays with a family friendly party for all ages. Visit with Santa, walk through the holiday treat trail, make a craft and play holiday bingo. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., all activities are free. DEC 13 Clintonville Woman’s Club Breakfast with Santa: This event is open to the public. Bring your camera and take pictures with Santa, Secret Santa shop for kids, 9 to 11 a.m., call 268-5525 for reservations, Clintonville. Holiday Character Breakfast: presented by Giant Eagle. Enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast by Chris Cakes, a live skit featuring favorite holiday characters, make-and-take crafts, a story time reading, and more! 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Olde Gahanna Sanctuary, 82 N. High St., see www.visitgahanna.com for seating times and reservations. Seating is limited! Grove City Community Winds Concert: The Grove City Community Winds is a group of talented and dedicated area musicians providing quality musical entertainment. Join them for their annual concert featuring the finest yuletide music. Admission is a nonperishable food item for the Grove City Food Pantry, 11 a.m., Grove City High School, 4665 Hoover Road, gccwinds. org. DEC 20

DEC 10 Young Professionals of Worthington – White Elephant Holiday Extravaganza: Join us for a white elephant gift exchange ($10 limit), 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Hyatt Place Columbus/Worthington, 7490 Vantage Drive, Columbus 43235, free to current YPoW members and first-time guests

Nutcracker Family Restaurant Breakfast with Santa: Celebrating 12 years, in addition to breakfast, each child will do a holiday craft and bring your camera for pictures of a visit with Santa, 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., prepaid reservation required, cost is $8.50 each, Nutcracker Family Restaurant, 63 East Broad St., Pataskala, (740) 964-0056.

DEC 11

DEc 22

Girls Night Out at de Monye’s Greenhouse: Holiday centerpiece workshop, enjoy hors d’oeuvres, desserts and beverages while building a beautiful centerpiece! Choose from Holiday Sleigh, Deco-Wreath or Mini Tree, 6 and 7 p.m., 2500 Airport Drive, cost is $39, call for reservations (614) 252-6046, www.demonyes.net.

Winter Break Elementary Open Gym: This supervised, drop-in activity is for children in grades first through six and is $4 per visit. Activities include group games, sports, free play and fun. Children must be checked in by a parent each visit, 10:30 a.m. to noon., also open Dec. 23, 29, 30 and Jan 2.

City of Upper Arlinton delights with art The Concourse Gallery: A public reception area of the Municipal Services Center, is home to Upper Arlington’s Visual Arts Series. The City of Upper Arlington has dedicated this space to the arts for over 40 years. The Concourse Gallery is a place for work that is challenging, thought provoking and dynamic. Through the variety of arts programming provided, the Concourse Gallery acts as a vital and active resource for the community, raising awareness, accessibility and advancement of the arts. Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, FREE admission, UA Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Road Gathering - Work by A Muse Gallery’s Sue Cavanaugh: Columbus artist Sue Cavanaugh gathers cloth into 2-D, 3-D and installation works that invite audiences to mill and ponder. Her art celebrates the routine, ethic and momentum of individual work as well as the meaning and tradition of gathering, Nov. 1-28, Concourse Gallery, Upper Arlington An Introduction to Appaloosa Genetics, Ashley Hughes: Member Curated Exhibit (MCE) in pARTnership with Ohio Art League. The idea for this series of paintings began as Ashley Hughes was searching for a way to make abstract art more accessible to a wide audience. Her solution was to use her paintings as maps. Specifically, to use them as maps to explain

the genetics behind appaloosa horse coloring, Dec. 5-Jan 2. Reception will take place Dec. 11, 5-7 p.m. Whimsical Expressions, Maryann Ashleman Straub: Arlington Hall Gallery: December 2014 “The art that I make tends to be very bright and cheerful with a whimsical feel to it. I am trying to expand my talents and explore other whimsical expressions with home portraits, buildings, landscapes and children as well.” Reception will take place Dec. 6, 2-4 p.m. Music in the Parks - Call for Musicians: We are now accepting applications for our Music in the Parks summer concert series. Our concerts feature a variety of musical disciplines, offering something for everyone’s taste in the performing arts. Concerts take place at Sunny 95 Park Thursday during the summer months of June and July from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Visit www.uaoh.net/ culturalarts for an application and more information. Application deadline: 5 p.m. Jan. 13, 2015.

