Gentle Voice September 2014

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September 2014 In This Issue

Editor's welcome

The Bodhisattva Attitude

Dear friends, What a year we have had so far !

CPMT Sutra of the three Bodies This Month at Jamyang Geshe Tashi's column The Director's Column Buddhist programme highlightsArticle Headline Comunity Programme highlightsHelp Required Golden Light Sutra The Epping walk Gareth Sparham Article Headline Buddhist Speakers Wanted IT Dhyana Camp About FPMT Your Thoughts for Gentle Voice

Quick Links Jamyang Website

And what a treat with Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche visiting the UK and spending time with the Land of Joy team, the Jamyang Leeds team and of course here in London. The audio of the teachings is up on our website in the media section. Please do listen again, he was on top form. And we have a busy second half t the year too with visit by Geshe Kelsang Wangmo (Fri 14 Nov and Sun 16 Nov), the first European female geshe, and (hot of the press) by Geshe Sherab (w/e 6/7 Dec) from Kopan, one of the rising stars among the Kopan geshes. In this issue we wanted to especially highlight the Autumn MBSR courses being offered at Jamyang by the volunteers at the London centre for Mindfulness (aka part of Community by another name). MBSR (Mindfulness based Stress Reduction) is not just for those of us who are at the end of their tether and totally stressed out. It is as beneficial for helping us deal with life's little irritations and demands before we get to that level.

The Foundation Study Course

In particular it helps us not to self identify with our thoughts, which sometimes are utterly random and 'ripeningof karma' driven, but to get a bit of mental space. This is a learning brought into MBSR from the Buddhist Vipasyana meditations and made available to all, religion free, through MBSR.

The Lamrim Chenmo Study Course

The courses run on Thursdays, cost ÂŁ200, and are

Current Programme Talking Buddhism


a real investment for a more relaxed future in this life. So check it out and contact either Jane Sill or Vinod Ravindranathan to find out more. And of course we have lots of Buddhist stuff in this issue too - and more interfaith opportunities than you can shake a stick at. Remember for all Community, including interfaith activities, talk to Jane Sill, especially if you would like to get involved in the myriad projects of the Community programme. Mike (John, aka the real editor, will be back for the next issue)

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Morning Motivation from Lama Zopa Rinpoche IN DAILY LIFE, AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH DAY, AFTER OPENING YOUR EYES THINK: "UNTIL I ACHIEVE ENLIGHTENMENT AND UNTIL I DIE, ESPECIALLY TODAY, MAY ALL THE ACTIVITIES OF MY BODY, SPEECH AND MIND-SUCH AS LISTENING, REFLECTING AND MEDITATING ON THE DHARMA, WALKING, SITTING, SLEEPING AND SO ON-NOT BECOME THE CAUSE OF SUFFERING BUT BECOME THE CAUSE OF HAPPINESS AND ESPECIALLY THE CAUSE TO ACHIEVE THE STATE OF TOTAL ELIMINATION AND DEVELOPMENT (BUDDHAHOOD) i.e. a method for accomplishing happiness and benefit for all sentient beings." HERE IS THE METHOD FOR CREATING A DHARMA MOTIVATION AND ESPECIALLY A BODHICITTA MOTIVATION. Here is A Direct Meditation on the Graduated Path Containing all the Important Meanings: Essence encompassing all the buddhas, Originator of all the holy Dharma of scriptures and realizations, Principal of all those aryas intending virtue, To the glorious holy gurus, I go for refuge. Please gurus bless my mind to go into the Dharma, The Dharma to go into the path, And for there to be no obstacles on the path. Please grant blessings until the state of elimination and

development (buddhahood) is achieved, Just like the youthful Norsang and the bodhisattva Always Crying One, To be able to devote to the virtuous friend with pure thought and action, See whatever is done as pure, and accomplish whatever is said and advised. (This is how to rely on the virtuous friend, which is the root of full enlightenment). Please grant blessings to see that this greatly meaningful body with eight freedoms and ten richnesses, is difficult to find and easily perishes, That action and result are so profound and the suffering of the evil transmigratory beings is so difficult to bear, And to therefore go for refuge from the depths of my heart to the three rare sublime ones, Abandon negative karma and accomplish the practice of virtue according to the Dharma. (This is the graduated path of the lower capable being). Please grant blessings to see that in dependence upon that, Even though I achieve merely the higher rebirth of a deva or human, I will have to experience suffering endlessly in this samsara Because of being under the control of the un-abandoned disturbing thought obscurations, And therefore, by reflecting well upon the way of cycling in samsara, Be able to follow continuously day and night the path of the three types of precious trainings which is the principal method liberating from that samsara. (This is the graduated path of the middle capable being). Please grant blessings to see that in dependence upon that, Even though I will have achieved mere liberation There is no sentient being of the six types That has not been my father and mother, And therefore, thinking I must fulfill their purpose, May I reverse the mind seeking the lower happiness (of nirvana), And by way of equalizing and exchanging myself for others Generate the precious mind of enlightenment (bodhicitta) And follow the conduct of the Conqueror's children (bodhisattvas)the six paramitas and so on. (This is the common graduated path of the great capable being). Please grant blessings: by having trained my mind in the common path like that,

