The Columnist Issue 5

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Comfort Women

Welcome to your magazine.

The Columnist Issue 4

By Lisa Wang

South Korean-Japanese relations are at a new starting point, and with the rising power of China and North Korea in East Asia, declining bilateral trade, and increasing pressures for reconciliation from the U.S., cooperation is incredibly important.

The Columnist started in late 2014 with the hopes

up for next year. If you would like to apply for

of increasing the variety of student opinion in

an editorial position, or would like to get further

campus, giving a voice to those either dissatisfied

involved in the Columnist please drop us an email

Lisa is a second year Economics student from

is regarded. Abe couldn’t even bother to issue

with existing publications or willing to take part

at We’re always

the U.S. She enjoys debating, developmental

the apology himself. It was made on his behalf

in the creation of their own magazine. A year and

looking for fresh perspectives, and this is just one

economics, and videos of cute animals.

by Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida at a press

half later, The Columnist continues to expand

of many ways to make a change and let your voice

while still holding on to it’s core tennant: creative

be heard.

Here’s the bad: the flippancy with which the deal

conference in Seoul. On top of that, the reparations Last December, Japan and South Korea reached a

are in the form of a humanitarian contribution, not

landmark agreement wherein Japanese PM Shinzo

reparations. The latter infers guilt; the former an act

express themselves, while keeping hierarchies

As always, write, write, write-We eagerly wait your

Abe apologised to South Korean ‘comfort women’

of altruistic charity.

and intermediaries at a minimum. Appropriately,


forced into sexual slavery during WWII and issued

a distinctive platform for students to discuss and

compensation of 1 billion Yen (£5.9m) to the 46

Even if the suffering of these women were

survivors. Both countries’ leaders faced criticism

quantifiable, even if decades of Japanese denial


for the deal: some say Abe should not have issued

and revision of the matter could be summated

the self-motivated spirit it encapsulates, we have

an apology, for this disappoints the national pride

in a monetary amount, the measly £13,000 per

moved to diversify our sources of funding and were

of Japan. Others say that President Park Geun-hye

person is insulting. Here’s what’s worse: the ‘new

able to raise over £100 through our Indiegogo page


should not have accepted the deal, for it was not

chapter’ narrative. After the deal was finalised, the


countries immediately began discussing economic

this issue is our most diverse one yet, ranging

The editors

from self-help to film reviews, and everything in between. Taking inspiration from Zine culture and


in the hopes of continuing to move towards more user-generated content. In addition, we were able


cooperation, as if these women’s experiences were

Proudly supported by

to both secure funding from the History school and

Here’s the good: Abe, well-known for his nationalistic

just a pre-emptive hurdle to skip over before getting

have finalized our application to be a society, thus

stances, marginalisation of war crimes, and efforts to

to things that ‘mattered.’

allowing us to further root ourselves within The

revise textbooks, has managed to issue an apology.

University of Edinburgh and work alongside other

Politicians on both sides are guilty of hailing the

student publications.

merits of ‘starting fresh.’ The part of the deal which states that South Korea cannot publicly criticise

We’ve released a new writing guide on our website

Japan on the topic in the future is nothing less than

for all our current and future writers to make the

a silencing technique. It’s saying: ‘We fixed it! Now

writing process smoother, so please take a look!

we’re even, so why are you still going on about it?’

With that in mind, seeing as it is that time of year

In addition, as a part of the deal South Korea must

when the academic year winds down and student

also look into removing a memorial statue in front

are asked to look to what they would like to do

of the Japanese embassy in Seoul, where the former

in the future, we would like to announce that

comfort women and their supporters gather for

various editorial positions have once again opened

regular protests. This isn’t resolving or healing; this is erasing and forgetting. Here’s the worst: the resolution did not consult

Cover image by stu smith




the women in their negotiations. ‘I am a rightful

This deal actively prevents any sort of future

citizen of Korea. I am a daughter of this country.

discussion. Could South Korea have gotten a better

Why are you not trying to understand us?’ former

deal out of Japan? No one knows. What stings is that

Stade de France

comfort woman and activist Lee Yong Su demands

they didn’t try. And this does not apply exclusively

releases fireworks

of the vice foreign minister Lim Sung Nam. ‘Are you

to South Korea. The women came from China, the

for big games,

going to live this life for me?’ They’ve ignored the

Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, and countless other

don’t worry.

most important people in the deal – the women

countries. This deal is in a long line of instances

don’t want compensation. What’s money worth

where the Japanese government refuses to

Another rips

against the trauma they’ve experienced? They want

acknowledge and take responsibility for its own

through the air

formal apologies, inclusion in history, and being

imperial history. And Japan’s not the only one – all

behind us. One. After.

remembered. Now they’re even more unlikely to get

former imperial powers have a disgustingly prideful

The. Other.

it. Here’s the final line: it’s not enough. This isn’t one

tendency to attempt to erase its own atrocities. This

of those cases where you make the ‘it’s better than

is just a case where they’ve succeeded.

nothing’ argument, because that argument always

The Columnist Issue 4


I know when

Two blasts fill the air.

that hotline bling, that can only mean one thing. BBC News: Reports of shooting and casualties in central Paris. Just some banlieu gang Message my family. I’m fine.

warfare, of course.

presupposes future progress.

