P.O. Box 908 Lawton, OK 73502-0908 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Area students will be witnesses to a mock car crash simulation April 11, to help them realize the dangers of drinking and driving. It will also fall into the scheduling of area high school proms, which sometimes tempt adolescents to consume alcohol and drive. Injury Prevention Director, Bonita Paddyaker, who coordinates the simulation annually, says the event will allow students witness the mock crash, and how would-be parents react when they are called to the scene of the accident and their child is critically injured or dead. “Last year, many students begin crying when they heard the wailing of the mother at the crash scene. It makes an impact on them,” said Paddyaker. “We even have the airevac helicopter come in and take a crash victim away.” Paddyaker added all staff who participate in helping the mock victims are certified in CPR and First Aid. “This gives them the opportunity to practice what they learned in the classes,” said Paddyaker. The car crash simulation will begin at 1 p.m. at the Comanche Nation Complex, but the scene will be set up that morning, and students from local schools will begin arriving around 10 a.m. Booths will be set up at Watchetaker Hall to give students information on the dangers of drinking and driving, texting and driving, and other safety hazards. The north entrance onto Bingo Road, leading to the Comanche headquarters will be closed during the car crash simulation. All traffic coming to the Comanche Nation will be directed to the south entrance. Other programs that See SIMULATION, Page 2
Age Is Only A Number
Josephine Myers-Wapp Turns 100 Story and Photo by Paula Karty/News Staff
Josephine Myers-Wapp at her 100th birthday celebration at the Comanche Nation Elder’s Center.
The eldest member of the Comanche Nation turned 100 years old on Feb. 10. Josephine Myer-Wapp has seen many things and accomplished a lot in her life, but her most recent accomplishment was celebrating 100 years of life. Wapp’s son, Ed, said that his mother has many stories of the past years, he spoke pridefully of his mother’s finger weaving. The celebration was held at the Comanche Nation Elder’s Center, which was filled with well wishers. The celebration attracted people from all over the country. Comanche Nation Princess, Krista Hubbard, rendered a Comanche Hymn for the celebration. Wapp was born on Feb. 10, 1912, in Apache, Okla. She attended school at the St. Patrick’s Mission in Anadarko, Okla. She continued her edu-
cation at Haskell University in Lawrence, Kan. Wapp said the turning point in her life was when the Bureau of Indian Affairs established an Art Education Program at the Santa Fe Indian School in Santa Fe, N.M. Under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, a curriculum was designed to educate American Indians as art teachers and place them in American Indian boarding schools. While in the program, Wapp focused on fiber and traditional arts as her major study. Upon completions of her education, Wapp went on to teach arts and crafts at Chilocco Indian School. In 1963, Wapp became a faculty member at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) in Santa Fe, N.M. While teaching at IAIA, Wapp helped coordinate a dance exhibition for the 1968
Summer Olympic Games, which were held in Mexico City. Wapp retired from teaching in 1973. After her retirement, she concentrated on the art of traditional and contemporary finger weaving. Wapp’s art has been exhibited throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, and the Middle East. Wapp has received many awards for her artwork. Wapp’s oral autobiography is a part of the Smithsonian Institution’s collection in the National Museum of the American Indians (NMAI) cultural resources center. In the early 1990s, Wapp was recruited by the NMAI to be part of a group of contemporary Native artist for a four year project. While participating in the project Wapp traveled to Canada, Arizona, Hawaii and New York. The project was chronicled in a book called “We Travel: A Celebration of Contemporary Native American Creativity.” “She’s a great mentor for how to journey through one’s life. In the Indian way, she’s just a good-hearted woman and that’s hard to find,” said Hulleah J. Tsinhnahjinnie, associate professor at the University of California-Davis’ Department of Native Studies. When asked what she was most proud of, Wapp answered, “I enjoyed teaching students, but I can’t pick just one event.” Wapp said she was glad everyone that came to the event was able to make it and she was happy to see everybody.
General Council Meeting
April 21 at Watchetaker Hall, Comanche Nation Complex Will begin at 1:30 p.m. if a quorum is established
See Pages 4-6 for Audit, Proposed Budget, Agenda, and Explanation of Line Items
Story and Photo by Jolene Schonchin/ News Staff
March 2012
Comanche Nation Car Crash Simulation Set for April 11
Lawton, OK
Asbestos Abatement Begins at FSIS Through Environmental Grant Story and Photo by Jolene Schonchin/ News Staff
It was a mile marker for the Kiowa, Comanche, Apache Intertribal Land Use Committee (KCAILUC) when they were presented with a $200,000 check from the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Feb. 17. The presentation took place at the Comanche Nation Business Center. The money was through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) DEQ Brownfield Program grant, which is aimed at cleaning up sites that are hazardous to the environment, or has the potential to be hazardous to the environment, and to encourage redevelopment in communities. The money will be used for asbestos abatement on five buildings on the Ft. Sill Indian School campus in Lawton, Okla. DEQ Executive Director, Steve Thompson, told the crowd of around 50 that giving out the Brownfield grant is one of the pleasures of his job. He added that this projects was a double winner, because it is cleaning up an environmental damage, and is laying the path for higher education. “It resurrects properties that have no value and makes them valuable again,” Thompson said. Once the asbestos cleanup is completed, and renovations are done on the buildings, the Comanche Nation College will expand its classes to the facility. Gene Pekah, Dean of Student Services at the Comanche Nation College, said the buildings used as an institution of education is the best way to utilize them. Consuelo Lopez, Comanche Nation College President, added with Ft. Sill Indian See KCAILUC, Page 9
Major Mark Woommavovah Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel News Staff
Mark Woommavovah, a native of Cache, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) at Fort Knox, Ky. on February 10. LTC Woommavovah was commissioned, as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Military Police Corps, through the Oklahoma University Reserve Officer Training Program (ROTC) in 1987. He is only one of eight Comanches to earn the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. His duty stations and assignments include the Military Police Officer Basic Course at Fort McClellan, Ala. while assigned to the 4003rd US Army Reserves in Nor-
man, Okla., Operations Officer for the Minneapolis Recruiting Battalion in Minneapolis Minn.; the 530th Military Police Battalion based in Omaha, Neb. – during this assignment he served in support of Operation Iraq Freedom, from March to December 2003, in Bagdad Iraq; he completed the Military Police Captains Career Course at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., in June 2005, and was assigned to US Army Reserve Command at Fort McPherson, Ga. as the Woommavovah Deputy Provost Marshal; in June 2009 he was assigned to as the Chief, Military Police the US Army Human Resource Branch. Command in St. Louis, Mo. He is currently as-
signed to the US Army Human Resource Command Center of Excellence at Fort Knox, Ky. His next assignment will be with the 9th Mission Support Command at Fort Shafter, HI as the Full Time Service Support Chief. His awards include the Meritorious Service, Army Commendation (3), Army Achievement, National Defense Service (2), Iraqi Campaign w/2 Bronze Service Stars and the Global War on Terrorism Medals, the Army Service and Overseas Ribbons and the Parachutists and Combat Action Badges.
LTC Woommavovah earned a Bachelors of Science degree in Criminal Justice, in 1991, and a Masters of Science degree in Public Administration, in 2006 from Oklahoma University, and graduated from the US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. in 2007. He is married to the former Amber C. Giger of St. Louis. They have three sons and twin daughters. His hobbies include spending time with his family, running, golfing, watching OU sports, outdoor sports, and serving his community.
March 2012
10th Annual State of Indian Nations Address - NCAI President Keel Remarks-January 26 - Washington, DC
NCAI Press Release
Strong Indian Nations My fellow tribal leaders, tribal citizens and American citizens, members of the National Congress of American Indians, members of the Administration and the 112th Congress, and those listening or watching today: I am honored to speak to you all, but especially to address representatives of the more than 5 million Native people and the 566 tribal nations of Indian Country. The State of Indian Nations is strong. Our nations are strong. Our peoples are strong. Like our sovereignty, the strength of our nations, is our inheritance. The State of Indian Nations, as I outline it today, should be defined by what we commit to right now to make the state of Indian Nations even stronger in the years to come. We all know tribes have faced a difficult history. We are rising from harsh economic conditions to contribute to a more prosperous tomorrow. Tribes have been doing more with less for generations, and I am here today to outline a path to overcome our shared challenges – to lay out specific economic changes and improvements for our tribal nations. Some of these changes require legislative action but many others can come from direct action by the Administration. Ultimately though, it will be the actions of Native people that can change their nations and communities. Native people are the first Americans. Tribal nations are its first governments – one of three sovereigns recognized in the United States Constitution. And our America is a place where each member of the American family of governments contributes to a prosperous future. Native Vote in this election year To achieve that vision, we need leaders who understand that Indian Country matters. Especially in a Presidential election year! We’re all aware of the impact an election can have on Indian Country. And, in recent years, many have come to learn that the door swings both ways – Indian Country can have a significant impact on elections – and it can be game changing. As grandmas on the Navajo Nation and young people in Alaska Native villages go to the ballot box this November, they are standing on the shoulders of those who fought hard for that right. As students at Arizona State University and veterans in foreign lands cast their vote, they are reminding America that
Courtesy Photo
NCAI President, Jefferson Keel, Chickasaw, addresses the American Indian Nations January 26 in Washington, DC
we matter. In the 1940s, thousands of Native veterans returned home to a shocking reality: America had accepted them on the battlefield, but had no place for them at the ballot box. Ira Hayes – a member of the Gila River Indian Community, who raised the flag at Iwo Jima – returned to the homeland he had defended, and was denied the right to vote. Miguel Trujillo from Isleta Pueblo, who enlisted as a Marine in the days following Pearl Harbor, returned home to New Mexico and was denied the right to vote. These American heroes inspired the fight – all the way to the federal courts – for the right to participate in the 1948 elections. They expressed the power of the Native vote the first time they cast their ballots, and it’s been at work ever since. Stories like these have shown Native people that when it comes to Native Vote, we can and we must think big. Simply put, we will work tirelessly in 2012 to see the highest Native turnout ever. We know it can be done. For instance, on the Fort Belknap Reservation in Montana, turnout rates are regularly over 80 percent. A survey of seniors at UCLA showed that Native young people participate at rates higher than any other group of students. This is especially important because almost half a million Native youth will be eligible to vote for the first time in the next four years. Native people don’t see the world in two and four year election cycles. We’re focused on building stronger communities for generations to come. When we step in the ballot box, we want to vote for candidates who will stand with tribal nations to create a strong prosperous future. We are not mobilizing for one party or for one candidate. Indians don't just vote D for Democrat or R for Republican. For us, it’s “I” for
Indian. We are independent voters and we will continue to vote for the candidate who is strong on our issues, and cares about our priorities. That’s why today, I’m calling on all Presidential candidates to make sure Indian Country is at the table during the campaign and throughout your Administration. These specific actions should form the foundation of your Native policy platform: First, we call on the President to send a Special Message to Congress on the importance of the Nation-to-Nation Relationship. In 1970, President Nixon sent a historic message to Congress on tribal self-determination. That message launched the self-determination era – the very framework that allowed tribes to prove our capacity as governments. All Presidents should do the same. Second, we call on the President to fully implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We specifically call for a review of all existing federal law to ensure they are in alignment with the Declaration. Third, we call for an Annual Nation-to-Nation Summit and ongoing high-level meetings. This would institutionalize the current Tribal Nations Summit, a meaningful commitment to our nation-to-nation relationship that must be upheld by all future Presidents. We also call on the President to convene regular meetings on specific issues between tribal leaders and cabinet secretaries. Fourth, elevate Native people in the federal government. It is past time for qualified Native people to be seated on the federal bench. The appointment of a Senior Advisor on Native American Affairs has advanced policy making at the White House and we applaud President Obama for his leadership. With the importance of the Indian budget in the coming de-
Photo by Jolene Schonchin/News Staff
FIELD REP GETTING FACTS. Emily Shipley, left, Field Representative for Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, visited the Comanche Nation Jan. 27 to get information on programs that hosted job training and placement for tribal members. Bonnie Monoessy, right, tells Shipley about the Higher Education Vocational Training Program. Other programs visited were the Career Enhancement Class, and the Work Force Investment Act (WIA).
cade, we urge the creation of an office for Native American programs at Office of Management Budget. And finally, we call upon all candidates to actively engage Indian Country in your campaign. We invite each candidate to visit Indian Country to outline your policy positions. We also urge the campaigns to make sure tribal nations are part of the discussion at the Presidential debates. Opportunities for Congressional Action Between now and the election, we have a lot of work to do! For all of the partisan challenges of the past year, the Congress has found common ground on Indian policy. Under the bipartisan leadership of Senators Akaka and Barrasso, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs has reached across party lines to develop legislation that promises to transform Indian Country. And in the House, Republicans like Chairman Don Young and Democrats like Dale Kildee have worked hard to educate their colleagues about the benefits tribal governments offer our nation. There are some important things the Congress can do right now that can grow Indian economies and create jobs. Without spending a dime, the Congress can fix the problems created by the Carcieri Supreme Court decision and offer certainty for land-into-trust transactions that are critical to Indian Country’s economic future. The Department of the Interior is already acting to streamline lease approvals for renewable energy development, and we urge the Congress to pass the HEARTH Act to expand leasing reform and to pass an Indian energy self-determination law. Congress can also act on public safety legislation that will attract businesses to our communities. We urge passage of amendments to the Stafford Act that are supported by FEMA and would remove burdens from states and tribes in times of critical emergencies when lives are on the line. Native women are the protectors of our culture, our families, and our future. We call on the Senate to pass the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization and the SAVE Native Women Act— both of which would take critical steps to address the horrific rates of violence being perpetrated against our women. The Native CLASS Act offers the chance to provide the kind of education our young people need to succeed today and build the economies Indian Country needs for tomorrow. Our young people must not be left behind anymore. Congress must stand with us now to get these bills passed, but long term success depends on America keeping her promises. That’s why NCAI, along with our partners in Indian Country are making available to you today our plan for the Indian budget. This document outlines our vision for investing in the future of our America, and stabilizing the Indian budget. It will create reliable, safe domestic energy; it will build a 21st century education system; it will modernize our infrastructure; and, it will fund implementation of critical legislation like the Tribal See NCAI, Page 7
The Comanche Nation News
Plans for the Comanche Nation Fair Underway
By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff
File Photo
2011 Comanche Nation Fair parade.
The employees of the Comanche Nation have begun to plan the 21st Annual Comanche Nation Fair, which will be Sept. 28-30, 2012, at the Comanche Nation Complex. Meetings for the biggest annual Comanche celebration began in February. The host hotel for the fair will be Sleep Inn and Suites, 421 SE Interstate Drive, Lawton, Okla. The special prices are $77 for a Standard King or Double Queen. $87 for the Extended King Suite. Ask for the Comanche Nation Fair special rates. They are effective now. For questions, call JoDee Hansen, Sleep Inn and Suites Director of Sales, (512) 761-2725 or by email Jodee. hansen@sleepinnlawtonok. com Vendors can apply for a space at the fair from April 1-August 1. Food handlers training will be held Sept. 27 for the vendors. Pre-cooked meats will not be allowed at the food vendors. Coordinators for the fair events are being confirmed, and arrangements are underway to make the 21st Annual Comanche Nation Fair a success. For more information, contact Tomah Yeahquo, (580) 492-3384.