Home for the Holidays

season of caring

Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014 Home for the Holidays is a special advertising supplement to ThisWeek Community News. Home for the Holidays is not responsible for opinions and views expressed in the paid advertisement in the business profiles. All real estate advertising herein is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Please take time to give back to central Ohio this holiday season. Visit ThisWeekNews.com and look in features box for volunteer and donation opportunities. In partnership with HandsOn Central Ohio. Brought to you by:

Oakland Nurseries’ Tree Lot Locations 2014 Fresh Cut Trees ~ Pine Roping ~ Wreaths All fresh cut Fraser Firs & $ 00 00 Scotch & $

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Home for the Holidays | Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014



Events Oakland Nurseries invite you to experience the season starting Nov. 29. • Free Chili on the weekends starting Nov. 29. • Other special guests and entertainment on the weekends!

Bring the children to visit Santa from noon to 4 p.m. at all Oakland locations – Columbus, Delaware, Dublin, and New Albany – starting Nov. 29 through Dec. 21 (Saturdays and Sundays only). While visiting Santa, enjoy the unique Santa Wonderland at our Columbus and Delaware store locations! There, you and your family can experience lights, music, and plush characters. Only at Oakland Nurseries can you truly experience the season!

Dublin Store Festivities: 4261 W. Dublin-Granville Road (614) 874-2400 • Horse-drawn carriage rides: Dec. 6 – 14, noon to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. • Cookies and hot chocolate with Santa: Bring the kids to enjoy time with Santa, starting Nov. 29, noon to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. • Bring your dog to have a picture with Santa! Starting Nov. 29, noon to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, please call the store for more details. • Breakfast with Santa! Join us 9 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 14, please call the store for details. • Miniature Train Holiday Garden on display from Nov. 29 – Dec. 24. • Plus, other Holiday weekend events!

Columbus Store Festivities: 1156 Oakland Park Ave. (614) 268-3511 • Horse-drawn carriage rides: noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Nov. 29 through Dec. 14. • A Reindeer will visit Oakland: This is sure to be a favorite with your kids! Noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7 • Breakfast with Santa: You can visit with Santa and then farm animals from Bring the Farm to You. 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 13, please call the store for more details. • Live music with Fort Hayes on the weekends. • Pop-Up Holiday Art Show: Support local artists, Saturday, Dec. 20. • Ugly Sweater Contest: Enjoy the fun as a participant or spectator. Call the store to enter as a participant, 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21. • Other special guests on the weekends!

New Albany Store Festivities: 5211 Johnstown Road (614) 917-1020 • Concessions: Nov. 29 – Dec. 14, noon to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sundays • Free Popcorn and Holiday Cookies on the weekends starting Nov. 29. • New Albany High School “A” Capella Singers: 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 30 and 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13. • New Albany High School Strings: 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6. • New Albany High School Jazz Band: 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14. • Breakfast with Santa & Mrs. Claus! Saturday, Dec. 20, please call the store for details.

Delaware Store Festivities: 25 Kilbourne Road (740) 369-5454 • Watch out for the Grinch!: Starting Nov. 29, , noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays • Live music on the weekends! • Ice Sculpting Demo: Please call for date and time. • Free Popcorn on the weekends