It was in central, I’m just at the

Please, ignore this wake-up call By Franziska Putz

We chuckle tensely at a joke made

stadium, far out.

behind us about Charlie Hebdo. What are you talking about? Then their I know when that hotline bling, that can

media catches up.

only mean one thing. I know when that hotline bling, that can only mean one thing.

Ziski is an International Relations student spending

In the aftermath, it’s the simple things that have

On the highest tribunal, we can see blue

her third year abroad at Sciences Po, Paris.

been perverted- taking note of every new person

lights dotting the street behind our gate.

entering the subway cart, rethinking where to meet

Blue lights swirling, blue lights lining the

Another deadly attack. The victim count

friends, taking a different road to get to school.

entire road. Not a soul outside.


“Its not terrorism if you’re not terrorized.”

Every time I pass the second-to last metro stop Those words are easy to write. Those words were

before my own, I hear my friend’s voice weary with

Ever since I left the city you got a

easy to read. But how can you not be terrorized

fatigue, soothingly reassuring me “now it’s just the

reputation for yourself now.

when every two minutes a new media alert is

long passage to Boulogne Jean-Jaures, then we’ve

glaring in your face, branding your eyes with sites

made it”. Made it. Safety. A word I never thought

Everybody knows and I feel left out.

of another attack, another shooting, another spot

would be so obsolete from my vocabulary for

Girl you got me stressed out.

your friends are at, another set of victims added to

fourteen hours when I first skipped up the platform

the death toll? How can you not be terrorized when

to meet him with a grin on my face and Hotline

Why is the tailgate empty?

the night is filled with police raids and more suicide

Bling in my ear. It will never be the soundtrack of

Why are there so many police

attacks? How can you not be terrorized when more

a great night; it will only take me back to Stade de

cars? What reason is there

stadium explosions are foiled?

France on November 13th.

to block an entire street

I’m not that brave.

I know when that hotline bling, that can only

thing? None. France

mean one thing.

scores again. Watch

I know when that hotline bling, that can only mean one thing. This time it’s further away. The victim count rises. Bullets flying, bodies falling. One. After. The. Other. I know when that hotline bling, that can only mean one thing.

without mentioning a

the game.

A group of armed men has stormed the Bataclan.



ARE YOU OK? Just shook up, but I’m fine.

Victimization may be a convenient way to shift

Staying at the stadium, far out.

blame and dilute responsibility, but if we are truly to take the countless deaths each day as seriously as

Germany’s defense falters, another goal.

we claim in our face book posts, political speeches, and media outcries, then we need to accept

I know when that hotline bling, that can only

responsibility and place our values and governance

mean one thing.

under the microscope. Big words and muscles don’t change anything, they at best delay. Why continue

Grenades thrown near Stade de France.

to cry and pray when another attack happens? Why continue to scratch our heads and wonder “how this


When ‘freedom’ causes more harm than good By Noémie Gagnon-Bergeron

The Columnist Issue 4


In many countries, including the UK and Canada, the rhetoric demonstrated by Trump would simply not be allowed. His statements are clearly classified as ‘hate speech’, which is not tolerated in these countries. In the UK more specifically, the Public Order Act 1986 specifically says: “A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if – (a) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or (b) having

No, car bombs placed outside of Stade de

can be?” when we still insist on doing the same thing


as before, and not changing anything? Avoiding

Noémie is a French Canadian studying Law in

to be stirred up thereby.” There is no doubt that had

uncomfortable and tension riddled topics in public

Edinbrugh. She’s studied at McGill before and loves

he been a citizen of the UK Trump would have been

There are hostages. They were suicide

discourse isn’t the answer. Calling for new policies

all types of food.

guilty of this offence on many counts.

bombings. Three suicide bombings. An attempt

and regimes isn’t the answer. “Praying for Paris”

to enter the stadium.

and the rest of the world is not an option either. It’s

On the afternoon of Monday January 18th, a debate

UK citizens were appalled by Trump’s words and

about asking the right questions.