SIMULATION Continued from Page 1
participate in the simulation are the Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, Environmental Programs, Comanche Complex Safety Committee, Maintenance, PIO, Enrollment, Prescription Assistance, CHR/ EMS, Prevention and Recovery, Comanche Nation Fire Fighters, Prison Reintegration, Diabetes Awareness, Administration and the Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Donating the car for the accident scene is Porter Hill Wrecker Service. Also donating to the educational event are A-1 Fire who is donating fire extinguishers, and Pepsi, who is donating drinks for students. Also helping are Wichita Mountain Estates Volunteer Fire Department, Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Medicine Park Police, and Air Evac. For more information contact the Injury Prevention Program, (580) 492-3342 or (580) 492-3343.
March 2012 THE COMANCHE NATION NEWS The award-winning Comanche Nation News, the official communication of the Comanche Nation, is available at no charge upon request. The deadline to submit information for the April edition is noon March 15. Donations to help cover the cost of printing and mailing are welcome. Contact: The Comanche Nation News P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502-0908 Telephone: (580) 492-3386 Fax: (580) 492-3709 Email: comanche_news@yahoo.com •
• •
TCNN Staff Jolene Schonchin, Editor, Reporter, Photographer-Email: tcnneditor@ yahoo.com-Telephone Number-(580)492-3382 Paula Karty, Reporter, Photographer- Email: kartynews@ yahoo.com Telephone Number-(580)492-3383 Candace Wilson, Reporter, Photographer Email:candacew@ comanchenation.com Telephone (580) 492-3385 Candace Todd, Administrative Assistant-Telephone Number (580)492-3386 Tomah Yeahquo, Information Specialist/Comanche Nation Fair, Email: tomahy@comanchenation. com- Telephone Number (580)4923384 News items of interest to the local and American Indian community are welcome. Letters to the editor must be signed by a name. Photographs will be copied and will become the property of TCNN. To return original photographs, send a self-addressed stamped envelope. Do not send faxed photographs or newspaper copies of photographs. The Milestones Page (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements,Memorial Pictures, Weddings, Births) are by submission only. The Passings are submitted by the Comanche Nation Funeral Home or by tribal members on a funeral home letterhead. The Milestones Page is for tribal members only. TCNN publishes all services conducted by The Comanche Nation Funeral Home without discretion. Obituaries are written for tribal members only. TCNN will print a Comanche organization’s annual event flyer once free of charge as a courtesy to our tribal organizations. The guidelines for flyer submission are: Pow-wow flyers have to be from an established Comanche organization. There has to be contact person and number on the organization’s annual flyer. We reserve the right to edit all material. Letters or articles that contain libelous information, slander, or personal attacks will not be printed. The letters to the editor or articles contained in the The Comanche Nation News does not reflect the opinions of the PIO staff.
Comanche Nation Officials Chairman Johnny Wauqua Vice Chairman Ed Eschiti Secretary/Treasurer Robert Tippeconnie Committeeman No. 1 Ronald Red Elk Committeeman No. 2 Yonevea Terry Committeeman No. 3 Darrell Kosechequetah Committeeman No. 4 Robert Komahcheet Jr. Tribal Administrator Darla Sankadota To contact officials: Comanche Nation P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502 Toll Free: (877) 492-4988 Physical Address 584 Bingo Rd. Lawton, OK 73505
Member of the Native American Journalist Association since 2001
Member of the Society of Professional Journalists since 2010
Winner of four 2011 NAJA Media Awards for Best Feature Story, Best Sports Story, Best Environmental Story, and Best Sports Photo
The Comanche Nation News
Tribal Administrator Job Description, Oklahoma State House Bill Resolution On Agenda for the February CBC Meeting By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is an overview of the February Comanche Business Committee (CBC) meeting, and not the official minutes. To obtain a copy of the official minutes, call the Office of the Comanche Nation Chairman, (580) 492-3251. Comanche Nation Chairman, Johnny Wauqua, called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. He conducted the roll call of the CBC; all were present and a quorum was established. Comanche Nation Secretary/Treasurer, Robert Tippeconnie, said the invocation. The minutes of the Jan. 7 were not in the CBC books. They were tabled. Resolutions 11-12 Enrollment List No. 892. Nine applicants not eligible for enrollment with the Comanche Nation. Comanche Nation Vice Chairman, Edward Eschiti, makes a motion accept the resolution. Tippeconnie seconds the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1. 12-12 Enrollment List No. 893. Three applicants does not have the required blood quantum to be enrolled with the Comanche Nation. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. Eschiti seconds the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1. 13-12 Enrollment List No. 894. A total of 47 applicants will be enrolled with the Comanche Nation. Eschiti makes a motion to accept the resolution. CBC No. 4, Robert Komahcheet Jr., seconds the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1. 14-12 Oklahoma State House Bill 2607. The bill states no person may exhibit endangered species in exchange for compensation; no person may guide or assist others in viewing endangered species in exchange for compensation; no person may promote or encourage the listing of a species as endangered if the person would benefit financially from the listing. This bill would directly affect the SIA Eagle Repository Program. The proposed resolution states the Comanche Nation does not support State House Bill 2607. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. CBC No. 2, Yonevea Terry, seconds the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1. 15-12 Signatures on Accounts. Exchange signature cards for new CBC members on the Bank First account. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. Eschiti seconds the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1. 16-12 University of Oklahoma Health Science Center. Navigation of Indian Health is to have an education session on diabetes at the Comanche Nation Complex. The session will be sponsored through a grant the Navigation of Indian Health received. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the resolution. Eschiti seconded the motion. The motion carries 6/0/1. 17-12 Tribal Administrator (TA) Position Description. A copy of the TA position can be attained by request. Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept
the resolution. Komahcheet seconds the motion. The motion carries 4/2/1. Old and New Business Thomas Narcomey talked about the cemetery on Ft. Sill where the small pox victims are buried not being on the National Registry. Chairman Wauqua said Ft. Sill is in the process of completing the paperwork to have it on the National Registry. The history of the cemetery was discussed as well as some obstacles that may stop the cemetery of being on the National Registry. Narcomey said the Memorandum of Understanding (MOA) the Comanche Nation has with Ft. Sill was invalid, and it does
not mention the mass graves east of the cemetery. Chairman Wauqua said the MOA with Ft. Sill will not affect the cemetery from getting put on the National Registry. Tippeconnie talked about the completed audit, saying the tribe was without blemish on our financials. With the 638 government programs, there were minor findings, but a request has been sent to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for the Comanche Nation to be taken off of high risk status. He added Corrective Action Plans are being conducted on the findings, and no federal programs have been lost due to high risk.
Narcomey said the CBC should make sure the bid proposals comply with the procurement policies and procedures. He added the tribe has been on high risk for seven years, and a forensic audit will help the tribe get off of high risk. The Comanche Nation water rights and tribal rights were also on topic during the old and new business. Tippeconnie makes a motion to go into Executive Session. Eschiti seconds the motion. The motion carries 4/0/1 at 11:06 a.m.
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
2013 Proposed Budget
Submitted by Robert Tippeconnie/Comanche Nation Secretary/Treasurer
Vision The vision of the Comanche Nation-Lords of the Plains is to be global leaders, economically prosperous, self-sustaining, healthy, educated, culturally and spiritually strong, fair and equitable people. Mission The mission of the Comanche Nation is to promote and preserve the culture, history and traditions of the Comanche people and further promote and encourage pursuits relevant to an efficient governing body, a viable economic base and measures designed to enhance social and cultural activities which will reflect our heritage and assure the continued development and success of the nation and it’s members.
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
Line Item Justifications for 2013 Proposed Budget Submitted by Robert Tippeconnie/Comanche Nation Secretary/Treasurer
Bereavement Assistance $300,000 Mission- Providing Bereavement to family members. Child Support Services $106,000 Mission- Promoting responsible parenting so that each child has the opportunity for self-sufficiency and self-respect that honors family, community and cultural traditions. Comanche Indian Veterans Association $48,000 MissionProvide Military honors at various Comanche Nation Events such as Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day. Provide military honors for funeral services, maintenance of Honor Court and flags. Comanche Language and Cultural Preservation $30,000 Mission- To preserve and promote the Comanche Language through educational and developmental programs. Elder Center $150,000 Mission- To provide meals, information, and activities for the elders as well as to homebound elders. TERO - $76,000 Mission- To help improve the quality of life for Comanche Nation members and other Native American families through the development and assertion of Native American Preference laws and the contracting rights of preferential employment, training, business and economic opportunities on or near the Comanche Nation jurisdictional service area. Tombstone Project- $20,000 Mission to identify unidentified Comanche tribal graves and place markers on the grave site. CONEI $1,516,000 MissionInvest in and operate profitable businesses that will provide diversified economic returns to the Comanche Nation. Capital Improvements $2,072,000 Mission - Constructing new facilities and improving existing tribal properties to better serve Comanche tribal members. CN Fair $127,000 MissionTo enhance social and cultural activities that will reflect our heritage. Economic Development $864,000 Mission-To promote diversified economic enterprises to provide sustainable social and economic benefits to the Comanche Nation and Nation members. Environmental Protection Agency $260,000 Mission- To preserve, protect, and maintain our tribal property and lands. Firefighters $170,000 Mission- The fire crew is to provide a work force available for fire protection and suppression, and assisting with natural disaster relief. Fitness Center $208,000 Mission- To enhance the quality of life for the Comanche Nation members we serve through our fitness philosophy, facilities,
programs and to instill in the lives of people everywhere the value of health, wellness, and fitness. Burial Assistance $653,000 Mission-To help defray burial costs associated with tribal members burial services. Gravel – Tin horns for Tribal Driveways $157,000 MissionTo replace or repair tin horns and supply gravel to tribal member’s residence. Land Acquisitions $1,000,000 Mission- To acquire lands and keep them in trust for tribal purposes. Museum and Cultural Center $1,150,000 Mission- To operate, for public benefit, a museum and cultural center focusing on history, culture, arts, and related subject areas concerning Comanche Indian people. Realty Management $100,000 Mission-To maintain tribal land documents, work to place trust free land into trust, assure land purchases are properly completed, and that tribal lands are properly managed. Tourism Center $75,000 Mission-To share, display, inform, and educate both native and non-native people on the history of the Comanche people, as well as to share the vision of the future of the Comanche people. Transit Program $750,000 Mission-To provide bus or van transportation in our local service areas. Transportation $150,000 Mission- To improve roadways and bridges. Workforce Investment Agency $433,000 Mission- To provide tribal members with the skills necessary for employment. Children’s Court $233,000 Mission- To protect and serve Comanche tribal customs, preserve and strengthen the family unit, by acting in the best interest of our tribal children. Constitution $30,000 Mission-Costs associated with constitution activities. Elections $250,000 MissionConduct elections and provide election materials and services to Comanche tribal members. Emergency Management Assistance $300,000 Emergency Management Office $70,000 Mission-Prepare for emergencies in the Tribal Nation for natural or manmade disasters such as fire, flood, or storm. Enrollment $244,000 Mission –Ensures that the tribal roll is current, updated, and adheres to the Comanche Nation Constitution. Info Technology- Complex $600,000 Mission- While keeping the highest level of confidentiality, the Comanche Nation Information Technology department provides cost effective telecommunications and technology solutions to the tribal government. It is our
goal to provide and maintain a reliable and secure network to assist the tribal departments in fulfillment of their mission. Law Enforcement $1,000,000 Mission- Protecting and patrolling tribal assets and Trust Lands. Legal Fees $500,000 MissionTo provide legal advice to the Nation and handle possible or active litigation. Matching Grants $100,000 Mission- Provide grant writing and dollar matches as grant opportunities arise. Public Information Office $243,000 To provide information about the tribal activities, programs, organizations, and individual members through the monthly tribal newsletter, The Comanche Nation News. PIO helps departments disperse information through press releases, advertisement, radio, web, and the PIO Facebook page. PIO also conducts tours, presentations, sends out information packs, and answers letters about the Comanche Nation. In addition, PIO also works with all forms of media when they request information/ interview about the Comanche Nation. Caregivers $200,000 Mission-To ensure that Comanche elders are taken care of by a family member. CN College $1,500,000 Mission-To provide educational opportunities to Comanche tribal members, and others to learn at a two year college the necessary knowledge and skills including technical to be successful. CN College Nursing $325,000 Mission- To provide licensed Practical nurses. Comanche Cemetery Improvement $50,000 MissionTo maintain tribal cemeteries. Community Center- Apache $30,000 Mission- Provide a place for community activities. Community Center- Cache $30,000 Mission- Provide a place for community activities. Community Center Walters $30,000 Mission- Provide a place for community activities. Diabetes $150,000 MissionTo promote healthy lifestyles for the prevention and control of diabetes for tribal members through diet, exercise, and diabetes self care management. Early Childhood Development Center $300,000 Mission-The Comanche Nation Child Care Center and Numunu Turetu Early Childhood Development Center are here to provide quality services through partnerships with families, providers, and the community while nurturing the development of the whole child and supporting cultural and family values. Child Care Assistance & Family Enrichment Program $150,000 Mission- The program is to encourage employment and education among
our tribal members, provide a safe child care environment for our Comanche children, and to provide a rewarding program to families that wish to work and further their education. This program is designed to promote stronger family environments that will include requirements such as: Comanche language classes, relationship building classes, community service and more. The program will assist with child care expenses for ages newborn to Kindergarten, school age children that need before and after school care and child care during summer months. Program goals will be strengthening family relationship skills and youth development. Elder Council $75,000 Mission- To keep the elderly informed of tribal programs and services as well as supporting tribal culture, traditions, history, and language. Family Services (Formerly Indian Child Welfare) $225,000 Mission- To protect and maintain the integrity of Comanche families, provide crisis intervention services, court intervention, and promote family preservation through reunification when possible. To protect Indian children from losing their cultural identity and being separated from their tribe. Higher Education $1,578,000 Mission- Provide grants to eligible Comanche students to attend post-secondary institutions/colleges and universities to pursue a bachelors, two year or advanced degrees. Home Improvement $1,121,000 Mission- To assist tribal members with necessary home improvements such as making their homes handicap accessible. Hope House/ Family Violence Prevention $112,000 MissionTo educate, empower and advocate for American Indians to strive to protect their families and communities from crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and to provide a safe haven to victims and their children in a culturally sensitive environment. Education-Elementary/ Secondary Program $100,000 Mission- to evaluate the establishment of an elementary/secondary student program. Injury Prevention $100,000 Mission-To increase awareness of safety to the general public through modification of the environment by demonstration, educational awareness, presentations that promote behavioral changes and to reduce the unintentional injuries caused by falls, fires, traffic, and the environment. Language Archival (Formerly Immersion) $59,000 Mission- Striving to preserve, maintain, and revitalize the language of the Comanche’s through special projects such as the development of children’s books, audio CDs of songs and language. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act $88,000 Mission-To protect Native American graves
from destruction by construction or other forces and to repatriate cultural items. New Pathways $60,000 Mission- To provide halfway house services for the prevention and treatment of alcoholism for the Native American population residing within the Lawton, Oklahoma service area. Nursing Home/ Assisted living Facility $227,700 MissionContinue efforts to establish an assisted living facility. Optometry Clinic $375,000 Mission- To provide the highest quality of life for our Comanche Nation tribal members in the years to come through a better vision. We keep overall patient wellness and understanding as first priorities in everything we do. We strive to provide the best quality of vision and eye health care with friendly, compassionate, and helpful staff. Outreach Center Anadarko $84,000 Mission- To act as a liaison between tribal members and program directors. Outreach Center OK. City $80,000 Mission-To act as a liaison between tribal members and program directors. Prescription Assistance $573,000 Mission- to provide as available assistance with medications and certain medical supplies to help defer the costs for tribal members. Prevention and Recovery Center $100,000 Mission- To encourage and assist Native Americans of all ages to lead a life free from dependence of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs and/or any self-destructive behavior that is detrimental to one’s personal happiness and professional success. Reintegration Program $100,000 Mission- To reintegrate recently incarcerated individuals into mainstream society. Shoshone Reunion $52,500 Mission- To participate and assist with costs associated with the annual Shoshone Reunion. Social Services Emergency Assistance $786,000 MissionTo assist and counsel tribal members with emergency needs. Student Services (K-12) $331,000 Mission- To assist with the basic school need of enrolled Comanche children in grades K-12 nationwide. Tribal Historic Preservation Program $194,000 MissionTo preserve historic and sacred landmarks of the Comanche Nation. Youth Program $380,000 Mission-Educating Comanche youth through multiple actions or activities to be accountable, responsible, taking pride in traditional Comanche culture and becoming successful in life. Youth Shelter 473,000 Mission-To provide a secure, stable environment for our children while they are in our care. Promote and encourage their hopes and dreams so that they will know that there is always a place that they can be safe from whatever brought them to us. Allow children to be who they are in their culture.
