Transforming Nursing Research by Lesly Kelly, PhD & La Donna Christy, PhD

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Transforming Nursing Research

Lesly Kelly, PhD, RN, FAAN

La Donna Christy, PhD, RN, NEA-BC,


● Describe how a spirit of inquiry supports nursing scholarly activity

● Identify differences between research, evidence-based practice and process/quality improvement

● Describe infrastructure in CommonSpirit Health that support nursing research and EBP

● Identify examples of nursing research and evidence-based practice

Spirit of Inquiry

● Culture or environment that is inclusive of curiosity, asking questions, seeking answers, exploring new ideas

● Constantly questioning:

○ Why are we doing it this way?

○ How can we improve?

○ Who can support?

○ Which practices are outdated?

○ Where did this evidence come from?

● More than just a spirit of inquiry in nursing - a culture of inquiry!


Spirit of Inquiry

Clinical Question

Research EBP PI

Types of Inquiry

Category Definition

Process/Quality Improvement

Process/Quality Improvement: systematic and continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups

New Knowledge

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP): the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care.

Research: the systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.


Inquiry Leads to Asking the Question


○ Journal articles

○ Previous employment

○ School/Clinicals

○ Continuing Education

○ Where else?

● Identify the problem, clinical issue, organizational issue

○ check alignment: is this a priority?

● Form a team - include key stakeholders


Searching the Evidence

● Conduct literature review

● Search terms








Types of Evidence

● Levels of evidence

○ In nursing:

■ Descriptive studies

■ Pre-Post studies

■ Qualitative studies

● Other sources of evidence

○ best practices, patients, governing bodies


Synthesize the Evidence

● Synthesize the evidence: take all the evidence you have gathered and assess it together

Answer the question: there enough evidence to guide a practice change?


Research Evidence-based Practice Process Improvement

There is not enough evidence There is strong and sufficient evidence

Research: the systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.

Evidence-Based Practice

(EBP): the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care.

This is an existing/current process


Improvement: systematic and continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups


Implementation Support

IRB Submission and Approval

● Investigator initiated projects, Student projects

● Supported through

○ Research council (division and local)

○ Mentors/Nurse Scientist

● CSHRI-IRB (with the support of Rae Lynn Stafford!)

● Dignity Health Arizona Research Enterprise (DHARE) IRB


EBP Approval Process

● If EBP, does not require IRB approval*

● At CommonSpirit, can seek EBP Approval Letter

● Committee of PhD/DNP nurses and IRB members that reviews EBP applications

○ meets every two weeks

○ uses EBP review template/criteria

○ either approves (EBP approval letter) or defers to IRB

*Some schools may require IRB determination




Example - Nursing Research

● “Identifying Predictors of Airway Complications in Conscious Sedation Procedures”

○ PI: Rose Bray DNP, MSN, CCRN-K, CNML Senior Director of Nursing

French Hospital Medical Center, San Luis Obispo, California

● Retrospective cohort

● Reviewed risk factors for sleep apnea

● Study findings supported clinical procedural monitoring protocols for patients with a high probability for airway complications during conscious sedation

● Currently working on a system policy for CSH

Evidence-Based Practice


Example: Evidence-based Practice Project

● “Childhood Trauma: The Impact of Trauma-informed Care by Primary Care Providers”

○ Amy Farlett DNP, APRN, FNPc

Family Nurse Practitioner

Daisy Sood Family Practice Clinic, CHI Memorial Health, Chattanooga, TN

● Goal: To improve patient outcomes with the integration of trauma-informed care (TIC) practices regarding adverse childhood experiences and the clinician’s responsibility to offer appropriate trauma-informed management.

● Project included a two hour education module for providers in the clinic on TIC.

● Results demonstrated increase in provider confidence and increases in adverse childhood events (ACE) screenings and appropriate referrals to social worker.

Additional Resources for Research & EBP

Nursing Research and EBP Council

● Representatives in each division

● Supports development and infrastructure of NR & EBP

Nursing Excellence Showcase

● Demonstration of employee’s nursing research and EBP projects


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