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Columbus celebrates the holidays with the season’s brightest offerings Columbus, OH – From world-class shopping and sparkling only-in-Columbus experiences, Ohio’s capital city rolls out a glittering welcome mat that greets travelers with holiday happenings they won’t soon forget. Grand Illumination: More than 200,000 lights and 150 trees gleam along the Scioto Mile, reflecting thousands of points of light on Columbus’ beautiful Scioto River. The energy of the Mile is electric after its recent revitalization, which included a dramatic promenade, gorgeous lighted bridges, restaurants and more. BalletMet’s “The Nutcracker”: Taking place at Columbus’ Ohio Theatre December 12-27, BalletMet’s “The Nutcracker” is a grand holiday tradition. The show is an annual family highlight with its unforgettable characters, enchanting choreography, staging and costumes accompanied by Tchaikovsky’s beloved score performed live by the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. State Auto’s Christmas Corner: For more than 80 years, Downtown Columbus’ State Auto Insurance Company has illuminated the corner of East Broad Street with twinkling lights and an aweinspiring life-sized Nativity scene. The display begins Wednesday, Dec. 4, and travelers are invited to witness the spectacle and weekend-night choir performances through News Year’s Eve. The Topiary Park: Georges Seurat’s masterpiece “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” comes to life in Downtown Columbus’ signature Topiary Park. During the holiday season, this larger-than-life recreation is bathed in hundreds of glowing holiday lights. Fantasy of Lights: Visitors are invited to drive through Alum Creek State Park’s stunning display for its 15thannual Fantasy of Lights show. Afterwards, travelers can warm up with free hot chocolate, cookies and a visit from

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Coupon good on above dates only at de Monye’s Greenhouse. Not valid with any other coupon or sale item.

Kris Kringle in the Santa House. Columbus Zoo and Aquarium’s Wildlights: An ABA Top 100 Event, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium’s Wildlights display dazzles with more than three million eye-popping LED lights. This spectacular celebration of winter provides activities for all ages, including visits with Santa Claus. Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens: Explore the beautiful gardens of Franklin Park Conservatory, decorated for the season with thousands of colorful poinsettias and wildly creative gingerbread houses. Easton Town Center: Easton Town Center’s wide variety of stores offer one-stop-shopping at the world’s finest retailers, including American Girl Place and Tiffany, as well as gorgeous holiday decorations. Easton’s gigantic Christmas tree will shine bright through the season starting with its annual tree lighting ceremony November 21. German Village: This delightful Old-World neighborhood offers shops packed with one-of-a-kind gifts and local treasures. The historic neighborhood wows visitors with its annual holiday tree lighting and welcomes travelers with a host of seasonal events, such as Village Lights on December 7 and the “Have a Cool Yule” Village Singers’ Winter Concert, December 13-14.

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Home for the Holidays | Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

Tired of the Buckeyes? Neither are we!

Recipes Simple Ham Loaf with Glaze

By Nutcracker Family Restaurant Makes 8 servings

2 pounds ground ham 1 1/2 pounds ground pork 3 eggs 1 cup dried bread crumbs 1 cup whole milk 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper Ham Loaf Glaze 1 pound brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon Dry Mustard 1/4 cup Honey 1/2 cup apple juice 3/4 cup vinegar 1 cup water 2 teaspoon cornstarch to thicken 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) 2. In a large bowl, combine the ham, pork, eggs, bread crumbs, whole milk, salt and ground black pepper. Mix all together well and form into a loaf. Place loaf into a lightly greased 9x13 foil baking pan or baking dish. We like baking in a water bath by setting the baking dish that contains the Ham Loaf mixture into a larger baking dish that is big enough to allow for water to surround the pan filled with Ham Lotaf. 3. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 90 minutes. 4. While the loaf is baking, combine the brown sugar, dry mustard, honey, apple juice, and vinegar. Stir in a saucepan over medium heat. Combine corn starch and water until smooth and add to hot sauce while stirring until thickened. Holiday meal time-saver hint: You


can cool this loaf and after cooling slice and refrigerate for serving later. Slices re-heat nicely in a skillet on low heat to warm, in the oven, or microwave. Glaze also reheats nicely in microwave as well and just drizzle over each serving. If glaze get thick after refrigerating just thin with water and stir. Nutcracker Family Restaurant, located at 63 East Broad Street at the intersections of State Routes 16 and 310 in Pataskala, impacts all your senses with its authentic old diner look, the patter of diners, and the great smells and tastes. Find them online at Nutcrackerpataskala.com or call (740) 964-0056.

