The Comanche Nation News Dec Issue 2010

Page 1

Sneak Peek GOVERNMENT Obama Administration Announces Second Tribal Nations Summit Page 2

PROGRAMS Comanche Nation Museum unveil new exhibit Page 5

Sports Tribal Members Run for Others Page 7

Lawton, OK

December 2010

Remembering Comanche History: The Treaty of Fredricksburg According to a passage by Fredrich Richard Petri, Throughout the 1700’s, the Comanche Indians continually thwarted the imperial efforts of the Spaniards, who moved north from Mexico in an attempt to claim the Great Plains. After horses entered Comanche culture, a company of Spanish infantry were no match for a band of mounted Comanche. By the time the Germans established Fredricksburg in 1846, the Comanche Indians were undisputed rulers of the southern plains. Their territory was vast sea of grass extending from central Texas north to Nebraska. Indians were regular visitors to Fort Martin Scott. In the spring, small bands could be found across Barons Creek setting up their buffalo hide lodges. Buffalo provided meat as well as shelter, for the Comanche, built teepees and made clothing out of buffalo hides. From their spring and summer villages Indians were able to trade with soldiers and townspeople. As Americans settled the Great Plains in the late nineteenth century, the Comanche way of life declined. Having had a glimpse of what the future held after visiting Washington, DC,

Fredricksburg Mayor Tom Musselman, Comanche Nation Vice-Chairman Richard Henson, Deputy Consul General Margaret Wendel of Germany, Comanche Nation Chairman Michael Burgess and Comanche Business Committeeman Mark Waudooah pose for a picture after the cedar smoking ceremony, at Fredrickburg, TX.

Comanche chief Santa Anna helped maintain a peace settlement, along with other Comanche chiefs Old Owl and Buffalo Hump, with their new neighbors, John O. Meusebach and the immigrants in Fredricksburg. On Nov. 20, a historic event happened in central Texas between the German settlers of Fredricksburg and the Comanche. The event was an re-affirmation ceremony of the 1847 Treaty between the Germans and the Comanche. The

re-affirmation ceremony was motivated an action taken against a Comanche family. After being invited to bring their family powwow to the town of Fredricksburg and after ten years of holding their successful powwow there, the family of Chappabitty (Knocks His Enemy From His Horse)/ Quassycheeky (Eagle Feather Hair Tie) were told not to come back to their own powwow. This blatant act was initiated by a non-Indian volunteer, Nick Bradford, who had helped the family

with their powwow. The act was a consequence of the family asking this individual for financial accountability after each powwow for years. He refused to do so. In a slanderous letter the family was told not to come back to their own powwow. In the same letter the office of the Mayor and the Director of the Tourist and Visitors Bureau was included as supportive gesture. The mayor was approached by Charlotte Niyah McCurtain, a representative of the Comanche family, continued on page 8

Parents Rally for Fair Treatment

Story by Tomah E. Yeahquo/News Staff

Recall Petition Fails

By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff

The petition to recall Comanche Nation Chairman Michael Burgess failed due to lack of signatures, said Comanche Nation Enrollment Director, Donna Wahnee. The petition was turned in Oct. 19 by tribal members Eleanor McDaniel and James Nelson. The Comanche Business Committee has to call a meeting to validate the results of the recall petition.

The parents of students that attend the Apache school system set up a peaceful rally, November 22 and 23 just out side of the city limits west of Apache on Hwy 19. The rally consisted of local and area residence supporters. A blessing ceremony was performed by Melvin Mithlo to bless the students and the tribal ground where the rally was held. “We went to the school board three times. Yes, we are Native American and we love our children” Trevette Arellano said. This is in reference to allegations of unfair treatment of students at the school. The parents have

organized a BooneApache Native American student/parent Awareness Community, which consists of concerned parents supporting the effort to prevent racism, unfair treatment and nepotism within the Apache school system. The organization is chaired by Jacqui Knight, Vice-chair Trevette Arellano, Secretary Joycetta Harris, with board members of Gary Tomahsah, Jenny Smith, Beverly Isaacs, and Jesse Carratini. Also in attendance for support were representatives of the Tulsa Indian Coalition against Racism Organization (TICAR) located in Tulsa, Okla. When asked if





she knew of the rally that was being sponsored by the parents. Superintendent of Apache Schools, Paula Squires stated. “Well, no, I really don’t know, but I don’t know what their protesting or what their protest is concretely about. Parents have brought issue to us and we have investigated them with the processes we have in place, which is stated very clearly in our handbook. We try to be fair,” said Squires. Parent stated my daughter was bullied and nothing was done said Pamela Satepauhoodle. She said her and her husband; Rusty witnessed her daughter being struck in the head three times

with three staff member present. After going through all the proper avenues, the result was her husband being restricted from all Apache schools. This has caused him to miss all events their children have been in, from Apache High School Homecoming festivities to sport events. “He missed all these events and you just don’t get these back” said Satepauhoodle. One parent said Apache School systems have in place a policy that gives alleged bully five chances where other area schools have a no tolerance policy.

Historic Cobell Settlement Passes U.S. House of Representatives

Tribal Water Rights Settlements also Headed to President for Signature into Federal Law In a historic vote Nov. 30, the United States House of Representatives passed the $3.4 billion Cobell Settlement as part of H.R. 4387, the Claims Resolution Act of 2010. The Claims Resolution Act of 2010 now moves to President Obama’s desk for signature. “The passage of the Cobell Settlement is a significant milestone in the history of American Indian relations with United States government,” said Jefferson Keel, President of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization in the country. “Not only does Cobell settle historic injustices through legal means, it starts the U.S. government on a course for meeting its obligations and making reservation lands more productive for future generations. We commend the bipartisan effort from members of the House and Senate who worked tirelessly to pass this legislation.” The Cobell settlement resolves the long running class action litigation over mismanagement of Indian trust funds. It also includes payment for resource mismanagement and funds for consolidation of fractionated lands. The case has been pending since 1996. In press releases, following statements on the House floor, both Representative Tom Cole (R-OK) and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD), outlined the importance of passing the Cobell Settlement as part of the Claims Resolutions Act of 2010. "This legislation brings a fair and responsible resolution to the continued on page 3

December 2010


THE COMANCHE NATION NEWS The award-winning Comanche Nation News, the official communication of the Comanche Nation, is available at no charge upon request. The deadline to submit information for the December edition is noon November 12. Donations to help cover the cost of printing and mailing are welcome. Contact:


The Comanche Nation News P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502-0908 Telephone: (580) 492-3386 Fax: (580) 492-3709 Email: TCNN Staff • Jolene Schonchin, Editor, Reporter, Photographer-Email: Number-(580)492-3382 • Paula Karty, Reporter, Photographer- Email: kartynews@ Telephone Number-(580)492-3383 • Candace Todd, Administrative Assistant-Telephone Number (580)492-3386 • Fred Codynah Reporter, Photographer, Email: Number-(580)492-3385 • Tomah Yeahquo, Public Relations Liaison, Proofreader Email: Telephone Number (580)492-3384 •

News items of interest to the local and American Indian community are welcome. Letters to the editor must be signed by a name. Photographs will be copied and will become the property of TCNN. To return original photographs, send a self-addressed stamped envelope. Do not send faxed photographs or newspaper copies of photographs. The Milestones Page (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements,Memorial Pictures, Weddings, Births) are by submission only. The Passings are submitted by the Comanche Nation Funeral Home or by tribal members on a funeral home letterhead. The Milestones Page is for tribal members only. TCNN publishes all services conducted by The Comanche Nation Funeral Home without discretion. Obituaries are written for tribal members only. TCNN will print a Comanche organization’s annual event flyer once free of charge as a courtesy to our tribal organizations. The guidelines for flyer submission are: Pow-wow flyers have to be from an established Comanche organization. There has to be contact person and number on the organization’s annual flyer. We reserve the right to edit all material. Letters or articles that contain libelous information, slander, or personal attacks will not be printed. The letters to the editor or articles contained in the The Comanche Nation News does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the PIO staff.

Comanche Nation Officials Chairman Michael Burgess Vice Chairman Richard Henson Secretary/Treasurer Robert Tippeconnie Committeeman No. 1 Ronald Red Elk Committeeman No. 2 Mark Wauahdooah Committeeman No. 3 Darrell Kosechequetah Committeeman No. 4 Clyde Narcomey Tribal Administrator (Acting) William Owens To contact officials: Comanche Nation P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502 Toll Free: (877) 492-4988 Physical Address 584 Bingo Rd. Lawton, OK 73505

Member of the Native American Journalist Association since 2001 Member of the Society of Professional Journalists since 2010

Obama Administration Announces Second Tribal Nations Summit during 67th Annual Convention Summit Set for December 16, 2010 in Washington, D.C. The Obama Administration announced this week that President Barack Obama will host a second Tribal Nations Summit in Washington, D.C. this December. The announcement, made by the White House’s Kimberly Teehee, Senior Policy Advisor for Native American Affairs, was delivered at the National Congress of American Indians’ (NCAI) 67th Annual Convention, the nation’s largest gathering of tribal leaders, governments, and communities. “With the announcement of the second Tribal Nations Summit today, the Obama Administration reaffirmed that tribal governments are equal members in the family of American governments,” said Jefferson Keel, President of NCAI, the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization in the country. “The federal trust relationship between the U.S. government and tribal nations is a non-partisan relationship. Our meetings with the executive branch have a long term focus of creating healthier and stronger tribal nations, to strengthen the entire nation.” Since President Obama’s first Tribal Nations Summit in November of 2009, the federal government has increased the number and scope of tribal consultations, passed the Tribal Law and Order Act with bipartisan support, and made permanent the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Scheduled for Thursday, December 16, 2010, President Obama will host the White House Tribal Nations Summit. The Summit will include leaders from the 565 federally recognized tribes and give them an opportunity to interact directly with the President and representatives from the highest levels of his Administration. Each federally recognized tribe will be invited to send one representative to the summit.

