CAA On line Event , Making Mutual Recognition Agreement s Work
Attendance repor t and feedback from participants
Date last updated: 08 November 2023
This document provides an analysis of attend ance together with feedback received from participants who attended a CAA O n lin e Even t on the sub ject o f ‘Making MRAs Work, which was held at 10:30 UTC on Tuesday 07 November 2023.
Commonwealth Association of Architects
Outline for an Online Event on the subject of ‘Making Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) work.’ Tuesday 07 November at 06:30AST, 13:30EAT, 10:30UTC/GMT, 21:30AEDT and 22:30FJT
Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA’s) enable architects from one country to work seamlessly in another. This event will consider the way in which such MRAs actually work with reference to the agreement that has recently been concluded between the United Kingdon, Australia and New Zealand. We will also hear perspectives from other Commonwealth regions, including Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific and will consider some of the challenges and opportunities which such agreements create.
Principal Contributors
1. Mr Peter Oborn, (UK) President, Commonwealth Association of Architects
2. Ms Kathlyn Loseby, (Australia) Chief Executive Officer, Architects Accreditation Council of Australia
3. Ms Emma Matthews, (UK) Director of Governance and International, UK Architects Registration Board
4. Ms Marylyn Musyimi, (Kenya) Board Member, Kenyan Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors
5. Mr Andrew Pene, (Fiji) Chairman & Registrar, Fiji Architects Registration Board. Also, Director Buildings & Government Architect, Fiji, Ministry for Public Works, Meteorological Services & Transport
6. Mr Gary Turton (Trinidad & Tobago) Chair of Caribbean Architects Mutual Recognition Agreement Committee (CAMRAC)
Running Order
Unpacking the UK, Australia, New Zealand MRA: How it was developed it and what underpins it. How it operates in practice and how it works.
3.0 Commonwealth perspectives:
3.1 African perspective: Focused on the work being undertaken within the East Africa Common Market
3.2 Caribbean perspective: focused on the work being undertaken to develop an MRA among members of CARICOM
3.3 Pacific perspective: focused on the need to build local capacity
and Q&A
5.0 Summing up and Key Takeaways
Intended Audience
It is envisaged that this public event will be of particular interest to member organisations and national regulators together with students and practitioners around the Commonwealth.
Output from the Event
The learnings from the event will be published by the CAA
Date last updated: 10 October 2023
1. Total number of registered participants: 323
2. Total number of participants attending: 152
3. Attendance by region:
4. Attendance by country (doesn’t tally with the above as data taken at different times):
5. Audience by background:
6. Audience by role description (doesn’t tally with the
Mark Cooneymc@markcooneyarchitect.comStJohn'S
Akim Browne Akimbrowne@gmail.comStJohn'S
97,ProfessionalServicesandMutualRecognition67 DanielAkeremaleakeremalearc@gmail.comMelbourneRufusGiwaPolytechnic,OwoAcademic84 PhilChadwickphil@amedus.auPerthAmedus Director99 LouiseCoxlouise.thubbul@gmail.comSydneyUIACouncilobserverandRAIAArchitect77 AmosFergusonamosjferguson@gmail.comNassauInstituteofBahamianArchitectsPrincipal92 JasonLorandosjason@jplarch.comNassauArchitektonDesignStudioBahamasLtdArchitect77 Gustavas Ferguson grores@gmail.comNassauInstituteofBahamianArchitectsPresident27 MdNawroseFateminawrose@uap-bd.eduDhakaUniversityofAsiaPacificAssociateProfessor19 Shabbir 48 KMMahfuzulHuqmahfuzulhuqzaglul690@gmail.comDhaka
