Special Edition TCNN

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Makes Special Appearance with Twilight’s Gil Birmingham

Photos by Paula Karty/News Staff

The public was invited to attend the opening event/reception on Thursday, September 27. The event featured tribal singing, dancing and a sampling of traditional Comanche foods.

Native American Church Service Opens Fair Story and Photos by Stacey Heminokeky/News Staff

The Comanche Native American Church (CNAC) opened the week-long fair activities, as it had from the first Comanche Nation Fair. The prayer service was held on Wednesday, Sept. 26. “It was an honor to Photos by News Staff have been asked by Chairman Wallace Coffey to conduct the Johnny Depp signs autographs during the Comanche Nation Fair. Depp spoke to the youth on Sept. 29, telling them to be proud of where they come from because Comanches all come from a long line of warriors and prayer service for our Coman- proud people. che people through our traditional ways of the Comanche Native American Church,” said Lloyd Heminokeky. The prayer service was a success, despite inclement weather. There were prayers said for the well being and safety of all the Comanche people, and visiting tribes from the youngest to oldest members. The prayers also focused on those who were unable to attend the Comanche Nation Fair celebration, due to triJohnny Depp parades with his adopted mother, tribal elder, LaDonna als and tribulations they face Harris in life, such as financial hardBy Jolene Schonchin/News Staff ships, illness, and the loss of a Internationally known customs that make up the Nufamily member. actor and the newly appointed munu heritage. There were those who Goodwill Ambassador of the Also visiting the Cobrought their family members Comanche Nation, Johnny manche Nation Fair was Gil and babies during the early Depp, was the Special Guest Birmingham, who appeared in morning hours of the service during the 21st Annual Coman- the Twilight movies, as well as to receive blessings from the che Nation Fair, Sept. 28-30. the television mini-series, Into Creator. The Comanche Native Keeping his appearance under the West. American Church members, wraps, he said he wanted to Depp’s one-day visit who participated in the prayer come and visit the Comanche was filled with many backservice, will continue to keep Johnny Depp is dressed in ComanNation and its tribal members to-back activities that began all in their prayers. che attire by his adopted mother. and learn about the history and Heminokeky would See DEPP, Page 2 personally like to thank all the “CNAC” members for their humble and thoughtful prayers expressed throughout the night to the Creator. It is humble and sincere prayers for the Coman- www.boxingnews24.com che Nation, the people are able In front of a quested that the refto prosper and will continue to sold-out crowd of eree stop the bout and prosper. The Comanche Native passionate boxing Tahdooahnippah was American Church members in- fans at the Comandeclared the winner. cluded, Travis Codynah, drum che Nation Casino Staying undecarrier; Glen Heminokeky, in Lawton, Oklafeated Tahdooahnipfireman; Edmond Tate, An- homa on Friday pah improved to 31thony Monoessy, Lance Sau- night, hometown 0-1 (23KO’s), while pitty, Chairman Wallace Cof- fan favorite George King moved to 18-9-0 fey, Karel Ann Coffey, Mike “Comanche Boy” (11KO’s). Blackstar, Gene Sovo, Donnell Tahdooahnippah put Said Joe DeHeminokeky, Quinn Hemi- on a sensational perGuardia of Star Boxnokeky, Ekiyah Rosette, Rudy formance, stopping ing who promoted the Johnson, Howard Cozad, Ja- Gundrick “Sho “We’re very Courtesy Photo event, mie Prairiechief, and Patrick Gun” King and the fans standing and cheering proud of George’s perAttocknie. There were also winning the NABA Middle- throughout the action. formance and highly impressed several members of visiting weight Title. An accidental clash of with the crowd and passion the tribes in attendance. Battering the stronger heads in the third round caused fans had throughout the card. It The afternoon meal King over the first two rounds a cut over King’s left eye. Af- was a terrific show and we look was shared with members of with a full arsenal of power ter the stanza, the Tuscaloosa, forward to returning to the CoSee CHURCH, Page 5 shots, Tahdooahnippah had Alabama native’s corner re- manche Nation Casino for fu-

Comanche Boy Tahdooahnippah Wins NABA Title During Comanche Nation Fair

Comanche National Museum Celebrates Exhibit All Things Comanche Submitted by CN Museum Staff

The Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center (CNMCC) was pleased to announce its newest exhibition All Things Comanche – A Numunuu Trilogy. The exhibit will be on display September 27 through October 31. All Things Comanche – A Numunuu Trilogy is a celebration of the cultural uniqueness of the great Comanche Nation. Many never seen Comanche items will be on display, including a historic buffalo robe that once belonged to Cynthia Ann Parker and extremely rare photographs of the heroic Comanche Code Talkers of World War II. The year-long exhibit will be broken into three segments. Part one kicks off September 27 with the opening reception. Part two takes place in November with another “Lecture on the Lawn” event featuring Emil Her Many Horses of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian. The third and final part of the exhibit is scheduled for the spring of 2013. “Part three will feature several historic Comanche items on loan from the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian,” said Comanche National Museum Executive Director Phyllis Wahahrockah-Tasi.“It will be something that has never been seen in Southwest Oklahoma,” Wahahrockah-tasi said. The exhibition kicked off the 21st Annual Comanche Nation Fair which took place September 28-30 at the Comanche Nation Tribal Complex, nine miles north of Lawton, Okla. CNMCC is located at 701 NW Ferris Avenue, behind McMahon Auditorium. Admission is always free. Call (580) 353-0404 for more information or visit www.comanchemuseum.com.

2012 Comanche Nation Fair


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with being the Grand Marshall of the Comanche Nation Fair Parade, a talk with the tribal youth, a tour and lunch with the SIA Eagle Repository in Cyril, a visit with Ft. Sill Garrison Commander, and a presentation of Comanche regalia along with gifts for Depp. With his adopted mother, LaDonna Harris, by his side, Depp enjoyed visiting with tribal youth, elders, and numerous fans. He was attentive to Harris, holding an umbrella for her as the light rain came down during the parade, opening the door for her, and making sure she was taken care of as the day progressed. When Depp was dressed in his Comanche attire, Harris gave a maternal eye to detail; making sure everything was straight and perfect. As a token of appreciation to the kindness and generosity of the Comanche Nation, Depp presented Comanche Nation Chairman, Wallace Coffey, with a painting he created.


The Comanche Nation News

From the desk of the Comanche Nation Chairman:

Wallace Coffey

As I watched my staff and tribal employees continue to work at cleaning the grounds and bringing everything to some functional order, I couldn’t help but witness the pride that they have regarding the completion of the 21st Annual Comanche Nation Fair. I sincerely hope that the Comanche people, in fact all Indian people, received an uplift from the Comanche Nation Fair. Sure not everything went as we would have liked, but when I watched young kids ride the rides in the rain, they weren’t complaining. When I see a brave

rider get thrown from his horse and hit the mud, he could not move but he made his time and probably got a paycheck. I saw families display their love for their children and their ancestors during the flag song; during the princess crowning; and most importantly during the “Grand Entry,” I witnessed a “knock out” on Friday night and our tribal runners as they completed their challenging run. And what about Johnny Depp? When I mentioned to the tribe several times that he was coming they just smiled and went along with it. I went to see him in Hol-

lywood and I gave him my red plume and told him when he comes to the fair he will get the rest. Wasn’t it exciting??? I wish to thank everyone for your good behavior. He didn’t want any publicity and no advance press coverage. So we just went word by “word of mouth.” Boy Indian people sure got the word out. We couldn’t move, we were so bunched in, but through everyone’s cooperation, WE DID IT!!! I wish to thank those that helped me, you that I went to for certain things and the certain individuals that I re-

lied on to make everything happen. Without you it couldn’t have been dome. Check Johnny Depp out in Comanche clothes, I promised him that when he came to the Comanche Nation Fair he would get the rest that goes along with that red plume. There he is “Johnny Depp in Comanche clothes.” I sure hope you enjoyed the 21st Annual Comanche Nation Fair. God bless us all Wallace Coffey Comanche Nation Chairman

Depp shows his tatoo of the Comanche shield on his calf. Johnny Depp received a warm welcome from tribal fans during the Comanche Nation Fair.

Photos by News Staff

Chairman Coffey presented Depp a certificate from the Comanche Nation, making him an honorary member of the tribe. He was dressed by his adopted mother, LaDonna Harris, in Comanche regalia before his departure. Depp receives a big hug from a child tribal member.

