5 minute read
Get the diagnosis right
Lorraine Milardo Bennington
M.Ed. (Counselling) Reg. Psychologist #815
British Columbia, a Free and Independent Nation-Province has established an open, public, de jure Council convened of We The Sovereigns due to the lack of moral and ethical actions pressed upon We The Sovereigns of British Columbia by the PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Full Document of which may be read at website: plancouncilbc.ca Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent. Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal. The opinions and views stated herein are not the opinions and views of this publisher. This Notice expires 21 days after publication.
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Lorraine Milardo Bennington, success coach, psychologist and hypnotherapist, has been practising hypnosis for over 30 years and skillfully integrates intuition and hypnotherapy into her coaching and counselling practice. Lorraine gently guides people in the process of transformation, assisting them to connect with their higher selves and to reclaim joy and personal power in their lives. Lorraine has returned to Vancouver after 10 years living, studying and working on Kauai and Maui.
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Therapy of the Whole Person
John Arnold Ph.D.
Therapist / Counselor since 1975 604.261.2788
Only by Working With the Whole Person Can You Achieve Truly Permanent and Effective Change.
If problems and issues keep popping up in your life and you are STILL STUCK, it is because you have not gotten to the root causes. Completion of any problem comes only when you have resolved your issues physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and the underlying reasons for repetitive patterns of behavior are uncovered and resolved. If you are fed up and want to do something radical about your predicament, give me a call at 604-261-2788
email: johnarnold@shaw.ca or visit my web page at www.johnarnoldphd--reichianandyogictherapist.com
Editor’s note on this special edition
It’s personal
by Joseph Roberts
Before treatment, get the diagnosis right
My uncle, an MD, was the top Immunization Officer for the Port of Vancouver. He worked his way up through the ranks as a general physician who did house calls, then clinical director of the Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Centre for the provincial government, up to working at the Sinclair Centre downtown for Health Canada on a wide variety of research and prepared reports for the revolving door of Health Ministers, none of who were trained in the field of health nor were medical doctors. He had some frustrations about this, but that’s another story, not this one.
He wanted me to be a doctor because he loved medicine. But I had an experience in 1969 that redirected me. I was travelling outside of Canada when annual bout of tonsillitis hit. Every year since I was 12 years old, I had this nasty recurring swelling in my throat diagnosed as tonsillitis, and freely treated by my uncle with all the free samples of various antibiotics the pharmacutical sales people left at his office. Being far away from home, he was not there to kill it off and “save” me. I looked to other sources and found a book on natural healing which had a completely different take on treating tonsillitis. The book said that if you let a throat infection run its full course your body will build up a natural immunity and you will never have the same disease again. But there was a catch. It would not be a quick fix and take twice as long to heal. Having a scratchy throat and feeling ill didn’t really appeal to me but I had reasoned I would be willing to suffer twice as long if it never came back. Hey, I would do two years in one, and then…
I took the challenge at the age of twenty, suffered through it but took extra good care of myself and I was impressed. Tonsillitis never returned. I learned from observation and experimenting one myself. That was decades ago. I kept learning how to maintain good health which included changing my diet, eating well, keeping active and interested in life and others, stopped smoking and taking any kinds of drugs, hardly drinking, playing lots of piano and guitar, and became a life-long learner. This magazine is a testament to that.
I decided to write this during this epidemic of panic and desperation. To stand up and say there is another way. The epi-pan-demic is over-hyped by the pharma elite who want us all to obey their mandates and consume their over-priced, poorly tested, questionable vaccines and have us join their cult of covid-faithful customers. I coined the term Medical Disaster Marketing for their kind of ruthless behaviour. They have already sucked in the politicians. Who are pimping their final solution, which is not a solution at all given that it will not stop you from getting the disease nor, after having the vaccine, does guarantee you will not share it, but give you the weakest assurances that you may – yes, may – have lighter symptoms, except you are the onein-forty that has an Adverse Effect (AE) from the antifreeze or genetically modified particles of never-beforetested-on-humans mRNA injection. Oh, and they got our Health Canada to sign the purchase agreement (which the government refuses to allow the public to see) that the manufactures cannot be held responsible for any damage their vaccine or counter measures do to you or your family. Sketchy deal for recipients, great deal for pharma millionaires.
So dive deep into whether “to be or not to be” a human guinea pig for big pharma profits. Remember politicians keep secrets, break promises, work for big business (rather than voters ...except come election time), lie to the public either boldface or by omission. Canada had Thalidomide fully licensed and approved for pregnant women. Now some unquestionably trust these rushed vaccine that do not even have a full official license, but rather just a temporary interim waver allowing it to be used on humans.
Mark Twain said “History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes.” Be careful of what is offered. j