Activities Filling December Calendar
Lawton, OK
Preserve and Protecting Ft. Sill Indian Agency
Comanche Nation Win Tobacco Dispute
Stacey Heminokeky/News Staff
By Stacey Heminokeky/News Staff
December is a busy month of activities within the Comanche Nation. So mark your calendars to attend the following events: Dec. 13 Elders Day The Comanche Nation sponsors annual Elders Day, which will be 9 a.m. Dec. 13 at the Comanche County Great Plains Coliseum, 920 S. Sheridan Road. Vendors can start setting up at 8 a.m. Doors open at 9 a.m. Meal will be served at 10 a.m. Elders can receive their checks after the meal. Elders who cannot attend the event will have their checks mailed to them through the U.S. Postal Service. Dec. 19 Elder Center Christmas Dinner The Comanche Nation Elder Center, 1107 SW H. Ave, Lawton, will have its annual Christmas Dinner beginning at 11 a.m. Dec. 19. The Elderly Center is asking for attendees to arrive at 10 a.m. due to limited seating. Children will entertain the elders with Christmas singing, and an array of arts-and-craft vendors will be available in the center. Fruit bags with Thaw-aw will be given to elders as a special holiday treat. For more information, contact Marilyn Guerrero, (580) 355-2330.
Comanche Nation offices will be closed Dec. 24-25 for the Christmas Holiday, and Jan. 1 for New Years Day
December 2013
According to the Associated Press Release, a federal judge in Oklahoma City sided with the Comanche Nation on Nov. 14 in a dispute with the Oklahoma Governor’s Office over the state’s tobacco compact with the tribe. U.S. District Judge Robin Cauthron issued a temporary restraining order that allows the Comanche Nation to enjoy the same tobacco compact the state has with the Chickasaw Nation. Under that deal, the $1.03 state tax rate Chairman Wallace Coffey, and Tom Halloman of the United States Army Cemetery Administration, signing per pack of cigarettes is disdocuments pertaining to the Indian Agency Cemetery Nov. 21 at the Arlington National Cemetery. tributed with 70 percent of the Story and Photo by Jolene Schonchin/News Staff revenue to the tribe and 30 perWhile in Washington, ecutive Director of the United in the document. The written cent to the state during the first DC, Nov. 21, Chairman Wal- States Army Cemetery Admin- document will provide access two years of the compact. The lace Coffey and representa- istration. and care for the Indian Agency temporary restraining order Chairman Coffey re- Cemetery into perpetuity. tives from the United States will remain in place until the Gratitude was given to Army, signed a Memorandum ceived two tokens of appreciacourt resolves the dispute. of Understanding (MOU) for tion for his and members of the those both present and absent “The Comanche Nation the care of the Ft. Sill Indian Comanche Nation presence at who were behind the efforts of sought a fair compact that was Agency Cemetery. the Arlington National Cem- the action. Three documents equal to the (Chickasaw Na“We are here today to etery. Halloman presented gold were in front of the men to tion compact),” said Wallace finally commemorate in writ- medal with the insignia of the sign. Also signing the docuCoffey, the Chairman of the ing, years of hard work by Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, ments were Col. Waters of the Comanche Nation with nearly members of the Comanche Na- and a book titled, Where Valor U.S. Army Garrison at Ft. Still, 16,000-members, said in a tion, other Native American Lies, Arlington National Cem- Oklahoma. and all members of statement. “We feel like the the Comanche Nation Business Nations, members of the De- etery. state of Oklahoma didn’t give partment of the Army, in an efThe paired action Committee. us fair treatment and showed a “This is a historical day fort to preserve and protect for which was agreed upon by lack of respect, and so we took perpetuity, the Indian Agency both the Comanche Nation and for Comanche’s,” expressed action,” Cemetery,” said Halloman, Ex- the U.S. Army is spelled out Chairman Coffey.” Our famiEach of the state’s 38 federally recognized Indian Children’s Programs Asking for Adopt an Angel Participants tribes has the opportunity to negotiate a compact with the Submitted by Children’s Court Staff state that determines how much Comanche Nation have all information needed of the $1.03-per pack tax is disChildren’s Court and Indian for you to help a child have a tributed between the state and Child Welfare are sponsor- Merry Christmas. the tribe. Nearly all of the exing an Angel Tree for children The deadline for these isting tribal tobacco compacts placed in ICW custody. They gifts to be turned in is Decemexpired this year, and new ones are looking for donors to pro- ber 16. Gifts can be dropped have been negotiated with the vide gifts and/or clothing, such off at the receptionist desk governor’s office for 23 tribes as shoes,coats etc., for children with Stephanie Akoneto in the so far, said Steve Mullins, Gov. who are less fortunate to have Administration Building, or at Mary Fallin’s general counsel a Merry Christmas. the Family Services Building who negotiates with the tribes A Christmas tree will located at 1921 E. Gore Blvd., on behalf of her office. Eleven be set up in the main entrance Lawton. Sizes and wishes will other tribes, including some lobby of the Administration be provided. Distribution will that don’t sell tobacco or sell Building, located at the Co- be December 19. it only to their members, chose manche Nation Complex, 584 Any questions, please not to sign a compact. NegoNW Bingo Road. call (580) 492-3379. Any and tiations are ongoing with the If you wish to adopt all donations are greatly apprePonca Tribe, and three others, an angel, go by the Comanche ciated not only by the children including the Comanches, are Nation Complex and pick a an- who are benefiting from these Photo by Stacey Heminokeky/News Staff tied up in litigation or arbitragel off the tree. The angel will gifts, but also from the staff. The Angel Tree located in the main entrance of Administration at the Comanche Complex.
