1 minute read
Action - Navigation
Newport Bus Station needs public toilets, better shelters, news of latest bus movements and a better queueing system There should be more information in the travel centre to make it interesting ands useful to visitors and others (on the walls, maps etc).
Street pastors are good – need day-time version
Would be great to have a café within the library or facilities there that could be shared by different community groups
Bus Station Interchange (Public Transport) make better use of the bus station travel centre as a shared service centre, connecting the interchange, library and Church Litten areas more usefully as a large central civic space. Create a working partnership here between IWC, NPC and Southern Vectis, testing the idea of a civic hub with outreach services, involving for example local area co-ordinators, street pastors, police and public health, alongside TIC, Visit Isle of Wight, and locality information and assistance.