Commerce & Culture is a social enterprise, connecting creative people from the global south to the global market aiming to dramatically improve their opportunities. To Pursue this goal we currently working to support the invigoration of the creative sector in the global south within the framework of international development. Our focus is the development of cultural programs where we have been working as a consulting firm, providing education, and facilitating exchange since spring 2010.
AFRICA CALLING Location: Bamako, Mali
“A smartphone is not just a phone—it’s a potential revolution. Culture is being formed online as well as on the street: for the foreseeable future, the African voice is going to get louder, while the voice of ageing Europe quietens.”
IDEA: Lifestyle shoot, teens hanging out using modern technology, being plugged in to technology, and to each other. MODELS: Group of teenage friends (girls only, boys only and mixed group) LOCATION: In the street, on the go or after school hangout. TREATMENT: Natural light, real people, fun and appealing. CONCEPTS: Fun, New Technology, Achievement, Friendship, Connection, Creativity, Joy.
The modern city is also rem ty. On one hand its growth is other, cities are planned down ies” is the name given to these u leap onto the world stage and years of European urban devel “The Asian metropolises are m enormous (…), but because th cords of technological innova the American author Bruse S build because they are econo the fact that they create a fee “a futuristic urban wonderland, of a stage design for Blade R cinating and with all its con Whilemorethanhalfoftheurbanworld
Mega City
markable for its split personaliturbulent and aimless, on the to the tiniest detail.“Tiger Citupstarts that have taken a huge d caught up on three hundred lopment in just one generation. megacities not because they are hey continue to break new reation each year. According to Sterling, mega-projects are not omically effective, but due to eling of “pure, pulsating awe”. , where you feel you are part Runner…which is incredibly fasntradictions makes you think.” dstilllivesincitiesoflessthan500,000,
Cityscape tic,
TIGER CITYS Location: Bangkok, Thailand
“Bangkok remind you of the dialectic between the old and the new, a world that no longer seems real but appears instead as a series of dream-images of an eccentric film architect or computer-game producer.�
IDEA: mood board - The clash between the individual and the Asian megacities a futuristic urban wonderland, where you feel you are part of a stage design for Blade Runner. MODELS: young urban adults LOCATION: Bangkok TREATMENT: moody, staged, natural light. CONCEPTS:Mega City, Innovation, Futuristic, Architecture, Cityscape, Lifestyles, Built Structure,
the property for this Aspen house cat Ridge at an elevation of 9,20 three major elements responding ic folded plate roof, an immense sion between the east and west expanses of exterior glass. The tra for maximum views of the surroun ing with their scale. The design evo parallel of the crest of the mount and master bedroom oriented we house is two hundred feet in leng is sixty geothermal wells, such th dently of outside support service pool, and house during the colde the summer without depleting fos Voorsanger Architects, has a dram
Elevation 9
is located along the crest of Wild00 feet. The design incorporates g to its spectacular site: a dramatmoss rock wall marking the diviwings of the building, and large ansparency of the building allows nding mountains without competolved by following the longitudinal tain with the public rooms, study, est toward Snowmass Village. The gth. Its renewable energy source hat it virtually functions indepenes. The wells heat the driveway, est winter months and cool during ssil fuels. The home, designed by matic folded plate roof and a large
9.200 feets
WILDCAT RIDGE Location: Aspen, US
“Wildcat Ridge has 11 bedrooms is perched at an elevation of 9,200 feet, offering views for miles.The home gets its energy from 60 geothermal wells so that it is virtually self sufficient�
IDEA: highlight the architectural features, essence and mood of the building and environment. LOCATION: wildcat ridge TREATMENT: natural light, clean, simple composition. CONCEPTS:home Interior, Luxury, Architecture, Rural Scene, Mountain Range, Snow,
envision a world where all peop eas of the globe - hold the powe selves and others. success in m capital and financial market corre sus Africa. In India, for example, successful in building their capita champions of microfinance–and Yunus in Bangladesh, obviously. tify of a finance champion in Afr ist. Moreover, Africa’s capital ma for finance and investment, yet t more to blame for the slowed re i’d place a lot of future hope for in its youth employment and en are now being addressed more r in this blog about microsavings v
Small Bus
ple ,even in the most remote arer to create opportunity for themmicrofinance may be linked to the elation of development in Asia ver, the host country has been very al markets; and there exist many this may be said of Muhammad . Yet, I struggle to find the idenrica, although I’m sure many exarkets are not fulfilling their vision the global financial crisis may be eality of economic development. Africa’s success in microfinance ntrepreneurship programs which realistically. The discussion earlier vs. microlending made me think
MICROFINANCE Location: Bamako, Mali
“Envision a world where all people - even in the most remote areas of the globe - hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others.�
IDEA: staged portrait shoot Africa is all about small business - make an updated version of Seydou Keita’s work from the 1950’s posed, oldfashioned portraiture style adding more story using simple prop. MODELS: real people from the street. LOCATION: on the street TREATMENT: Clean, simple and graphic. CONCEPTS:Craft, Happiness, Skill, Small Business, Real People, Work Tool.
