Show Me the Money: 10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

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Show Me the Money 10 Best Places for

Top Paying PR Jobs

Show Me the Money $$$ 10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs In our quest to find the top “money meccas” for public relations, we started with the latest reported data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor to determine top salaries for PR professionals by key regions. We then considered not only top pay, but also the concentration of available jobs, based on a variety of online job search resources. And finally, we added a couple of international surprises just to keep you on your toes— and to help you keep your options open. The result is this list of top 10 cities that reveals the exciting variety of opportunities available to upwardly mobile communications professionals. Be careful! Some of these hotspots might make you consider packing your bags and making a change right now. And some may simply reinforce that you made the right choice in where you currently practice PR. Regardless, we think you’ll enjoy the tour …

1. Washington, D.C. (USA) The Beltway Welcomes PR Pros The U.S. capital and surrounding areas boast both the highest concentration of jobs and the highest salaries for “Public Relations Specialists.” No surprise, considering the concentration of PR jobs available in the political field. A three-fold greater availability of PR jobs exists here compared to the national average. An abundance of PR jobs isn’t the only draw here—top salaries are, too. The average mean salary is $81,000, compared to an overall national average of $46,000. We mentioned The Beltway in our recent 10 Social Media Meccas, with good reason. Now you have two more compelling reasons to give Washington, D.C. a close look.

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

2. Toronto, Ontario (Canada) Top Quality of Life Toronto’s winters may be cold, but this is one hot city when it comes to opportunity and quality of life. In fact, Toronto is listed #2 in Price Waterhouse Coopers Cities of Opportunity survey. Toronto’s construction industry is booming, its air quality is high and it’s renowned for its creative denizens. PR opportunities also abound in Toronto. One great example is the multi-office FleishmanHillard, which opened its first Canadian office in Toronto in 1994 and is one of the leading integrated strategic communications and public affairs firms worldwide. (A side note: “PR” can stand for “permanent resident,” an employment/immigration category here. Be sure to use the full words “public relations” instead of just “PR” to find the most relevant job listings online.)

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

3. Denver, Colorado (USA) Take the Lift to Great Pay The Mile High city delivers not only top salaries (avg. $62,000), but also one of the highest concentrations of jobs. How much of a concentration? The Denver area boasts nearly three times the national average. If you are comfortable with such a competitive market, Denver might be your spot. The best part is that Denver’s want ads are not mere fishing expeditions by employers seeking to churn workers. Colorado has the highest concentration of “PR Specialists” actually working, too. We are willing to admit that we’re also attracted to the recreation available on some of the most exciting powder slopes in the world. Can you blame us?

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

4. Austin, Texas (USA) Social Media & Live Music Capital The vibrant environment here is fueled by it being a state capital with numerous entrepreneurial startups. Salaries for “PR Specialists” average near $60,000 in Austin, well above the national average—thanks in no small part to real growth in well-paying social media jobs in the area. But we picked this music hotspot because we think salary isn’t everything. We also think you should have a great time where you work. Austin is located in central Texas, surrounded by area lakes and rugged hill country. Kiplinger listed it as the #1 city to live in for the next decade. Forbes listed is as one of the best job markets for finding work. We like the nightlife and the famous Austin bats. Be sure to tell Willie Nelson we sent you when you go visit!

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

5. Boston, Massachusetts (USA) Under-30 Crowd Unite! Boston is ranked as one of the top metropolitan areas for “PR Specialists.” It is also home to Allen & Gerritsen, which AdAge named its “2011 #1 Place to Work.” A smaller integrated communications, marketing and branding agency with 150 employees, the firm is recognized for its “young and fearless” staff. The agency’s internship program is robust and illustrates the city’s growing reputation as a magnet for millennial talent. Also indicative is the firm’s policy of supporting employees’ outside interests. As AdAge reports, for example, the agency and staff helped an employee raise money to volunteer in Haiti. In a classic city, companies like Allen & Gerritsen are keeping the industry vibrant.