Though experiencing the sufferings of samsara for a long time will not upset me, By regarding sentient beings with extraordinarily unbearable compassion, To be able to enter the quick path of the Vajrayana teachings, And protecting the vows and samaya more than my life Quickly accomplish the unified Vajradhara state In just this brief life of the degenerate time alone. (This is the graduated path of the secret mantra Vajrayana vehicle of the greatest capable being). (Composed by the glorious holy being Dorje Chang Losang Jinpa) From Kadampa Geshe Langri Tangpa: Determined to obtain the greatest possible benefit9 From all sentient beings, Who are more precious than a wish-fulfilling jewel, I shall hold them most dear at all times. From the Savior Nagarjuna: May I become like a wish-granting jewel Completely fulfilling all the wishes of transmigratory beings, And by completely fulfilling all the hopes of transmigratory beings May I be like a wish-granting tree. From the Conqueror's child Shantideva's A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life: For the sake of accomplishing the two welfares of all sentient beings Without any sense of loss or concern I give away my body and likewise enjoyments-food, clothing and so on, And even all the virtues accumulated over the three times. (Decide well, "By abandoning and giving away everything I am attached to I attain the state beyond sorrow, and since sentient beings are the supreme field of generosity I should give to them.") By abandoning and giving away attachment to everything, I am able to achieve the sorrowless state, And my mind will also achieve the non-abiding sorrowless state, the omniscient mind. Since everything is given up altogether (which is similar to that) It is best to give it away to the sentient beings because that way buddhahood is attained. Since I have given up this body, the impure aggregates, to all beings To use whatever way makes them comfortable, Even if others always kill me, criticize with bad words, beat my

body and so on, Let them do whatever they like. (Abandon attachment to this body and anger towards others.) From now on even if others play with my body, And to inflict harm they put me down and make fun of me (laughing), I have already given it to sentient beings So why resist by protecting my body and so on? I have finished giving away my body to them. - See more at: .dpuf --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The full pdf and printable versions of the motivation can be found on the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive site under the title "Transforming the Mind into the Motivation of Bodhicitta for This and all Future Lives" Morning Motivation

Return to Contents Keeping up with CPMT 2014

CPMT is coming soon, in mid September and is taking place at the Great Stupa complex in Bendigo Australia. As that is a pricey journey for London people please make use of the links below to keep up with stuff as it happens. We cut and paste below We understand that not everyone can come to CPMT - so for those who can't be there, we are delighted to announce that you can watch Rinpoche's opening and closing talks live via livestreaming (or on video afterwards). Plus, Mandala editor Laura Miller will blog from the CPMT meeting, sharing Lama Zopa Rinpoche's advice, the daily happenings, photos and video clips. Check the blog often or sign up for email updates.

The Sutra of the Three Bodies - check out the 84000 website

The Noble Mahayana Sutra The Three Bodies Homage to all buddhas and bodhisattvas! Thus did I hear at one time. The Blessed One was dwelling on Vulture Peak Mountain in Rājgṛha. He was accompanied by his entire retinue, by immeasurable, countless bodhisattvas, and by gods and nāgas. They paid respect to the Blessed One and made offerings to him. At that time, the bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, who was sitting among the retinue, rose from his seat and asked: "Has the Blessed One a body?" The Blessed One replied, "O Kṣitigarbha, the Blessed One, the Tathāgata, has three bodies: a dharmakāya, a saṃbhogakāya and a nirmāṇakāya. O son of a noble family, the three bodies of the Tathāgata are these: the pure nature is the dharmakāya, pure meditative absorption is the saṃbhogakāya, and pure conduct is the nirmāṇakāya of all buddhas. "O son of a noble family, the dharmakāya of the Tathāgata consists in the fact that he has no nature, just like the sky. His saṃbhogakāya consists in the fact that he comes forth, just like a cloud. His nirmāṇakāya consists in the activity of all the buddhas, the fact that it soaks everything, just like rain." The bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha then asked the Blessed One, "How should one view this explanation on the three bodies of the Blessed One?" The Blessed One answered the bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, "O son of a noble family, you should view the three bodies of the Tathāgata in the following way. The dharmakāya should be viewed as that which is the essence of the Tathāgata. The saṃbhogakāya should be viewed as that which is the essence of the bodhisattvas.. The nirmāṇakāya should be viewed as that which is the essence of ordinary beings who conduct themselves devotedly. "O son of a noble family, the dharmakāya remains the same nature for all the buddhas. The saṃbhogakāya remains the same meditative absorption for all the buddhas. The nirmāṇakāya remains the same awakened activity for all the buddhas. "O son of a noble family, the basis-of-all in its pure state is mirror-like wisdom, the dharmakāya. The afflicted mind in its pure state is the wisdom of equality. Mental cognition in its pure state is discriminating wisdom, the saṃbhogakāya. The five sense cognitions in their pure state are all-accomplishing wisdom, the nirmāṇakāya."

The bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha then exclaimed to the Blessed One, "O Blessed One, the noble Dharma that I have heard from the Blessed One is excellent, O Sugata, really excellent!" The Blessed One then declared, "O son of a noble family, whoever fully upholds this Dharma discourse of the Blessed One will obtain merit that is immeasurable, inexpressible, incalculable and unfathomable." When the Blessed One had spoken, the world, including the bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, the gods, nāgas, yakṣas, and gandharvas rejoiced and praised the teachings of the Blessed One. This concludes the Noble Mahāyāna Sutra "The Three Bodies." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check out this and other Sutra translations on the webpage of the 84000 project, the project to translate the whole of the Kangyur and Tengyur into English

September and October 2014 Programme highlights at Jamyang

September / October highlights at Jamyang Full information about these and all our events can be found here on the Jamyang Website

CLASSES and RETREATS with GESHE TASHI Geshe Tashi: Buddha Nature Tues 23, 30 Sept, 7, 14, 21, 28 Oct 7.30 - 9pm Geshe Tashi: Middle Length Lam Rim Wed 24 Sept, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Oct 7.30 - 9pm Geshe Tashi: Chenrezig Practice Day Sat 4 Oct 10am - 5pm Geshe Tashi: Shamata Morning Sun 5 Oct 10am - 1pm Geshe Tashi: Community Dharma Sun 5 Oct 2 - 4pm VISITING TEACHERS

WEEK DAY EVENINGS AND AFTERNOONS Introduction to Meditation Mon 8 Sept 7.30 - 9pm Buddhist Meditation: Calming Mon 15, 22, 29 Sept, 6, 13, 20, 27 Oct 7.30 - 9pm Meditation for Beginners Thu 2 Oct 7.30 - 9pm Silent Meditation Thursdays weekly 6.15 - 7.15pm Just 3rd July Golden Light Sutra Recitation for Peace in the middle East and for World Peace Thursdays 7.30pm Lama Choepa Puja 4, 18 Sept, 3, 18 Oct

check website for times Basic Programme: The Heart Sutra with Glen Svensson 31 August - 5 September

COMMUNITY Dying Well Group 11 October

PRACTICE GROUPS Insight Meditation Practice Group 27 Sept, 18 Oct, 15 Nov 10.3012.30pm open to all Guhyasamaja Practice Group 13 Sept, 11 Oct For initiates only Vajrayogini Practice Group Sundays in Septand Oct For initiates only

And a retreat in early September Kalachakra Practice Group 27 Sept, 18 Oct For initiates only SPECIAL EVENTS Maitreya Loving Kindness Relic Tour coming soon

Jamyang Walk 25 October Chi Kung and Tai Chi Monday evenings taught by William Walker. For more information and to book call William (follow the link above) Satyananda Yoga Tuesday evenings taught by Judy Watchman For more information and to book call Judy (follow the link above) Hridaya (Heart Centre) Yoga Taught by Naz Wednesday evenings 7.30pm For more information please call Naz (follow the link above) Chair Yoga Taught by Cathy Brebion Tuesdays 10.30am - 11.30am COMING SOON Maitreya Loving Kindnes Relic Tour Sat 1 and Sun 2 Nov 10am - 5pm

Full details of these and all other events are on our website

Please book for all weekend classes or retreats other than practice groups on-line if you can. If you can't call the office on 02078208787 or email You can drop in to all evening classes unless we state otherwise Return to Contents

Geshe Tashi's column Hello Everybody, I wanted to say thank you so much to all the volunteers and staff who helped with hosting the visit of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche. From clearing, to decorating, to gardening, to repainting, to giving of things and money it was so heart warming to see so many people (I am told over 60 people helped) work so hard to make Rinpoche's visit a success. For me it was a delight to be able to spend time with Rinpoche, not just here in Jamyang during the teachings, but also privately with him in the house in Kingston. His whole approach to life is so inspiring, and he really does embody what he teaches, total dedication to others. He is such a rare and precious person, really kon and chog which are the syllables of the Tibetan word Konchog, the word we use to describe the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha Jewels. Rinpoche is a living example of them well to me at least. I am off tto see my Dad in South India. He is getting older and less mobile with each passing year and while I can I would like to spend some time with him. My parents in this life have been extraordinarily loving and kind to me, and to the rest of my family, and for me it is a delight to be able to spend time with my surviving parent. In the meantime, my brother who is also a monk and also a geshe lharampa, is visiting my sister and me in the UK, and combining that with a bit of Tourism. So it is a couple of months of family time for me. When I return I will start teaching on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and on some weekends. I am introducing something experimental and new this programme. Something I am calling 'Shamatha mornings'. They are running on Sunday 5 October and Sunday 30 November. Over the last four to five years I have been emphasising strongly with the students who come to meditation retreats and weekends just how important basic stability, focus and clarity are in meditation - whether sutra or tantra. I am hoping that these mornings will give us a chance to practice these skills together and to explore any issues that arise in a group context. If you do meditation please do come along.

