4 minute read
AUG 9 Shamanic Drumming and Dreaming Circle 7-10pm. Introduction for personal experience of insight/healing from your Nature Spirit Totem guardians. At Vancouver Multi-Cultural Society, 1254, W. 7th. By donation. Earthsong Healing Circles. 604.418.9636. www.shamanichealing.info A DRU Yoga is in Kits: Gentle, Flowing, Heart-based, Energetic. Beginners welcome. Registration begins Aug 25. Classes begin Sept 12; 7 - 8:30pm, St. James Community Square, 3214 W. 10TH at Trutch, 604-876-5153 soulforce@telus.net, www.sjcommunitysquare.org Unity In Action – The Church For Personal Growth – Dare to Prosper. Join us on Sundays at 11am. 1630 Edinburgh Street, New Westminster. 604-526-1421, www.unityinaction.ca
Hawaiian Medicine Circle 7pm Hawaiian guided meditation, Sharing the Aloha, tea and snacks. $10 donation. At Hale Ola, 1215 Madison Avenue, Burnaby. 604-431-7474. Call Kamu Kaimana
Unity In Action – The Church For Personal Growth Dare to Prosper Program. Starting Wednesday Sept. 10 for 10 weeks. Weekly workshops 7-9pm by donation. Focusing on proven prosperity principles. Led by Rev. Joy Young and Others. 1630 Edinburgh Street, New Westminster, 604-526-1421, www.unityinaction.ca
GIVE PEACE A CHANT! KIRTAN - the Yoga of Sacred Sound: Energize yourself with Sanskrit sound vibrations, healing mantras and call and response yoga chanting in a friendly community setting. No experience neces sary. Every 2nd and 4th Friday, 7:30 pm, 2111 W. 16th Ave @ Arbutus, www.givepeaceachant.org
Just Dance! Three Fridays a month. Alcohol & smokefree. 9pm, 2114 W. 4th Ave. @ Arbutus. $10/5. www.justdance.ca.
“Destiny Dialogues” Free Talks First Friday of each month, experiential evening that explores the interconnections between destiny and suffering, relation ships, vocations, joy, teachers, character, nature, family, dreams. 7-9pm. 604-317-1613.
Inter-Spiritual Ananda Mantra Choir Sing your bliss! St. George’s Place 7:30 pm 2950 Laurel St. Starts Sept. 19. Share your voice in chants and harmonies. The I AM choir is a community choir. All are welcome. David 604-685-0551 david@bluelotusmusic.com
Free Meditation Workshop: Experience Kundalini awakening through Sahaja Yoga, as taught by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi & enjoy your Powers at our Weekly classes, always free and open to all. 604-597-8440, www.sahajayoga.org.
Unitarian kids believe in their ability and responsi bility to make a difference in the world. Programs for kids 3 years and up, 370 Mathers St., West Vancouver, 604-926-1621, www.nsuc.ca .
Ta’s Thai Massage i Born & Trained in Thailand
Strictly Non-Sexual Deep tissue massage
Weekdays: 10am to 7 pm / Weekends: noon to 6 pm 4248 Graveley St. Burnaby (Near Brentwood Mall) 604.657.1446 www.tiathaimassage.com
SALTSPRING ISLAND Oct 3-5 and Oct 24-26 MEXICO Feb 9-13 and Feb 16-22/09. Certified Teacher Dorothy Price www.dorothyoga.com or toll free 1-866-788-9642
NEW CAREER PATH? Aromatherapy Massage Training, Sundays-Sep21-Nov30 with Lynda 778-554-5204 & Paul 604-812-1738 Book your free massage now. www3.telus.net/massageprogram
ACADEMY OF REIKI SCIENCES. Training, Support. Intensives, Individual, Distant. Reiki I $150, Practitioner $250, Advanced $350, Master $750. Aura Surgery, Chakra & Crystal Training. Manuals/Diploma. Call for personal treatments. Registered Teacher CRA. (604)739-0042
HANDWRITING ANALYSIS INSTITUTE: Classes: Groups/Individuals, Correspondence. Base $365, Practitioner $465. Certification. Courses designed to aid professionals and beginners into P/T or F/T careers. Signature validation. 604-739-0042.
CHARMING ROUND COTTAGE with eight forested acres for sale, beautiful Lasqueti Island. Bedroom, bathroom, woodstove, solar, well, garden, peace. lisamackay.ca MOST BEAUTIFUL SEMINAR ROOM IN THE WORLD: Centrally located, Vancouver, BC, 50 people, fully carpeted. See our display Ad immediately to your right. Gerald, (604) 264-0714.
DR. ANDY ZHOU, PHD, expert diagnosis and treatment, 604-736-6060, drandyzhou@gmail.com, www. TCMdermatologist.com (See ad in Resource Directory, Health & Healing.)
SECOND WIND STORIES is inviting submissions for a proposed anthology about true-life love & success stories by 40-somethings. Visit www.secondwindstories.com
VANCOUVER TAROT TRAINING INSTITUTE: Spiritual theory, practical training/supervised practice. Lean to empower clients. P/T or F/T career (certificate provided). Classes/individuals/correspondence/intuitive personal readings. 604-739-0042
Australian Bush Flower Essences Workshops Level 1-October 16th & 17th Level 2- October 18th & 19th Women’s Wellbeing and Bush Essences - October 20th Understand how emotional patterns affect your health. Contact Lori - www.ausangels.com or 1-866-477-6779
CHANCHAL CABRERA MSc, MNIMH, Medical Herbalist/Clinical Aromatherapist/Horticulture Therapist. 21 years of clinical practice. Now accepting new clients at Finlandia Pharmacy. Call 604-838-4372.
KARLA MUIR MSC, CCH, Certified Classical Homeopath. Specialized Kinesiology: HK/Dr.Scott; TFH; 3in1; Brain Gym Instructor; www.karla-muir.com
OFFICE FOR RENT NEAR CAMBIE AND 5TH Avenue. Great room for consultation, planning, coaching and therapy. Seminar Room Available for classes. 604-879-5600 ext 26.
Rejuvenate your vital force at the all new Lotus Natural Health Centre weight management / addiction / anxiety / depression / sleep disorders / sexual disorders / pain management / skin problems Acupuncture, Homeopathy, L&S Therapy, Reflexology
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Very quiet, peaceful environment. Up to 50 people. Newly repainted. Comfortable chairs. New tables. Carpeted. Full spectrum lights. Nicely decorated. Colours chosen by a colour therapist. Full kitchen. Sound system. Piano. Stage. Patio, flowers, side yard.
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Bring this coupon and receive $2 off one admission See inside back cover for more event details Sept 26-28 Croatian Cultural Centre Food Festival of H E A L T H TASTE