The Comanche Nation News

December 2010


The Comanche Nation News

Resolutions Pass November Business Committee Meeting The November meeting was called to order at 10:01 by Comanche Nation Chairman Michael Burgess. Roll call by Secretary/Treasurer Robert Tippeconnic, all were present, a quorum was established. Tippeconnic opened the meeting with a prayer. A motion by Committeeman Clyde Narcomey was made to table the minutes of the October meeting, motion was second by Committeeman Darrell Kosechequetah, motion passed 6/0. A motion was made by Narcomey to amenda the agenda, motion was second by Committeeman Mark Wauahdooah, motion passed 6/0.


143-10 Connahvichnah Land lease Tabled 144-10 Dorcas Powhoneat Allotment. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Richard Henson to accept , second by Waudooah. Motion carries 6/0. 154-10 Enrollment List No. 846/Eligible. Motion made by Narcomey, second by Henson. Motion carries 6/0. 155-10 Enrollment

List No. 847/Ineligible. Motion made by Narcomey, second by Henson. Motion carries 6/0. 156-10 Enrollment List No. 848/Ineligible. Motion made by Henson, second by Kosechequetah. Motion carries 6/0. 157-10 Andy Wewichah or Pahahbo Land Acquisition. Motion made by Henson, second by Wauahdooah. Motion carries 5/1. 158-10 Amend CN Dangerous Drug Act. Motion made by Henson, second by Narcomey. Motion carries 6/0. 159-10 Comanche Nation News Censorship. Motion made by Wauahdooah, second by Henson. Motion carries 3/1/1. 160-10 Haumpay land acquisition through probate. Motion made by Wauahdooah, second by Henson. Motion carries 5/1. 161-10 Approve levy of Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2010 Per Capita payments under Federal Court Writs of Garnishment. Motion made by Henson, second by Wauahdooah. Motion carries 6/0.

162-10 Approve levy of Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2010 Per Capita payments for Child Support Arrearages. Motion made by Henson, second by Kosechequetah. Motion carries 6/0. 163-10 Grant Application to US Dept. of Health and Human Services AOA, Part C of Title VI, Caregiver Support Program. Motion made by Henson, second by Narcomey. Motion carries 6/0. 164-10 Grant Application to US Sept. of Health and Human Services AOA, Part A of Title VI, Nutrition Program. Motion made by Kosechequetah, second by Henson. Motion carries 6/0. 165-10 TERO Ordinance 2010. Motion made by Henson to table, second by Tippeconnic. Motion carries 6/0. Motion Bowen Property. Motion made by Henson to Disapprove, second by Wauahdooah. Motion carries 3/2/2. Motion Kaniatobe property. Motion made by Henson to Table, second by kosechequtah. Motion carries 6/0.

SION & guts--less subject to attorney influence) ; 2)Discipline ; 3) Qualified “new blood” (talent) ; 4) VISION (long term vs. short term) ; 5) Practical financial strategy ; and 6) Deuteronomy 8:18. Awaiting in the wings are some incredible opportunities to propel the Nation into great prosperity, employment, and national influence. We will need new talented men and women possessing education/much experience for both political and economic fields particularly as we speed towards the April 2011 Tribal Council when new nominations are taken for CBC and TA. They need to be people of integrity (pray 1Timothy 2:13). Also, we will need a common vision that sees beyond a saturated,mature casino market only. An example of that is the the Crow Tribe which has become the first tribe to become a trading partner with superpower China. Lastly, we will need co-ordinated grassroots Tribal Council proposals which do not detract from or bankrupt long-term Nation’s goals. Yes- we will need pragmatic and practical financial strategy. Already,this current CBC has quietly worked with its CPA’s and attorneys to correct past federal and in-house spending abuses thereby reestablishing trust and funding ties to federal and private sources. However, the federal

gravy train in years ahead will probably be reduced annually as much as 10% nationwide. So, private economic development is a must for the Nation. A good financial strategy must include :1) Diversified revenue streams with adequate funding / reinvestment ; 2) Adequate legal infrastructure and much due diligence ;3) Recruiting/training management and personnel ; 4) Answers HOW are we going to spend the new revenues(as per cap or as Tribal Council pet projects or only for Tribal Operations); 5) Answers HOW to reinvest into alternate ventures/ investments ; and 6) Dedicates both government and private business affairs to Tai Apu/ Narumii Jesus as Deuteronomy 8: 18 strongly suggest. We have not done so in past. Nowwould be a good time to start ! If we can move out of a traditional”victim mindset” that harbors fear and hate into a visionary-oriented People loved by God and re-releasing blessings,then the Numunuu will progress. And, we must accept new relationships including the State of Oklahoma,etc. Many Numunuu shall prosper. Jealousy of our own People succeeding must passby the wayside. I am truly excited and optimistic as transformation prophecy is and will overshadow the Lords of the Plains…if we walk together.

continued from page 1

Cobell case and is a great bargain for American taxpayers,” said Representative Tom Cole (R-OK), Co-Chairman of the Native American Caucus. “The Cobell settlement helps correct a historic wrong and ensures that Native Americans enjoy the full benefit of tribal lands and resources. The bill is fully paid for and will save taxpayers millions in additional costly litigation.” "These settlements have been reached in court, and now it is our job to ensure that the federal government lives up to its end of the bargain," said House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD). "I’m glad that this bill funds the Pigford and Cobell settlements without adding to the deficit; and I’m also glad that this bill can bring

to a close an unfortunate chapter in our history." In recent weeks, the Cobell Settlement moved forward rapidly in the Senate as budget neutral legislation, after lingering for the last year in both houses. Unresolved for fourteen years, the settlement was part of a number of historic measures included in the Claims Resolution Act of 2010. In addition to the Cobell Settlement, historic water settlements vital to Indian Country, totaling over $1 billion, were passed as part H.R. 4387. The water settlements involved the Crow Tribe, Taos Pueblo, the White Mountain Apache Tribe, and the Aamodt Settlement including the Pueblos of Nambe, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso and Tesuque.

By Mark Wauahdooah,CBC No. 2

Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes to you in 2010-2011. After a 5 month tour of duty as a new Comanche Business Committeeman (CBC), I have seen many tough tests for this Nation’s government. They include smaller than expected “per cap”, innumerable CBC recall attempts,TA limbo due to pending litigation, tribal operation budget shortages with potential personnel downsizing --- all this amid a national/global awakening on politics and economy. The predicted perfect storm has come as a wake-up call to rethink our priorities. Despite the Nation’s Constitution (Art.2) mandate to improve economic,moral,education,and health status,the Nation’s government in today’s economy cannot provide unlimited resources to do such.Many of our People have become overly dependent, even addicted to federal/state/tribal programs and funds. One can only look at France-Greece-Ireland and California to see where generous spending sprees have backfired in a slowing global economy. However, with a Big Picture approach by the CBC, Tribal Council,and grassroots Numunuu everywhere--- there is room for much optimism for the future ! This may require 6 things - 1)Leaders (with VI-

NCAI Praises Passage of Cobell Settlement in U.S. Senate, Calls for Immediate Passage in House

portant steps forward.” The National Congress of American Indians statement comes at the conclusion of the organization’s 67th Annual Convention held in Albu“One Step Closer to querque, New Mexico. DurSettling Historical Injustice” ing NCAI’s Convention the says National Congress of Obama Administration made American Indians history by announcing to tribal Albuquerque, New Mexico leaders the second Tribal Na– The United States Senate tions Summit to be hosted by has passed the long awaited the President. The Tribal Na$3.4 billion Cobell Settlement tions Summit will be held in brought by American Indian Washington, D.C. on Decemplaintiffs. Praising its passage, ber 16, 2010. the leadership of the National Read the press release about Congress of American Indians the Tribal Nations Summit: (NCAI), the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native About The National Congress organization in the country, of American Indians: has called for a swift passage Founded in 1944, the National of Cobell in the House. Congress of American Indians “The passage of the is the oldest, largest and most Cobell Settlement in the Sen- representative American Inate brings tribal nations and the dian and Alaska Native orgafederal government one step nization in the country. NCAI closer to settling this histori- advocates on behalf of tribal cal injustice,” said Jefferson governments and communiKeel, President of the National ties, promoting strong tribalCongress of American Indi- federal government-to-governans. “We urge the House to ment policies, and promoting pass this legislation and send a better understanding among it to the President’s desk for the general public regarding final signature. NCAI is also American Indian and Alaska encouraged by the passage of Native governments, people several important tribal water and rights. For more informasettlements. Congratulations tion visit to Indian Country for these im-

December 2010


The Comanche Nation News

Local News Article Misleads Tribal Members on Amount of Per Capita By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff

An article that ran in a local newspaper on Oct. 24 had tribal members thinking they were going to get a $1,500 per cap check, and many were disappointed when they received less. The reporter that ran the article said he was referencing the amount the tribe would get if the Revenue Allocation Plan increase passed the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the National Indian Gaming Commission, and he was going by the numbers he received during the annual council meeting in April. He said he did not mean to confuse the tribal readers. “We have been averaging four to five calls a day because of the article that ran,” said Donna Wahnee, director of the tribal enrollment department. Although the increase in the tribal per capita passed at the April General Council Meeting, it has two more phases to pass before any tribal members see the increase on their per capita check. “The sixty percent increase will not go into effect until approved by officials in the Department of Interior and the National Indian Gaming Commission,” said Comanche Nation Chairman Michael Burgess. “The advent of gaming to Indian governments is to support services to the community by means other than giving per capita to tribal individuals,” said Burgess. “The gaming income is meant to support tribal government’s functions first and foremost, and after those demands are met, then a per capita can be given, and it is up to the CNIGC to say that this can or cannot be done.” According to the NIGC, § 290.12 What information must the tribal revenue allocation plan contain? (a) A tribal revenue allocation plan must be submitted that includes a percentage breakdown of the uses for which you will allocate net gaming revenues. The percentage breakdown must total 100 percent. (b) The plan must reserve an adequate portion of net gaming revenues from the tribal gaming activity for one or more of the following purposes: (1) To fund tribal government operations or programs; (2) To provide for the general welfare of the tribe or its members; (3) To promote tribal economic development; (4) To donate to charitable organizations; or (5) To help fund operations of local government. (c) The plan must identify when, where and to whom per capita payments will be made. (d) The plan must contain detailed information to allow the ABO to determine that it complies with this part and IGRA, particularly regarding funding for tribal governmental operations and for promoting tribal economic development. (e) It must protect and preserve the interests of minors and other legally incompetent persons who are entitled to receive per capita payments by: (1) Ensuring that tribes make per capita payments for eligible minors or legally incompetent persons available for disbursement to the parents or legal

