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Questions? Visit the Science, Business & News department of Main Library and ask a librarian to demonstrate how to use these research databases, or the reference books listed on the next page. Business Decision Research consumer market data, demographic data, and market segmentation data associated with geographies you customize such as addresses, ZIP Codes, census tracts, and cities. A consumer market database for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations that helps businesses to succeed by increasing their market share and growing their clientele Visit for free access to a marketing segmentation white paper, and a tapestry segmentation reference guide
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Demographic & Psychographics Print Resources Visit to find the TUTORIALS AND ONLINE HELP menu on the left side of the page. Select Using Demographics to Target Your Market for lists of websites, research databases and books suggested by your librarian for business researchers. Best Customers: Demographics of Consumer Demand Provides data on the best and biggest customers for hundreds of individual products and services, alerting marketers to potential booms and busts in the years ahead. Household Spending: Who Spends How Much on What Data on consumer spending on products or services such as apparel and health care Who's Buying Series Provides demographic and psychographic information on your industry Current titles include Who’s Buying at Restaurants and Carry-outs, Who’s Buying Entertainment, and Who’s Buying Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Beverages State Profile Ohio published by Woods & Poole Population, employment, income, household, and retail sales projections for U.S., Midwest Region, Ohio cities, metropolitan statistical areas, and counties for 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 years
Central Ohio Market Research & Site Selection Resources Business First Columbus City of Columbus Economic Development Central Ohio Commercial Information Exchange Columbus Chamber of Commerce Community Research Partners MORPC Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission Ohio Site Selection Toolkit TechColumbus Entrepreneurial Edge U.S. Census or