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
Continued from Page 2
Law & Order Act and the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Just as our plan holds hope for the future, the Budget Control Act poses great risks. The Act requires Congress to cap discretionary spending for the next 10 years. Much of the funding that fulfills the federal trust responsibility is categorized -- wrongly, in our view -as domestic discretionary spending. The trust responsibility is not a discretionary choice. It is not a line item. It is a solemn agreement that has been sustained over hundreds of years. Unless Congress acts to hold tribal programs harmless, then starting in 2013 we are facing ten to fifteen percent cuts across the board for the next decade -cuts that will threaten essential services and affect millions of Native citizens throughout vast regions of rural America. We are well aware of the budget challenges our nation faces. We live in Indian Country – we know all about doing more with less. We urge Congress to stand up for the relatively small piece of the federal budget that belongs to tribal nations and our citizens. Governmental flexibility Protecting the Indian budget is the first step but longterm success depends on tribal nations having the same opportunities to protect and preserve our communities that are available to state and local governments. We exercise jurisdiction over lands that would make us the fourth largest state. We run dozens of social programs previously administered by federal agencies or states. We protect reservation environments in the manner that states regulate off reservation lands. Tribal governments have proven our capacity to grow our economies, educate our people, and manage our resources. We need the federal government to put decisionmaking power back in the hands of the people who live in Indian Country -- the people who know best because these are our homelands, these are our people. The old way of doing things causes missed opportunities every day. The Swinomish Tribe, in Washington state, saw this first hand. The tribe had worked out a deal with Wal-Mart for a big new store on the reservation. This
“Native women are the protectors of our culture, our fam-
ilies, and our future. We call on the Senate to pass the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization and the SAVE Native Women Act” -NCAI President, Jefferson Keel
was a great deal -- a million dollars a year in lease revenue for the Tribe, and new jobs for tribal members and people throughout the community. As with every lease on Indian lands, the federal government needed to approve it. The process took more than a year and by the time it was approved economic conditions had changed and Wal-Mart had made other plans. A million dollars a year for Swinomish, gone. All those jobs, gone. And this is not an isolated story. Many tribal leaders can tell you stories about business opportunities lost because of red tape. This is why our federal partners have already proposed crucial lease reforms to free our economies. Tribal nations have proven our capacity. We don’t need the government involved in all our business decisions, we need flexibility. By creating it, we will remove the barriers that cost us jobs and opportunity. This is a goal I think we can all agree on, across the political spectrum, and it is something we can achieve with a change in policy, not an increase in spending. That is the kind of solution Washington is crying out for and we in Indian Country are eager to answer the call. Moment of opportunity Ensuring governmental flexibility will yield more efficient programs and spending, because decisions will be made by those in the best position to respond to community needs. It will also relieve administrative burdens at the federal level. This message comes directly from tribal leaders. We went to them with one simple question: What can we do with what we have already – without asking for more resources – that will provide greater opportunity for Indians and create more impact for federal programs? Over and over, the answer came back: We need freedom at the local level to best use our limited resources. We know what’s best because we live in Indian Coun-
try. We know where the needs are, and we know what works for our people. No one understands Indian life better than the Indian Nations themselves. Give us flexibility. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota is delivering broadband services across their reservation because of governmental flexibility. The FCC’s decision to designate Standing Rock Telecom as an eligible telecommunications carrier means they are the first fully tribally owned and operated broadband company that can receive universal service funds. This designation has empowered Standing Rock to own and operate essential telecommunications infrastructure. This offers avenues for economic development, opportunities to preserve tribal languages and culture, and infrastructure for distance learning programs. That, is the kind of flexibility we need in Indian Country, when only one in ten Native people have access to broadband today. The Reno-Sparks Indian Colony in Nevada opened a 65,000 square foot health facility in 2007 that showed the promise of tax exempt bond financing. Almost $16 million in bonds funded a full service clinic that serves 100,000 people each year. This project created permanent jobs and built the infrastructure for quality health services. Tribes were denied full access to this source of financing until the Recovery Act created a limited bond offering. Based on that experience, the Treasury released a report in December recommending they have the same access to bond financing available to our governmental peers. This will bring huge economic benefits to tribes and surrounding regional economies. Education is another example where flexibility can prepare our children for the global market place. The Cherokee Nation's Language Immersion School formed an innovative
partnership with Apple Computers to integrate technology and the Cherokee language. They developed Cherokee language software for use on Macintosh computers, iPhones, iPods, and iPads. Students even chat online – in Cherokee – with students from the Eastern Band of Cherokee in North Carolina. This is a powerful example of tribal innovation and initiative—the type of innovation that vesting tribes with greater authority over our own programs unleashes. Whether in economic development or education, health care or energy, the key to getting it right is the freedom to identify and tear down barriers to our success. A new era for the trust relationship Tribal leaders carry with us a dream. It’s a dream passed down from our parents and grandparents. It doesn’t look forward to 2012 or 2016, it looks to the seventh generation. We see a future where the trust relationship actually works – works for tribal nations, and works for our federal partners. Our ancestors knew that tribes could govern our nations like no one else. Today, we have proven it. Residents of rural Oklahoma are driving to our health facilities, because they offer the best services around. States and counties are turning to our traditional knowledge to best manage natural resources. Citizens of those states are coming to tribes for job opportunities and a good education at tribal colleges. Companies are coming to us to set up businesses on the reservation and bring American jobs home. When we have the tools and freedom we need, we are creating businesses, delivering services, and leading the way. It’s time to build our trust on that reality. That trust also requires consultation, legally enforceable consultation. Without the power of legislation and accountability, “free, prior, and informed con-
sent,” are just some nice words on a page. As President Obama himself said, when he announced his support for the UN Declaration – “What matters far more than words…are actions to match those words.” We call for action to make consultation count. Enforceable consultation means we must talk about another idea – tribal consent. There would be a public outcry if the federal government tried to impose policy on a state without its consent. But the concerns of tribal nations are routinely overlooked, even when more than a dozen tribes are larger than some northeastern states. This must not stand. Our America Our America is a place where all candidates know that we matter, and America sees it at the ballot box. It’s a place where each and every President honors our unique nation-to-nation relationship, where Indian Country is always at the table – not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s the smart thing to do. Our America is home to a Congress that works across party lines to free our economies. Our America is a place where governments keep their promises. Our America is where tribal nations create economic opportunities, where people come to us for the best jobs. It’s a place where tribes are on the forefront of new technology – high-tech manufacturing, telemedicine, clean energy. Our America is where Indigenous peoples reach across borders and bring home economic opportunity for all Americans. As the oldest governments in America, tribal nations understand what is required to overcome stark economic conditions. Perhaps more than any other time in history, our nations must stand together, empowered to make profound and permanent improvements in the lives of our people. Our nations are committed to the success of the United States of America. Let us realize that future together so that our nations thrive, today and forever.
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March 2012
Tribal Administrator Position Description
By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff
At the Feb. 9 Director’s Meeting, it was announced Darla Sankadota will be the Acting Tribal Administrator (TA) until April 21, when a new TA will be elected during the annual General Council Meeting. Comanche Business Committeemen Ron Red Elk, Robert Komahcheet Jr., Yonevea Terry, and Ed Eschiti also attended the meeting, and all agreed that they look forward to working with Sankadota until her term ends. Will Owens was put on Administrative Absence with pay on Feb. 4 until the election of a new TA April 21. For those who are interested in running for the TA position, the following is the job description approved by the Comanche Business Committee at the Feb. 4 monthly meeting. • The Tribal Administrator will supervise and coordinate an efficient and effective implementation of the Comanche Nation’s approved budgeted, governmental programs. The Tribal Administrator is the day-to-day Administrator of Tribal programs and services. • The Tribal Administrator will be under the direction of the Comanche Nation Business Committee and assist in the exercise and maintenance of the Comanche Nations’ Sovereignty. • The Tribal Administrator will comply with the policies, rules, regulations and ordinances of the Nation: assure prudent expenditure of tribal funds. Makes recommendations to the Business Committee concerning improvements or adjustments to the administration of tribal government services or polices. • Approve or disapprove expenditure requests, coordinating with the Secretary-Treasurer, tribal Finance Director and Procurement/Property Director and entire Business Committee, as appropriate. The Tribal Administrator performs as purchasing agent, with the Procurement/Property Director, in the acquisition of supplies, goods, wares, merchandise, equipment and material required for the operation of programs or department in accordance with approved programs of work and budgets. • Oversee and facilitate accounting and finance employees and /or contractors in the timely and accurate record-keeping, receipt of revenues, payment of expenditures and the preparation for and completion of annual audits of the tribal programs. • In coordination with the Procurement/Property Director and Secretary-Treasurer, maintains a current inventory of property, real and personal, owned by the Nation, including construction purchase price of real property. As Tribal Administrator recommends to the Business Committee the purchase of new property whenever the property will meet the Goals, Mission and Vision of the Nation except property under the authority of the Gaming Board of Directors or assigned to other commissions or boards. • In coordination with the Human Resource Director implements the HR policy which includes recruitment and hiring of tribal government positions. The Tribal Administrator guides the conduct of studies and surveys of the duties, responsibilities and work of employees or independent contractors of the tribal programs and departments. Major organizational changes, including the abolishment or consolidation of positions may be undertaken with the concurrence, or by Resolution of the Business Committee. The Tribal Administrator, with the Human Resources Director will establish and maintain a classification system which will rate position responsibilities and establish compensation. • Attend monthly Co-
manche Business Committee meetings and other meetings as requested by the Business Committee. Effectively communicate with the Business Committee by coordinating with staff to provide monthly, or as requested, status reports. • Conduct program and employee performance reviews at the end of each Fiscal Year or as necessary for employee performance. Analyze and evaluate the functions, duties and activities of the Nations programs and if necessary make recommendations to the Business Committee to improve efficient and effective performance of tribal governmental programs. • Develop, in coordination with the Secretary-Treasurer and the entire Business Committee annual, itemized budgets, and programs of work for the ensuing fiscal year in January of each year. Budgets will be completed in conformance with Fiscal Year Budgetary advice from the Secretary-Treasurer. • Tribal Administrator performs other duties and the exercise of other powers as may be delegated to the Tribal Administrator by ordinance, resolution or other action of the Business Committee. • Supervise and coordinate, the efficient and effective implementation of the Nation’s governmental programs and employees placed in his/her charge and investigate complaints related to programmatic services or functions under his/her supervision and endeavor to adjust all meritorious complaints through better implementation of programmatic policies or recommendation of policy changes to the Business Committee. • Carry out the policies, rules, regulations and ordinances of the Nation and assure the prudent expenditure of tribal funds in accordance with the Nation’s approved budget for programs and services under his/her supervision and assist the Business Committee in the exercise and maintenance of the Comanche Nation’s Sovereignty. • Attend monthly meetings of the Business Committee and other meetings as requested by the Business Committee, provide the Business Committee with status reports of programs of departments under his/her supervision monthly or as requested, and make recommendations to the Business Committee concerning improvements to the administration of tribal government services and policies as needed. Conduct program and employee performance reviews each October;Analyze and evaluate the functions, duties and activities of the Nation Programs under his/her supervision, including the directors and employees thereof, and make recommendations to the Business Committee which will result in the highest degree of efficiency in the overall operation of the Nation’s government and make recommendations for necessary capital improvement projects of the Nation’s government. • In coordination with the Secretary/Treasurer prepare, maintain and submit to the Business Committee before the 15th day of January each year an itemized annual Budget for the succeeding fiscal year required by each program or department under his/her supervision, including capital outlay, salaries, wages and miscellaneous operating costs, and to tabulate the same into a preliminary consolidated Nation budget for approval by the Tribal Council. Approve or disapprove the expenditure requests of the programs or departments under his/her supervision in conjunction with the Comanche Nation’s Secretary/Treasurer and, in conjunction with the Procurement/ Property Director, act as the purchasing agent for the acquisition
of supplies, goods, wares, merchandise, equipment and material required for the operation of programs or departments under his/her supervision and which are within an approved budget. • Assist the Business Committee in maintaining good public relations of the Nation’s government and programs or departments under his/her supervision and cooperate with, and upon approval of the Business Committee provide assistance to, community organizations whose aim and purpose is advancement of the economic, moral, educational, or health interests of the Comanche Nation and its people. • In coordination with the Procurement/Property Director and Secretary/Treasurer, maintain a current inventory of all property, real and personal, owned by the Nation, including the construction purchase price of real property, and recommend to the Business Committee the purchase of new property whenever in his/ her judgment the same will promote the goals of programs under his/her supervision and oversee maintenance of the Comanche Nation’s property which is under the control or ownership of the Nation, except such property under the authority of the Gaming Board of Directors or assigned to other commissions or boards. • In coordination with the Human Resources Director conduct studies and surveys of the duties, responsibilities and work of employees, of the programs, and departments under his/her supervision and may transfer, abolish or consolidate positions or appoint, remove, promote and demote employees in accordance with applicable personnel policies, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations of the Comanche Nation whenever in his/her judgment such action would increase efficiency in the administration of the Comanche Nation government, and establish and/or maintain a tribal employment position classification system in order to rate position responsibilities and fairly adjust compensation. • Oversee and facilitate accounting and finance employees and/or contractors in the timely and accurate record-keeping, receipt of revenues, payment of expenditures, and the preparation for and completion of annual audits of the programs under his/her supervision. • Perform other duties and exercise other powers as may be delegated to the Tribal Administrator from time to time by ordinance or resolution or other action of the Business Committee. • The Tribal Administrator shall act exclusively as the agent for and at the behest of the Business Committee in the discharge of its administrative duties and the execution of its policies.