guardians of these minors or incompetent persons at times, and in amounts, necessary for the health, education, or welfare of the minor or incompetent person; (2) Establishing criteria for allowing the withdrawal of any per capita payments by a parent or legal guardian; (3) Requiring acceptable proof and/or receipts for accountability of the expenditure of any per capita payments withdrawn by a parent or legal guardian; and (4) Establishing criteria for denying the withdrawal of the minors’ and legally incompetent persons’ per capita payments by a parent or legal guardian. (f) It must describe how you will notify members of the tax liability for per capita payments and how you will withhold taxes for all recipients in accordance with IRS regulations in 26 CFR part 31; (g) It must authorize the distribution of per capita payments to members according to specific eligibility requirements; and (h) It must utilize or establish a tribal court system, forum or administrative process for the resolution of disputes concerning the allocation and distribution of net gaming revenues, including the distribution of per capita payments to tribal members and to parents or legal guardians on

behalf of minors or legally incompetent persons. § 290.13 What supplemental information must be submitted for the ABO to review a tribal revenue allocation plan? Detailed information must be submitted to allow the ABO to determine that the plan complies with this part and IGRA. The ABO’s primary focus will be on information relating to revenues allocated for tribal governmental operations, programs and services, and revenues allocated for economic development. The information that a tribe must submit includes, but is not limited to, the following: (a) The number of enrolled members of the tribe, including: (1) The number of adults; (2) The number of minors; and (3) The number of legally incompetent persons. (b) The number of enrolled members of the tribe residing on the tribe’s reservation, and the number of enrolled members residing off-reservation. (c) The number of enrolled members of the tribe residing on the tribe’s reservation who are unemployed. (d) The number and names of businesses, including both gaming and non-gaming related businesses, owned or operated by the tribe. (e) The amount of revenues generated by each business, including each gaming operation, which is available to the tribe for economic devel-

opment. (f) The amount of tribal debt. (g) A list of all essential governmental services provided by the tribe on its reservation, such as water, sewer, housing, law enforcement, fire protection, road maintenance, tribal court, etc., and a description of each of the services provided. These governmental services must be available to all tribal members. (h) The total amount of revenue, from tribal and all other sources, including, but not limited to, revenue received pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Assistance Act, 25 U.S.C. § 450 et seq., and budgeted by the tribe to provide governmental services on its reservation. (i) Which governmental services or programs are, or have been, affected by a lack of available revenue, and whether any governmental services or programs have been curtailed or cut back due to the lack of available revenue. (j) The number and titles of all tribal government programs, and the needs addressed by each. (k) The written eligibility requirements for each tribal government program must be maintained by the tribe for review by the BIA or NIGC, if deemed necessary. (l) The total amount of revenue, from tribal and all other sources, budgeted by the tribe for one or more of the following purposes: (1) To fund government operations or programs to tribal members;

(2) To provide for the general welfare of the tribe or its members; (3) For economic development; (4) For donations to charitable organizations; or (5) To help fund operations of local governments. (m) The total amount of revenue available to the tribe from: (1) Net gaming revenues; and (2) Non-gaming related sources. (n) If the tribe has established per capita payment accounts with a financial institution on behalf of minors and persons found to be legally incompetent for deposit of their per capita payments, then documentation demonstrating that such accounts have been established must be provided. (o) If an identified group, other than all enrolled members, is to receive per capita payments, the justification for distinguishing between this group and the rest of the members of the tribe must be provided. § 290.27 What are the consequences for a tribe that fails to submit its revised, amended or new revenue allocation plan to the BIA for review and approval? An enforcement action may be brought by the NIGC that could result in a fine or temporary and/or permanent closure of a tribe’s gaming facility or facilities. The paperwork has been filed with the entities and awaiting approval.

December 2010


The Comanche Nation News


A Man and A Women Two Worlds

Comanche Economic Development Hosts Food Drive The Comanche Economic Development (CEDC) “in the Spirit of Giving” will have a food drive for the Lawton Food Bank. The Businesses of the CEDC will be participating. Cleen Sweep Janitorial Company will be donating an oven cleaning, in exchange for 20 can food items or 15 box food items. Cleen Sweep will come to your house and get your oven holiday ready. Bring two (2) can items or two (2) box items to Nations of Fun and receive $1 dollar off the price of a buffet. Drop off locations are: • Comanche Economic Development 1001 SW “C” Ave. Lawton; • Comanche Signs 1010 W Gore Blvd/ Lawton; • Nations of Fun located at Comanche Nation Waterpark; • Switzers Locker Room 2701 NW 38th St/Lawton; Call or come by the Cleen Sweep Office at 1003 SW “C” Ave., Lawton, for more information. The student who brings in the most food during this drive will win a season pass to the Comanche Nation water Park or a pizza party for 10 at Nations of Fun. Students in grades K thru 12 are eligible to win. Contest will end December 17.

Clara Ruddell receives a pendleton blanket from Phyllis Wahahrockah-Tasi Executive Director of Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center during the opening of the Quanah and Cynthia Ann Parker Exhibit which opened Nov. 6 at the Comanche National Museum. The Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center (CNMCC) unveiled a new photography exhibit showcasing the lives of two important names in Coamche and United States history, Chief Quanah Parker and his mother Cynthia Ann Parker. The exhibit titled Quanah and Cynthia Ann Parker: A man in two worldsA woman in two worlds, went on display Nov. 6, as part of the Heart and Soul of the Great Plains Art Show, an event sponsored by CNMCC, Leslie Powell Gallery and Museum of the Great Plains. Shuttle buses transported visitors to and from each of the three locations. In addition to the exhibit, CNMCC guests were treated to light hors d’ oeuvres and live music by Blues Nation and Comanche Flute Player Tim Tate Nevaquaya. The Parker exhibit was made possible through a donation by Clara Ruddell of the Historical Commission of Tarrant County, TX, and former Fort Worth, TX; City Manager Doug Harman. Ruddell poured through numerous archives at different museums in 2008 to compile the images. She assembled a traveling exhibit the following year as part of an initiative of the Texas Lakes Trail Regional Heritage Tourism Program. The exhibit has shown throughout Texas as a means to educate the public about the role the Comache’s played in the state’s history. “The Comanche’s played a siginificant part in Texas history,” said CNMCC Executive Director Phyllis Wahahrockah-Tasi. “the Texas Rangers were established as a way to

protect the state’s early settlers from Comanche attacks. Quanah Parker has a special relationship with Fort Worth because of the Cattle Industry and the city still embraces his legacy today. It’s evident by the number of monuments and old photographs that can be found scattered throughout the stockyards. We are thirlled to receive this exhitbit. Clara and Doug at enthusiastic about sharing their work and we couldn’t be happier to receive their bery kind gift.” Whahrockah-Tasi said. The exhibit consists of two dozen images detailing the lives of Quanah and Cynthia Ann Parker. “Most of the photographs in this exhibit show Quanah Parker in his natural life and shows his transition into White society,” said Kristin Mravnec, CNMCC Assistant Director. “The photos document his time form the mid-1800s through the early 1900s and reveal the interaction between his two worlds,” Mravnec said. Cynthia Ann Parker was born to Silas and Lucy Parker in Clark County, Illinois, in 1827. Along with her family, she made the journey south to Texas in 1832, where they eventually established themselves at Fort Parker, near the leadwaters of the Navasota River. On the morning of May 19, 1836, the family’s compound was raided by the Nocoa Comanche. Cynthis Ann was captured at age nine. For the next twenty-four years, Cynthia Ann, known as “Narua,” spent her life as a member of the Comanche people. She became the only wife of Chief

R.N. Kendall from the Lawton Indian Hospital, gives tribal member Megan Stone her flu shot. Flu shots were available free of charge at the Comanche Nation CHR office Nov. 17. Stone shuts her eyes to help ease the pain of the needle and the shot

Peta Nocona. The marriage eventually produced three children: two sons, Qunah and Pecos, and one daughter, Topsannah. One December 18, 1860, Cynthia Ann and her two year-old daughter Topsannah were captured by Texas Rangers at the Battle of Pease River. After her capture, Cynthia Ann and her daughter were returned to live with members of the Parker family. Cynthia Ann never adjusted to her new life among her White relatives. She frequently demanded to be returned to her husband and two sons but was never pernitted to do so. Cythia Ann was later devasted by the death of her daughter in 1863. In 1870, weakened from self-inflicted starvation, Cynthia Ann died. She was buried in Foster Cemetery, four miles south of Poyner, TX. On December 4, 1911, she was re-interred at Post Oak Mission Cenetery in Indiahoma, Okla. Quanah Parker was born in 1852. His father evetually died from wounds and trauma received at the Battle of Pease River, leading to the split of Nocona band. Following the split, Quanah gained respect and notoriety as a war leader with the Destanyuka band. After earning respect and prestige, Quanah and several other families left the Destanyuka to form the Quahada band, where he was acknowledged as chief. Under Quahada’s leadership, the Quahada refused to take part in treaties that would gradually confine other Plains Indian groups to reservation life. This led to the growth of the Quahada, who were eventually foreced onto

their assigned reservation as well after the Second Battle of Adobe Walls and the Battle of Palo Duro Canyon. In June 1875, with their food source depleted and increasing military presence, the Quahada agreed to surrender. Quanah was an influential member and advocate of the Comanche people, leading them through the painful process of integrating into White society. While on the reservation, Quanah did well, leasing rich pasture to cattlemen. During his life, Quanah had seven wives and twentyfive children. They lived at Star House, his residence near Cache, Okla. On February 23, 1911. Quanah died from pneumonia. He was buried next to his mother, Cynthia Ann, in Post Oak Mission Cemetery. In 1957 both Quanah and Cynthia Ann were moved for reburail to the military cemetery at Fort Sill. The Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center is an entity of the Comanche Nation. The museum opened in Setember 2007 with the mission preserving and expanding the knowledge of local communities about Indian Arts and Culture with an emphasis on Comanche history and culture. The museum is funded by casino revenue and sets an example of a positive use of gaming monies resulting in the preservation and education of Comanche culture. Hours of operations are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is free and tour groups are welcome.

