Brushed Gold
Pull or Knob
Matte Black
Pull or Knob
Brushed Nickel
Pull or Knob
Emotive 3”x12”
Double row or Full Backsplash
Astonished White Glossy
Envy Green Glossy
Triumphant Taupe Glossy
Aziza 8”x8”
Single Row or Full Backsplash
Middletown Square 4.25”x12”
Single Row or Full Backsplash
Oxford White Urban Mist
Sunset Falls 4”x12”
Single Row or Full Backsplash
Roca 4”x10”
Single Row or Full Backsplash
Statuary Bright White
Some options are not available in all models. Please ask your sales consultant or factory representative for details. Manufacturer’s note: The images in this brochure are based on the latest product information at the time of publication. Commodore Homes LLC reserves the right to make changes at any time in prices, colors, material specifications and options and also to discontinue options without notice or obligation. Please see your sales center about standard and optional equipment in currently available models . 2/23