See TOBACCO, Page 2
December 2013
THE COMANCHE NATION NEWS The award-winning Comanche Nation News, the official communication of the Comanche Nation, is available at no charge upon request. The deadline to submit information for the January edition is noon December 15. Donations to help cover the cost of printing and mailing are welcome. Contact: The Comanche Nation News P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502-0908 Telephone: (580) 492-3386 Fax: (580) 492-3709 Email: comanche_news@yahoo.com •
• • • •
TCNN Staff Jolene Schonchin, Editor, Reporter, Photographer-Email: tcnneditor@ yahoo.com-Telephone Number-(580)492-3382 Paula Karty, Assis. Editor, Reporter, Photographer- Email: kartynews@ yahoo.com Telephone Number-(580)492-3383 Stacey Heminokeky, Reporter/ Photographer- email: heminokekynews@yahoo.com Candace Todd, Administrative Assistant-Telephone Number (580)492-3386 News items of interest to the local and American Indian community are welcome. Photographs will be copied and will become the property of TCNN. To return original photographs, send a self-addressed stamped envelope. Do not send faxed photographs or newspaper copies of photographs. The Milestones Page (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements,Memorial Pictures, Weddings, Births) are by submission only. The Passings are submitted by the Comanche Nation Funeral Home or by tribal members on a funeral home letterhead. The Milestones Page is for tribal members only. TCNN publishes all services conducted by The Comanche Nation Funeral Home without discretion. Obituaries are written for tribal members only. TCNN will print a Comanche organization’s annual event flyer once free of charge as a courtesy to our tribal organizations. The guidelines for flyer submission are: Pow-wow flyers have to be from an established Comanche organization. There has to be contact person and number on the organization’s annual flyer. We reserve the right to edit all material. Letters or articles that contain libelous information, slander, or personal attacks will not be printed. Letters to the Editor must be signed with a legible name. The letters to the editor or articles contained in the The Comanche Nation News does not reflect the views or opinions of the PIO staff.
Comanche Nation Officials
Chairman Wallace Coffey Vice Chairman Mike Mack Mahsetky Secretary/Treasurer Gary Tahmahkera Committeeman No. 1 Charles Wells Committeeman No. 2 Sonya Nevaquaya Committeeman No. 3 Harry Mithlo Committeeman No. 4 Jack Codopony Sr. Tribal Administrator William Owens To contact officials: Comanche Nation P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502 Toll Free: (877) 492-4988 Physical Address 584 Bingo Rd. Lawton, OK 73505
Member of the Native American Journalist Association since 2001
Member of the Society of Professional Journalists since 2010
Eight Resolutions Presented at Comanche Business Committee November Meeting
Story by Stacey Heminokeky/New Staff
Chairman Wallace Coffey called the meeting to order at 10:20 a.m. Secretary/ Treasurer, Gary Tahmahkera, opened the meeting with a word of prayer. Chairman Wallace Coffey addressed those in attendance about the progress of the Comanche Nation Red River Hotel. The new hotel is already taken shape and will be opening soon. Chairman Coffey also gave the final amount of this year’s percap, which totaled $1,140.31 per tribal member. Chairman Coffey also brought a letter of request from Elgin Public Schools to the CBC’s attention. EPS asked the Comanche Nation to assist in purchasing new furniture for newly remodeled classrooms. Chairman Coffey requests a motion be made to approve October 5th meeting minutes. A motion to approve minutes was made by Comanche Business Committeeman No. 4, Jack Codopony. ViceChairman Mack Mahsetky, seconds the motion. Tahmahkera conducted Roll Call. A quorum was established with all Comanche Business Committee (CBC) being present, except Committeeman No. 2, Sonya Nevaquaya. Nevaquaya was absent due to attending an event with her child.
Resolutions 125-13 Enrollment List No. 942 126-13 Enrollment List No. 943 127-13 Enrollment List No. 944 128-13 Enrollment List No. 945 129-13 Enrollment List No. 946 Tahmahkera makes a motion to accept resolutions. Committeeman No. 3 Harry Mithlo seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. 130-13 Disbursement of Bereavement Payments to Family Members of Deceased Members through Social Services. Codopony makes motion to accept resolution. Tahmahkera seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. 131-13 Information Access for Blue Stone Strategy Group. Tahmahkera makes motion to accept the resolution. Codopony seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. 132-13 Minor Trust Fund. Codopony makes motion to accept the resolution. Mahsetky seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. Coffey asked Lloyd Heminokeky Jr. to pray for the afternoon meal. Executive Session followed the lunch break.
Native American Settlement Payments Delayed Again
Some Native Americans in southwest Oklahoma are upset after another delay in payments from a multi-billion dollar legal settlement, according to an article in the Anadarko Daily Newspaper. Around 30 people protested on Dec. 2 outside the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Anadarko after learning that money that was supposed to come through the beginning of December might not arrive until September, 2014. They are individual landowners with land trust accounts that were mismanaged by the federal government. The courts have ruled that those in the class-action suit will share in a $3.4 billion settlement. How much they'll each get is still being debated. Those estimated payments are not only being delayed, but in some cases, reduced as much as $10,000. The lawsuit started more than 15 years ago and was settled in 2009. The payments have been promised to several times. Now, they are saying enough is enough. "We do not want any more delays and we want to be paid," Landowner Kathy Ware-Perosi said. "We are tired of their promises and tired of their lies." The protestors have called multiple times to find answers and have been given nothing. The attorneys repre-
senting them have already been paid. In fact, they are continuing to be paid, and it's coming out of their settlement. "Every six months, they are allowed to get $12 million more," Landowner Ramon Perosi said. "So, they're raiding out of their funds every six months. You can imagine if they put it off year after year, how much money that's going to be." Protestors talked about the need for the money now and waiting until September is not acceptable. "The economy here is terrible," Land Owner Randy Ware said. "It's terrible, and we need this money immediately in order to survive here." They talked about some of the older members of their tribes who have even had roofs collapse from a simple rain, because they couldn't afford to pay for it while waiting on their settlement. "It's heart breaking to see our elders sitting here without electricity, without propane when they have this monies here waiting for them," Ware said. At the protest, a drum circle ceremony for those who have died from the beginning of the settlement was held. Which included Elouise Cobell of Montana, who led the fight for the lawsuit and died of cancer in 2011.