December 2010

The 67th Annual National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) gathered in Albuquerque to present resolutions to the board to take action upon issues concerning Indian Country and to discuss the future of all Native Americans. The theme for the convention was “Strong Tribal Nations,” Strong America.” NCAI President, Jefferson Keel, of the Chickasaw Nation, welcomed the numerous tribal leaders and tribal representatives Nov. 14, “As American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, our reach is beyond the borders of our nations,” stated Keel. “In our annual convention, we carry on the tradition of strengthening our tribal nations by becoming more effective citizens, leaders, and governments. At the same time, we must honor our duty to make a stronger America; together in this cause, we will all be stronger nations.” Throughout the week, several sub-groups were tackling issues such as healthcare, education, homeland security, tourism, ethics for tribal council and board members, and water rights, to name a few. One of the topics Comanche Nation Chairman, Michael Burgess, along with CBC Clyde Narcomey, and Tribal Administrator, William Owens, helped take action on, was the tribal roads resolutions. Two resolutions were presented to the committee but were not passed due to the wording that defined tribal lands. “Much progress on the transportation committee was taken to the board. It is going to be called tribal transportation programs, not reservation roads. We are trying to affect


the formula by which the funding is brought to the tribes. That is changing it from the HASDA only to the tribal housing count, tribal appointment to numbers and also requesting strict consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, not just small agency heads who have to get approval from higher ups,” Burgess said. “We are also asking for more funding,” It was also brought to the NCAI board, through a resolution, to create a cabinet position at the Oklahoma Governor’s Office for Native American issues. “We have become the swing vote in our regions and in the nation and the republic and democratic parties recognize that,” said Burgess. Higher education director Delores Two Hatchet was happy to see NCAI was including the students and Indian youth to the conference. She said the youth can get information about grants and sub grants and how to apply. She raised the question on how Native Americans are defined. Other Comanche representatives at the conference included Raymond Almanza and Keener Tomahsah, of the Comanche Nation Elders Council, Jamie Prouty of the Food Distribution Program, and Comanche Nation Business Committeeman, Clyde Narcomey. Kevin Gover, Director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian, and of the Pawnee Nation, was the keynote speaker for the NCAI. He spoke of the projects at the National Museum of the American Indian. He thanked the tribes that donated flags to the facility and said there are 200 tribal flags at the museum,

The Comanche Nation News

Film Festival For All

which are on display during November in honor of Native American Heritage Month. He said this will raise awareness that Native Americans are not cultural collectives but are governments with important authorities and responsibilities. He talked about the next big idea in Indian policy and what people’s understanding of Native Nations is at this time. “In the 1950s the attention and the efforts of the tribe was dedicated to fight termination. In the 1960s and 1970s we saw the Indians pursuing the idea of self determination. In the 1980s much of the conversation was revolved around Screenwriter Steven Judd and Actress Kateri Walker were Indian gaming, in the 1990s a key note speakers at the Comanche Nation College Film Festilittle harder to pick out some val which took place Sept. 28-30 at the Comanche Nation College. key issue but I would offer the Story and Photo by Fred Codynah Jr/News Staff idea of broad based consultaJudd is of Kiowa and This year the Comantion of policy with the different che Nation College 7th Annual Choctaw descent. For the last agencies of the federal govern- Film Festival was extended to two years he has been livment,” said Gover. three, days September 28, 29 ing in Los Angles, Cali. He is He said the resolution and 30. This year they joined working for Disney on a show the federal government passed the Comanche Nation Fair as called “Zeke and Luther.” He to Indian tribes to apologize for the “kick-off” event, featur- has a movie coming out soon their historical mis-treatment is ing actress Kateri Walker and called “Shouting Secrets” that in a certain sense for the first writer Steven Judd, as CNC he co-wrote. Judd has his own time in an comprehensive way workshop facilitators. It was a production company called the congress of the United great opportunity for the staff “Restless Natives Motion PicStates and the President of the and students to learn another ture Production Company.” He United States have acknowl- dimension of filmmaking, act- attended the Comanche fair edged our version of events is ing, and scriptwriting. many years ago. the correct one. Walker is a tribal mem- “It feels good to be “Our version of the re- ber of the Saginaw Chippewa back,” said Steven Judd. moval era, our version of the Tribe of Michigan and the Juanita Pahdopony, war fare, our version of the Chippewa of the Thames First Dean of Academic Affairs, was assimilation, our version of Nation, Ontario, Canada. She thankful for the Comanche the termination is the correct was here to promote her movie Nation and Comanche Nation version, and that is something “Kissed by Lighting.” It is a Chairman Michael Burgess for that is momentous to me,” said directorial debut by celebrated allowing the tribal college to Gover. Mohawk artist Shellei Niro as be a part of the Comanche NaGover also talked about Mavis Dogblood Lightning. tion Fair this year. treaties, the history of treaties, current treaties and compacts, and how they impact tribes in the modern era.

December 2010


The Comanche Nation News


Tribal Member Identified as one of the Nation’s Top High School Football Underclassmen

Comanche Boy 25-0 George “Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah moved his record to the 25-0-1 (20KO) mark with a second round KO victory over Steve Walker Nov. 12 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Tulsa, Okla. About his performance Tahdooahnippah said: “I felt strong and I felt really good. The Hard Rock was a first class venue to fight in.” Tahdooahnippah returns to the ring as the main event, Jan. 13 in Oklahoma City, Okla., at the Remington Park Casino and is looking for bigger challenges and success in the next year. “I’m looking for something big in 20011,” he said. “I know what I can do and my team knows what I can do. 2011 will be the year “Comanche Boy” becomes a household name in boxing!”

Tribal member Sheldon Wilson, a junior at Anadarko High School, has 2220 rushing yards, 207 attempts, and 40 touchdowns for the Warriors. He leads the State of Oklahoma in rushing and punting. ranked Wilson 63rd out of 500 in rushing, and #1 out of 500 in punting for all 50 states. As a sophomore the Daily Oklahoman named Wilson All-State Honorable Mention (running back). Wilson has been identified as one of the nation’s top high school football underclassmen by All American Games, the owners and producers of the U.S. Army AllAmerican Bowl and the U.S. Army National Combine. Held annually in association with the U.S. Army All-American Bowl, the U.S. Army National Combine is the first opportunity for the nation’s top underclassmen to compete against one another amongst high school and college football’s top scouting organizations and analysts. The 2011 U.S. Army

to top prep stars in attendance will receive coverage in Tom Lemming’s Prep Football Report magazine and the Rivals. com recruiting network. If selected by the All American Games and the U.S. Army committee, Wilson would by invited to participate in the 2011 U.S. Army National Combine on January 6-8. Wilson is a starter for the Anadarko Warrior Basketball team and last year played in the Area tournament. Wilson is a member of the track and field team and qualified for state in the 400 meter. After high school Wilson would like to attend college at the University of OklaWilson National Combine will include tion’s most respected recruit- homa. Wilson is the son of educational seminars, physical ing analyst and, measurements, testing and of- the nation’s largest recruit- LaCretia Vasquez, of Anadarfers an opportunity for athletes ing network, will be in atten- ko, Okla. He is the grandson to demonstrate their football dance. Both and of Frank Vasquez and the late skills, by position, in a con- Tom Lemming are on the U.S. Pearl Pocowatchit Vasquez, trolled competitive drill. To in- Army All-American Bowl Se- the great-grandson of Lydia sure each athlete has a valuable lection Committee and will Valliere and Harold Gerome experience and opportunity, be conducting interviews and Pocowatchit, the great-greatthere are a limited number of evaluating potential prospects grandson on Mary Monetataroster spots for each position. for the 2010 U.S. Army All- chi Pocowatchit and James Po Tom Lemming, the na- American Bowls. In addition, cowatchit.

Tribal Members Run For Others

Runner Martin Flores exchange eagle staff with fellow runner Guy Narcomey on the third leg of the run from the Walters Community Center to the Comanche Nation Complex. Story

Plumley named Player of the Week According to LSUShreveport Game Notes, Lamar University senior guard and tribal member Jenna Plumley was named the Southland Conference (SLC) women’s basketball Player of the Week for the period ending Nov. 21. Plumley, last season’s SLC Player of the Year and Newcomer of the year after transferring to LU from the University of Oklahoma, averaged 14.5 points and 8.0 assists as she led the Lady Cardinals to a pair of victories in the consolation round of the Preseason WNIT last week. Plumley had a doubledouble of 15 points and 10 assists while tying a career high with seven rebounds in a 83-66 win over Utah Valley. She followed that up with 14 points, six assists and five rebounds in a 74-58 triumph over Valparaiso as Lamar improved to 2-1 on the season. For the season, Plumley leads Lamar in scoring at 15.7 ppg, assists (5.7 per game) and steals (2.3 per game). The 5-foot-3 Plumley is third on the team in rebounding at 6.3 per game.





