TCNN February 2012

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P.O. Box 908 Lawton, OK 73502-0908

Comanche Constitution Day Conference Courtesy Photo

CNOEP have added signs to their vehicle doors to identify they are officially from the Comanche Nation when serving the public.

Comanche Nation Environmental Programs Warn Tribal Members of Imposters Submitted by CNOEP Staff

The Comanche Nation Office of Environmental Programs (CNOEP) wants to warn tribal members of people who are going door-to-door claiming to be employees of the Comanche Nation. They are telling tribal members they are going to clean up their property, but are taking scrap metal from the property to sell. The CNOEP Office has received phone calls from tribal members about this situation. Scrap metal such as copper, brass, aluminum, steel, and bronze are the main metals that are being stolen for money. “The CNOEP have signs on the doors of their vehicles to identify our department. All staff also has uniforms which bear the logo of the Comanche Nation, along with their name and department,” said Kyle Tahpay, CNOEP staff member. If anyone goes to your door and says they are from the Comanche Nation, ask for identification and the name of their supervisor. If the person flees, call the CN Law Enforcement and give them a description of the person, the vehicle, and vehicle tag number, if possible. The Comanche Nation Law Enforcement phone number is (580) 492-3260. The CNOEP can be reached at (580) 492-3754.

Comanche Senator Williams Sponsors a Bill to Help Tribal Languages By Carol Berry/ Indian Country Today Media Network/ “Native American Languages Could Count for Class Credit”

Photo by Jolene Schonchin/News Staff

From left, Beverly Isaac, Matt Klinekole, 15, Justin Isaac, 16, and Barbara Goodin look over the Comanche Nation Constitution Jan. 16 at the tribal complex. Members of the Comanche Nation gathered to read the document that governs the Comanche Nation, and discuss topics related to it. The Comanche Nation recognizes Jan. 16 as Comanche Constitution Day, and this is the first event to highlight the holiday.

RJ Harris Seeks U.S. Presidential Candidacy; Visits Comanche Nation Complex By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff

EDITORS NOTE: The following is an informational article of RJ Harris, who is seeking to run for the President of the United States. The article neither implies to support his campaign nor does it imply to oppose his campaign. Presidential hopeful, RJ Harris, visited the Comanche Nation Dec. 5, speaking with tribal members, and spreading the announcement of him seeking to get his name on the 2012 presidential ballot. Being of Kiowa tribal descent, Harris is running in the Libertarian Party. He is a 20-year veteran of the Oklahoma National Guard, and has served on three combat tours and one peacekeeping tour. He is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma in Philosophy, and attended the University of Oklahoma College of Law.

He ran under the Republican Party against Tom Cole for the Fourth District Congressional Seat in 2010. Since then, he has moved to the Libertarian Party because he feels it better represents what he believes in. For Oklahoma to allow a third party candidate on the ballot, Libertarians have to collect at least 52,000 signatures within the next two months. Currently, Libertarians have about 35,000 signatures, so time is of the essence. Because of his American Indian background and his Libertarian backing, he believes the Federal Government needs to stick to what the United States Constitution defines as their responsibilities, which are to make laws, to address national economy, national security, and foreign policy. He believes in reinstating individual liberties.

The Libertarians belief is maximum freedom, and minimum government. Harris said this means to get the Federal Government out of tribal, state and local issues. “Now is the opportunity be begin thinking in a new way. The libertarian message is getting out,” said Harris. American Indian Issues “Article Six of the United States Constitution clearly states that all treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land, and the Federal Government needs to uphold the treaties made with American Indian tribes,” said Harris. Harris also added he feels American Indian Tribes should not have to sign a gaming compact with states, because they are a sovereign nation entity. See HARRIS, Page 2

Comanche Nation Police Fulfills Adam Walsh Act Requirements Submitted by Comanche Nation Police Dept. Staff

“I am pleased to inform you that after a review of the materials submitted, the SMART Office of the Department of Justice has determined the Comanche Nation has substantially implanted the provision of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).” Welcome news to further enhance our tribal sovereignty. According to the Comanche Nation Police Department, since April 2006, when the Comanche Nation decided to maintain its newly federal mandated Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) under the Adam Walsh Act 2006, the Comanche Nation Police department has worked diligently to meet


February 2012


Lawton, OK



the requirements to keep the registry under the jurisdiction of the Comanche Nation. The primary purpose is to provide public notification to the tribal community of all sex offenders within the Comanche Nation. Due to the repetitive nature of sex offenders, congress has passed legislation that all entities (state/federal/ tribal) must maintain a system to identify, track, and register sex offenders. These systems must meet minimum standards, and must be able to be accessed by the public. Each registry data is linked to the national registry, and provides rapid response in the offenders sentencing, monitoring, registration, tracking, and apprehension if necessary

of offenders who fail to comply with the Adam Walsh Act. The Comanche Nation has two personnel assigned full time to monitor, update, and verify the offender activity within the Comanche Nation. While the number of offenders within the tribal registry is small, we have the added factors of checker boarded jurisdiction, transitory nature of tribal members, and the additional requirement of registry of all (our registry includes tribal and non-tribal offenders) who live, work, or go to school in our jurisdiction to make our task a challenge. Since April of 2011, the Comanche Nation registry has been on line at HTTP:// Of-

ficer Raymond Tracy and Sue Shepard have spent countless hours with the assistance of the Department of Justice’s SMART to meet the guidelines of SORNA. The tribal SORNA office is housed in the Comanche Nation’s police department and can be reached at (580) 492-23510 for guidance on specific question dealing with Sex Offender notifications or registration. It is rewarding to know our jurisdiction and our SORNA activities is now “an essential component of the seamless web of public sex offender data bases and provided information sharing envisioned under the SORNA”.

Goodbye, French and German. Hello, Dine, Lakota and other Native American languages—with some qualifications. Under a proposed new program in Colorado, European and Asian tongues would remain options for foreign language credit in high school, but Native languages from federally recognized tribes could also be offered for that purpose. The plan is described in a bill filed January 13 for submission to the Colorado General Assembly by Sen. Suzanne Williams (D-Aurora), a member of the Comanche Nation, and co-sponsor Sen. J. Paul Brown (R-Ignacio). Space is carved out in the proposal for teachers to obtain authorization for Native American language teaching without being required to complete a teacher preparation program or to have a baccalaureate degree, Williams said. The Colorado Board of Education would establish criteria for the authorization. “Across the country, Natives have discussed in recent years that many Native populations are losing their Native languages,” Williams said. “Once you lose the language, the culture declines. We need an ongoing connection with the language.” “So we worked with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) as to whether or not this [proposed language program] could happen,” she said, and CDE is making the rules about language teaching. Williams said Hawaii was the first state to initiate a similar indigenous language program in high schools and Montana followed, preparing a plan that is closely followed by Colorado. She said she was not aware of for-credit Native language programs elsewhere “though there may be some.” Those applying for a credentialing waiver in order to teach a for-credit Native language would submit applications to the CDE describing the proposed curriculum and agreeing to follow CDE rules and regulations. Under the bill, indigenous language instruction authorization could be extended to “a person proficient in one or more Native American languages of federally recognized tribes to allow a school district to employ the person” to teach the languages of recognized See LANGUAGE, Page 4

February 2012



Continued from Page 1

RJ Harris, far left, visits with Comanche Nation Secretary/Treasurer, Robert Tippeconnie, center, and Tribal Administrator, Will Owens, Jan. 5 at the Comanche Nation Complex.

Another issue he feels needs to be immediately corrected is to return all historical artifacts of American Indian tribes back to the individual tribes from which it came. He says if a tribe does not have the means to preserve the artifacts, then that tribe can give the Federal Government permission to keep them. But, if tribes have the means to preserve the artifacts, and want their ancestor’s artifacts back, they have the right to repatriate them. Other Issues He says the Federal Government Programs need to be re-evaluated and minimized, such as eliminating social welfare programs, with the exclusion of Medicare and Social Security, and to create jobs to expand the middle class in America. On Harris’s Website,, he states his view of other nation-

al issues. Here is an excerpt taken from his website: National Defense I will lead the Soldiers of the Republic from the front and ask nothing from them that I would not or have not already freely given in the defense of our country. The CommanderIn-Chief ought to be someone who knows first hand the hardships of military service, both on the service members and their families, the experience of which would guard against a temperament quick to commit them to the rigors of combat or the hell of war without just cause or the proper constitutional authorization. I will cease the interposition of the United States into regional conflicts or between opposing factions having nothing to do with the defense of the Lives, Liberty or Property of the Republic or its Citizens. I will use the Navy and Marines

to project a robust yet extremely precise outer DEFENSE of the Lives, Liberty and Property of our Citizens wherever they are in the world. I would never use these forces offensively for invasions, retaliations or occupations without first receiving by 2/3 vote a Declaration of War or Letter of Reprisal from the Congress. I will return all Army and Air Forces back to the United States and not request their deployments again unless and or until the Congress approved by a 2/3 vote a Declaration of War or Letter of Reprisal whose scopes are greater than the Navy and Marines could execute together. I will return the Standing Army and Air Forces to the Army and Air National Guard from whence they were called up and restore to them their historic duty of homeland Defense thereby allowing for the

