Lawton, OK
November 2010
Sneak Peek
Tribe Receives $1M Grant for Vocational
GOVERNMENT October 9 and October 11 CBC Meeting Overview Page 2
Submitted by Phyllis Attocknie, Grants Facilitator
PROGRAMS Tips for Winter Preparation Page 3
CIVA Honors Veterans and Auxiliary During Annual Veteran’s Day Celebration Page 6
The Comanche Nation Takes its First Steps to Energy Efficiency
2010 Comanche Nation Fair Page 13
190 Feet above the ground, an ECCI worker dangles in the air to complete the wind feasibility tower that will analyze the wind speed and variance for one full year. This will, in turn, determine what size wind generator the tribe will need for the Comanche Nation Complex buildings. Story and Photos by Jolene Schonchin/News Staff
“Oklahoma! Where the here in the Sooner state. Now the Comanwind comes sweepin' che Nation is taking addown the plain...” The famous line vantage of the abundant By Jolene Schonchin/News in the song Oklahoma! wind energy, and its first Staff A petition to re- describes a typical day steps to going green. call Comanche Nation Chairman Michael Burgess was turned in to the tribal enrollment department Oct. 19 by Eleanor McDaniel and James The Comanche Nation CaNelson. The Enrollment sinos will be available to cash Department is reviewing Comanche tribal per capita paythe petitioner’s names ment at all Comanche Casino lofor certification. According to the cations. Comanche Nation Enrollment Dept., after 10 days of the certification * Must have valid photo idenof all names on the petification. tition, the CBC has 30 days to call a Special * No check cashing fees for General Council Meetper capita checks. ing to determine if the petition is valid. If it is valid, the For any questions, please Vice Chairman will precontact the Comanche Nation side at all meetings until a new chairman is electGaming Board of Directors at ed. If it is not valid, the (580) 595-3300. Chairman will remain in his position.
Petition Turned In
Louie McCarthy, director of the Comanche Nation Capital Improvement Program, along with ECCI, an Arkansas based company special-
izing in environmental engineering, are looking into ways the Comanche Nation can be energy efficient and save money. See ENERGY, Page 4
Comanche Nation Hosts Prayer Breakfast December 10; Honors Elders December 17 By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff
The Comanche Nation Business Committee will honor the Nations’ Elders during the annual Elder’s Day Banquet which will begin 10 a.m., December 17 at the Watchetaker Hall. The Business Committee Chairman, Michael Burgess, has announced that the Elderly Assistance payment will be distributed on that day. Elders that do not attend the Elder Day celebration will have their checks mailed to them the following day. A d d i t i o n a l l y,
the Comanche Business Committee will host the Prayer Breakfast for the Comanche Church funds 9 a.m., December 10, at Watchetaker Hall. “We are most pleased to be distributing this to our elders and the payment will be the same as last years. This payment is made by vote of the Tribal Council and cannot be changed without their approval. So God Bless each and every one of our members as we go into the season of Thanksgiving,” said Chairman Burgess.
Michael Burgess, Chairman of the Comanche Nation received a congratulatory letter from United States Senator James M. Inhofe regarding the Nation’s being awarded a $1,825,000.00 grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Vocational Rehabilitation Services program. These funds are for the Comanche Nation Vocational Rehabilitation Services for American Indians with Disabilities Program. The purpose of this program is to provide vocational rehabilitation services to American Indians with disabilities who reside with the Nation’s jurisdictional service area (Comanche, Cotton, Caddo, Tillman, Jefferson, Stephens, Kiowa, Grady and Jackson Counties). The Native American people with disabilities will be provided services consistent with their individual strengths, resources, priorities, concern, abilities, capabilities, and informed choice, so that they may prepare for and engage in gainful employment, including self-employment, telecommuting and business ownership. The Comanche Nation Voc-Rehab Program is being funded for a five-year cycle. Individuals with disabilities will be able to apply for this program in early November, 2010. The Program site will be tentatively established at the Comanche Nation Complex, located seven miles north of Lawton, Okla., off of State Hwy-44 at the Medicine Park exit. For further information contact Phyllis A. Attocknie, (580) 492-3621. Comanche Nation Chairman Michael Burgess also received an additional letter from U. S. Senator Inhofe announcing the awarding of grant monies from U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging for Disaster Assistance for the elderly.
November 2010 THE COMANCHE NATION NEWS The award-winning Comanche Nation News, the official communication of the Comanche Nation, is available at no charge upon request. The deadline to submit information for the December edition is noon November 12. Donations to help cover the cost of printing and mailing are welcome. Contact: The Comanche Nation News P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502-0908 Telephone: (580) 492-3386 Fax: (580) 492-3709 Email: TCNN Staff • Jolene Schonchin, Editor, Reporter, Photographer-Email: Number-(580)492-3382 • Paula Karty, Reporter, Photographer- Email: kartynews@ Telephone Number-(580)492-3383 • Candace Todd, Administrative Assistant-Telephone Number (580)492-3386 • Fred Codynah Reporter, Photographer, Email: Number-(580)492-3385 • Tomah Yeahquo, Public Relations Liaison, Proofreader Email: Telephone Number (580)492-3384 • News items of interest to the local and American Indian community are welcome. Letters to the editor must be signed by a name. • Photographs will be copied and will become the property of TCNN. To return original photographs, send a self-addressed stamped envelope. Do not send faxed photographs or newspaper copies of photographs. • The Milestones Page (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements,Memorial Pictures, Weddings, Births) are by submission only. The Passings are submitted by the Comanche Nation Funeral Home or by tribal members on a funeral home letterhead. The Milestones Page is for tribal members only. TCNN publishes all services conducted by The Comanche Nation Funeral Home without discretion. Obituaries are written for tribal members only. • TCNN will print a Comanche organization’s annual event flyer once free of charge as a courtesy to our tribal organizations. The guidelines for flyer submission are: Pow-wow flyers have to be from an established Comanche organization. There has to be contact person and number on the organization’s annual flyer. • We reserve the right to edit all material. Letters or articles that contain libelous information, slander, or personal attacks will not be printed. The letters to the editor or articles contained in the The Comanche Nation News does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the PIO staff.
Comanche Nation Officials Chairman Michael Burgess Vice Chairman Richard Henson Secretary/Treasurer Robert Tippeconnie Committeeman No. 1 Ronald Red Elk Committeeman No. 2 Mark Wauahdooah Committeeman No. 3 Darrell Kosechequetah Committeeman No. 4 Clyde Narcomey Tribal Administrator (Acting) William Owens To contact officials: Comanche Nation P.O. Box 908 Lawton, Okla. 73502 Toll Free: (877) 492-4988 Physical Address 584 Bingo Rd. Lawton, OK 73505
Member of the Native American Journalist Association since 2001 Member of the Society of Professional Journalists since 2010
The Comanche Nation News
From the Desk of Chairman Burgess
Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you to all the folks who came up to say that they enjoyed this years’ powwow and fair. Many of our neighbors were not aware that the Comanche Fair is free to all who wish to attend. This has been happening since it has been moved to our current tribal headquarters. And it seems success is eluding us again: we are out growing our area!! Many of our members and visitors say how crowded it was, with over 500 registered camps it will be a small area too soon! To many of our non-Indian visitors the Comanche Fair is provided ‘free of charge’ for rides, the bull-riding competition, art show, teen dance, battle of the bands and of course the powwow. These are a part of the Nations’ giving back to the community via the income received from the casinos. Additionally the nation provides some donations to many community groups around our seven county areas of service. In times past we donated to the 9/11 tragedy of New York via the Red Cross and we make yearly donations to school groups, churches and community organizations’ around Comanche country. The entire nation donates back to the community over $200,000.00 on an annual basis. With all of our programs purchasing annually over $20 Million in goods and we provide over 1,000 people employment with our service area. The Comanche Nation is truly blessed to provide so much
By Jolene Schonchin, News Staff
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is an overview of the Comanche Business Committee (CBC) Meetings held Oct. 9 and Oct. 11 at the Comanche Nation Complex, and not the official minutes. To obtain a copy of the official minutes, please call the Office of the Comanche Nation Chairman, (580) 492-3251. Comanche Nation Chairman, Michael Burgess, brought the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. Secretary/Treasurer Robert Tippeconnie conducted Roll Call. Vice Chairman Richard Henson was not present. A quorum was established. A motion to approve the Sept. 4 Comanche Business Committee minutes was made by CBC No. 4, Clyde Narcomey. CBC No. 2, Mark Wauahdooah, seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0. Robert Tippeconnie made a mo-
By Fred Codynah Jr./News Staff
The October CBC Meeting reconvened Oct. 18 at the tribal complex. Chairman Michael Burgess called the meeting to order around 2:45 p.m. Secretary/Treasurer Robert Tippeconnie conducted Roll Call. Darrell Kosechequetah was not present (Kosechequetah arrived around 3:45 p.m.) A quorum was established. Resolutions 141-10 Phillip Cato Mark Wauahdooah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Vice Chairman Richard Henson seconded the motion. The motion carries 5/0. 142-10 Sharon Riddle Land Acquisition Tippeconnie makes a motion to accept the
to the local community, and we keep growing. We just recently received a $1,875,000 + grant from the Department of Education to provide Vocational Employment opportunities through training for disabled Native American members of our service area. The Comanche Nation is truly blessed to be able to do this for our members and neighbors due to the many prayers put forth by our elders and leaders of days gone past who foresaw ‘something good’ coming to our nation. No matter your persuasion of our local politics we are truly blessed. We are blessed because for the first time in years’, at least six, the nation has finished in the black financially, yes we struggled at the end of the last quarter, July to September, but overall the nation had a small surplus for all activities that take place. Many times we have had to tell folks that we just could not help with a problem or situation due to budget management, which meant that we have to stick to our budget or the B.I.A or other federal funding source would move to curtail (trim back) our funds. Curtailing our funds would put us back on high-risk, where the last few years the nation had languished due to extreme budget over-runs. Currently the nation is reimbursed for all expenses instead of receiving funds first then spending them on program needs or necessities which is how it should be given when not on high-risk! Community Feedback In regards to some of the rhetoric that has been spread around our Nation, there has not been “thousands of dollars” in over spending, nor has there been
extreme overtime payments made to our police department staff. As explained in the last CBC meeting an accounting charge had been made to the wrong budget line for overtime but that has since been corrected by our financial staff. An inexperienced manager had put out the wrong word to the community and incited many folks to ‘demand a federal investigation’ which has become by the federal agency an internal investigation. This is due to the leaking of internal documents which never should have been released to the public. So now a very zealous Comanche looking to point the finger at the Nations’ staff has opened an investigation with the BIA investigative folks over their staff actions of irresponsibility. And if there is not, there should be! Additionally the claim that many of our employees lost their jobs by being released by the chairman, again a falsehood that continues to rise by persons who do not understand that many people leave their jobs by their choice. They made have made a choice to leave for other employment, for moving to another area of the country or by making wrong choices in personal actions which can cost them their job. Each of these may have happened in the past 15 months since I have been in office. However I can say that when coming into office we had over 210 employees as fulltime personnel and we currently have over 204 full-time personnel. Clearly there is no truth to the statement that ‘numerous personnel . . . fired by the chairman.” When coming into office last year some personnel had been
put on furlough leave due to budget shortfalls, those folks came back to employment in October and are still at work today due to strict budget management by administration. Per-capita The 60% increase will not go into effect until approved by officials in Department of the Interior, the National Indian Gaming Commission, specifically. They will have the final approval and only after reviewing the proposed changes this per capita increase would do to tribal government. Remember, the advent of gaming to Indian governments is to support services to the community by means other than giving per cap to individuals. The gaming income is meant to support tribal government functions first and after those demands are met then a per-cap can be given, and again it is up the NIGC to say that this can or can not be done. State Feedback For all of our Indian people a very important time is coming up in November and that is election time! The state of Oklahoma has several ballot measures such as English Only, and S-744 and S-754, which have much to do with courts and the law and interpretation of laws. Please, Comanche folks and relatives, read up on these laws as they may be very bad for all of Oklahoma if only specific laws can be used to interpret treaties which our Indian Nations have been founded upon. Let’s all make ourselves aware of these state measures and vote to correct them if not good for all of Oklahoma.