Comanche Nation Diabetes Program sponsored the first Comanche Warrior Spirit Run. The purpose of the Comanche Warrior Spirit Run was to raise awareness to fight diabetes with physical activity. The run was an 11 person relay from Walters Community Center in Walters, Okla. to the Comanche Nation Complex, 31 miles away. A person would run one mile carrying an eagle staff, then passing it to the next runner, relaying every mile, until they reached the Nation’s Headquarters. The runner’s made a brief stop at the Lawton Indian Hospital to say a prayer. They continued through Fort Sill to the Comanche Nation Complex. The idea of the run was by George Tahdooahnippah of Walters, Okla. “My uncle George Tahdooahnippah came to me about doing a run from Walters to the Comanche Fair. A warrior run. A way to kick off the fair,” said George “Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah. The runner’s consisted of 11 Comanche tribal members, including two women. They were George Tahdooahnippah, George “Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah, Asaan Fife, Martin Flores, Guy Narcomey, Chad Tahchawwickah, Marshall Parker, Tim Johnson,




Ed Tahhahwah, III, Melanie Diaz and Lynette Tahchawwickah. “I think what we did was show our Native American people that we will sacrifice this pain and endure this run as a way of fighting diabetes, fighting the non- exercise, and the non motivation that plagues our people,” Tahdooahnippah said. “People thought we were crazy for running it, but at the finish line the tears of joy were present because our people were proud,” said Tahdooahnippah. The last mile, we had a long time runner and Comanche elder, Ken Karty, run with us in. He carried the eagle staff. What we did that day was what he has done already in his lifetime. He has organized runs across Indian Country and the southwest. In my eyes, he is the ultimate Comanche role model, said “Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah. The runner’s look to keep this tradition alive and bring more physical activity events to the Comanche Nation in the near future.

Comanche Tribal Spirit Runners (L-R) Melanie pah, George comey, Martin Tim Johnson, Fife, Amanda

Diaz, Ed Tahhahwah III, George Tahdooahnip“Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah, Guy NarFlores, Chad Tahchawwickah, Marshall Parker, Lynette Tahchawwickah, Angelina Ketner, Asaan Parker, Hazel Tahsequah and Marilyn Figueroa.

December 2010 continue from page 1

about this dishonorable act. McCurtain had to re-educate the mayor about the 1847 Treaty. The mayor never did disassociate his self from the slanderous letter. He did, however, promise to look into the matter and to make sure the Comanche family was treated fairly for their hard work and dedication of their powwow. The mayor never so, therefore never fulfilled his promise to the family. He had the authority to treat the Comanche family fairly and to support the 1847, but chose not to do so. One of the main reasons the Chappabitty/Quassycheeky family chose to relocate their annual powwow was the birthplace of their great grandmother, Takey Yetchy (Stands and Speaks). She was born outside the German town of Fredricksburg. So every year family celebrated her birthplace along with their Comanche tribal history and the 1847 Treaty. After the article in the March 2010 tribal newsletter, explaining what had happened to the Chappabitty/Quassycheeky family and their powwow, an citizen of Fredricksburg, Randy Rupley contacted

the McCurtains. Rupley stated that after reading the tribal article, he finally knew what had happened to the powwow. He had been telephoning Bradford, but never got any response. Rupley is a descendent of one of the German founders of Fredricksburg and a member of a newly formed non-profit organization over the historic Fort Martin Scott of Fredricksburg. He had attended the last powwow, held in May 2008. He explained that he was very impressed with powwow and was very sorry that it had ended. He asked what it would take for the Chappabitty/ Quassycheeky family to bring their powwow back to Fredricksburg. The family stated they was very appreciative about this welcoming gesture. However, the family could not wholeheartedly consider taking their powwow back to Fredricksburg, because of the dishonorable act that was done to them. Rupley fully understood this stance. He went on to explained the Mayor Hoover, was soon to be out of office. The city was having a new election for Mayor in May 2010. He explained that her thought both candidates for Mayor would be


supportive to making amends for the violation of the 1847 treaty by the outgoing Mayor. After the mayoral election, Mr. Tom Musselman was elected Fredricksburg Mayor. In June, the new mayor had spoken to Rupley about inviting the Chappabitty/Quassycheeky back to Fredricksburg. Mayor Musselman agreed that a reaffirmation ceremony on the 1847 Treaty was essential in mending the relationship with the Comanches. That is what prompted the re-affirmation ceremony was attended by a triad of essential governmental representatives of the 1847 treaty, those being the Comanche Tribal Chairman, Michael Burgess, the Mayor of Fredricksburg, Tom Musselman and the German Deputy Counsel General, Margaret Vendel. The traditional ceremony was started with a cedaring ceremony conducted by Native American church member, Mr. June Sovo. All those in attendance took part in the cedar ceremony. The Comanche Tribe was well represented. Not only the tribal chairman was in attendance, but CBC Vice-Chairman, Richard

Henson and CBC member, Mark Waudooah were present. Members of the Chappabitty/ Quassycheeky family were also present. One of the members of the Fort Martin Scott Museum Association, read a translation of an German account of the activities on the day Comanche chiefs signed the Treaty of 1847. Rupley, interpreted a book written by a German of the period, who wrote about his experience living amongst the Comanche. Following the reading, a presentation of a digitally enhanced copy of the 1847 Treaty was presented to Chairman Burgess, Mayor Musselman and the German representative, Margaret Vendel. This enlarged copy of the 1847 Treaty shows the signature of the various Comanche Chiefs who participated in the Treaty. This was followed by the presentation of a symbolic Buffalo Robe given to Chairman Burgess by Mayor Musselman. A letter of proclamation of affirmation of the 1847 Treaty was signed by all those present. The ceremony was successful in this present day promise to uphold the 1847 treaty signed between the Ger-

The Comanche Nation News

man settlers of Fredricksburg and the Chiefs of the Comanches some 163 years ago. The family of Chappabitty/Quassycheeky would like to thank tribal members for their response to the March 2010 article explaining their dilemma. Thank you for the letters of support and telephone calls to the Mayor’s office and city council. A special thanks and acknowledgement needs to be extended to Chairman Burgess, who did not hesitate to take action. Others thanks are extended to the new Fredricksburg Mayor, Tom Musselman and German representative, Margaret Vendel. A special thanks is extended to Mr. Randy Rupley, for his support and understanding for the family and who helped make the reaffirmation ceremony possible. The Chappabitty/ Quassycheeky is bringing back their powwow at Fredricksburg (11th year) on the second weekend in May. It will be challenging and must be like start over, but the family is looking forward to it. The family ask for support. For more information call Charlotte or Larry McCurtain at (580) 4294437.

December 2010


The Comanche Nation News

Milestones Birthdays

Colton Gill Oct. 14, 2009 Richa L. Gill Oct. 21, 1987 Sabrina Maynahonah Oct. 28 Naomi Lee Tiddark Nov. 4, 1982 Jace Gill Nov. 6, 2006 Nathan L. Taunah Nov. 10 Sonja Frances Delgado Nov. 13 Hunter Lee Delgado Nov. 14 Bryson Gill Nov. 15, 2008 Videll Yackeschi Nov. 15 Leon Taunah Nov. 17, 1974 Ashley Arneecher Nov. 19, 1982 Charles Tahah Nov. 24 Aya Pebeahsy Dec. 1 Brian Wahnee Jr. Dec. 1, 2000 Tristan R. Codynah Dec. 2 Deja Panequodle Dec. 3 Billie Turtle Dec. 5 Jenesa Hill Dec. 6 Leann Tahsequah Dec. 6 William D. Yates Dec. 11, 1937 David AdamGoodin Dec. 13 Carl Atauvich Dec. 14, 1933 Chad Tahchawwickah Dec. 14 Sonny Hawk Tahdooahnippah Dec. 15 Lizzie Tahsequah Dec. 17 Samuel Blackstar Dec. 18 Shayanne Taunah Dec. 19, 2000 Kaleb Plata Dec. 20, 2006 Prentiss Miller Dec. 30

Happy Belated Birthday Richa L. Gill Oct. 21

Happy Belated Birthday Nathan L. Taunah Nov. 10, 2002

Happy BelatedBirthday Noelle Yute:neh Tonemah Nov. 10, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Sonja Frances Delgado Nov. 13 Hunter Lee Delgado Nov. 14,

Happy Belated Birthday Leon Taunah Nov. 17, 1974

Happy Belated Birthday Ashley Arneecher (Right) “Little Sis” Nov. 19

Happy Belated Birthday Victoria Tiddark Nov. 26

Jace, Bryson, and Colton Gill Nov. 6, Nov. 15, Oct. 14

Happy Birthday Tristan R. Codynah Dec. 2

Happy Birthday Craig Foster Dec. 9

Happy Birthday William D. Yates Dec. 11, 1937

Happy Birthday Sandra Poafpybitty Dec. 15

In Memory Of Happy Birthday Shyanne Taunah Dec. 19

Happy Birthday Debbie Tieyah Dec. 27

Anniversary • Gwen and Jarvis Poahway, Nov. 28, 12 yrs • Phillip and Verna Wetselline, Dec. 10, 17 yrs

Passings • Melvin “Moh” “Penny” Cornelius West, Nov. 14 • Allen “Minnow” Richard Woodard, Nov. 16 • Margarita Galindo, Nov. 20

Weddings • Lauren Adele Stone and William Joseph Vazquez exchanged wedding vows Oct. 22 at the Comanche Counry Courthouse, Lawton, Okla.

Carley Diann Pebeahsy Dec. 23, 1988Oct. 4, 2008

You are spending your 22nd birthday in Heaven

In Memory of

Lola Burgess Miller and Happy Birthday Prentiss Miller Dec. 30

In Memory of Elaine Noyabad To those that I love and those who love me. I’m gone release me, Let me go. You must not tie yourself to me with tears. Be thankful for our many beautiful years. I gave you love, You can only guess How much you gave in happiness. I thank you for the love Each of you have shown But now it’s time, I travel on alone. So grieve awhile for me, If you must then let your grief, Be comforted by thrust. It’s only for a time we must be apart. So bless the memories within your heart So if you need me call And I will come. Though you can’t see or touch me, I’ll be near. And if you listen with your heart you’ll hear all my love around you soft and clear. And then when you must come away alone, I’ll greet you with a smile, And say welcome home. Love, Lonnie, Noyabad’s, Keahbones, and Komahcheet kids.

