A membership recruitment leaflett

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ell, depending on who you talk to, some say the era of the membership organisation is over. We’re not so sure about that. Take a look around you - people are active, from Occupy Wall St to the Middle East uprisings to the thousands that volunteer abroad from Ireland each year. Back in 1975, we didn’t have any Facebook pages or Twitter revolutions. The methods have changed, but the actions are the same - people coming together to reshape the world in a manner that fits their vision. Comhlámh (Irish for ‘solidarity’ and pronounced ‘co-law-ve’) has been educating and campaigning for global justice in solidarity with the Global South for nearly 40 years. Back then, we could never have imagined the precipice we sit on now. From climate change to food sovereignty, trade justice and inequalities at home - the challenges are immense. The wealth of the 85 richest people is equal to that of the poorest 3.5bn Our members challenge the root causes of injustice and inequality - globally and locally. We were there against apartheid in the 1980s and the centre of refugee solidarity in the 1990s. We were on the frontlines of debt cancellation and introducing fair trade products to Ireland. But these breakthroughs only happen because people - like you - demand change and make justice matter. At its best Comhlamh is a vehicle for that. We want to welcome lapsed members back into the fold and build a base of new ones. In an era where advocacy work is officially frowned upon and funders are always asking “do we fund that?” it’s vital people get active again, take out paid memberships. Remember, we don’t just want your money in the bank. We want you back in the room. Comhlámh is organised around membership groups and action projects. The money that comes in from our membership drive and our solidarity circle scheme goes directly to maintaining the vital independence of the work our members do together.

Join Comhlámh Be The Change

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF JOINING COMHLÁMH? What’s in your membership pack? • •

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All copies of Focus magazine sent directly to your door... Exclusive Membership tshirt featuring design by Ballyfermot College of Further Education student Barry O’Neill. (only for those paying full rate) & badges... Our Be The Change tool kit... 50% discounts on our courses... The opportunity to act for global solidarity and to support others in doing likewise...

Where does the money go? •

Straight to supporting the work of our member groups such as the Options and Issues group, Focus Magazine, the Trade Justice Group and other similar activities.

Join Our Solidarity Circle and Give More. Hundreds of brilliant and clever people have passed through Comhlámh. We want to bring them back into the fold so that their experiences can become part of the institutional wisdom our newer members can tap into. This work is not easily donor funded. Comhlámh needs a network of Solidarity Members who can help to ensure that we have independent funding to carry out this key work with our member groups. We’re asking those that can, to give a little more to support the work of our member groups. Take out a Solidarity Membership of either €10, €15 or €21 per month. A donation of €21 per month (€252 per year) with tax reliefs is worth €362 to Comhlámh.

45e yearly full

10e a month

15e a month

10e yearly wageless

1e asylum rate

21e a month

By signing this mandate form you authorise Comhlamh to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and debit your account in accordance with the instructions from Comhlamh. As part of your rights you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms of conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights are explained in a statement which you can obtain from your bank. Please return to Comhlamh, 12 Parliament St, Dublin 2, Ireland.


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