The Comanche Nation News
Continued from Page 1
Mullins said he was disappointed in Cauthron’s ruling. He said most of the new compacts are unique for each tribe and that the governor’s office used the compact negotiations “to find joint public policy goals.” The Comanche Nation has already seen a difference in the amount of tobacco sales due to the temporary restraining order that gives the tribe equal footing with other tribes. Tribal Attorney Mike McBride said, “Going to this, we were very concerned about licensed Comanche retailers being able to survive, “Tribal Attorney Mike McBride said. “We believe some of them could have been driven out of business in 30, 60, 90 days. It’s saved a lot of jobs and a lot of tax revenue.” Without the judges order, McBride said they would have lost half a million dollars a month in tobacco tax revenue. They use that money for running their government, construction, and services to their citizens like scholarships. Before the judge even stepped in, the current compact stated the tribe should be allowed to get the same deal as another tribe if it were more favorable. That’s why McBride said he’s confused why there’s a debate at all. Chairman Wallace Coffey said, When Governor Fallin signed tobacco compacts with other larger tribes with better terms than us, we could not stand by.” said Chairman Wallace Coffey. “The Comanche Business Committee voted to fight for a fair compact.” “We were delighted that the Special Emergency Arbitrator Judge Irvine granted the Comanche Nation an interim injunction award on such short notice. Judge Irvine ordered that Governor Fallin and Oklahoma honor the entire terms contained in the new
Chickasaw Nation Tobacco Tax Compact during the arbitration. In essence, it was complete victory from the start. The Governor refused to honor the arbitrator’s interim award so we went immediately to federal court.” McBride added. United States District Judge Robin J. Cauthron in Oklahoma City scheduled an emergency temporary restraining order the next day. “Judge Cauthron ruled against the Governor and the State on every argument during the hearing. She was not impressed at all with the Governor’s arguments. She said at the hearing ‘if the evidence is the same at the time of the preliminary injunction hearing as it is now, then the plaintiffs will win again.’ Judge Cauthron also suggested that the State should waive a bond requirement for an injunction. The State insisted that the Comanche Nation post a bond. Judge Cauthron then ordered that the Comanche Nation only post a $25 bond. We paid it immediately!” McBride said. “The Nation achieved the arbitration order in eight days and the federal Temporary Restraining Order in three days. Several other tribal governments that invoked their Most Favored Nation’s clause in February had to wait 8 months to get interim relief and they are still in arbitration,” McBride said. “Governor Fallin called to settle the beginning of December. Her lawyers offered everything that we asked for; they totally capitulated. The Comanche Nation paid for the arbitration and is now signing a new, 10 year Tobacco Tax Compact with Oklahoma with the exact same terms as the Chickasaw Nation. Our legal team including Jimmy Goodman, Harvey Ellis, Paige Masters and Gerald Jackson did a great job,” McBride said..
December 2013
The Comanche Nation News
Comanche Nation Elders Council Elects New Officers
Courtesy Photo
Pictured Left to Right: Raymond Almanza, Vivian Holder, Marion Simmons, Adele Mihesuah. Comanche Nation Elders Council Executive Committee. Submitted by Adele Mihesuah, Elders Council Secretary
On November 18, the Comanche Nation Elders Council held their monthly meeting. Elections were held for the positions of Vice Chairperson and Treasurer on the Executive Committee. The Comanche Nation College conducted the elections. Vivian Holder ran unopposed and was named Vice Chairperson. Running for the Treasurer position were Rita Heath and Marion Simmons. Simmons was elected as the new Treasurer. The Executive Board now consists of Raymond Almanza, Chairperson; Vivian Holder, Vice Chairperson; Adele Mihesuah, Secretary; and Marion Simmons, Treasurer. Guest speakers were Jennifer Edwards, PHN for the Lawton Indian Hospital. Edwards gave a video presentation on safety for Elders in and
around the home, poison control, medication safety, flu shots and shingles shots. Edwards gave an excellent presentation which was informative and pertinent to the Elder audience. Edwards also brought usable handouts such as pill organizers, hand sanitizer, flashlights, tote bags, and pencils. The Comanche Nation Elders Council has regularly scheduled meetings for all Comanche Elders age 62 and above, the first Monday of each month at 10 a.m. (there may be exceptions for unforeseen circumstances). The CNEC meetings are held at the Comanche Nation College in the auditorium. We have informative and interesting speakers and have lunch catered. It is also a wonderful opportunity to visit with friends and get to know other Elders.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program
John B. Herrington, first enrolled member of a Native American tribe to fly into space, is from the Chickasaw Nation.
Commander John B. Herrington Visits Comanche Nation College
Submitted by Comanche Nation College Staff
The Comanche Nation College proudly presented Commander John B. Herrington on Nov.15 as a guest speaker. The special presentation was held in the James Cox Auditorium at the Comanche Nation College. Commander Herrington is the first enrolled member of a Native American tribe to fly in space. He was born on Sept. 14, 1958 in Wetumka, Okla. He graduated from Plano Senior High School, Plano, Texas in 1976; he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in 1983 and a Master of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Naval Post graduate School in 1995. Herrington received his commission from Aviation Officer Candidate School in March 1984 and was des-
ignated a Naval Aviator in March 1985. He was selected by NASA in 1996 and was assigned to the sixteenth assembly mission to the International Space Station aboard the STS113 Endeavour in 2002. Herrington left NASA in 2005. Currently, Herrington serves as an Ambassador for the Chickasaw Nation and is pursuing a PH.D. in Education at the University of Idaho. His research includes motivation and engagement of Native American youth in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. The audience included the schools of Walters, Riverside, and Carnegie. Those in attendance were given the opportunity to ask question. When asked what he didn’t like when he was in space? He replied, “I didn’t like the headaches I had. What was the first thing
you did when you came back to Earth? He replied, “I threw up.” What is it like to take off? He said, “It’s like being on a dirt road in a truck while on your back, lasting about 2 minutes.” He said, “When the sun came out the visor went down because the sun was very bright!” Herrington took 2 years to train and prepare himself to go into space. He also expressed if he had another chance to go back he would. It took Commander Herrington about a week after arriving back from space to get used to being on Earth again. He likes the saying by Harriet Tubman, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have the strength, patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
Comanche Nation Film Festival and Story Telling A Hit
Sandra Toyekoyah; Administrator-Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program.