Cruz Esquivel was born to Kari A.Norberto and Geronimo Esquivel Oct. 11, weighing 5lbs 1/2 oz

Dalilah Grace Allen was born to Christopher and Virginia Allen Oct. 13, weighing 7lb 11oz

December 2010

Obituaries Patricia Murrow

Patricia Murrow, 86 of Lawton went to her heavenly home on Oct. 27 in Lawton. Funeral services were held Oct. 30 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Videll Yackeschi, Rev. Jan and Fred C. Ticeahkie. Prayer services were held Oct. 29 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home with Rev. Jan and Fred C. Ticeahkie, and Pastor Videll Yackeshi officiating. Burial followed at Highland Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Murrow was born on June 23, 1924 in Lawton to Fred and Amy (Permansu) Ticeahkie. She was the last living grandchild of Chief Ten Bears. Her father, Fred Ticeahkie was a Comanche peyote chief, in charge of Indian religious ceremonies, until he became a Christian. She followed in her fathers footsteps in being a minister for her native American people. She was a proud member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma. She was member of the Comanche Reform and Deyo Mission Churches. Murrow attended Ft. Sill Indian School where she met her future husband Bracy Murrow Sr. to this union thirteen children were born. She was the Founder and serving as a Director for the United American Indian Women’s Society, for which she gave dances and pow-wows to honor the American handicap and elderly people. She put on a pow-wow in honor of Governor Walters. She served as an outreach worker in social services for the urban Center in Oklahoma City and for the Shawnee Inter-Tribal Center. As Human Services Director for the Southern Plains InterTribal center in Lawton and a Director and Supervisor for the Native American Alcoholic and Recovery Center in Oklahoma City. She served as Director and Supervisor of the Comanche Senior Citizens Center until 1985. She was one of the spokes women for the documentary “The Comanche Warriors” which aired on the History Channel, and she sang Comanche Hymns on KSWO, WKY and Voices of the Land TV/Radio program. Murrow and her son Bracy Jr. were ordained minsters and counseled prisoners from all over Oklahoma. Where many prisoners accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they were allowed to take some prisoners to family events, and they were both recognized by the State of Oklahoma for their Volunteer Services from the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Murrow is survived by her children: Bracy Murrow Jr. of Oklahoma City, Patricia Carol Morris of Lawton, Michael Glen Murrow Sr. of Oklahoma City, Catherine Mary Murrow of Lawton, Gerald Lynn Murrow of Oklahoma City, Rhonda Clou Stinson of Lawton, Jan Kevin Murrow of Lawton, William Ross Murrow of Oklahoma City, Regina Ann Pena of Lawton, Georgia Dana Murrow of Washington D.C.; 36 grandchildren, 55 great

grandchildren, other family members and friends. She is preceded in death by: her husband, Bracy Murrow Sr.; a son, John Murrow; grandfather, Ten Bears; sisters: Sofi Mahsetky, Blanch Ticeahkie, Elizabeth Ticeahkie, and Margaret Pipestem; brothers: Paul Ticeahkie, Wilber Ticeahkie, and Lindy Ticeahkie.

Walker John “Red” Myers Gravesite services for Walker John “Red” Myers, 92, Apache was held at the Fairview Cemetery east of Apache with Father Prakash of the Apache Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church officiating. Myers died Nov. 11 at Silver Crest Manor in Anadarko. He was born on March 16, 1918 at the old Fisher home place near Apache to James and Lena Fisher Myers. He was raised in the Boone area and attended school at Boone, St. Patrick’s Indian Mission, Fort Sill Indian School and Chilocco Indian School. Myers married Ruth Asepermy Myers on October 23, 1951 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Anadarko. They lived in Lawton, Houston, TX, Oklahoma City, Wichita, Kan., the Boone area, Devol, Okla., and most recently east of Apache. He was a certified welder, longtime farmer and raised cattle. Survivors include his wife of the home, a sister Josephine Wapp of Lawton, a brother Alvin “Jack” Myers of Oklahoma City, his stepson and daughter-in-law Lanny and Shelley Asepermy of Apache, a special nephew he helped raise Michael Tosee and a grandson Ethan Michael Tosee both of Lawrence, Kan., and numerous nephews and nieces. Myers is preceded in death by his parents , his sisters Nima Hailman and Catherine Waddle and brothers, Randett, Rudolph “Ike”, Melvin , Vincent and an infant brother and sister.


of Walters in 1946. She went to school at Cameron University and received her Associates Degree in Education. Ruth attended Central State University, now University of Central Oklahoma, and received her Bachelors Degree in Education. She taught school on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona for 20 years. She moved back to Lawton and on Oct. 1, 2001, she was married to Lee Smith in Wichita Falls, TX and the couple continued to make their home in Lawton. Smith worked with OSU Extension Office in the Home Economics Department. She was a member of “Titchewy Baptist Mission of Walters and after it closed down, attended the baptist Church in Walters. Smith took care of the sick and needy and enjoyed visiting with her friends and family. In earlier years, she was a boxer and a cowgirl attending to the farm. She leaves to cherish her memories, her husband: Lee Simmons; one daughter: Susan Mansfield of Albuquerque, NM; one step-daughter: Lila McIntyre of Chickasha; one son: Bobby Bruce Mansfield of Santa Fe, NM; two step-sons: Brian Smith and Willie Smith, both of Ft. Worth, TX; four grandchildren, four step-grandchildren; one brother: Bobby Tomah of Walters as well as other relatives and friends. Smith was preceded in death by her parents, grandparents: A.A. Monetachi, Nippker, great grandfather: “Pethak” Hearteater; two sisters; Violet Beavers and her twin sister, Jaunita Tomah; six brothers: Bruce Tomah, Lawrence Cruso Tomah, Kent Tomah, Robert Poco, Wilbur Parker and Whitt Choney.

Tony Guerrero

Vernita Ruth “Twinsy” Tomah Mansfield Smith Funeral for Ruth Smith, 80, Lawton was Nov. 22 at the First Baptist Church of Walters with the Rev. Gary Tahmahkera officiation. Smith was called from labor to reward early Nov. 18 from a Lawton Health Care Center. Smith entered this life on Feb. 7, 1930 in Lawton, the daughter of Lawrence Bruce and Grace Kosechequetah Tomah. She grew up in Walters attending Walters Public Schools. Smith played basketball for the first basketball team

Funeral for Tony Guerrero was Nov. 18 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Steve Mallow, Immanuel Baptist Church, officiating. Guerrero was called from labor to reward on Nov. 15 in an Oklahoma City hospital. Burial followed at Cache KCA Intertribal Cemetery under direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Guerrero entered this life on Oct. 20, 1960 in Lawton, the son of Moses and Norma Jean Parker Guerrero. He grew up in Lawton and was a 1978 graduate of Lawton High School. He went to work for T and G Construction for many years. He also drove for Pat Reynolds and worked for Affiliated Ban Lines. He was a simple man who never met a stranger and he enjoyed being with his co-workers, friends and his family. He loved animals and never met a stray dog. He attended Komah Church of the Nazarene and enjoyed attending family events and listening to music.

Guerrero leaves to cherish his memories, three sisters and brothers-in-law: Elaine Antone, Josie Flores and Gilbert, Sr., and Lori Veliz and Michael Rivera, all of Lawton; one brother: Glen Parker of Cache; maternal grandfather: Baldwin Parker, Jr. of Cache; two nieces: Frances Guerrero and Lisa Veliz, both of Lawton; two nephews: Gilbert Flores, Jr. and Alex Flores, both of Lawton; four grandchildren: Gabbie Guerrero, Tony Veliz Martinez, Mimi Castro and Damon Thomas Flores; two special uncles and aunt: Harold and Francis Parker and Timothy Parker: his best friend: Mario Lira, as well as a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and relatives. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents: Oved and Josefina Guerrero and maternal grandmother: Frances Tahsequah, great grandparents: Nora and Baldwin Parker, Sr.

The Comanche Nation News

ler Pohawpatchoko and Kolten Komahcheet all of Cache, Chelsey Komahcheet, Selena Komahcheet and Mary Komahcheet and David Cardona, Jr., all of Dallas, TX and Brennan Hensley of Lawton as well as other relatives. Komahcheet was preceded in death by: paternal great-grandparents: Robert “Doug” and Rowena Komahcheet and Lucille Sill McCarter and maternal greatgrandparents: Stella Mancho Mardrigal and Virgina Molina; one cousin: Timothy Michael Pohawpatchoko and one uncle James Ray Hensley.

Neva Pewewardy Santiago

Timothy Ethan James Komahcheet Graveside service for Timothy Ethan James Komahcheet, infant son of Stella M. Mancho and Lonnie J. Komahcheet, Jr., was Nov. 27 at Post Oak Mennonite Cemetery, Indiahoma, with the Rev. Lloyd Lee, Pastor of New Beginnings Church of Cache, officiating. Komahcheet was called to be a Cherub in Heaven above from his earthly home in Wichita Falls, TX Nov. 21. Prayer service was held Nov. 26 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Burial was under direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home of Lawton. Komahcheet entered this life on June 1, 2010 in Lawton, the beloved son of Stella Mancho and Lonnie J. Komahcheet, Jr. he filled his family’s heart with joy each and everyday of his life. He leaves to cherish his memories, his parents of the home in Dallas; two sisters: Alexis Denise Komahcheet and Heaven Mancho Komahcheet, both of Dallas; three brothers: Devon Mancho of Louisiana, Lonnie J. Komahcheet, III and Shawn Angel Komahcheet, both of Dallas; his Paternal grandparents: Lonnie J., Sr. and Mary Komahcheet of Indiahoma; his maternal grandparents: Earlene Mancho and Ramon Guardiola, Jr. of Louisiana; God-father: Stacey Herrera of Louisiana; three aunts: Cristy Komahcheet of Cache, Misty Komahcheet and husband, David, Cardona, Sr. of Dallas, TX and Jennifer Madrigal of Louisiana; six uncles: Fiel Hensley of Dallas, Frankyn Hensley of Lawton, Chris Mancho, Brandon Mancho and Mickey Madrigal, all of Louisiana; cousins: Kersty Pohawpatchoko, Ky-