The Comanche Nation News

dissolution of the Department of Homeland Security. I will use the Coast Guard to secure our shores and coastal shipping lanes to include interdiction operations to prevent the smuggling of people or WMDs. I will seek officers having achieved Flag Rank and encourage them to apply to the Congress for Letters of Marque. This action will allow Privateers to fight for the causes on their conscious or to provide humanitarian aid WITHOUT forcing U.S. Soldiers to fight in their stead or robbing the U.S. Treasury to pay the bill. I will return the CIA back to Naval Intelligence and cease its nefarious operations which have produced dubious security at best and seriously exposed the Republic to foreign aggression at worst. I will seek to move all funding for the Space Program over to the Navy which is both constitutionally allowed to be continually funded and which is best positioned to deploy and continually maintain a land, air, sea and space based defense system against ICBMs and Near Earth Objects. I will shrink yet mod-

ernize our ICBM arsenal looking to make it MUCH more precise and MUCH less population target centric. I will return the direct security of our airports and transportation hubs to the entities which operate them and use the U.S. Marshals backed up by the National Guard to secure the system NOT individuals by way unconstitutional physical contacts and dangerous x-ray photography. Moreover, I will encourage every single Citizen to be prepared to use force in their own and their fellow Citizen's Defense should an incident arise while in transit which requires that action. Other issues listed on his website are: the role of the Federal Government, Economy, Insurance and Healthcare, Immigration Policy, Education, Marriage, Veterans, and Foreign Policy, and more. To donate to his campaign, or for more information, go to his website, or contact him at: RJ Harris 2012 3334 W Main St. #402 Norman, Oklahoma 73072 (405) 310-8533Telephone: E-mail: info@rjharris2012. com

“Like” the Comanche Nation News on Facebook and get current announcements and event listings.

Comanche Nation Citizens currently with AT&T who do not have a email address will need to take this ad to a local AT&T store to sign up. Please provide proof of Citizenship. Citizens signing up with AT&T wireless service for the first time may take this ad to a AT&T store during the activation process to sign up in the store. 15% discount is applied to voice plans $34.99 or higher, and data plans $25.00 per month or higher every month.

February 2012 THE COMANCHE NATION NEWS The award-winning Comanche Nation News, the official communication of the Comanche Nation, is available at no charge upon request. The deadline to submit information for the March edition is noon Feb. 15. Donations to help cover the cost of printing and mailing are welcome. Contact: The Comanche Nation News P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502-0908 Telephone: (580) 492-3386 Fax: (580) 492-3709 Email: •

• •

TCNN Staff Jolene Schonchin, Editor, Reporter, Photographer-Email: tcnneditor@ Number-(580)492-3382 Paula Karty, Reporter, Photographer- Email: kartynews@ Telephone Number-(580)492-3383 Candace Wilson, Reporter, Photographer Email:candacew@ Telephone (580) 492-3385 Candace Todd, Administrative Assistant-Telephone Number (580)492-3386 Tomah Yeahquo, Information Specialist/Comanche Nation Fair, Email: tomahy@comanchenation. com- Telephone Number (580)4923384 News items of interest to the local and American Indian community are welcome. Letters to the editor must be signed by a name. Photographs will be copied and will become the property of TCNN. To return original photographs, send a self-addressed stamped envelope. Do not send faxed photographs or newspaper copies of photographs. The Milestones Page (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements,Memorial Pictures, Weddings, Births) are by submission only. The Passings are submitted by the Comanche Nation Funeral Home or by tribal members on a funeral home letterhead. The Milestones Page is for tribal members only. TCNN publishes all services conducted by The Comanche Nation Funeral Home without discretion. Obituaries are written for tribal members only. TCNN will print a Comanche organization’s annual event flyer once free of charge as a courtesy to our tribal organizations. The guidelines for flyer submission are: Pow-wow flyers have to be from an established Comanche organization. There has to be contact person and number on the organization’s annual flyer. We reserve the right to edit all material. Letters or articles that contain libelous information, slander, or personal attacks will not be printed. The letters to the editor or articles contained in the The Comanche Nation News does not reflect the opinions of the PIO staff.

Comanche Nation Officials Chairman Johnny Wauqua Vice Chairman Ed Eschiti Secretary/Treasurer Robert Tippeconnie Committeeman No. 1 Ronald Red Elk Committeeman No. 2 Yonevea Terry Committeeman No. 3 Darrell Kosechequetah Committeeman No. 4 Robert Komahcheet Jr. Tribal Administrator William Owens To contact officials: Comanche Nation P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502 Toll Free: (877) 492-4988 Physical Address 584 Bingo Rd. Lawton, OK 73505

Member of the Native American Journalist Association since 2001

Member of the Society of Professional Journalists since 2010

Winner of four 2011 NAJA Media Awards for Best Feature Story, Best Sports Story, Best Environmental Story, and Best Sports Photo


The Comanche Nation News


Ten Resolutions Pass at Jan. 4 Comanche Business Committee Monthly Meeting

By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff

EDITOR’S Note: This is an overview of the January Comanche Business Committee meeting, and not the official minutes. To obtain a copy of the official minutes, contact the Office of the Comanche Nation Chairman, (580) 4923251. Chairman Johnny Wauqua called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. He conducted roll call. CBC No. 2, Yonevea Terry, was not present. (She arrived at 10:10 a.m.) A quorum was established. Secretary/Treasurer, Robert Tippeconnie, gave the invocation. The minutes from the Dec. 10, 2011 meeting was tabled due to being incomplete. Tippeconnie requested an amendment of the agenda to add Resolution No. 10-12 to the agenda. Resolutions No. 01-12 Enrollment List No. 889. Ineligible for enrollment with the Comanche Nation. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. Vice Chairman, Ed Eschiti, seconded the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. No. 02-12 Enrollment List No. 890. Ineligible due to not enough blood quantum for enrollment with the Comanche Nation. Eschiti makes a motion to accept the resolution. CBC No. 4, Robert Komahcheet Jr., seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. No. 03-12 Enrollment List No. 891 Eligible for enrollment

with the Comanche Nation. 18 total new members. Eschiti makes a motion to accept the resolution. Komahcheet seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. No. 04-12 Enrollment Resolution. A tribal member had a conditional relinquishment by their request to seek membership with another tribe. The tribe denied their membership. The person is to be reinstated on the Comanche Nation Enrollment list, based on the Comanche Nation Enrollment ordinances. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. CBC No. 1, Ron Red Elk, seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. No. 05-12 Enrollment Resolution. Enforcement of a 1996 resolution that relinquished a tribal member due to the person seeking enrollment with another tribe. That person is enrolled with another tribe, but was not taken off of the Comanche Nation Enrollment list. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. Komahcheet seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. No. 06-12 Law Enforcement agreement Sac and Fox (Juvenile) Detention Center. Renewal of contract. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. Komahcheet seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. No. 07-12 National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) membership. Red Elk makes a motion to accept the resolu-

tion. Eschiti seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0/1. No. 08-12 TIP Budget. Roads Program. Correction to be made in the resolution, switching the wording from “under the supervision of the Comanche Business Committee” to “under the supervision of the Tribal Administrator.” Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution with the correction. CBC No. 3, Darrell Kosechequetah, seconds the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1. No. 09-12 Liquor Control Board. Kosechequetah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Eschiti seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/1/1. No. 150-11. Election Ordinance. This resolution was tabled at a prior CBC meeting. After discussion among the CBC, the resolution was moved to Executive Session. No. 10-12 A&A Grant, a two year grant up to $400,000 per year. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. CBC No. 2, Yonevea Terry seconds the resolution. The motion carries 6/0/1. 11-12 A&A Grant Environmental Enhancement. Grants administrator will write a resolution by the end of January for this grant. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. Terry seconds the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1. Old/New Business Eleanor McDaniel addressed the CBC to remind them of her encounters with

the Comanche Nation Election Board before they go into Executive Session to discuss the Election Ordinances. She quoted Resolution 53-05 adopted in 2005, that states the Election Board is the subordinate body under the CBC. She elaborated on the events of her altercation with some of the Election Board members that took place in May 2011, and the other events that followed that stemmed from the altercation. She also raised concerns about the election of the tribal attorneys during the 2011 General Council Meeting, and the different versions of the FY 2011-2012 budget that was published. A representative from the Title 6 Nutrition Board discussed concerns about the Comanche Nation Elder Center in Lawton, Okla. meeting their requirements. Thomas Narcomey suggested to the CBC a forensic audit be conducted on the Policy and Procurement contracts. Discussions on the cemetery funds, the per capita distribution process, and the administrative staff were also discussed. Eschiti made a motion to go in to Executive Session. Kosechequetah seconded the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1 at 11:20 a.m.

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

Comanche Nation Tax Commission Releases Summation Reports Submitted by Raymond Nauni Jr./ Tax Commission Executive Director

The Expenditures for Oct. 1, 2010 through Sept. 30, 2011 for (FY 2011) were $699,449. The monthly average expenditures are $55,787. Taxes and Revenue collected from Oct. 1, 2010 through Sept. 30, 2011 for (FY 2011) were approximately $2,598,437. The monthly average collections are $216,536. Collections are down (9 percent) compared to last year in the same time frame. The Tobacco Tax collections are $1,355,937 down [6 percent] compared to last year. Tobacco Warehouse in Cyril closed down and now we have 10 Smoke Shops with four tribally owned. The Oil and Gas collections are $251,138 down (48 percent) compared to last year. $1,211,000 has been allocated for the four quarters for the Tax Supplemental monies. The first, second, third, and fourth quarters allocations has been paid in the amount of $1,211,000. The monthly City National Bank Statement for Sept. 2011 has been reconciled by the Hatch, Croke and Associates, Jim Patterson, the Tax Commission Executive Chairman and CNTC staff with no discrepancies. Hatch, Croke and Associates, P.C., are giving us our monthly financial reports and have reconciled the FY 2011 financials up to date with no major discrepancies. The Tax Commission is has been audited for FY 2010 by another independent C.P.A. firm with no discrepancies.