• The Tribal Administrator shall not exercise any policy making authority or attempt to commit or bind the Comanche Nation or the Business Committee. • The Tribal Administrator must obtain the Business Committee approval for any expenditure not provided in the Tribal Council approved fiscal year budget. • The Tribal Administrator shall not have any authority over or duty regarding any commission, board, program, office or employment position created by the Business Committee unless specifically directed. • In the discharge of his/ her duties, the Tribal Administrator shall endeavor at all times to exercise the highest degree of ethics, tact, patience and courtesy in his her contacts with the public and with the Comanche Nations commissions, boards, programs and employees. • The Tribal Administrator shall use best efforts to establish and maintain a harmonious relationship among all personnel under his/her supervision to the end that the highest possible standards of public service are continuously maintained. • The Tribal Administrator shall appoint, a primary and alternative Program Director (or equivalent) under his/her supervision to serve as Acting Tribal Administrator during any temporary absence or disability of the Tribal Administrator and Signature Authority shall be delegated to the Comanche Nation Chairman (or equivalent). • The Tribal Administrator shall be eligible to participate in employee benefits offered to other employees of the Comanche Nation’s governmental system. • The Tribal Administrator may be reimbursed for expenses incurred when traveling on approved official Comanche Nation business. • The Tribal Administrator shall keep personnel matters of the employees under his/her supervision strictly confidential. • The Tribal Administrator shall exercise the utmost prudence regarding the unnecessary release of sensitive information, legal or business, related to programs under his/her supervision which could compromise an economic advantage of the Comanche Nation or bring disgrace on the Comanche Nation’s reputation. • The Tribal Administrator shall be exempt from hourly and overtime compensation. • It shall be the duty of the Tribal Administrator to devote his/her entire normal working time and possible weekends to the duties of Tribal Administrator in the best interest of the Comanche Nation and to work in excess of 40 hours per week if necessary.
The Comanche Nation News
William Nelson Announces His Run for Comanche Nation Chairman Submitted by William Nelson/ candidate
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is information on a candidate who is seeking to run in this year’s election. All candidates who are running in this year’s election may submit their information to The Comanche Nation News for publication. See page 3 for submission guidelines. William Nelson announced he will seek the Comanche Nation Chairman position this June, 2012. Biography My name is William Nelson, Sr. I've been an enrolled Comanche Nation Member since my birth. NA NUMU NU; Atetewuthtakewa, Kosepeah, Apauty, Paddyacker, Poemoceah, Titchywy and Homovich. Happily Married 21 years with five boys. Management and administration experience over 25 years. I'm not a career politician. I'm a humble family man whose heart is pure NUMU NU. I don't drink, drug, steal, lie, cheat or take advantage of others for my own gain. Contrary to some I was never recalled or charged with any wrongdoing as Tribal Administrator. My question to the Comanche People, “Can we do better?” YES WE CAN. My goal and vision for the Comanche Nation is: (1.) Will work hard to get tribal members working. (2.) Will work hard to get tribal members homes. (3.) Will work hard to give the power and voice back to ALL tribal members. (4.) Will work hard to show tribal members how each penny of their money is spent. (5.) Will work hard to make all businesses earn actual revenue for ALL tribal members. (6.) Tribal members vote on every program. Will work hard that (60%) of that program serves ALL tribal members. (7.) Will work hard to maintain a Great Image of the Comanche Nation in Washington, DC, Oklahoma and the seven county Comanche Nation jurisdiction. (8.) Will work hard to have more than one (1) Tribal Council in assembly. (9.) I will never put off, make excuses of any direct order from the Tribal Council. (10.) If these tasks fail it's because WE the elected failed to work together. Finally, will work night and day for a better Comanche Nation Organization at home and worldwide. “Leadership is earned, never given freely” Please Google willieforchairman
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
Continued from Page 1
Watchetaker Hall
Program Schedule
Comanche Nation Complex
Gourd Dance Program 1:00-6:00
Sunday, April 1, 2012
War Dance Program 6:00- Close Supper to be served @ 5::00
Members of the Kiowa Comanche Apache Intertribal Land Use Committee (KCAILUC) hold the $200,000 check awarded to them Feb. 17 to conduct asbestos abatement at Ft. Sill Indian School.
School being a historical site, she is very moved and excited that the process of cleaning up the buildings has begun. The Comanche Nation College has been working on getting the college accredited for around four years. The majority of the students attending (58%) are American Indian. Speaking on behalf of the KCAILUC, president Louis Maynahonah, said he is glad to see after four years of pursuing this task, it is finally happening. He also thanked the whole committee on their dedication and cohesiveness on getting this project off the ground. “I hope all native kids and the community benefit from this when it is finished,” Maynahonah said. Many representatives joined the crowd, including a representative from the Okla-
homa Governors’ Office, Lloyd Grants and Jeanette Grants from the DEQ Office, and representatives from the City of Lawton. Amber Perry, Brownfield Field Manager for the EPA, said tribes have a uniqueness of having a partnership approach to benefit the community. “I believe this is the first sub-grant that is going directly to the tribes,” said Perry. The Comanche Business Committee was also very happy to see the asbestos abatement of the FSIS buildings begin. “I went to school there when I was a kid,” said CBC Robert Komahcheet Jr. “I am glad it is getting cleaned up.” “It’s a long time coming,” said CBC Yonevea Terry. “I am very excited to see it getting renovated.”
~HEADSTAFF~ Master of Ceremonies: Wallace Coffey Head Singer: TBA Head Man Dancer: Leonard Koshiway Head Lady Dancer: Angie Goodfox Head Little Boy Dancers: Jay Bemo Head Little Girl Dancer: Nivy Yarholar Co-Host: Comanche Little Ponies Security: James Domebo Arena Directors: Wild Band Members
Dance Contest Men’s Straight Dance
Women’s Buckskin
Men’s Fancy War Dance
Tiny Tots
Vendor set-up with raffle donation For Further Information: Anthony Monoessy 580.350.7374 Committee not responsible for accident, injury or theft
Chappabitty/Quassycheeky Powwow Comanche Complex, Watchetaker Hall
Courtesy Photos
NEW ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD. New faces on the Comanche Nation Economic Development Board of Directors were sworn in February 6. Clockwise, Jarret Jackson, Charles Wells, and Barbara Goodin were appointed. Their duties are to initiate, develop, monitor, and manage tribal economic development activities on behalf of the tribe, according to Res. No TC 20190, passed May 12, 1990.
Benefit Powwow for Fredericksburg
Saturday, Mar. 24, 2012
HEAD STAFF Master of Ceremony
RG Harris
Head Lady Dancer
Carlene Collins
Head Man Dancer
Kelly Switch
Absentee Shawnee
Head Singer
Victor Tahchawwickah
CO-HOST Comanche War Scouts
Other Co-Hosts TBA
INVITED GUESTS 2011/12 Comanche Nation Princess – Krista Hubbard SCHEDULE Gourd Dance
2:00 – 5:30
Supper Break
5:30 – 6:30
Grand Entry
7:00 – 7:30
Round Dance
7:30 – 8:00
Family Special
Inter-Tribal & Contests
CONTESTS Women’s Cloth
1st, 2nd, 3rd $150, $100, $50
Men’s Straight
1st, 2nd, 3rd $150, $100, $50
Winner Take All Men’s Fancy All dancers, singers, club organizations and tribal & club princesses invited. Powwow Committee is not responsible for accident or theft. Call Larry or Charlotte at 583-5365 or 4831221 for more information. Arts & Crafts set up for a donation of an item for raffle. Plenty of raffles, cake-walk and concession.
March 2012
Programs Shoshone Reunion Meeting Shoshone/Comanche Reunion meeting will be 2:30 p.m., March 4, at the Comanche Nation Higher Education Building at the tribal complex. The next benefit fundraiser will be on March 17, and will be a bingo/taco sale at the Walters Community Building, Walters, Okla. For more information, contact Yonnie Terry (580) 483-5795 or Glenda Goseyun, (580) 919-4625.
Comanche Fitness Center Update
The Comanche Nation News
Tires Pile Up to Save the Environment Over 4,000 tires are collected from community
Story and photo by Candace Wilson/ News Staff
Old, unused tires are not only bad for the environment’s eco-system, but they also hold hazardous creatures such as snakes and mosquitoes that can be dangerous to children and adults. Comanche Nation Office of Environmental Program (CNOEP) would rather the tires be properly recycled and turned into something useful, such as playgrounds for children. Kyle Tahpay, Solid Waste Division Coordinator, and Marc DuBray Solid Waste Technician, noticed that tribal and non-tribal lands had tires and batteries piling up in yards and at illegal dump sites. Tahpay had the idea that the CNOEP could help the community. Tahpay said it was the cost that sometimes turned people away from recycling their tires and batteries. Tahpay added that the tires don’t decompose, and the oil and other chemicals on the tires seep down into the groundwater. Battery acid is also a hazard to the water and soil. DuBray located a company, in Bristol, Okla., who would pick up the tires from their office at the tribal complex. Lynn Schonchin, Assistant Director, worked with the staff and set up the time, dates, and places of the locations the CNOEP would set up. “I wanted to make it open to everyone in the community,” said Tahpay. “For every tire and battery we correctly dispose of, the better the environment will be.” During February, CNOEP set up at different locations to collect tires and batteries so that they can be properly recycled. They set up in the communities of Apache Okla., Cache Okla., and Walters Okla., and many responded to the free help. Tahpay said, “Our only
Effective Feb. 1, The Comanche Nation Fitness Center will have a $10 monthly membership fee for all nonComanche enrolled individuals. The fitness center staff asks that payment be made through a cashier check or money order only. A six-month membership per person is $50. A one-year membership per person is $100. A $5 late fee for payments made after the 7th of each month for current members. The fitness center is free for enrolled Comanche Nation members. The center has four new CYBEX treadmills that are ready for use. They offer nautilus fitness stations and other weight lifting equipment. They also have Zumba and Jujitsu classes. The class schedule is: Zumba Class: Monday-Thursday 5:30-6:30 p.m. Brazilian Jujitsu: Monday-Friday 6:30-8 p.m., Saturday noon-2 p.m. The hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-8 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The center has two Certified Personal Trainers on staff. The staff is Angelena Ketner, Director; Asaan Fife, CI-CPt; and Edward Tahhahwah, III, Administrative Assistant. The center is located at 904 SW F Ave, Lawton, Okla. 73501, and can be reached at (580) 248-0005. The fax numStory and photo by Candace Wilson/ News Staff ber is (580) 248-0003. March 12 is World Kidney Day, according to Centers Career Development for Disease Control and PreCourses Offered vention (CDC). This is a day The Comanche Nation not to go out and cook some Office of Higher Education kidneys (a delicacy for some will be offering a six-week Ca- Comanches), but to become reer Development Course from aware of the organ that is one February 27 – April 6. of the main components to The Career Development live each day. Kidney disease Course is designed to provide has become one of the top 10 individuals with career aware- leading causes of deaths in the ness, self development and United States. The major organ that career decision making skills. helps rids your body of toxic Course activities include goal setting, aptitude testing, an waste are your kidneys. They examination of world of work process 200 liters of blood evand occupational needs, re- eryday to produce about two sume building, and computer liters of urine. Most cases of kidney skill training in Microsoft Word, Publisher, PowerPoint disease and kidney failure occur from diabetes and high and Excel. Comanche tribal mem- blood pressure, and is the reabers who are unemployed or son for a 23.2 percent death underemployed and possess a rate in Southern Plains Native high school diploma or GED Americans, which is highare eligible to apply. Each est death rate over all Native student will receive $7.50 per Americans according, to Daihour for seat time. The course lyRx Relevant Health News. will be taught Monday through Native Americans make up Friday from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. in 1.5% of the U.S. population, the Comanche Nation Educa- and they have the highest rate tion Building, Adult Education in end-stage renal (kidney) disease (ESRD) according to DiRoom. To apply or for more Vita website. In 2006, Chronic Kidinformation, please contact the Office of Higher Education at ney Disease (CKD) was re-
Marc DuBray, Lynn Schonchin, and Kyle Tahpay load tires in Cache, Okla. The crew also set up in Walters and Apache, Okla.
The total collected 4,220 passenger tires, 405 tractor tires, and 26 batteries.
• Feb. 6 at Apache a total of 269 passenger tires, 68 tractor tires, and 6 batteries • Feb. 7 at Apache a total of 321 passenger tires, 36 tractor tires, and 5 batteries; • Feb. 8 at Cache a total of 586 passenger tires, 1 tractor tire, 4 batteries • Feb. 9 at Cache a total of 486 passenger tires, 32 tractor tires, 5 batteries; •
Feb. 15 at Walters a total of 655 passenger tires, 132 tractor tires, no batteries;
• Feb. 16 at Walters a total of 1,903 passenger tires, 136 tractor tires, 6 batteries;
Tires and batteries will be collected 10 a.m.-3 p.m. March 5-6 at the CNOEP Office. reward is helping the community, we don’t gain any profit from doing this.” He added it was a group effort and all of the staff was involved. Tires were being dropped off by the truck loads, and many farmers gathered their tractor tires to take to the drop off sites.
The staff worked endlessly to unload the tires from the cars and trucks, put them on the CNOEP trucks and trailers, drive them to the CNOEP office, unload the tires, and go back for more. The CNOEP had such an outstanding turn out from the community, they have
scheduled another drop-off 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 5 and 6 at the Comanche Nation Environmental office. It is open to the public and they hope they can properly dispose of as many tires as they can to better the environment.
March 12 Highlights one of the Main Organs of the Body
(580) 492-3363.
sponsible for the death of nearly 45,000 people, and according to the National Chronic Kidney Disease fact sheet of 2010. 20 million people have CKD in the United States, as young as 20 years old. Women have a fourpercent higher chance of having CKD, although men are 50-percent more likely to have kidney failure than women. A total of 3,200 women who drank two or more servings of diet soda per day had a 30 percent decline in kidney function than women who drink regular soda, according to Women’s Health Magazine. In other words, drinking two or more diet sodas each day may help you stay slim, but it is sabotaging your kidneys. The best drink to hydrate your body is water. Kidney disease doesn’t go away on its own. It should be treated right away because if not treated, it can progress and turn into kidney failure. A
urine and blood test can indicate if you have either condition. When kidneys can no longer perform the necessary functions for survival, it’s called acute renal failure, but when your kidney is removed, it’s referred to as ESRD, with a growing rate at four to eight percent each year. An individual with advanced ESRD is started on dialysis (kidney function drops by 15% on dialysis), while waiting on a kidney transplant. Kidney transplants have come in a great demand. A “living” donated kidney may be healthier than a “deceased” donated kidney. There are a total of 97,000 patients on the organ transplant waiting list nationwide, according to the Women’s Health magazine. The good news is, you are not doomed to have kidney failure if you change little things toward a healthier living style.
It can never be stressed enough to work-out, even during the “winter month blues.” Instead of staying inside, get moving and go to the local gym! Short on cash? No problem. The Comanche Nation Fitness Center in Lawton is available for tribal and nontribal convenience. If you’re an enrolled Comanche tribal member, take your CDIB (Certification Degree of Indian Blood) card and to fill out a form. No money is needed. Non-tribal members pay a monthly fee of $10. If you don’t want to go to the gym, there are still ways to be active at home. While sitting in the living room or bedroom watching television, do some kind of calisthenic during the commercial breaks like push-ups, set ups, or simply lifting a small two-to-five pound weight. The average commercial break is around three to five minutes, and by the time your television show is over, you may have done around 20 minutes of exercises. The delicate kidney organ is very valuable to maintain life. Treat it kind, and it will take you a long way.
