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ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19) As so much of the water influence now pervades the planets, these are not fiery times. You could use this time to create and plan in secrecy, striking when the iron is hot, mid-month. Write things down and get clear so you can sharpen your skills before engaging in action.
TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 21) Any friction you might feel could spur you on to great things. Use this time to benefit from any so-called mistakes and learn what needs to be learned. Some of you may feel more thrilled about life, rather than challenged. It all makes for a great, rousing time.
GEMINI (May 22 – Jun 20) There is a possibility that a “move” is in the cards – to be the “traveller,” coupled with a desire to get out and experience different situations. You may wish to get in touch with ways to harness your potential and eliminate anything that impedes your ability to make your mark.
LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22) It’s good vibrations and excitations, just like in the Beach Boys’ song. You are feeling from the point of view of peace and freedom. It is likely that love is flowing with an unbridled thirst and an appreciation for life is running through your heavenly days.
SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21) A predominance of planets aligns in Scorpio for most of the month, opening the floodgates for creativity. You feel right in your element and able to ignite and follow through on projects, new and old. You have only hit the tip of the iceberg of excitement and possibility.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) You may find that your mind is racing while you intuitively know that you should not run headlong into something. Take your precious time now to make good, solid choices. If you need to wait, perhaps even being perceived as stubborn, stay your course.
CANCER (Jun 21 – Jul 22) The rebuilding of your home and its foundation might be your focus now. The strengthening of anything that has insecurity stamped upon it has your attention. This is a time to check all the plumbing, pipes and storage spaces. The repair and restoration of your body as your temple is also required.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19) You seem to revel in the toasting of liberation and freedom. This is a perfect time for visualizing, as you plant seeds symbolically. Prepare to “get down to brass tacks” in the coming months. Take your vision and run with it.
LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) You will need to be well prepared and very conscious of your motivations and actions. You could have ego conflicts with others all across the boardroom. Communications must be well thought-out or others may find flaws and stomp all over your well-intentioned plans and ideas. Keep shining.
VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Although you are an adult, do you sometimes go to bed feeling like you are six-years-old again? Perhaps some very issues have surfaced and some inner child healing is required. Still waters run deep and the coming years will reveal more of your depth of character and prowess.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 19) Jubilant times set the tone, however, if you cross paths with those who consider you self-centred or a threat, you might find yourself in adverse circumstances. The best thing for you to do is to become a better listener, while proceeding with clarity and self-fulfillment.
PISCES (Feb 20 – Mar 20) You may see a stop sign as you set out on one of your usual spending sprees. Choose, perhaps, to spend less on your usual splurges and manage your savings instead. See how much farther your dollars can go and feel the thrill of the “payoff” for your behaviour.

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