LANGUAGE Continued from Page 1

tribes. Among state-required compliance provisions are objective standards for Native language proficiency and a prohibition for Native language teachers to teach other subjects unless licensed or authorized to teach them. The bill, if passed in the state legislature, would be authorized for five years and could be renewed at that time. Williams explained that high school students could earn foreign language credit if they “accomplished the goals of learning the language” in a fully documented curriculum and a program with an evaluation system. The courses and evaluation plans would be submitted to school districts for possible school board acceptance as to

whether students would get credit for proficiency in the indigenous languages they studied. The Montana bill on which Colorado’s plan was modeled points out that only 34 percent of the 210 Native languages used in North America are still being taught to children as a first language, so Native communities are making language recovery and preservation one of their highest priorities. Read more:http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/01/19/native-american-languages-could-countfor-class-credit-73223 http:// native-american-languagescould-count-for-class-credit73223#ixzz1jvQXuKnR

October 2011 The Expenditures for Oct. 1, 2011 through Oct. 31, 2011 for (FY 2012) were $47,153. The monthly average expenditures are $47,153. Taxes and Revenue collected from Oct. 1, 2011 through Oct. 31, 2011 for (FY 2012) were approximately $182,188. The monthly average collections are $182,188. Collections are down (-1 percent) compared to last year in the same time frame. The Tobacco Tax collections are $98,820 down [-13 percent] compared to last year. Tobacco Warehouse in Cyril closed down and now we have 10 Smoke Shops with four tribally owned. The Oil and Gas collections are $17,108 down (-29 percent) compared to last year. $964,000 has been allocated for the four quarters for the Tax Supplemental monies. The first, quarter allocations has been paid in the amount of $241,000. The monthly City National Bank Statement for Oct. 2011 has been reconciled by the Hatch, Croke and Associates, Jim Patterson, the Tax Commission Executive Chairman and CNTC staff with no discrepancies. Hatch, Croke and Associates, P.C., are giving us our monthly financial reports and have reconciled the FY 2012 financials up to date with no major discrepancies. The Tax Commission has been audited for FY 2011 by another independent C.P.A. firm with no discrepancies.

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News


Comanche Nation Environmental Office Offers Free Disposal of Tires and Batteries to the Public

Submitted by the Comanche Nation Environmental Programs Staff

The Comanche Nation Office of the Environmental Programs will offer free disposal of tires and batteries to the public at the following dates: • February 6-7 10 a.m.3 p.m. Comanche Nation Community Center of Apache, 309 Julia Mahseet Road, Apache, Okla. • Feb. 8-9 10 a.m.3 p.m. Cache Cahoma Building, 752 NW Quanah Rd., Cache, Okla. • Feb. 15-16 10a.m.3 p.m. Comanche Nation Community Center 905 E. Missouri St. in Walters, Okla. on Hwy. 53. They are offering the free service to all of the public to ensure the tires and batteries are disposed of correctly.

Lawton Comanche Daycare Benefit Taco Sale Tire piles/dumps can be found in big cities, small towns, and the countryside. Cleaning up these nuisance piles is time consuming and expensive. In an effort to stop dumping and stockpiling, the Comanche Nation Office of Environmental Programs will collect and properly dispose of tires and batteries during the month of February.

“We want to help out the community,” said Kyle Tahpay, Comanche Nation Solid Waste Coordinator. “We see many tires and batteries that are thrown on the sides of roads or at an illegal dump site, which damages the environment. This will give the

Optometry Office Invites Tribal Members to Open House; Outreach Office

The Optometry Office calender shows their activities for the month.

The Comanche Nation Optometry is full of activities for the month of February. Now at their new location on the Comanche Nation Complex campus, located north of the Education Building, they are ready to serve tribal members with their optical needs. Their schedule for the month offers eye exams on Tuesday and Thursday, unless otherwise specified. Ordering contact lenses can be done every Friday, unless otherwise specified. The Optometry Office will be at the Oklahoma City Outreach Office, 7390 S. Walker, Suite G, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. February 21 to provide services to tribal members who cannot travel to the Comanche headquarters. Over 200 pairs of glasses will be on display for those who have a current eye-

glass prescription. The Comanche Nation Enrollment Department will be on hand to print Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) letters and cards, answer questions pertaining to the per capita payment, and to update addresses. An Open House of their new location will be held 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. February 24. Souvenirs, refreshments, door prizes, and information about its serves will be given out during the event. They will also offer tours of the new facility, and show how they have improved its services. For more information about any of the activities or to schedule and eye exam, contact Martha Ramos, (580) 492-3390, or email, marthar@

public an opportunity to bring tires and batteries to us, and we will dispose of them properly.” For more information, please contact the Comanche Nation Office of the Environmental Programs at (580) 4923754.

The Numunu Turetu Daycare in Lawton will have a benefit Indian Taco Sale Feb. 24 to help raise money for a field trip to the Oklahoma City Omniplex Kirkpatrick Science and Air Space Museum. The tacos will be $5. The taco sale is for preorders only, and the staff will begin taking the orders at 9 a.m.-11 a.m. on Feb. 24. Delivery of the tacos is available with five or more orders to the local area. Delivery will begin at 10:45 a.m.

Patrons can dine in at their facility, 216 SW J Ave., from 11 a.m.-11:45 a.m., but the staff asks you call ahead to order. Those who dine-in will have a free drink included with their meal. Onions and salsa will be given by request only. The field trip will give the young students an opportunity to learn about science while having fun, and they will be able to explore many exhibits that include interactive learning tools.

Foster Care Families, Facilities Needed The Comanche Nation Children’s Court (CNCC) and Indian Child Welfare Department (ICWD) need foster care families for placement of Comanche children. The “Comanche Children and Family Relations Code of 2008” and “Comanche Indian Child Welfare Code of 1982” define foster homes. Foster home means a facility for the care of children in a family-type setting, licensed or approved in accordance with Comanche Code, the State laws or, if outside the Nation’s jurisdiction, by the law of the jurisdiction in which

such homes is physically located or both. Currently, the number of children taken into custody of the ICWD and the State of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) far exceeds the number of foster homes available. While it is the mission of ICWD and CNCC to see that families are reunified, circumstances sometimes exist that prevents reunification. Children taken into protective custody deserve a better way of life. They need a parent, guardian, and/or custodian to guide them onto the

right path of life. They need a parent, guardian, and/or custodian to show them affection, guidance, strength, faith, compassion, education, but most of all, they need love and understanding. Please contact CNCC or ICWD for more information on how to become a foster care family today. For more information, contact: Indian Child Welfare Program P.O. Box 908 1921 East Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK, 73502. Telephone (580) 492-335 Fax (580) 354-0808.

Injury Prevention Hosts Occupant Protection Classes Occupant Protection Classes will be held at the Injury Prevention Office, located at the Comanche Nation Complex, on February 16 and March 15. The Injury Prevention is only taking 10 clients each month, so those interested must call to be put on the list to attend in order to

receive a car seat. The Oklahoma State Law requires all children must be in a car seat/booster seat until they are seven-years-of-age or 4’9” tall. The Injury Prevention Office recommends caregivers of children attend the class to learn the proper procedures for installation of car seats. A reminder: First time mothers must have a car seat before they are discharged from the hospital. Classes are

offered two months before the due date. The mother must attend an Occupant Protection Class and have a Comanche CDIB to receive a car seat. Smoke detectors are available to tribal members, and fire extinguishers are available to those disabled or in a wheel chair. For more information, call Bonita Paddyaker (580) 492-3343 or Carlene Collins (580) 492-3344.

Comanche Nation Holidays Announced The following days are to be observed by the Comanche Nation Headquarters. The business offices will be closed during the following times of the year: • Jan. 16-- Comanche Constitution Day • Feb. 20--Presidents Day • April 6--Good Friday • May 28--Memorial Day • July 4--Independence Day • Friday of the Coman-

che Homecoming Celebration-Comanche Chiefs Day • Sept. 3--Labor Day • Nov. 12--Veterans Day • Nov. 22-23--Thanksgiving • Dec. 24-25--Christmas • Jan. 1, 2013--New Years Day During the month of October, the Comanche Nation Business Offices will not observe Columbus Day, but will observe this day after Thanksgiving.

Photo by Candace Wilson/News Staff

F R I E N D LY CONVERSATIONS. Comanche tribal elders, from left, Jean Monetathchi, Benal and Roland Mason, and Ava Doty visit during the Comanche Elder Center’s Annual Christmas Dinner held Dec. 20 at its facility in Lawton.

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

Military Submitted by Lanny Asepermy

According to Webster’s Dictionary, “war” is defined as a state or period of open and declared armed fighting between states or nations. “Combat” is defined as a purposeful violent conflict meant to establish dominance over the opposition, or to terminate the opposition forever, or drive the opposition away from a location where it is not wanted or needed. You can serve in a “war” and not necessary experience “combat.” The following are military badges, ribbons and medals awarded (and earned) to individual Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen for ground, surface or aerial combat service.

FOR COMBAT SERVICE Private First Class Clifford Chebahtah Sr. US Marine Corps, World War II Combat Action Ribbon (Retroactive) and Purple Heart

Combat Crew Badge (US Air Force) is awarded for serving with a US Air Force combat crew – established in 1964 and last awarded in 1993.