Graveside service for Neva Pewewardy Santiago, 87, Wichita Kan. was Nov. 16 at the Greenwood Cemetery, Wichita, Kan., with the Rev. Ed Hinman, Pastor of Ponca Indian Methodist Church, Ponca City, officiating. Santiago was called from labor to reward Nov. 11 at an Oklahoma City hospital. A prayer service was held Nov. 14 at Petarsey United Methodist Church with Layspeaker Tina Baker, United Methodist Church of Apache, officiating. Burial is under direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home of Lawton. Santiago was born on January 22, 1923 in Lawton, the daughter of Samuel and Mollie Tahahwah Pewewardy. She was raised around the Richard Spur area and attended Ft. Sill Indian School. In 1942, she married Ernest Doyebi, Sr. and the couple made their home in Lawton, he preceded her in death. On August 13, 1973, she married Benjamin Santiago, Sr. and the made their home in Wichita, Kan. Santiago was an outgoing person who enjoyed playing bingo, making flower arrangements and being with her family and many friends. Santiago work as a social worker and retired from the City of Wichita. She was a member of the Comanche Nation and of Kiowa descent. She is survived by four daughters: Sharon Doyebi Ahtone of Elgin, Ernestine Doyebi Robledo, Sheila Doyebi Dave and Theresa Doyebi Robledo, all of Wichita, Kan.; One son: Jimmy Doyebi of Wichita, Kan.; eighteen grandchildren: Cody Doyebi, Shenel Hernandez, Latricia Pherigo, Lance Pherigo, Lonnie Pherigo, Christopher Pherigo, Randale Doyebi, Shannda Uqualla, Tessa Robledo, Jose “Jessie” Robledo, III, Angelo Robledo, Brenna Doyebi, Randall Dave, Jr., Benjamin Dave, Candace Dave, Danelle Robledo, Terry Marrero and Debra Massu; twenty-two great grandchildren, four great grandchildren; one brother: Harold Pewe Continued on Page 11

December 2010


The Comanche Nation News

Obituaries Continued from Page 10

wardy of Elgin, many nieces and nephews as well as other relatives. Santiago is preceded in death by her two husbands, one daughter; Debra Doyebi, one son: Ernest “Shane” Doyebi, Jr., four sisters: Daisy Tahahwah, Blanche Tissychy Quoyah, Elise Monroe Tissychy and Wanda Pewewardy; four brothers: Richard Tissychy, George Komardley, Carney Pewewardy, Sr. and Samuel “Doc” Pewewardy.

Elton Clifton Yellowfish Sr.

Funeral for Elton Clifton Yellowfish Sr., 73, Phoenix, Ariz. was held Nov. 30 at the Comanche Community Center, Apache, with the Rev. Sharon Yeahquo officiating. Yellowfish died Nov. 22 in Phoenix, Ariz. Burial was at West Cache Creek KCA Cemetery under direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. He was born June 3, 1937, in Lawton, to Wiley and Alice Koassechony Yellowfish. He was the youngest of five children and was raised in Apache. He prided himself on being raised in a bilingual and bicultural environment. He attended Apache Public Schools while living in a traditional Comanche home. After serving a three year tour in the U.S. Navy, he returned to college and obtained a Bachelors of Science in Sociology from Sul Ross State University, Alpine Texas, in 1970. He was a graduate candidate for the College of Business Administration, University of Oklahoma, in 1975. He worked as a program administrator; counselor for emotionally disturbed adolescent boys; technical writer specializing in proposals and grants; and was a consultant in Indian spirituality, Comanche history; and song and dance. He was a former chairman of the Comanche Little Ponies, former vice-commander of Comanche Indian Veterans Association, and former elected official of the Comanche Business Committee. In 1984, he created the Comanche Moon Singers, teaching many young men Comanche songs and tradition. While residing in Phoenix, he was a member of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, American Legion Bushmasters Post 114 of Scottsdale, Ariz. He has worked as a radio announcer for KRPT’s “Indians for Indians” in 1992. He was a veteran, sociologist and community leader in Phoenix. He was a full-blooded member of the Comanche Tribe. He was an advocate of Native American issues throughout the years. Many times he expressed his opinion on controversial matters. Programs for alcohol and drug abuse among Indians nationwide and Indian spiritual-

ity, education, and community development were his priorities. His accomplishments included: Business Associate Consultant for the United Indian Development Association, Los Angeles; in 1970, under Chairman James Cox, he wrote the proposal for the essential service building which is now known as the Comanche Complex; membership to the Chronic Mentally III (CMI) task force in Phoenix; appointed by Arizona Governor Rose Moffort in 1984; served as chairman of the Health Advisory Board for USPHS Lawton Indian Hospital in 1993; elected as Comanche Director for American Indian Exposition in 1970 and 1980; elected to the Comanche Business Committee in 1993; he also wrote “The Way of the Comanche”, a story that highlighted the social and historical events of the Comanche Tribe, which was performed as a public pageant the same year; submitted funding proposals representing the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma. Apache Tribe of Oklahoma, Comanche Indian Tribe, and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community; wrote the proposal and contact for the Comanche Code Talkers Statue that now sits on the Comanche Tribe Courtyard; Executive Director of American Indian Center, 2002, Euless, TX; gave numerous lectures on various aspects of sobriety and its long-range benefits; and he created programs for Indian families. His most recent efforts were creating proposals for a newly independent Indian organization, I-CARE, Inc., which addressed alcohol and drug abuse problems by administering an outpatient day treatment program. He was a beloved husband, father, uncle, grandfather, great-grandfather, mentor,and friend to many. He enjoyed life, was full of love, and took great pride in singing and composing Comanche tribal songs and gourd dance songs. He was a descendent of PA-QUE-HAW-PITH (Yellowfish), who survived the Second Battle of Adobe Walls in 1874, at Panhandle, TX. He was a patriarch of the Yellowfish Descendents. Survivors include his wife, Lynnie Yellowfish; four sons: Elton, Jr., Geary; Forrest Riverton, Wyo; Barry and Lyndon, both of Phoenix, Ariz.; a sister, Velma Komah, Apache; three grandsons: Anthony and Izreal, Geary; and Gabriel Smith, Kingfisher; five granddaughters: Marilyn and Julia Komardly, Chickasha; Kylah Lalwa, Jamie Yellowfish, and Angelene Bates, all of Geary; two adopted sons Darrell Blackbear, Dallas, TX; and Charles Strong, Lawton; and many nieces, nephews, friends, and colleagues. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers: Lyman Yellowfish, Sr., Edward Yellowfish, Sr., and Clifton Yellowfish; and a daughter, Jennifer Komardly.

Rev. Nick Tahchawwickah and Rev. Kenneth Laird officiation. Burial followed at Cache KCA Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer service was held Nov. 4 at Comanche nation Funeral Home Chapel. She was born in Lawton, Okla., on June 28, 1931 to Luepp Tarsip and Mary Chasenah. Wermy grew up in Cache and attended Cache and Fort Sill Indian Schools. She met her future husband Don Wermy at a camp meeting. To this union five children were born. Wermy was a proud full blood member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma and Komah Memorial Church of the Nazarene. She enjoyed going to fast pitch softball games and basketball games. Traveling with Comanche senior citizen trips, spending time with her family and friends. Wermy is survived by: six children and their spouses: Ron and Beverly Wermy of Cache, Donette Peni of Lawton, Sylvia Wermy, Del and Donna Wermy all of Cache; Leauna and Dan, Vicki Valliere both of Anadarko; grandchildren: Amanda and Jon, Aaron, Hannah, Deon and Laura, Devon and Maegan, Marc, Teta, Ricky, Mary and Marcel, Angie and Kenneth, Tremayne and Tommi, Michael; 13 great grandchildren; a special friend, Perry Aunko, other family members and friends. Wermy is preceded in death by: Her husband, Donald Wermy Jr., a son Donald “Jutes” Wermy III; parents: Luepp Tarsip and Mary Chasenah; a grandson, Ronald “Little Ronnie” Wermy Jr., granddaughter, LaDeana Farris; sisters and brothers: Lydia Valliere, Garnet Battise, Zelma Tselee, Strudrick Tahsequah, Albert Tahsequah.

24 aboard the U.S.S. Midway. He served three years, seven months and 16 days of foreign service and received the good conduct medal. He married Mona Tofpi on June 10, 1961, at the Caddo-Comanche County Line, and they had six children. He was a member of Cedar Creek United Methodist Church, Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, C.I.V.A., and the Comanche Little Ponies. Survivors include his wife, Mona Nauni, of the home; six children and their spouses: Roy and Betty Ann Littlecalf, Cyril; Peaches and Eddie Wermy, Tualatin, Ore.; Willis Nootsie Nauni Jr. and companion Mary Woodard, Carnegie; Jason and Sherry Nauni, Oklahoma City; Charlie Nauni and Greg Ahhaitty, Carnegie; A-tha-mah Nauni and Crissy Noel, Anadarko; Louis Gayton, Lawton; Robert Chickenhawk Tofpi, Carnegie; brothers, sister and spouses: Bob and Margaret Nauni, Midwest City; Marion and Weldon Simmons, Geronimo; Raymond Dink and Wanda Nauni Jr., Lawton; Vandell and Sue Nauni, Cache; Gwen Brinkman, Lawton; Christine and Gus McCarthy, Lawton; three special brothers: Jack Codynah, Anadarko; Patterson Tahdooahnippah, Cache; Jimmy Johnson, Okmulgee; 28 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; other special children; the Moore family, Walters; family member and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Raymond Nauni Sr. and Cleda Tippeti; two sisters;: Leatrice Moore and Carla Tahah-Atauvich; two brothers Moon Atauvich; and Bunyan Atauvich; a “dad”, Own Tahah; and an aunt, Mary Tippeti.

She loved spending time with her family and friends. She always said her greatest accomplishment in life was her son, Ronald Ray Cooper. She is survived by: her son and daughter-in-law, Ronald and Krystal Cooper of Kentucky; her father and step mother, Kenneth and Rita Coosewoon of Medicine Park; two sisters: Deanna Kay Coosewoon and Vicki Biazzo both of Lawton, a niece, Jennifer “Marissa” Reys of Lawton, cousins: Carol Sixkiller, David Hendrix, and Carl Sixkiller; other famly members and friends. She is preceded in death by: her mother, Doraline Coosewoon; grandparents: Aline Pearl and Ewing Taylor, Abner and Mattie (Kauley) Coosewoon; a niece, Duskie Murrow.

