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June N°04 Free Electronic Magazine, Sport & Tourism - Magazine NumÊrique gratuit, Sport et Tourisme - Revista numerico gratuita , Deporte y Tourismo

Barbados Historic Rally Carnival. Barbados Historic Rally Carnival

Bermuda Billfish Release Cup

Caribbean Fashion Week 2011

EDITO Vacation are there! Let’s forget the concerns, the elimination of the Jamaica in the quarter final of the Gold Cup and those even more premature but perhaps equally more predictable of Guadeloupe, Cuba and Grenade.

Les vacances sont là! Oublions les soucis, l’élimination de la Jamaïque en quart de finale de la Gold Cup et celles encore plus prématuré mais peut être également plus prévisibles de la Guadeloupe, Cuba et Grenade.

Just before leaving, a small reminder of what you missed in Kingston, because if you like fashion if you like the show and party, you just missed a special event. Explore the Caribbean fashion week, the fashion meeting in Caribe.

Juste avant de partir, petit rappel de ce que vous avez raté à Kingston, car si vous aimez la mode, si vous aimez le show et la fête. Vous venez de rater un événement exceptionnel. Découvrez la Caribbean Fashion Week, LE rendez-vous mode de la Caraïbe.

For the others, fans of blue ocean and of sport, we have summarized the «T2011 Bermuda Billfish Release Tournament», where the Team Que Mas has once again left its mark.. It is done, no regrets and meet you the next year. .On the other hand not to forget in this June issue the presentation of the event to come, and we chose to announce the Barbados Rally Carnival. An essential event for all the amateurs of sensations and of beautiful machines. A preview picture of what awaits you in Barbados in this months of July. Packed your things, leave, escape, take advantage of the charm and event program of the Caribe, Carnival, Rally, Rally Carnival, Reggae SumFest, Tour of the Yoles, International games of Cricket, Tournament of Beach Volleyball, of Beach Soocer, dance festival, musical festivals, vibrate, sing, dance to the rhythm of the Caribe. Visit in a month to discover the fishing tournament in San Juan, the Tour of the Yoles and surprises.

Pour les autres, amateurs de bleu océan et de sport, nous vous avons résumé le «T2011 Bermuda Billfish Release Tournament», où le le Team Que Mas’ a encore une fois laissé son empreinte.. Voilà c’est fait, plus de regrets et rendez-vous l’année prochaine. Par contre à ne pas rater dans ce numéro du mois de juin, la présentation de l’événement à venir, et nous avons choisi de vous annoncer le Barbados Rally Carnival. Un événement devenu incontournable pour tous les amateurs de sensations et de belles mécaniques. Un aperçu en photo de ce qui vous attend à la Barbade en ce mois de juillet. Faites vos valises, partez, évadez-vous, profitez du charme et du programme événementiel de la Caraïbe. Carnaval, Rally, Rally Carnival, Reggae SumFest, Tour des Yoles, Match Internationaux de Cricket, Tournoi de Beach Volley, de Beach Soocer, festival de danse, festivals musicaux, vibrer, chantez, dansez au rythme de la Caraïbe. Rendez-vous dans un mois pour découvrir le tournoi de pêche de San Juan, le Tour des Yoles et des surprises..

Las vacaciones! Olvidemos las preocupaciones, la eliminación de Jamaica en cuarto de final del Gold Cup y los aún más prematuros pero también pueden ser más previsibles de Guadalupe, Cuba y Granada. Exactamente antes de ir, uno pequeño recordatorio de lo que usted ha perdido en Kingston, ya que si les gusta la moda, si les gusta el show y la fiesta. Usted acaba de perder un acontecimiento excepcional. Descubra el Caribbean Fashion Week, visita la moda del Caribe. Visita de la moda del Caribe Para otros, aficionados de océano y deporte, le resumimos el T2011 Bermuda Billfish Release Tournament", dónde el Equipo Que Mas a una vez más dejado su impresión. Esto se ha hecho, no hay nada que arrepentirnos y nos encontramos en el próximo año En contra de no perder en este número del mes de junio, la presentación del acontecimiento futuro, y elegimos anunciarle el Barbados Rally Carnival. Un acontecimiento que se han convertido inevitable para todos los aficionados de sensaciones y máquinas bonitas. Una imagen previa de lo que le espera en Barbados Haga sus maletas, vaya, evade, disfrute del encanto y del programa de acontecimientos del Caribe. Carnaval, Rally, Rally Carnival, Reggae SumFest, Tour des Yoles, Juego Internacional de Cricket, Torneo de Beach Voleibol, de Beach Soocer, festival de danza, festivales musicales, vibra, canta, baila al ritmo del Caribe. Visita en un mes para descubrir el torneo pesquero de San

Juan, la Tour des Yoles y sorpresas.

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -



Grand Bahama


Ile du chat



San Salvador







Ile Longue


Ile Crooked Mayaguana Acklins

Ile du chat

Great Inagua

Iles Caïmans (R.U)


Grand Caïman

Turks & Caïcos Islands Ile du chat

Ile du chat


















T 2011 Bermuda Billfish Release Tournament

The third annual Bermuda Billfish Release Cup officially kicked off the marlin tournament season




Barbados Historic Rally Carnival

made up of two motor sport events (Rally Barbados and the International RallySprint) and was conceived to maximize visiting competitors’ motor sport enjoyment.

Taste of the Caribbean»

Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association’s (CHTA) 2011 «Taste of the Caribbean» culinary competition hosted at the Hyatt Regency,


Préparer ses vacances


Caribbean Fashion Week

thousands of fashionistas, including major players and celebrities, from Jamaica, the wider Caribbean and the


international community.




Best of the 30 NBA Dance Squads Edition Kanye WEST Dwayne WADE, Les U20 féminines allemandes dans PlayBoy, Ricky FOWLER...

37 FORUM Magazine numérique gratuit réalisé par Caribbean Sport Magazine Direction de la Publication: Stéphan CARNIER Remerciements à Star Production, Pulse, Jamaica Tourist Board, Bonnier Corp, CROSMA, A. Gordon, Elc FX, Barbados Rally Carnival Rédaction et photos: Elsy Fors, Francisco Samaniego, Lynda Straker, Jimmy URSULET, Danaë Emmanuel, Yann Octavius., Terry FINISTERE, Marisa SAURICH Caribbean Sport Magazine - Pépinière d’Entreprise CHRYSALIA - CEEI Centre d’affaires Agora - Bât. B - Zac de l’Etang z’abricots - 97200 Fort de France - Martinique F.WI. - Tél. (596) 696 411 249

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -


NEWS Segundo Javier Culson en Suiza Javier Culson no está conforme con su tercera actuación en la Liga Diamante de atletismo a pesar de que fue su segunda mejor marca en lo que va de año. El ponceño llegó segundo con tiempo de 48.73 en los 400 metros con valla durante su tercera participación de dicha temporada internacional en Lausanne, Suiza. “Mier…, pésima carrera que hice”, fue la reacción del ponceño en su cuenta de Twitter luego de la carrera. Fue superado por el británico David Greene, quien registró 48.41, mientras que el estadounidense Justin Gaymon terminó tercero con 49.21. Culson entró a la carrera luego de ganar el Adidas Grand Prix de Nueva York a mediados de junio con tiempo de 48.50, su mejor registro en el 2011. En el Ponce Grand Prix también culminó primero al parar el reloj en 48.92, y en Roma quedó cuarto con 48.86. La próxima aparición de Culson será en Mayagüez en el Campeonato Centroamericano y del Caribe de Atletismo, que se celebrará del 15 al 17 de julio. Allí enfrentará al jamaiquino Leford Green , quien le robó la medalla de oro el pasado julio en los Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe. El Vocero

