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A night to remember at Year 8 social

The disco/social ,with a three-course dinner in the dining hall ,was a huge success, with more than 150 students turning up to join in the fun. All the stops were pulled out for a night of glamour, with twinkling lights and a red carpet into the hall
As students arrived they were photographed in the photobooth, showcasing their outfits and accessorising with inflatable guitars

Thank you to Jana and Harry in Year 13 for being our photographers for the evening
At 6 30pm, dinner was served! There was a range of food options, from melon boats, curry, lasagne and a LOT of chocolate cake. The Year 11 prefects and DJs and the Year 13 photographers stepped in as waiting staff to serve the hungry party goers and were brilliant, especially at balancing numerous plates on one arm!
The food was delicious and a huge thank you to the catering team for serving up a lovely meal. With the plates cleared and the tables put away, the disco began! There was a fantastic range of all kinds of song genres, chosen by the pupils themselves, and a huge effort from our Year 11 DJs getting the crowd going.
The songs ranged from Taylor
Swift's Shake It Off to Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline The dance moves on display were equally fantastic, and are sure to be seen again at future socials
To top off the night we had two fundraisers, one for Cancer Research and the other for our Year 11 Ball
These were a Ping Pong accuracy game and a raffle The year group raised around £100 to contribute to the valuable resources needed to fight cancer. With the lights up at the end of the evening, Year 8 headed home It was truly a remarkable night!
Eloise (8V), Ésa (8V), Misty (8E), Lily (8V) and Miss Cotton
8 social
LASTING LEGACY: Site team members and Debbie Clare (centre) at the official renaming of the site office