took place on whether or not there the presidential

launched the petition for the ban, attracting 574,000

candidate of the United States, Donald Trump,

signatures. So the debate began, with the main

That hotline bling never meant one thing. Not for

regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely

me in Paris. Not for the parents, friends, family and

When ‘bling’ is the crack of gunshots on diners,

should be banned from entering into the UK. The

issue at hand being whether these laws that help to

loves ones of victims of the attacks all over the

concert goers, and blasts rocking stadiums, train

debate was a result of the spotlight media coverage

promote peace and security for everyone, regardless

world. There was never a way to know, but there are

stations, airports, and markets around the world,

of Trump’s racist comments, the most alarming being

of their race or religion, warranted a ban. The debate

still things to know.

the hotline is a wake-up call: business as usual is no

his suggestion to ban all Muslims from entering into

took three hours.

longer an option. The Dalai Lama put it simply when

the US. His statements also extend to claiming that

The day after, a man toured through Paris metro with

he pointed out that praying does no good to solve

Chinese are “cheats” and Mexicans are “rapists”, which

speakers on his shoulders, inviting smiles back to

chaos we ourselves have created. Only by calling for

is one of his reasons for wanting to build a “great,

peoples faces, easing the tension. Flowers littered

and starting the right conversation can we begin to

great wall” between the US and Mexico.

the streets of Republique. Among it all, among the

combat the breeding ground from which fear and its

hatred, aggression, finger pointing and suffering of

ugly side effects of prejudice and suspicion spring. It

every side, rejecting fear is not sufficient. It doesn’t

begins at the individual level, with questioning the

dissipate when you ask it to, nor can it be willed

status quo, demanding accountability measures in

away; it is there and it is real. Fear is not the threat

politics, and returning altruism upon the hierarchy

in itself, it is the potential of fear to encourage a

of social value. We cannot be, as Tariq Ramadan, a

binary view of the world where black and white,

Professor of Philosophy at Oxford said, ‘victims of the

them, and us intrudes and corrupts. It erodes our

other, responsible for nothing.’ There is a common

understanding and creates a rhetoric whereby

responsibility to reconsider the configuration,

each side sees themselves as the victim and refutes

liberties, and values of our society.



8 It is clear from the discussions that everyone thought

main accomplishment. It is this kind of submission

Trump’s comments were extremely disgraceful, to

and blind dedication to old legislation that makes

the point that some MPs branded him as a ‘buffoon,

it impossible for Americans to consider that maybe

demagogue and wazzock’. That was not however the

it can, and should, be altered to prevent the bigotry

main issue of the debate, but whether this type of

demonstrated by people like Trump from gaining

dangerous rhetoric was enough to legally exclude

such traction and attention, especially during a

him from the UK.

presidential campaign.


The Columnist Issue 4

Monetary Policy and the Fed: the Path Ahead By Andrew Womer

to keep interest rates for the EU at near zero and is amping up efforts with a new wave of quantitative

Andrew is an Economics and Politics student


Home Office minister James Brokenshire advocated

The American way of dealing with hate speech has

at the University of Edinburgh, originally from

for the position that it was not. He pointed to the

been limited to the discouraging of bad behavior

Washington D.C.

close US-UK relations, and said Westminster should

associated with the hate speech, such as prosecuting

“engage” with US presidential candidates even when

for physical intimidation or assault. But it is the words

After professing that ‘the economic recovery has

and the neoclassical view of monetary policy.

they “profoundly disagree” with their views. The

themselves that can in fact hurt, instigate and lead to

clearly come a long way’, chair Janet Yellen and the

To oversimplify, the neoclassical approach to

debate ended without a vote, giving Donald Trump

terrible actions. By allowing those words to fester and

Federal Reserve raised the Federal Funds rate for

monetary policy contends that the role of setting

the liberty to enter the UK if he so desires.

circulate throughout society on such a high profile

the first time in nine years this past December from

interest rates is to maintain general price stability

medium only increases their power andcultivates

the near zero rate to between 0.25%-0.50%. This

and by extension promoting or restraining

even more hate crimes.

comes at a time when the Federal Reserve has been

aggregate growth and demand. It was thought

facing criticism from both sides: those who warn

this model of central banking was largely infallible

Many of the petitioners might be angry or upset with the result. But would a different result have actually

So what is the way forward? This question concerns the impact of interest rates on the real economy

done anything to change the current situation in the

But the irony behind all of this is that the

of the dangers of long-term low interest rates and

for quite some time and as a result the approach

US? Granted it would have exhibited a very strong

amendment that grants the liberty to say such

those who believe nudging interest rates upward

has become just short of ubiquitous in central

message, but considering how Trump has reacted to

hateful and disrespectful words is the same

will send a shaky US economy into recession.

banking. But following the recent crash, much

his critics, it would be very unlikely that it would have

amendment that promises freedom of religion.

