Common Ground Magazine Aug Sept 2021

Page 23

…Government data, from pg. 22

Are vaccinations causing high excess mortality in British Columbia


saw record breaking unexplained ernment has an obligation to disclose excess deaths. In July 2021 at least 400 causes of such mortality trends as these orldwide lockdowns more BC residents died with no explaare closely correlated with the mass vaccame into effect in nation provided by the government cination program that has seen more than March 2020. ImmeThis increasing trend has somewhat eight million doses distributed so far. diately, various pubcontradicted the public health restricSuch disclosure should be classified by lic health measures tions on the ground, which tended to be vaccination status, date of vaccination, triggered substantial collateral effects, less severe in 2021 as compared to 2020. age, cause of death, pre-existing condiwhich included increasing all-cause mortion and any other pertinent factality. Such phenomena were caused tors. Without such disclosure and by panic, despair, government driven relevant analysis, the case for more medical rationing, fear, utilization of vaccinations, particularly under improper medications, faulty medithe coercive methods as vaccinacal procedures, overuse of DNRs tion passports, threatens to become and end-of-life therapies in the longimmoral if not outright criminal. term care facilities, and hunger in the At least, 80% of all BC Coviddeveloping nations. 19 fatalities have taken place in A rapid vaccination clinic in the long-term care facilities, where Prince Rupert associated with a average life expectancy of residents 150% mortality spike was most is less than two years. Assuming notable that all Covid-19 deaths contribMy analysis of all-cause mortality uted to excess deaths is an overesin British Columbia has concluded timate. For conservative purposes, that in 2020, lockdowns caused this bias has not been removed at least 4 times as many deaths as from the numbers below. Covid-19. In addition, the recent 1 The rollout of the second dose Statcan report covering the period at the end of May 2021 announced up to May 2021 stated “Based on a veritable tsunami of excess morthe provisional data, from the end tality. The following three months of March 2020 to the end of April saw record breaking unexplained 2021, there were 7,150 more deaths excess deaths. In the month of July than expected among those aged 0 *Data above shows Covid-19 vaccines rollouts 2021 alone, at least 400 more BC to 64 years. Over the same period, coincide with growing excess mortality. residents died with no explanation 1,600 COVID-19 deaths have been provided by the government. attributed to those younger than 65, Notably, 2021 was the year of the CovidAbout the Author: Alex Posoukh received suggesting that, in addition to COVID19 vaccines rollout. The timing of these MBA Finance from UBC. He has held a CPA 19 excess mortality may be related to the rollouts coincide with growing excess designation. His training and career primarily indirect consequences of the pandemic”. mortality. The first uptick in mortality focused on corporate finance management, This report seems to indicate that just in was observed in February 2021 as the financial modelling, statistics and regulathe first five months of 2021, excess morprovince of BC rolled out the vaccines in tory reporting. For any inquiries, please email tality in this age category became even long-term care facilities. Another uptick or call 604-307-3733. more lopsided in favour of “other than Notes was registered in March 2021 when the Covid-19” causes as compared the 2020 1) province began vaccinating the general data . quotidien/210809/dq210809a-eng.htm population. A rapid vaccination clinic After the rollout of the second dose in the town of Prince Rupert associated May 2021 the following three months 2) a 150% mortality spike was most quotidien/210607/dq210607a-eng.htm notable4. Much of the excess mortality 3) https://alexposoukh.blogspot. associated with the first dose rollout was com/2021/08/province-of-bc-excess-mortalexplainable by the official Covid-19 staity.html?fbclid=IwAR2SR4t67rbIX6S1rcsLxpG tistics. Previously reported susceptibility B5XrJfRFPzrTMhelw8txKIfnsOrDFw3dU9oA to Covid-19 following the first injection 4) https://alexposoukh.blogspot. was predictably missed from the official com/2021/05/vaccination-campaign-innarrative5. prince-rupert.html?m=1 One month of such elevated mortality 5) is concerning enough, but three months 2021.03.08.21252200v1.full.pdf in a row is truly unprecedented. The govby Alex Posoukh


ɶɶ A rapid vaccination clinic in Prince Rupert associated with a 150% mortality spike was most notable

August / September

social and economic restrictions, purported to protect us from COVID19, did have a profound effect on public health. That graph (figure 3) also reveals that overdoses rank 2nd overall in terms of YLL, at about 8 times the loss from COVID-19. According to a 2021 July 26 Statistics Canada statement, “the Public Health Agency of Canada recently reported that apparent opioid-related deaths … were at their highest from April to September 2020, following the introduction of COVID-19 prevention measures”. Overdose deaths in BC rose 74% over 2019; increasing life lost far greater than did COVID-19. The evidence strongly suggests that oppressive public health orders may have killed far more people than the pandemic did: the “cure” was genuinely worse than the disease. It is important to note that the evidence presented here is for 2020, before vaccination programs had any significant effect. A disease that accounts for only 3% of deaths and ranks 11th for loss of life hardly warrants experimental medical interventions imposed on the general population. Vaccination is also not justified medically, as demonstrated by this research paper: “A majority of uninfected adults show pre-existing antibody reactivity against SARS-CoV-2”, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Investigation. Healthy immune systems were already prepared. There was never any scientific justification for mass vaccination. The data revealed here is from official government agencies. If you have any doubts, please look up the sources yourself. Government reports disclose that COVID-19 was never a serious threat in BC, yet lockdown measures cost more lives. Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, Mike Farnworth, John Horgan, and all public health officials should have known this reality. Yet, they continue to impose harsh social and economic restrictions, with significant, life-threatening burdens, particularly for the disadvantaged. Had COVID-19 not been (arbitrarily) declared a “pandemic”, and used to terrify the public and justify violations of basic human rights, we would have all been far better off. When will public health officials be held accountable for this gross malpractice? A visual summary of the information presented here is shown in this video (note that the URL is case-sensitive):


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