Oct. 9 CBC Meeting Hears 11 Resolutions tion to amend the agenda to add Resolution No. 147-10 Land Acquisition Mullen. CBC No. 3, Darrell Kosechequetah, seconded the motion. The motion carries. Resolutions 130-10 Enrollment List No. 843 Narcomey makes a motion to accept resolution. Wauahdooah seconds the motion. Motion carries 5/0. 131-10 Enrollment List No. 844 Wauahdooah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Narcomey seconds the motion. Motion carries 5/0. There are 18 new tribal members, which makes the population of the Comanche Nation 15,028. 132-10 Enrollment Fees for Copies Wauahdooah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Narcomey seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0. 133-10 Enrollment Elders Narcomey makes a motion to accept the resolution. Kosechequetah seconds the motion. The motion
carries 5/0. 134-10 Social Service PL 93638 Wauahdooah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Tippeconnie seconds the motion (with a correction of term). The motion carries 5/0. 135-10 KCAILUC Kosechequetah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Narcomey seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0. 136-10 National Congress of the American Indian Narcomey makes the motion (with two corrections of typing). Wauahdooah seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0. 137-10 and 138-10 Motion was made by Wauahdooah to combine the two resolutions into one motion. Narcomey seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0. Wauahdooah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Kosechequetah seconds the motion. The motion carries 4/1. 139-10 Amos Komacheet Land Acquisition No. 2842 Wauah-
dooah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Kosechequetah seconds the motion. The motion carries 3/1/1. 140-10 William Conover Wauahdooah makes a motion to accept the resolution. Tippeconnie seconds the motion. The motion carries. 4/1. 146-10 Grant application to the U.S Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (ICDBG) Narcomey makes a motion to accept the resolution. Kosechequetah seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0. 147-10 Land Acquisition Mullen Wauahdooah makes a motion to approve the resolution. CBC No. 1 Ronald Red Elk seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0. The meeting went into Executive Session at 11:09 a.m. and was scheduled to reconvene at 2 p.m. Oct. 18.
Monthly CBC Meeting Continues Oct 11 resolution. Narcomey seconded the motion. Motion carries 5/0. 143-10 Connahvichnah Land Lease Henson makes a motion to table the resolution. Narcomey seconded the motion. The motion carries 5/0. 144-10 Dorcas Powhoneat No. 841 Motion to table resolution made by Henson. Narcomey seconds the motion. The motion carries 5/0. 145-10 Guola Allotment Kiowa, S-253-B Land Acquisition Narcomey makes a motion to accept the resolution. Narcomey seconds motion. Motion passes 5/0. 146-10 (motion to accept resolution passed in Oct. 9 meet-
ing) 147-10 (motion to accept resolution passed in Oct. 9 meeting) 148-10 OST Draw Down Henson makes a motion to accept resolution. Tippeconnie seconds the motion. Motion carries 6/0. 149-10 Time Keeping for Law Enforcement Henson makes a motion to approve resolution. Tippeconnie seconds motion. Motion carries 4/1/1 150-10 Elder Center tabled 151-10 HUD Building Henson made a motion to approve resolution. Wauahdooah seconds the motion. Motion carries 6/0 152-10 Playground Equipment Henson makes a motion
to accept resolution. Kosechequetah seconds motion. Motion carries 6/0. 153-10 Grant Submission for Elders and Caregivers tabled New Business Ronald Red Elk reads letter for CBC to sign to recall Chairman Burgess. No action taken. Corey Choney on wild hog removal. No action taken. Debra Rowell on water proposal. No action taken. Executive Session Tippeconnie makes a motion to go into Executive Session. Narcomey seconds motion. Motion carries 6/0. CBC goes into executive session at 4:30 p.m.
November 2010
PROGRAMS Tax Commission Report
The Expenditures for October 1, 2009 through Sept. 30, 2010 for (FY 10) were $666,520. The monthly average expenditures are $55,543. Taxes and Revenue collected from October 1, 2009 through Sept. 30, 2010 for (FY 10) were approximately $2,855,204. the monthly average collections are $237,934 collections are down (9%) compared to last year in the same time frame. The Tobacco Tax collections are $1,435,797 down [12%] compared to last year. The Oil and Gas collections are $483,997 up +22% compared to last year. $2,265,500 has been allocated for the four quarters for the Tax Supplemental monies. The four quarters allocation has been paid in the amount of $2,265,500. The monthly City National Bank Statement for Sept. 2010 has been reconciled by the Hatch, Croke And Associates, Jim Patterson, the Tax Commission Executive Chairman and CNTC staff with no discrepancies. Hatch, Croke and Associates, P.C., are giving us the monthly financial reports and have reconciled the FY 2010 financial up to date with no major discrepancies. The Tax Commission is scheduled to be audited in November 2010 for FY 2010 by another independent C.P.A. firm and our 2009 annual audit is completed with no discrepancies. Our Annual audits are up to date and complete with no discrepancies.
New Procedures Released for Renting Facilities at Complex The renting procedures have changed and are in effect. Cash and money orders will only be accepted for rental and deposits. Checks are no longer accepted. Deposits will be given back to the renter only if the rented facility that was is cleaned after the event. The deposit will be given back to the renter five to 10 business days after the request is turned in. Both conference rooms at the Comanche Nation Complex will not be available after 5 p.m. or on weekends. To rent, call the Comanche Nation Complex, (580) 492-4988.
November Closings for Comanche Offices The Comanche Nation offices will be closed Nov. 11 for Veteran’s Day, and Nov. 25-26 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The Comanche Nation News
Get Prepared for “Old Man Winter” with These Safety Tips
Submitted by Christina Daly/Comanche Nation Emergency Management
A winter storm can range from moderate snow over a few hours to blizzard conditions that last several days. Some winter storms may be large enough to affect several states, while others may affect only a single community. All winter storms are accompanied by low temperatures and blowing snow, which can severely reduce visibility. A Severe Winter Storm is one that drops four (4) or more inches of snow during a 12-hour period or six (6) or more inches during a 24 hour span. An Ice Storm occurs when freezing rain falls and freezes immediately on impact. All winter storms make walking and driving extremely hazardous. Winter Weather Awareness Tips: Be Aware • Know what winter storm and blizzard watches and warnings mean. • A National Weather Service Winter Storm watch is a message indicating that conditions are favorable for hazardous winter precipitation to develop. • An NWS warning indicates that a winter storm is occurring or is imminent, and could threaten life and property. • A blizzard warning means sustained winds or frequent gusts to 35 mph or greater and considerable falling or blowing snow are expected to prevail for a period of three hours or longer. • Depend on your NOAA Weather Radio along with local radio and television stations for weather reports. Plan for a Winter Storm • Develop a Family Disaster Plan for winter storms. Discuss with your family what to do if a winter storm watch or warning is
issued. Everyone should know what to do in case all family members are not together when a winter storm hits. • Understand the hazards of wind chill. Cold temperatures are even more dangerous, and potentially deadly, when combined with strong winds. The lower the temperature and stronger the wind, the more at risk you are. • Check on family, friends and neighbors, especially the elderly. Make sure they are prepared. • Don’t forget about the pets. Make sure they have good food and water supplies and a place to seek shelter. • Have your car winterized before winter storm season. During winter storm season keep your car's gas tank full for emergency use and to keep the fuel line from freezing. Protect Your Property • Make sure your home is properly insulated. If necessary insulate walls and attic. Caulk and weather-strip doors and windowsills. • Install storm windows or cover windows with plastic from the inside. • To keep pipes from freezing, wrap them in insulation or layers of old newspapers. Cover the newspapers with plastic to keep out moisture. • Let faucets drip a little to avoid freezing. • Know how to shut off water valves. • Install and check smoke alarms. • Keep safe emergency heating equipment, such as a fireplace with wood. Always be cautious in using a portable space heater. Consider storing extra heating fuel. If You Must Go Out During a Winter Storm:
• The best way to stay safe in a snowstorm is not to be out in it. Long periods of exposure to severe cold can result in frostbite or hypothermia. It is easy to become disoriented in blowing snow. • Stretch before you do so. If you go out to shovel snow, do a few stretching exercises to warm up your body. This will reduce your chances of muscle injury. • Avoid over exertion such as shoveling heavy snow, pushing a car, or walking in deep snow. • Walk carefully on snowy, icy sidewalks. Slips and falls occur frequently in winter weather. • Dress in many layers and wear a hat and mittens. • Come inside often for warm-up breaks. • If you start to shiver or get very tired, or if your nose, fingers, toes, or ear lobes start to feel numb or turn very pale, come inside right away and seek medical assistance. These are the signs of hypothermia and frostbite and need immediate attention. • Let someone know your destination, your route and when you expect to arrive. • If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle and hang a brightly colored cloth (preferably red) on the radio antenna and raise the hood (after snow stops falling). Make sure your Winter Storm Disaster Supplies Kit includes: • A cell phone with extra battery or two-way radio • Windshield scraper and small broom for ice and snow removal • Several blankets or sleeping bags • Rain gear and extra sets of dry clothing, mittens, socks and a cap • Non-perishable snacks like canned fruit, nuts and other high energy “munchies.” Include
non-electric can opener if necessary. • Several bottles of water. Eating snow will lower your body temperature. If necessary, melt it first. • A small sack of sand or kitty litter for generating traction under wheels, a set of tire chains or traction mats. • Jumper cables • A first aid kit • A flashlight with extra batteries • A brightly colored cloth to tie to the antenna if you get stranded. Before a Winter Storm Follow the advisories issued by forecasters, which describe the location, strength and movement of the storm. Service snow removal equipment and have ice melter on hand to melt ice on walkways and kitty litter to generate temporary traction. Make sure you have sufficient heating fuel; regular fuel sources may be unavailable. Winterize your home by insulating walls and the attic; caulk and weather-strip doors and windows; and install storm windows or cover windows with plastic on the inside. Have safe emergency heating equipment available such as a fireplace with an ample supply of wood, a small, well-vented wood, coal or camp stove with fuel, or portable space heaters or kerosene heaters. All of these heat sources will create carbon monoxide, which is an odorless deadly gas. Have a carbon monoxide detector installed in your dwelling and always provide adequate ventilation when these products are in use. Keep pipes from freezing. Wrap pipes with insulation or layers of old newspapers and cover the newspapers with plastic to keep out moisture. Let faucets drip a little to avoid freezing and know how to shut off water valves.
Higher Education’s Annual Career Day Brings Opportunities for Area Students Story and Photo by Tomah Yeahquo, News Staff
The Annual Career Day hosted by Comanche Nation Higher Education (CNHE) was held September 8 in Comanche Nation’s Watchetaker Hall for local high school students. Comanche Chairman Michael Burgess welcomed the 265 students that were in attendance from Cache High School, Indiahoma High School, Apache High School, Eisenhower High School, Fort Cobb High School, Anadarko High School, Riverside Indian School, and Walters High School. The Higher Education staff registered 49 booths from colleges, government jobs, technology centers, nursing programs, military recruiters, farm service agencies, Native American studies programs, and local Comanche tribal programs.
DJ Sapphire conducted Karaoke for the students who wanted to sing their favorite songs. Delores Twohatchet Higher Education Director, said “What I thought was good was that the Native American Journalist Association (NAJA) came because they have scholarships.” The Comanche Nation Higher Education Department believes that Comanche tribal Over 250 students gathered at Watchetaker Hall to talk to the 49 college, members have the capacity to military and governmental job representatives Sept. 8 at the Higher Eduexcel as learners and as citication’s annual Career Day. zens when provided with di The marine military re- dents that volunteered received verse, supportive and stimulatcruiters demonstrated a test of Walmart cards for competing educational opportunities. endurance and challenged the ing. The students were able to Concurrently, CNHE students to test their stamina browse for information from believe that tribal members by doing as many chin ups as all booths to ask questions and must strive to preserve the nathey could, or for the females, get handouts with general intive language, tribal stories, hang on the horizontal pole us- formation about the careers traditional values and cultural ing their upper body strength they were interested in. mores. as long as they could. The stu- During the lunch break
Native American Issues and Concerns with Media Discussed in Panel Session A panel session titled "World within Worlds" was held at the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Conference in Las Vegas, Nev. on Oct. 5. The session was organized and moderated by Dr. Becky Tallent, assistant professor at the University of Idaho. The panelists were: Tom Arviso, CEO/Publisher of the Navajo Times; Bryan Pollard, editor of the Cherokee Phoenix, Jolene Schonchin, editor of The Comanche Nation
News and NAJA Board Member; Jeff Harjo, NAJA Executive Director, Rhonda LeValdo, NAJA President. The session was about the issues Native American journalists face, from getting native issues and concerns to main stream media, to facing negative stereotypes within the media. Various questions were asked, from freedom of the press concerns, to how nonnative reporters can gain trust within the native communities.