InstituteofArchitectsBangladeshVicePresident 98 Sabrina Aftab sabrina.agenedge@gmail.ComDhaka
AbigailPilgrimapilgrim@apadesignstudio.comChristChurchAPADesignStudioInc.Architect74 ShawnaBeechleyshawna@architectscubed.comPaynesBayArchitectsCubedDirector/Architect51 LenanoMosimelenanomosime@me.comGaboronePMAGeneralmanager(architect)97 CanadaVictorOmbimavictorombima@gmail.comKigaliArchitectural&AlliedServicesLtdArchitect64,SCHOOLOF ARCHITECTUREENGINEERINGLANDAND PROFESSOR,DEAN17
Phillip Roös phillipbroos@gmail.comSavusavu DeakinUniversity/RoösAtelier
HonorararyProfessor/PrincipalDirector94 34 Zahidul transport
GhanaProf. KNUST
GrenadaJohannaTamarmjohannatamar@gmail.comSt.George'SGrenadaSocietyofArchitectsPresidentProTemp94 ChauHymaychy1124@gmail.comHongKongUnistressAA90 PolLuibwibwi@ymail.comHongKongYiuChingArchitect99 YiutingLeungwoodyleung1981@gmail.comHongKongArchitecture
97 RasChafungfungdog@gmail.comHongKongMlaArchitect92 DrJosephKwanjkuda@netvigator.comHongKongUDAConsultantsLtdFounder&MD99 LewisKwoklewis.kwok@leighorange.comHongKongArchitectArchitect86 JohnSamuelsPractice@thestudio215.comKingstonStudio215LtdPrincipalArchitect92 Stacey-AnnDennison-Heronstaceyann.dennison@gmail.comKingstonTheJamaicanInistituteofArchitectsCo-ChairofEducationandMembership 74 DewayneWebbDewayne@space23o5.comKingstonSpace23.5LimitedArchitect 97 StephenJamesonskjameson57@gmail.comKingstonSJAArchitect/Lecturer84 Camille DouglasStephensonJiapresident2021.ja@gmail.comKingston JamaicanInstituteofArchitects Architect96 JacquiannLawtonlawtonjt1@gmail.comKingstonUniversityofTechnology,Jamaica.CaribbeanSchoolof Architecture HeadofSchool83 JacquelineKairu jacquiekairu@gmail.comNairobiESGWhizConsultingArchitect65 JoanGachokieliyeconsults@gmail.comNairobiEliyeConsultsManagingConsultant63 JulieWawerujwaringa@mandrconsult.comNairobiM&RConsultLtd.GraduateArchitect93 KiKigonduKIGONDUS@YMAIL.COMNairobiBORAQS Member7 MMdarkplanner@gmail.comNairobiPSLTech56 Florence Nyole president@aak.or.keNairobiArchitecturalAssociationofKenya
George Ndegearabbu@gmail.comNairobi
Swabra Kassim swabkassim@gmail.comNairobi
John Silasjohnsilas007@gmail.comNairobi
Arch.SegechaBernard jkl.segecha@gmail.comNairobi
Steven Oundo oundosteven@gmail.comNairobi
George OmondiOmondicalary@yahoo.comNairobi
JosephKariukikariuki.js1@gmail.comNairobiBudgetlineAfricaQuantitySurveyor61 NinahBriggsninahbriggs@gmail.comAbujaDeckardTylerLimitedArchitect88 OlanrewajuOlusola Larrygodman@gmail.comAbujaCreationConsultGroup
MichaelAbuabuokhai@gmail.comBeninCityEdoStateDevelopmentandPropertyCorporationTA83 AhmidSiyanbolasiyanbolabukola44@gmail.comIbadanTheOkeOgunPolytechnic,SakiLecturing97,Ile-Ife,NigeriaProfessorofArchitecture53 EmmanuelObadimuemmanuelobadimu07@gmail.comLagosDelanoArchitectsArchitect94 Mokolade Johnson NIAandUniversityofLagos SeniorLecturerandResearcher97 Mascot Maduka Madukamascot@gmail.comLagos SetraoxyStudios Architect 35 ChukwuemekaOdumegwuOjukwuUniversity,UliAssociateProfessor 9 Maira Khanmyraxx@gmail.comLahoreCommonwealthAssocaitionofArchitectsExecutiveDirector 97 UmarSaeedSaeed.Umar@gmail.comLahoreCommonwealthAssocaitionofArchitectsRegionalVicePresident92 KalimSiddiquikalim@kalimsiddiquiassociates.comLahoreKalimSiddiquiassociatesCEO14 UniversityofSouthAsiaLahoreAssociateProfessorIHeadofArchitectureDepartment 98 PortugalDannyBwalyadannybwalya5@gmail.comPortoPHEnergiaResearcher10 JoannaNsengajoanna.nsenga@gmail.comKigaliJourneymanInternationalSeniorProjectManager96 RubaremaRobertrubsflow@gmail.comKigaliLandmarkSeniorArchitect97 EmmanuelNyirinkindiarch.nyirinkindi.emmanuel@gmail.comKigaliRwandaInstituteofArchitectsExecutiveSecretary&Registrar 13 MasilaGeorgeelynahb@yahoo.comKigaliFUTURESARCHITECTSARCHITECT84 AlexNdibwamiandibwami@gmail.comKigaliUniversityofRwandaLecturerinArchitecture27 StivenRutinkota96@gmail.comKigaliVizionArchitectsArchitect59 IraguhaThierrythiragu@gmail.comKigaliRIAArchitect96 KazawadiPapiasDedekiKazawadip@gmail.comKigali FAEOPresident98