Among central bankers, Yellen is alone in her small

of the neoclassical model as come into question.

step towards normalizing monetary policy. ECB

One of the contributing factors of the crisis, many

changed his stance. Ultimately it would only have


ended up giving him further media attention, which

There is a difficult balance to maintain between a

President Mario Draghi, while applauding the Fed’s

avow, was policymakers’ simplistic macroeconomic

he craves and thrives under.

person’s right to voicing his/her opinion while also

hike as ‘flawlessly executed’, is ironically choosing

modeling, which focused too much on aggregate

protecting people’s interests and deterring hate

growth and consumer price data, leading to central

The real problem does not lie with Trump, it lies with

crimes. But if we are to live in a world where there

banks being unattentive to sector specific growth

the fact that the US allows and even enables this kind

is more peace than violence, we cannot allow for

and inflation. Following their models, central banks

of behavior. Lets not forget that Trump is not the one

someone’s opinion to transform into a serious threat

kept interest rates low for extended periods of time,

who invented Islamophobia, nor is he the only one

to another person or group’s life or way of living.

particularly in the 2002-2005 period, leading up to

blurring out racist statements. Fellow Republican Ben

the crisis. This kept growth relatively high and the

Carson for example, suggested that Syrian refugees

There will always be radical, outlandish, hateful

economy booming, but the low cost of borrowing

should be screened as though they were “rabid dogs”.

people in the world. Systems of deterrence to

incentivized banks to take on more risk and lend to

Others, such as Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush think that

prevent individual opinions from causing harm

increasingly less qualified candidates, particularly in

Christian refugees from Syria should be prioritized.

however will go a long way. In that sense, those

the mortgage market.

who were petitioning for the UK ban and hoping The problem then cannot only be attributed to

for a different outcome from the debate on Monday

Trump or the Republican candidates, but extends to

shouldn’t be asking themselves how Trump should

the fact that Americans have prided themselves for

be punished, but rather should wonder why and how

so long as being ‘the land of the free’ using the first

such racist comments were able to get out and gain

amendment, the right to freedom of speech, as their

so much traction and support in the first place.



This is pertinent to today’s situation because the

periods of low interest rates. While politicians and

debate of whether to normalise interest rates

interest groups such as FedUp will assert that low

is centered around the neoclassical paradigm.

interest rates promote growth for the middle class

There is a theoretical contradiction that makes the

and that high interest rates will burden it, this is

neoclassical model very difficult to implement:

questionable. While low interest rates do generally

progressively higher growth and low inflation. US

give more access to lending for lower income

growth and employment have been converging

earners and smaller businesses, this is because low

back to acceptable or at least normal levels. But

income earners necessitate higher risk loans. And

even with more and more people spending,

in an economy where risk is easily passed on, this

producing, and pumping money back into the

often leads to predatory lending practices which

marketplace, inflation remains well below the target

put the supposed beneficiaries of low interest rates

level of 2 percent. The orthodox voices maintain

in very vulnerable positions, and end up doing

that controlling the general price level is the

great harm to the broader economy.


The Columnist Issue 4


foremost duty of central banks, and to hike interest rates at this point would constrain the money-

The world, alas, is not an economic model, and it

supply and send the country into a deflation and

needs to be treated as the multi-faceted system

recession. However, this would also go against the

that it is. Whether or not rising interest rates back to

doctrine’s ethos of cutting interest rates with the

pre-crisis levels is the best way forward, especially

tide of rising growth.

with the pickle of low oil prices and China’s instability, policymakers need to take a hard look in

It is apparent that the US and the world should

the mirror and decide how to end the era of free

look beyond its dogmas and find a more

money, or the ghosts of 2008 will surely be lurking.

nuanced solution. Arguably, this takes the form of recognising the very real dangers of long


Is Hunt to Blame?

we should start with the qualities that would make

With this in mind, it seems somewhat absurd that

a good inister: being in touch with what the public

Hunt is the man with this responsibility. Hunt

wants and needs; being a strong and engaging

studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the

speaker; but perhaps most importantly having a

University of Oxford and after graduating became

deep and grounded knowledge in their given field.

a management consultant and businessman. His history in health prior to becoming minister

short of expectations, or out of touch with society.