T&T sends strong team to CAC Championships

(FR) Les meilleurs athlètes Trinidadiens en route pour les Championnats CAC seniors (ES) Los mejores atletas de T*T a campeonato CAC seniores The National Association of Athletics Administrations (NAAA) will be sending a very strong team to the CAC Senior Championships. The event is being held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, in the same stadium that was used for the CAC Games last year. Heading the list is Keston Bledman and Richard Thompson who will both compete in the men’s 100 metres. Also in the line up will be Renny Quow in the men’s 400m and Jehue Gordon in the men’s 400m hurdle. The Guardian T&T.

LIME to take over the Jamaican Premier League Telecommunications provider LIME will replace Digicel as the title sponsor of the Premier League, the Observer as learnt.LIME, a fierce competitor of Digicel, swooped in on the opportunity to takeover the sponsorship of the country’s top league after Digicel announced it will not renew its three-year $150-m deal, which expired last season. Edward Seaga, chairman of the Premier League Clubs Association (PLCA), confirmed that Digicel will not be the title sponsors this season and thanked them for their contribution over the years. He, however, did not name the new benefactor, but well-placed sources told the Observer that LIME will be announced as the new title sponsor soon. The 12-team league will now be called the LIME Premier League (LPL) and is scheduled to kick off on Sunday, August 28.

Haïti au Championnat du Monde de Judo à Paris C’est une délégation de sept athlètes qui se déplaceront à Paris au mois d’août pour représenter le Judo Haïtien. Nadjeda GENA (78 kg), Ange Mercie JEAN-BPTISTE (57 kg), Linouse DESRAVINES (52 kg), Richardson DUVERGER (81 kg), Abdias LAMOUR (73 kg) et Réginald ALTENOR (66 kg) sont d’ores et déja qualifiés. Il reste à désigner le titulaire dans la catégorie de (60 kg), ce qui devrait être fait le16 juillet prochain. « Le fight-off opposera à Port au Prince : Danny ALOUIDOR, Evens SAINT VILUS, Odena JACQUES, Carl MARCELIN, Jonas CESAIRE, Peterson MENEUS ».

The Jamaica Observer

CARIFTA Under-20 100 metres champion and world leader in the event, Jazeel Murphy, will miss next week’s IAAF World Youth Championships in Lille, France, after failing to recover in time from the quadricep injury that kept him out of the Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association/Supreme Ventures National Junior Championships a few weeks ago. Murphy, the fastest youth athlete this year with a time of 10.27 seconds, was expected to figure prominently at these championships; however, things could be even worse for the 17-year-old, as he is also doubtful for the Pan American Junior Championships, scheduled for Mirimar, Florida, July 22-24. The Bridgeport High School star is scheduled to see a specialist in the coming days at which time his coach, Carl Page, expects to have more details on his timeline for recovery and the extent of the damage done. The Gleaner

Annonce Unicef 210x280 Sport:-

Tyrone SMITH qualifies for Olympics

(FR) Tyrone SMITH qualifié pour les J.O. (ES) Tyrone SMITH cualificado para los juegos olímpicos Long-jumper Tyrone Smith has targeted a podium finish at London 2012 after becoming the first Bermuda athlete to qualify for the Games. «I’ve been there already, just to go. This time I want to come back with some hardware,» Smith told the Bermuda Sun on Friday morning. Smith jumped 8.16 at a meet at Rice University yesterday to secure his place in London next year. The leap also qualified him for the World Championships. Smith competed at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. The US-based athlete now believes he has a genuine shot at a medal. Bermuda Sun

Sprinter Murphy Out



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Chaque enfant a le Droit de Jouer Tous les enfants ont des droits qui leur garantissent ce dont ils ont besoin pour survivre, grandir et s’épanouir. L’Unicef utilise le pouvoir du sport et du jeu afin de transformer la vie des enfants et renforcer les liens entre les communautés.

Jonrón decisivo de Soto El emergente boricua Geovany Soto conectó el jueves un jonrón de tres carreras para coronar un racimo de cuatro anotaciones en el 13er inning, lo que permitió que los Cachorros de Chicago se llevaran una victoria por 5-2 sobre los Gigantes de San Francisco, en un extraño juego. Geovany Soto (extrema derecha) es recibido en el plato tras conectar un cuadrangular decisivo de tres carreras en entradas extra. (AP) El garrotazo de Soto finalizó un día lleno de peripecias para los Cachorros. El abridor venezolano Carlos Zambrano abandonó el encuentro en el segundo inning, debido a un dolor lumbar. Luego, el dominicano Aramis Ramírez empató el duelo mediante un vuelacerca en el noveno inning, frente al taponero de San Francisco, Brian Wilson. El Vocero

L’Unicef collabore avec les plus grandes instances sportives et les plus grands athlètes internationaux afin de mettre en avant les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les enfants, mobiliser les ressources pour faire face à ces challenges de la vie et protéger les droits de l’enfant à travers le monde. L’Unicef s’appuie uniquement sur des contributions volontaires des gouvernements, des donateurs et des partenaires privés.


contact : andiaye@unicef.fr

Image © UNICEF Ghana/Asselin

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -


NEWS Teddy Riner sera bien présent aux Mondiaux de Paris

Le judoka Guadeloupéen a confirmé sa participation aux Mondiaux malgré sa blessure. Handiacapé par un auriculaire droit, pas en mauvais état, Teddy Riner a tout de même assuré qu’il irait aux Mondiaux, qui se dérouleront à Paris du 23 au 28 août prochain. «Même si l'on me dit que je dois me faire opérer ou que ça ne sera pas possible, je les ferai, même avec un doigt cassé. Je ne peux pas louper un événement comme ça, surtout à Paris-Bercy,» a déclaré Riner.