The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program (GRGP) is under the auspices of the Comanche Nation Elders Council (CNEC) and Sandra Toyekoyah administers the program. The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program provides referral to programs that can provide assistance for particular issues, including but not limited to school supplies, youth program trips, youth counseling, day care, legal aide, Indian Child Welfare and Child Support information (such as in-kind service for child support payments).
Toyekoyah has accumulated pertinent resources in the area, tribal, and public. Toyekoyah is available to help any grandparent needing assistance, who is currently raising a Comanche child. If you are in need of assistance or know of anyone who may need this type of help, please contact Toyekoyah at (580) 574-9100. The GRGP is housed at the CNEC offices located at 1001 “C” Street, Lawton, Oklahoma. Please call before dropping by the office to assure Toyekoyah will be on site.
Comanche Nation College Staff member, Videll Yackeschi, started the storytelling session Nov. 8, while the audience feasted on a hearty dinner. Story and Photos by Stacey Heminokeky
The Comanche Nation College sponsored two great events back to back. The college held a storytelling and Dinner on Nov. 8 and the 10th Annual Invitational Comanche Nation College Film Festival on Nov. 9. The events were both filled with new adventures shown through films and heard through stories.
The storytelling and Dinner provided everyone with great stories as well as a delicious dinner. Each story teller provided the crowd with great presentations and each one was very unique. The Film Festival main feature was “Day In Our Bay,” which gave an inside perspective of people who were from Bristol Bay, Canada. This film
provided many aspects and insights of life on Bristol Bay. Other films viewed included, “Smokin’ Fish,” “Beautiful Warriors,” “Training for ONAYLF” (OK Native American Youth Fair) “More Than Fry Bread,” “Idle No More,” “Russell Bates-Kiowa Screenwriter,” “Dream Big,” and “Culinary Connection,” to name a few.
December 2013
The Comanche Nation News
People, Places and Things
Congratulations to the Elgin Grapplers Youth Wrestling Club
Ware adds firepower to STARS Roster
and Oklahoma sectional and ranks them from the highest score to the lowest. The top four scores advance to the Dallas Cowboy Championship. Paddyaker made it again. He will compete on the actual Cowboys football field once again on December 15. He will get one punt, one pass, and one kick. They measure the score by not only how far your ball goes but also how accurate it is. He has made it here twice in three years, His friends and family are very proud of his accomplishments and are very excited to see what his future holds.
According to Rio Rancho Observer, on October 2nd, New Mexico Stars added more firepower to their roster for the Coming 2013 season by signing Cale Ware of Haskell Indian Nations University and two others. Ware is a 23-year-old, 3/4 Kiowa, and 1/4 Comanche Indian who started at linebackers for three seasons in college and will play Linebacker and Fullback for the Stars. “Being Native American it is important for me to Boy Scouts Troop 183 get play with a team that has our Introduced to Native traditions and culture enAmerican Heritage grained into it,” Ware said. “New Mexico has 22 different tribes, I believe; I would like to bring fans from all tribes so we can showcase Native American pride both on the field and in the stands.” Ware is the son of Timothy and Carla Ware. Comanche lineage is Thompson PoafpyStory and Photo by Jolene Schonchin bitty was his great grand-father Boy Scouts and their leader parand Pearl Pewo Ware was his ticipate in a round dance with the great grand-mother on his dad dance troop. Timothy side of the family. On November 14 from Truma Ware grandfather and Mary Poafpybitty grandmoth- 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Fort. Sill Boy Scouts troop 183 parer. Kiowa lineage is ticipate in a Native American Ralph Kauley Sr. and Violet event for Native American Kauley his great grandparents Heritage Month. A PowerPoint and Dorothy Kodaseet great presentation was shown on the grandmother. Darrell and Betty history of the Comanches. A tour of the Complex Kauley grandparents and the late Carol Haumpy Kauley along with dance demonstrations which included the Bufgrandmother. Ware has 1 brother falo, Snake, and Round Dance Timothy Jr. or T.T. as he is were given to the Boy Scouts. known and 2 sisters, Malika They also listened to singers and Raven. All of Cale siblings perform the Memorial, Vicattend Haskell Indian Nations tory, and the Comanche flag songs, and were given samples University in Lawrence, Kan. of fry bread to eat. The Boy Scouts reFuture NFL All Star Jeffrey Paddyaker, son ceived different patches for of Mike and Sabrina Paddyak- participating in the event. Priner, just might be the next NFL cesses along with dancers and all star! Jeffrey is 9 years old. singers who attended are as Two years ago he competed in follows; Gaylon Motah, Willie the NFL Punt Kick competition Nelson, Melanie Motah, Dakoin Lawton Oklahoma at the age ta Shrock, Gaylene Rosie Moof 7. He made it all the way to tah, Robert Tehauno, Kelsey the Dallas Cowboy Champion. Codynah, Nadia Garrison, This year he competed Sarah Pohawpatchoko, Karen in Garland Texas for the NFL Tehauno, Lillie Nelson, Iyana Punt Pass kick competition. He Mowatt, and Larissa Smith. took first place in round one. A few weeks later he competed in the Sectional. He took first place with a score of 231! The NFL then ranks ALL first place winners from all of the Texas
Hill Elected Student Body President of Menominee Nation College 2013-2014 College of Menominee Nation Student
From left: Zayden Roberts 3rd place-52 lbs., George Tahdooahnippah 1st place 60 lbs Division 1 and 3rd place-58 lbs. Division 2, Adrian Parker 1st place-67 lbs., Nick Johnson 2nd place-90 lbs., and Nacona Tahdooahnippah 2nd place-110lbs.
