Animais ing

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THE BULL In Portugal there are about 100 bull farmers who create more than 3000 angry bull per year. The fighting bull is created with a single goal, bullfighting.

THE LUSITANO HORSE The Thoroughbred Lusitano is a breed of horse from Portugal. It is the oldest saddle horse in the world, being ridden around for over five thousand years. The thoroughbred Lusitanian presents natural for high school (Haute Ecole) and fitness exercises airs once put hindlimbs underneath the dough with great ease. Thus, the Lusitano is revealed not only in the classical riding and bullfighting, but also at the states equestrian disciplines including dressage, obstacles, coupling and, in particular, working equitation, being on a par with the best experts in the discipline. These were Portuguese horses used in the production of the film "The Lord of the Rings"

THE DOLPHINS OF THE SADO RIVER The species of dolphin that inhabits the Sado is the Bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ) . It is a marine mammal belonging to the order Cetacea , which are identified about 80 different species of whales , dolphins and porpoises . With the exception of the polar regions, bottlenose dolphins have a worldwide distribution : inhabit the cold , temperate and tropical waters throughout the world and can be found in bays and coastal waters , as in the deep waters of both oceans . The resident population of bottlenose dolphins of Sado in Portugal is unique and rare in the world . Throughout the year , these dolphins can be seen inside the Sado estuary and adjacent sea shore, Troy and Arrรกbida . It is unknown how long the bottlenose dolphins living in the Sado . Everything leads us to believe that reside here long standing . The oldest record of the sighting of two dolphins in the Sado , in 1863 . There currently living in the Sado estuary 27 dolphins ( 18 adults , 5 pups and 4 juveniles) Between 2005 and 2011 , 11 pups were born and survive 9 . The reproduction of this species is slow , ie , the mother gives birth to a calf ( for a time) , after a gestation period of about 12 months. From the moment you create it is born, the mother accompanies her during a period which can vary between 3 to 5 years , and then returns to be prepared for a new pregnancy . Can achieve longevity of about 45 years of age.

PORTUGUESE WATER DOG The Portuguese Water Dog, Portuguese Water Dog or Dog Water d'Algarve (as he is known in Portugal) is a breed of dog originally created the Algarve (southern region of Portugal). These animals were used as working dogs by fishermen since ancient times, but in the twentieth century have become a rare breed. The Portuguese water dog is a breed of medium size, strong and compact constitution and well developed muscles. It is considered an exceptionally intelligent animal, with active, ardent but also obedient temperament. It is also very resistant to fatigue. It is an accomplished swimmer, being able to dive and swim underwater to recover lost objects. The Portuguese Water Dog was chosen by the Obamas for being an intelligent and affable race. Bo, so called, is the U.S. presidential dog.

IBERIAN WOLF It is estimated that in the Iberian Peninsula , about 2000 wolves survive , of which 300 in Portuguese territory. During the nineteenth century wolves were numerous in Portugal occupying Nationwide . However , already in 1910 was notorious the decline and despite the current conservation status of the wolf, the studies performed to date suggest that the wolf population in Portugal is still in decline . The causes of the decline of the wolf are fundamentally the direct persecution and extermination of their wild prey - deer and roe deer . The decline is now compounded by the fragmentation and destruction of habitat and by increasing the number of feral dogs . Direct persecution by shepherds and hunters - poaching with firearms , removal of pups from dens , trapping and poisoning - due to the widespread belief that the wolf attacks the man and domestic animals . The scarcity of natural prey caused by excessive hunting pressure on the deer and habitat destruction , which leads , in fact , the wolves sometimes attack livestock . However , in areas where they abound , the damage caused by the wolf in cattle are almost nonexistent . At the same time , it is believed that at present there are hundreds of stray dogs wandering the country , competing with the wolf in search of food , which is probably responsible for many attacks on domestic animals incorrectly attributed to the wolf . Regarding the attack on humans, there is only one proven information that refers to an animal with rabies , a disease that fortunately for many years is eradicated from Portugal . natural prey The wolf will only survive if you proporcionarmos suitable refuges and feeding natural ( roe deer and wild boar ) , and we accept that cause some casualties in flocks , and the shepherds compensated whenever the attack is demonstrably attributed to the wolf. The reintroduction of cervids - deer and roe deer - is critical to the survival of our past Wolves Iberians.

THE IBERIAN LYNX The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), also known by the popular wolf tail, cat-buckthorn, liberne cat-lynx-stud or cat names, cat species is the most critically endangered and one of the most endangered mammals. Has a much larger than a domestic cat and its habitat is restricted to the Iberian Peninsula size. There are only about 140 Iberian lynxes released in the Iberian Peninsula.

BONELLI'S EAGLE (AQUILA FASCIATA) Despite its large size, Bonelli's eagle is a difficult species to observe, the mercy of their discrete and the inaccessibility of many of the places where it occurs habits. The Bonelli's eagle is a bird of prey as large, is identified mainly by white belly contrasting with darker wings. Adults have a white spot on the back, while juveniles have the infra-alar orange tone toppings. This eagle is present in Portugal throughout the year. In general is a rare and localized species that spreads very discontinuously from north to south. Occurs mainly in two types of habitat: valleys cliffs with boulders (mainly in the north) and well forested hilly areas (Alentejo and Algarve). In the first case, building the nest on cliff in the second case nests in large trees.

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