Asafa POWELL powers to world-best 9.78 Asafa Powell ran the fastest 100 metres in the world this year yesterday at the IAAF Diamond League Athletissima meet, as Jermaine Gonzales continued his good form. Powell established himself as a serious challenger for fellow Jamaican Usain Bolt at the World Championships later this year, clocking 9.78 seconds. Powell’s compatriot Michael Frater was second in a personal best time of 9.88 seconds and Frenchman Christopher Lemaitre ran a national record time of 9.95. The Gleaner

El juego más importante de su vida’ El ex baloncelista José ‘Piculín’ Ortiz Rijos fue ingresado ayer a un centro de rehabilitación de drogas, tras ser arrestado el miércoles, durante un allanamiento a una residencia que tenía alquilada en Cayey, en la que tenía 218 plantas de marihuana, valoradas en $150 mil, equipo para cultivarla y 40 balas, compatibles a un rifle AR-15. El ex jugador de los Cangrejeros de Santurce, admitió que el cultivo de marihuana era de su propiedad. Éste fue arrestado el miércoles en la tarde en el camino Las Parras, barrio Toita, número 19 en Cayey. José ‘Piculín’ Ortiz Rijos fue llevado ayer al Tribunal federal, donde le fueron instruidos los cargos que pesan en su contra.EL VOCERO / Dennis A. Jones Durante el allanamiento, agentes del Servicio de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés), del Negociado Federal Antidrogas (DEA) y de la Policía de Puerto Rico ocuparon además decenas de documentos. Uno de ellos contenía instrucciones detalladas para el cultivo de la marihuana. El Vocero

New Chelsea coach lost to Bermuda Chelsea’s new football coach Andre Villas-Boas started his international career with two humbling losses to Bermuda. Villas-Boas was just 21 when he took over the technical director’s job for the British Virgin Islands in 2000.The coaching prodigy had a rude awakening to international football when Bermuda beat the BVI 14 to 1 over the two leg World Cup CONCACF qualifying round. Bermuda beat Villas-Boas’ team 5-0 in the opening leg as Shaun Goater had a hat trick and Paul Cann and Kyle Lightbourne also netted for the Gombey Warriors in the away match. Bermuda Sun

Huit mois après sa première mission, Lilian Thuram est retourné en Haïti Fin 2010, Lilian Thuram se rendait pour la première fois en Haïti en qualité d’ambassadeur de l’Unicef. Sensible à l'éducation, il est allé à la rencontre des enfants affectés par le séisme du 12 janvier 2010. Huit mois plus tard, l'ancien footballeur est retourné sur place afin de voir comment la recontruction des écoles a avancé.

ICC retains 14 team format for next cricket world Cup

(AN) 3rd championship of the world for Gregory Beaugé (ES) 3r campeonato del mundo para Grégory Beaugé Cricket’s world governing body, the ICC, have made an aboutturn on the quota for teams for the next World Cup and will keep faith with the same 14-team format used earlier this year. The announcement was made following a meeting of the Executive Board in Hong Kong. Following the Cricket World Cup which finished in April, the ICC had announced that the 2015 World Cup in Australia and New Zealand would comprise only the 10 Full members, with the quota for the 2019 showpiece to be determined by qualification. «The ICC Executive Board opted to retain the 14-team format that was used at the highly successful and universally acclaimed ICC Cricket World Cup 2011,» an ICC statement said. The reversal of their initial decision comes after protests from associate members, especially Ireland who again made a big impact at the 50-overs tournament. Bermuda Sun

Première pour Yohan GENE sur le Tour 2011 Les plus grandes stars de la WTA aux Bahamas

Las más grandes estrellas de la WTA en Bahamas Yohann Gène est le premier coureur Guadeloupéen de l’histoire à participer au Tour de France. A tout juste 30 ans, il a été retenu par le manager JeanRené Bernaudeau dans une équipe Team Europcar « ambitieuse et très soudée ». Gène entourerea son leader Thomas Voekler (Martinique) lors de ce Tour 2011 dont le départ a été donné de Vendée le samedi 2 juillet.

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Chaque enfant a le Droit de Jouer Tous les enfants ont des droits qui leur garantissent ce dont ils ont besoin pour survivre, grandir et s’épanouir. L’Unicef utilise le pouvoir du sport et du jeu afin de transformer la vie des enfants et renforcer les liens entre les communautés. L’Unicef collabore avec les plus grandes instances sportives et les plus grands athlètes internationaux afin de mettre en avant les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les enfants, mobiliser les ressources pour faire face à ces challenges de la vie et protéger les droits de l’enfant à travers le monde. L’Unicef s’appuie uniquement sur des contributions volontaires des gouvernements, des donateurs et des partenaires privés.


contact : andiaye@unicef.fr

Image © UNICEF Ghana/Asselin

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -





Since 1972 Barbadian motor sport organisers have invited foreign competitors to our shores to compete against the 'local boys'. Over the years this practice has increased local spectator interest as well as given local competitors a chance to test their skills and machinery against the best the world has to offer. 'Racing improves the breed', as they say, and it has been proven in Barbados time and time again as our local motor sport has kept pace with international trends. Photo : Jimmy URSULET

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -



Local MotorSport conditions

Barbados Rally Carnival

We keep hearing the old adage «stick to what you’re good at». As it applies to motor sport in Barbados, what we’re ‘good at’ is rallying, whether it is road rallying or specialstage rallying. Barbados has organised and hosted internationally-acclaimed special-stage rallies since 1988. Our dense network of paved public roads is especially suited for tarmac rallies, with motor sport character as diverse as any in the world. Our rallying focus was further developed with the construction of a RallySprint track at Vaucluse Raceway in 2000.

Exhaustive research and discussion with international competitors regarding the features that make rallying in Barbados of interest to them led to the following conclusion: while a holiday in Barbados is always a fantastic experience, being able to enjoy motor sport while here adds a special attraction. The Barbados Rally Carnival is made up of two motor sport events (Rally Barbados and the International RallySprint) and was conceived to maximize visiting competitors’ motor sport enjoyment.


The non-motor sport days of the Carnival host numerous social events that allow visiting competitors, service personnel and spectators alike to enjoy all that Barbados has to offer as a tourist destination. In the four years since its inception, Barbados Rally Carnival has grown to become the biggest motor sport event staged in the Caribbean region. With an annual intake of 30 crews from Europe and steadily-growing interest from around the region, particularly Jamaica, the 50 or so Bajan crews are made to work harder each year to uphold home honour.

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -



Long-Term Support for Barbados Historic Rally Carnival. The first Historic Rally Carnival held in Barbados last year has generated immense international exposure for the motor sport-mad island and event organisers are already preparing for larger national and international entries this year. The organisers’ 2010 change from modern to historic rallying format for the 10 year-old event brings affordable motor sport into the well-established two-week Rally Carnival cocktail of fun under the Caribbean sun.

It has already caused a stir among the worldwide historic rallying community as yet another international rally has made the move to historics to keep clubmen at the sharp end of the results. The event runs in July and is topped and tailed by a rallysprint and tarmac rally respectively. The Barbados Tourism Authority (BTA) is the national body dedicated to furthering tourism generally, and sports-tourism in particular, on the sports-crazy coral island.

photo by Sean CHANDLER

Barbados Rally Carnival’s sporting success is matched by a steady growth in its impact on tourism, not least from those competitors who return to the island for family holidays. In 2003 Barbados Tourism Authority senior vicepresident Stetson Babb congratulated the organisers on what he called «a perfect fit with the BTA’s strategy to continuously expand the range of sports tourism events and activities».


Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -




Créé en 1972 le Barbados Rally Carnival a acquis de haute lutte son statut actuel. Celle d’un spectacle sportif populaire sur son île, mais surtout attirant un public de participants et de spectateurs venus d’ailleurs. Les organisateurs, dont Greg Cozier ont pourtant choisi de le faire évoluer vers les véhicules historiques, le renommant ainsi le «Barbados Historic Rally Carnival». Paris gagnant puisqu’il a permis un nouveau positionnement sur la scène internationale en attirant des véhicules d’exception sans pour autant renier le spectacle, l’ambiance et l’esprit de compétition certes conviviale. Pour cette édition 2011de grands noms et de belles machines seront encore une fois du voyage

photo by Sean CHANDLER

A significantly high proportion of Barbadians are motoring and motorsport aficionados and the necessary motor sport infrastructure has existed there for decades. The BTA’s interest in growing and developing the Barbados Historic Rally Carnival as a brand has developed naturally over the past 10 years, resulting in a highly positive move by the BTA to enter into a threeyear agreement to support the promoter’s marketing efforts. Rally Carnival creator Greg Cozier had this to say: “There are many tropical destinations that can provide visitors with ‘sun, sea and sand’; Barbados’ human resources and infrastructure make it uniquely positionedto provide all that as well as world-class sporting events like the Historic Rally Carnival. The BTA have supported us since the second year of the BRC in 2002; it is not an overstatement to say that we couldn’t have done it without them. This three-year deal allows us to make firm commitments to private sector sponsors and go into our second decade with confidence to grow the event.” More information on: www.barbadosrallycarnival.com

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -



FOCUS Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Curaçao, USVI, & BVI Take top honors at Taste of The Caribbean 2011 Trinidad & Tobago received (picture right) top honors as Caribbean Culinary Team of the Year at the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association’s (CHTA) 2011 «Taste of the Caribbean» culinary competition hosted at the Hyatt Regency, Miami.

The highest individual honors were bestowed upon Mitchell Husbands, Barbados, for Caribbean Chef of the Year, sponsored by Bahama Breeze® Island Grille; Humphrey Lew Jen Tai, Curacao, for Caribbean Bartender of the Year; Kunal Chakrabarti, U.S. Virgin Islands, for Caribbean Pastry Chef of the Year, sponsored by Albert Uster Imports, Inc.; and Mikhala Bagot, British Virgin Islands, for Caribbean Junior Chef of the Year.

Caribbean Chef of the Year Mitchell Husbands (center) pictured with (l-r) Alec Sanguinetti, director general & CEO of CHTA; Rick Crossland, Ruth’s Hospitality Group, Josef Forstmayr, president of CHTA; and Peter Olsacher, Bahama Breeze.

For the second year in a row, a junior chef has been recognized for creating the Most Innovative Dish, an honor traditionally received by senior level chefs. Kevin Pratt, junior chef from The Bahamas, won for preparing Abaco Spiced Rub Beef & Pan Seared Exuma Scallops, Served with Nassan Sweet Potato & Plantain Cheesy Croquettes, Coconut Infused Warm Vegetable Slaw Accompanied with Eleuthra Pineapple Chutney finished with Andros Mango Reduction. «All of the teams and individuals who participated in this year’s Taste of the Caribbean competition should be proud of their accomplishments,» said Josef Forstmayr, president of CHTA. «The tastes and smells of the Caribbean were on display for all to enjoy, raising the profile of our regional cuisines. We applaud the hard work of all competitors who showcased their talents.»

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -



Caribbean Bartender of the Year Humphrey Lew Jen Tai (center) pictured with Alec Sanguinetti, director general & CEO of CHTA; Josue Merced Reyes, Interemarketing, Rick Crossland, Ruth’s Hospitality Group, and Josef Forstmayr, president of CHTA.

Caribbean Junior Chef of the Year Mikala Bagot (second from right) pictured with (l-r) Alec Sanguinetti, director general & CEO of CHTA; Rick Crossland, Ruth’s Hospitality Group, and Josef Forstmayr, president of CHTA.

CHTA Director General & CEO Alec Sanguinetti served as Master of Ceremonies for the Awards Presentation, joining Forstmayr in congratulating Trinidad & Tobago, the Taste of the Caribbean 2011 Culinary Team of the Year, as well as all participating teams. Following are all of the honors bestowed at Taste of the Caribbean: • Caribbean Culinary Team of the Year: presented to the

Trinidad & Tobago Culinary Team. • Caribbean Chef of the Year – sponsored by Bahama Breeze® Island Grille: presented to Mitchell Husbands, Barbados • Caribbean Pastry Chef of the Year – sponsored by Albert Uster Imports: presented to Kunal Chakrabarti, U.S. Virgin Islands. • Caribbean Bartender of the Year: presented to Humphrey Lew Jen Tai, Curacao.

• Caribbean Junior Chef of the Year: presented to Mikhala Bagot, British Virgin Islands. • Most Creative Vodka Drink: presented to Daniyel Jones, Trinidad & Tobago. • Most Creative Non-Alcoholic Drink: presented to Jamal Bowen, Barbados. • The Spirit of the Competition: presented to Puerto Rico Culinary Team. • Best Use of Cheese: presented to Negust Kaza, U.S. Virgin Islands and Fernando Parilla, Puerto Rico. • Best Mac & Cheese: presented to St. Lucia for Smoked Saltfish Mac & Cheese with freshly made Lucian Ketchup. • Best Use of Orchid Chocolate: presented to Barbados for Homestyle Cassava Pone Caramel Rum Sauce Star fruit Ginger and Pineapple compote, white chocolate bay leaf shooter, tropical fruit

Caribbean Pastry Chef of the Year Kunal Chakrabarti (center) pictured with (l-r) Alec Sanguinetti, director general & CEO of CHTA; Albert Uster, Albert Uster Imports; Rick Crossland, Ruth’s Hospitality Group, and Josef Forstmayr, president of CHTA. sauce, Chocolate Passion and finished with orange flavour dirt.

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -











T2011 Bermuda Billfish Release Cup The third annual Bermuda Billfish Release Cup officially kicked off the marlin tournament season with a new focus on charity.

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -


Photos by Bonnier Corp









Fish for Bermuda Sloop Foundation The weather couldn’t have been better, the food at Bonefish Bar & Grill was fantastic, fish were starting to show up on the banks, and the teams were fired up to start the season — just another magical weekend in Bermuda. This year’s event also focused on the Bermuda Sloop Foundation Adam Goodwin Mariner/Mentor Scholarship. Adam, whose life was cut short in a 2010 cycle accident, was a qualified deck officer and mentor on The Spirit of Bermuda. Adam was also a big-game fisherman and participated in tournaments around Bermuda. His character, skills and focus were exemplary and touched many young lives. So much so that the Sloop Foundation along with the Goodwin Family and many supporters created the memorial scholarship.

Bermuda Billfish Release Cup participants gathered Friday evening at Bonefish for the captains’ meeting and a lavish spread of food from award-wining chef Livio Ferigo. Anticipation was high as many of the crews and owners caught up with one other during a mini-reunion from last year’s season.

Saturday’s first day of fishing saw light winds and sunny skies as the lines-in call came at 8:00 a.m. The first hookup came in from Ricky Cox and the Bermuda team on Margin Call, a private 45-foot Cabo. Angler Michael Rego and crew successfully release a blue marlin at 9:33 a.m. after a 20-minute fight to score 500 points. Bermuda team Over Budget, a 50-foot Bertram with Capt. Russell Young at the wheel, got on the scoreboard with a white release for owner angler Ricky Sousa at 10:53 a.m.