Combat Infantryman Badge (US Army) is awarded for being personally present and unCombat Readiness Medal (US der hostile fire while actively Air Force) is awarded for acengaging the enemy in ground complishing sustained individcombat – established in 1943. ual combat mission readiness or undertaken the preparedness for direct weapon-system employment, established in 1964.

Combat Action Badge (US Army) is awarded for active engagement or being engaged by the enemy – established in 2005, retroactive to 2001.

Private Mead Chibitty US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart

The Comanche Indian Veterans Association have designed a Combat Service Medallion for Comanche veterans who have been awarded the EuropeanAfrica-Middle Eastern or Asiatic-Pacific Campaign medals, the Korean Service medal, the Vietnam Service medal, the Southwest Asia Service medal and the Iraq or Afghanistan Campaign medals. The first medallions are expected to be awarded after April 1, 2012. The following are known Comanche veterans who were awarded the Combat Service Badges, Ribbons and Medals. These men and women experienced the horrors and terror of combat. Included are the 13 Comanches who made the supreme sacrifice on the battlefield – to those men we owe a debt of gratitude, many never knew marriage or had children, they had no homecoming celebration, all they had was their youth.

Private First Class Thomas Chockpoyah (KIA) US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart

Captain Cloyce “Chuck” Choney US Army, Vietnam War Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart (2)

Combat Medical Badge (US Army) is awarded to medical personnel performing medical duties while being actively engaged by the enemy – estabPurple Heart (all branches) lished in 1941. is awarded for being wounded or killed in any action against an enemy of the United States or as a result of an act of any such enemy or opposing armed Combat Action Ribbon (US forces. Navy and US Marine Corps) is awarded for active participation in ground or surface combat – established in 1969, retroactive to 1941.

Lance Corporal Brandon Allen US Marine Corps, GWOT (Iraq) Combat Action Ribbon

Sergeant Major Lanny Asepermy US Army, Vietnam War Combat Infantryman Badge Specialist Jesse Blackstar US Army, GWOT (Iraq) Combat Infantryman Badge Private Samuel Chaat (Chahtinneyackque) US Army, World War II Combat Medical Badge and Purple Heart

Master Sergeant Randall Eckiwaudah US Marine Corps, (Iraq & Afghanistan) Combat Action Ribbon w/Gold Star

Staff Sergeant Inman Cloyde Gooday US Army Air Force, World War II Prisoner of War Medal

Master Sergeant Wilbur “Duke” Ellis US Army Vietnam War Combat Infantryman Badge

Master Sergeant Edward Clark US Marine Corps, World War II & Korean War Combat Action Ribbon w/Gold Star (retroactive) and Purple Heart Sergeant Milton Codynah US Army, Vietnam War Purple Heart Brigadier General Jonathan George US Air Force, GWOT Combat Readiness Medal

Prisoner of War Medal (all branches) is awarded to any person who was a prisoner of war after April 5, 1917. Private First Class Henry William Conwoop (KIA) US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart Combat Action Ribbon and Medal (US Air Force) is awarded for actively engaging in ground or air combat with the enemy – established in 2007.

Corporal Lewis Chasenah US Marine Corps, Vietnam War /Combat Action Ribbon

Staff Sergeant Charles Eatmon US Army, GWOT (Iraq & Afghanistan) Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart (2)

Master Sergeant Lonnie (Torralba) Henderson US Air Force, Vietnam War (Also Grenada Campaign) Combat Crew Badge and Combat Readiness Medal Continued on Page 7

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

Continued from Page 6

Private Eli Hosetosavit (KIA) US Army, World War II Purple Heart

Corporal Gilbert Monatoboy US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart Sergeant Lucien “Jimmy” Looking Glass US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon (retroactive) and Purple Heart

Sergeant Melvin “Hawkeye” Myers (KIA) US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart

Corporal Art Tommy Johnson US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon Sergeant Alexander Karty US Army, GWOT (Iraq & Afghanistan) Combat Action Badge

Senior Chief Petty Officer James Patterson Jr. US Navy, GWOT (Afghanistan) Combat Action Ribbon

Corporal Edmond “Eddie” Mahseet US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon w/Gold Star Private First Class Otto Mahsetky US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon Corporal Dennis King Karty (POW, died in captivity) US Army, Korean War Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart

Staff Sergeant Bruce Klinekole US Army, World War II Prisoner of War Medal

Corporal Leland Parker US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon and Purple Heart

Lance Corporal Clifford Otitivo Jr. US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon (retroactive)and Purple Heart (unconfirmed)

Sergeant Ronald “Ronnie” Mahsetky US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon w/Gold Star

Lieutenant Colonel Raymond Portillo US Marine Corps, World War II Combat Action Ribbon (retroactive)

Private First Class Raymond Nauni Sr. US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge

Lance Corporal Elton “Chubby” Permansu US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon

Sergeant George Red Elk US Army, Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars Purple Heart Specialist 4 William Red Elk US Army, Vietnam War Combat Infantryman Badge

Private Timothy Ototivo US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon and Purple Heart Private First Class Floyd Paddyaker OK Army National Guard, World War II Purple Heart (2)

Fernel Mihecoby Technician 4, US Army Purple Heart (unconfirmed) Sergeant First Class Wesley Mihecoby OK Army National Guard, Korean War Combat Infantryman Badge

Private Henry “Dutch” Kosechata US Army, World War II Purple Heart

Private First Class Russell “Rusty” Pesewonit US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon (retroactive) and Purple Heart Corporal Robert Carlos Pahcheka (KIA) US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon (retroactive) and Purple Heart

Corporal Johnny Rivas (KIA) US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart

Private Ralph Pewewardy US Army, World War II Purple Heart

Specialist 4 Eugene “TZ” Mithlo US Army, Vietnam War Combat Infantryman Badge

Private First Class Larry “Cobb” Laurenzana US Army, Vietnam War Combat Infantryman Badge

Quartermaster 1st Class Kevin Pohawpatchoko US Navy Reserve, GWOT (Iraq & Afghanistan) Combat Action Ribbon w/Gold Star

First Sergeant Louis Rivas OK Army National Guard, Korean War Combat Infantryman Badge

Gunnery Mate 2nd Class Sam Pahdopony US Navy (Original Frogman)

Private First Class Samuel “Doc” Pewewardy Jr. US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Prisoner of War Medal

Continued on Page 8

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

Continued from Page 7

Specialist 4 Paul Tate Jr US Army, Vietnam War Combat Infantryman Badge Lance Corporal Philip Rogers Sr. US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon and Purple Heart

Corporal Richard Sapcutt US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon (retroactive) and Purple Heart

Lance Corporal Malcom Taunah US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon and Purple Heart

Corporal Vernon Tehauno Jr US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon

Private First Class Ben Trevino (KIA) US Army, World War II Combat Medical Badge and Purple Heart

Warrant Officer 1 Kari Wahkahquah OK Army National Guard, GWOT (Afghanistan) Combat Action Badge

Corporal Billy J. Wermy US Army, Korean War Combat Infantryman Badge Corporal Samuel Trevino US Army, World War II Prisoner of War Medal

Gunnery Sergeant Eldon “Doug” Williams US Marine Corps, Vietnam War Combat Action Ribbon

who served in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War prior to 1969 who meet the criteria for the award are unaware of the award dates. Asepermy would like thank every Comanche Veteran for their dedicated, faithful and honorable service to God and Country. It doesn’t matter if they served during peace or war, or if they served on active duty, the Reserves or National Guard, or if they were in combat arms or a support role, what matters they SERVED. Only those who have worn the uniform fully understand the hardships each endured and the sacrifices made that allows all Americans to continue to live in a country that has all the freedoms too often taken for granted. Keep in mind that a Nation that forgets its Defenders will itself be forgotten. As the historian for the CIVA, Asepermy maintains a listing of Comanche veterans. Asepermy currently has identified 1,050 Comanche veterans who have served in the Armed Forces. DD 214’s, photos in uniform, hand-written or typed military narratives, copies of awards, letters, citations, etc; or any military related item can be sent to me for our archives at: PO Box 247, Apache, OK 73006 or emailed to Telephone numbers are (580) 588-2377 or (580) 678-4629 if you have questions.