LaDonna Harris, Depp, And Birmingham. Depp received a beaded cane from Lynn Schonchin.

Depp poses with cancer survivor, Jaden Austin.

George “Comanche Boy” Tahdooahnippah, fresh from his winning title fight, visits with Depp during the special presentation for children in Watchetaker Hall.

Depp presents a portrait to Comanche Nation Chairman, Wallace Coffey, on behalf of the Comanche Nation. Depp created the artwork himself.

Depp poses with fans.

Depp and Birmingham visits with Bill Volker at the SIA Eagle Repository in Cyril, Okla. Volker hosted a luncheon in honor of Depp’s visit following his tour of the facility.

2012 Comanche Nation Fair 3

The Comanche Nation News

Liles Wins 2012 Comanche Nation Princess

By Paula Karty/News Staff

Sareva Kay “Posey” Liles won the title of Comanche Nation Princess 2012. Liles was crowned on September 30, during the 2012 Comanche Nation Fair. Liles is the 18-year-old daughter of Larry and Sonya Liles. She is the granddaughter of Soloman and Katherine Lee Jr. and the late Vinita Blackstar and the late LT Liles. She is the great-granddaughter of the Rhoda (Pauau) Motah and the late Tom Blackstar. On her Comanche side, she is a descendant of Horseback and Ten Bears; on her Creek and Seminole side, she is a descendant of the “wind” and “deer” clans. Liles is a senior at Central High School of Marlow, Okla. She is active in Future Farmers of America (FFA), a member of the Student Council, the Varsity Cheerleading Squad, and is the Year Book Editor. After graduating high school, Liles would like to further her education and receive a Master Degree in the medical field. Her plans for the future are to become a pharmacist, phlebotomist and a mortician. She loves scrapbooking, noodling, and photography. “God is a huge part in my life as well as family and friends, without them I don’t know where I would be today. I am the typical teenage girl who likes to text, call, take pictures of myself and hang out with friends. Meeting people is also a favorite activity I enjoy doing, because it lets me get the chance to make an impression on the person about my culture and my life. Just like any other Native American, I to live in

Outgoing Comanche Nation Princess, Krista Hubbard, pins the banner on the new Comanche Nation Princess , Sareva Liles.

Photos by News Staff

Comanche Nation Chairman, Wallace Coffey, places an eagle feather in the crown of the newly elected Comanche Nation Princess.

Newly crowned 2012 Comanche Nation Princess, Sareva Kay “Posey” Liles two different worlds the white mans world, and our tribal world. Comparing my life to my friends life it is always them saying ‘I’m going to the mall this weekend, does anyone want to come, hang out?’

During my week I’m sitting either in class or at home trying to figure out which Pow-wow I’m going to go to,” said Liles. “I would like to show people that money is not everything, and the best things

in life do come free. I am so excited about the upcoming year and all its surprises,” she expressed. Liles will serve as the Good Will Ambassador for the Comanche Nation for the next

year. She joins an elite group of Comanche women who have served in such capacity for the Comanche Nation.

Silverhorn Retains Comanche Nation Jr. Princess Crown By Paula Karty/News Staff

Larnie Johnette “Unsee” Silverhorn retained her title as the Comanche Nation Jr. Princess. Silverhorn was crowned during the 2012 Comanche Nation Fair. Silverhorn is the 14 year old daughter of Larney Haungooah Silverhorn and Linda Chasenah Silverhorn. She is in the 8th grade at Elgin Middle School. She enjoys running track and playing basketball. Silverhorn is a member of the Comanche Tribe and also of the Caddo, Shoshone and Absentee Shawnee tribes. She is a member of Nuyaka band and a descendant of Ten Bears and Horseback. Silverhorn is a member of Petarsy Methodist Church, 1918 Chapter of the Comanche Native American Church, Comanche Spur Handgame Team, Oklahoma Gourd Dance Club, Comanche War Scouts, Comanche War Dance Society, and the Southside Handgame Team. Un-see was given to her by her Uncle Billy Saupitty in Native American Church meeting. Silverhorn likes to sing Native American Church songs and Indian Church songs. Silverhorn is the granddaughter of the late Honest John Chasenah Sr., and the late Jeanette Connahvichnah Pohlemann and also the late Chester and the late Edwine Silverhorn. She is the greatgranddaughter of the late Arthur, Emma Eckiwaudah Chasenah and the late Louise

arations for the election. In addition, many Ura’s to Chairman Wallace Coffey for his encouragement and support for our princess election. I enjoy working in the capacity as the Comanche Nation Princess Director, and am looking forward to having a great year with Miss Sareva Liles and Miss Johnetta Silverhorn, our 2013 Comanche Nation Princess Ambassadors. Ura, Clorandia Tsatoke