Comanche Nation College Releases Holiday Schedule Comanche Nation College (CNC) President Dr. Consuelo G. Lopez announced the closings of the CNC offices. The following holidays will be observed by Comanche Nation College: November 11 Veteran’s Day Not Observed November 25-26 Thanksgiving Faculty & Staff December 24-27 Christmas Faculty & Staff December 31 New Year Faculty & Staff
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Energy Continued from Page 1
Through the President Obama Stimulus Package and the Department of Energy, the Comanche Nation was awarded $235,500 to go to the wind feasibility study. The Department of Energy Grant 1636 Energy Efficiency Grant is set up to be a three-year grant to do the wind feasibility study which will be used for small-medium turbines for each facility at the tribe. The energy audit has been conducted on every tribal building and as well as auditing the casinos to see if it can help offset some of the cost at the four facilities. “The thing is to go green with all of our facilities and provide energy efficiency so that way more money can be used in other areas,” said McCarthy. “If we can save $600,000 on electricity bills, we can use that for something else.” The wind study is all funded by grant money from the Dept. of Energy, and not tribal money. The wind tower is a lattice tower and is a frame work triangle type tower it is 60 meters (190 feet) tall. It was erected north of the Food Distribution Building the last week of September and will collect data for one year. It will ride out the seasonal changes, winter to summer so it will give a full one-year cycle report. There are several instruments up and down the tower on different elevations. It will capture wind speed,
wind direction, temperature, and then the data will be used to assure it is feasible enough to install a wind turbine power generator to make electricity. The University of Oklahoma is collecting the data and analyzing it. “Our company, ECCI, has pulled information from the Comanche Nation Complex’s electricity bills for the last two years,” said Mike Geurin, ECCI representative. “It is a overall strategy to be both energy efficient and a move towards renewable energy.” ECCI has gathered data and knows what buildings use the most power, and what buildings do not. Geurin said because of the refrigerators and cookers, it looks like initially the Food Distribution building would be one of the buildings that can easily be serviced by a wind type turbine. Plus, it is near an open area. According to Geurin, there has to be a certain radius from the tower to surrounding buildings, so if a problem occurs, engineers can lay it down and have plenty of room, and it has to be in an area where it would not cause damage in an event of a tornado or ice storm. How Wind Towers Work The wind turbines turn the blades like a propeller. That then converts the mechanical energy. The rotational energy runs to a generator and the generator creates electricity and the electricity is used to turn on lights and other electrical ap-
pliances. The next phase of the installation is to select the proper size turbine generator, and to mount it on the tower along with switches, wiring, and cabling that have to hook up to power specific complex buildings. Upcoming Projects Other ways the Comanche tribe is looking to go green and save money is through an updated sewer system and a water tower. The tribe plans to upgrade the lagoon sewer system, which has been in service since the mid 70s. ECCI is proposing a new pod system, a bio degradable system, which has a drip field. These pods will remove the odor, have a much higher capacity for all the buildings and for huge gatherings such as the Comanche Nation Fair, and it will take the high loading time and even that out. This will eliminate the problems the current system has. This system has been installed initially in several places in NE Oklahoma. Comanche leaders saw the one in Eastern Shawnee Tribe, and that got the interest going. There are several in Arkansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado, but there has not been any installed in south Oklahoma. The system very “green” and the biggest change owners notice is there is no odor, and it is easy to maintain. McCarthy and ECCI
An ECCI worker tightens the cable to reinforce the wind tower that will intake data for one year. The tower is part of a grant awarded to the Comanche Nation through the Department of Energy.
are also looking into a tribal water tower to help not only the tribal complex, but all the surrounding homes. “We have feasibility in and cost estimates, so we are hoping to provide high energy efficiency to the tribe and cost savings. If everything goes
well we will be spending grant money instead of our own money,” said McCarthy. As the tribe takes its first steps toward renewable energy and efficiency, it is also taking the responsibility to reduce greenhouse gasses and be more environmentally aware.
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
COMANCHE LIFESTYLES Comanche Nation Construction, LLC Acquires Todd Construction, LP
Comanche Nation Construction, LLC (“CNC”), is pleased to announce the purchase of Todd Construction, LP (“TODD”), a construction management firm that has been in business for more than 19-years and has offices in both Lawton and Oklahoma City. Chuck Singletary, CNC’s Chief Operating Officer, said in a statement, “This acquisition will enable CNC to provide a broad range of construction management services on federal government contracts. Todd is currently engaged to perform work at Fr. Sill, Altus AFB and the Corp of Engineers. Our company has many years of experience managing federal constructions projects and the acquisition of Todd will enhance that experience.” Singletary continued, “We are excited about the Todd acquisition because the capable, high-character team has a track record of successful performance that will provide CNC excellent growth opportunities.” Comanche Nation Construction, LLC, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Comanche Nation Enterprises, Inc (CNE), federally charted corporation formed by the Comanche Nation. In an effort to enhance and grow the economic development of the Comanche Nation, CNE, and its subsidiaries have the ability to enter into legally-binding contracts and commercial relationships without the need for formal Tribal Government action.
Roller Derby Comes to Town A new Roller Derby Team is coming to the Lawton/Cache area. Ladies are needed to come out and get down and dirty on skates. All shapes and sizes are welcome. You must be 18 years of age. You don’t need to be an expert skater. For more information call Kelly at (865) 719-8475 or send an email to Rimmy0805@
Trail of Healing: Healing Hearts, Healing Bodies Trail of Healing, Nov. 12-14, Spirit of the Lord I.M.P.A.C.T. Center, 1401 E Street, Snyder Okla. Speakers: Nov. 12, 7 p.m., Merrie Cardin; Nov. 13, 5 p.m., Dr. Tom Schlueter; Nov. 14, 10 a.m., Ken Bryan. Worship: Enrique Morales. You may e-mail your prayer request or healing need to
Navigation For Indian Health Message of Wellness
Members of the Navigation for Indian Health team present their poster at the Eighth Annual Changing Patterns of Cancer in Native Communities: Strength Through Tradition and Science conference in Seattle in Sept. Left to right: Dr. Valerie Eschiti, Bonita Harjo, Leslie Weryackwe and Stacey Weryackwe-Sanford. Story and Photo submitted by Stacey Weryackwe-Sanford/IHS
The project team for Navigation for Indian Health is traveling across the state and across the country to spread their message of wellness. The team consists of Valerie Eschiti, Ph.D., R.N., principal investigator, Leslie Weryackwe-Sanford, L. P. N., Native navigator. The focus of the project is wellness related to cancer education, from screening exams, to treatment, survivorship and end-of-life care. A Native Navigator is a trained
Native American individual who helps guide clients trough and around barriers of the cancer care system, ensure screening exams, help with treatment and follow-up care and, more importantly, provide emotional and spiritual support for patients and their families. Presentations by the team have been given at conferences held in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Seattle. The project staff members are attending a navigation training seminar in Denver to receive
expert guidance by Dr. Linda Burthansstipanov (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma), president of Native American Cancer Research. Some of the activities in which the project team has participated include a presentation for the Comanche Nation Elder’s Council Meeting, an assistance and informational booth at the Indian Health Service Mobile Mammogram Day, and a Comanche Nation Fair wellness and cancer informational booth.
The Navigation for Indian Health project held the first successful advisory board meeting on Sept. 22. The next advisory board meeting is scheduled for Nov. 10. Board member are Hickory Starr, Darla Tracy, Pam Lusk, Connie Amos, Eleanor McDaniel and Norman Nauni. Dr. Jana Lauderdale and Nina Youngman are ex-officio board members. Upcoming events and presentations include Linda Krebbs, Nurse oncologist, cancer training, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC), in Oklahoma City, Mobile Mammogram Day at Indian Health Service on Nov. 22 and the coordination of groups of Comanche community members to obtain input about wellness and cancer educational materials. For more information, please contact: Valerie Eschiti, Ph. D., R.N., principal investigator, OU College of Nursing, 1100 N. Stonewall Avenue, Oklahoma City, Okla., 731117, (405) 271-1491 ext. 43261.
Tribal Family Loses Everything in Fire Curtis Apauty lost his home and all his belongings within minutes when a fire broke out at his home in Cache, Okla. “The Apauty family suffered a house fire on Oct. 13,” said Joey Tosee, Director of the Comanche Nation Fire Program.
“The Cache Fire Department was the first to Respond. The house was partially engulfed when they arrived on scene. Within just moments the house became fully engulfed, then the roof caved in the house became a total loss.” There were no deaths or injuries of this incident.
Donations of clothing or household items can be given to Bonita Paddyaker, Injury Prevention Program, at the Comanche Nation Complex. Monetary donations can be made at Liberty National Bank under Don Curtis Apauty. Clothes sizes are: Men’s Pants 34x30; Large T-
Shirts; Men’s shoes size 101/2 and women’s shoe size 6 1/2. For more information, call Bonita Paddyaker, (580) 917-7814.
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
C.I.V.A Honors 9 Veterans and 2 Auxiliary During Its Annual Event Submitted by Lanny Asepermy/CIVA
Hugh Edwin Chebahtah served in the US Marine C o r p s from September, 1961 to Chebahtah October, 1966 and from September, 1970 to February, 1981, the US Air Force Reserve from July, 1968 to September, 1970 and the Oklahoma Army National Guard from March 1981 to January, 1988. He earned the rank of Master Sergeant. MSG Chebahtah took his Boot Training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Cali. and his Military Occupation Training at Camp Pendleton, Cali. He was initially as a Radio Relay Operator. His assignments include Iwakuni, Japan, three times at Camp Pendleton, Twenty-Nine Palms, Cali., Da Nang, Vietnam, three times at Camp Lejeune, N.C., Cherry Point, N.C., Odessa, Texas, two times at Okinawa, Japan and Altus, Okla. He retired as a Battalion Operations Sergeant with the Active Guard Reserve after over 25 years of military service. MSG Chebahtah served in Vietnam from July, 1965 to July, 1966 with Marine HQs Group, 1st Marine Air Wing based in Da Nang – he earned three Battle Stars for the Defense, Counteroffensive and Counteroffensive Phrase II Campaigns. He served in numerous positions including Radio Relay Operator, Radio Operator, Radio Chief, Communications Chief, Battery Training NCO and as a Recruiter. MSG Chebahtah is the grandson of Chebahtah the first known Comanche to served in the Armed Forces of the United States – Chebahtah was an enlisted Scout with the US Cavalry from 187682 and a veteran of the Indian Wars. MSG Chebahtah’s awards include three awards of the Good Conduct Medal, the OKARNG Good Conduct Medal, the Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal w/3 Bronze Service Stars, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm, the Vietnam Campaign Medal w/1960 Device and the Expert Qualification Badge w/Rifle and Pistol.
Permansu served in all four tank crew man positions, Loader, Gunner, Driver and Commander. While in Vietnam LCPL Permansu’s brothers Willington and Cecil were also serving in Vietnam – both brothers served with the US Army’s199th Light Infantry Brigade based at Bien Hoa. Both brothers are now deceased, Willington is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. LCPL Permansu’s awards include the Combat Action Ribbon, the Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal w/2 Campaign Stars, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm, the Vietnam Campaign Medal w/1960 Device and the Marksman Qualification Badge w/M-14 Rifle.
