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Maddie Keglewitsch: A One Woman Show
The years that Maddie Keglewitsch has spent at CSG can be counted on one hand, but the impact she has had on our community is immeasurable. In just four years at CSG, Maddie has managed to secure an active role in all aspects of the theater community. Across her high school career, Maddie has participated in three different sports. Therein lies the pressing question: what doesn’t she do?
“At my old school, we didn’t really have a theater program, so I would have to write myownplaysthatwewouldperform in the gym,” Maddie said. She has been a lover of acting eversinceshewatchedtheHarry Pottermovies(andthebloopers), so when Maddie saw that there was no theater program at her previous school, she created one.
But when she came to CSG, she took advantage of her opportunities. “I wanted to be involved in all the parts of [CSG theater],” she said. This goal was certainly achieved, as Maddieactsineachoftheshows, participatesinsetcrew,andisthe president of our school’s chapter of the International Thespian Society. “ Even as a [new] freshman, I found a really good community,” she explained. Theater hastaughtMaddieimportantlessons, too: “Theater is a lot about empathizing with other people andlearninghowtointeractwith and talk to differentgroups of people.”
Maddiehasalsoplayed on the lacrosse team since her freshman year, and up until this year, she played on a competitive ice hockey team. However, this year she decided to jump into a new sport. “Last summer, I decided to coach for the team I used to swim on, so I decided thatmaybeIshouldtryoutswimming,” she recalled. In her first season as a swimmer, Maddie hasdroppedasignificantamount of time in each of her events, and she also made it to the State Championships on a relay team. “Ithinksportsarereallygoodfor mental health because it’s a lot of running out all the energy and calmingyourselfdown,”Maddie said.
“I like to be busy mostly because you get really good experiences out of it,” she remarked. Maddie now has