Serving in Afghanistan

Sergeant Gregory Poahway Steen US Marine Corps, GWOT (Iraq) Combat Action Ribbon Captain Johnny Tiddark US Army, Vietnam War Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart Master Sergeant Lawrence Tomah Jr. US Army, World War II & Korean War Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart (2)

Private First Class Gilbert Vidana (KIA) US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart Master Sergeant Herbert Vidana US Army, World War II Purple Heart

Major (P) Rhonda Williams US Army, GWOT (Afghanistan) Combat Action Badge

Ricardo Saenz

Staff Sergeant Benny Tahmahkera Jr. US Marine Corps, GWOT (Iraq) Combat Action Ribbon

Captain Myers Wahnee US Army Air Force, World War II Purple Heart and POW Medal Private First Class Henry “Hank” Tomahsah US Army, World War II Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart Lieutenant Colonel Meech Tahsequah (MIA, declared dead while missing in action) US Army Air Force, World War WII and Korean War Purple Heart (3) and Prisoner of War Medal

Sergeant Otto Tonips Jr. US Marine Corps, Vietnam War

Chief Warrant Officer 4 Edward Yellowfish US Army, World War II & Korean War Combat Infantryman Badge and Purple Heart Specialist Randolph Zambrana US Army, GWOT (Afghanistan) Combat Action Badge

Corporal Joshua Jerald Ware (KIA) US Marine Corps, GWOT (Iraq) Combat Action Ribbon w/Gold Star and Purple Heart

Lanny Asepermy regrets any omissions of any Comanche veteran(s), for whom the United State Military has awarded with a Badge, Ribbon or Medal for ground, surface or aerial combat service. It is noted many Comanche veterans earned the Navy/Marine Corps Combat Action Ribbon, which was established in 1969 and awarded retroactive to 1941. Most Navy and Marine Corps veterans

Since 9-11 in 2001, 68 known Comanches have or are serving in the Armed Forces. Many have seen duty in Iraq or Afghanistan or both at least once and in some cases some have served multiple tours. Comanche Nation member Specialist Ricardo Saenz, US Army, is currently serving at Camp Kaia, Kabul Afghanistan with the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command, I Corps. Although his military occupation is Infantry his assignment is with the Registry and Distribution Center which ensures there are no classified, secret or unclassified leakages of reports. His duties involve over 30 countries. Prior to his service with the Army, SPC Saenz served with the US Navy from 200206 and Navy Reserve from 2008-10. While in the Navy he took his Boot Training at the Naval Training Center Great Lakes, Ill., and his A School as a Storekeeper at Naval Air Station Meridian, Miss. He was assigned to the USS Bridge (AOE-10) and USS Peleliu (LHA-5) while on active duty. While in the Navy Reserves he was assigned to the Fallbrook, Continued on Page 9

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

Continued from Page 8

Cali., Naval Weapons Station. After his enlistment into the Army, in 2010, he completed the Warrior Transition Course at Fort Sill and Infantry training at Fort Benning, Ga. His home duty station is Fort Lewis Wash. His awards include the Navy Sea Service (2), Navy Battle E, Navy Unit Commendation and Army Service Ribbons, the National Defense, Navy Good Conduct, Global War on Terror and Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medals and the Blue Infantry Cord. His grandmother is Mary Plata.

Ommison to Pukutsi Article

Raymond Clay Portillo

In the January issue of The Comanche Nation News article “IN THE TRADITION OF THE PUKUTSI” listed 17 Comanches who earned Gallantry, Heroism and Valor awards or fought and killed the enemy in Hand to Hand Combat. Colonel (Retired) Raymond C. Portillo, US Marine Corps, was not included in the article because information about his Bronze Star with/ Combat “V” citation was not received until January 6, 2012. His citation reads “The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the BRONZE STAR MEDAL to MAJOR RAYMOND C. PORTILLO, UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS for service as set forth in the following CITATION: For meritorious achievement as Operations Officer of the Second Battalion, First Marines, First Marine Division, during operation against enemy Japanese forces on Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, from 1 April to 15 June 1945. Demonstrat-

ing exceptional knowledge of Infantry operations and tactics, Major Portillo rendered invaluable assistance to his Commanding Officer in the preparation of offensive and defensive plans of the Battalion, in tying in lines, and in the employment of supporting weapons. On numerous occasions, he exposed himself to danger in order to gain firsthand knowledge of the tactical situation, thereby enabling his Commanding Officer to direct the disposition of troops more effectively. His skill, leadership and devotion to duty were contributing factors in the success of his Battalion’s missions and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service – Major Portillo is authorized to wear the Combat “V”. Colonel Portillo was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant on May 29, 1941 and served until July 1, 1961. He is the second known Comanche to earn the rank of Colonel (Brigadier General Jonathan George is the other). Col Portillo was a battle-hardened veteran of World War II, in the Pacific Theater, as his combat action began January 5, 1942 on American Samoa. After 9 months on Samoa, where he contracted malaria, he departed for Guadalcanal, which was the first major land battle in the Pacific, on October 10, 1942 and fought for the next 4 months including 3 months on the front lines against a well-entrenched, equipped and superior numbered Japanese Army. Perhaps two of his greatest tragedies were learning his wife had died in November well after he arrived on Guadalcanal – he was not sent home until March 12, 1943. The other tragedy was the loss of his uncle, SSGT Teddy Tahsuda, US Army Air Force, who died in a hotel fire in Portales, NM while enroute to the European Theater in 1943. In addition to the Bronze Star with/ Combat “V” he was awarded the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, the American Campaign Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon (retroactive), the Navy/Marine Corps Presidential Unit (which is equivalent to the Navy Cross) 2 times and the World War II Victory

Medal. Other awards include the National Defense Service Medal. After his retirement Col Portillo served as a Rehabilitation Officer for the State of Texas in Irving Tex. He was born on November 11, 1917. His father was George (Anaceto) Portillo and his mother was Juanita (Cerday) Portillo – both original Comanche allottees. His maternal grandfather was Sotero Cerday and his maternal great-grandmother was Quasso, also original Comanche allottees. Col. Portillo’s son, LtCol Dave S. Portillo, also retired from the Marine Corps after serving from 1989-2011. He was a Marine Aviator who is credited with 41 combat missions in Iraq. Col. Portillo’s sister, Edna served in the US Navy from 1945-58 earning the rank of Lieutenant. Col Portillo died, at age 85, in Irving Tex on September 24, 2003.

White, Mediterranean, Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas, the Gulf of Tonkin in the South China Sea and over Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, the Gulf of Mexico, against Grenada and various areas of Central America. His only stateside assignment was at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebr. He has over 1,000 combat flight hours and over 5,000 hours of combat and combat support hours on C-130 and RC-135 Reconnaissance Aircraft. His awards are the Meritorious Service, Air (19), Army Good Conduct, Air Force Good Conduct (7), National Defense Service, Armed Forces Expeditionary (Grenada), Vietnam Service w/3 Campaign Stars, Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/ Palm and Vietnam Campaign w/1960 Device Medals, the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award (9) including w/Valor Device, Air Force Long Tour (6), NCO Professional Education Graduate and Small Arms Most Decorated Expert Rifle Ribbons and the Comanche Chief Air Crew and Combat Crew Badges. MSgt Henderson retired a second time from the Caddo-Kiowa Technology Center in Fort Cobb. He is from the Grey Mountain family and resides in Washita, west MSgt Henderson, on left, receiving of Anadarko. on of 19 Air Medals.

United States Air Force Master Sergeant (Retired) Lonnie (Torralba) Henderson has earned the distinction of being the most decorated Comanche veteran having earned 58 Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citations and Campaign Ribbons. He served in the Oklahoma Army National Guard from 1956-59 and retired from the Air Force after serving from 1959-86. MSgt Henderson was a Cannon Crewman with B Battery, 158th Field Artillery, 45th Infantry Division, based in Anadarko, while serving in the National Guard. In the Air Force he served in the intelligence field as a Voice Linguist. MSgt Henderson is a qualified Russian, Vietnamese and Germany linguist. He saw duty in Vietnam, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Japan and Panama and flew reconnaissance missions in the Baltic, Barents,

Koassechony Receives Bachelors Degree

Second Lieutenant Koassechony receiving his first salute from Ret. USMC Benny Tahmahkera.

Gunnery Sergeant Ferrell Koassechony, United States Marine Corps, graduated with distinction from the University of Oklahoma. Koassechony received his Bachelors of Arts Degree on Dec. 16 at a convocation ceremony held at the Lloyd Noble Center in Norman, Okla. Koassechony, a tribal member, has been on active duty since Apr. 2000. He has been stationed at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Di-

ego, Cali., Camp Lejune, N.C., Marine Corps Detachement, Goodfellow AFB, San Angelo, Texas, Inspector-Instructor Staff, Oklahoma City, Okla., 9th Engineer Support Battalion, 3d Marine Logistic Group, Camp Hanson, Okinawa, Japan and NROTC, University of Oklahoma. He deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom Aug. 2008 and was selected to the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program. He completed Officer Candidate Course at Quantico, Virginia in the summer of 2010. From Private to Gunnery Sergeant, Koassechony has advanced through the ranks. On Dec. 16 he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant. Staff Sergeant Benny Tahmahkera (Ret. USMC) was given the honor of giving Second Lieutenant Koassechony his first salute. George Red Elk. Lanny Asepermy, Richard Sapcut and Stanford Pewewardy of the Comanche Indian Veterans Association were in attendance at the commissioning ceremony held at the Gaylord Center on the University of Oklahoma campus. Second Lieutenant Koassechony is the son of the late Andretta Koassechony of Apache, Okla. He is married to the former Mindy Wildcat of Anadarko, Okla. They have three children. Second Lieutenant Koassechony will report to the Basic School Quantico, Va., in March. "I would like everyone to know about the painting that appeared on page 6 of the last issue of The Comanche Nation News. It was drawn by Blackbear Bosin, a well known Comanche/Kiowa artist, and he titled it “Pukutsi - Comanche Dog Soldier.” He has many family members that reside here, and in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, and we were all very proud to see it featured in The Comanche Nation News. Thank you.” Barbara Goodin

My Heart, Your Heart, Their Heart Women’s Heart Health the Focus in February

Story and photo by Candace Wilson/News Staff

Did you know that the leading cause of death in women is heart disease? 8 million women in the United States are currently living with heart disease. 42,000 women in the U. S. die from heart disease every year; and 8.6 million women die from heart disease worldwide, according to the Women Heart Organization. One in two women die of heart disease and stroke combined, compared to one in 25 women who die of breast cancer. The Women Heart Foundation says 435,000 American women have heart attacks annually.

The Risks Of Heart Disease

Alcohol: It not only adds toward obesity, and makes it harder to lose weight, but it can also raise blood pressure and cause heart failure.

What can be done?

Reducing stress from your life while engaging in physical activity lowers the risk of heart disease, as well as depression, and diabetes. While increasing your physical activity, beginning with light exercises and gradually working your way up from there, you’re also increasing your energy.

