4 minute read
From left to right, Chad Perry, Jennifer Ciccarelli, and Perry Ciccarelli ’28 This is the hardest letter I have had to write in my eight years at CSG. I have never been good at goodbyes—not even little ones. I have preferred to pretend that I am not going to be separated for even a small amount of time from those I love. It is hard to think about leaving not only so many people I have come to love, but also a place and a community that I have come to appreciate. I am filled to the brim with gratitude for all that CSG has done for me, both professionally and personally. Most importantly, it has been the people of this amazing school for which I am most grateful.
When I first came to CSG, I was struck by the degree to which our faculty and staff are committed to the collective thriving of students. When I visited CSG as a candidate for Head of School, I sensed right away—and this sense has never wavered—that a CSG teacher will go to the ends of the earth for a student. Of course, Chad and I have experienced this commitment firsthand. Our daughter, Perry, has been shaped by these extraordinary professionals. She is a bookloving, algebraic puzzle-solving, baritone-playing swimmer and coder because of the way she has been supported, encouraged, and pushed by her teachers! The faculty is always willing to be flexible, to try new ways of supporting a scholar, to work together for the betterment of our program. The CSG faculty is second to none, and I have often been awed by and deeply grateful for their commitment! CSG’s staff, who create the conditions for our faculty to do their best work, deserve my gratitude, too: They are sometimes unsung, but they are just as committed to our mission as are the faculty, and our school would not be the place it is without them.
One of my first experiences with the CSG parent community came, as one might expect, when I was interviewing. A parent who was showing me around Columbus opined that it would be wonderful to have a Head of School with a daughter in the school. In that moment, as a professional woman who worried about the perception that my family would impede my ability to excel at my job, I knew that the CSG community was the right one for me. CSG parents are fiercely committed to our school, and I have benefited from their kindness, their perspective, and their advice. I am so grateful for all of the ways they have supported me and, especially, CSG. The school is stronger for it, and I am proud to call myself a CSG parent.
CSG’s administrative team has been the best group of people I have ever had the privilege of working with. They are wise, strategic, thoughtful, fun, and they always put the students first. As a group, they support one another and work tirelessly to support CSG. I have learned so much from them and with
them—what a gift! I am also deeply grateful to the Board of Trustees. They, too, are an amazing group of people who volunteer their time—often a lot of it—to support our school. They do so with deep caring, good humor, and a collective sense of responsibility for the CSG of 100 years from now. They have challenged my thinking, encouraging me to take bold steps on behalf of the school, and supported the strategic direction that we charted together even in really difficult times. I could not possibly ask for a better group of partners!
I owe so much to CSG’s students, past and present. It is often said—and is so true—that it is easy to identify a CSG student. Each one is smart, thoughtful, opinionated, and empowered to share those opinions. They also possess a true love of learning that is a joy to behold! Embodying CSG’s motto, strength and grace, CSG students and alumnae have taught me so much about standing up for what is right, for speaking my truth, and for being unapologetic in doing both. Of all the lessons I have learned at CSG, it is those that were taught by students that I will remember most vividly and with deepest appreciation.
Thank you, CSG community, for all that you have given to our family. As we leave this wonderful school, we do so knowing that we take a little forte et gratum with us: We are forever grateful!
Jennifer Ciccarelli Head of School
Liza Kessler ’86, Board Chair Steve Falk P’18, P’22, Secretary Lacey Greenwalt ’04 Denise Page Hood ’70 Taylor Lint ’11 Chris Olsen P’30, P’32, Nominating & Board Governance Chair David Paragas P’20, Diversity Chair Brandi Slaughter ’95 Anne Jeffrey Wright ’70 Lisa Young P’21, Treasurer and Finance Chair EX OFFICIO
Jennifer Ciccarelli P’28, Head of School Michael Glimcher P’14, P’20
Amy Borntrager P’34, Chief Development Officer Julie Eikenberry, Chief Financial Officer Chelsea Woods ’00, Director of Enrollment Management