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The Board of Directors proposes the Shareholder’s Meeting to approve, in conjunction with the first coupon, the distribution of a dividend of 0.75 euros for each share held at the date of approval. The dividend will be payable next May 17, 2023 (payment date) with an ex-date of May 15, 2023. In this case, all those registered as Comer Industries S.p.A. shareholders at the end of the accounting day of May 16, 2023 (the so-called record date) will be entitled to the dividend.
The remainder of the profit for the year of the parent company Comer Industries S.p.A. will be allocated to the Legal Reserve in the amount of 281,422.40 euros, as envisaged by Art. 2430 of the Italian Civil Code, 4,199,664.90 euros to the Reserve for unrealized exchange gains, and the remainder to the Extraordinary Reserve.
Reggiolo, March 21, 2023