On this last point, I feel the government can often

extends as far as campaigning against the closure

The latest minister to fall into the crosshairs of public

fall short of standards. When looking closer, a

of two hospitals in his constituency and setting up

frustration is Jeremy Hunt, the Minister for Health, who

potential root cause of the lack of connection

a charity to help orphans of AIDS in Africa, which

has not endeared himself to many within the health

between doctors and the Minister of Health, or

whilst commendable arguably means he lacks the

sector after the alterations to junior doctor contracts

teachers and the Minister of Education, becomes

expertise needed for this level of control. Before

in order to increase weekend working hours. Before

clearer. The Secretary of State for Health has control

the reshuffle which made him Minister of Health in

Hunt, Michael Gove was in the firing line, facing mass

of all the NHS in England and some power over

2012, Hunt was the Minister of Culture, Olympics,

Nick is 18 years old, from Yorkshire and studying

criticism for his handling of the school exam system as

that of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, albeit

Media and Sport, which leads one to wonder how a

French and Spanish with Politics.

Minister of Education.

reduced since devolution in 1999. With such a

man with little experience in either of these sectors

responsibility, one would hope this role would be

could be so powerful within them.

Hearing politicians being criticised for the job they

After the latest threat of strikes from disgruntled

in the hands of someone with a long history in the

do is commonplace in society, and we won’t go

workers, I was drawn to consider where all this public

NHS, who has a developed knowledge of its past

This trend within the Cabinet at Westminster

more than a few months without hearing about how

displeasure comes from. Why is it that so many

and a clear vision for its future.

doesn’t seem to be confronted very often in the

another cabinet minister is failing voters, or falling

ministers seem to upset the general public? Maybe

By Nick Edwards

wider media, where one’s dedication to their party




The Columnist Issue 4


You can probably recall a time when you have

Eventually we enter the final state of the total

seems to be a more valuable commodity than any

we often employ tips and tricks, and cycle through

experienced this state, perhaps while speeding

experience: the recovery. At this stage memory

level of expertise can bring. It seems a shame that

many so called “productivity hacks” without any

down a ski-hill, riding a big wave or even writing

consolidation takes place, making flow an ideal state

in a nation with so many talented and intelligent

lasting success. Perhaps we are approaching the

an essay. It can appear to visit randomly, but in

for studying and learning new skills.

people across such a variety of disciplines, the

problem in the wrong way. What if instead of relying

fact flow is largely dependent on a special set

defining factor in becoming a leader within society

on tricks to better utilize our mental faculties,

of circumstances or preconditions. In order to

Research indicates that practitioners of flow,

is how close you were with the party at the age of

we could culture a mental state fundamentally

experience it there needs to be a clear goal for

especially amongst extreme sport athletes, are


characterized by creativity, productivity and

an activity with immediate feedback regarding

capable of vastly accelerated learning, problem


progress toward it. If you are writing an essay for

solving and skill-acquisition. A recent study

example, you could set your objective to write a

conducted by McKinsey found that executives in flow

manageable number of quality pragraphs.

are five times more productive than in normal states

Admittedly, being overly cynical, one could overlook the fact that the House of Lords appoints

Such a mental state does exist: flow is a state of

some of its members based on their expertise

profound immersion and effortless connection to

in certain fields, renowned examples being Lord

an activity. References to it date back to antiquity

Even with these conditions in place, flow can be

that we may be able to circumvent the well-known

Sebastian Coe for his experience in sport and Lord

and are embodied in concepts from Eastern

elusive. To better understand it experts often look

‘10,000 hours’ rule for mastery using flow-state

Alan Sugar for his business acumen.

Traditions that translate roughly to “doing without

at it in the context of a larger process. Before we

training and learning. Whether or not this is the

doing.” In these traditions, practitioners were so

can attain flow, they say, two periods are usually

case, the potential for flow states is enormous. If we

However, this makes me question why expertise

aware of their bodies and so in tune with their

necessary: a period of struggle and one of relaxation.

increase knowledge of this state and learn to culture

isn’t at least a criterion worth contemplating in

intuition that action becomes effortless and without

During the first period, we are overwhelmed with

it for ourselves, I think we are likely to see a radical

the House of Commons when the Cabinet is being

perceived agency. Flow came to widespread

information and/or sensory input. This could be, to

shift in the way our society engages with both work

decided. In a system where Gove and Hunt have

western attention following psychologist Mihaly

continue our example, a large number of pertinent

and leisure activities.

access to these jobs, it is little surprise that they

Csikszentmihalyi’s studies into peak performance

sources, quotes and ideas for an essay. This overload

accept them and take to them as relative beginners.

and human happiness in the 1980’s. We know it

triggers a mild stress response which induces focus

Perhaps before blaming them for being out of

now, more colloquially, as “the zone.”

but also a sense of anxiety. If we then relax

of consciousness. Some researchers even suggest

and temporarily disengage from the

touch with their disciplines, we should first criticise a system where they can reach these positions

Although it may seem counterintuitive, this state

activity, the stress hormones subside,

without a minimum level of experience.

of “hyperfocus” is more accurately thought of as

leaving only a clear sense of focus.

cognitive limitation than cognitive enhancement.