Sadia Mathias sadiamathias@gmail.comKigali CCECC
ProjectManager 73 46 KevinBinghamkgbingham@gmail.comDurbanSACAPArchitect/Councillor99
Head(Acting)-DepartmentofArchitecture95 KimberleyRowanKimberley.Rowan@sacapsa.comJohannesburgSACAPsaSeniorManager:PSS98 PaulSymondsonpsymondson@svarchitects.comJohannesburgSVAInternationalDirector77 TARCHArchitects Principal 92 SriLankaJayantha Perera jayap52@yahoo.comColombo SLIAPastPresident 62 KaisiKalambokkk@epitome-arc.comDarEsSalaamTheArchitecturalAssociationofTanzania
12 MutintaSichalimutintamsichali@gmail.comLusakaUnzaArchitect 77 Riana Bainrcpbain@gmail.comAroucaN/aLandUsePlanner 52 RicardoNewalloricardo@aclaarchitecture.comPortOfSpainACLAArchitectureDirector93 RobertThompsonac.keeworkshop@gmail.comPortOfSpainAckeeWorkshopArchitect90 IanMarfleetim@acuitascaribbean.comPortOfSpainTTIA,CAA,Acuitas Director98 JosephYearwoodjoeyevrs15@gmail.comPortOfSpainTrinidadandTobagoSocietyofArchitects(TTIA)RegisteredArchitect#03691 AdrianGittensadrian@co-rd.comPort-Of-Spainco-rdLimitedArchitect41 JuniorThompsonjunior@chathodesignstudio.comValsaynCHATHODesignStudio+CompanyLimitedArchitect92 TurksandCaicosIslandsKimberlynBacchus kimberlynbacchus@gmail.comProvidenciales
Lusalalira Charleslusaezra@gmail.comKampalaKKPartnershipArchitectsSeniorArchitect/Director32
Angela Kyohairweakyohairwe@gmail.comKampalaUgandaSocietyofArchitects
Chair,BoardofEducation 59 MatoyaMaroriamatoyamaroria@gmail.comKampalaCreationsConsultDirector84 EmmanuelNdagijeendagije@gmail.comKampalaArcmarkArchitect90 MarkBwambalemarkb@regenesys.archiKampalaRegenesysPartner93
Gloria Bazira gilobaz@gmail.comKampalaRegenesysManagingpartner70 AlexanderBugaalexanderbuga@gmail.comKampalaABArchitect61
Catherine Muyindacnanteza@gmail.comKampala UgandaSocietyofArchitects Honorarysecretary98 Rob,UKInternationalManager38 EmmanuelleMeunieremmanuelle.meunier@riba.orgLondonRoyalInstituteofBritishArchitects-RIBAPartnershipsManager 79 NenpinDimkaNenpin.dimka@gmail.comLondonLondonSouthBankUniversity Lecturer 20 FrancisAzubuikefrancisuche75@gmail.comLondonHSECapitolArchitecturalAssistant53 SarahHosarah@hoyys.comLondonHOYYSDirector86 JennyRusselljenny.russell@riba.orgLondonRIBADirectorofEducationandLearning76 MamiroroOgunkanmichristineo@giwsassociates.comLoughton/EssexGiwsAssociatesLimitedDirector86
HectorSikazwe 71 Roberto EmmaEnglandemma.england@riba.orgSheffieldRIBAHeadofInternationalProgrammes87 ZacDentonzachariah.denton@gmail.comWorthingHenryAdamsLLPPlanner62 Timothy Newtontimothydnewton@gmail.comDavieTimothyNewtonArchitect
95 JacquelineNamayanjaArchitecture@7pillars.bizKampala7Pillarsarchitecture
88 Ayodeji Ayo-Yusufdejiayoyusuf@gmail.comLagosRavegaconsultArchitect
Opeyemi Ariyibi Oariyibi@forsitebuild.comLagos Forsitebuild
AkinLoobyakin.looby@fortresslight.comValsaynTTIAPresident98 DeograciousKalumbadeo.kasalo89@gmail.comChipataZambiaInstituteofArchitects
WankumbuSikombewankumbu@gmail.comLusakaPlatinumArchitectsArchitect59 BosterChiyababosterchiyaba.bc@gmail.comLusakaBHC+VisionaFuturanaLimitedManagingDirector
PenyaniMwalepenyani.mwale@gmail.comLusakaObliqArchitecture&DesignLtdPrincipalArchitect52 Mofya
Mutinta LwiindiMlwiindi21@gmail.comLusakaZambiaInstituteofArchitects
ElliotBandaElliotbanda8@gmail.comLusakaLimnDevelopmentConsultantsJuniorArchitect97 BwalyaMasabomasventures09@gmail.comLusakaMasVenturesInc.