For Placing at the Chickasha Wrestling Tournament Stay In Touch With Information and Updates from the Comanche Nation Text “PIO” to 90210 to get alerts on updates to the Comanche Nation Courtesy Photo-- D.Kakkak/College of Menominee Nation
CMN Student Government officers and advisers are (L-R) Advisor Theresa Martin; President Sally Hill; Keshena Campus Representative Zachariah Romans; CMN President Dr. Verna Fowler; Secretary Angela Schneider; Vice-President Courtney Behrendt ; Treasurer Harold Bowman; and Advisor Michael Faulds.
Text “CNWEBSITE” to 90210 for updates on the Comanche Nation a Stockbridge-Munsee memGovernment Elected Website. The 2013-2014 Col- ber lives in Cecil, and Schneilege of Menominee Nation (CMN) Student Government this academic year is Sally Hill, President. The other officers are Vice President Courtney Behrendt , Treasurer Harold Bowman, and Secretary Angela Schneider. The Keshena campus representative is Zachariah Romans. The Green Bay/Oneida campus representative is Michael Guyette. Advisors for CMN’s Student Government are Teresa Martin, Keshena campus, and Michael Faulds, Green Bay/ Oneida campus. Hill, a member of the Comanche Nation, makes her home in Seymour. Behrendt lives in Green Bay; Bowman,
der is a resident of De Pere. Romans, a member of the Cheyenne/Arapaho Nation, lives in Green Bay. Guyette ‘s home is in Green Bay. Hill said, “My goal is to help create a positive and exciting experience for students here at the College of Menominee Nation. A positive atmosphere on campus helps to get more students involved in activities and therefore creates more experiences for each student. She added, “The diversity of cultures, not just the many Native Tribes that are represented here, adds to the wide range of traditions and values that each student has to offer.”
“LIKE” the Comanche Nation News on FaceBook for updates, flyers, and information, including updates from the Comanche Nation Emergency Management Team HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE COMANCHE NATION PIO DEPT.
Nov. 15, Natives Around the Country Wore their Moccasins or Leggins to work and school to show their Native Pride. Who “Rocked Their Mocs” in Our Neighborhoods? Melanie McClung Diez and Carlton Ahtone Rocked Their Mocs at work in Lawton.
Alyshia Niedo Rocked Her Mocs at school.
Jill Parker-Fields, with her daughters, JoJo and Hayla, rocked their Mocs in Anadarko.
December 2013
The Comanche Nation News
Elder Thanksgiving
Comanche Nation Elder Center Celebrates Thanksgiving Story and Photos by Paula Karty/New Staff
The Comanche Nation Elder Center held it’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner on Nov. 21. Over 300 people were served a Thanksgiving meal. The Apache Day care children entertained with songs in the Comanche Language. Door prizes were given out to persons hold a lucky ticket. Door prizes of grocery baskets were donated by the staff of the Comanche Nation Elder Center. The Annual Thanksgiving dinner has been going on since the center was open back in the 1980’s. Each year there seems to more and more participants attending. The elders sat a visited Ladies enjoy the afternoon during the Elder Center’s annual Thanksgiving Meal in Lawton. with each other while enjoying a Thanksgiving meal and some entertainment. The Elder Center staff worked very hard to make this event successful for everyone. Everyday of the week elders can go to the center during the lunch hour for a healthy meal and to visit with others. The Elder Center tries to make each holiday eventful. The elders look forward to the annual dinners and activities provided to them. If you have any questions concerning the Comanche Nation Elder Center, call (580) 355-2330.
Tribal elder Josephine Wapp partaking of a ThanksgivRosalie Pennah enjoying the Annual Thanksgiving ing meal at the Annual Comanche Nation Elder Center Dinner at the Comanche Nation Elder Center. Thanksgiving Dinner.
Comanche Nation Elder Center employee Nancy Bass give out door prizes during the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner.
Children from the Apache Day Care Center perform hymns sung in the Comanche Language.
Comanche tribal elders waiting to be served a Thanksgiving meal, visit and enjoy each other’s company.
“Just Say No”
Comanche Nation Prevention and Recovery Annual Drug Free Jamboree
Former OU All-American Rufus Alexander speaks about his life, growing up and the temptations of drugs and alcohol.
Students attending the Drug Free Jamboree line up to get signed in and receive information as well as a free T-shirt.
C.J. AHYOU who played professional football for the St. Louis Rams talks his experience with drugs and alcohol.
The highlight of the 2013 Prevention and Recovery Drug Free Jamboree, were native American artist and brothers Lil’ Mike and Funny Bone. The two rap and dance promoting Drug Free Awareness everywhere they perform. The duo performed their rap song “Rain Dance,” which got them on the television show “America’s Got Talent.”
Guest speakers Rufus Alexander and C. J. AHYOU signs autographs for students attending the 2013 Prevention and Recovery Drug Free Jamboree.
