2 minute read
Unicorn Affirmation Card

Words of a ffirmation can transform into heartfelt consola-tions. They have the power to assuage feelings of anxieties that can become quite overwhelming in our day-to-day lives, especially with the 10,000 other tasks we have to complete. Could drawing a card from the deck of "Unicorn Affirmators!" be the solution to our stress? Maybe, maybe not. But comforting words can at least bring in a new perspective for the day, which we can pass on to oth-ers that we love and care about.
For Silhouette’s third issue, the card is “care”. Drawn by a staffmember with a specific process (close your eyes, mix up the cards like a two-year-old would, and pick), the card starts offwith a power statement: “I care about feelings--both my own and everyone else’s”. There is a healthy balance that exists between valuing ourselves and looking out for others. On the one hand, we don’t want to spend all our time consumed in a selfcentered bubble, but on the other, we can’t completely devote ourselves to others to the point we don’t validate our own emotions.
To care for ourselves can mean curling up with a good book, going for a run, petting a cat, or any action that seems to truly bring joy. It is important to set boundaries. It’s okay to turn in a homework assignment late. It’s okay to say no to plans with friends. It’s okay to take time for yourself.
Caring for others can mean shooting a stranger a smile, complimenting a friend, making sure they are doing well, or doing something as simple as keeping someone company to remind them that they are not alone. At CSG, we strive to be leaders, so let’s lead the broader community by example through spreading easy acts of kindness.
With the shift into warm weather coming soon, there's no betterwaytoembracespringthan by organizing your room. These tips and tricks can help make organizing painless and efficient. Thefirststepyoushould take is blocking off a couple of hours or devoting a day to reorganizeandcleaning,soyoudon't rush.Alwayshavesomethingonto listento,personallyIlikewatching GossipGirl,butanypodcast,show, ormusicwilldo.Onlyletyourself listentothatspecificshow/podcast whileyoucleanatogiveyourself some extra motivation. The next stepismakingyoubed,thishelps to make a room look less cluttered and more calm. Now, you can choose one of the following methods,thepilesmethod,thesectionmethod,orthetimermethod. Thepilesmethodinvolvesmaking pilesbycolororcategoryandputting things away pile by pile. For example, making a pile of all thingsred,thenapileofallthings orange etc. The next method is sectioning;divideyourroominto sections like closet, around your bed, dresser, etc., then clean by section, giving yourself a break inbetween.Thelastmethodisthe timer method. This involves setting a timer and cleaning until it goesoff,ortimingyourselfusing a stopwatch to see how fast you canclean.Alongwiththosemethods,herearealsosomegreatextra tips that I would recommend. First off, give yourself inspirationforwhatyourendgoal is.ThiscouldbeaPinterestboard orpicturesofyourroomwhenit's clean. When organizing clothes, don't bother putting away things youdon'twear,insteaddonateit. Makesurethatyouhaveahamper for dirty clothes, and a trash bin to eliminate things ending up on thefloor.
Part-Time Jobs
CSG students are dedicated, diligent, and accomplished individuals. As the spring semester begins, and classes are ramping up, many students also engage with their communities by working part-time jobs.
Asanda Ransier, XI, works in theAfter Hours program. Shefondlyremembers“lookingup to the older girls at After Hours”, so she “wanted to be a role model for the younger girls”. The After Hours program was a welcomed change in pace from her previous position working at Donatos Pizza.Asanda says that a vital part of her job is working to come to resolutions, in both big and small ways. She loves that her After Hoursexperiencehashelpedherto become more patient and she has theopportunitytoconnectwiththe younger students when she passes them and waves in the hallways. Sophomore Madigan ZiegenjoysherjobatTheLearning Express. Originally, she had “just wantedasummerjob”,butshe“decidedtokeepthejoballyearlong”. She decided to continue into the school year because of how much shelovedherboss,herexperience, and the independence of spending her own income. She is proud of her handwriting skills as a gift wrapper, and says she genuinely looksforwardtocomingintowork. Forthesestudents,thelife lessonslearnedandinsightsgained from their part-time positions will extend far beyond their time at CSG.