TekelaMusengemusengetekela@gmail.comLusakaTimestoneArchitectsAssociatedirector KellyKalumba kellykalumba@greencodearchitects.comLusakaGreenCodeArchitects
Daisy Chasaya chasayadaisy03@gmail.comLusaka
1. Did you find the session of interest?
• Yes: 100%
• No: 0%
2. Were the speakers engaging?
• Yes: 98%
• No: 2%
3. Was the event well organised?
• Yes: 98%
• No: 2%
4. Was the length of the session:
• Too short: 9%
• Too long: 5%
• Just right: 86%
5. Would you like more time for engagement with the speakers?
6. Yes: 66.5%
7. No: 33.5%
6. Would you like the CAA to continue to offer events of this kind?
• Yes: 98%
• No: 2%
7. What was your key takeaway from the event?
1 Clarity on MRA approaches globally.
2 Several member states have successfully arrived at MRAs via different routes and mechanisms, and some (not all) shortcomings can be overcome by knowledge sharing.
3 Learning processes of an MRA…
4 When working with developing nations on MRAs or similar initiatives, it is essential that one is sensitive to particular capacity-building and retention of skills requirements.
5 MRA’s are a vehicle for the exchange of knowledge and skills and promote growth for both parties
6 Clear articulation of all the speakers.
7 MRA’s create opportunities for experiencing other countries but the key is the issue of competency and ensuring opportunities where granted have a positive effect
8 The precedent [UK Aus NZ] MRA and how it is being administered. Looking forward to the Implementation in the Caribbean Region
9 MRA ensures the cross-border opportunities for the architects to work beyond their jurisdiction. Though the process of MRA is critical, however, we need to pursue the process through ensuring similar quality of education and skill of the architects to get the benefits of MRA.
10 It is good know there are avenues of attaining local recognition even though procedures can be rather complicated.
11 The question of License to practice does it cover in the MA?
12 We all have similar challenges
13 The event created a good atmosphere for fruitful interaction among practitioners.
14 The connection the developed countries have through the use of technology than traveling for a meeting long distance
15 MRAs are the new way to success.
16 Periodic Discussion on the Matter would assist Regulators to adjust the regulation time to time to suit the collaborative aspects between the practices.
17 I was able to understand the methods of Registration b/w UK and Australia. We can get benefits and lay down a procedure for ourselves.
18 the process of accreditation for MRA
19 Exchange of faculty and collaborative learning among students from various Schools of Architecture
20 Good event. Concern that some of the speakers did not have accurate knowledge of other existing agreements of a similar nature.
21 With right agreements and collaborations. Practicing architecture in different geographical zones is possible
22 The universal character of the event as whole
23 Our processes are very similar to most counties around the world
24 I could get insights about MRA particularly between South and South and no models available for catering North and South
25 Was especially good to see for my context, that East African professionals have developed working mutual recognition agreements.
26 Mutual Recognition Agreements is the way to go the world is already a global village. For the Fiji region, I expect commonwealth countries to do more to promote the study of architecture s to do more for the growth
27 The programme overly centred on practice
28 Need for continuous engagement with regulatory bodies
29 the comparison
30 I was happy with the initiatives by governments to increase connection, knowledge sharing and opportunities and the overall benefit to the profession.