In the Zone By Alec Edgecliffe-Johnson

In flow, certain areas of our brain become dormant,

Following these preliminary stages, if the

allowing the energy they would normally consume

conditions are correct, we are able to

to be allocated to areas that control our attention,

enter flow, but the process does not stop

creativity and awareness. Many of these down-

there. Flow is mentally taxing and cannot

regulated areas correspond to our newer, more

be sustained indefinitely.

developed brain, which provide us with our reasoning abilities but also our doubt. When this

Alec is a third year Economics student who enjoys

reasoning system is disengaged our inner voice,

reading, playing darts and researching longevity

raw intuition, is unhindered by nagging doubts and

science in his abundant free time.

second-guesses. Furthermore, our sense of time and space are distorted, reducing the perceived

Many of our day-to-day challenges center around

separation between our sense of self and our

combatting inattention and increasing our

activity. This allows us to merge more completely

creativity, efficiency and focus. To aid in our struggle

with our task.




The Columnist Issue 4


The Myth of Neutral Academic Space By Lucy Hughes Lucy is an overenthusiastic history nerd who also studies politics and can’t stop talking about feminism (literally ever.) ‘Colleges… are not intellectual or emotional safe zones. Nor should they be.’ This is the quote I have picked out which I think sums up what Jill Filipovic is trying to say with her piece which criticises the use of trigger warnings in higher education institutions. For those unaware of what trigger warnings (TWs)

these warnings, so they can come to a compromise

currently able to be explored by everyone

perceptions’ and ‘direct students to focus on

are utilised for, they signal that the content of

in which academia can be explored but in a way

equally and ‘students should be pushed to

particular themes that have been singled out by

the article or media could trigger a type of post-

that safeguards people subject to oppression of all

defend their ideas and to see the world from

the professor as traumatic’ ignores the fact that our

traumatic stress reaction in the viewer. They do


a variety of perspectives.’ It is a good thing to

perceptions are already skewed and certain types

feel uncomfortable and this means a critical

of knowledge are privileged over others before any

not change the content or censor it, instead they simply give a heads up that certain distressing

The premise of her argument is that the use

engagement with academic material. However she

feminist utters a single word. If anything trigger

material is included. As Filipovic explains, their use

of these warnings is great for safe spaces like

misses the point that academia is itself subject to

warnings are fighting back in academic spaces,

came about largely through the feminist movement

feminist blogs or social media sites dedicated to

the oppressive forces which cause certain groups

reformulating the meanings systems of content

which sought to warn survivors of sexual violence

certain kinds of discussion but that they become

to advocate for trigger warnings in the first place.

which is no longer able to keep a hallowed and

about content which could lead them to experience

a restrictive and damaging tool when used in

The structures and production of knowledge are

untouchable status.

emotional stress – possibly even taking them back

education. By choosing particular examples of

influenced by a certain dominant demographics

to memories of the event.

trigger warnings in certain colleges, which she feels

of society and have been so for hundreds if not

I agree that TWs should be used after dialogue

are used to apparent excess and lead to spoilers

thousands of years. Certain students are having

with academics who should work with students

The use of TWs has expanded into a whole

of literary syllabuses, Filipovic cleverly convinces

to defend themselves far more than others and

to understand why they are useful and how best

intersection of oppressive identity structures such

us that this has gone too far. This argument to me

the apparent ‘variety’ in perspectives taught is

to implement them. To simply write them off as

as those which could affect LGBT+ people, people

is worryingly reminiscent of the supposed free

unfortunately far more uniform than she idealizes.

only for useful on feminist blogs reinforces the

of colour and those with mental health problems

speech activists stating that ‘political correctness

to name a few. I can only see this as a good thing

has gone mad.’

and I believe they are often used with academic

fact that we should deal with the harsh realities The fact Filipovic seems to think that current

of the world, no matter what it throws at us and

academic sphere encourages an experience of

that complaining about it only reinforces our own

discretion when they are adopted. There is no

The question I have for Filipovic is on her

original perceptions in students is simply wrong.

sturctures of oppression. To me this seems not only

reason why a lecturer or course organiser could not

assumption of higher education institutions as

The argument that trigger warnings ‘skew students’

misleading but also unfair.

