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Incoming Freshmen: Upper School Expectations
With Form VIII transitioning into upper school, they are very excited about the freedom but nervous they'll slack off not being monitored. They will have the great power to roam around the school during community time and break but, with this privilege, they need the responsibility to keep themselves on track and not procrastinate.
Sydney Poindexter,VII, Tessa Steere,VII, and Sabine Kivland-Stackhouse,VII, all agreed that they are most looking forward tothefreedomsofUpperSchool. Sydneyiseagerfornewclasses and clubs, and while Sabine was interested in social opportunities such as winter formal, Holiday dinner,and Decadedance.While Tessa is a bit nervous for upper school, guidancefromanoldersibling helps. However,even with all the excitement, there were a lot of questions. Such as are midterms and inals hard? How easy is scheduling and how nice are the teachers? And of course, what is it like being at the bottom again? The transition from middle school to upper school can be difficult and is often downplayed. When it comes to high school, there are a lot of standards and middle schoolers really don't know what to expect; which movies got it right? When asked what came to mind when I said upper school, Finn replied: “Dumb movies. I see all these things in movies and I know people don’t break into song and dance like High School Musical, but what is it really like? I think I'm scared of upper school because I really don't know what to expect.” We have all been there: not knowing what comes next and what to anticipate. But, the excited and confused middle schoolers were assured they will be joining a wonderful upper school community who will welcome and help them in any way possible.