F r a n k E v a n s Mowatt enlisted in the US Marine Corps and served honorably from June 1, 1956 Mowatt to April 1, 1959 (a total of 2 years, 10 months and 1 day) earning the rank of Lance Corporal. He took his Boot Training at the US Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Calif. and his Advanced Combat Training, as a Rifleman, at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Upon completion of his training he was assigned to the Fleet Marine Force aboard the USS Wasp, an Essex Class Carrier. On January 31, 1957 the Wasp departed San Diego Calif. and sailed around Cape Horn with ports of call in Panama, Peru, Chile and Brazil before arriving at the Boston, Mass. Naval Shipyards on March 21, 1957. LCPL Mowatt was then assigned to the USS Galveston with duty in Philadelphia, Pa. for about two months. He was then assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Division at Camp Lejeune, N.C., LCPL Mowatt was a Fire Team Leader. His awards include the Good Conduct Medal, the Marksman Qualification Badge with Rifle, the Cold War Certificate of Recognition and the Cold War Victory, Sea Service, AmeriElton Ray can Defense and Honorable SerPermansu vice Commemorative Medals. served in the US O r i s Marine Samuel C o r p s Chasenah from Janserved in uary 22, the US 1968 to M a r i ne August C o r p s 28, 1969 Permansu from Sep(a total tember of 1 year, Chasenah 21, 1953 7 months to Septemand 7 days) earning the rank of ber 20, 1957 Lance Corporal. He took his Boot (a total of four years) earning the Training at the San Diego Marine rank of Sergeant. He took his Boot Corps Training Depot, Calif. and his Specialty Training, as a Tank Training at the Marine Corps ReCrew Man, at Delmar Marine cruit Depot in San Diego, Calif. Corps Base, Calif. LCPL Perman- and his Advanced Infantry Trainsu arrived in Da Nang, Vietnam ing at Camp Pendleton, Calif. He on September 12, 1968 and served was a Fleet Marine and his first aswith the C Company, 1st Tank signment was with the Anti-Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division un- Company, 3rd Marine Regiment, til returning stateside on October 3rd Marine Division at Middle 11, 1969 (1 year and 1 month). He Camp Fuji near Fuji, Japan. SGT was based at Da Nang, Hue and Chasenah’s Tours of Additional Hoi An and throughout the I Corp Duties included service at Camp area of operation in the northern Zama, Japan and Naha, Okinawa. portion of South Vietnam. LCPL He was then transferred to an out-
post on the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) near Chunae Meyong, Korea with Headquarters & Service Company, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division. While in Korea his duties consisted of patrols and remote outpost sentry duties in defense of the DMZ against the North Korean Army. His division was the last Marines to depart Korea in August, 1955. As a Fleet Marine SGT Chasenah served seventy-six days aboard seven different Navy ships - the USS Black, Bayfield, A.E. Anderson, George Clymer, Okanagon, Cavalier twice, and Princeton. He returned to Camp Pendleton for the remainder of his service and was based at Camp Margarita – his duties consisted of providing training aids for the Division. SGT Chasenah’s three brothers each served with different branches of the military – James with US Army during World War II in the European Theater, John with the US Navy (Seebees) during World War II in the Pacific Theater of Operations and Earl with the US Air Force also during World War II in the Pacific Theater of Operations. SGT Chasenah’s awards include the Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Korean Service Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the Korean Defense Service Medal and the Expert Qualification Badge with Rifle. Robert Allen Teh a u n o served in the US Marine C o r p s Reserve f r o m March, 1980 to Tehauno F e b r u a r y, 1982 and the US Marine Corps from February, 1982 to February, 1993 earning the rank of Staff Sergeant. He also served with the Oklahoma Army National Guard from January, 2006 to January, 2008 with 158th Field Artillery, 45th Infantry Brigade based at Lawton, Okla. He took his Boot Training at the San Diego Marine Recruit Depot, Calif. and his Specialty Training, as a Small Arms Repairman, at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. SSGT Tehauno served overseas at Camp Schwab, Okinawa twice with the 3rd Marine Division, at Iwakuni Marine Air Station, Japan with the 3rd Marine Air Wing and at Teague, South Korea with the 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division. His stateside assignments include Grand Prairie Marine Air Station, TX with Headquarters & Support Group , El Toro Marine Air Station, Calif. with Marine Air Group 13, Camp Pendleton, Calif. with the 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division and Mare Island at Vallejo, Calif. with the Marine Corps Security Forces Battalion. SSGT Tehauno’s is a graduated of the Heckler/Koch Small Arms Course in Virginia. His uncle, Vernon Tehauno Jr., a Vietnam War Marine, was a great influence in his nephew’s service in the Corps. SSGT Tehauno’s awards include the Good Conduct Medal w/gold star, the National Defense Service Medal, the Navy Sea Deployment Medal w/3 gold stars and the Expert Qualification Badge w/Rifle & Sharpshooter Qualification Badge w/Pistol.
Talbert A. Gooday served in the US Marine C o r p s from October 29, 1959 to July 26, Gooday 1963 (a total of 3 years, 8 months and 28 days) earning the rank of Corporal. He took his “Boot” Training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot outside of San Diego, Calif. and his Specialty Training, as an Aircraft Jet Mechanic, at the Memphis Naval Air Station, Tenn. CPL Gooday was an Air Fleet Marine who became a Plane Captain that qualified Marine pilots for carrier duty. His first assignment was at Cherry Point, N.C. with the Marine All Weather Fighter Squadron 114 (known as the “Death Dealers”) and then the Marine All Weather Attack Squadron 332 (known as the “Moonlighters”). He spent one year, 9 months and 25 days overseas with the 2nd Marine Air Wing (with the Marine Attack Squadron 332) at Iwakuni Marine Air Station, Japan twice, Naha Naval Air Station, Okinawa, Cubi Point Marine Air Station, the Philippines, and Udorn Air Strip, Thailand (which was a runway in the middle of a jungle initially and later a major air base which supported the Vietnam War – his unit assisted the Thai and Laotian governments in actions against communist insurgents during the early years of the Vietnam War by performing joint exercises and providing air defense for attack aircraft). His deployments were aboard the USS Intrepid, the USS Shangri-La, USS Ranger and USS Lexington. CPL Gooday completed his enlistment at Treasurer Island, Calif. His awards include the Navy/Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, the Marine Expeditionary Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Cold War Victory Medal (Commemorative), the Cold War Victory Certificate of Recognition, the Expert and Sharpshooter Qualification Badges with Rifle Bars (M1 and M14 rifles) – he also familiarized with the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) and .45 Caliber Pisto Thomas D. Atchavit served in the US Marine C o r p s from May, 1970 to M a y , 1 9 7 4 Atchavit earning the rank of Sergeant. He took his Boot Training at the US Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Calif. and his Infantry and Specialty at Camp Pendleton, Calif. SGT Atchavit was an Administrative Noncommissioned Officer. He deployed to Okinawa in October, 1970 and to Vietnam in December, 1970. SGT Atchavit was based near Da Nang with the 1st Marine Division and returned to Camp Pendleton in July, 1971. While at Camp Pendleton he worked with the Marine Corps West Coast Movement Center. He completed his service in the Marine Corps Recruiting Command in Philadelphia, Pa. His
awards include the Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal w/1 Bronze Service Star, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/ Palm, the Vietnam Campaign Medal w/1960 Device, the Sharpshooter Qualification Badge w/ Rifle Bar and the Cold War Certificate of Recognition. His brother Calvin Kosechata also served in Vietnam with the US Army and his great-uncle, Calvin Atchavit, was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross while serving with the US Army during World War I. Ve r n o n Te h a u n o Jr. served in the US Marine C o r p s from February, 1970 until J a n u a r y, 1972 earnTehauno Jr. ing the rank of Lance Corporal. He took his Boot and Military Occupation Training (as a Field Radio Operator) at the US Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Calif. L/CPL Tehauno then completed Jungle Warfare School at Camp Pendleton, Calif. before being deployed Okinawa, Japan in November, 1970 and then Vietnam in January, 1971. While in Vietnam he was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, 1st Marine Division based east of Charlie Ridge on Hill 55 in Quang Nam Province. His duties while at Hill 55 included inner and outer perimeter patrols and tower security. He participated in Operations Apple Blossom and Peach Orchid. He left Vietnam in October, 1971 and served the remainder of his service at Quantanamo Bay, Cuba. His awards include the Combat Action Ribbon, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal with/2 Bronze Service Stars (Counteroffensive Phrase VII and Consolidation I Campaigns), the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with/ Palm, the Vietnam Campaign Medal with/1960 Device, the Expert Qualification with/Rifle, the Marksman Qualification Badge with/Pistol and the Cold War Certificate of Recognition. M a r l a Nauni is the granddaughter of the late Haddon H. Nauni. Her grandfather Nauni served with the US Army from 1944-46 earning the rank of Staff Sergeant. He served with Troop D, 8th Cavalry Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division as a Heavy Machine Gunner in the Pacific Theater of Operations including occupational duty in Japan after the Atomic Bombs were dropped in August, 1945. Marla has a Master’s Degree from Oklahoma University, is a recording artist as she has completed two Comanche hymns CD’s, has modeled at Times Square in New York City and acted in a number of films including AmeriContinued on Page 7
November 2010 Continued from Page 6
Okemah’s Creek to name a few. A n n a Ta h m a h kera is the eldest active member of the Comanche Indian Ve t e r a n s Association AuxTahmahkera iliary – she is ninety-two years old. During World War II Anna attended welding school in Portland, Ore. and became a certified welder. She worked on PT boats from 1943-45. Anna also worked as a Surgical Nurse and was the Director of the Comanche Nation Community Health Representative Program for almost ten years. Her late husband, Vance, served in the US Navy from 194245. His service during World War II was in the Pacific Theater of Operations as a Seabee. Her son, Benny Tahmahkera Sr., served in both the US Marine Corps and US Army and was a veteran of the Korean War. Anna’s grandson, Benny Tahmahkera Jr., is a retired US Marine serving from 1988-08 – he retired as a Staff Sergeant and served four tours of duty in Iraq.
Submitted by Lanny Asepermy, CIVA historian
September and October have been busy months for the core Comanche Nation veterans. The CIVA conducted flag raising and lowering ceremonies during the Comanche Nation Fair on October 1, 2 and 3. The flags of Corporal Johnny M. Rivas, killed in action on June 6, 1944 and Private Ben Trevino, killed in action on August 3, 1944 were flown on October 1 and 2. Corporal Joshua J. Ware, killed in action on November 16, 2005, was flown all three days and the flag of Airman 1st Class James Burgess, a Vietnam War veteran, was flown on October 3. We thank Norman Nauni and Robert Tehauno for singing the flag song during the flag raising ceremony. The CIVA also provided the Color Guard for the Grand Entries on October 1 and 2 as well as the parade on October 2. The CIVA would like
to thank the Treasures Lake Drill Team for accompanying us during the parade-they were commanded by Comanche veteran Staff Sergeant John McClung. The CIVA would also like to thank Comanche veteran Staff Sergeant Charles Eastmon for assisting with the October 1 Grand Entry with an active duty Color Guard from Fort Sill. It was also the CIVA honor to present Comanche Honorable Service Medallions and Challenge Coins to Captain Chuck Choney and his brother Master Sergeant Eric Choney, at their camp on October 2. The brothers are both decorated Vietnam War veterans. A hymn and prayer were offered by Auxiliary member Leatrice Jay for the health of Eric Choney. On October 7 the Commander and Officers presented medallions, coins, CIVA caps and coffee cups, and “In
the Tradition of the Comanche Warrior’’ DVD’s to Specialist Jessie D. Blackstar and Sergeant Thomas Blackstar at the monthly meeting. Jessie is an active member of the U.S. Army and has served a 12 month tour in Iraghe is scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan on October 30th. His grandfather, Thomas, is a World War II veteran who served in the U.S. Army Air Force from 1945-47. His uncles Oliver (US Army) and Mike (US Marine Corps) Blackstar are both Vietnam War Veterans – three generations of Comanche warriors. Jessie’s father, mother and brother were in attendance, as well as Thomas’ wife. CIVA would like to thank Harry Mithlo for installing the military markers for Navy veteran “Ears” Brace at Memory Lane in Anadarko,Okla and Air
The Comanche Nation News
Force veteran Franklin Parker at Cache Creek Cemetery west of Apache,Okla. The CIVA has installed over 110 markers for our veterans and veterans of other tribes free of charge. CIVA Funeral Detail and Comanche Nation Police Firing Squad provided military honors for the families of Comanche members: Private Howard L. Geimausaddle at the Walters Community Center and Walters Cemetery on October 6; Private First Class William L. LeBarre at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home and Saddle Mountain Cemetery October 8; and Private First Class Ronald G. “Snowball” Russell at St Patrick’s Catholic Church and Memory Lane Cemetery in Anadarko on October 11. All deceased veterans were members of the U.S. Army. The CIVA has conducted 103 funeral honors for our veterans.
Comanche Warriors
PVT. Timothy David Hart. 18 son of Sally Kerchee-Hill and Lance Hill of Seymour,Wis. graduated from the US Marine Corp. Recruit depot in San Diego, Calif. on October 8. Currently Pvt Hart is stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. attending training at School of Infantry. Pvt. Hart is a 2010 high school graduate from Sterling High School and is a member of the Comanche Nation. His siblings are Zeke and Amos Hill, his grandparents are Deborah S. (Tosee) Oldham and Melvin Kerchee Jr and Mary F. (Quoetone) Hill and the late Jerry M. Hill. Great-grandparents are Eunice (Sovo) Tosee and the late Andrew and Melvin and Nettie Kerchee.