March 2012
Preparing for Emergencies
The Comanche Nation News
Structural, Emergency Medical Responders, and Wildland Fire Training Completed Story by Candace Wilson/News Staff
Comanche Nation Wildland Firefighters, from left, Fawn Bullock, Jon Red Elk, Chad Tahchawwickah, Ronald Monoessy, Kendall Mithlo, Robert Solis, Benjamin Medrano, Derrek Williams, Richard Chibitty, Billy Fagan, Candace Wilson. Not pictured; Andrew Murrell; Elizabeth Ware; Eric Herrera; Freddrick Botella; Grace Robinson; Janie Gooday; Julian Rodriguez; Lonnie Asepermy; Matthew Pennington; Melvin Fagan; Michael Hoahwah; Nathyn Yackeyonny; Ryan Blackstar; Stephanie Byington; Thomas Silverhorn; Tracy Perez; and Walter Solis.
Comanche Nation Emergency Medical Responders, from left, Billy Fagon, Candace Wilson, Richard Chibitty, Shirley Rivera, and Fawn Bullock. Not pictured; Comanche Nation Community Health Representative (CHR); Eric Herrera.
Comanche Nation Structural Firefighter, top row from left, Richard Chibitty, Stephanie Byington, Jon Red Elk, Fawn Bullock, Bill Fagan, Walter Solis, Elizabeth Ware, Lynn Schonchin, and Tom Zivkovic Bottom row from left, Tom Myers, Candace Wilson, Ramon Pekah, and Bessie Karty.
Foster Care Families, Facilities Needed
The Comanche Nation Children’s Court (CNCC) and Indian Child Welfare Department (ICWD) need foster care families for placement of Comanche children. The “Comanche Children and Family Relations Code of 2008” and “Comanche Indian Child Welfare Code of 1982” define foster homes. Foster home means a facility for the care of children in a family-type setting, licensed or approved in accordance with Comanche Code, the State laws or, if outside the Nation’s jurisdiction, by the law of the jurisdiction in which such homes is physically located or both. Currently, the number of children taken into custody of the ICWD and the State of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) far exceeds the number of foster homes available. While it is the
mission of ICWD and CNCC to see that families are reunified, circumstances sometimes exist that prevents reunification. Children taken into protective custody deserve a better way of life. They need a parent, guardian, and/or custodian to guide them onto the right path of life. They need a parent, guardian, and/or custodian to show them affection, guidance, strength, faith, compassion, education, but most of all, they need love and understanding. Please contact CNCC or ICWD for more information on how to become a foster care family today. For more information, contact: Indian Child Welfare Program P.O. Box 908 1921 East Gore Blvd. Lawton, OK, 73502. Telephone (580) 492-335 Fax (580) 354-0808.
Preparing for an emergency takes special skills and learning what to do and how to safely and accurately save lives and property. Tribal members and selected tribal employees took classes to learn how to respond if an emergency occurs. Wildland Fire Fighters The Comanche Nation Wildland Firefighters have a total of 28 people for the upcoming 2012 season. Each individual has passed the annually pack-test, three miles walked in 45 minutes carrying a 45 lb. vest-pack, to qualify for wildland fire fighting. Each went through the recertification process. The newly joined went through the one week training course. Each individual has (I100) Introduction to Incident Command system and (SI-700) National Incident Management System certification. The local Squad Leaders are Billy Fagan, Nathyn Yackeyonny, Lonnie Asepermy, and Tracy Perez. Outof-state Squad Leaders are Nathan Yackeyonny, Lonnie Asepermy, and Tracy Perez. Every member that does not have the Class A Saw (which is a class where they learn how to cut a 8-10 inch free-standing timber) will be sent for the training in March. Richard Chibitty, Billy Fagan, and Tracy Perez, trained on managing and repairing the fire apparatus (fire-truck). EMR The Comanche Nation Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) System and Structural Firefighters was organized by Richard Chibitty and
Comanche Nation Chairman, Johnny Wauqua. The EMR and Structural systems were set up to aid the Comanche Nation Complex with the hope of one day being able to aid the whole tribe. The goal is to have a Comanche Nation Emergency Management System (EMS), fully equipped with a fire apparatus (fire truck) and ambulance. Employees were trained for their Emergency Medical Responders (EMR) in a 57-hour training course. Each person received handson-training and book studies The students also trained to respond to major medical needs, as well as the minor needs, such as broken bones, heart attacks, strokes, delivery, burns and many more. The EMR training is similar to a (EMT) Emergency Medical Technicians training. Structure Fire Fighters 12 students completed a 52-hour Fire Structural hands-on Training Course, held at the Great Plains Technology Center. Each firefighter is trained to enter a house or building fire. Students learned how to roll and unroll a hose properly, start an engine truck and pump water, enter a burning structure, put on a air pack in under a minute, fully dress in bunker gear in under a minute, add a link on a charged hose, properly ventilate a building, and many other skills. At the end of the training, students were instructed to suit up and use the skills they have learned firsthand in a live fire. All students successfully completed the training.
Diabetes Awareness Schedules Foot Exams Story by Candace Wilson/ News staff
The Diabetes Awareness Program has Podiatrist, Dr. Rodney Stapp, performing feet exams on selected days of the week throughout the month. Registered Dietician, Sari Miller, is also available providing one-on-one diet counseling for clients. To be eligible for the program, you must be diabetic, provide verification of residence for the seven county service areas (Comanche, Cotton, Tillman, Stevens, Jefferson, Caddo, and Jackson County), provide a tribal CDIB, and a prescription for shoes. However, if a client has an appointment with Dr. Stapp, he will dispense and fit the shoes. A prescription is needed each time you are eligible for a pair of shoes. Eligibility is once every six-months. To schedule an appointment, call the Diabetes Program and speak with Marilyn Figueroa at (580) 492-3816 or (580) 492-3321
March 2012
Military Submitted by Lanny Asepermy/CIVA
It’s called the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) and it started on 9/11/2001 after the attack on the World Trade Center (aka Twin Towers) in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. 2,752 Americans died as a result of the attacks. Seldom is there any media in the local, state or national newspapers or TV stations about this almost 10 ½ year old war despite being the third longest war in US Military history (Indian Wars from 1791-1891 and Vietnam War 1962-73). CIVA records indicate 69 known Comanches have served in the Military since 911 including 39 known Comanches who have served in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Some have served at least one tour of duty on either front, some have served in both places, and some have served multiple tours (see list at end of article). US Marine Corporal Joshua Jerald Ware is the only Comanche killed in action. He was killed on November 16, 2005 in Iraq. A total, as of January 18, 2012, of 6,331 Americans have died during the GWOT, another 47,530 have suffered wounds. Known Comanches wounded in action are Charles Eatmon, twice, and Joseph Gonzalez. Many of the wounded have lost limbs, are disfigured or suffered head trauma as a result of their wounds.
The Comanche Nation News
In Harm’s Way
Valley are the hottest areas here. We are basically in the Taliban’s back yard.” His duties are many. He is the Senior Medic for Company D and because there are no physicians everything is self reliant/sufficiency based. He has treated gunshot wounds, motor vehicle accidents, blast and illnesses and as he put it “you name it we have seen it here.” He also trains the Afghanistan Uniform Police and mentors the Afghanistan National Army, conducts counter-insurgency operations, area security, route clearance, helicopter missions and as many as four foot patrols daily, some up to ten miles. Most Forward Operating Bases and Coalition Outpost has a mayor that is responsible for the buildings, fire marshal duties, linguist pay and base defense. In addition to his other duties, SGT Gonzalez is also the Mayor of their Coalition Forward Operating Base (Alingar). He wrote “we work and live with suspected Taliban and Taliban informants so we literally are sleeping with the enemy per’se.”
Photo of vehicle SGT Gonzales was riding after being hit by IED.
Lanny and Shelly Asepermy with Joshua Ware prior to his second tour in Iraq.
The greatest enemy of US military is called the IED (Improvised Explosive Device). These are homemade bombs that have killed the majority of the military in both Iraq and Afghanistan. On August 5, 2011 Sergeant Joseph Gonzalez and 5 other soldiers from D Company, 1st Battalion, 179th Infantry, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team were wounded from a remote detonated IED while doing a Route Clearance mission on the deadliest road in Laghman Province, Afghanistan. A witness said the vehicle was blown 5-6 feet into the air during the explosion. All the soldiers were knocked unconscious from the vehicle slamming down. SGT Gonzalez suffered head injuries and tissue damage to his knees and elbows from the explosion. Two of soldiers suffered extensive wounds. Once SGT Gonzalez, who is a combat medic, came to his “senses” he treated the two seriously wounded soldiers, despite receiving harassing fire from the Taliban, until they were evacuated. In an email received from SGT Gonzalez on January 17th he wrote “How did we survive that blast?” He also wrote “I am doing well now, back to patrolling, feeling normal again. Months after the blast I was still having trouble moving and such.” He later wrote “We have pushed into Nuristan in northeast Afghanistan Laghman Province where no Coalition Forces have ever been before. Nuralam and Sangar
SGT Gonzalez on perimeter security while “Blackhawk” helicopter is being unloaded.
SGT Gonzalez with Afghan children.
SGT Gonzalez served in the US Army from 1999-04 and has been in the Oklahoma Army National Guard since 2004. While in the Army, he served at Fort Benning and Fort Gordon GA, Washington D.C. and overseas at Camp Gary Owen Korea. He was a Communications Specialist. During the 911 attack on the Pentagon he assisted with the recovery and rescue of the dead and wounded. Since joining the Guard he has been reclassified and trained as a Combat Medic. SGT Gonzalez served a tour in Iraq from January to October 2008 with Task Force 115 Combat Support Hospital as a Medical Team Leader. Other duty stations have been Fort Sam Houston and Fort Bliss TX, Fort Sill, and Camp Shelby, MS. While at Fort Sill, from January 2009 to January 2010, he was assigned to the 479th Filed Artillery teaching
Combat Lifesaver Course to deploying solider, sailors and airmen in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He has earned the Army Commendation twice, Army Achievement twice, Army Good Conduct twice, the Iraq w/1 Campaign Star and Afghanistan Campaign, Global War on Terror, National Defense Service and Korean Defense Service Medals. SGT Gonzalez has also been awarded the Purple Heart and Combat Medical Badge and has been recommended for the Combat Action Badge and Bronze Star. He is only the fourth known Comanche to receive the Combat Medical Badge – the others being the late PVT Sam W. Chaat (Chahtinneyackque) and the late PVT Ben Trevino during World War II in Europe and SFC Michael Squire who is currently serving in Afghanistan with the Special Forces. He is the husband of the former Tshante Going Snake, the son of Clarice and the late Oscar Gonzalez, a Vietnam War veteran, and grandson of Carol and the late LaVerne Aitson. He has five children and plans on attending Cameron University upon his return home, hopefully, in March, 2012. Other known Comanches that have been or are currently “In Harm’s Way” in Iraq or Afghanistan (Afg) or both include Brandon Allen, Iraq (USMC), Kenneth Atauvich, Afg (USAF), Jesse Blackstar, Iraq (USA), Mariah Codopony, Afg (OKARNG), Charles Eatmon, Iraq & Afg, twice wounded in action (USA), Randall Eckiwaudah, 2 tours in Iraq & 1 tour in Afg (USMC), Michael Frickie, 2 tours in Iraq (USA), Jonathan George, Afg, (USAF), Baliente Herrera, Iraq (USA), Alexander Karty, 1 tour in Iraq & 1 tour in Afg, (USA), Tennyson “T-Bone” Kerchee, 2 tours in Iraq (USA), Eagles Mahseet, Afg (USMC), John McClung, Iraq, also Persian Gulf War, (OKARNG), Roy Quanah Parker, 3 tours in Iraq & 1 tour in Afg (USMC), James “Jimmy” Patterson Jr. (USN), Kevin Pohawpatchoko, 1 tour in Iraq & 1 tour in Afg, (USNR), Rudy Rodriguez, Iraq (USA), Ricardo Saenz, currently in Afg, (USA), Matthew Seaman, Afg (LAARNG), Lisa Smith, 3 tours in Iraq, (USAF), Aaron Southard, 2 tours in Iraq (USA), Michael Squire, currently in Afg (USA), Greg Poahway Steen, 2 tours in Iraq (USMC), Keesa Tahdooahnippah, Iraq (USA), Vena Tahkofper, Iraq (USA), Benny Tahmahkera Jr., 3 tours in Iraq (USMC), Paul Tate Jr., Iraq, (OKARNG), Michael Tenequer, 2 tours in Iraq (OKARNG), Randell Thomas, 2 tours in Iraq (USAF), Terry Daukei Torres, 3 tours in Iraq (USA), Kari Wahkahquah, Iraq, (OKARNG), Joshua Ware, 2 tours in Iraq (USMC), Aaron Wermy, Iraq (USAF), Rhonda Williams, Iraq & Afg (USA), Lamont Yazzie (USAF), Lawrence Yazzie (USAF), Randolph Zambrana, Afg, (USA) and Manuel Zavala, Kuwait & two tours in Iraq (USA). Please contact CIVA Historian Lanny Asepermy at (580) 588-2377 or (580) 678-
4629 if you know of any other Comanches who served in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Multiple tour GWOT veterans Benny Tahmahkera Jr., and Kevin Pohawpatchoko during the Ponca Pow-wow 2010 grand entry.
Charles Eatmon, twice-wounded GWOT veteran at Comanche Nation Fair 2010.
GWOT veterans John McClung and Michael Tenequer with former C.I.V.A. Princess Krista Hubbard during their homecoming from Iraq.
Kari Wahkahquah 2003-04.
Greg Poahway Steen, two tours in Iraq including with invasion forces in 2002.
Brandon Allen, three time GWOT veteran. GWOT veteran Paul Tate Jr. visiting with Vietnam War veteran Lanny Asepermy during Tate’s homecoming from Iraq.
James Patterson Jr., during C.I.V.A. honors on Veterans Day 2011, served in Kuwait in 2003 and Afghanistan in 2007-08.
GWOT veteran Rhonda Williams, with grandson “Buttons,” saying a prayer, at the Lawton Airport after returning from Afghanistan. Vietnam War veteran George Red Elk, presented Williams with a Pendleton blanket.
Dave S. Portillo, flew 41 combat sorties in Afghanistan in 2003, currently a high school football coach in Texas, will be honored by C.I.V.A., on Memorial Day 2012.
GWOT veteran Baliente Herrera carrying the US Flag at Comanche Homecoming 2011.
Mariah Codopony with Afghanistan soldier and an American soldier, she is holding a AK-47 rifle, the weapon of choice of the Taliban.
March 2012
New Names and Corrections on Court of Honor Monuments The CIVA “Court of New names Honor” consists of the Code Talker “Spirit Talker” statue with photos of the Code Talkers who served in Europe during World War II, 10 granite monument stones of which one has the information about the 13 Comanches that died as a result of war and 5 Comanches that were Prisoners of War and 9 other monuments listing the names of about 972 Comanches veterans who served in the military. The last monument was installed on May 21, 2009 – each monument has 48 names on the front and 60 names of the back. Currently we have new 78 names submitted to be added to the next monument. As soon as there are 108 names the CIVA will add an 11th monument. If your name is not on the list below and you can provide proof of honorable service we will add your name to the monument. We must have your full name, rank, branch of service and the years you served. A few veterans have bought to our attention their information is incorrect i.e., name misspelled, rank, branch of service or dates of service incorrect. If your information is incorrect we will add the correct information on the next monument. Corrections to the existing monuments can not be made because the information is etched in granite. Please contact George Red Elk at (580) 512-2225 or Lanny Asepermy at (580) 5882377 or 678-4629 if a correction needs to made or if you want your name added to the monuments. The following is a List of the information for the new monument.