Leche Frita (Crisp Custard Squares) The following recipe for “Leche Frita” from M. Teresa Segura’s “Spain” (Fall River Press) is popular throughout northern Spain. It combines a meltingly creamy center with a crunchy coating. Continued on next page

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Home for the Holidays | Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014





Continued from previous page The squares can be enjoyed hot or cold. Serves 6

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18 fluid ounces creamy milk 3 strips lemon zest 1/2 cinnamon stick 4 ounces superfine sugar, plus extra for dusting 4 tablespoons corn starch 2 tablespoons flour 3 large egg yolks Sunflower oil for frying 2 eggs, to coat 6 tablespoons bread crumbs Ground cinnamon for dusting 1. Bring the milk, lemon zest, cinnamon stick, and sugar to a boil in a saucepan, stirring gently. Cover and leave off the heat to infuse for 20 minutes. 2. Put the cornstarch and flour in a bowl and beat in the egg yolks with a wooden spoon. Start adding some of the milk until the batter is smooth. Strain in the rest of the hot milk, then

pour back into the pan. Cook over a low heat, stirring continuously. It will not curdle, but does thicken unevenly if you let it. Cook for a couple of minutes until it becomes a thick custard that separates from the side of the pan. Beat it hard with the spoon to keep it smooth. Pour into a small baking tray, smoothing to a square, about 8 x 8 inches and 1/2 inch deep. 3. Cool and then chill. 4. Pour oil into a shallow skillet to a depth of about 1/2 inch and heat until very hot. Cut the custard into 12 squares. Beat the eggs on a plate and lift half the squares into the egg with a metal spatula. 5. Coat, then lift them onto a tray of crumbs (big, stale crumbs are best, but dried will do), and coat all around. 6. Lift them with a clean palette knife into the oil and fry for a couple of minutes, spooning the oil over the top, until golden. Reserve on paper towel while you fry the second batch. 7. Dust with sugar and cinnamon before serving. They can be served hot as well, but are excellent when chilled.

Gifts to keep kids engaged Store aisles are filled this time of year with every must-have gift retailers can advertise. Children often plead and beg for the hottest toys weeks ahead of the holidays, hoping to find their requests wrapped up come the big day. But once the gift wrap is torn away and kids have played with their presents for a day, some already grow bored with their new belongings and cast them aside. Certain toys are not engaging enough to warrant extended periods of play, no matter what the advertisements boast. No gift-giver wants to spend money on a present only to have it collecting dust days later. With that said, employing these strategies can help anyone select a gift that will continue to inspire and excite children long after the holiday season has come and gone. • Don’t believe the hype. It’s easy to fall hook, line and sinker for ultrapopular trendy gifts. While such gifts may have popular appeal, that does not mean they’re a perfect fit for your child. When shopping for youngsters come the holiday season, choose a gift because your child will truly enjoy it and not because it’s the trendy item of the year. • Focus on the play factor. Too often shoppers get caught up in toys’ appearances. Instead, think about how the toys will work with imaginative play. The more a child can envision himself doing with a particular toy, the more likely he or she will exhibit a continued interest in that toy. • Look for minimal bells and whistles. Kids often find toys that leave more room for imagination more interesting than toys that are loaded with gadgets.

Select gifts that will have a longer shelf life, guaranteeing more opportunities for play. Children prefer to make up their own stories and create modes of play that are more about what they like rather than the ‘right’ way to play or win. • Choose gifts that grow. Shoppers want to select gifts that are age-appropriate for children so they will be safe during play time. But shoppers also should look for toys and activities that can be modified and grow with the child as he or she ages. A game that gets progressively harder through levels or a toy set that can be supplemented as kids grow older may make good gifts. Musical instruments also can grow with a child, as the instruments become easier to master with practice. • Figure out the child’s interests. Toys that cater specifically to a child’s interests will be the most warmly received. It may take going the extra mile to find a gift that matches a childÕs interest rather than picking up the first trendy gift you see, but the results will be well worth it.