Photos by News Staff

The newly elected Comanche Nation Princess Sareva Liles pins the banner on the retaining Comanche Nation Jr., Princess Johnetta Silverhorn with the help of the Comanche Nation Director Clorandia Tsatoke.

Connahvichnah, the late Mary Pow-wetipe and late Edward Longhat. She is also the great-granddaughter of Tiavich-wiper old lady Chasenah, Mocho, Pow-wetipe, Choney, Leon Motah and Thomas Blackstar. From the Comanche Nation Princess Director Congratulations to our new 2012-2013 Comanche Nation Princess, Miss Sareva Liles. I would like to thank Miss Desire Attocknie and Miss Chelsea Sapcutt for participating in the election. You are

both very outstanding young ladies and I wish you well in your future endeavors. I thank all the Comanche voters for coming out and casting your votes, I am very happy with the outcome of the 2013 Comanche Nation Princess election. Miss Sareva Liles will be an exemplary ambassador for our Comanche Nation. Miss Liles comes from a very supportive Comanche family and is very grounded in her Comanche traditions and culture. Also, my congratulations to Miss Johnetta Silver-

horn for her representation for another year as our Junior Miss Comanche Nation Princess. Miss Silverhorn, you have done an outstanding job, and I look forward to another year with you. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Mrs. Gwen Kerchee for her assistance during the election. Thank you Donna Wahnee for supplying our voting ballots. I am very grateful and blessed to also extend my thanks to my husband Pepper Tsatoke for everything he helped with regarding prep-

Comanche Nation Chairman Wallace Coffey places a eagle feather in the crown of the Comanche Nation Jr. Princess.

Comanche Nation Chairman Wallace Coffey wipes the tears of the Comanche Nation Jr. Princess, Johnetta Silverhorn after she was crowned.

2012 Comanche Nation Fair


ABOVE: On September 27, The Comanche Warrior Runners ran a 1 mile relay carrying the Comanche Nation Flag in honor of the 21st Annual Comanche Nation Fair.

The Comanche Nation News

Photos by Stacey Heminokeky/News Staff

RIGHT: Greetings and Reception followed the 48 mile run. George Tahdooahnippah spoke to the crowed on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle with physical fitness. Runner Tim Johnson endures whipping rain during the Warrior Run. By Jolene Schonchin/News Staff

The 2012 Warrior Runners proved they had the endurance, courage, and strength to bear all obstacles that came their way during their Sept. 27 challenge of 48 miles from Walters, Okla., through Ft. Sill Military Base to the Comanche Nation Complex. The 2012 Warrior Spirit runners and bicyclists are: • Kim Blackstar • Carolyn Codopony • Carlene Collins

• • • • • • • • • • • pah • •

Rebecca German Rolanda Hoawah Tim Johnson Travis Komahcheet Casey McCarthy Roxie Oberly Amanda Parker Jolene Schonchin Stefan Wahkinney Elizabeth Ware George TahdooahnipDorothy Jozwiak Ramona Hancox

The athletes did not stop or slow down as a storm dropped gallons of whipping rain, and blew fierce winds over 30 mph that chilled the soaked runners. As they took turns running one-mile increments throughout the day, the runners gave each other encouragement before and after their run. The group took a break at the Lawton USPHS Indian Hospital, where a prayer was

given by supporters. When they reached the Comanche Nation Complex around 4 p.m., a crowd of supporters cheered them to the finish line. When asked why they decided to run and bicycle in the Spirit Run, almost all of the participants gave heartwarming stories of how they all had experienced diabetes through loved ones or themselves, and they each ran in honor of

someone who was battling the disease, or for someone who lost the fight with diabetes. Two of the bicyclists were sisters from Houston, Texas who decided to participate in the Spirit Run because for their mother, and also to feel included in an activity during the Comanche Nation Fair. All participants said they will be running again in next year’s Warriors Spirit Run and Bicycle Ride.