make-up betraying movement, s that these competition dancers selves for the occasion in the sm that jury and audience may devo the simple colours of the clothes ed steps placed amongst twirlin sensuality and gymnastics, by th are in performance, photographe clues, a half-opened curtain, the on a wooden panel, contrasting w ance of the faces striving for perfe es and has captured the fallible y previously: a clumsy movement, er direct flash shot, a misbehavin repair.A bang-up-to-date world of ers becomes a sort of metapho
signs of stage nerves, you realise have chosen to cocoon themmoothest, most perfect image so ote all their attention to body line, s, and the measured and regulatng dresses, somewhere between hese icons of eternal youth.They ed in situ as witnessed by certain e scratches on a wall or the ribs with the smooth artificial appearection.Going beyond appearancyet touching side of humanity, like an evasive worried look, a rathng hairdo or make-up in need of f performance and identity. Dancor of the Western world, of con-
DANCERS Location: Rotterdam, Holland
“A clumsy movement, an evasive worried look, a rather direct flash shot, a misbehaving hairdo or make-up in need of repair.A bang-up-to-date world of performance and identity�
IDEA: conceptual shoot – Dancing a world of dreams, achievements and competition wrapped in classic timeless clothing. It is all about the “mask”, not the person behind it. MODELS: competitive dancers, Formation groups and individuals. TREATMENT: clean, stylized approach, ringflash. CONCEPTS: Competition, Ambition, Performance, Teamwork, Cooperation, style.
When, at the beginning of this ye actress Marion Cotillard the chan voted 60 pages to how we might selves and the planet better. The other image trends, Goodness (b tainability/Nature. Cotillard delive ble-page spreads of her on a far want to change things,� her anim shadows her stride on the other h shows her sitting in an undecora house bread cut on a breadboa green activism. Her absorbed, t the expression of The Simple. It’s life that has been overcomplicate ture imagery has always been a v of nature as a refuge from the s
ear, Elle magazine in France gave nce to edit the magazine, she det change our habits and treat ouridea of The Simple connects two both health and ethics) and Susers a manifesto in pictures, dourm thinking aloud. The world truly mal spirit pictured as a duck, which half of the picture. Another spread ated rustic kitchen, a loaf of farmard as she meditates on her own thoughtful, contemplative look is s the pause, the time-out from the ed by too much of everything. Navisual sign of The Simple, the idea stress of everyday life, emphasiz-
GETTING REAL Location: Trondheim, Norway
“It’s the pause, the timeout from the life that has been overcomplicated by too much of everything. Nature imagery has always been a visual sign of The Simple”
IDEA: lifestyle shoot - capturing fun and real slice-of-life moments between friends, high energy, upbeat, loose. MODELS: 8 –10 models, a mix of men and woman (25 – 30 ish) LOCATION: scenic locations, wild nature. TREATMENT: authenticity is key, natural light, lens flare. CONCEPTS: fun, Togetherness, Friendship, Nature, On The Move, Casual Clothing, Happiness, Love.