1. Attocknie, Asa, SGT USMC 1993-01 2. Bobelu, Michelle R., SPC USA 1992-94 3. Brady, Christopher L., ABH3 USN 1995-98 4. Burgess, Aaron, 1C2 USN 1975-94 5. Burgess, Armand FN USN 1974-78 6. Cable, Herbert D., SA USN 1972-75 7. Chebahtah, Mathew L., SP5 USA 1970-73 8. Chockpoyah, James C. JR., USN 1946-48 9. Choney, Carden SGT USMC 1994-05 10. Chrismon, Donald R., CN USN 1975-78 11. Clark, Louis GYSGT USMC 1954-67 12. Connywerdy, Andre L., PVT USA 1998-00 13. Coosewoon, Kenneth L., PFC USA 1951 14. Dorsey, Matthew L., SP4 USA 1987-92 15. Eckiwaudah, Leander G., SGT USMC 1995-98 16. Fuller, Billy D., CPL USA 1951-53 17. Geimausaddle, Howard L., PVT USA 1984-85 18. Gonzales, Rudolph W., PVT USA 1945-47 19. Gorbet, Thomas R., SSG USA 1972-92 20. Gwoompi, Preston H., SP4 USA 2000-03 21. Harris, Donna K., GYSGT USMC 1973-96 22. Harris, William R., CPT USAR 1975-85 23. Howry, Billy SP4 USAR 1961-67 24. Issac, Mathew D., SPC USA 2000-03 25. Kahnoosty, Sam USA 1918 WWI 26. Kingfisher, Timmie K., AM USAF 1971-72
27. Jackson, Daniel A., SGT USA 1990-92 28. Karty, Raymond W., HM3 USN 1987-88 29. Komalty, Ernest F., LCPL USMC 1982-85 30. Kowena, Kenneth PVT USMC 1968 31. Lebarre, Bobby L., SGT USAF 1976-79 32. Lebarre, William L., PFC USA 1978-79 33. Little Chief, Barthell, PVT OKARNG 1966-71 34. McClung, Larry D., SP4 USA 1968-71 35. Meek, Colline, HM3 USN 1974-78 36. Mihecoby, Wesley H., SP4 USA 1971-73 37. Morris, Tommy G., 1LT USAR 1969-71 38. Murcock, Frank E., CPL USMC 1956-59 39. Myers, Jackson, MMI USN 1998-04 40. Nahquaddy, Edward SR., SP4 OKARNG & USAR 1954-64 41. Nahquaddy, Edward JR., LCPL USMC 1977-80 42. Paddyaker, Lawerence, PFC USA 1965-70 43. Padhdcony, Albert W., PFC USA 1961-63 44. Pahcheka, Arnold D., SP4 USA 1968-70 45. Parker, Elton A3C USAF 1966-67 46. Perez, Richard M., SP4 USA 1968-70 47. Poco, Lonnie USN 195660 48. Red Elk, William C., SP4 USA 1969-70 49. Roach, Edward G., HT3 USN 1980-85 50. Rogers, Philip K. JR., LCPL USMC 1967-69 51. Rosemark, Robert A Burgess, SSGT USAF 1972-85 52. Rosen, Arton D., SP4 OKARNG 1978-84 53. Russell, Ronald G., PFC USA 1954-58
54. Schreiber Sharron K., CPT USA 1986-89 55. Tahah, Lambert, LCPL USMC 1965-67 56. Tahpay, Herschal, CPL USMC 1944-46 57. Tate, Ernest JR., SP4 USA 1969-72 58. Tate, Paul SR., SP4 USA 1966-68 59. Tahkofper, Vena J., SPC USA 2002-05 60. Tieyah, Arza L., USA 1969-71 61. Timmons, Shannon D. Tate, SRA USAF 1995-99 62. Tippenconnie, Norman W., SR USN 1953-57 63. Tissychy, Richard W., SPC USA 1997-00 64. Tooahnippah, Kenneth D. Simmons, CPL USA 1952-54 65. Toquothty, Delbert H., SGT OKARNG 1958-61 66. Toquothty, Dennis, PVT USA 1943-46 67. Toquothty, Robert, SGT OKARNG 1984-90 68. Underwood, Ladonna, SPC USAR 1991—97 69. Valez, Aadrew E., PVT USNG 1958-59 70. Valex, Ralph E., SGT USA 1968-79 71. Wendt, Ernest A., SGT USA 1963-77 72. Wermy, Gregory, PFC OKARNV 1990-91 73. Wermypekah, James, USA 1918-19 WWI 74. Weryavah, Dennis C., AA 1972-75 75. Williams, Edward C., MMM3/C USN 1943-45 76. Williams, Elton D., GYSGT USMC 1967-86 77. Williams, Robert L., SA USN 1960-61 78. Yare, Maureen M.A., SGT USAF 1976-80 79. Yeagley, Jon P., SGT USAF 1983-89
Comanche Veteran Medallions
The GALLANTRY, HEROISM, VALOR medallion is for any Comanche veteran who has been awarded the following dec The Comanche Indian Veterans Association (CIVA) has orations: The Congressional Medal of Honor, the Distinguished designed three military medallions for Comanche veterans. Service, the Navy or Air Force Cross, the Silver Star, the Dis The FOR HONORABLE MILITARY SERVICE medal- tinguished Fly Cross, the Soldiers, Navy/Marine Corps or Air lion is for any Comanche veteran having served honorably in any Force medals, the Bronze Star, Commendation, Achievement or branch of the Armed Forces. The medallion is bronze in color Air medals with the Valor, Combat “V” or Distinguished Comwith a red neck ribbon. Proof of honorable service must be pro- bat Devices. The medallion is gold in color with a blue neck ribvided before the medallion is awarded. bon. Proof of these awards must be provided before the medallion is awarded.
Front view
Reverse view
The FOR COMBAT SERVICE medallion is for any Comanche veteran who has been awarded the European-Africa-Middle Eastern or Asiatic-Pacific Campaign medals during World War II, the Korean Service medal during the Korean War, the Vietnam Service medal during the Vietnam War, the Southwest Asia Campaign medal during the Persian Gulf War or the Iraq or Afghanistan Campaign medals during the Global War on Terror. Proof of these awards must be provided before the medallion is awarded. The medallion has a yellow neck ribbon and is silver in color.
Front view
Reverse view
Front view
Reverse view
Questions on the awarding of these medallions can be directed to the CIVA Commander, George Red Elk at (580) 5122225 or the Historian, Lanny Asepermy at (580) 588-2377 or 678-4629.
The Comanche Nation News
CIVA Award Ceremony
The Comanche Indian Veterans Association will host a Numu Pukutsi Award Ceremony on Saturday, March 17, at the Comanche Community in Apache starting at 1 p.m. Honors to LCpl Philip Rogers and Special Recognition to Auxiliary members Sharon Enriquez and Vanessa Sapcut will precede the presentation of the Gallantry, Heroism, and Valor Numu Pukutsi and Combat Service Numu Tekwaniwapu medallions to 18 Comanche veterans. Lanny Asepermy will be the Master of Ceremonies and Vice Commander Jack Codopony will conduct the ceremony assisted by the Auxiliary. The awardees are: PVT Calvin Atchavit (deceased), US Army, World War I, Distinguished Service Cross; MSgt Edward L. Clark (deceased), US Marine Corps, World War II and Korean War, Silver Star, USN/USMC medal and USN/ USMC Commendation medal with/Valor Device; SGT Lee D. Toquothty (deceased), US Army, Korean War, Silver Star; SGT George G. Red Elk, US Army and OK Army National Guard, Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars, Silver Star; LtCol Meech Tahsequah (deceased), US Army Air Force and US Air Force, World War II and Korean War, Distinguished Flying Cross; Maj Vincent Myers Sr., US Army Air Force, World War II, Distinguished Flying Cross: Brig Gen Jonathan George, US Air Force, Global War on Terrorism, Distinguished Flying Cross; SGM Rudolph Kosechequetah, US Army, Vietnam War, Soldier’s Medal; Col Raymond Portillo, US Marine Corps, World War II, Bronze Star with/Combat “V”; CPT Cloyce “Chuck” Choney, US Army, Vietnam War, Bronze Star (2) with V Device; Sgt Lucien “Jimmy” Looking Glass, US Marine Corps, Vietnam War, Bronze Star with/ Combat “V”; CPT Johnny Tiddark, US Army, Vietnam War, Bronze Star with/V Device; LCpl Philip Rogers, US Marine Corps, Vietnam War, USN/USMN Commendation medal w/Combat “V”; Cpl Leland Parker, US Marine Corps, Vietnam War, USN/ USMC Achievement w/Combat “V” medal; LCpl Lewis Chasenah, US Marine Corps, Vietnam War, USN/USMC Achievement w/Combat “V”; Cpl Joshua Ware, US Marine Corps, Global War on Terrorism, USN/USMC Achievement w/Combat “V”; Sgt Ronald “Ronnie” Mahsetky, US Marine Corps, Vietnam War, Hand to Hand Combat and Cpl Edmond “Eddie” Mahseet, US Marine Corps, Vietnam War, Hand to Hand Combat.
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
People,Places and Things Happening Lawton Indian Hospital Observes National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
The Health Education Program at the Lawton Indian Hospital has collaborated with the Oklahoma State Department of Health to bring an HIV Testing Event to the Lawton area. March 20, marks the sixth annual National Native HIV/ AIDS Awareness Day. HIV continues to increase among Native people as it has over the past decade. This day will challenge us to work together in harmony to create a greater awareness of the risk of HIV/ AIDS to our Native communities, to call for resources for testing and early detection and for increased treatment options, and to eventually decrease the occurrence of HIV/ AIDS among Native people. A booth will be set up in the lobby of the Lawton Indian Hospital March 20, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., so patients can sign up to take the test. At noon, bring your lunch to the Main Conference Room and listen to Sally Bouse from the Oklahoma State Department of Health talk about the basic facts of HIV in her presentation, “What Happens in Vegas Doesn’t Stay in Vegas.” She will answer questions afterward. Also, the video entitled “The Phillip Smith Story” will be shown. It is a short documentary about a young Choctaw man who became infected with HIV at the age of thirteen and was diagnosed with full blown AIDS by the age of seventeen. Every ethnic and racial group in America has been affected by HIV/AIDS, but individual experiences, impacts, responses, and the legacy of the disease are distinctively different. This day is a day that brings national attention to the plight of Native communities and their struggles against the epidemic. We hope this date will raise awareness of HIV/ AIDS among Native people – Native Americans, Native Alaskans, and Native Hawaiians. Protect our future! Protect our people! Celebrate life!
Home, informed the elders that the burial assistance is $7,500 for all Comanches. Roger Stapleton of the CONEI told the elders that the CONEI is trying to build value for the Comanche Nation; provide economic diversification; and provide long-term sustainable revenue for the future of the Comanche Nation. The Elders Council revised it’s by-laws which will be presented to the Comanche Business Committee (CBC) for approval. 56 people were in attendance for the January monthly meeting. The Comanche Nation Elders Council’s February meeting started with an invocation by Virgie Kassanaviod. The new mission statement for the Elders Council: “The Comanche Elders Council will advise regarding the protection and preservation of Comanche cultural resources; maintain the integrity of the tribe’s heritage, language, history and traditions; provide guidance in all matters of cultural significance involving the Comanche Nation and provide information about programs and service to the Numunu.” Comanche Nation Secretary/Treasurer, Robert Tippeconnie spoke on the budget process. Comanche Nation Committeeman No. 2, Yonevea Terry, presented pictures of past Shoshone Reunions. Chad Tahchawwickah entertained the Elders Council with his comedy act, which was enjoyed by all. The minutes and financials were given. Approximately 58 or more people were in attendance. An accurate total was not available due to the fact that not everyone signed in. The noon meal was provided by Dehny Roman.
Comanche Nation Elders Council The Comanche Nation Elders Council met on Jan. 9, at the Comanche Nation College. Speaker Sharlene Eschiti, Funeral Director for the Comanche Nation Funeral
Women’s Day Out The Behavioral Health Clinic and Women’s Clinic of the Lawton Indian Hospital present: Women’s Day Out, noon - 2 p.m., Mar. 23, in the Main Conference Room of the Lawton Indian Hospital. Highlights for the event consist of: • How emotions affect health and wellness. • Tips for healthy relationships. • Presentation from a certified fitness trainer. A light lunch will be served and door prizes will be available. Childcare will not be provided. For more information contact the Lawton Indian Hospital at (580) 354-5000.
Service With Honor
Tony R. Burgess served in the US Army for 10 years from July 31, 1991 July 30, 2001, including 3 years, 1 month and 26 days overseas, earning the rank of Specialists. SPC Burgess is a high school graduate Lawton Eisenhower and the son of Ronald and Sue (Poahway) Burgess. His grandparents were the late Lester and Margaret (Monenerkit) Poahway. He completed his Basic Training at Fort Jackson SC and
Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian Selects New Board Chairman The Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., is proud to announce that Roberta L. Conner (Confederated Tribes of Umatilla) was selected and confirmed as the chair of the museum’s board of trustees effective Jan. 1, 2012. Conner is the director of the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute in Pendleton, Ore. where she has been since 1998. She manages the 45,000 squarefoot facility that includes an interpretive center, library and photo archive, living culture village, collection vaults, cafe, museum store and galleries.
ing his high school career, he had 57 rushing, 64 total touchdowns and was Oklahoma’s rushing leader with 3,335 yards for the year. Wilson hopes to play Division I football for the University of Oklahoma. Wilson was named Oklahoma’s Offensive Player of the Year on Feb. 7. Wilson’s parents are Lecretia Vasquez and stepfather, Jose Gutierrez; father, Clifton Wilson.
his Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Bliss, TX as a Vulcan Crew member. His duty stations and assignments were at Schofield Barracks, HI with the 25th Infantry Division, Fort Riley, KS with the 1st Infantry Division, Fort Gordon, GA for his second AIT as a Avionic Mechanic, Fort Hood, TX with the 1st Cavalry with duty at Comanche Base Bosnia, Camp Humphreys Korea with the 6th Cavalry, III Corps, and Fort Lewis, WA with the 54th Medical Company (Air Ambulance). As a Vulcan (20 mm Gatling gun) crewman he was a driver and gunner and as an Avionic Mechanic he repaired and maintained various Army helicopters. His awards include the Army Achievement (7), Good Conduct (3), National Defense Service, Korean Defense Service and United Nations Service (Bosnia) Medals, the Army Service and Overseas w/Numeral 2 Ribbons, the Air Assault, Aircraft Crewman and Expert Qualification w/Rifle Bar Badges. SPC Burgess comes from a long-line of veterans. His father, Ronald and 5 of his uncles, Donald Burgess, Teddy Burgess, Franklin Whitewolf and Wayne Motah all served in the Air Force, another uncle, Michael Poahway served in the Navy. Other immediate family members who have served or are on active duty include Greg Poahway Steen with the Marine Corps and currently in the Navy Reserve, Randolph Zambrana with the Navy and is now in the active Army at Fort Bragg NC, Billy Burgess Jr. is in the active Army stationed at Fort Hood, TX and Timothy Motah is on active duty with the Air Force. SPC Burgess has three children and lives in Lawton. He has worked as a government contractor on military helicopters at Fort Hood and on the Wind Turbine Generators at the Blue Canyon Wind Farm in the Slick Hills.