Airman 1st Class Robert Clyde Oldbear. Graduated from Basic Training from Lacklan, A.F.B. San Antonio, Texas July 23. Oldbear graduated from A.I.T.Munitions System Apprentice September 30 from Sheppard A.F.B. Wichita Falls , Texas. 1st active duty will be Kadena A.F.B. Japan. He is the son of Robert Gene Oldbear and Emily Laverio. Grandparents are Raymond and Denise (Chibitty) Turtle and the late Clyde Claude Oldbear Jr. Great grandparents are late Steve and Lena Chibitty. Ruth Marie Komalty and Clyde Angus Oldbear. John and Dana Chibitty, John and Suzie Blackmon. (Mothers folks) Lewis Laveria and Maisha Flyingcoyote. Great grandparents Harold and Clara Flyingcoyote. He is a 2009 graduate of Elgin High School.
CORRECTION: In the Sept. edition of the Comanche Nation News, CIVA misspelled the name of Clifford Ototivo. In the October edition, CIVA mistakenly said Paul Meloy was deceased and was a CPL. Meloy is not deceased and was a PFC. CIVA apologizes for the errors.
Photo by Fred Codynah Jr./News Staff
The Comanche Nation Police Department has re-introduced the Bike Patrol for a better Community Policing. Officers have attended 40 hours of Bike Patrol Training and are now Certified Nationally in the International Police Mountain Bike Association. The Bike Patrol Officers are Steven Laughy, Brian Wahnee, Wilson Ware and Raymond Tracy. The Comanche Nation Police Department will routinely patrol the larger Casino Parking Lots and participate in special events within the Comanche Nation and surrounding communities. The Comanche Nation Police Department Bike Patrol Division has attended several events to include the Moon Light Walk in Lawton at Elmer Thomas Park and the Elgin City Parade to just name a few. The Bike Patrol Division is looking forward to serving the Comanche Nation being more involved in the Community Policing. The Bike Patrol’s point of contact is Steven Laughy, (580) 492-3789, if there are any questions or requests for the Bike Patrol to be involved in Special Events, please contact the Comanche Nation Police Department directly.
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Comanches Create First Native American Feather Repository
Story and Pictures by Paula Karty/News Staff
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), in cooperation with the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, established a two-year pilot, non-eagle feather repository to provide Native Americans with a permitted source to obtain non-eagle feathers from federally regulated migratory birds for religious and cultural use. For decades, Native Americans have used various natural resources and wildlife for subsistence, as will as for cultural and religious purposes. Feathers remain one of the most sought after items by tribal cultural and religious practitioners. To assist in legal acquisition of federally regulated migratory bird feathers, the Service established the National Eagle Repository in Denver, Col. This repository serves as a legal source of eagles and eagle feathers for qualified, federally enrolled, tribal members for use in religious ceremonies. At one time, this repository also distributed other protected and regulated migratory birds, like hawks and falcons. However distribution of these non-eagle species was discontinued in the late 1990s. Since then, the Service has looked for ways to help meet tribal needs for non-eagle feathers. Feather Repository In cooperation with the Comanche Nation, the Service is issuing a permit to establish the first Native American-managed non-eagle feather repository. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and a permit were signed enabling the Comanche Nation Ethno-Ornithological Initiative (SIA) based in Cyril, Okla., to receive and distribute regulated migratory bird feathers, deceased birds and parts from zoos, falconers, rehabilitators and other permitted sources to federally enrolled tribal members across the country. This pilot project has been in effect since June 21, 2010 and evaluated for two-years. The permit and MOA do not allow for the take of any protected migratory birds. The majority of feathers will be obtained through birds that naturally molt feathers. “Establishing this tribally managed repository demonstrates our commitment to working collaboratively with tribes to promote natural resources conservation activities that honor Native American culture and religion,” said Benjamin Tuggle, Regional Director for the Service’s Southwest Region. Various protected migratory birds, feathers and parts will be authorized for transfer to this new repository by Service bird rehabilitators, zoos, falconers, and other Service-permitted entities. Based on the process used by the Service’s eagle repository in Denver, federally enrolled tribal members will now be able to apply for, acquire and possess non-eagle federally regulated migratory bird feathers and their parts for religious and cultural use through SIA. Meeting of Officials According to SIA, Representatives of the Comanche Nation met with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Regional Director Dr. Benjamin Tuggle Oct. 13 for official signing of the authorization that establishes the Nation’s first Native American Feather Repository.
SIA Director Bill Voelker speaks about the new Native American Feather Repository established on June 21. The two-year program will provide Native American with a permitted source to obtain non-eagle feathers from federally regulated migratory birds for religious and cultural use.
The repository will be operated by Sia: The Comanche Nation Ethno-Ornithological Initiative to provide for the ethical and legal acquisition and distribution of culturally significant feathers of all species of migratory birds other than eagles. Provisions for legal access to Bald and Golden Eagle feathers through the federal government have existed since 1962. However, until June 21, 2010, there has not been access to the feathers of other migratory bird species from a culturally dedicated entity. This unprecedented partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Sia heralds a new day in Native Americanfederal governmental relations. The spiritual integrity of certain Native American ceremonies require the use of feathers and/or parts on many different species of migratory birds. Unless these feathers have been handed down from generations that predate the laws that prohibit the acquisition of these feathers from wild birds, there has not been the legal mechanism for acquiring such feathers. Sia will address this issue utilizing molted feathers from birds legally held
in captivity by zoos, rehabilitation facilities, educational centers, and falconers, process and catalogue the feathers then assemble the feathers to meet the specific needs of Native Americans across the country. Sia has pioneered the digital microchip and RFID technology of imparting absolute authentication to individual feathers so that once distributed, the feathers will carry a unique identity. This aspect of Sia research and protocol will minimize the illegal abuse of migratory bird feathers. Federal and state laws prohibit the sale, barter or trade of protected species feathers. A Breakdown “A Native American feather repository can only be truly successful if established and operated by Native Americans” says Sia founder and executive director Wahathuweeka a.k.a. William Voelker. “There are nuances of culture and sensitivity to the essence of the living bird that only comes from generations of cultural oneness with these essential species. Our ancestors established living bonds with these creatures long before the rest of the world knew
we existed. We Native Americans have the history, science and spirit to best address the unique requirements of living our historically based, cultural life ways while simultaneously adhering to environmentally responsible conservation ethics of the twenty first century.” Sia (the Comanche word meaning “feather”) brings over four decades of raptor research, public education and conservation to the establishment of the repository. Sia is one of only three tribes to be granted the Native American Religious Use Permit that allows for the permanent housing of non-releaseable Bald and Golden Eagles. Under this authority, feathers molted be these eagles can be distributed to Comanche tribal members as well as members of any of the federally recognized tribes. Sia has assisted 44 different tribes with feathers to date. A bit of new information being put out specially to the folks east of the Mississippi, where there isn’t strong tribal components like we have. There is a fear that Native people live in with feathers. The fear is because of the
feather bust that the feds (Federal Government) have been doing in the past, seems like every ten years there’s a round of feather bust. Native people are afraid of losing their feathers. “We have tribal members coming to us stating that they have old historic feathers and are afraid to use them,” said Voelker. “People can bring their feathers to us (Sia Program) and we can do the authentication under a different program called the SIA Registry. We can put all of our expertise together and determine authentication of the feather. The feather can be micro chipped or if a microchip is a problem for the people a digital image can be done,” he said. Generally, every feather is unique, even though they look similar to the one next to it. Each feather has it’s own information, such as a finger or hand print. So by taking images the program can side step the microchip if one feels like micro chipping invades the spiritual nature of the feather. By doing this the program can catalog the item and put it into it’s database and give the owner a specific number and a form (a verified statement from the program saying that this number is in the Sia Registry). Coding System A new program is being designed in New England that is going to allow access to the program’s data system if you have a code. This code is going to be restricted to just law enforcement people and permit people. “Over all the perception of non-indian law enforcement people is that Native Americans abusing the privileges of having feathers. The reason for that (not to justify it), there are still a lot of indians that are killing birds and selling the feathers. Our folks believed it wasn’t about selling our cultural it was just securing what we needed for spiritual religious reasons,” said Voelker.
Benjamin Tuggle Regional Director for the Service’s Southwest Region presents Tribal elder Thomas Blackstar Sr., with the first set of feathers ever distributed under a tribal non eagle feather repository.
Members of the Comanche Nation Law Enforcement also each received a feather from Tuggle. Each of the three Law Enforcement officers were presented with individual feathers. Pictured from left to right are: Chief of Police, Vernon Griffin; Major Detective, Donna O’Brian; and Assistant Chief of Police, Ron Niedo
Marla Nauni is presented with a set of feathers from Benjamin Tuggle. Nauni is a NAMMY Award nominee for her CD of Comanche Hymns.
SIA Assistant Director Troy, displays a rare Mexican Eagle, which is one of many residents of the Sia Program located in Cyril, Okla.