December 2013
Obituaries Sandra Marie Davis
Davis Sandra Marie Davis 69 former Cache resident went to her heavenly home on October 19, in San Antonio, Texas. Funeral service was October 23, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home with Lay Speaker Tina Baker officiating. Burial followed at West Cache Creek Cemetery west of Apache under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer service was October 22, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel. Davis was born in Lawton on July 11, 1944 to Lilly Yokesuite. She attended Ft. Sill Indian School. Davis married Robert Davis and they made their home in Elgin, South Carolina. She moved to Cache in the early 90’s. Davis is a member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma. She read her bible faithfully every day. She enjoyed spending time with her family and friends and loved to socialize at the casino. She is survived by: two daughters: Karen Davis Wells of San Antonio, Texas and Teresa Bright of Lawton; sisters: Janelle Mowatt of Cache, Louella Lumbert of Lawton, Winfred Sovo of Lawton, Brenda Ashington of California; two brothers: Sammy Kopaddy of Cache and Carlton Kopaddy of Cordell; 7 grandchildren; five great grandchildren; nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. She is preceded in death by: husband, Robert Davis; mother, Lilly Yokesuite; sister, Lillian Simmons and brother Donny Yokesuite; niece, Diane Poemoceah and great nephew, Oliver Poemoceah.
Janis “Giant” McCarthy Medina
Oak Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. “Giant” was born on March 14, 1947 to Ethylene (Keithahroco) and Silas McCarthy in Lawton, Oklahoma. She was a member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma. Giant grew up in the Richard Spur area, where she attended Elgin Public School. She’s the third oldest of 14 children. Her favorite past time was softball, she went to Nationals when she was 18 and became an all star for her pitching abilities, having been coached by her father. Played softball in summer leagues along side her sisters for many years. She married Carlos Luis Ortiz Sr. in 1968-1971 and had a son Carlos L. Ortiz Jr.; divorced and remarried to Pedro Medina in 1973 had a daughter Jamie and then adopted Pedro’s 2 girls Francis and Connie Medina. Pedro served in the Army where she had opportunities to travel the world. She was a certified caregiver for young children. She became a foster parent in the Lawton area of many children and later adopted three of her own, Lindsey, Elizabeth, and Joseph McCarthy. She enjoyed many hobbies including beadwork, ceramics, painting, crocheting, making dream catchers, and many other arts and crafts. She had received a degree in Cosmetology and a degree as a Certified Nurses Assistant. She is survived by her children: Francis and husband James Brown of St. Petersburg, Fla.; Connie Medina and Kevin Loeb of Roseville, Cali.; Carlos Ortiz of Geronimo; Jamie and husband Jimmy Toombs of Geronimo; three adoptive children: Lindsey McCarthy, Elizabeth McCarthy, Joseph McCarthy all of Geronimo; five grandchildren Angelica and Aleczander Gilder of California; Jeremy Toombs of Geronimo; and Krista and Nathan Ortiz of Geronimo. Brothers and sister-in-laws: Vincent McCarthy of Elgin, Glen and Linda McCarthy, Gus and Chris McCarthy, Bruce McCarthy, and Kenneth and Jody McCarthy all of Lawton; sisters and brother-in-laws: Donna and Lee Victorian of Richard Spur, JoAnn Lial of Elgin, Mary Morales of Richard Spur, Carlotta McCarthy of Hobart and Cheryl and Shan Gachot all of Lawton; aunts: Nona Muse of Waco, TX; and many cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. She is preceded in death by her parents; brother Silas “Boy” McCarthy, Jr.; sister-inlaw: Laura McCarthy; sisters Norma Ann and Julia Ann
Richard Terry Bread
Medina Janis “Giant” McCarthy Medina, 66 of Geronimo went to be with the Lord on October 29, at her home with her family by her side. Funeral service was November 1, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Steve Mallow of Immanuel Baptist Church of Immanuel Baptist Church officiating. Burial followed at Post
Richard Terry Bread 71 of Apache went to his heavenly home in Lawton on November 1. Funeral Service was November 4, at Comanche Nation Funeral Chapel with Rev. Willie Jack Doyeto officiating. Burial with military honors followed at Cache KCA Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer service was November 3, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel. Bread was born June 10, 1942 in Lawton to Scott and Julia (Quassicker) Bread. He graduated from Fort Sill Indian School in 1960 and then attended Haskell Indian College for two years.
Beasley Bread Bread served in the US Army from 1964-66 earning the rank of Private First Class. He took his Basic Combat Training at Fort Polk, LA and his Advanced Individual Training, as a Target Acquisition Surveyor, at Fort Sill. PFC Bread served with the XVIII Airborne Corps, 3rd Army at Fort Bragg, NC as his Battery Commander’s Driver. He was awarded the Good Conduct and National Defense Service medals and the Comanche Nation Honorable medallion. He was a charter member of the Comanche Indian Veterans Association (CIVA) and served as the 2nd Vice Commander. He is only member of the CIVA to be given the title of 2nd Vice Commander for Life. Bread married Patricia Pahdongkei on October 12, 1979 in Alexandria, Virginia. His career took him to Washington D.C. where he worked for the Department of the Interior from 1970 until 1987, 1987 until 2000 he worked at the V.A. as a Federal Police Officer until his retirement. He then served on the Comanche Business Committee as Vice Chairman and another term as a committeeman. He worked as volunteer for the federal prison at El Reno in the ministry He was a proud member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, Comanche Indian Veterans Association, Comanche Little Ponies, Fort Sill Indian School Alumni Association serving as President and was also of Cherokee descent. Bread enjoyed reading newspapers, reading daily devotions, watching CNN and sports, and collecting stuff. He enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. Bread is survived by: wife, Patricia Bread of the home; a sister, Betty Bread-Wyrick of Cache, two brothers: Larry Bread of Lawton and Aubrey Bread of Plano, Texas; cousins: Dr. Jerry Bread, Gene Bread, Gene Quoetone, Beverly Hicks, Judy Littleman, Pat Eaglenest, Buddy Quoetone, Cornelia Karty, Delores Twohatchet, Daisy Mammedaty, Deborah Wilson and Mary Faye Hill. numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, other family members and friends. He is preceded in death by: parents: Scott and Julia Bread; two brothers: Ronald Bread and Darrell Bread; grandmother, Topay, uncle, Howard Niyah, aunt, Lottie Quoetone; great aunts: Maddische and Lizzie Pahcheka, cousin, Willie Quoetone, nephew, David Patrick.
