2 minute read
Publisher’s message
healing happens happinessis
Thank you for making Common Ground a part of your life. For the past 25 years, it has been an incredible privilege to host this independent publication and website dedicated to inspiration and the discovery of what’s really going on locally and globally.
I invite you to think of 2008 as the turn-around year when we turn our attention to a higher level of thinking. How about asking the source of all creation the question, “What is our purpose here?” and learn how to move into action to steer our lives and precious planet towards life enhancing solutions.
As Albert Einstein said, the level of thinking that created the problems we face is not the level of thinking needed to find the solutions.
I invite you to email your great ideas or great moves for making our city, our province and our world a better place (editor@commonground.ca). We welcome all of your ideas, from the physical to the spiritual, from the mundane to the majestic.
The mainstream mantra “if it bleeds, it leads” is the old fear-based matrix media trying to convince us that the world is a terrifying place. But that is just one perspective; there are many others. It is time to turn our attention away from that constant bombardment of messages of terror or violence and redirect our focus to what is healthy, happy and holistic.
We at CG believe that a higher level of thinking touches the heart and minds of the majority of human beings, rather than just a select few. We have a beau tiful world that needs protecting. Each one of us is precious and needs love, nourishment, respect and shelter. If we are going to heal the problems of the world, we must take a bit of time to heal ourselves as well.
Common Ground looks forward to hearing your wonderful ideas. In celebration of our 26th year, in our next issue we will publish 26 great moves to make our world more wonderful. We have met the solution and the solution is us. You are the solution. You are the change we want to see in this world. Here’s to a healthier, happier more humane next 25 years.
Joseph Roberts, founder & publisher www.commonground.ca
For the child in us all an
Louise Kerridge-Judd, Bsc PT, Director

As director for East West Wellnes Arts Centre, I invite you to experience the East West space, 1⁄2 block east of Banyen Books, 3574 West 4th Avenue, introducing therapeutic yoga & meditation classes for healing. Please join us for drop-in yoga classes Monday to Friday evenings 6:00 - 7:15 pm. We also offer private Cranial Sacral Therapy Sessions which may be booked in-person, by phone 778.737.9297, or through our online appointment scheduler at www.eastwestwellness.ca

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