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Tyler Poahway Sept 27 Hah-Tee Delgado Oct 3 Krista Hubbard Oct 5 Fransic Attockine III Oct 9 Nipper Tiddark Oct 10 Jolene Tahah Oct 12 Beatrice Kopaddy Saupitty Oct 12 Charles Shico Oct 13 Julia Ann Tahah Oct 13 Sebastian Burgess Oct 13 Karen Kaniatobe Oct 14 Sandra Shico Oct 14 Chuck Shico Oct 16 Margaret Jane Poahway Oct 24 Cassandra Fajardo Oct 25 Susie Hubbard Oct 25 Herald Pewewardy Oct 29 PVT. Timothy David Hart Oct 29 Jay Martinez Oct 29 Daniel Theodore Elam Jr. Nov 2 Erica Leaf Nov. 3 Angela Knox Nov 4 Rosalind Asetamy Nov 4 Nolan Tahdooahnippah Nov 4 William Riggs Nov 4 Brayden Parker Nov 5 Robert Jay Goodin Nov 5 Wilma Riggs Nov 5 Sweet Laurenzana Nov 5 Cayla Nelson Nov 7 Susan Nahwooksy Nov 7 Angel Lomavaya Nov 11 Kenneth Jay Goodin Nov 11 Cynthia Ototivo Nov 13 Terry Pueblo Nov 13 Leon Chasenah Nov 14 Jan Ototivo Nov 14 Major C. Pewenofkit Nov 14 Parker Shields Nov. 15 Larry Monoessy Jr Nov 15 Ferrill Codopony Nov 16 Larry Monoessy Sr Nov. 16 Ronald Monoessy Jr. Nov. 16 Evans Mowatt Nov 18 Roy Sam Wockmetooah Nov. 18 Elaine Kihega Nov 19 Max Tahhahwah Nov 20 Arletta Mckee Nov 20 Civa Gandy Nov 21 Tanute Tahdooahnippah Nov 21 Clinton Sing Nov 21 Cody Sing Nov 23 Joseph Pueblo Nov 24 Parker Wiegand Nov 25 Jackie Wahnee Nov 26 Cricket Karty Nov 29 Richard Poemoceah Nov 29 Justin Mann Nov 29 Stefanie Tahah Nov 29
Happy Belated Birthday Tyler Poahway Sept 27
Happy Belated Birthday Beatrice Kopaddy Saupitty Oct 12
Happy Belated Birthday Karen Kaniatobe Oct 14
Happy Belated Birthday Margaret Jane Poahway Oct 24
Happy Belated Birthday Herald Pewewardy Oct 29
Happy Birthday Sweet Laurenzana Nov 5
Happy Birthday Angel Lomavaya Nov 11
Happy Birthday Leon Chasenah Nov 14
Happy Birthday Parker Shields Nov 15
Happy Birthday Civa Gandy Nov 21
Happy Birthday Parker Wiegand Nov 25
Happy Birthday Jackie Wahnee Nov 26
Happy Anniversary Roland and Romana Apauty Nov 3 49 Years
Happy Anniversary Edward and Bertha Tahhahwah Nov 10 32 Years
Happy Anniversary Raymond and Denise Turtle Oct 14 36 Years
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
Josephina Lynn Scott Tahsequah May 27, 2009 Nov 1, 2009
Peggy Jean Parker Wahlenberg June 2, 1935 Nov 17, 2009
Clifford Earl Ototivo Sr. June 29, 1920 Nov 26, 1980
In Loving Memory-Oliver James “OJ” Poemoceah July 21, 1981-November 19, 2009
My Son, you were here only for a short time, 28 years wasn’t enough time for us to love you and you to love us. Tears fall everyday because we miss you enormously! This first year without you in our lives has been so lonesome. The time seems to stand still but these hours have passed by so fast without any compassion. We are comforted by friends and loved ones, but it is the Lord, Jesus Christ who embraces us. We all need him unquestionably. Knowing we will all be united in the Heavens above makes us smile and have peace of mind, we thank the Lord for all your time he’s giving us and the future with you he has promised! We love you and miss you dearly! Love Always, Mom, Dad, Ursula, Neariah, Isaiah Poemoceah
Jaylon Xavier McClung July 2 7lbs-4 oz Parents: John McClung and Roxie Munoz
HoneyLu “LuLu” Migdalia Tahdooahnippah August 10 6lbs-13oz Parents: George and Mia Tahdooahnippah
Cruz Albert Burgess September 7 6lbs-8oz Parents: Kenny and Tanisha Burgess
Jakob Felan September 18 9lbs Parents: Martin and Jennifer Felan
Maci Alise Kasiin Michael Tomahsah Chance Codynah September 28 October 6 8lbs-1oz 7lbs-14oz Parents: Gary and Parents: Kelly and Vanessa Tomahsah Victoria Codynah
November 2010
OBITUARIES Lucy “Bubbles” Tippeconnie Flores Funeral for Lucy “Bubbles” Tippeconnie Flores, 62, was held Sept. 13 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Madeline Spicer, Evangelist, Officiating. Ms. Flores was called from labor to reward Sept. 9 in Wichita Falls, TX. Prayer service was held Sept. 12 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was at Deyo Mission Cemetery, west of Lawton under direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Flores was born on Sept. 18, 1947 in Lawton, to Louis and Annabelle (Tsatigh) Tippeconnie. She was raised in Lawton by her grandmother Daisy Tachaco Waters and attended Ft. Sill Indian School. She met and married Jesse “Cisco” Flores in 1977 and they made their home in Dallas, TX. After Cisco was called home, she moved to Wichita Falls, TX where she lived with her daughters. She enjoyed being with her family, especially her grandchildren. Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law: Richard Ross Tiddark and Rowena Pecos of Tahlequah; her daughters and sons-in-law: Linda Tiddark and Amon King of Lawton, Virginia Tachaco Flores of Wichita Falls, TX and Lola Tachaco Flores and husband Jesus Lucio, also of Wichita Falls, TX; twenty-two grandchildren: Naomi Lee Tiddark, Richard Tiddark, Robert Tiddark, Victoria Tiddark, Amber Tiddark, Dylan Tiddark, Alyssa Tiddark, Jacob Tiddark, Hali Sanders, Dustin Sanders, Marcos Avila, Richa Gill, Jeffrey Saupitty, Stacey Tiddark, Arron King, Dahnichia King, Geremey King, Damian King, Marisol Flores, Nicole Flores, Jesse Flores and Charles Flores; five great-grandchildren: Logan Christine Saupitty, Kaiden Tiddark, Jace Gill, Bryson Gill and Colton Gill; four sisters: Rowena Tselee of Lawton, Genevieve McIntyre of Plymouth, Michigan, Linda Joqueta of Duncan and Mary Francis Rutledge of Lawton; two brothers: Ronnie Burgess and Bertrand Eugene Stillwell, Sr., both of Lawton; a special son and wife, Jerry and Tonya Beasley as well as a host of other relatives and friends. Flores was preceded in death by her love, Jesse “Cisco” Flores, her parents, one infant sister, two sisters: Marceline Bordeaux and Lou Ann Darby; two brothers: Henry Tippeconnie and Donald Tippeconnie and Henry Pohosucut.
Teresa Jean Stillwell Sharp Funeral for Teresa Jean Stillwell Sharp, 53, was held Sept. 14 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Steve Mallow officiating. Sharp was called from labor to reward Sept. 9. Prayer service was held Sept. 13 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in the Highland Cemetery under direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Sharp entered this life on February 5, 1957, in Lawton to Bertrand E. Stillwell, Sr. and Delores Tate Nevaquaya. She grew up in Lawton and attended Lawton Public Schools and Concho Indian School. She met and married Lonnie B. Sharp on January 1, 1979 and the couple made their home in Lawton. She served her family as a homemaker and enjoyed laughing, teasing, cooking, cleaning, surfing the internet and being with her nieces, nephews and grandchildren. She leaves to cherish her
memories, her father of Lawton; three sons and daughter-in-law: Thomas J. Cook, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Brain Jacob Sharp and Lisa Clark of Geronimo and David J. Sharp of Geronimo; five sisters: Michelle Renee Stillwell of Perry, Carolyn Lucille Stillwell, Little Springs Wescogame and Kay Frances Jones, all of Lawton and Amber White of St. Charles Mo.; four brothers: Bertrand E. Stillwell, Jr., Wesley E. Stillwell, Brian N. Stillwell and Randy D. Stillwell, all of Lawton; seventeen grandchildren, one aunt Fran Rutledge of Lawton as well as other relatives and friends. Sharp was preceded in death by her mother Delores, grandparents: Miller Stillwell , Addie Tachaco, Margaret Tartsee and Malcolm Tate Nevaquaya.
Frank “Butch” Charles Caddo Frank “Butch” Charles Caddo was called from labor on Sept. 28, he was 75 years of age. Caddo was born on March 13, 1935 to Frank and Lotsee Chandler Caddo. He was raised in Anadarko area and attended Washita and Anadarko Schools. He had a zest for life and was always in a positive mood. He married the former Claudia June Anquoe and the couple made their home in Anadarko. He enjoyed eating a hamburger at the bowling alley and being out at the flea market on Thursdays. He was an outgoing person with a sweet attitude and enjoyed being with his many friends around the Anadarko area. He learned many trades as he worked at various places including the Sequoyah Mills Carpet Factory of Anadarko, as a laborer for ONG or the Oklahoma Nursery in Oklahoma City. Caddo was a member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma and also of Caddo descent. He was a member of the Indian Capitol Baptist Church of Anadarko. Caddo is survived by his sister and brother-in-law: Judith and Charles Thompson of Wetumka; one daughter: Kimberly Caddo; two sons: Terrill Dean Caddo and Timothy Anquoe. As well as numerous nieces, nephews other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, parents, grandparents, one son: Kenneth Caddo, one step-son: Donald Anquoe and five brothers: George “Jake” Galindo, Buck Seymour, Benny Butler, Gene Caddo, and Rudy Butler.
Ida Mae Wooth Wauqua
Ida Mae Wooth Wauqua, 81, of Sterling went to her heavenly home on Oct. 4 in Lawton. Graveside services were held Oct. 7 at the Sterling Cemetery in Sterling. Burial was at Sterling Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer service was Oct. 6 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Milton Sovo Jr. and June Sovo officiating. Wauqua was born on January 7, 1929 in Fletcher Okla., to Owen Wooth and Rachel Sovo. She grew up in the Sterling area and graduated from Sterling High School in 1948. She then attended Oklahoma A&M in Stillwater. She received her LVN and worked most of her career at Southwest Hospital. She married Rupert Wauqua in 1956 at Sterling Okla. He preceded her in death in June of 1998. She was a member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma and United Methodist Church. She enjoyed shopping, going to pow-wows, going out to eat, visiting with her family and
friends. Wauqua is survived by five sisters: Geneva D. Reese, Deloris Karty, Ramona Gooday, Laverna Tahsequah, and Patricia Lavoie; a brother, Don Wooth; a special grandson, Preston Reese; one aunt, Eunice Sovo Tosee. Wauqua is preceded in death by: her husband, Rupert Wauqua; her parents; two sisters Virginia Sovo and Anita June Perkaquanard; four brothers: Ernest Sovo, Edward Redelk, Ervin Redelk Jr., and Hugh Wooth.
La’mya Debra Cravin Greaves
La’mya Debra Cravin Greave, 3, went to her heavenly home on Sept. 29. She was born to Natalie Pewewardy and Joe (Jody) Greaves on June 11, 2007 in Lawton Okla. Prayer service was Oct. 8 at Watchetaker Hall. Funeral services were Oct. 9 at Watchetaker Hall with Rev. Bill Foote and Rev. Lucy Tonemah officiating. She is survived by her mother, Natalie Pewewardy of the home; father; Joe (Jody) and Teresa Greaves of Lawton; brothers and sisters: Lorene Franklin, Wayne Pewewardy of Lawton, Shaquanda Greaves, Jade Greaves, Jordan Greaves, Gloria Greaves, Tony Greaves, Tyrice Greaves, Jazmine Greaves, Joe Greaves, Jr., Missy Greaves, Misty Greaves; Uncle: Anthony Pewewardy of Richard Spur, Rudolph Greaves and Chris Greaves both of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Aunts: Geneva Pewewardy and Steve Dorsey of Shawnee, Diane Pewewardy and James Gonzales, Cheryl Pewewardy, Lynna and Nico Rosario of Lawton, Patricia Pewewardy all of Elgin, Octavia Egyinam and husband Peter of Prince George , Vir., Latrinsha ShaShanda Greaves of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; Grandparent: Mae Greaves and Talbert Greaves and wife Esmena of Lauderhill, Fla.; Great Grandfather: Herald S. Pewewardy; many cousins and host of other relatives and friends. She is preceded in death by her grandmother: Debra Ann Pewewardy; great grandmother: Lorene Kerchee Pewewardy.
Debra Ann Pewewardy
Debra Ann Pewewardy a resident of Lawton went to her heavenly home on Oct. 4 in Oklahoma City at the age of 54. She was born to Lorene Nahno Kerchee and Herald S. Pewewardy on Nov. 5, 1955 in Lawton, Okla. She graduated from Elgin High School in 1975. She worked for two years at Farmers Union Insurance in Oklahoma City. She moved back to Lawton and attended Great Plains Vo-Tech and received her degree as a CNA and was a home Health Nurse. She worked at the Comanche Nation Complex in Transportation as a dispatcher for six years. Prayer service was Oct. 8 in Watchetaker Hall. Funeral service was Oct. 9 at Watchetaker Hall with Rev. Bill Foote and Rev. Lucy Tonemah officiating. Burial was at Otipoby Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. She is survived by her father, Herald; two children: Anthony Pewewardy of Richard Spur and Natalie Pewewardy of Lawton; her companion: Brian Kowena; five sisters: Geneva Pewewardy and Steve Dorsey of Shawnee, Diane Pewewardy and James Gonzales, Cheryl Pewewardy all of Elgin and Lynna and Nico Rosario of Lawton and Patricia Pewewardy, of Elgin; three special sisters: Linda Minthorn,
Pam Holland and Brenda Alverez; two special brothers: Franklin Akoneto and Eddie Mahseet; three aunts: Berdina Lopez of Cache, Betty Crocker of Lawton and Neva Santiago of Wichita Kan.; one uncle: Wallace Coffey of Lawton; five grandchildren: Lorene Franklin, Taylor Bordeaux, Gabriella Guerrero, Trevor Pewewardy, Trinity Pewewardy and Wayne Pewewardy; many nephews, nieces, cousins and a host of other family members. She is preceded in death by her mother, Lorene Kerchee Pewewardy; one granddaughter: La’mya Pewewardy Cravin; grandparents: Walter Nahno Kerchee, Sr. and Lottie Fisher Atauvich and Samuel Pewewardy and Mollie Tahhahwah; two aunts: Belva Lopez and Wanda Pewewardy; three uncles: Walter Nahno Kerchee, Jr., Melvin Kerchee, Sr. and Samuel Doc Pewewardy; one brother: Bob Tissychy.
Ronald G. “Snowball” Russell Ronald G. “Snowball” Russell, 73, of Edmond, Okla., went to his heavenly home on Oct. 7 in Edmond. Funeral service was Oct. 11 at St. Patrick’s Mission in Anadarko with Father Chinnapa Konkala Reddy officiating. Burial with military honors was at Memory Lane Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. He was born on Jan. 6, 1937 in Chickasha to Harris and Cleo (Bascus) Russell. He attended Chilocco and UCO. He was the past President of Central Chapter of Chilocco National Alumni Association and was a founding member of the Sooner Skydivers Club. He was a member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma and enlisted in the US Army 11th Airborne Division 187th Hell’s Angels. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, and playing cards. He was a computer consultant for the Department of Defense. He married Brenda Lee Turney on June 29, 2002 in Oklahoma City. He is survived by: his wife, Brenda Russell of the home; a daughter, Jeanette Guerreo of Corona, Cali.; two sons: John Russell of Oklahoma City and Richard Russell of Jenks; stepson, Joshua Turney of Gallup New Mexico; six grandchildren; Patrick, Anthony, Zac, Christina, Timothy, and Toby. He is preceded in death by: his parents, Harris and Cleo Russell; grandmother, Lorenza Richey; two uncles: Hubert Bascus and Richard Bascus.