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -










1,000 points for Que Mas on Saturday Florida-based team Que Mas, a 70-foot American Custom Yacht captained by Travis Butters then got hot catching a blue marlin at 12:11 p.m. estimated at 600 pounds and another at 2:35 for owner angler Wally Whitley. The two blues gave Que Mas 1,000 points, the daily release Jackpot, and the lead heading into the second and final day of the tournament.

The second day of fishing started like the first for a fleet that experienced ideal weather conditions. Team Over Budget got things going on Sunday with a white release for angler Ricky Sousa Jr. at 9:17 a.m. Team Never Enough was next to call in with owner angler Walter Shikany Jr. in the chair.

Ideal weather conditions for the second day... The fish never showed itself but took three runs well into the backing before pulling off after a 30-minute fight. Team Bree with Capt. Kyle Laine at the helm released a white for angler D.R. Repass, scoring their first points in the tournament. The final fish of the day came on Que Mas with angler and mate Donny Lange catching a white at 3:02 p.m.

Team Over Budget’s timing on their white release turned

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -










out to be the difference maker as they won the Daily Release Jackpot based on time while also securing third place team honors with 400 points.

1,200 points to take the win Team Margin Call’s blue on day one was enough to place them in second place with 500 points. Team Que Mas’ white marlin was icing on the cake adding to their two blues on day one, scoring a total of 1,200 points to take the win.This win for team Que Mas — including owner Wally Whitley, Capt. Travis Butters, mates Robert Helms and Donny Lange— now puts them in a league of their own having won all four Bermuda Billfish Tournaments and the Bermuda Triple Crown Championship in 2008.

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This is no small accomplishment, especially considering the talent they have fished against over the past seven years. Big congratulations and nicely done to team Que Mas. After fishing on Sunday, teams cleaned up for the awards banquet held at Bonefish Bar & Grill located at the Royal Naval Dockyard and Pier 41 Marina. Livio and his gang served up another fantastic spread of food, the drinks were flowing, and the participants were jovial. Anglers bid in a silent auction to benefit the Sloop Foundation that included items donated from many of the local businesses and the tournament. Many of the owners also made cash donations to support the Adam Goodwin Scholarship. At the end of the evening, tournament director Dan Jacobs presented a check for $4,500 to Adam’s father David, mother Julie, brother Marc and a group of Adam’s friends and fellow Sloop Foundation alumni. The Bermuda Billfish Release Cup is owned by Bonnier Corp. and proudly sponsored by: Bermuda Department of Tourism, West End Development Company, Bonefish Bar & Grill, Pier 41 Marina, Marlin magazine, King Sailfish Mounts, Sport Fishing magazine, Digicel and Salt Water Sportsman magazine. Great thanks to all of the participants and sponsors for making the 2011 Bermuda Billfish Release Cup a special occasion.

The 2011 Bermuda Billfish Release Cup Final Standings: Que Mas – First Place Team, Day One Release Jackpot Winner, First Place Overall Release Jackpot winner: $10,325, King Sailfish Mounts Trophies, Steve Goione Artwork and Fin-Nor Rod & Reel. Margin Call – Second Place Team, Second Place Overall Release Jackpot winner. $3,630, King Sailfish Mounts trophies, Steve Goione Artwork, Fin-Nor Rod & Reel. Over Budget – Third Place Team, Third Place Overall Release Jackpot winner, Day Two Daily Release Jackpot winner. $6,695, King Sailfish Mounts Trophies, Steve Goione Artwork and Fin-Nor Rod & Reel.

T2011 Bermuda Release Cup un amour de tournoi! Bonnier Corp et le Département du Tourisme des Bermudes ont encore une fois assurés la réputation de leur tournoi. Un temps de rêve, de très belles prises, une ambiance de compétition conviviale et chaleureuse, tous les ingrédients étaient réunis pour faire de cette édition un succès. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, elle a également titré un très beau champion : le team Que Mas de Floride et son capitaine Travis Butters qui s’imposent comme le team à battre ces dernières années. Sans aucun doute le paradis des pêcheurs sportifs était aux Bermudes...

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Chaque enfant a le Droit de Jouer Tous les enfants ont des droits qui leur garantissent ce dont ils ont besoin pour survivre, grandir et s’épanouir. L’Unicef utilise le pouvoir du sport et du jeu afin de transformer la vie des enfants et renforcer les liens entre les communautés. L’Unicef collabore avec les plus grandes instances sportives et les plus grands athlètes internationaux afin de mettre en avant les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les enfants, mobiliser les ressources pour faire face à ces challenges de la vie et protéger les droits de l’enfant à travers le monde. L’Unicef s’appuie uniquement sur des contributions volontaires des gouvernements, des donateurs et des partenaires privés.


contact : andiaye@unicef.fr

Image © UNICEF Ghana/Asselin

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -
















11 Years of Amazing Growth





Photos by Caribbean Fashion Week

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -


















The unlikely idea that the Caribbean could host a Fashionweek back then was one that fascinated the BBC, prompting them to call Jamaica in order to interview the organizers. They wanted their worldwide listenership to understand the thinking behind such a bold move by a region without a major international fashion tradition. A few years later, British Vogue would name Caribbean Fashionweek as an important new trend in world fashion. Today, fashion weeks dot the global landscape from Delhi to Sydney, Johannesburg to Toronto and many cities in between. The phenomenal growth in this arena is mirrored by the growth of Caribbean Fashionweek itself, which now enjoys the distinction of being emulated, imitated and copied, not only across the Caribbean, but also the wider world, in places where the word “Caribbean” or “Jamaican” resonates. Oraine BARRET Ralph Lauren’s model star

Supermodel Jeinelle WILLIAMS - Backstage

British Vogue name Caribbean Fashionweek as an important new trend in world fashion

Eleven years ago, when Pulse Fashionweek, there were fashion events in the world, collections of Paris, London,

first staged Caribbean very few extended other than the major New York and Milan.

Sedene BLACKE - Backstage

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CFW was first held in a corner of the ballroom of the Hilton hotel in 2001, the first year of the new millennium. Surrounded by an Exhibition Hall populated by a number of booths featuring the work of regional designers, the first CFW runway played host to collections from St Lucia, Barbados, Trinidad, New York, the US, the UK, Jamaica and Guyana. The event quickly outgrew the Hilton Ballroom and was moved to the slightly larger space in the Pegasus. That lasted only a year, before it was again moved to the National Indoor Sports Centre in the National Stadium Complex at Independence Park.

By 2007, an event that first catered to a modest audience of a few hundred was now attracting thousands of fashionistas, including major players and celebrities, from Jamaica, the wider Caribbean and the international community. Pulse’s own models and supermodels contributed to the CFW cachet, with their Conde Nast magazine covers and editorials, top campaigns and catwalk appearances at the majors adding to the international credibility of the event.





The CFW Press Book, which chronicled the extensive media notices that the event generated regionally and internationally had to be abandoned after a few years, and taken online, as too much paper was now required to reproduce the book, given how widely publicized the event had become.