engage in dialogue with students advocating for

neutral academic spaces. She assumes that they are



“Carol” is NOT JUST Oscar Bait


The Columnist Issue 4


The story of “Carol” is a love story between two

Malkovich, The Big Lebowski). Even the costumes

voters are men, 77% are white), meaning that

women in the 1950s, based on Patricia Highsmith’s

are done by the dazzling Sandy Powell, who is

Carol did not make men in any part important in

novel The Price of Salt. Blanchett plays the

known for dressing other classic period films like

the story. Actually, the men in Carol are shown

eponymous housewife on the verge of divorce,and

Shakespeare in Love and The Other Boleyn Girl. BUT

to be bumbling, clueless, and desperate, while

Mara her opposite, the dewy eyed, mid-twenties

NONE OF THAT MATTERS (okay it does, but bear

the women champion over the hardships they

aspiring photographer, Therese Belivet. They meet

with me). A lot of people will dismiss Carol as “Oscar

face (including the men in their lives). Seeing the

while Therese works part-time in a department

bait”. Perhaps they are right, but that doesn’t mean

appalling rate in which films fail the Bechdel test, I

Sarya is a spoken word poet who likes to roam

store as Carol shops for her daughter’s Christmas

that Carol isn’t a wondrous film in its own right.

would say that Carol would fail its inverted version.

around in a bear hood in cold places.

present, the moment

by Sarya Wu

of meeting itself

Aside from the technical

Being an avid viewer of LGBT+ films, particularly

brimming with

brilliance, it is the

of the coming-out/coming-of-age pieces within


the genre, it is not an exaggeration to say that very

gazes, and

many of them end rather...tragically. It is a given,

dense subtext

considering the historical attitudes towards LGBT+

that seemingly

peoples, that all stories and the films that seek to

underlies every stare

of art: It delivers

depict them ( The Children’s Hour, Circumstance, to

and word exchanged.

an undeniable and

message and the story that truly make Carol a revolutionary piece

name a few) will result in some sort of terribleness,

Of course, as a queer woman, I am biased in my reaction to this movie. Hardly do our stories get to be told in such a masterful way and while I cannot know what it is like to watch this as a straight person, I imagine that the process of how one falls in love cannot fall under any specificities of sexual preference.

realistic gay love

The fact of the matter is, films with lesbians tend to

story, while never

be over-sexualised for the the male viewership, or

subconsciously teaching you the costs of “being

Mostly shot through

gay.”. Even on Wikipedia, LGBT+ films are usually

windows, providing a dreamy

once separating from

have some sort of nasty social outcome. Lesbians

separated into 3 categories of tragic outcomes:

complexion that mimics how

the purity of forbidden

have always stereotypically been predatory older

“With Tragedy,” “With Conversion Therapy”, and

one might reimagine the

romance. Personally,

women who try to convert the girlfriends of the

“Without Tragedy or Conversion Therapy.”

past from present (For film

I feel it may be the

young man protagonists, vampires who are also

nerds: It is impressively

first movie that a) has

killed by the young male protagonists. Or just

That’s not to say that there haven’t been more

shot through a Super

a lesbian story arc, b)

victims of social shame stemming from their

hopeful LGBT+ films- indeed the recent decade has

16mm screen from a

isn’t mainly focused

sexuality. Do you see a pattern?

proved that LGBT+ stories are more visible than

masterful cinematographer

on specific political

ever before, whether in the story arcs of television

Ed Lachmann). The viewing

aspects of being gay,

Carol cannot be simply shrugged off as being “Oscar

series,webseries, short films, or crowd-funded

experience puts you in a trance,

c) doesn’t end BADLY,

Fodder,” The raving voices of lesbian representation

productions. So, when Carol came out this year as a

fully swooning for two hours,

d) isn’t concerned with

will not allow it. It is a production of tremendous

high-profile feature film, not only starring A-listers

until the end credits remind you that life isn’t all

the confused sexuality of the characters, and e) has

power, setting a new standard for future movies

like the godly Cate Blanchett and skillful Rooney

love seen through hazy colour palettes. That, in

nothing to do with men.

with queer women protagonists. All we can hope

Mara, but also a director like Todd Haynes, a major

addition to impeccable acting, makes Carol a

figure of contemporary New Queer Cinema, my

naturalistic fantasy of reality.

heart was bracing itself for yet another movie set to reduce me to tears. And indeed it did.

for is that its coverage will demand authentic and Yet the fact that Carol is critically acclaimed

skillful stories about the LGBT+ experience both

and has garnered almost 200 nominations and

now and in the films to come.

