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Snowsports trip returns
Our bags were packed, passports triple checked and we were off!
The Comberton Sixth Form ski trip was back on the calendar post-pandemic and 34 students and five staff headed for Lincoln, New Hampshire, via an overnight flight from Heathrow
The jet lag made it easy to get up early the next day for a large American breakfast of pancakes and maple syrup and then it was on to the classic American school bus to the mountain.
Locals reported it was the best snow in years and it was probably a good thing that it was slightly stickier as it slowed down some of the students, who had lots of speed but less control!
On the second day the beginners moved off the magic carpet on to the green runs and were soon flying past some members of staff
An evening of ice-skating followed; some using the hand-holding approach for safety while Ed (13PG), Jonah (13CR) and Seb (13RA) impressively played tag!
Another three-course breakfast was followed by a few hours of recapping skills before the group settled down to watch World Cup final Toby (12PG) continued his tradition of breaking a bone while on a snowsports trip with a wrist fracture and Seb hurt his knee, but after some emergency care, it was off to bowling for all.
Another day of standout moments, with some fantastic outfits from four of the boys and Will (12MR) suddenly getting the hang of skiing to fly down the green and red routes
A trip to see basketball from Lin-Wood Lumberjack School in action was outstanding but a highlight was the mid-court free throw half-time challenge where Tom’s (12JD) throw was definitely worth talking about but not for its accuracy
A final day of skiing was again marked by ‘resident hairdresser’ Louise’s (13WG) efforts to get everyone’s plaits camera-ready Then all too soon, we were off, celebrating Ben’s (13KS) 18th birthday with shopping stops on the way to dinner at the Hard Rock café in New York
An early start enabled us to see the sights of NYC before our flight including Ground Zero, a lift ride up 104 flights of the World Trade Center in 60 seconds and teacher-free time in the city before meeting up at Central Park
Thanks to Mr Mannion for organising this amazing trip and to all the students who made it so enjoyable
VOICE OF EXPERIENCE: Phil Golden, who studied in America, explains the process.