Code Talker’s Daughters Presented with Citation The family of Comanche Code Talker, Clifford Otitivo Sr., was unable to attend the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame (OMHF) Induction Banquet of the Comanche Code
Jan Ototivo speaking on behalf of her family along with sisters Linda and Carmen.
Talkers on November 11, 2011. On December 9, 2011 the Comanche Indian Veterans Association (CIVA) presented the daughters of Ototivo Sr., a framed citation and medallion on behalf of their father. The presentation was held during the CIVA’s annual Christmas dinner at local Mexican restaurant, Los Tres Amigo’s. Their father, Technician Fifth Class Clifford Ototivo Sr., was born June 29, 1920 in southwest Oklahoma and died on November 11, 1980 at age 60. He and Edgar Monetatchi and others organized the Comanche Indian Veterans Association in 1976. T/5 Ototivo Sr., retired from Federal Civil Service at Fort Sill as a warehouseman. He was a member of the CIVA, Comanche Little Ponies, Comanche Homecoming and Comanche Reformed Church.
Craig Receives Belated Honor
Craig receiving a congratulatory.
Michael Craig was unable to attend the CIVA Veterans Day Celebration on November 12, 2011 because of a death in his family. He was one of five honorees for the event. On December 9, 2011 the CIVA presented honors to Craig during their Christmas Dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, Los Tres Amigo’s. Craig served in the Army from 1996 to 2002 at Fort Jackson SC, Fort Sill, Fort Hood, TX and overseas in Korea and Bosnia. He is the son of Arvillia Sapcut Craig. His complete military narrative and photo are in December issue of The Comanche Nation News.
Wilson with mother, Lecretia Vasquez
Tribal Member Signs with Northeastern Oklahoma A&M Tribal member Sheldon Wilson has decided to further his education. Wilson will be attending Northeastern Oklahoma A&M Junior College in Miami, Okla. Wilson was the key player for the Anadarko High School Warriors football team. The Anadarko High School won the 2011-2012, 3A State Championship, the first time in Anadarko High School history. During the title game against Cascia Hall, Wilson had 286 total yards and five touchdowns fueling the 35-18 victory. Wilson set records dur-
Courtesy Photo
A BLAST FROM THE PAST. The 1961 Ace All-stars All-Indian Team, coached by Hollis Asenap. Pictured from left: front row; Videll Yackeshi, Leonard Chibitty, Delbert Karty, Mike Wauqua: back row; Jimmy Johnson, Eddie Nauquaddy, Benny Kassanavoid, Bill Pekah and Coach Asenap.
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
Outsourcing-to Indian Country By Carol Berry/Indian Country Today Magazine, Feb. 22, 2012 edition “Outsourcing—To Indian Country”
A Comanche Ph.D. student is touting a plan that could allow tribal members to stay on rural reservations and earn a reasonable living- an opportunity that has so often seemed elusive. Calvin C, Pohawpatchoko Jr., who is enrolled in the interdisciplinary program in technology, media and society at the University of Colorado Boulder, hopes to create “insourcing” for companies that want to initiate call or data centers on or near Indian reservations, located a short distance from the companies’ customers. They would contrast with outfits that outsource to India, the Philippines or elsewhere. Call centers employ personnel who respond to questions from callers. Although the respondents apparently work for a given firm-a computer company, say-they are generally call center employees. Data centers, sometimes combined with call centers, store information for other parties. They may, for example, “it’s the role of universities” to create economic skills and economic stability in the area. One challenge for Indian America is that more than 50 percent of Native students drop out of high school before they graduate. Twenty percent at the high school level may go to college, but only half of them, graduate according to Pohawpatchoko. “[So] we may be left with 10 percent actually gradu-
ation from college,” he noted. Nor is insourcing without drawbacks. For costconscious business leaders, services abroad might still be cheaper, with educated workers commanding relatively low wages in unregulated working conditions. But in America’s job-starved economy, insourced call or data centers might provide social capital. Other hurdles include elected tribal councils that may change every two years or so, thereby altering the tribes’ positions on call centers; sovereignty issues that could discourage outside investment; and lack of funds for needed infrastructure. Some reservations have already taken the plunge into call and data centers, a field that Pohawpatchoko, who worked for electronic Data Systems, has watched with interest. Cayuse Technologies, owned by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation offers such services as digital document image processing, software development and a call center for governmental and commercial clients. The tribally owned firm in northeastern Oregon was formed “to diversify the local economy and to create living wage jobs that allow people of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and surrounding rural communities the opportunity to live and work on or near the
Umatilla Reservation and their homes,” reads the Cayuse website. Other data or call centers in Indian country provide employment in areas where jobs are scarce. One example is Lakota Technologies Inc., in Eagle Butte, South Dakota on the Cheyenne River Sioux Indian Reservation. At different times, the firm has employed from 10 to 15 tribal members who work primarily in data conversion. It is “an opportunity for our people economically,” said Candace LeBeau, production supervisor. An umbrella group of seven tribes, two Alaska Native Corporations’ and two Native non profits, the Intertribal Information Technology Company was formed mainly to meet Department of Defense needs for converting paper documents and outdated formats to advanced digital formats. Through its Native American Document Conversion Program, it “has created employment for as many as 500 people in Native communities [including Eagle Butte] typically suffering 50 percent or greater unemployment,” Pohawpatchoko says. He lauds these and other ventures: “We haven’t really grasped the idea of sovereignty itself-we still have the mindset of trying to catch up. We should always be looking forward and seeing what could be done.”
COLORADO ALL STAR. On December 14, the Colorado Springs Gazette listed tribal member, Cheyenne Coffman, as "Honorable Mention" to their All Area Team. She was also listed to the second team all conference for the 4A Metro Plains Division. Coffman is a sophomore at Vista Ridge High School and played 3rd base and left field for the Wolves. She is the daughter of Jeremy and Vanessa Coffman; and granddaughter of Keith and Ann Koassechony of Apache.
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March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
Milestones Happy Belated Birthday
Marshall “Chubs” Ross Kerchee, February 1 Glen Heminokeky, February 4 Titus Nitoshi Tonemah, February 8 Aaliyah Blanton, February 11 BJ Anderson, February 15 Mary Pollard, February 16 Lillene Suina, February 17 Nuh-Nuh Tsee Gwoompi, February 20 Jessie Ototivo, February 21 Skyler Gibson, February 23 Cole Cook, February 25
Happy Belated Birthday Tamara Wermy
January 6
Happy Belated Birthday Ashlee Wermy
January 6
Happy Belated Birthday Marshall “Chubs” Ross Kerchee February 1
Happy Belated Birthday Titus Nitoshi Tonemah February 8
Happy Belated Birthday BJ Anderson February 15
Skylar Gibson
February 23
Happy Birthday Onassis Joe Ahhaitty February 24
Happy Birthday Yolanda Gracious-Penny Ahhaitty March 2
Happy Birthday Britney Ototivo March 7
Happy Birthday Kellea Kerchee March 7
Happy Birthday Fred Codynah Jr March 11
Happy Birthday Bill Tieyah March 12
Happy Birthday Rose Pennah March 12
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Kalia Kania Tanequodle March 22
Happy Birthday Isabella “Belle” Ross Kerchee March 23
Happy Birthday
Charles Kerchee, March 1 Matthew Asetamy, March 1 Darren Gibb Asepermy, March 2 Yolanda Gracious-Penny Ahhaitty, March 2 Alise Blanton, March 4 Happy Belated Birthday Happy Belated Birthday Nuh-Nuh Gwoompi Jessie Ototivo Roberta Burgess, March 4 February 20 February 21 Alyiah Michelle Lane Garcia, March 5 Deborah Trujillo, March 5 Lilly Ototivo, March 5 Shane Gibson, March 5 Britney Ototivo, March 7 Kella Kerchee, March 7 Kelly Kerchee, March 7 Branden Rider, March 8 Fred Codynah Jr., March 11 Rose Edith Nauni, March 11 Bill Tieyah, March 12 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Austin Daly, March 12 Deborah Trujillo Shane Gibson Rose Pennah, March 12 March 5 March 5 Connor Keetso, March 12 Amari Brinkman, March 14 Delayna Karty, March 14 Desire Lowe, March 14 Ashley Nicole Torivio, March 16 Rocinda Nibbs, March 16 John R. Cable, March 19 Tallie Rae Large, March 19 Erin Howe, March 20 Kalia Kania Tanequodle, March 22 Raphie Coosewoon, March 22 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Eric Nauni, March 23 Rose Edith Tahchawwickah Austin Daly Isabella “ Belle” Ross Wiegand, March 11 March 12 March 23 Mike Tosee, March 24 Onassis Joe Ahhaitty, March 24 Kendall Brinkman, March 26 Mitchell Gwoopi, March 26 Raymond Nauni Jr., March 26 Gene Mowatt, March 28 Kyleigh Neitake, March 28 Yvonne Poleheptewa, March 29 Joshua Wauqua, March 30
Anniversary Larney & Linda Silverhorn Feb. 23-Married 21 years
Happy Birthday Tallie Rae Large March 19
Happy Birthday Erin Howe March 20
Happy Birthday Kyleigh Neitake March 28
Monroe “Jay” Pohocsucut-Gibson March 2
Happy Belated Birthday
In Loving Memory
Delayna Karty
March 14
Happy Birthday Mitchell Gwoompi March 26
New Arrivals
Kieran & Christina Daly February 21~Married 7 years Passing Edward Ray Svitak June 7, 1963~February 2, 2012
Talon Jo Jimenez Penelope Marie Cable “Penny” Born April 12, 1992 Passed Away March 15, 2011
Born: Feb. 15th, 2012 @ 2:04 p.m. 7lbs 4oz’ 20.5in To: Tyler Jimenez & Miquah Curry
Joseph Caddo Jr Born: January 23, 2012 @ 9:00 pm 8lbs 10oz’ 22in To: Joseph & Johnetta Caddo
Deadline for April 3/15/2012 Call Public Information Office (580) 492-3752 E-mail: candacet@comanchenation.com Or mail: Comanche Nation/PIO P.O. Box 908 Lawton, OK 73502
March 2012
Walter Jay Nahno-Kerchee
Funeral for Walter Jay Nahno-Kerchee was Feb. 15, at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home, with his grandfather, Wallace E. Coffey and Edward Eschiti officiating. Burial was at Highland Cemetery in Lawton, Okla. Nah-no Kerchee died Feb. 11, in Shawnee. Kerchee was born Nov. 27, 1973, in Des Moines, Iowa. He entered Cameron University while attending Cache High School where he graduated in 1992. He graduated for the University of Oklahoma
The Comanche Nation News
in May 1999 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry (major) and Intercultural Communication (minor); and graduated from the University of Oklahoma-Health Sciences Center in May 2004 with Doctor of Pharmacy degree. He interned with the OKC Urban Indian Clinic Pharmacy (2001-2004), worked for the Chickasaw Nation Department of Health as a Staff Pharmacist (2004-2010), Relief Pharmacist of Oklahoma, Inc as relief/ temporary Pharmacist (20102011), and Halo Pharmacy as Pharmacist (2011-present). He was a loyal Sooner fan. He was a loving uncle to his many
nieces and nephews. He will be missed by his coworkers, family and friends. Survivors include his mother, Sallie Kerchee Tonips; his sister, Nadine May Tonips; grandmothers, Nadine Kerchee, Betty Crocker, Agnes Shuckahosee; grandfathers, Wallace Coffey, Harold Pewewardy; uncles, Royal Kerchee (Terri); aunts, Sunny Kerchee Knox, Cheryl Pewewardy, Diane Pewewardy, Lynna Rosarios (Nico), Patricia Pewewardy, Geneva Pewewardy, Edith Lopez; special cousins, Dawn Yazzie Howard (Nevelle), Lawrence Yazzie (Mollie), Lamoni Yazzie (McResha),
Shawn Yazzie (Charmayne), Cortney Kerchee Floyd (Chris), Adam Kerchee, Jessica Kerchee Jackson (Brandon), Valerie Kerchee Logan (Jason), Desbah Yazzie; special friends: Christina Hamilton, Tara Hill, Veronica Schmidlkofer and Hoang Nguyen; and a host of many relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Otto Tonips; grandfather, Walter Kerchee Jr. and Richard D. Poweshiek. Memorial donations for the Walter Jay Nahno-Kerchee Scholarship to First National Bank and Trust-Cyril, P.O. Box 89, Cyril, Okla., 73029.
willing to give all we can to honor the defenders of our nation. The CIVA men dress in uniforms to show that they have pride in their tribe. And, the auxiliary wear their regalia to express their joy in honor of the Comanche warriors. We have received compliments and admiration from other tribes for the way the CIVA supported their veterans. We’re representing the tribe and not any individual veteran that is active with CIVA, but all veterans. We invite other veterans to be our guests of honor in numerous events. I’ve heard many veterans say, “I just went in because I had to,” “I didn’t do anything worth honoring,” “I am not a hero,” and “What am I going to do with some old plaque?” etc. I believe that any veteran would give their life to defend our country to protect their loved ones. If only one grandparent (any family member), who served in the U.S. Armed Forces, impress or inspires one grandchild then everything the CIVA does is justified. Many more young men and women are going into the service or coming home from war, these soldiers deserve the right to be recognized. If the CIVA’s funding is stopped, then will there be any memorabilia passed down to their grandchildren? My grand kids are proud of their grandfather’s (Doc) dedication and awards while in the U.S. Army and from the CIVA , also to have their grandfather’s poster, the “Fallen Warriors” proudly hanging in their living room. In closing, I humbly ask you to reconsider your vote on the next CIVA budget item. As a tribe, a nation of the United States, we must show our appreciation to our veterans. The CIVA has their monthly meeting in the conference room of the Comanche tribal complex, on the first (1st) Thursday of every month. Please come and participate! This is your veteran’s organization; you have a right to give your opinion or input. May God keep everyone in His grace! Thank you.