Comanche Nation Golf Association 4 Man Scramble September 22 Walters Lakeside Golf Course

Photos by Jolene Schonchin/News Staff

2012 Comanche Nation Fair


The Comanche Nation News

Spirit Walk 2012 Submitted by Caron Yellowfish/ New Pathways Staff

At 7 a.m., Melvin Mithlo had the coals ready to start the cedar smoking ceremony. He prayed individually for each participant and fanned them with an eagle feather blessing their efforts to fight substance abuse and to encourage them to continue their traditional beliefs and live a good life helping others. T-Shirts were given out to the young and old. Most of the participants wore the shirts as they walked. The 125 people that braved the chilly weather prayed with Mithlo and Verna Cable before they started the 2012 Spirit Walk, stopping at each direction to offer blessings and prayers to Creator for another year of life, wellness and good health, blessings for the Comanche Nation and it’s people and for all the opportunities to pray for those individuals trying their hardest

Verna Cable and Melvin Mithlo

Photos by News Staff

Melvin Mithlo conducts a Cedar Ceremony prior to the walk.

che Nation Law Enforcement, Comanche Nation Injury Prevention Staff, Public Information Office photographers,

and the Comanche Nation Fair Committee for allowing New Pathways and Verna Cable to sponsor this event.

2012 Spirit Walk Participants

to achieve sobriety. The sun came out and the smell of cedar permeated the arena. The Walk was well at-

tended. A lot of photos were taken and this year PIO took group pictures. Thanks to the Coman-

2012 Comanche Nation Fair Softball Tournament Winners

Courtesy Photos

The Comanche Nation Co-Ed Softball Tournament was held on September 21 and 22 in Walters, Okla. Teams participating were from Lawton, Waurika, Ryan, Duncan, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Elgin and Apache. Some great softball was played on both days, showing lots of fun and sportsmanship amongst teams This year’s wining team came out of Duncan, Okla., called “I’d Hit That,” the runner-up team came from Oklahoma City, Okla., called “OK Twisters.”A special “Thank You” to all the volunteers, the umpires, the City of Walters, and Delbert’s Foods of Walters, for making this year’s tournament a success.

2012 Horseshoe Tournament

Special cake for the meal included pictures of former Comanche Native Church members.

CHURCH Continued from Page 1

Photos by News Staff

2012 Horseshoe Tournament Winners 1. Russell Satepauhoodle and Kendric Satepauhoodle 2. Vernon Hotella and Mark Hotella 3. Steve Cable and Greg Cable

the “CNAC,” members of visiting tribes, and many tribal employees, friends, and relatives. The meal included a special ordered cake with pictures of former Church members, Roy Simmons, Randy Holder, Andy Weryahvah, Fred Codynah, Sr.,Baldwin and Blanche Yokesuite, and John and Nauni Codynah. A picture included members Keith Yackeyonny,

Donnell Heminokeky, Glen Heminokeky, Garrett Connevichnah, with old lady Cardenas in Laredo, Texas. Old Lady Cardenas always welcomed “CNAC”services at her home in Laredo, Texas. “I would also like to thank all those who made it possible for the delicious meal, and the abundance of food we were able to share with everyone,” said Heminokeky.

2012 Comanche Nation Fair 6

The Comanche Nation News

Comanche Hymn Singing at Watchetaker Hall

Photos by Stacey Heminokeky/News Staff

The Comanche Nation Fair featured a night of Comanche Hymn Singing. The non-denomination event was held on Wednesday, September 17, in the Watchetaker Hall. The singing program was coordinated by Chad Tahchawwickah. “The main purpose and focus is to just get together tosing, hear and learn the songs our old folks composed.” said Tahchawwickah. A special invitation was sent out to the younger generation, so they may come and learn and sing the beautiful songs God has given us.” she explained. It was a relaxing evening to sit and listen to all the Hymns everyone sang. The evening was a great success with many of all ages in attendance.

