1 minute read
Microbes are everywhere: on your nose, on your face, on everything you touch. You can also find microbes deep under the ground, while others prefer to live in boiling water. Microbes are everywhere! Fortunately, they can do many amazing things for you. In fact, your whole life relies on microbes, so let’s be happy and consider ourselves lucky to have them around!
“Christian Borstlap presents the universe of these unsuspecting little critters, each of which have a role to play in our ecosystem, with clarity, humor, and thoroughness.” — Le Devoir

Microbes, virus, science
Chinese (simplified) — Ginkgo
Chinese (complex) — Sharp Point
English (world) — Penguin Random House
German — Prestel Verlag
Greek — Patakis
Korean — Epublic
Spanish — Editorial Oceano