31 The presentations from the speakers were informative of the processes and requirements for registration in the different jurisdictions.
32 MRA is important and most relevant to some developing economies and regions
33 less developed countries could profit from cross border trade if MRA is implemented
34 The potential for wider MRAs in Architecture
35 automatic exchange of best practices & information, increased mobility and empowered collaboration requiring resilience by the enforcing bodies facilitate favourable work opportunities.
36 We have more to gain by opening our doors to each other
37 We as CAA need to do a lot of work regarding Accreditation. This cannot do be achieved via similar means.
38 That a lot of time and work has gone into this issue, but legislative support may still be essential.
39 That it is not easy to establish MRAs, but that once they are in place the benefits are immense. Also, that there has to be caution when dealing with MRAs because if not handled with enough sensitivity, the countries with insufficient Architects and/or poor academic institutions may be overshadowed by foreign Architects and stunt the growth of local Architects.
40 We are all facing similar issues and by working together we can help each other to resolve them
41 That the CAA is willing to work with institutions in countries where training in architecture is not as yet well-established such as Fiji was very encouraging.
42 Potential and optimism in other territories
43 We know very little about each other, so we must bring up more topics about our countries.
44 MRA's are critical to enable job mobility
45 the complexities between different associations and mutual recognition
46 Extra training and work experience is essential to be affiliated to institutes in UK and Australia.
47 Amongst other things, I got the privilege to understand in depth on how one can reach the stage of being certified an architect from the point of being called a graduate architect. There is also the issue of reciprocity where the system in a given state allow individuals to automatically be registered, it was news to me.
48 MRAs are key to allowing appropriate import/export of professional services to boost gaps in expertise.
49 The idea of Reciprocity vs Recognition in the execution of MRAs
50 MRA's require dedication and a fair number of resources to develop, but can be greatly beneficial to members
51 The degree of variance in the requirement for the focus and content of an MRA dependent upon jurisdiction
52 The mutual agreements should find a way to harmonize the different systems across the partners’ frameworks to conditions and criteria that comes to a compromise and yet does not compromise levels / and standards of competence.
8. If there are any other subjects you would like us to cover, please enter them below:
1 CPD's
2 The Sustainable Design Strategies or Plans in Architecture from the various Countries…
3 Sustainability and the Climate Crisis, Legislative Frameworks
4 What role can UK based Architects play in the CAA?
5 African has the highest numbers of attendees. This reflects how curious we are at given some level of recognition to our certificates in some of the developed countries. I will like this area to be considered more closely, with the view of alleviating some of the challenges we are facing with our certificates and qualifications in the developed countries.
6 Features on the work of architects in Commonwealth regions and emerging economies. Fiji was interesting to understand their situation and I wanted to undertake research on cyclone resistant structures there many years ago but couldn’t get a visa …. it would be good to look at issues of climate change and response
7 The Business of Architecture, Marketing + Branding in Architecture, Practice + Management, The rise of the Project Manager and the fall of the Contract Administrator
8 Accreditation Process
9 The question of License to practice
10 Building code
11 Comparability of Architectural discipline and it's functions in developing countries
12 Braiding the gap between practice and academia
13 The key aspects of harmonisation of the training of an architect
14 How we can engage countries who are not the part of MRAs. How they can apply and be a part of the MRAs.
15 expand the scope of MRA to the Built Environment professionals and not just architects because they work in complementarities
16 Clarity regarding accreditation of schools and the process of giving license to architects
17 Interested in Education, Practice, and Registration (including MRAs)
18 Elaborate on the east Africa 'architects/ quantity surveyor' concept.
19 May be some aspects of overall Architectural Education, rather than referring only to professional issues
20 CPD policy framework and management issues, Building regulatory processes and architects, Architects fee and financial management of practices
21 Architecture and water use in light of water restrictions.
22 The east Africa concept of 'architects and quantity surveyors'
23 Mutual Recognition Agreement for Architecture Education and Training
24 Architectural conservation
25 comparing fee scales used by different countries if different to RIBA
26 Are there any initiatives to have a MRA for all Commonwealth nations in the near future?
27 Cross cutting building codes that enhance net zero
28 easing visiting architects’ collaborations on projects across continents
29 Cross-border practice and collaborations
30 Reciprocity of Associations, Harmonisation of curriculum
31 I had to sign off before it was finished but what I was particularly interested in was the legal aspect of MRA's. Is the agreement of various regional groupings enough to allow for Architects from country A to go and legally work in country B?