Howard “Lanny” Leonard Geimausaddle Funeral of Howard “Lanny” Leonard Geimausaddle, 51, Oklahoma City, was Oct. 6 at the Comanche Community Center of Walters with Rev. Fred Ticeahkie, Rev. Videll Yackeshi, and Michael Wauqua officiating. Geimausaddle was called from labor to reward on Oct. 1 in Oklahoma City. Prayer service was Oct. 5 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was at the Walters City Cemetery under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. He was born on Oct.15, 1958 in Lawton to Howard and Rose Nahquady Geimausaddle. He was raised in the Lawton area, attending Ft. Sill and Riverside Indian Schools where he excelled in football and track. He had a zest for life and was always in a positive mood. He was an outgoing person with a sweet attitude and enjoyed being with his many friends around the Oklahoma City area. He enjoyed watching OU football, playing bingo, attending pow-wows, drawing, but most of all coming to Lawton to visit
The Comanche Nation News
his sister and brothers. He was a proud member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma and also of Kiowa descent. He leaves to cherish his memories: one daughter in New Mexico and Jason Geimausaddle of Harrah; one sister: Barbara Tahchawwickah of Lawton; three brothers: Terry Geimausaddle and Kenneth Geimausaddle both of Walters and Victor “Vic” Youngman of Ft. Cobb; one uncle Edward Nahquady, Sr., as well as numerous nieces, nephews other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, grandparents: Edward Albert and Victoria Motherme Nahquady and Jarvis and Toyodle Geimausaddle, three brothers: Glen Kaulaity, Ruben Hardin and Ronald “Red” Geimausaddle, Sr. and two sister: Janice Rose Geimausaddle and Terena Rose Geimausaddle.
Betty Jean Miller Betty Jean Miller, 82, of Apache passed away Oct. 13 in McMahon-Tomlinson Nursing Center. Funeral services were held Oct. 16 at Fairview Cemetery, Apache, Okla. Interment was in the Fairview Cemetery, Apache, Okla. She was born on July 10, 1928 in Lawton, Okla., to Clay T. Williams and Bessie Yellowfish Williams. She was a teacher at Eldorado, Okla., and Apache Public Schools. She was a member of the Comanche Nation and a member of the Methodist Church of Apache. She is survived by three daughters: Jana Lauderdale of Nashville, Tenn., Mary Ann Higgins of Norman, Okla., and Roberta Petree of Thomas, Okla.; many grandchildren and great grand-children. She was preceded in death by her husband Joseph Gwyn Miller.
Gladys Jean Klinekole Guy Gladys Jean Klinekole Guy, 86, of Ft. Cobb went to her heavenly home on Oct. 22 in Lawton, Okla. Funeral service was Oct. 26 at Saint Patrick’s Mission in Anadarko with Father Chinnapa Konkala Reddy officiating. Burial followed at Carter/ Guy Cemetery in Ft. Cobb under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer service was held Oct. 25 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home. She was born on June 19, 1924 in Apache, Okla., to Gregg and Julia (Eckiwaudah) Klinekole. She attended Ft. Sill Indian School and graduated in 1942 as Salutatorian. She married Harry Guy August 1945 in Wichita Falls, TX. She worked at Ft. Sill and Ft. Cobb Public Schools as a teacher’s aide for many years. She was a member of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma and St. Patrick’s Mission in Anadarko. She was also Apache and Mescalero Apache. She enjoyed sewing, playing bingo, going to the casinos, spending time with her family especially the grand kids. She is survived by: a son, Lyman Guy and wife Lavina of Oklahoma City; three daughters: Harriet Guy of the home, Karen Ahtone and husband, R.C., Gwen Scott all of Anadarko; grandchildren: Ronnee Ahtone Elizarraras and husband, Martin of Ft. Sill, Kellie McCarthy and George Guy both of the home, Kristen Scott and companion, Daniel Stephenson, Brandon Scott, Ron Ahtone all of Anadarko, Harrison Guy of Oklahoma City; great grandchildren: Whitnee, Blake and Angel Wlizarraras, Stacie Youngman and husband, Keenan, Ashley Ahtone and Kyli Ahtone and Continued on Page 11
November 2010
Obituaries Continued from Page 10
Randi Lynn Stephenson; great great grandchild: Kassidee Jayde Elizarraras, two brothers: Gregg Klinekole and wife, Lyntha of Anadarko, Eugene Klinekole and wife Arbelle of Mescalero, New Mexico and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. She is preceded in death by: husband, Harry guy, parents: Gregg and Julia Klinekole; brothers: Isaac Klinekole, Bruce Klinekole, George Klinekole; sisters: Melinda Klinekole, Elsie Anquoe, Wyola Keahbone, Violet Moses: grandparents: Apache Sam Klinekole and Dah-ta-hay, son-in-law, Steve Scott.
Darrell Keith Simmons, Jr. Darrell Keith Simmons, Jr., was born on January 20, 1976 at the US Naval Hospital in Boca Chica, Fla., (NAS Key West, Fla.) to Darrell Keith and Threase L. Simmons. He left on Oct. 21. He attended the Apache Schools until his freshman year then transferred to Elgin where he graduated in 1995. He played football at both schools and participated in parent sponsored wrestling and soccer leagues. He married Shelly Dawn Renegar on June 29, 2001 at Cotton County Court House. He coached soccer during the years his daughters Skyla and Brittany played. His pride and joy peeked as he coached his girls. He worked various jobs before hiring on with T&E Construction where he worked for the passed 14 years as a laborer first, then finisher and finally, foreman. He took great pride in his work as he made every effort to do the job right. He lived in Lawton and is survived by his wife of the home;
a daughter Skyla Deatrice LaRee; a step-daughter Brittany Cheyenne Renegar; both parents of Apache; a brother Chad of Norman, Okla.; two sisters, Darla Tracy and husband Dusty Rowell of Elgin; Jamie Simmons of Fairbanks, AK; an uncle: Daryl and Johnetta Williams of Carnegie; four aunts: Marion Mithlo of Apache; Carol and Billy Wermy; Delorna and Neil Strong all of Lawton; Laquinta and Richard Holcomb of Apache; nephews Trevor Youmans, Delvin Tracy of Elgin; nieces Jazmyn Kate of Apache; one great uncle Richard “Chico” Banderas, Sr. of Apache; two great aunts: Ann Parker and Sandra Maroquin both of Apache as well as several cousins other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents Rocco Pace Sr. and Mary Whitzel; a paternal grandfather Samuel Simmons; an uncle Rocco Pace Jr.; and an aunt Nathalene Pace. Prayer service was held Oct. 24 at the Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with elder Curtis Strong, Jr., officiating. Funeral was Oct. 25 at The Comanche Nation Funeral Home Chapel with Mr. Edward Eschiti officiating. Burial followed at Deyo Mission Cemetery.
The Comanche Nation News
DEAR TCNN Letters to the Editor Dear TCNN, An ethical lapse does indeed put organizations at substantial risk. Although improved compliance procedures can help limit this risk, successful efforts must extend beyond compliance to build a culture of organizational integrity. A demanded, integrated approach to ethical awareness, one must encompass these four organizational practices: (1.) Controls have to be established and followed that good work outweighs political actions. (2.) Clearly define Principles and Purpose of the Organization’s many Programs’. (3.) Have Core Values which emulate the legally adopted Comanche Constitution purpose (4.) To build a Culture of high ethical standards reflected in day-to-day operations. Comanche Nation Constitution Purpose: The purpose of this organization shall be, to define, establish and safe guard the rights, powers and privileges of the tribe and its members, to improve the economic, moral, educational and health status of its members and to cooperate with and seek the assistance of the United States in carrying out mutual programs to accomplish these purposes by all possible means, to promote in other ways the com-
mon well-being of the tribe and Dear TCNN, its membership. On behalf of the Hope William Nelson House I would like to thank all those who came out to support Dear TCNN, the Spirit Walk, held Oct. 3, at I would like to thank the Comanche Nation Fair the Comanche Nation for vot- Verna, Melvin and ing for me in as Jr. Princess. NPW in their efforts to help This has been a big honor to carry the message of recovery represent the Comanche Na- to our loved ones suffering tion as Jr. Princess. I feel that I from alcoholism and drug adwill do my best for my Coman- diction. che people and my family. We gave out 225 shirts. I would like to espe- I found a couple of extra shirts cially thank Shelby Mata, her and called the people who family, and also Uncle Donald didn’t get one and gave them Chasenah for letting me use his one. car in the parade and doing the All in all, it was sucdecorations and setting up his cessful! tent and arbor for me. Thank you to Chairman Caron Yellowfish Mike Burgess and Clorandia Director, Hope House Tsatoke, tribal director. Ura Larnie Johnette Silverhorn Dear TCNN, I would like to thank everyone who voted for me during the selection of the Jr. Comanche Princess. A big thank you goes out to my family, the Comanche Little Ponies and the CIVA. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for always being there for me. I love you both very much. God Bless each and every one of you. Urako Chelsea Lynn Sapcut
November 2010
Calender of Events November
The Comanche Nation News
06 Comanche Nation Business Committee Meeting, 10 a.m., New Conference Room, Comanche Nation Complex. 06 El Reno Indian Fellowship Benefit, Concho Community Center, 200 Wolf Robe Circle, Concho, Okla., For more information contact Micki Black (405) 779-7176. 06 7th Annual Skiatook, JOM Pow-wow, Central Gymnasium, 710 S. Osage, Skiatook, Okla., For more information contact Matt Wynn (918) 693-1260 or Avis Ballard (918) 287-5545. 07 Comanche Nation Elder’s Council Meeting, 10 a.m., Comanche Nation College, 1608 SW 9th, Lawton, Okla., For more information call (580) 591-0203. 11 Comanche Nation Complex will be closed for Veterans Day. 11 Honoring All Veterans Gourd Dance, Sac and Fox Nation Community Building, Stroud, Okla., For more information contact Curtis “Dagwood” Wakolee (405) 395-0330 or Wilson “WC” Harjo (918) 968-3526. 12 George “Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah, fights at the Tulsa Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. 12-13 Trail of Healing. 1401 E. Street, Snyder, Okla. 12-13 Comanche Indian Veterans Association 34th Annual Veterans Day Celebration, Comanche Community Center in Apache, Okla., For more information contact George Red Elk (580) 512-2225; Eleanor McDaniel (580) 429-3430 or Lanny Asepermy (580) 588-2377/678-4629. 13 14th Annual Veterans Day Pow-wow, Heart of Oklahoma Exposition Building, 1700 W Independence St., Shawnee, Okla., For more information contact Gene Parker (405) 613-1139; Mary Birdtail (580) 386-7851; Cynthia Longhorn (580) 273-4137 or Kathy Deere (580) 816-7874. 13 Ponca Tribe Senior Citizens Veterans Pow-wow, Ponca Cultural Center, White Eagle Pow-wow Grounds, Ponca City, Okla. 20 Otoe-Missouria 2011 Encampment Benefit Pow-wow, Otoe-Missouria Cultural Building, highway 77, Red Rock, Okla., For more information contact Earl Plumley Jr. (405) 598-0636. 25 Comanche Nation Complex will be closed for Thanksgiving. 25 Thanksgiving 26 Comanche Nation Complex will be closed for Thanksgiving. 27 Choctaw Casino Pow-wow, Choctaw Casino Events Center, 4216 S. Hwy. 69/75, Durant, Okla.
The most-read Indian Newspaper in SW Oklahoma
Call Marion Simmons: (580) 585-7565
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Giving Back to the Community Through an Array of Free Events, the Annual Comanche Nation Fair Offers Activities for All
By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff
The clanking sound of stakes being driven in the ground the morning of Sept. 27, marked the beginning of the Comanche Nation Complex’s transformation to the Comanche Nation Fair grounds. A total of 500 campers filled the area with tipis and tents. Hustling vendors set up their tables and began cooking their menus. Busy tribal employees began preparing for their events and manning their shuttle and program stations. It was time for the 19th annual Comanche Nation Fair. This year, as with previous fair celebrations, the gates were open to everyone to partake in the free events scheduled all week long. It is the tribe’s way of giving back to tribal members and the surrounding community. “It is a time for the tribe to come together,” said acting Tribal Administrator, William Owens. “The employees are dedicated to the success of the fair.” Tens of thousands of visitors attended the fair, and many had family reunions at their tents. It is one of the top anticipated tribal events of the year. Many plan their summer vacations around the event, and the tribal employees and programs also begin planning one year ahead of time to make sure all is organized and well planned out.