“Ohio Choice Grade Beef” Taste the difference! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

Schuman’s Meats 1440 Harrisburg Pike Rt. 62, Columbus, OH.



VISIT SCHUMAN’S TODAY CROWN ROAST OF PORK RIBEYES NEW YORK STRIPS Every day at Schuman’s Harrisburg Richly marbled loin of beef with a full Regal in all it’s splendor. Schuman’s Juicy and mouth-watering, center cut Pike Store, you will find the freshest Crown Roast, cut from center lean white from rib for extra flavor. robust flavor that’s sure to please. meat ready for your inspection. Come FILET MIGNONS pork loins, will dazzle your guests on BONELESS HAM get to nknow us and see why we’ve Juicy and sweet, Schuman’s is proud of Tender, delicate and smooth textured - those extraordinary occasions. been a Columbus tradition for more ROASTS their boneless ham’s exceptional taste. absolutely the finest of quality. than 50 years! All the tempting aromas of your SURF & TURF Steak Gift Boxes favorite roast will capture you as Meaty Maine lobster tails and tender The epitome of quality. All steaks are Schuman’s takes great strides to Filet Mignons are a traditional favorite hand cut, USDA-choice, com-fed beef. offer the very finest roasts. Choose when land meets sea. For when you Packaged in an attractive gift box with from beef or pork roasts, or perhaps want to show your appreciation to that your personal words of appreciation. a succulent turkey. Perfect for the special family or individual. holiday feasts or corporate gift giving. GIFT CERTIFICATES Treat that special someone to a Schuman’s gift certificate. Available in any dollar amount, a Schuman’s gift certificate is a thoughtful way to say thank you. Another great corporate gift idea to reward the deserving employee, boss, or client.

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Home for the Holidays | Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014


‘Tis the season for


Albert Family Tree Farm & Nursery


8790 Gerhart Road or 7505 Bunkerhill Road Amanda, OH 43102 (614) 837-1667 or (740) 969-4245 albertfamilytreefarm.com Two locations to serve you. Cut-yourown, dug and balled, pre-cut trees. Pines, spruces, firs: 5’-17’. Free refreshments and Santa on weekends. 2






2500 Airport Drive Columbus, OH 43219 (614) 252-6046 www.demonyes.net A large variety of fresh cut trees, designer wreaths and garlands, grave blankets, holiday arrangements, poinsettias (new varieties and colors), custom bows and ribbons, holiday candles, seasonal floral, garden décor and a large variety of great holiday gifts! Open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

Glass Family Farms, LLC

6551 Lewis Center Road Galena, OH 43021 (740) 602-1401 or (740) 548-7027 Open: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays. Come visit a REAL working farm. You can cut your own tree, or have us do it for you! Select from Scotch pine, white pine, Norway spruce and others. 900 available up to 12’. Your choice of fresh-cut trees. Any size $35.






10 Dublin


9 Westerville

12 Hilliard





Upper Arlington 12














2 10








Grove City



71 22





Ashland, OH 44805 (419) 282-5151 sugargrovefarm.com Open Friday, Nov. 28 - Saturday, Dec. 20. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Nov. 28, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Sugargrove Tree Farm is a familyfun tradition since 1984. Visit an historic farm that has been in the same family since 1823. We have beautiful choose and cut Fraser fir, Canaan fir, white pine, Norway spruce and blue spruce. Pre-cut trees: Fraser fir and Canaan fir are available. Wreaths, swags, candles, stand-straight tree stands, kettle korn and roasted almonds. Honor our military by purchasing a tree for a military family on Trees for Troops Weekend, Dec. 6 and 7. Visit our website for more information and pictures. Enjoy a horse-drawn wagon ride to the field, complimentary hot chocolate, cookies, tree shaking and wrapping.