Jerry Christopher Beasley Jerry Christopher Beasley of Lawton died on November 11, in Lawton, Oklahoma. Graveside services was November 14, at Post Oak Cemetery with Pastor Leonard Presley
officiating. Burial was under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Beasley was born on October 21, 1966 in Lawton to David and Lucille (Roubideaux) Coleman. He grew up in Lawton and attended Lawton High School. He worked as a brick mason for many years. He enjoyed spending time with his family and friends, fishing, hunting and loved having cookouts. He was an OU Sooner fan. He loved to go to the Comanche Fair and was very proud of his Comanche Heritage. He was a proud member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma. He is survived by: his children and spouses: Christopher and Ashley Beasley of Lawton, Logan Beasley and Scotty Woodard of Muskogee, Tristin Beasley, Michael Magee and Alex Beasley all of Lawton, Yvonna Beasley and Weston Beasley both of Oklahoma City, grandchildren: Cameron and Adrian Woodard; sister: Sherrie Mooney of Lawton, brother: Vernie and Danita Beasley of Lawton. He is preceded in death by: parents, David and Lucille (Roubideaux) Coleman; grandparents: Vernie and Winfred (Niyah) Roubideaux; great grandparents: Emerson Niyah and Waperchee; aunts and uncle: Howardine House, Chere Roubideaux, and Jerry Roubideaux
Lahoma Louise Tahchawwickah
Tahchawwickah Lahoma Louise Tahchawwickah, 68 of Lawton went to be with the Lord on November 11, in Oklahoma City, Okla. Funeral Service was November 14, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Robert Bohn officiating. Burial followed at Little Washita Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer Service was November 13, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel. She was born on August 20, 1945 in Lawton, Okla., to Norton and Margaret Tahquechi. She graduated from Sterling High School and then attended Haskell Indian College receiving a Business Degree. She worked at the Dept. of Defense at Ft. Sill under the Post Commander, Security Clearance, and worked at
The Comanche Nation News
the BIA. She was employed with Lawton Indian Service on March 12, 1967 and still employed with Lawton Indian Hospital. She is survived by her children: Everett Tahchawwickah and Kimberly Tahchawwickah both of Lawton; grandchildren: James, Kaia, Kristen all of home; sister: Marjorie Sovo of Sterling; numerous family and many friends. She is preceded in death by her parents; three brothers.
Teddy Michael Burgess
Burgess Funeral Service for Teddy Michael Burgess, Lawton was November 21, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Michael Eddy officiating. Burial will follow at Mt. Scott KCA Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer Service was November 20, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Burgess passed away on November 18, in Lawton, Oklahoma. He was born on November 24, 1952 in Lawton ,Oklahoma to Daisy (Perdasofpy) and Earl Burgess, Sr. Burgess worked at Fort Sill Indian School, Lawton Indian Hospital, and the Comanche Nation where he worked as a Materials Management clerk. He was a master in his field. Burgess was a disabled Veteran and he served in the United States Air Force from November 7, 1975 earning the rank of SGT. He took his Basic Training at Lackland AFB,TX, and his Specialty Training at Lowery AFB, Co. as a material Facilities Specialist. He was then assigned to 803rd Combat Support Group at Davis Mountain AFB, AZ, where he worked with the Base Supply System. He completed his service with the US Air Force Southern Air Command Panama Canal Zone, the 24th Composite Group Housing Supply. He was awarded the National Defense Service Medal. He was a member of the Mt. Scott Comanche United Methodist Church and the Walters Service Club. Recently he was the honored Veteran at the Walters Service Club’s Annual Veteran Day Pow-Wow, and was honored by the Comanche Indian Veteran’s Association May 18, 2013. Burgess was a person always willing to help. He had many talents and used them to help anyone who needed help. He was the kind of person who was always cheerful and glad to see you. He was known to many as Teddy Mack or just Mack. He loved his grandchildren, nieces and nephews and was a father to many of his nieces and nephews. Burgess was married to Ramona Wahahrockah and three son’s were born to this marriage.
December 2013
He is survived by his son: Teddy Burgess, Jr. and companion Stephanie Asepermy of Lawton; grandchildren: Teddy Burgess III, Aubry (Ramona) Burgess and Brandon Burgess; brothers: Earl Burgess, Jr., Ronald and his wife, Sue Burgess and Donald Burgess and wife Roberta; sisters: Julene Motah Gutierrez, Barbara Dankowski, Martha Irving, Betty Luna, Jessie and Mike Mendozarosas, and Leora and David Ramos; numerous nieces, nephews and many friends. He is preceded in death by his parents, Daisy and Earl Burgess, Sr.; infant brother: Julius Woodrow Burgess; brother: Wayne Motah, sons Gary Lee Burgess and Elton Angel Burgess.
Harold Johnson Jr.