tion that members of the CBC took it upon themselves to have the Election Board ordinance rewritten, without including the Election Board in the process. Communication as well as common courtesy is fundamental to achieve success and, more importantly, to achieve leadership. This is why I’m perplexed that CBC members deliberately omitted the input from the very board which not only operates the Nation’s elections, but also were elected to represent their respective districts. There is no excuse for this unprofessionalism and lack of principles. To not include the board leaves the CBC’s integrity in question, and the true motive for the deceit cannot be for the positive if there was no interaction with the board. The knowledge, insight, and experience each Election Board member holds is valuable and needed when recreating such an integral part of our government. We know the manpower it takes to make each election and general council meeting a victory, we know what is needed to make each election secure, and we know that we were elected to participate in such decisions as creating a new election ordinance. A former Election Board member serves on your committee and I would hope the education, integrity, and ethics the Election Board has was relayed to each of you in her words and actions. The new ordinance raises many red flags that will unfortunately taint the election process as well as taint the faith tribal members put in each of you as elected officers. Please know if the Comanche people choose all absentee elections, I am more than willing to take the time to properly research the security provisions needed for the transition. I am sure other board members are willing to complete the job they were elected to do as well. The Election Board operates in a democratic manner since each of us represent the district in which we live, and we always keep the people in our thoughts and actions, therefore it would behoove the CBC to meet with the board in its entirety and not just the officers. Unfortunately, this is not the first time the CBC made changes to the election process/board without including the board itself, nor is it the first time the CBC has only summoned select members of the board to speak to instead of all board members. With all due respect this practice is not appreciated, moral or in good judgment. Please understand and recognize the significance of your elected Election Board members and the knowledge we have acquired in order to provide a safe and transparent election process for our Comanche people. I look forward to seeing a positive change in your business practices with not only the Election Board members, but also with the Comanche people as a whole, especially when it comes to our most important right – the right to vote. Thank you for your time, patience and understanding. Respectfully, Dana Attocknie – Oklahoma City district
I had written about Linn Wauqua; I realized that I offered no explanation to accompany those lines. In trying to cope with the news of her death when I wrote that poem. It just flowed out without much thought. Being a personal recollection and hope for her spirit being at peace, I had no intention of showing it to anyone else. When several weeks later, I read it again it occurred to me that it might provide a small measure of comfort to Linn’s family and friends. Since I cannot be there I hope you can publish it and I hope it is of some help. Jon Red Elk
Dear TCNN Letters to the Editor
Dear TCNN, I will be presenting the following two resolutions at the March 3rd CBC monthly meeting. Resolution No. 1: To Authorize A Forensic Audit of Procurement Contracts Whereas, the tradition and sovereignty of the Comanche Nation since time immemorial which long predates the existence of the United States of America, establishes the inherent sovereign powers and rights of Comanche Self-Government; and Whereas, the Comanche Business Committee is the duly elected official body designated to conduct business for and on behalf of the Comanche Nation pursuant to Article VI Sec. 7 (c) of the Comanche Constitution; and Whereas, the Comanche Nation has tribal funded programs which require compliance with Comanche procurement policies and procedures and applicable federal laws and has federally funded programs which require compliance with federal procurement policies and procedures as contained in the code of federal regulations; and Whereas, the need to correct this unaccountability, to prevent further violations, and to assure compliance with Comanche and federal laws, demands a thorough federal criminal investigation to obtain forensic prosecution evidence, documents, cancelled checks, and notarized affidavits. Now therefore be it resolved, the Comanche Business Committee authorizes a Forensic Audit of federal funds and tribal government, gaming, and enterprise funds. Resolution No. 2: Authority of the Comanche Business Committee to Authorize Contracts or Agreements on behalf of the Comanche Nation Whereas, the tradition and sovereignty of the Comanche Nation since time immemorial which long predates the existence of the United States of America, establishes the inherent sovereign powers and rights of Comanche Self-Government; and Whereas, the Comanche Business Committee is the duly elected official body designated to conduct business for and on behalf of the Comanche Nation; and Whereas, the Comanche Council passed a resolution in April, 2007, and the Comanche Business Committee passed the same resolution in February, 2011, to nominate the Comanche Indian Mission Cemetery to the National Register of Historic Places; and Whereas, any changes to the Comanche Indian Mission Cemetery would prevent the placement of the cemetery on the National Register of Historic Places; and Whereas, the invalid Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Fort Sill and the Comanche Nation regarding the Comanche Indian Mission Cemetery dated November 23, 2011, has no legal effect because the Comanche Business Committee did not authorize or approve the agreement. Now, therefore let it be resolved, the Memorandum of Agreement in null and void because of no Comanche Business Committee au-
Thomas Narcomey
Dear TCNN, First and foremost, I am writing to express my personal opinion. No one has asked or coerced me into writing this statement. I’m not trying to defend nor take sides. I’d just like to relay some facts concerning the Comanche Indian Veterans Association. For centuries, the Comanche people have honored our Numu-nu Warriors. We continued to uphold the warrior honoring tradition by paying homage to Comanche servicemen and women through veteran celebrations, memorials, and banquets. It’s not only an obligation, but an honor that has been going on even before the adoption of the Comanche Indian Veterans Association, in 1976. Despite the CIVA’s endeavors, the Comanche people increasingly refuse to approve the funding for their annual budget. The majority of the people who benefit from CIVA’s services, are families right here within the Comanche county area. However, the majority of our absentee voters, that may not benefit, are the ones that approve the budget. “What is the source of the quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your in your members?” [James 4:1] I am saddened that the CIVA’s main support is not within our own counties. What is the reasoning behind the disapproval of funding CIVA? I realize that some individuals are bitter that the CIVA is aided by tribal funding. I hear continuous cruel comments in regards to the expenditures from CIVA’s budget. Many people don’t take into consideration that we selflessly donate our time and energy. The CIVA gives a little gas money to members that travel over a 25-mile radius, but most of the commitments are local. Therefore, the majority of the expenses comes out of an individual members own pocket. The CIVA’s funding is used for providing veterans with commemorative plaques, CIVA medallions of honor, grateful nation Pendleton, painted war pony figurines, and member jackets. As a member of the CIVA, I have done over 70 plus funerals, honor guards, banquets, powwows, memorials, etc. At times, I didn’t even know the veteran or families at funerals or other events, but I chose to participate because its’ my way of giving back to the veteran and the tribe for the honoring of my father: SSG Samuel “Doc” Pewewardy, a former prisoner of war. Convincing some folks that these veterans gave their lives in order for our people to be free is a hard task. I hear malicious talk from members within the tribe about CIVA. Many people claim that the CIVA is “just showing off” by spending as lot of their budget on medals, plaques, blankets, shawls, uniforms and attire for the auxiliary & princess. However, the CIVA gives these items to their honorees to show appreciation for the service men and women’s countless sacrifices. Our military men and women are willing to give their lives. Therefore, we are
Sincerely, Stanton Pewewardy Former CIVA 2nd Vice Commander United States Navy Dear TCNN, Attached is a Letter to the Editor that I wrote; it’s addressed to the CBC. The letter I wrote was not given to CBC members as anticipated because they did not show up for a meeting they scheduled with the board and enrollment department on Jan. 27: January 27, 2012 Dear Comanche Business Committee members: My name is Dana Attocknie and I serve as the recorder for the Comanche Nation Election Board in addition to representing the Oklahoma City district. I am unable to make today’s meeting between the Comanche Business Committee (CBC) and Nick Plata and Charles Wells, the Comanche Nation Election Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman, respectively. Therefore, please accept this letter in my absence. It has come to my atten-
Dear TCNN, I had mailed you the words
Dear TCNN, For Linn Sue Wauqua, Totisyaa, we talked about it for years, you and I- going home. Through the tears and laughter we dreamed about it going home. In all our visits you were the one to reassure me that we were going home. You said it wouldn’t be long. We would be together again- going home. You thought of others and not yourself of me and your sons Dale and Jeff. You down played the seriousness and the pain, and said we’d see each other again, soon. God had other plans and took you away, and freed you from life’s illness and pain. Now you’re safe in Jesus arms, and finally-you’re-Going Home. Jon Red Elk Dear TCNN, I want to thank all of my friends, relatives, and former students who attended my 100th birthday celebration on February 10. It was an enjoyable and emotional occasion for me. I was also overjoyed to see my late husband’s Sac and Fox relatives. They traveled from California and northern Kansas to help me celebrate this occasion. I want to give special thanks to the Comanche Museum for taking the time to compile the short presentation on my life and teaching career and to the Comanche Elderly Center for allowing the use of the center. I want to thank LaVoice for organizing a chorus of women who sang several Comanche hymns. I really appreciate hearing the hymns sung by such beautiful voices. Thanks to you ladies, the songs were very uplifting. I also appreciated the closing remarks that were given by Wallace Coffey, former chairman of the Comanche Nation. Last, but not least, I want to thank my son and caregiver, Ed, for taking the time to make this birthday celebration happen. I am sure I missed mentioning some of the wonderful and supportive people who helped me celebrate this day, but you must remember that I am now 100 years old, so forgive me. Again, many, many thanks to all of you. With love to all of you, Josephine Myers- Wapp
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
Caddo County Tournament
Story and Photos by Candace Wilson/News Staff
Apache High School Warriors played in the 2012 Caddo County Basketball Tournament Jan. 16-21 at Anadarko High School. Lady Warriors entered the tournament trying to make a stand for the championship title. Playing for Lady Warriors were tribal members Whisper Weryackwe, Mary Turner, Dallas Coosewoon, Chelsea Sapcut, Kassi Coosewoon, and Naomi Nevaquaya. Lady Warriors faced Hinton High School in their first game toward the championship game. Coosewoon had three rebounds and one assists in the game against Hinton. In the following game versing Cement, Coosewoon had two rebounds and one assists, in the lady warriors final game against Binger-Oney she had one rebound. In the Hinton game, Weryackwe had nine points, with three rebounds, and one assists. The second game against Cement she racked up nine points, three rebounds, one assist, and during the lady warriors ending game for the tournament against BingerOney game she had a total
Apache Warriors
of eight points and three rebounds. When playing in the Lady Warriors first game Nevaquaya had six points, four rebounds, and one assist against Hinton. The second game the lady warriors stepped up and won the game against Cement, and Nevaquaya had a total of six points, four rebounds, and one assist. For her final game as a senior for the Apache Warriors, Nevaquaya score 13 points, four rebounds, and one assist. Turner, Sapcut, and Harris were also on the Lady Warriors basketball team. Dallas Coosewoon was one of the key players for the Apache Warriors in the Caddo County Tournament. Coosewoon had six points, two rebounds, and three assists with a win against Mt. View, then had three points, three rebounds, and two assists when opposing Carnegie and two points, in contrast to playing BingerOney in the final game he had three rebounds and four assists. Fort Cobb-Broxton Lady Mustangs prevailed victorious becoming the 2012 Caddo County High School Basketball Champions. The Carnegie Wildcats won the 2012 Caddo County High School Basketball Tournament.
From Left to Right; Chelsea Sapcut, Mary Turner, Naomie Nevaquaya, Kassi Coosewoon, and Whisper Weryackwe. Watching the Cement and Apache game.
Naomi Nevaquaya, Whisper Weryackwe, and Kassi Coosewoon await the play from coach Danny Miller.
Naomi Nevaquaya defending on defense when the Lady warriors played the Cement Lady bulldogs.
Waiting to come in to help her team toward a win against Cement Lady Bulldogs is No. 21, Whisper Weryackwe.
Dallas Coosewoon looking for the pass to make a score.
Chealsea Sapcut cheered her team on from the side lines, due to a injured ankle.
Kassi Coosewoon watches the shot go up for another point toward the Lady Warriors, winning 43-29.
“Kickin’ It” at A.B.K.A. Karate School
A.B.K.A. Karate School pictured is the class, front row from left: Vicki Rutledge, Alyssa Morgan, Sooter Deardeuff, Evan Rutledge, Payton Cerico, Cody Ferrell. Back row, from left: Tamara Kilburn, Edward Butler, Donnie Fry, Pamela Leech, Dalton Dukes
Evan Rutledge and Payton Cerico practice sparring in full protective gear for safety.
Pamela Leech takes a kick in the chest from Donnie Fry during class at the A.B.K.A. Karate School. The class helps kids have a positive attitude, which keeps them out of the streets and possibly into trouble. Story and Photos by Paula Karty/News Staff
The American Bushdo-Kai Karate Association (A.B.K.A.) has found a new home. After being housed in many different locations, the A.B.K.A. is now located at 910 SE 2nd, Lawton, Okla. The A.B.K.A. Karate School is ran by tribal member Vicki Rutledge. Rutledge is a six degree black belt. Rutledge has been involved in karate and martial arts for 28 years. The school teaches many different styles of martial
arts. The school also competes in tournaments which occurs once every three months. Rutledge expresses herself about the school, “I believe karate is a good discipline sport, especially when combined with Christian morals. We incorporate several different styles of martial arts in our teaching for an all around experience,” she said. The mixed martial arts (MMA) classes teach kids to think about other people in-
stead of themselves all the time. They do mission trips to Murrow Indian Home to give the kids gifts for Christmas each year and they go to Guatemala to build homes and share the gospel with the people there, as well as take clothing and toys for the children and provide food for needy families. They also have a karate program in the country of Guatemala, which gives the kids there a positive influence and focus that will keep them
out of the gangs. They regularly have fund-raisers to pay to send their student on the mission trips. The kids have to help in order to go, and they have to learn that things are not just handed to them, they must work to receive it. “The A.B.K.A. of Lawton Karate School is a blessing for us,” said Rutledge. “We are not making a profit in this school as everything we make on the fund-raisers goes back into the school for supplies or
towards our mission to serve God. We look forward to continued growth and many years of being able to help others in need.” To attend the school the cost is $40 a month, there is no age limit. The hours are 6:30 - 8 p.m., Mon., Tues., Thurs., and 6 - 7:30 p.m. on Fri. There are no classes on Wed., because of church services.
March 2012
The Comanche Nation News
Comanche County Tournaments It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This
Story and Photos by Paula Karty/News Staff
Tribal members from around the area gathered at the Great Plains Coliseum on Jan. 16 - 21, for a full week’s worth of high school basketball action. Tribal members came out to support the youth of the nation as they played basketball for their prospective schools. The competition began with the first round action of the girls bracket. All the top seeded teams prevailed moving on to the second round increasing their chances to possibly playing for the championship. The next night was the boys first round action. Just like the girls, the top seeded teams prevailed advancing towards the championship game. As the week progressed teams were being eliminated, but not without a fight for the win. The final championship games for both the girls and boys were held on Jan. 21. The championship game for the girls was between the Elgin Lady Owls and the Chattanooga Lady Warriors. The Lady Owls were victorious becoming the 2012 Comanche County Girls Tournament Champions. The boys championship game was the faunally of the night. The game was between the Elgin Owls and the Cache Bulldogs. The Owls succeeded in beating the Bulldogs to become the 2012 Comanche County Boys Tournament Champions. Throughout Comanche County Tournament history, there has been some tribal members setting records for individual high score, and some of those records have yet to be broken. Six on Six Girls High Score Individual Records: Carol Martinez, FSIS, 1973, 50 points. Ruth Tahah, FSIS, 1968, 46 points. Five on Five Girls High Score Individual Records: Elsie Tissychy, Indiahoma, 1999, 34 points. Boys High Score Individual Records: Larry Pahcoddy, Fletcher, 1974, 44 points.
Tim Ulloa being called for committing a foul in the boys action of the tournament.
Elgin Lady Owls prevailed as the 2012 Comanche County Girls Champions defeating the Chattanooga Lady Warriors. Tribal members Sydney Wahkinney and Samantha Pewewardy are members of the winning team Jordan Gooday preparing to rebound the ball after free throws were shot.
Ciera Ulloa asks for the ball to be thrown to her before her opponents realize she’s not being guarded.
Tribal member Ray Niedo prepares to shoot free throws during half time action at the Comanche County Tournaments.
Brooke Roberts, point guard for the Indiahoma Lady Warriors brings the basketball down the court during the girls action of the Comanche County Tournaments.
J.C. Herring prepares to play defense for the Walters Blue Devils during the boys action of the Comanche County Tournaments.
Derek Tahah rushes back down the court after his team the Indiahoma Warriors scored.
Cody Knight waits for the next play to be called during the Comanche County Tournaments.
Terrance Robinson of the Indiahoma Warriors prepares to play defense against the opposing Sterling Tiger team.
Kelsey Tahmahkera hustles back down the court after scoring for the Indiahoma Lady Warriors.
Evie Mithlo has been a key player for the Cache Lady Bulldogs during the girls action of the Comanche County Tournaments.