Circleville 14


Hoover Gardens & Gift Center

182 North Sunbury Road Westerville, OH 43081 hoovergardens.com Pre-cut Fraser fir and white pine. HUGE selection of Christmas items including wreaths and gifts for the whole family. Visit us on Facebook!

2340 W. Dublin Granville Road Columbus, OH 43235 (614) 266-9377 christmastreescolumbus.com 2’- 10’ Fraser fir, Scotch pine, blue spruce, white pine, Douglas fir, wreaths, roping and more! All proceeds from the sale will benefit Hope Thru Housing Inc., a nonprofit 30-month Residential Substance Abuse Program located in Columbus, Ohio. Visit hthohio.org for more information on our program. 10

Mr. Tree Farm

11 1099 Reynoldsburg New Albany Road

Blacklick, OH 43004 (614) 577-0081 mrtreefarm.com Open November 14. Choose and cut farm, fresh-made wreaths, pine roping, greens. You can cut Fraser fir, blue spruce, Norway spruce and pine; all sizes. Pre-cut Fraser, pine, blue spruce; balled and burlap live trees. Large historical barn with Lionel trains, historic toys, take a tour of a real train caboose, FREE hayrides with purchase of tree, see Santa on weekends. Hot food and beverages from FrostTop on weekends. Open every day: See website for hours!

HTH Christmas Tree Lot


Meyers Landscape Services Christmas Tree Lot

Corner of Sawmill Parkway and Home Road, Powell, Ohio (614) 210-1126 meyerslandscapeservices.com Ohio-grown fresh cut trees, roping and wreaths, and family fun in a festive atmosphere! Open 12 to 9 p.m. MondayThursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday.

We wish you a happy and safe holiday with friends and family!


Northern Lights Tree Farms


The Farms at Pine Tree Barn


Fresh cut trees available in your neighborhood. Please check for additional locations at: www.northernlightstreefarms.com Open Sunday, Nov. 30-Wednesday, Dec.24. Hours: 12 to 8 p.m. MondayFriday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. Easy, convenient, no stress, less mess! 3’-12’ pines, firs, wreaths and tree stands. 4374 Shreve Road Wooster, Ohio 44691 (330) 317-0567 or (330) 466-1755 pinetreebarn.com One of Ohio’s oldest and largest farms: 75,000 trees on 100 acres. Fraser and Canaan firs, spruce and pines up to 16’. FREE Horse-drawn wagons or caboose rides on weekends. Free shaking and baling, freshly-made wreaths, swags, roping. Village cafe for light lunch, gifts, decorations, furniture and gourmet lunch at pine tree barn. Open Saturday, Nov. 22-Sunday, Dec. 21: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday.

Pete & Judy Stadtlander 6718 Perry Road Centerburg, OH 43011 (614) 668-6292 or (614) 668-6293 www.stonehaventreefarm.com Open Wednesday through Sunday 9 a.m. to dark or by appointment. Great selection of cut your own, pre-cut and dug trees. Canaan fir, Turkish fir, blue spruce, Norway spruce and white pine. Pre-cut trees up to 12’. Decorated wreaths, pine roping and live arrangements for sale. Enjoy some free cookies and hot chocolate and visit our miniature horses.

Sugargrove Tree Farm



Stonehaven Tree Farm

16 1619 Township Road 1455


Hickory Ridge Tree Farm

3633 Johnstown-Alexandria Road 2 miles NW of Alexandria, OH 43001 on St. Rt. 37 (740) 924-5054 hickory-ridge.com All sizes of pine, spruce and fir trees. Select and cut your own. Family friendly! Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 27-Dec. 24




Dale Tree Farms

De Monye’s Greenhouse

Circleville, OH 43113 (800) 378-8934 RhoadsGardenCenter.com Join us at Rhoads Christmas Tree Farm and experience the spirit of the holidays! We specialize in Canaan and Douglas fir, blue and Norway spruce, and white pine. Specialize in trees 7’-13’ and a hayride is part of your tree farm experience. Open Friday, Nov. 28- Sunday, Dec. 14, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.