For film nerds: it is impressively shot through

awards doesn’t stop it from being snubbed at the

a Super 16mm screen from a masterful

Oscars AND the Golden Globes, a reason many

cinematographer Ed Lachmann (Virgin Suicides,

have argued stemming from its lack of appeal to

Eric Brockovich), accompanied by a original

the white cisgender male viewer (94% of Oscar

soundtrack made by Carter Burwell (Being John



Paedophile Culture and the Male Gaze


The Columnist Issue 4


This contradiction is difficult to contemplate, but

men are conditioned to find younger women the

can perhaps be better illuminated through a brief

most attractive. This is not to say that some men do

discussion of sex and power.. Rape is more about

not deviate from this, but finding beauty in youth

domination than it is about sexual attraction. Rape

is the norm. Paedophile culture exaggerates the

culture often manifests itself in rape being used to

adolescent beauty standard by sexualising young

either express a feeling of disempowerment or to


empower the dominant party, a fact made all the

By Mayowa Omogbenigun Mayowa is a Nigerian feminist who loves to write.

more visible in the contrasting ways the word is

Sexuality is complex. Influenced by societal

used both to describe powerlessness or failure, and

structures, like the media and its ideas of beauty.

images of rape used to show power.

This article’s aim is not to breakdown sexual attraction but instead point out a dangerous culture

She’s passionate about African literature, African Staying with this line of thought, portraying women

that tolerates and celebrates the sexualisation

as young, innocent and naïve might serve as a

of girls. Realising this destructive culture will not

As a woman, I often find my ideas on beauty are

way of expressing masculinity and power. Men

eradicate sexual attraction to adolescent girls but

shaped by the male gaze, a concept coined by

are strong and powerful and women are fragile,

discontinuing this culture in mainstream media and

feminist film critic Laura Mulvey to refer to the

passive and unknowing. Our obsession with

popular culture might be able to breakdown the

way visual arts are structured around masculine

youth is therefore an extension of this paradoxical

norm of sexualising children. The greater discourse

viewership. I am a feminist, and as much as I would

power dynamic. This obsession is obvious upon

here is patriarchal constructs of sexuality and

like to say that all my actions are for my benefit, I

examination of mainstream media and its

gender and although breaking this down may not

history and anything and everything African

still find myself secretly wanting to be attractive

paedophile culture, which she defines as having

glorification of youth: Women are bombarded with

be possible in the foreseeable future, society cannot

to men. This of course is a result of deep social

an understanding of sexuality that is constructed

anti-ageing advertising and are shamed for ‘aging

continue to create mechanisms that put women in

conditioning and the normalisation of the male

around paedophilic desires, with ‘teen’ and ‘barely

badly,’ constantly being told that women are at

vulnerable positions.

gaze as a beauty standard for women. One of the

legal’ searches on Pornhub, surgical procedures like

their prime when they are at their youngest, and

dark sides of society’s glorification of the male gaze

labiaplasty, and even the idea of ‘baby soft’ skin.

includes various cultural developments that, among

Paedophile culture in turn, conditions men and

other things, perpetuate ideas of young women

boys to ‘eroticize childlike features in women’.

as sexual beings, and praise any form of sexual attraction to these girls.

Grey’s argument is convincing, but I couldn’t help thinking that society’s treatment of paedophiles

Would you like to write for The Columnist?

Images of ‘the sexy schoolgirl’, represented by

isn’t that simple. From our youth, we are

thin and almost pre-pubescent looking models

conditioned to think sexual relations between

We are avidly looking for new writers, and you could be one of them! If you are interested in student journalism and

with hairless bodies, have been normalised by

children and adults are forbidden, yet according to

would like to increase the diversity of student opinion across campus, we accept ongoing submissions of 600 word

visual culture, and though I found them to be

Grey this paedophile culture not only exists, but is

articles. If you are unsure whether your topic fits in with the magazine or would like to get some advice on how to

problematic it never occurred to me that they could

blatantly visible. This might be similar to the cultural

write and what to write about, drops us an email or FB message and we’ll get back to you.

be paedophilic as well. My perception changed

paradoxes surrounding how rape is treated, where

when I read: ‘You’ve heard of rape culture, but

the culture of normalising rape is promoted, but the

have you heard of paedophile culture?,’ an article

act of rape is generally frowned upon. A paradoxical

featured on Feminist Currents by Alicen Grey. Grey

view of sexual attraction is promoted where the

argues that although paedophilia might seem

attraction itself is fed by society, but putting that

taboo, it is actually praised and rewarded. She links

attraction into action is frowned upon.

Keep an eye out for our writers meetings and social discussions, and hopefully see you back in September!

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