2012 Comanche Nation Fair 7

The Comanche Nation News

Photos by News Staff

Comanche Nation Fair Hand Game Winners 1st Place: Southside 2nd Place: 12 Pack 3rd Place: Greasy Leggins

2012 Comanche Nation Fair


The Comanche Nation News

Photos by News Staff

Snapshots of the Comanche Nation Fair Powwow

Esther Riddles Parker 1939 Comanche Nation Princess

2012 Comanche Nation Fair


The Comanche Nation News

2012 Comanche Nation Fair


The Comanche Nation News


GROUP: Riverside Crown Dancers

Photos by News Staff


CAR FLOAT: Walters Service Club, Desiree Devine

TRAILOR FLOAT: BLING, Carmen Klinekole

WOMAN WALKING: Apache Tribal Princess, Hallie Cisco

MAN WALKING: King of Pop, Stacy Sovo

MAN ON HORSEBACK: Richard Camarena

Gil Birmingham

Chairman Wallace Coffey

Comanche Princess Sarena Liles

Roy Williams

2012 Comanche Nation Fair


The Comanche Nation News

2012 Comanche Nation Fair Parade

Photos by News Staff

2012 Comanche Nation Fair


The Comanche Nation News

COMANCHE NATION FAIR 2012 POWWOW WINNERS Jr. Girls Cloth Jr. Girls Buckskin Jr. Girls Jingle/Fancy Shawl

1st Place: Catherine Howell 2nd Place: Mali Cooper 3rd Place: Desirea Williams

Jr. Boys Fancy

1st Place: Xavier Toehay 2nd Place: Aaron Nevaquaya 3rd Place: Tyler Poahway

1st Place: Nivy Jane Chibitty 2nd Place: Madison Emhoolah 3rd Place: Ermina Jane Iruegas

Jr. Boys Straight

1st Place: Jeffrey Lightfoot

Teen Girls Buckskin

Teen Girls Cloth

1st Place: Jasa Lightfoot 2nd Place: Kimberly DeJesus 3rd Place: Johnetta Silverhorn

1st Place: Rose Goodeagle 2nd Place: Maggie Burch 3rd Place: Catherine Sage

Jr. Boys Grass//Traditional

1st Place: Phillip Tsonetokey 2nd Place: Anselmo Valenzuela

Teen Girls Jingle/Fancy Shawl

1st Place: Makayla Sage 2nd Place: Sharlea Seahmer 3rd Place: Shania Crank

1st Place: Rey Ann Norberto 2nd Place: Malia Pewo 3rd Place: Shelby Mata

Teen Boys Grass/Traditional

1st Place: Marcus Estrada 2nd Place: Akhyka Pewo 3rd Place: Kodi Doyebi

1st Place: Brand White Eyes 2nd Place: Skyler Reyes 3rd Place: Lindrick Polite

1st Place: Zack Morris 2nd Place: Vincent Pocowatchit 3rd Place: Gene Tsatoke

1st Place: Joyce Big Soldier 2nd Place: Alta Reyes 3rd Place: Clorinda Tsatoke

1st Place: Rosie Motah 2nd Place: Amber Komahcheet 3rd Place: Chalene Toehay

1st Place: Erin Yarholar 2nd Place: Crystal Lightfoot 3rd Place: Keri Jhane Myers

1st Place: Rowena Roberts 2nd Place: BJ Hughes 3rd Place: Yvette Goodeagle

1st Place: T’ata Roberts 2nd Place: Oketwsha Roberts 3rd Place: Yolanda Whiteman

1st Place: Terry Tsotigh 2nd Place: Gary Unah 3rd Place: Anthony Monoessy

Men’s Grass

Men’s Fancy

Teen Boys Fancy

Women’s Golden Age

Women’s Jingle

Men’s Traditional

1st Place: Dakota Schrock 2nd Place: Edmond Nevaquaya 3rd Place: Pat Moore

Women’s Cloth

Women’s Fancy Shawl

1st Place: Adam Nordwall 2nd Place: DJ Yarholar 3rd Place: Derrick Redbird

Men’s Golden Age

Women’s Buckskin

Men’s Straight

1st Place: Bruce Neconi 2nd Place: Cheyenne Pocowatchit 3rd Place: Cecil Gray

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