Sleeping the adequate amount of eight hours each night can help reduce stress there for reducing the risk of heart disease.

Another way to decrease stress is to slow down, Illegal Drugs: Drug abuse cartake a deep breath, and get ries a high risk of endocarditis organized. Organize your day which is an infection of the from the most important task heart’s lining or valves. risk. to the least important task. If you don’t get the last item on Birth Control: Women taking Heredity: Heart disease can be If you eat healthier, you your list completed, you have oral contraceptives experience passed down from generation avoid the sluggish feeling from at least completed the most an increase in blood pressure, to generation on either your eating fatty foods, which makes important item on your list. which is an onset of hyperten- maternal or paternal side. you want to lay on the couch to sion. If you keep a posiDiabetes: Often shows up in “help” you “digest” your food. tive outlook on things, your Cigarette Smoking: Smok- middle age and overweight Being overweight can stress level can actually deing increases the risk of having people. It’s an increasing probA study was performed make your heart work extra over gender differences with a heart attack 19 years earlier lem in children and adoles- hard from carrying around crease. Remember the phrase “Laughter is the best medicents. Women with diabetes heart disease and they found than non-smoking women. unneeded weight, which inthat 42 percent of women who Also, smoking while taking have a two to four time’s higher creases your blood pressure. cine?” Its true for stress. Even in the toughest times, laughhave heart attacks die with- oral contraceptives can in- death rate from heart disease. ter is good medication, beWhile diabetes is treatin one year, compared to 24 crease the risk of serious car- According to Scidio vascular side effects. When able, having it still increases a ence Daily, 20-to-59-year- cause it causes you to see the percent of men. you stop smoking, your risk of person’s risk of heart disease. olds with the highest fiber lighter side of your situation Where is the line drawn heart disease is cut in half. In Many people that have diabe- intake had a significantly and you will feel much better. that says too much is too much one year of doing so, it contin- tes show symptoms, such as lower estimated lifetime risk and that it could cost you your ues to decline until your risks high blood pressure and high for cardiovascular disease. life or the life of a love one? are as low as a nonsmoker’s blood cholesterol.

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

People,Places and Things Happening Boone Apache School Title VII Meeting Notice to Parents/ Guardians of Native American Students of the Boone Apache School System. The Title VII will be having a meeting 6:30 p.m., Feb. 6, at the Comanche Nation Community Center in Apache, Okla. The purpose of the meeting is to get input from parents and guardians on the needs of the students. Students are invited to attend. This information will help the Title VII Parent Advisory Committee prepare for next year’s grant. The purpose of the Indian Education Programs – Title VII – exist not because of race or ethnicity. They are based on the trust relationship of Tribal nations with the U. S. federal government. According to the National Indian Education Association, it summarizes the development of this relationship: “In exchange for Indian land and trade concessions, the U.S. assumed a protective role that developed into a ‘trust relationship.’ Trust is generally defined as ‘the unique legal and moral duty of the United States to assist Indians in the protection of their property and rights.’ Trust has its primary purpose the continued survival of Indian tribes and their governments. The trust relationship existing between the federal government and Indian tribes governs that special, unique relationship between the United States government and Indian nations.” Based on this trust relationship, Indian Education Program – Title VII – is included in No Child Left Behind. As described by the Office of Indian Education, “The No Child Left Behind Act” amends the Indian education programs as Title VII, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This landmark in education reform embodies four key principles: stronger accountability for results; greater flexibility in the use of federal funds; more choices for parents of children from disadvantaged backgrounds; and an emphasis on research-based instruction that works.” The mission of the Indian Education Program is to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of Native American K-12 students so that they can achieve to the same challenging state standards as all students. The purpose of the Program is to increase the number of Native American students successfully completing high school and pursuing higher education. Your input will help determine the goals and objections that will be the focus for next year grant. Examples are: (1) attendance, (2) academic performance, (3) ACT or SAT preparation and testing, and (4) career and/or college guidance including participation in enrichment and volunteer opportunities. The committee looks forward to working with the parents, guardians, and students of the Boone-Apache School System. For questions, call Carla Codopony at (580) 6957199.

Tinney wins Fletcher Homecoming Queen

ing camp is going good and I am feeling strong." The upcoming boxing event will be co-promoted by Comanche Boy Productions in conjunction with HD Boxing. “I want

to bring top notch boxing to Indian Country as a Native American fighter and promoter. Big fights! Big names! I would also like to help promote all fighters and especially

NATIVE ANGELS. The Lawton Memorial Indian Baptist Church’s “Native Angels” visited the Comanche Nation headquarters Dec. 21, 2011, to share the spirit of the holiday through Christmas songs and Comanche hymns. Kay Mopope, coordinator, said the group was organized in 2007 and consists of children 5-16 years-old. They perform throughout the Lawton community, singing at the Central Mall, churches, and art fairs. Mopope added the angels sing songs in the Comanche and Kiowa languages, and are learning the Navajo language for at trip out West.

Tinney Tribal member Marissa Leann Tinney was chosen as Fletcher High School Homecoming Queen. Tinney is 17 years old and a senior at Fletcher High School. She is the daughter of Howard and Cynthia Tinney, she is the granddaughter of Caroline Tinney and the late Harold Tinney. Her greatgrandparents are the late Allen Mihecoby and Iva Tehauno-Mihecoby. She is also the granddaughter of the late Bob and Linda Nickerson, and of Wayne and Jan Lewis. She is active in softball, basketball and she is the President of the Little Washita UMC Youth Group. She plays under coach Bill Berry on the Oklahoma Inter-tribal softball team which she plays short stop. Tinney is a children’s Sunday School teacher’s aide, and she plans to go to college to become a pediatrician.

Golden Oldies Dance “Champagne and Chocolate” The “Hair Spray Girls”present 2012 Annual Valentines Dance, featuring D.J. Plano Larry. The event is from 7-12 p.m., Feb. 11, at the Comanche Community Center in Apache, Okla. Admission is $5, there will be a concession and door prizes and the crowning of the 2012 Valentine’s King and Queen. For more information contact Val Tate (405) 5746462. Absolutely no alcohol or drugs.

Comanche Boy Return to the Ring Feb. 25

George “Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah

February 25, WBC Continental America's Middleweight Champion, “Comanche Boy” George Tahdooahnippah (28-0-1) returns to the ring at the Otoe-Missouri Tribe’s, First Councils Casino Hotel in Newkirk, Okla. Tahdooahnippah is recovered from a injury he suffered in his WBC Continental America's Middleweight title win over Jimmy Holmes, July 16, 2011. “I'm ready to get 2012 started and this fight will be my first step toward a big year,” Tahdooahnippah said. “Train-

Native Americans fighters.” For more information on Tahdooahnippah's fight visit www. Tickets will soon be on sell at www.

Photo by Tomah Yeahquo/News Staff

Flea Market at the Cache Cahoma Building February 11 752 Quanah Rd., Cache, Okla. Vendor Fee RSVP by Feb. 6 Jordan Fox, (580) 583-3479

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

Dear TCNN Letters to the Editor

STOLEN VALOR Dear TCNN, On the front page of the Lawton Constitution, dated January 2, 2012, one of the headlines read “Veteran’s claims of awards, service lead cemetery to replace tombstone,” The veteran in question is buried at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, Ill., along with 27,000 other veterans. VA officials have decided to replace the simple granite headstone because military records do not support claims in the records the family provided. The deceased veteran’s official military record indicates he did serve in the US Army honorably but did not serve in Vietnam nor was he awarded the Bronze Star and 3 Purple Hearts as written on his headstone. Apparently the records provided by the family were falsified. During the past few years, as the CIVA Historian, I have compiled a listing of 1,050 Comanche veterans who have served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States. When I assumed this responsibility on January 31, 2004 the CIVA had a listing of 612 veterans. I have since added 438 new names to our data base. In most cases proof of honorable service has been provided in the form of DD 214’s (Certificate of Honorable Service), discharge certificates, citations, photos in uniform or other military documents showing honorable military service. In other cases oral interviews either in person or telephonically were conducted or written documents were mailed or emailed as proof of service.

Besides posting the full name, rank, branch of service and years of service to our “Comanche Warriors” listing I’ve written brief narratives on many of our veterans. What I have found is a very small minority (less than a half dozen) of our veterans are not always truthful about their military service. I have always taken people for their word with hopes that what I’m told about their military service is the truth. After all, we (veterans) belong to a brotherhood known but to us. The Stolen Valor Act of 2005 was signed into law on December 20, 2005 by President George Bush and addresses the unauthorized wear, manufacture, or sale of any military decorations and medals. The law makes it a federal misdemeanor offense to falsely represent oneself as having received any US military decoration or medal and if convicted, defendants may be imprisoned for up to six months. In the future I will not document military service unless it’s in black and white. We owe those who have served honorably, those who have earned awards, especially awards for combat service, the respect for their service. I’ve witnessed what turned out to be lies from that small minority at various events and was even part of the lie because I trusted and believed the veteran – no more. Over 99% of our veterans are honest and truthful about their military service and that’s the way it should be. Lanny Asepermy, Comanche veteran

Dear TCNN, Some say, I’m getting old (No offense to anyone). I’m getting there, but through my upbringing there’s never a forgetfulness to say “please and thank you.” This brings us to Comanche Transit. My thanks go out to Ursula Poemoceah, and staff drivers. Like the postman, rain or shine, cold weather, Ursula, always gets me to where I’m going, and transfers me back home safe and sound. It’s good to have phone etiquette, in which she has a

very pleasant voice. How you talk to someone on the phone, people remember, that is so good for business. I’ve been riding the transit bus far as Anadarko, when they did have route that way. While I’m saying this only to Ursula Poemoceah, there may be others who dispatch, but I generally talk to her. I also want to thank the staff drivers, without them, business wouldn’t be no more. They are also courteous, kind, helpful.