Cackler Family Farms

Rhoads Tree Farm

14 26148 Gay Dreisbach Road

Mount Vernon 71






10658 Cable Road Pataskala, OH 43062 Please call (740) 927-7260 Ohio’s best, you cut or we cut for you. Wide variety of fir, spruce and pine trees. 5’-10’ tall. Open limited days. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Nov. 28-30, Dec. 6, 7, 13 and 14. Saw and twine provided.

9481 Kilbourne Road Sunbury, OH 43074 (740) 524-7473 More info call (740) 833-6248 5’-10’+ firs, spruce and pines, $35 and up. Free shaking, netting, hot cocoa and hay wagon ride. Saws, rope and sleds furnished. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday-Sunday. From 1-71, take 36 exit, 1 mile towards Sunbury, turn left on North Galena, 6 miles, turn right on Kilbourne Road. www.daletreefarm.com



Cable Road Tree Farms

4971 Cackler Road Delaware, OH 43015 (740) 524-5311 cacklerfarms.com Choose-n-cut trees and wreaths. 2014 Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 28. Regular holiday hours: 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Open other times by appointment. Like us on facebook.


Timbuk Farms

2030 Timbuk Road Granville, OH 43023 (740) 587-2178 www.timbukfarms.com A family tradition for over 50 years. Open Nov. 28 - Dec. 21. Cut-your-own and precut trees, Santa and Mrs. Claus, tractor train rides, fireplace and North Pole Cafe. Visit website for hours, details, directions and special offers.

Walsh Tree Farm

9068 Eden Church Road Saint Louisville, OH 43071 (740) 745-5040 (Farm) OR (740) 323-1738 (Home) Email: Walshtreefarm@juno walshchristmastreefarm.com Come spend the day in the country! Cut your own signature Fraser fir and Colorado blue spruce! We also offer pre-cut Fraser fir, Colorado blue spruce and white pine. Also offering select crafts, wreaths and bailing. Open Friday, Nov. 28 – Sunday, Dec. 21. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 12 to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Home for the Holidays | Sunday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014



Experience the Season! Visit Oakland and “experience” the season in a very unique way!

Fresh Bundles of Greens from

FESTIVE FLOWERS! Poinsettias from



Plus other Holiday houseplants available Norfolk Island Pine, Christmas Cacti, Dish Gardens, Cyclamen and much more!

for those on your list. Select from every day & seasonal home décor, garden accents & supplies, and bird seed & feeders.

Can’t decide? Give an Oakland gift card, available in ANY AMOUNT!

Cut Christmas Trees from $9.99

Trees from 2-14 ft. and all sizes in between!

Cut Christmas Trees! – – – – – – –

Find the perfect gift

per bundle

Live Garlands and Wreaths available!


Balsam Fir ........ 2’ Fraser Fir .......... 3’ Douglas Fir....... 3’ Scotch Pine ..... 3’ White Pine ....... 6’ Canaan Fir ........ 3’ Concolor Fir ..... 5’


14’ ($9.99 - $199.00) 14’ ($19.99 - $399.00) 13’ ($9.99 - $399.00) 8’ ($14.99 - $39.99) 8’ ($24.99) 10’ ($9.99 - $149.00) 12’ ($39.99 - $199.00)


Bring the children! Santa will be down from the North Pole on Saturdays and Sundays from noon 4pm. At all Oakland locations! (Plus other exciting events during that time!)

r At ou ! E M ion HO Locastpecializing n i l b Du d HOME... ent pieces,

c Oaklan e, unique ac al décor. ur on in furnit day & seas ery and ev

FOUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: Columbus: 1156 Oakland Park Ave. • 614-268-3511 11 Delaware: 25 Kilbourne Rd. • 740-369-5454 Dublin: 4261 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. • 614-874-2400 0 New Albany: 5211 Johnstown Rd. • 614-917-1020 www.oaklandnursery.com

“Serving Central Ohio Since 1940” Open 7 days a week “Your Holiday Decorating Headquarters”

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