6 minute read
Risk of Cancer from mRNA injections
A perspective on the developing child’s body and our duty to protect our young.
By Daniel Nagase, MD
Note: Dr Nagase will speak 3:00 pm Thursday, December 9 in Victoria, BC Legislature for the Nuremberg Doctors Trial 75th Anniversary event (see poster this edition; contact NT75event@gmail.com).
This theoretical overview of the cancer risks of mRNA injections in children is an opener to a question that will not be settled for decades. Though applied theory can always suffer the criticism that it is not yet borne out in reality, with respect to the mRNA therapies from Moderna and Pfizer for Covid-19, prior theoretical warnings on the lack of efficacy to prevent transmission and development of resistance quickly turned theoretical warnings into reality within months. For a refresher, basic immunology theory warned that spike protein production in the blood would not produce the Immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies in the airways capable of preventing Covid-19 transmission. Furthermore, the molecular biologic warning that mRNA injections for only the spike protein would quickly cause the virus to develop resistance through evolution also came true with the rapid appearance of injection defeating variants.
Thus theory, when solid underpinnings are exactingly applied, bears true in reality. The following three mechanisms present application of theory to the cancer risks of mRNA injections in children. The importance of these applied theories lie in their ability to offer a glimpse into the future of the children who have already received mRNA injections.
1) Retrotransposons and reverse transcriptase:
Retrotransposons are DNA segments thought to occupy almost a third of the human genome. Amongst the proteins coded by retrotransposons, one of the most important ones is called reverse transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme capable of reverse transcribing mRNA back into DNA. The role of reverse transcriptase within the cell is not fully understood, but embryologic and developmental studies showed that the reverse transcriptase proteins appeared to affect development, and were most active during growth and development.
The problem when mRNA coding for a non-human protein such as spike protein encounters reverse transcriptase, which is more prevalent in children, is that the mRNA is reverse transcribed into DNA. Once there is a DNA copy of that mRNA, it is possible for the DNA copy to enter the nucleus and integrate into the cell’s DNA – thus changing the cell’s DNA forever.
2) Molecular impairment of cancer surveillance:
The immune system plays a vital role in detecting and eliminating cancerous cells. Essential to the immune system’s detection of cancerous cells is the recognition of abnormal proteins that are often produced by mutated cells.
When an mRNA injection for a non-human protein such as the Covid-19 spike protein is given to children, that child’s immune system which is still in development, may become tolerant of abnormal proteins in the blood. Thus when, later in life, that immune system is supposed to detect mutant proteins from cancer cells, it may no longer do so after having “learned” during childhood that abnormal proteins are acceptable when produced by local cells. This impairs a child’s future immune system from detecting cancer.
3) Impairment of DNA protection and repair proteins.
When a cell is infected with artificial mRNA, it may not produce as many DNA protection and repair proteins as it usually would had it not been taken over by nonhuman mRNA. For example, one class of proteins that prevents damage to DNA during times of stress are called Heat Shock Proteins. These proteins protect a cell’s DNA from toxic damage, thermal damage and even radiation damage.
Let’s say for the sake of argument, a cell has 10,000 free ribososmes ready to transcribe proteins. Normally if that cell were to get exposed to thermal and radiation stress, for example from a sunburn, then all 10,000 of those ribosomes can be quickly employed to protect and repair DNA from damage. However, if 5000 of those 10,000 ribososmes are producing spike proteins, then that cell’s DNA protection and repair proteins will be reduced by 1/2. Thus any cell producing mRNA spike proteins instead of protective heat shock proteins, is exposing itself
to a greater risk of cancer over its lifetime.
These three theoretical risks add up to an extreme risk of cancer, especially for children.
The precautionary principle of doing no harm has been abandoned by medical regulatory authorities and governments alike. One must ask the question, what kind of person would out of their own fear of illness, inject a child with a substance proven to cause debilitating myocarditis in the short term, and potentially deadly cancers in the long term – side effects that only appear decades later, right when children are about to live the best parts of their lives and start families of their own. It is unconscionable to allow such attitudes of fear to sabotage the trust of our future generations. How would our children and grandchildren look upon us if we failed in our most basic duty to protect?
In addition to all the theoretical risks of cancer mentioned above, a new study was published on October 13 detailing a much more rapid mechanism of cancer. https:// www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/13/10/2056/htm
This is a mechanism of cancer that I did not expect, which illustrates how rudimentary our understanding of these mRNA injections is.
In the article they looked at how important non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) DNA repair plays a critical role in lymphocyte–specific recombination–activating gene endonuclease (RAG) –mediated V(D)J recombination. In simpler terms, DNA repair mechanisms are essential to proper function of B cells and T cells within the immune system. These researchers studied whether SARS–CoV–2 proteins hijack the DNA damage repair system, thereby affecting adaptive immunity, by examining the activity of NHEJ repair and homologous recombination (HR) repair in cells exposed to various SARS–CoV–2 proteins.
Pay close attention to Figure 1.
NHEJ repair and homologous recombination (HR) repair are two major DNA repair pathways that not only continuously monitor and ensure genome integrity but are also vital for adaptive immune cell functions. Notice how short the bars are for spike protein on NHEJ repair and HR repair efficiency. Another harmful SARS–CoV–2 protein to DNA repair is NSP-1, but it is not nearly as bad as spike protein.
So it appears that SARS–CoV–2 is quite harmful to DNA repair. However, does that mean that we have to be worried about SARS–CoV–2 infections in the human body when taken whole as a system? My answer is no, so long as SARS–CoV–2 remains a surface infection on mucosal and epithelial cells. That is, cells on the outside of the body, including those in the nose, mouth and those which line the insides of the lungs that are exposed to air and the outside world. These cells are shed and replaced by the body about every 30-90 days. So if an epithelial cell suffers DNA damage, whether or not that leads to cancer is of little significance because that cell is shed before the DNA damage can turn the cell into a malignant cancer. However, if SARS–CoV–2 enters the bloodstream, or even worse if an mRNA injection producing spike protein enters the bloodstream, then that spike protein now has access to much longer lived cells in the body. Some of those cells are what I like to call the forever cells that live with a person for their entire life - cells like stem cells, neurons, B cells and T cells. If these cells suffer DNA damage, then the chances of cancer are much higher because these cells live for decades within the body. When DNA damage goes unrepaired in the cells it persists for years within the body. The likelihood that a malignant cancer develops increases with every year. This direct toxicity to DNA repair makes spike protein injections extremely dangerous and carcinogenic. In fact the younger the patient the worse the effect of spike proteins because young bodies need their cells for several decades, giving all the more time for DNA damage to accumulate and lead to cancer. Children especially are at the highest risk from mRNA injections, particularly mRNA injections that produce spike proteins.
Web sources:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15237222/ https://www.cell.com/cell-chemical-biology/fulltext/S24519456(19)30141-2?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier. com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2451945619301412%3Fshowall%3Dt rue https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31155508/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2695964/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31541194/ https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/13/10/2056/htm