32 The issue of credit transfer for students in accredited institutions.
33 heritage, higher education linked to architecture, areas where the architect can intervene
34 Case studies of overcoming practice development in SIDS
35 sustainable design and cost implications
36 Implementation of sustainable design regulations
37 1.International apprentice opportunities, 2. Sustainability & inclusiveness in the built environment
38 Remuneration of architects across the Commonwealth.
39 Opportunities for Inter-practice Collaboration in the Commonwealth
40 in addition to building/planning codes, I'd be interested in a discussion of the different approaches to enforcement of same
9. Please feel free to enter any further comments here.
1 I believe it will be good to have a similar event organised more often than before.
2 Given the issues of climate and also sustainability it would be good to look at some of the work in regions like Africa where development is being done that combines good design with appropriate technologies in those locations.
3 Should not the Mutual Agreement by tied to the Canberra Accord. ?
4 For sustainability reasons, how can the program affect pedagogy??
5 Sharing the information before the session can improve contributions from attendees
6 Environmental, social and economic sustainability.
7 Accreditation as a subject to schools of architecture in the Commonwealth might help to understand the need.
8 Is there any procedure where countries who are in MRAs can get benefit from different countries with the Registration.
9 next time bring engineers, surveyors, planners, and other allied professions in the built environment
10 It is suggested to hold such sessions periodically focussing on one issue at one time
11 Would please consider including cases stories of those already involved or trying to be involved in this MRA arrangement umbrella. They probably participate as speakers, so as to motivate or inspire, and also highlight real-life challenges (if any) faced under this MRA arrangement. Thank you.
12 Well done Team CAA!
13 What would 'reciprocal nations agreement' mean for architects
14 please see answer 7. above
15 Please can the speakers email their presentations to us
16 More interaction-based event, possibly a bit slowly paced. Would like to have the ppts so that we can review in detail and send queries if any.
17 I believe architects should have a global study framework that all countries should tailor their study. And any individual who wants to practice in a region different from his should do a short course that would keep him/her abreast with the new country's laws and regulations. Probably partner with an architect in the new region to understand how things work in the area. CAA could organise courses in this regard where individuals can study about other regions and get certified by CAA which member counties should recognise.
18 The Q & A session did not address most questions put down by participants.
19 Inclusion of case studies in the discussions
20 if CAA have a draft in the form of an MOU to be signed between CAA institutes
21 A more focused Webinar on joint venture requirements for the different jurisdictions may also be of great value as this is one of the areas that third world or smaller countries may be grappling with especially in respect of regional and continental free trade agreements.
22 Delighted that CAA is active and addressing needs of its members
23 Local architects should be sensitized about CAA and its activities
24 The first speakers went into a bit too much detail.
25 I enjoyed the discussion
26 Thank you
27 The questioner is limiting answers to Yes or No. I think it should give the options of 1 - 5. I am not at all in favour of distant meetings, presentations or learning methods. A person-to-person interaction is the proper way and by far the best.
28 It is part of the discussion but has there been a similar convocation to discuss and agree a common position on the thorny issue of 'informal practitioners'
29 The choice of panellists was very appropriate
30 Well organised and an engaging chair. Thank you for putting this together.
31 Thank you. I am a professor, I am a professor, I administer the art history discipline at the university in addition to being an employee in the public administration of my city in Luanda/Angola.
32 Appreciated the geographic spread of the speakers
33 I couldn't complete the session. A recording will help to grasp the entire discussion.
34 I found the webinar educative and am looking forward to the next meeting.
35 Can CAA help to spearhead this?
36 I would be interested to know a little more about the possibilities or opportunities for mentorship between two member countries (one with a rich architectural heritage and another being a country with a relatively young architectural heritage) who intend to develop and align their requirements for a smooth MRA process.
37 Thanks to the panellists and the organisers for an informative session. I also appreciated the government-level input and fully support the call for knowledge exchange amongst the bodies. I'd like to suggest that any existing MRA's might be highlighted on the CAA website for ease of reference.