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Hundreds of media houses were now coming to CFW each year, including such notables as The Associated Press, Marie Claire, The New York Times, The Independent, Women’s Wear Daily, Fashion TV (City TV Toronto), Fashion TV Paris, The BBC, Vogue, Vanity Fair and a host of others. Pulse’s own ‘Ready for CFW’ and Caribbean Fashion Weekly TV series took the event to every corner of the Caribbean as well as to selected markets in the US, the UK, South America and Africa.






Business was always highlighted at CFW, and in fact, is the whole purpose of the event. Special buyer days, workshops, Business Forums and the development of a Caribbean Fashion Industry Association, mandated to see out the best interests of the regional fashion industry, were implemented over the years. A pet project of CAFIA, West Indies Sea Island Cotton, will see a new focus this year as Spoerry 1866, traditional millers of the fabric in Switzerland will show a collection, outside of Europe for the first time, at CFW this year.

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With the addition of entertainment to the CFW product, interest increased further as Pulse skillfully wove live music into the fabric of fashion. Stars such as Kelly Rowland, Eve, Tessanne & Tami Chin, Nia Long, Johnny Gill and, in earlier years, Melba Moore and Denise Williams, all performed or hosted the event. But the entertainment quotient of CFW did not end there, after parties, wrap parties and Opening Night celebrations, all contributed to the fun, trendy experience that was so much a part of CFW.







This year Pulse intends to take live entertainment to yet another stage with full concert performances immediately after the fashion shows each night. The themed performances will see Tanya Stephens and Mavado perform on Jamaica Night, Friday June 10, Machel Montana, David Rudder and Fab Five will perform on Caribbean Night, Saturday June 11, followed by International Night with Joe and Beenieman on Sunday June 12. These various initiatives, the far sighted pioneering vision, as well as the constant reinvention of the event, have been the main planks in a strategy that has fuelled phenomenal growth and success over the years. Organizers Pulse, anticipate that this year’s event will be the biggest and the best ever. In two short weeks the Caribbean will come alive with CFW. Whether this year’s renewal will be the best ever is yet to be seen. However, CFW is always sure to excite, so undoubtedly, fashion fans are in for a rollicking ride.

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CFW 2011 Designers JAMAICAN DESIGNERS: - Mushroom: Brigid and Jason Lawson - Drenna Luna: Arlene Martin - Mutamba: Jackie Cohen - Shenna Carby: Shenna Carby - Victoria Brown: UK/Jam - Jae Jolly: Janel Jolly - Minka: Gillian Francis - Rebel Unit: Latoya & Jelani Simba - Julan: Juliette Dyke - Attitude: Ashley Martin - Biggy: Earl Turner - Kokobeenz: Ann-Marie Robinson

Après onze années d’existance, la Caribbean Fashion Week continue de grandir et de s’imposer comme «Le» rendez-vous des fashionistes de la Caraïbe; mais également comme une date du calendrier international. Cette année encore les organisateurs ont fait de kingston la capitale de la mode des Caraïbes dans un «National Indoor Centre» où grands noms de la mode et stars de la musique se sont croisés. Au programme défilés et business le jour, nights et after la nuit. Jamaica Night, Caribbean Night et International Night. Movado, Bennie Man, Tanya Stephen ont animés les nuits de la Caribbean Fashion Week 2011.

DESIGNERS FROM TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: - Shaco: Sharon Cole - Zad & Eastman: Nigel Eastman & Ozman Khan - The Cloth: Robert Young - Meiling: Meiling Essau OTHER DESIGNERS: - Janoos: Janelle Oosterling, Suriname - Jam: Nivelles, Guadeoupe - Pheline: Ava Jones, Canada/Jam - Hope Wade: Hope Wade, Usa - Milkaya Laijah: Milkaya Henry, France - Jahtaxtreme: Victor Caliz, Belize - Lisa Walton: Lisa Walton, USA/Jam - Michel Chataigne: Haiti - Jenny Polanco, Dom.Rep - Spoerry 1866: Peter Spoerry, Switzerland - Everblazing: Milica Pesic, Italy. Anastagia Pierre Miss Bahamas

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Fan Club Friday: Best of the 30 NBA Dance Squads Edition Two of the best things about the NBA are the NBA Draft and the dance squads. Here’s a selection of our best NBA dance quads published by Fan Club Friday!




Cavs Rockets


Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -



Kanye WEST hides his Mavs Gear from Dwayne WADE

Rickie Fowler and PUMA Golf teamed up for a unique round of golf to provide a sneak peek of the PUMA Golf Collections he’ll be wearing in upcoming tournaments. Together, PUMA and Rickie explored the «Art of Golf» which had Rickie literally teeing up to paint blank canvases with his signature neon colors. The artwork will be given away and auctioned off to lucky fans.


Les joueuses Allemandes posent pour Playboy En préambule à la Coupe du Monde de Football Féminin qui se déroule en allemagne, les joueuse allemandes des U20 ont pris la pose pour le magazine PlayBoy. Ah! Le football féminin!


Chi-town heavyweights Kanye West and Dwayne Wade were both in Paris this week for the Louis Vuitton spring/summer fashion show. Kanye was rocking the vintage Mavs hat to accompany his bling and Louis Vuitton sneakers….but the hat got lost when he got his picture with D-Wade. Images below.

«The Art of Golf» with Rickie Fowler




Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -


SHOPPING Tornado Music Headboard promises sweet dreams for music lovers Promising a relaxing time to the music lovers, the Tornado Music Headboard comes equipped with twin speakers in the headboard to produce the effect of a soundproof room with theater-quality sound. The headboard’s single cabinet audio system has been designed for use with TVs, iPods and PCs. The Music Headboard technology delivers superb quality sound effects and precise basses to make you feel as if you are in a movie theater. The system integrates high-quality speakers, amplifier and a built-in sub-woofer for low sounds with the virtual surround sound PhaseCue system. The Tornado Music Headboard is priced at $3,600.

ZYM Electrolyte Drink Tabs ZYM is the fuel that hydrates athletes on-the-go. Availables that need quick, effective hydration, ZYM delivers the essentials your body needs to keep moving. THE ADVANTAGE The formulas we design for endurance athletes sets ZYM apart from other sports drinks. ZYM’s blend of electrolytes, B Vitamins and other elements make it effective against muscle burn and dehydration while leaving out the excess sugar. This provides athletes with fresh legs, natural energy and more endurance

iPad 2 Sony a officialisé la PlayStation Vita, jusqu’alors connue sous le nom de NGP ou son raccourci PSVita. La PlayStation Vita sera disponible en deux versions, l’une équipée seulement du WiFi et l’autre accueillant aussi la 3G. -Processeur ARM® CortexTM-A9 quadricœur - Processeur graphique SGX543MP4+ - Écran OLED tactile de type capacitif 5’’ en 16/9 en résolution 960 x 544, 16 millions de couleurs - Appareil photo avant & arrière - Haut-parleurs stéréo et micro intégrés - Système GPS intégrée...