So in closing, I hope the Comanche Transit stays well funded, along with other staff. Thanks to all Comanche Nation. So everyone, Ursula, staff, drivers; put a pat on your back. Everyone does a excellent job, gets me where I’m going, gets me home safe and sound. Also CHR I count on them too. 100% UDA-Senior Citizen, Jetta

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

Milestones Happy Belated Birthday

Sylus Furr, January 4 Nathan Lopez Jr., January 5 Nikolas Craig, January 7 Terri Pewewardy, January 7 Lynna Pewewardy, January 13 Taylor Thornbrugh, January 13 Jessica Blossom Tahah, January 20 Ronna K. Potts, January 24 Charles Monoessy Sr., January 26 Donetta Karty, January 29 Paula Karty, January 31

Happy Belated Birthday Nikolas Craig

January 7

Happy Belated Birthday Terri Pewewardy

January 7

Lynna Pewewardy Rosario

January 13

Happy Birthday Dorothy Tahah February 2

Happy Birthday Marcos Estrada-Avila February 2

Happy Birthday Patrick Craig February 4

Happy Belated Birthday

Happy Birthday Dorothy Tahah, February 2 Ginger Nicole Kaulaity, February 2 Lou Phillips, February 2 Marcos Estrada Avila, February 2 Sheila Amero, February 2 Rosie Motah, February 2 Ella Niedo, February 2 Kimberly Blackstar, February 3 Jamescina Kaywaykla, February 4 Patrick Craig, February 4 Alisha Pewewardy February 5 Antonio Garrison, February 5 Gwen Brinkman, February 5 Marcy Soto, February 5 Nancy Alandzes, February 5 Eric Asepermy, February 6 Tony Viddaurri, February 6 Donna Wahnee, February 7 Fiona Wetselline, February 7 Kinyon Parker, February 8 Richard Karty, February 8 Wes Pewewardy, February 8 Debra Knox, February 9 Dorothy M. Portillo, February 9 Khole Goombi, February 9 Marquela Pewewardy, February 9 Thomasina Akoneto, February 9 Frances Collins, February 10 J.J. Yeahquo, February 10 Lavon Winsor, February 10 Chaz Stecker Paddlety, February 11 Josephine Myers Wapp, February 12 Mashon Lowe, February 12 Lisa Willey, February 13 Susan Kay, February 13 Domanique Lowe, February 14 Wilbur Sapcut, February 14 Aiyanna Salomon, February 15 Alisha Rose Cable, February 17 Jeffery Williams February 17 Larry Valdez, February 17 Araminta Pace-Ahhaitty, February 18 Spencer Monoessy, February 18 Lisa Asepermy February 19 Tori Lynn Tahchawwickah, February 19 Amber Tiddark, February 20 Tomah E. Yeahquo, February 21 Gary Chasenah, February 23 Magdelena Herrera-Plumbley, February 23 Edwin Akoneto, February 24 Garrel Gwoompi, February 24 Pat Pewewardy, February 24 Sonny Nauni, February 24 Brandon Avery, February 25 Caroline Tinney, February 25 Margaret Nauni, February 25 Marshall Powell, February 25 Liz Ware, February 26 Mattew Wauqua, February 26 Jan Stumblingbear, February 27 Debbie Hutchens, February 28 Gary Spray, February 29

Happy Birthday Rosie Motah February 2

Happy Birthday Kimberly Blackstar February 3

Happy Birthday Antonio Garrison February 5

Happy Belated Birthday Nathan Lopez January 5

Happy Birthday Donna Wahnee February 7

Happy Birthday Kinyon Parker February 8

Happy Birthday Richard Karty February 8

Happy Birthday Wes Pewewardy February 8

Happy Birthday Khole Goombi February 9

Chaz Stecker Paddlety

Happy Birthday February 11

Happy Birthday Lisa Willey February 13

Happy Birthday Susan Kay February 13

Happy Birthday Wilbur Sapcut February 14

Happy Birthday Amber Tiddark February 20

Happy Birthday Garrel Gwoompi February 24

Happy Birthday Pat Pewewardy February 24

Happy Birthday Liz Ware February 26

Happy Birthday

Tori Lynn Tahchawwickah

February 19


Happy Birthday Debbie Hutchens February 28

Lynn & Jolene Schonchin Feb. 12-Married 12 years Christopher & Desiree DeVine February 13~Married 4 years

Happy Birthday Gary Spray February 29

Joe and Carol Jimenez February 14-Married 11 years Edward & Peggy Wahkinney February 24~Married 17 years Charles and Tomah Yeaquo February 24-Married 34 years Brandon & Jennifer Avery February 28~Married 9 years

Happy 100th Birthday Josephine Myers Wapp February 12

In Loving Memory

Happy Anniversary Christopher & Desiree DeVine

February 13 Married 4 years



Happy Birthday Marquela Pewewardy February 9

Jacquelene Sue Kawaykla-Nuttle Born June 5, 1961 Passed Away December 21, 2011

Janice “Totite”   Pewewardy  Born September 16, 1944 Passed Away February 1, 2008

Beloved Mother Florence Pebeahsy Born February 13, 1921 Passed Away November 5, 1980 Cache, Okla.


In the January 2012 edition of the The Comanche Nation News, I noted in the article “One Star General Running for Congress,” that James Cox was the first elected Chairman of the Comanche Nation. This was an oversight on my part as Mr. Cox was the second elected Chairman of the Nation. The first elected Chairman of the Comanche Nation was Lee Motah. Mr. Motah was born on December 4, 1911 and passed away on May 7, 1981 at age 69. His final resting place is at Otipoby Cemetery on the Fort Sill Military Reservation east range. Information on his headstone indicates he served as the Tribal Chairman of the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache from 1956-64 and as the first elected Chairman of the Comanche Tribe from 1964-1976. Mr. Motah was truly an icon among the Numunu.

Don’t Forget to submit milestones for those special loved ones; Just married, Birth Announcements, Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc. Deadline for March is 2/15/2012 Call Public Information Office (580) 492-3752 E-mail: Or mail: Comanche Nation/PIO P.O. Box 908 Lawton, OK 73502

February 2012


Gloria Marie Komah Makes Cry

Okla., the daughter of Johnny Wauqua and Ethel Yackeschi. She grew up in Walters and Cache, graduating from Ft. Sill Indian School. She attended Cameron University, Southern Nazarene University and graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma with her Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Therapy. She went to work for the Daily Living Center as an Activities Director in Oklahoma City. She was a member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma. She was of the Nazarene faith and enjoyed arts, powwows, being with her friends and family. She leaves to cherish her memories: two sons and daughter-in-law: Dale Pence and companion, Jannea, and Jeff Pence, all of Oklahoma City; one sister and brotherin-law: Velora and Samuel W. Desselle of Lawton; six brothers: Michael Wauqua Sr., of Bethany, Norris Randall Wauqua, Johnny C. Wauqua and Winford “Buddy” Wauqua, all of Lawton, Woody Wauqua of Walters and Gordon Owens of Lawton as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; maternal grandparents: Suam Titchyway and Woody Yackeschi and; paternal grandparents: Tissy Poahway and John Wauqua.

Gloria Marie Komah Makes Cry, 85, went to be with the Lord on Dec. 22 in Oklahoma City, Okla. She was born on Mar. 12, 1926, in Lawton, Okla., and raised by Amos and Rose Komah. She met and married Albert Makes Cry, Jr., in Ponca City, Okla. She is survived by her husband: Albert Makes Cry, Jr., of the home; three sons: Albert Makes Cry III and wife, Judy of Weatherford, Okla., Dwight Makes Cry and wife, Gail of Bethany, Okla., Amos Makes Cry and Vicky Walker of Bethany, Okla.; 10 grandchildren: Gina Lynn Makes Cry of Bethany, Karla Marie Larsson and husband Jorgen of Houston, Tx, Laurie Ann Makes Cry of Bethany, Jennifer Gail Daniel and husband, Kenneth of Weatherford, Derek Makes Cry of Weatherford, Craig Allen Makes Cry and wife, Crystal of Oklahoma City, Ashley Rose Humphrey and husband, Troy of Bethany, Kelly Duane Makes Cry of Bethany, Heather Ann Makes Cry of Bethany; great-grandchildren: Alexandra Marie Larsson of Austin, Tx, Savannah Elisabeth Larsson of Houston, Tx, Jack Hans Larsson of Houston, Kase Derek Daniel of Weatherford, Katen Drue Daniel of Weatherford, Kollinz Deesal Daniel of Weatherford, Barrett Makes Cry Humphrey of Bethany, Hudson Kane Makes Cry of Weatherford, Kennady Reese Makes Cry of Weatherford, Okla. Barbara Jo Karty She is preceded in Yackeschi death by her parents; grand Funeral for Barbara Jo mother: Fern Permansu. Yackeschi, 77, Walters, Okla. was Dec. 29, at the Walters Community Center with Pastor Videll Yackeschi officiating. Prayer service was Dec. 28, at the Walters Community Center. Burial was at the Walters City Cemetery in Walters, Okla., under direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Yackeschi was born on Nov. 16, 1934 in Lawton, Okla., to Murphy Joe and Bessie (Homovich) Karty. She died Dec. 25, at a local hospital. She graduated from Central High School. She was a Linn Sue Wauqua founded member of the West Funeral for Linn Sue Side Baptist Church of Walters. Wauqua, 55, Oklahoma City, She retired from the Bureau of Okla., was Dec. 28, at the Co- Indian Affairs as a enrollment manche Nation Funeral Home specialist. After, retiring she Chapel with Pastor Videll started working for the State Yackeschi, Westside Baptist of Oklahoma as a manager for Church of Walters, and Mi- the Tourism Center. She had chael Wauqua, officiating. to stop working due to health Wauqua was called problems. She enjoyed watchhome Dec. 22, from her earthly ing her kids and grandkids play home in Oklahoma City. sports, going to church ac Prayer service was tivities, and caring for her two Dec. 27, at the Comanche Na- dogs Killer and Mattie. tion Funeral Home Chapel. Yackeschi is survived Burial was at West by her husband: Winfred Cache KCA Intertribal Ceme- Yackeschi of the home, five tery under direction of Coman- daughters: Donna Ahdosy, che Nation Funeral Home. Gina Martinez, Leanna Mar Wauqua entered this tinez and Brenda Martinez all life on Feb. 27, 1956 in Lawton, of Walters, and Pamela Vargas