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

6. London (England) Double Decker Growth London tops many lists—and for good reason. A quick glance at PRWeek’s Top 150 PR Consultancies gives you a hint why the city makes this list, as well. The average growth rate of PRWeek’s Top 150 agencies in 2010 was 9.24%, but multiple London-based agencies have comfortably surpassed this figure. London hosts some of the world’s top agencies like Ogilvy, Weber Shandwick, Edelman, Burson-Marsteller and Porter Novelli. Salaries are competitive and London is frequently listed as a top city to visit—as well as to live and work in. If you’re looking for big opportunities in international PR, then the home of Big Ben might be for you!

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

7. New York City, New York (USA) Just Show Me the Perks! If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. New York is an obvious choice with its high concentration of PR jobs, top salaries, big city excitement and multiple worldwide agency headquarters. If you want to work for the biggest agencies alongside social-media savvy millennial colleagues— then this is as good as it gets. What isn’t so obvious is that NYC is also home to some great smaller innovators like word-of-mouth agency Mr. Youth. As AdAge’s #7 “2011 Best Place to Work,” Mr. Youth offers great perks like unlimited time off and company-paid benefits in an atmosphere of unbridled team creativity. If perks and fresh approaches to integrated communications and marketing matter to you, this is your place.

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

8. California (USA) An Embarrassment of Riches We tried to pick just one city in California, but couldn’t. San Jose, Sacramento and San Francisco all qualify as top-paying metro areas. And Los Angeles (shown here) offers the highest concentration of “PR Specialist” jobs. California is one of the top five regions in overall pay and there are also numerous 100 Best Company options across the state. One example is the PR department at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland. The team’s awards include: PR News’ “2010 Digital PR Team of the Year,” “Top Place to Work,” “Best Editorial/Op-Ed,” “Best Blog” and honorable mentions in the “Green PR” category. If you’re seeking well paying PR jobs ranging from Hollywood publicity gigs to healthcare communications—then the “Golden State” is for you.

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

9. Chicago, Illinois (USA) Winning Big in the Windy City Chicago hosts a high density of political, healthcare and financial PR jobs. The top agency here is Edelman, but what might surprise you is that the third top agency is FoodMinds, which is also a PRWeek finalist for “2011 Small PR Agency of the Year.” As the firm’s site says: “We create new opportunities and new situations to help you create a better story.” Clearly, the PR story in Chicago is that new opportunities and new situations abound. PRSA Chicago is the fourth largest chapter in the country, with almost 500 members. These PR pros represent a true cross-section of industries, with a diverse mix of Fortune 100 corporations, public relations agencies, associations and non-profit organizations.

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

10. Sofia (Bulgaria) A Highlight in Emerging Markets Here’s our big surprise! We see a wealth of opportunity in the emerging corners of the world—whether in China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkey, Russia or Eastern Europe. For those who yearn for international adventure and an accommodating income, meet your model firm: M3 Communications Group. We do have method to our madness: Founded in 1994 in Sofia, M3 has won kudos as “PR Agency of the Year,” “2011 Eastern European Consultancy of the Year,” and the top “2011 PR Agency in Europe.” A Hill & Knowlton associate, the firm is growing by leaps and bounds—and is representative of increasing opportunities for PR globally. For those who do their best work only when venturing to the outer edges, we say get your passport and book your flight!

Show Me the Money $$$ -10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs

Show Me the Money $$$ 10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs It’s Not Always Just About the Money... It’s not always just about the money, but money talks. Add in some choices here for quality of life, richness of culture and availability of opportunity and any of these cities would be a great choice for today’s upwardly mobile PR professional. We hope you’ll be inspired by what you see and read here to look beyond the standard choices and find the best place for you and your unique skills. Just be sure to send us a postcard, OK?

Show Me the Money $$$ 10 Best Places for Top Paying PR Jobs Next on “The Pulse”: "Reputation Is Everything - 10 Noteworthy Corporate Winners in Online Reputation” Follow us on Twitter: @Marketwire, @Sysomos Follow us on Twitter: @Commprobiz

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