Logitech Squeezebox™ Radio White Limited Edition! Un lecteur musical réseau tout en un et compact qui vous permet de faire trembler les murs de votre maison avec votre musique numérique. Sa taille compacte vous permet de profiter de votre musique presque partout dans la maison: dans la cuisine, dans la chambre, dans la salle de bains ou même sur la terrasse. Le système diffuse sans fil vos morceaux préférés: qu’il s’agisse de musique stockée sur votre ordinateur, d’une radio Internet ou d’un service musical en ligne. *En savoir plus sur Squeezebox 179 €. http://www.logitech.com/fr-fr/speakers-audio/ wireless-music-systems/devices/7497

Tefal Toast N’ Egg Stainless Steel Red Tefal Toast N’ Egg Stainless Steel Red The Tefal Toast n’ Egg can be used to make poached egg and toast at the same time for a 4 minute breakfast! Now in stainless steel red! Egg poaching tray for muffin-size cooked eggs. Steamer tray for hard boiling eggs. Warming tray for heating pre-cooked meats. Two wide slots for toast, muffins, croissants & bagels. http://www.homeandcook. co.uk/tefal_toast_and_egg_ red

BeoSound 8 Move BeoSound 8 from room to room or hang it on a wall. All you need is a power outlet, your music player of choice, and a desire for real sound quality. Secure your iPad, iPhone, or iPod firmly in the adjustable holder and prepare for a surprise. The sleek speaker design gives little clue about the fidelity and depth of the sound that is about to come your way. The conical shape of the speakers on BeoSound 8 has two functions. Design-wise, the shapes ‘disappear’ to create an unobtrusive impression from most viewing angles and make placement easier. In terms of audio quality, they eliminate standing waves by avoiding parallel surfaces. It may sound very technical, but you’ll find that the proof is in the experience. http://www.bang-olufsen.com/ beosound8

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -


SPORT & HEALTH PREPARE YOUR VACATION Walks, beach games... are usual activities during vacation. The beach games for example are practiced on irregular grounds with holes and bumps, can cause problems for the tendons or sprain. So prepare the vacation, besides the aspect silhouette that we look for or regret, also imply a preventive aspect especially for those who on that occasion were back to the practice of a physical activity. 1. Consult your doctor: check your health, especially if that was not done for a long time. 2. then go progressively. 3. A good general physical preparation: It implies cardio to reduce silhouette and exercises aiming to reinforce the muscles and the ligaments. The cardio: it is necessary the aerobic (walks, bicycle, rower, swimming...) activities which practices must be progressive and those that will focus on the endurance They will bring the body a process of fats burning and hypolise from an average of 45 minutes The muscular reinforcement: It should come as a supplement to the cardio to strengthen the muscular gain essential for the maintenance of the skeleton...It prevents the torsoes and tensions to what the body is submitted. It is important at this stage to try to solicit all the muscle groups to boost by adding a bit of stretching. Running and walking, with swimming, avoiding the too long distances and rhythms too sustained (for those that do not practice a regular activity) are the most recommended practices .They must be accompanied necessarily of a progressive warmup of 10 to 15 minutes. Take your time. Often the vacation approach and the walks on the beach are the moments when we become aware of the need to loose a few small extra pounds. Attention! Our body needs time to get used to all the changes that we impose. To impose an approach that would not be progressive may cause the body trauma and violent reactions. Do sport. The first effects will arrive very quickly: no fatigue, sleep quality and tonus... All useful things for a good vacation.




Randonnées, jeux de plages... sont souvent d’actualité au moment des vacances. Les jeux de plages par exemple se pratiquent sur des sols irréguliers avec trous et bosses et peuvent causer des problèmes tandineux ou d’entorse.

Passeios, jogos de praia... são muitas vezes actualidade no momento das férias.. Os jogos de praias, por exemplo, são praticados em solos irregulares com buracos e corcovas e podem causar problemas com tendões ou de entorse.

Ainsi, préparer ses vacances, outre l’aspect silouhette que nous recherchons ou regrettons tous, implique également un aspect préventif notamment pour ceux qui à cette occasion se remettent à la pratique d’une activité physique.

Além do aspecto silhueta que procuramos ou lamentamos, implica igualmente um aspecto notadamente preventivo para os que nesta ocasião se entregam à práctica de uma actividade física.

1. Consulter son mèdecin: vérifiez que tout est en ordre, surtout si cela n’a pas été fait depuis quelques temps.

1. Consultar o seu médico: verifique que tudo está ordem, sobretudo se isto não foi feito há algum tempo.

2. y aller progressivement.

2. continue progressivamente.

3. Une bonne préparation physique générale: Elle comprend du cardio pour affiner la silouhette et des exercices visant à renforcer les muscles et les ligaments.

3. Uma boa preparação física geral: Compreende de cardio para afinar a silhueta e dos exercícios que visam reforçar os músculos e os ligamentos.

Le cardio: il faut de l’aérobie (marche, vélo, rameur, natation... ) activités dont la pratique doit être progressive et pour lesquels on va privilégié l’endurance.

O cardio: é necessário o aeróbio (caminhada, bicicleta, remo, natação) actividades cuja práctica deve ser progressiva e as que privilegiam o endurance.

Elles amèneront le corps vers un processus de dégradation des graisses et d’hypolise à partir de 45 minutes en moyenne.

Levarão o corpo a um processo de queima das gorduras e de hypolise de 45 minutos em média.

Le renforcement musculaire: il doit venir en complément du cardio pour renforcer le gainage musculaire indispensable au maintien du squelette. Il permet de prévenir les torsions et les tensions que subit le corps. Il est important à ce stade d’essayer de solliciter l’ensemble des groupes musculaires pour dynamiser en y ajoutant un peu de stretching.

O reforço muscular: deve vir como complemento do cardio para reforçar o ganho muscular indispensável à manutenção do esqueleto. Permite prevenir as torções e as tensões que sofre o corpo. É importante nesta fase de tentar solicitar o conjunto dos grupos musculares para dinamizar e acrescentar um pouco de alongamento.

La course et la marche, avec la natation, en évitant les trop longues distances et les rythmes trop soutenus (pour ceux qui ne pratiquent pas une activité régulière) sont les pratiques les plus recommandées. Elles doivent s’accompagner obligatoirement d’un échauffement progressif de 10 à 15 minutes.

A corrida e a caminhada com natação, evitando demasiadamente as longas distâncias e os ritmos demasiadamente sustentados (para os que não praticam uma actividade regular) são às práticas mais recomendadas. Devem ser acompanhados obrigatoriamente de um aquecimento progressivo de 10 a 15 minutos.

Prendre son temps. Souvent l’approche des vacances et des promenades sur la plage sont les moments où on prend conscience de la nécessité d’éliminer quelques petites rondeurs. Attention! Notre corps a besoin de temps pour s’habituer à tous les changements que nous lui imposons. Lui imposer une démarche qui ne serait pas progressive peut créer des traumatismes et des réactions violentes de notre organismes. Faites du sport. Les premiers éffets arriveront très vite : absence de fatigue, qualité du sommeil et tonus... toutes choses utiles pour passer de bonnes vacances.

Ocupe o seu tempo. Frequentemente a abordagem das férias e dos passeios na praia são os momentos em que se toma consciência da necessidade de eliminar alguns poucos quilos extras. Impôr-lhe uma marcha que não seria progressiva pode criar traumatismos e reacções violentas do nosso organismo. Feitos do desporto. Os primeiros efeitos chegarão muito rapidamente: ausência de cansaço, qualidade do sono e tônus... todas as coisas úteis para umas boas férias.

Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -




This page is dedicated to the discovery of Spa and Well-being providers in the Caribbean. Discover every month, treatments with herbs, with fruits local plants, with sea salts, warm stones, muds with therapeutic vertues, the methods and the traditional therapies of islands, treatments were inspired by local medicines. Traditional institutes or big renowned establishments, all well-being, the shape and Spa professionals present you the best of their services.

Cette page est consacré à la découverte des espaces qui dans la caraïbe, vous propose des activités de Spa et Bien-être. Découvrez tous les mois, les traitements à base d’herbes, de fruits et de plantes locales, de sels marins, de pierres chaudes ou de boues aux vertues thérapeutiques, les méthodes et thérapies traditionnelles des îles, les traitements inspirés de médecines locales. Instituts traditionnels ou grands établissements réputés, les professionnels du bien-être, de la forme, du spa vous présentent le meilleur de leurs prestations.

Esta página es dedicada al descubrimiento de los espacios que en la caribeña, le propone actividades de Spa y Bienestar. Descubra cada mes, los tratamientos a base de hierbas, a base de frutos y a base de plantas locales, a base de sales marinas, a base de piedras calientes o a base de lodos en el vertues terapéutico, los métodos y las terapias tradicionales de las islas, los tratamientos inspirados de medicinas locales. Institutos establecimientos famosos tradicionales o grandes, los profesionales del bienestar, de la forma, del spa le presentan el mejor de sus prestaciones.




JULY 1– 2 International Cricket - 2nd Test Indies vs India India will tour the West Indies in June and July this year. They will play one Twenty/20; five ODIs, and three Test Matches against the West Indies. Barbados will host the 3rd Test Match at Kensington Oval.. 2– 6 Curaçao Salsa Tour Salsa lovers all over the world; THIS is where it doesn’t get any better...the beautiful island of CURACAO. This is really Salsa Paradise!.. 03 Arubas international triathlon International competitors participate in a triathlon including a 1.5 km swim, 40 km bike race and a 10 km run also for beginners we have a sprint triathlon of 750 m swim, 20 km bike and 5 km run. 03 - 24 Bermuda Triple Crown Fishing in waters off Bermuda. Three established, annual fishing tournaments make up the Bermuda Triple Crown: Bermuda Billfish Blast, July 3 – 7, Bermuda Big Game Classic, July 13 - 17, Sea Horse Anglers Club Billfish Tournament, July 20 – 24 14 - 26 Barbados Historic Rallye Carnival It is made up of two motor sport events (Rally Barbados and the International RallySprint) and was conceived to maximize visiting competitors’ motor sport enjoyment. The non-motor sport days of the Carnival host numerous social events that allow visiting competitors, service personnel and spectators

29 - 07 august Anguilla Summer Festival Anguilla comes alive with 11 days of fun, food and boat racing. Summer Festival features musical performances, cultural and kids’ parades and a number of pageants and competitions.

SEPTEMBER 1 - 30 Bermudian Equestrian Federation Harness Racing

5 - 14 Tour cycliste de la Guadeloupe L’une des compétitions cyclistes les plus relevés de la région. Une semaine tout en couleurs un grand moment de vélo pour les connaisseurs et une formidable occasion de découvrir la Guadeloupe.

A member of the International Equestrian Federation, the Bermuda Equestrian Federation is an entirely amateur organization in terms of being run by volunteer members, but being very professional in terms of commitment. Come and watch local equestrian enthusiasts as they compete in Dressage and Jumping. Exciting shows and informative clinics are held throughout the year.

12-14 Aruba Rembrandt Regatta A two day open sailing event featuring yachts, catamaran, sunfish and windsurfing organized by Café Rembrandt. This event comprises good sailing in Aruba’s coastal waters during the day and a music festival during evening hours. Festival

21 - 27 26th Annual International Hockey

The Barbados International Hockey Festival attracts many visiting teams and fans in recent years. The festival features non-stop competition and fun-filled social activities throughout the course of the tournament for locals and visitors alike. participating.

5 – 11 San Juan International Billfish Tournament, Puerto Rico. For half a century now, big-game aglers have come from around the world to participate in the San Juan International Billfish Tournament. This invitational and classy nautical event attracts deep-sea fishing experienced anglers and boats for a week-long tournament, including four fishing days and wonderful parties.

26 - 28 17th Aruba International Pro-Am Golf Tournament

Professional and amateur golfers team up in a two-day, 36-hole tournament featuring gifts, prisez and special events..

10 –Antigua & Barbuda INET International Pairs Golf

26 - 28 Bermuda beach tennis Tournament

Join in the fun and come out for this exciting beach tennis international tournament. Spectators bring your beach chairs and potential players register at www.bermudabeachtennis.com


4 Turiba to Santa Cruz 10k Race

This open road race starts at 5:30 a.m. at Panaderia del Campo in Noord and finishes at the Betico Croes Sports Complex (Compleho Deportivo Betico Croes) in Santa Cruz. Registration begins on August 1, 2011.

17 Bonaire Clean up Dive

Dive Friends, together with Net Tech N.V., organizes and sponsors the quarterly Bonaire Underwater Clean Up Dive. Meet the Dive Friends at Yellow Submarine,12:30 PM for the clean up at Karel’s Beach Bar Pier. BBQ will be held at Dive Friends,Yellow Submarine, at 5:00

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July N° 05

Annonce Unicef 210x280 Sport:-



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Chaque enfant a le Droit de Jouer Tous les enfants ont des droits qui leur garantissent ce dont ils ont besoin pour survivre, grandir et s’épanouir. L’Unicef utilise le pouvoir du sport et du jeu afin de transformer la vie des enfants et renforcer les liens entre les communautés. L’Unicef collabore avec les plus grandes instances sportives et les plus grands athlètes internationaux afin de mettre en avant les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les enfants, mobiliser les ressources pour faire face à ces challenges de la vie et protéger les droits de l’enfant à travers le monde. L’Unicef s’appuie uniquement sur des contributions volontaires des gouvernements, des donateurs et des partenaires privés.


contact : andiaye@unicef.fr

Photo Eddy URSULET

Image © UNICEF Ghana/Asselin


Sunday 17 4.00 PM - 18 00:00 Island village beach Ocho Rios By: Streets Kel Streets Ent. Ocho rios Super drinks inclusive beach party will be hotting up the summer and soaking the ladies.......... music by: Copper shot/Kurt riley/ashile and hyperactive........ adm: $1500 pre sold $2000 @ the gate......... ticket outlets: petcom,shimmer ocho rios and miller’s liquor in st>anns bay............ body painting by eon and robbie all day and night...........



CHTA HONORS BARBADIAN, ARUBAN WITH ‘CARIBBEAN EMPLOYEE & SUPERVISOR OF THE YEAR’ AWARDS Southern Palms Hotel’s Rodney Howell, The Westin Resort Aruba’s Lino van der Biezen Honored at Taste of the Caribbean Awards Dinner


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Caribbean Sport Mag - June 2011 -


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