Merry Chirstmas from Heaven I still her the song, I still see the lights I still feel your love on cold wintery nights I still share your hopes and all of your cares I’ll even remind you to please say yours prayers I just want to tell you, you still make me proud You stand head and shoulders above all the crowd Keep trying each monent, to stay in His grace I come here before you to help set your place You don’t have to be perfect allof the time He forgives you the slip, if you continue the climb To my family and friends

Jaunita Raylen Coosewoon

Jaunita Raylyn CooseWillis “Bozo” Nauni Sr. woon 58 of Lawton went to her Funeral for Willis heavenly home on Nov. 23. Graveside services was “Bozo” Nauni Sr., 73, Carnegie, was Nov. 29, at Ce- held Nov. 26 at Mr. Scott KCA dar Creek United Methodist Cemetery. Burial followed unChurch, Carnegie, with the der the direction of Comanche Rev. Gerald Haunpo and the Nation Funeral Home. Coosewoon was born Rev. Tim Byington officiating. Nauni went to his heav- to Kenneth Coosewoon and enly home on Nov. 27 in Law- Doraline Taylor in Lawton on Oct. 10, 1952. She attended ton, Okla. Prayer service was held Elgin Public Schools. She was Nov. 28 at Comanche Nation a homemaker for most of her life. Funeral Home Chapel. Coosewoon was a Burial took place at Cemember of the Comanche of dar Creek Cemetery. He was born March 10, Oklahoma. She enjoyed the 1937, in Lawton, to Raymond outdoors doing her gardening. Nauni Sr. and Cleda Tippeti. He grew up in the Cache area and graduated from Cache High School. He joined the Betsy Lois Tarsip U.S. Navy on Jan. 12, 1956, Chasenah Wermy in Oklahoma City and was Betsy Lois Tarsip discharged Nov. 30, 1959 at Chasenah Wermy, 79 of Cache the U.S. Naval Receiving Stawent to her heavenly home on tion, San Diego, Calif. He then transferred to the Reserves at Nov. 1, in Lawton, Okla. Funeral service was the 8th Naval District, New held Nov. 5 at Comanche Na- Orleans. His last duty assigntion Funeral Home Chapel with ment was the Fighter Squadron

Please be thankful today I’m still close beside you In a new special way I love you all dearly, Now don’t shed a tear Cause I’m spending my CHIRSTMAS WITH JESUS THIS YEAR

December 2010



Letters to the Editor Dear TCNN, The Pewewardy family would like to extend their sincere appreciation to Chairman Burgess and acting Tribal Administrator, Will Owens, for their assistance in escorting family members to attend a funeral in Wichita, Kansas for Neva Pewewardy Santiago. The family would also like to thank everyone for their condolences. Stanton Pewewardy Dear TCNN, We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your sympathy and support in our time of loss. We would like to thank Madeline Spicer, Michaela Gutierrez, Marilyn Figueroa, Geraldine Hawkins, and Dennis Niedo. I know mom would appreciate your kind gestures. I know you meant a great deal to her. A special thank you to Aunt Noni, Johnny Parker “Bear”, Richelle Garcia, Uncle Ronnie Burgess, Aunt Gate Perryman, Aunt Mary-Frances Rutledge and Tia Mary Bizzel for all your help and understanding in our time of need. Many of you expressed great sentiments about our mother and we find an enourmous comfort in knowing she was loved by so many. Ivan Joe and Tracey Sapcut Avila compiled mom’s beautiful slide show and our family is

very appreciative of your time and effort. We would like to commend the ladies at the Deyo Mission for their help in our mother’s dinner, you are greatly appreciated. Our deepest thanks to the Comanche Nation Funeral Home, especially Toby Blackstar, Larry Eschiti, and James McCurley. You conducted the funeral with such professionalism that we did not have to stress about any details. Sincere gratitude to Lola and Jesse Lucio from Richard, Linda, and Gina for the long term commitment you both made to our mom. We love and deeply appreciate you. From the family of Lucy “Bubbles” Tippeconnie Flores Dear TCNN, I write to inform you of the wonderful presentations given by two of your tribal members, Kenneth Coosewoon and Rita Coosewoon. A few weeks ago, the Coosewoons presented the Rupert Costo Endowed Lecture at the University of California, Riverside, in the Costo Library, our American Indian Library. They spoke on “Healing Through the Sweat Lodge,” to an audience of sixty people, including faculty, staff, students,

The Comanche Nation News

Calendar of Events December 10 Comanche Nation Prayer Breakfast, 10 a.m., Watchetaker Hall, Comanche Nation Complex. 13 Comanche Nation Elder’s Council Meeting, 10 a.m., Comanche Nation College, 1608 SW 9th, Lawton, Okla., For more information call (580) 591-0203. 17 Comanche Nation Elder Day, 10 a.m., Watchetaker Hall, Comanche Nation Complex. 24 Comanche Nation Complex will be closed for the Chirstmas Holiday. 31 Comanche Nation Complex will be closed for the New Year. January 01 Nina Alice Burgess Honor Dance, Comanche Nation Complex, For more information call (580) 597-6616.

December 2010


The Comanche Nation News

December 2010


The Comanche Nation News

Goblins and Ghost Invade Watchetaker Hall Invasion and


Ghost Goblins

The Comanche Nation Safe House was held from 6 to 9 p.m. October 29 at Watchetaker Hall. The evening was full of Halloween fun and games. Pictures were takienand faces were paintied. Food, candy and prizes was handed out. The scariest place was the haunted house sponsored by the Comanche Nation Housing Authority. It gave the thrill and chill of being scared to all that were brave enough to enter at their own risk. Their was an estimated 20 programs from the Comanche Nation that made this event a memorable one for all the children, tribal and non-tribal that were in attendance. There was a unestimated crowd of 500 plus that attendented the safehouse this year. Fun was had by all. The Comanche Nation’s goal is keeping the children in a safe environment during Halloween time.

Parents and kids line up at the doors of Watchetaker Hall in anticipation of all the food and games to be offered from all the different programs and orgainzations during the 2010 Comanche Nation Halloween Safehouse.

Tribal member Sammy Niedo with tribal and non-tribal

dressed up enjoying the fun and games trick-or-treaters on Oct. 29 at Watchetaker

All er

Angelina Ketner of the Comanche Nation Fitness Center dressed up as the Queen of Hearts from the movie Alice in Wonderland, during the 2010 Comanche Nation Safehouse.

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were had a

along Hall.

Public Information employeesTomah Yeahquo and Candace Todd greeted and handed out treats and bags to all the parents and kids entering in to Watchetaker Hall.

in good

attendence at time offered

the safe house by the Comanche

in Nation


December 2010


The Comanche Nation News

Native Pride Invades Sheppard Base Story and Photos by Fred Codynah Jr/News Staff

On November 23, Sheppard Elementary School welcomed the Comanche Nation, for an afternoon of dancing and singing. Over 330 kids attended the celebration on Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, TX. Those that were in attendance were Brigadier General Darryl W. Burke, The Mayor of Wichita Falls, TX and the Emcee Col. Peter Markle. The event started with a power point presentation by Public Information Office Director, Jolene Schonchin about Comanche History, an introduction of Dancers, Singers and Princesses. The Lord’s Prayer was performed by Rey Ann Norberto. Norberto is currently the 2010-2011 Oklahoma Gourd Dance Club Sr. Princess. Marla Nauni performed Comanche hymns, in the Comanche Language. The dances performed were Women’s Southern Cloth, Intertribal and Tiny Tot. The kids really enjoyed a Two Step Dance that is very popular with our tribal culture, and the Men’s Fancy Dancing. Intertribal Dancing is when all tribes are allowed in the arena to dance. Tiny Tot’s is kids only. And the Two Step is lady’s choice. Fancy Dance is very fast tempo. You have to be in good shape for this dance. After the performance Brigadier General Darryl W.


Burke presented the Comanche Nation with a framed/matted wing graphic plaque to show his appreciation for a job well done by the Comanche Nation. In 1990 President George H. W. Bush approved a joint resolution designating November 1990 “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations, under variants on the name (including “Native American Heritage Month” and “National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month”) have been issued each year since 1994.

ClorandiaTsstoke and Col. Peter Markle are keeping in step with the beat to the Two Step Song. The kids really enjoyed this dance.

Rey Ann forming the

Norberto perLord’s Prayer,

D.H.S. Celebrates Native American Month

Little Miss Inidan Lawton, Ermina Jane Iruegas, Little Miss Indian Lawton, Tinity Ahtone and Miss Indian Teen Lawton Taylor Price, listen to a stroy told to them by Lucinda Poahway during Naive American month.

The Department of Human Services in Lawton, Okla. has a Native American Celebration Committee that consists of DHS employees of different tribes that include Comanche, Kiowa, Pawnee, Otoe-Missouria, Choctaw and others. The purpose of the Native American Celebration Committee is to enlighten it’s non native co-workers of the beauty and diversity of all Native people. “It is imperative for them to be aware of the differ-

ences in our language, cultures and lifestyles,” said Charlotte Juarez. Juarez said a large percentage of non Native people view Native Indians as all the same. The NACC would like to enlighten their minds and open their hearts to the many contributions Native Americans have made in sports, music, history as well as current events, said Social Services Specialist IV Charlotte Juarez. This is the third year the committee has held this

event. Employees of the Comanche County DHS were very captivated and delighted by this year’s program. The lists of entertainers were on hand to share their culture. ErminaJane Iruegas who did the Lord’s Prayer under the direction of Lucinda Poahway. Others included the Comanche Indian Veterans Association, Marla Nauni, George “Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah, Terry Tsotigh, and the Riverside Indian School Native American Dancers.

ADVERTISE IN THE COMANCHE NATION NEWS The most-read Indian Newspaper in SW Oklahoma

Call Marion Simmons: (580) 585-7565

TRIBAL YOUTH TAKES PART in the 13th Annual Native American Heritage Celebration. Kimberly DeJesus and Joshua Herrea were part of the Native American Beauty program which took place Nov. 15 at the Oklahoma State Capitol Rotunda. DeJesus sung “God Bless The USA,” while Herrea served as one of the flag barriers.

December 2010


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The Comanche Nation News

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