Common Ground Magazine Aug Sept 2021

Page 11

Where covid came from and who funded its creation: follow the patents and the money by David E. Martin, PhD David E. Martin noticed unusual activity in patent registration in the US, Europe and Canada among other countries. Here he describes UBC’s and the Government of Canada’s hidden role in the current global scheme.


ɶɶ We did not have SARS as a human condition until we had invented a weaponized version of corona virus.


In 2002 the weaponization of corona virus was complete. That’s when the spike protein, the ACE receptor dynamics, the open reading frames around various subfractions of the protein synthesis that’s available using the model created by the corona virus model. All of that was fully weaponized by 2002. I make that point clearly because we did not have SARS as a human condition until we had invented a weaponized version of corona virus. A decade earlier, Pfizer had filed the first patent on a corona virus vaccine that was a veterinary application and that was filed in 1990. So Pfizer’s first effort to get a spike protein based vaccine for corona virus started in 1990, not in 2020. This has been, to restate the obvious, a pathogen bioweapons program that is now over two decades in the making. And it is vital for us to understand that what is currently being called the medical countermeasure, referred to as a vaccine, does not meet statutory definition of that particular technology because, unlike every other vaccine in the history of humanity, every other vaccine is derived from some either fragment of or attenuated version of, a pathogen. This particular injection that we’re dealing with right now, this particular injection is an mRNA model computer generated; not derived from a living or an organic material. This is a computer simulation of an mRNA strand which was thought to be a means by which we could turn the human body into a pathogen creator. By that I mean the formation of the corona virus associated spike protein. And for the first time in vaccine history and once again I’m using that term because it’s what we’re calling it. It is not in fact a vaccine. It’s a gene therapy to create a bio-weapon. For the first time in vaccine history, we are

relying on the immune system to respond to a pathogen creation that we first inject into people. So the fact of the matter is we have an unprecedented outcome. And if we go back and look at the patent record. If we go back and look at the laboratory record. And if we go back and look at the funding record, we see that the current pathogen called SARS-COV-2 was clearly chimerically altered and was clearly primarily developed in the laboratory so that it could be used both as a weapon and as a medical countermeasure in 2015. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - and we’ve reported on this, quite significantly funded by NIAID developed and violated the International Convention on Biological and Chemical Weapons by taking a foreign uploaded model of SARS-COV-2 and turning it into a recombinant chimeric pathogen which they said, and I quote, “was poised for human emergence”. And “poised for human emergence” not in 2019, as we’ve been told by the propaganda, but that publication was published in February of 2016; published from work that was done from 2013 to 2015. There is no novel corona virus. There is a weaponized version of a computer simulation of a fragment that is in fact modeled to be the spike protein, analogous to what we’ve been told is the spike protein associated with SARS-COV-2 The problem is we do not have anything that is actually derived from an actual pathogen. And we do not have anything that’s actually responsive to the immune system that was in fact responsive to a pathogen. This is a computer simulation meant to harm and destroy what we call humanity. According to Pfizer, we have what they refer to in their own documents as ‘an acceptable death rate’. I don’t know how many of you can sit with that statement, but the notion that there is something called ‘an acceptable death rate’ is something I find morally repugnant. What I find more interesting than that is Canada’s role in this, which has achieved almost no fundamental coverage in any media or even in the counter culture media and most Canadians don’t realize that Canada itself, and not just Canada, but specifically the University of British Columbia (UBC) beginning in 2005 realized that if it was going to be relevant in the biotech space, it had to be the country and it had to be the research hotbed for establishing the delivery mechanism, whereby mRNA vaccines could be developed. UBC, working in partnership with INEX Pharmaceuticals in 2005, developed the lipid nanoparticle technology that ultimately became the basis of the formation of a company in British Columbia called Tekmira Pharmaceuticals. In 2009, Tekmira had a very interesting set of challenges and this was commensurate with the 2008 declaration by the World Health continued p.12…

August / September

uring the decade of the 90s, I was the founding chairman of Mosaic Technologies and Idea Med. Mosaic Technologies was a treaty restricted technology transfer company here in the United States. What we did was we worked with finding civilian applications for technologies developed in military applications around the world; most prominently countries that were prohibited from exporting offensive military technologies as conditions of the treaties that ended the second World War. Every citizen has the asset of their creativity, innovation, intellectual property, copyrights, trademarks, et cetera. We built the organization that allowed that to be regulated and used as bankable collateral so that small business could have a leg to stand on. And we built that company in 1998. And as a result of the formation of M-CAM, we fell through an unfortunate, but now fortuitous, rabbit-hole. So from breast cancer to stealth materials to anechoic, to antenna to every device that you probably have in your hand or in your laptop, we had a very important role to play during the decade of the 90s in bringing technologies out of bio-weapons and weapons laboratories and getting them into civilian and commercial use. In 1998, the formation of M-CAM led to the first audit of patent systems in Canada, the USA, Australia, the European Union, and elsewhere. They found an enormous number of crimes were committed using the patent system to stand in the way of progress not to advance innovations for which they were established. Specifically in 1999, they uncovered what became the roots of our awareness of the current pandemic; they uncovered the biologic materials in violation of the biological and chemical weapons treaties that were proliferating around the country and around the world. And in 1999 going into 2000, we first reported on the weaponization of biologic materials in violation of biological and chemical weapons treaties. And among those weaponizations was, in our first published report for a number of intelligence and law enforcement community, our identification of the chimeric alteration and recombinant technologies around corona virus, which in 1999 were first developed to serve as a means by which we could build a vaccine vector; at the time thought to be useful for the treatment or prevention of HIV. The problem with that work was it, very specifically beginning in 1999 with NIAID’S funding directed by Anthony Fauci, was very clear that what they had done

in their gain-of-function research in 1999 was take what was a normally occurring pathogen and turn it into what was then referred to as ‘an infectious, non-transmissible pathogen’. In other words they actually made it more dangerous to the human and they made it more dangerous so that it could be used as a potential for vaccine vectors going forward. And that was in 1999.


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