Photos by News Staff
Women’s Buckskin Grand Entry
Free Carnival Rides Program Tents giving out free souvenirs
Spirit Walk
Teen Dance
LEFT: Jana Mashone back-up dancers
Jana Mashone in concert
Children’s Games Comanche hymn and gospel singing Quilt Show
3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
OU/Texas game in Watchetaker Hall
Lowell Tonips, Amerillo, Texas Boyscout Represtentative and (acting) TA, Willie Owens.
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Ft.Sill Indian School:A Home Away From Home
Ft. Sill Indian School Exhibit Opens A Door of Memories and Reunites Alumni Story and Photos by Fred Codynah Jr./News Staff
Ava Doty tells story about the basketball team
FSIS Team Wins Championship in War Era
In 1945, Ava Doty and five other girls assembled a 3 on 3 basketball team to play in the Ft. Sill Indian School’s first Comanche county basketball tournament. Basketball at this time was played half court for 3 on 3 games. The first county tournament game was to take place at the Lawton High School gymnasium since, at that particular time it was the biggest facility to hold a large capacity of spectators. The girls asked their superintendant, who was also a woman, if they could enter the Comanche county basketball tournament. The Superintendent told the girls that they did not have a coach, therefore wouldn’t be able to play. The reason why the girls didn’t have a coach was because at that particular time there weren’t any men around campus since War World II was going on. The ambitious girls went on a mission to find a coach for their team so they would be able to play basketball in their school’s first county tournament, but nobody would be their coach. Desperately, they had asked their English teacher Lucille Ayers if she would be their coach. According to Doty, “Ayers was a tall, lanky woman who didn’t know beans from buckshot about playing basketball.” Finally, the girls convinced Ayers into being their coach. Ayers had asked the girls what was her role as being their coach and what exactly does she do. Doty said, “Well you sit on that first bench and talk about whatever you want to.” The girls did not even have a game plan, or any substitutes. They just wanted to win the tournament. The following individuals on this team were Mary Zarika, Wanda Montesoy, and Eva Mae Portillo. Nobody could get past these three guards. Ava Doty, Geneva Jones, and Winifred Kassanavoid were the forwards. According to Doty, “Nobody was as strong as Winifred who stood at a towering six feet tall and if she jumped even just a little bit she would hit the basketball rim.” Even one of the county referees, had come by and given them a vital bit of information. He said that player number 66 on the opposing team, “Is eating you up, and you need to double team her and you will win the game.” So the girls did what the referee had suggested to them and double teamed her and won their first Comanche County Tournament for Fort Sill Indian School.
Oh, we’re from Ft. Sill Indian School The best in all the land Am I am sure that you’ll agree We are a merry band. We study hard most everyday but we still have our fun We’ve got the pep! We’ve got the yell We’re loyal everyone Yea! Ft. Sill Indians Rah!Rah!Rah!Rah!Rah!Rah! Yea! Ft. Sill Indians Rah!Rah!Rah!Rah!Rah!Rah!
Kay Jones and Brenda Martinez enjoy the Fort Sill Indian School Exhibit Sept. 30 at the Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center. Martinez is one of the last graduates of the Class of 1980.
The Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center (CNMCC) held an event on September 30. “Fort Sill Indian School. The Boarding School Oklahoma Senator, Randy Bass, was a Experience.” guest speaker at the event. Executive Director of the Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center Phyllis Wahahrockah-Tasi welcomed all that was in attendance Fellow FSIS alumni sign in on the museum’s guest list as they entered the outside events. Alumni with introductions and jokes. received a free goodie bag from the museum that “I am here to honor the students and staff contained a t-shirt, alumni pen, and a spirit pom from Fort Sill Indian School. Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center is thrilled and honored to do the exhibition today. Many of the student’s lives were impacted by Fort Sill Indian School and hope to bring back many good memories.” said Wahahrockah-Tasi. Many stories about the Indian school were shared by FSIS alumni, and many were re-united with friends they have not seen for many years. Oklahoma Senator, Randy Bass, read a speech from Governor Brad Henry, proclaiming September 30, 2010 as Fort Sill Indian School Day in the state of Oklahoma. The Fort Sill Indian School (FSIS) was opened on February 20, 1871 by Ohio preacher, Reverend Josiah Butler, his wife Elizabeth, and members of a Quaker organization called the Society of Friends. The first class consisted of just seven American Indian children but over the next 109 years, thousands would receive their education at the school. The FSIS exhibit celebrates the lives and accomplishments of each and every one of those students. For many students this was home away from home. Because many of the students were from out of state, they didn’t have family to check them out on the weekends, so it became a second home for many.
FSIS taught the students responsibilities of being independent. The students didn’t parents to care for them, so they learned how to be self sufficient, like doing their own laundry and they had to do household chores and cook meal with their peers. The staff and faculty were not only employees of FSIS; they also were mentors and caregivers. Students turned to them for guidance and advice in their young lives. Students went out on many off campus activities during the week and weekend. Trips to the movies, skating and fishing trips were some of the few events the students enjoyed. The students interacted with Natives from all different tribes and cultures. Many of the students excelled in sports, art, and school activities. Tim Saupitty, a famous Comanche artist, began his art talent at FSIS. Another famous artist, and former Comanche Nation Chairman, Ron Burgess, also attended FSIS. Rodney Grant, native actor from the Omaha/Winnebago tribe also walked the halls of FSIS.
Kimberly De Jesus, Miss Indian Lawton 2010, sings and performs the Lord’s Prayer.
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Remembering a Legend: Janice Totite Pewewardy Softball Field Dedicated to the Softball Hall-of-Famer
Story and Pictures by Paula Karty/News Staff
Oct. 1, 2010 was a day to remember. It marks the day that the Comanche Nation dedicated its softball field as the “Janice Totite Pewewardy Field”. The gesture was the idea of Comanche Businessman Clyde Narcomey. Narcomey said it was long overdue that Pewewardy be recognized for her accomplishments in the softball world. Narcomey talked about growing up with Pewewardy and playing softball with her and the Big Bow girls. Wesley Pewewardy said it was a great honor for his family and his wife. Pewewardy said he knows his wife would have been very proud and very honored. Pewewardy’s daughter, Teri, talked about how her mother loved sports. She told how encouraging the younger athletes to become the best that they can be is something her mother would have done. Pewewardy’s husband was presented with a plaque from Comanche Tribal Chairman Michael Burgess to commemorate the special day. Pewewardy’s former teammates took the field in the positions the originally played. Pewewardy’s husband threw the first pitch to start the tournament. After the pitch was thrown all the original players gathered on the pitcher’s mound for a group picture.
Pewewardy’s husband and former teammates stand underneath the sign marking the name and dedication of the newly named softball field at the 2010 Comanche Nation Fair.
Teammate Claudia Quannamemywermy, who was Pewewardy’s catcher, talks about playing softball with Pewewardy.
Pewewardy’s daughter Teri takes a hand in throwing a few pitches while her father Wesley looks on.
Former teammates of Pewewardy gathered at the pitchers mound after the first pitch was thrown for a picture, at the dedication of the Janice Totite Pewewardy Field.
Comanche Nation Fair Tournaments
Horseshoe Tournament
3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
Comanche Nation SK8 Competition Winners 10 & under 11 to 14 15 to 17 18 & Over
Jr. Bull Riding
Dallas Godfrey, Glenn Pool Troy Ferguson , Lawton Michael Colon , Lawton Dakota Camp, Lawton
Best Trick 10 and under 1st Dallas Godfrey, Glenn Pool 2nd Taj Mendenhall. Lawton 3rd Jonathan Tate, Glenn Pool
Turtle Races
11 to 14 1st Nathan Choney, Lawton 2nd Zack Plaster, Ft. Cobb 3rd Joseph Mendes, Lawton 15 to 17 1st # 56 2nd Devon Anderson , Lawton 3rd Tain Dupoint, Lawton 18 & over 1st Dakota Camp, Lawton 2nd Quannah Villicanna, Lawton 3rd Trey Hoppmann, Lawton
Children’ s Game Races
Spirit Walk
Highest Ollie Garrett Poemoceah, Lawton Mini Ramp 1st Dakota Camp 2nd Mikey Perez 3rd # 56
Fun Run
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Parade of Pride and Heritage
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
2010 Comanche Nation Fair
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Silverhorn Wins 2011 Comanche Nation Jr. Princess Title Story and Pictures by Paula Karty/News Staff
Larnie Johnette Silverhorn was crowned the 2011 Comanche Nation Jr. Princess, Oct. 3, at the Comanche Nation Fair. Silverhorn is the 12 year old daughter of Larney Silverhorn and Linda Chasenah Silverhorn. She is the granddaughter of the late Herald Chasenah Sr., and Jeanette Connahvichnah Pohlemann. Silverhorn attends Elgin Middle School and enjoys playing basketball and running track. Her professional goal is to become a basketball coach. Silverhorn was one of two girls running for the title of 2011 Comanche Nation Jr. Princess. Also running was Chelsea Sapcut. Her responsibilities will be to serve as a Goodwill Ambassador of the Comanche Nation, and to represent the Comanche Nation. She will support the Comanche Nation Princess, Nina Burgess, in all her efforts.
Outgoing Jr. Princess Shelby Mata pins the new banner on the newly elected Comanche Nation Jr. Princess.
Larney Johnette Silverhorn was elected the 2011 Comanche Nation Jr. Princess, Oct. 3 at the 2010 Comanche Nation Fair. Tears of joy running down her face as she was announced as the winner.
Family and friends join Johnette Silverhorn in her first dance as the 2011 Comanche Nation Jr. Princess. Silverhorn was one of two candidates vying for the title of the Comanche Nation Jr. Princess title.
Comanche Tribal Chairman Michael Burgess presents the newly elected Comanche Nation Jr. Princess Johnette Silverhorn with an eagle feather. Burgess places the feather in the headband of the Silverhorn.
RECOGNIZING COMANCHE ROYALTY. The 2010 Comanche Nation Princess, Nina Burgess, was honored by the Comanche Nation Princess Sorority during the Comanche Nation Fair. Helping with the honoring was former Comanche Nation Exposition Director, Morgan Tosee, who took a horse around the arena. Also being recognized was the outgoing Comanche Nation Jr. Princess Shelby Mata. She danced her last dance as the Jr. Princess with the Comanche Tribal Chairman Michael Burgess and her father Anthony Mata by her side. Mata served as the Comanche Nation Jr. Princess for the past three years
November 2010
The Comanche Nation News
Sept. 25 Comanche Youth Powwow Winners
Youth Girls (6-11) Cloth/Buckskin Mali Cooper, Amari Nauni Brinkman, Gabby Sapcut
Teen Girls (12-18) Buckskin Jasa Lightfoot, Sophie Tiger, Rey Norberto
Youth Girls (6-11) Jingle/ Fancy Shawl Gracie Sadongei, Sabrina Sadongei
Youth Boys (6-11) Straight/Northern Traditional Phillip Tsonetokoy
Teen Girls (12-18) Jingle/Fancy Shawl Maggie Birch, Kiana Factor
Teen Boys (12-18) Straight/ N. Traditional Trace Totherow, Randy Zotigh, not pictured Donovan Haury
Youth Boys (6-11) Grass/Fancy Akhyka Pewo,Corbyn Swift, Aaron Nevaquaya
Teen Girls (12-18) Cloth Adien Cozad, Elizabeth Tiger, Veronica Sadongei
Teen Boys (12-18) Fancy Billy Pewo, Ahtakee Sovo, Cheyenne Pocowatchit
Editor’s Note: As of press time, the names of the winners for the Comanche Nation Powwow have not been turned in.
Comanche Fair Powwow
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Is it the exciting event of bull riding, or the beautiful display of the parade? Does the athletic events draw your attention or the spirit walk or fun run get your blood moving? Is the powwow your favorite or is it the quilt show or art show? Did the skateboard competition or concert get your adrenaline pumping? There are so many events to choose from. We look forward to hearing from you! We will post the results in the December edition of TCNN.
On Display Now thru April 30, 2011