and Abel of Temple, two sons: Harold Dean Martinez of Albuquerque, New Mexico and George Martinez and Carol of Temple, one sister: Joella Cullen of Henderson Nevada, two brothers: Delbert Karty and Michael Karty of Walters, 14 grandchildren; 15 great grandchildren, stepchildren: Hector Yackeschi, Herchel Yackeschi, Dewayne Yackeschi of Walters, and Ina Yackeschi of Lawton, Special sons-in-laws: Curtis Grant, Dewey Ahdosy, Moose Hall and Abel Vargas, many nieces and nephews and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her parents, daughter: Carol Ann Grant, two grandsons: Dustin Grant and Dylan Vargas, daughter-in-law: Carla Martinez and brother: Don Karty.

ters and Edna Bointy of Lawton; and adopted sons: Doug Williams of Medicine Park and Bear Ludeina; special grandchildren: Keith Yackeyonny of Cache, Tara Tahkofper of Lawton, Randy Pocowatchit of Lawton as well as other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, six sisters: Sally Kopaddy, Maude Eva Kopaddy, June Kopaddy Wermy, Mary Kassanavoid, Virginia Saupitty, and May Cable; four brothers: Clifford Kopaddy, Decker Kopaddy, Sammy Kopaddy and Roland Kopaddy; one niece: Natalie Kopaddy Glisson and grandson: Dwight “Ike” Pocowatchit.

The Comanche Nation News

Anadarko, JoAnna Toehay and Sam RedBone of Anadarko, Cheryl Whitewolf and Elrod Monoessy of Elgin and Leslie Parker and Paul Hernandez of Lawton; three brothers and sisters-in-laws: Wraydell and Druscilla Beartrack of Anadarko, Jeffery and Candi Toehay of Anadarko, and Meech and Barbara Aitson of Lawton; special uncle and aunt Dennis and Mary Pewo of Apache, as well as numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Pewo was preceded in death by: his grandparents, Ethel Eikeahpihoodle Pewo and Wilson Pewo; great grandparents: Wilbur Pewo Sr. and Joanna “Emma” Kardsey Pewo; an aunt, “his other mom” Roberta Pewo Toehay and uncles: Calvin Coolidge Pewo, Edgar Butch Toehay, Vernon Lee Pewo and Milton Verle Pewo and father, Howard “Tony” Soontay.

Clark Lundy

Beatrice Saupitty Funeral for Beatrice Saupitty, 93, Cache, Okla. was Jan. 3, at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Mike Keahbone, officiating. Saupitty was called home early Dec. 29, from a Lawton Hospital. Prayer service was Jan. 2, at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel. Saupitty entered this life on Oct. 12, 1918, the beloved daughter of Old Man Kopaddy and Ella Conneywerdy. She grew up in the Apache-Cyril area, attending Ft. Sill Indian School and Chilocco Indian Schools. She was married to Floyd Saupitty and the couple made their home at Porter-Hill, before moving to Cache. She was a full-blooded member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, CIVA Auxiliary and Wahnee Descendents. She enjoyed camping at Black Leggins every year and loved attending the annual Ft. Sill Apache Firedances. She was an advocate for preserving of the Comanche Culture by actively participating in Story telling, shawl making and teaching the Comanche language. She was a member of the Advisory Board to the NAPRA Program and a past member of the Comanche Elders Council. She was recognized for her excellence in arts for her shawl making abilities by the Arts and Humanities Council. She leaves to cherish her memories: her beloved daughter and son-in-law, Carol Saupitty and Bob Wade of Lawton; one grandson: William “Randy” Johnson and wife, Dereth Tahkofper of Lawton; one granddaughter: Janet Saupitty of the home; four great grandchildren: Elizabeth and Sophie Tiger, Kyle Saupitty and Kristen Beatrice Johnson; one sister: Katherine Klinkole of Anadarko; one brother; Woodrow Kopaddy of Oklahoma City; she also leaves three adopted daughters: Ann Wiseman of Santa Fe, NM, Nakia Geimausaddle of Wal-

Wilson Pewo

Funeral for Wilson Pewo, 54, Oklahoma City, Okla., was Jan. 19, at the Comanche Nation Community Center of Apache with Pastor Bill Foote officiating. Pewo was called home late Jan. 14, from an Oklahoma City hospital. Prayer service was Jan. 18, at the Comanche Nation Community Center of Apache. Burial was at the Cache Creek Intertribal Cemetery under direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Pewo entered this life on May 12, 1957, in Lawton, the son of Madeline Pewo and Rodrick Whitewolf. He grew up in Lawton, Apache and Anadarko, graduating from Riverside Indian School in 1975. He moved to Oklahoma City and went to work for AC Delco as a Warehouse Manager. Pewo was a member of the Billy Hooton United Methodist Church of Oklahoma City, the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, the O-HO-MAH Lodge, the American Pool Players Association and Billiards Congress of America. He was a very competitive pool player and despite his disability went on to qualify for the State of Oklahoma to represent the state in the A.P.A. Wheelchair challenge in Las Vegas, Nev. His pool playing took him all across the U.S. including Florida and Nevada. He leaves to cherish his memories, his mother: Madline Pewo Soontay of Apache; one daughter and son-in-law: Buffy and Shannon Watson of Norman; one son and daughterin-law: Joseph and Kara Pewo of Oklahoma City; five grandchildren: Kylie Lynn Watson and Jayden Michael Watson, both of Norman; Kathrine TuNa-Ve Pewo, Brooke Lynn Pewo and Riley Paige Pewo, all of Oklahoma City; five sisters and brothers-in-law: Gloria Beartrack-Ahtone and Vohn Ahtone of Apache, Tonilynn Soontay and Joe Goombi, of

Samuel Clark Lundy, 87, of Moore Trail, died Dec. 26, at Wake Forrest Baptist Health-Davie Hospital. Lundy was born Dec. 25, 1954, in Iredell County, to William Albert and Pat Clark Lundy. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. Lundy was owner/operator of Clark Lundy Trucking and was currently a farmer. He was a member of Fairmount United Methodist Church in Statesvilla N.C., the Comanche Tribe of Oklahoma, and the Comanche Indian Veterans Association. He had achieved the Boy Scouts’ highest rank, that of a Eagle Scout. Lundy loved the outdoors and he also loved old trucks. Lundy was a very giving person and a very loving husband, father and grandfather who lived for his family. Survivors include his wife, Robin Crotts Lundy of the home; his parents, of Statesvill; five children, Michelle Lundy Crotts of Mocksville, Nicole Johnson (Wylie, Jr.) of New Mexico, Randi Leigh Boggs and Danielle Tracie Kahrs (Jordon), all of Mocksville, N.C., and Sarah Ashley Moore of the home; four grandchildren: Elloree Crotts, Riley Crotts, Mia Johnson and David Johnson; two brothers: Wendel Brent Lundy (Jean) of Statesville, and William Lewis Lundy (Tobi Elbel) of South Carolina; four nephew; and his father-inlaw, Ray Crotts of Mocksville, N.C. He was the grandson of Albert and Pauline Clark, great grandson of Waumaconi and he was a nephew of Wahnee Clark and Albert Clark Jr.

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

February 2012


The Comanche Nation News

Comanche Nation Prevention & Recovery Center held its 2nd Annual New Years Eve Sobriety Bash at the Great Plains Coliseum’s Prairie Building, December 31, 2011. More than 150 tribal members’, as-well-as individuals of the recovering community of Lawton, attended the family event. A dinner of barbecued pork, hamburger sliders, and chicken nuggets opened the evening’s festivities. Pizza and nachos were available for those who preferred to be fashionably late. Dancing, karaoke, and the limbo were enjoyed by all, especially the youngest attendees. Children are often forgotten on this special night, typically getting shuffled off to the babysitter. The Sobriety Bash is meant to show families that they can have a good time without the use of alcohol and drugs. Comanche tribal member DJ Adam of T-Bird Mobile Music Service, Norman, Okla. provided the evening’s entertainment. A special “Thank You” is extended to all those who decided to bring in the New Year “safe and sober” with Comanche Nation. The staff at the Prevention & Recovery Center sincerely hopes you enjoyed yourself and we are looking forward to having an even bigger party next year.

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