Johnson Harold Johnson Jr. went to his heavenly home on November 27, in Lawton. Funeral service was De-
cember 3, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home with Elder Rudolph Seahmer and Elder Tommy Johnson officiating. Burial with military honors followed Highland Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer service was December 2, at Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Johnson was born in Lawton on March 11, 1943 to Harold and Bernice (Whitewolf) Johnson Sr. He grew up in Lawton and graduated from Ft. Sill Indian School in 1962. He joined the Army National Guard on July 15, 1961 in Lawton, Oklahoma and served for seventeen years. He married Irene Goombi in Wichita Falls, Texas on October 24, 1963. They moved to Acoma, New Mexico for 26 years and then moved back to Lawton. Johnson enjoyed spending time with his family especially his grandchildren and great grandchildren, enjoyed the outdoors taking his and neighborhood kids on hikes, making his family laugh, going to Albuquerque flea market and watching westerns. He loved to paint, do silversmith work, pottery, and loved to bake. He was a proud member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma and also of Seminole decent. Johnson was of Esa Rosa decent. Johnson’s passion was providing meals for the homeless in Albuquerque to Gallup for two years. He is survived by: wife,
The Comanche Nation News
Irene of the home; children and spouses: Leona and Dustin Jameson of Lawton, Deana Johnson of Indiahoma, Lemuel and Roxanne Johnson, Harold Loyd Johnson, Trella Louis and Chris Garcia all of Lawton, Gabriel Johnson of Albuquerque, Timothy Johnson of Lawton, Steven Kaudle Kaule Jr. of Indiahoma, Deanna Rae Saldana-Pewewardy of Lawton; brothers and sisters and spouses: Johanna Lambert of Lawton, James and Geri Johnson of Okmulgee, Arthur “Tommy” and Anita Johnson of Paradise Valley, Theresa and Raymond Martinez, Rosie Wooten, Sharon Marcotte, Floyd Nickell, Roy Nickell, all of Lawton, Shirley Gavinski of Portugue, Wi., Lloyd Nickell of Oklahoma City, Mickey Nickell of Elgin, Frank Tongkeamah of Dallas; 25 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren; uncle and aunt, Roderick and Pat Whitewolf of Lawton; brothers and sisters in laws: Robert and Katherine Goombi, Frances and Wendell Tsoodle, Wesley and Annie Goombi, James and Judy Goombi, Katie Mammedaty, Willie and Juanita Goombi; special people: Denise Cully, JoAnne and Leroy Bingham, and Raul Yanez; many other relatives and friends. He is preceded in death by: parents: Harold and Bernice Johnson; sisters: Edith Reyes, Naomi Lyles, Betty Elrod; brothers: Edmond Bigbow and Terrell Nickell; adoptive parents: Peggy and Loyed Nickell; grandparents:
Maude Chaat-Blevins, Edward Whitewolf, James Johnson and Betty Walker; aunt: Marie Johnson-Jones.
Quanah Parker Tracy
Tracy-Columbus, Ga., MotherDelora Conover Tracy, brotherGene Tracy, sisters-Cleo Leose & Ramona Tracy all of Okla. The family will receive family and friends at Cox Funeral Home on November 26. The funeral service was held at Waverly Hall Baptist Church, Waverly Hall, Ga––., with interment at Waverly Hall Cemetery, November 27. In lieu of flowers, you may make donations to New Hope Baptist Church Building fund, Anadarko, Okla., where Tracy was a member.
Tracy Comanche Tribal Elder & Artisan Quanah Parker Tracy, 77 of Geneva, Ga., formerly of Anadarko, Ola., passed from life to Eternal Life on November 23. Left to cherish his memories are his wife of 33 years, Tena Wheeler Tracy, his son's Casey Tracy- Geneva, Ga., Ray TracyColumbus, Ga., Chris Tracy- Shiloh, Ga., Mark Tracy-Columbus, Ga., seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Brother-Eddie Tracy-Madill, Okla., special family members Elizabeth Chrisman and family,-Cyril, Okla., mother in law, sister and brothers in laws, many nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Tracy was preceded in death by his son David Wayne
Milestones Happy Belated Birthday
Nonnie Jackie Destefano Richard Poemoceah Jacobi Tenequer, October 18 Gracie Troqdon, November 21 Talon Tahdooahnippah, November 21 Mia Tahdooahnippah, November 23 Sara Pohawpatchoko, November 29 Dakota “Cody” Andreyk, November 30
Happy Birthday
Savannah Poahway Brooke Niedo Moore December 2 Cassandra Saupitty, December 5 Felisha Wallace, December 6 Sallie Nelson, December 7 Lucinda Kerchee, December 8 Marie Nelson, December 8 Mattew Burgess, December 14 Vester Ray Autaubo, December 15 Heaven Williams, December 21 Faith Sarah Nicole Niedo, December 23 Jacqueline Murrow, December 26 Julian Guerrero Jr., December 28 Rhianna Nelson, December 29 Laylah Nelson, December 31
Happy Belated Birthday Gracie Trogdon November 21
Happy Birthday Jacobi Tenequer October 18
Happy Birthday Mia Tahdooahnippah November 23
Happy Birthday Talon Tahdooahnippah November 21
Happy Birthday Delbert Karty December 1
Happy Birthday Ronnie Yellowfish December 3
Happy Birthday Marie Nelson December 8
Happy Birthday Rhianna Nelson December 29
Happy Birthday Sallie Nelson December 7
Happy Birthday Laylah Nelson December 31
Happy Belated Birthday Sara Pohawpatchoko November 29
Happy Birthday Savannah Poahway
Anniversaries Justin & Felisha Wallace December 7~ Married 4 years George & Lena Farris December 31~ Married 5 years
Robert Phillip Colbert Born:
November 9, 2013 at 8:30 am
6lbs 13oz 20 inches To: Francisco Colbert (descendent of Quanah Parker) & Alexandria Gonzales
In Loving Memory Rietta “Fisty” Fawbush
4/30/1960 ~ 12/25/2005 We love and miss you everyday.
In Loving Memory Jeffrey Wayne Tenequer, Sr. 12/08/1971--09/16/2012 We lost you-the hurt and aching heart never goes away. It only dims, waiting for the joy of reuniting one day. I saw you call on Jesus in your pain, I know, one day, He will rejoin us in heaven again. Love you....John 3:16
December 2013
The Comanche Nation News
Halloween Safe House Invites Children and Adults to a Spooky Night of Fun!