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Director's Column Shakespeare wrote that "summer's lease hath all too short a date" and here at the end of a wet and coolish August as autumn approaches, it feels a bit like that. Some also say that deep summer is when laziness finds respectability but it has been a too busy a summer here for that to be true unfortunately - and the "busy-ness" continues in the run up to the September Board meeting, the international CPMT meeting and the start of the autumn programme. Rinpoche's visit in July was without a doubt the highlight of our summer. The visit was a great success in enabling our minds to turn towards and deepen in the path of the Dharma. Huge thanks to everyone involved, the sponsors, volunteers, staff, Trustees and students who made the whole thing possible. Over 60 volunteers and around 80 financial sponsors contributed time, effort and money to make Rinpoche's visit not just possible but as delightful and smooth running as it was. Your generosity, enthusiasm, devotion and patience were all amazing. The importance of focusing on the need to further deepen our study, practice and realisation of the Dharma is highlighted by Rinpoche's very recent updating of the FPMT Mission Statement in order to make it clear that the mission of preserving the Mahayana tradition includes listening to correct teachings of the Buddha, then reflecting, meditating on, practicing and actualising those teachings - and then, with that experience, spreading the teachings to sentient beings. You can now read the updated FPMT Mission Statement here. The work on the renovation and improvement of the front of the building was completed before Rinpoche's arrival. Looks great now and well worth rejoicing but getting there was not easy. Cathedral Works Organisation, one the leading national companies in field went into administration mid contract. The unavoidable delays delays due to the administration process, the repurchasing of materials and the appointment of another company to finish the work proved very expensive and we ended up nearly ÂŁ30,000 over budget on the project. We are doing what we can to generate merit and making an urgent appeal for donations and fundraising to help cover the shortfall. Any surplus will be devoted to much needed further maintenance and development of the building. So, if you are able to make a contribution or a pledge of funds to help us with this before the end of the year or offer your time, skills and services for fundraising activities, please let me know. As many of you were aware, unfortunately, the Jangtse Choje was not able to be with us here at the end of August; he cancelled his visit due to the sickness of his teacher Geshe Sopa in the USA. Many thanks must go to Geshe-la for stepping in and offering his Vajrayogini Aspiration Prayer Commentary teaching

last weekend. As described on the tin, Geshe-la "presented Tsar Chen's wonderful text with his usual mix of profundity, accessibility, and humour. Vajrayogini is a practice that he very clearly delights in." We are very lucky to have him as our resident Geshe. A few regular students and Friends are sometimes caught by surprise when they turn up to find that these late, unavoidable programme changes have taken place - if you are not on our current email lists, please go on to the website and subscribe. That way you will be kept as up to date as you can be by the Jamyang Team's regular news and updates about the programme. The new Cafe strategy and structure is developing and working well. This month we are re-instituting the Cafe post on the 3 month residential volunteer Work Programme scheme, offering service in the Cafe: cleaning, serving customers, barista work, and some cooking, with appropriate training given. We would ideally like to see someone in post by September. We are also looking for a friendly part-time Front of House Cafe person to welcome and serve our cafe guests and be part of our Cafe Team as soon as possible. Good communication and the ability to work under pressure with a smile are essential. If you've got any experience here great but we welcome people that work well with a good heart. If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested in either of these opportunities contact me by email on director@jamyang That's about it for the moment but don't forget that now is a great time to check out the busy September to December programme here at Jamyang and start planning your schedule to help and support you to fulfil Rinpoche's wishes for us to first listen to the correct teachings of the Buddha and then reflect, meditate on, practice and actualise those teachings. Best wishes Roy

Return to Contents Buddhist Programme highlights

Geshe Tashi 's teachings on Buddha Nature resume on Tuesday 23 September, from 7.30 - 9pm. His teachings on the Middle Length Lam Rim start again on Wednesday 24 September, from 7.30 - 9pm. Look out for the first of Geshe Tashi's Shamata Mornings on Sunday 5 October from 10am - 1pm. On Saturday 4 October Geshe Tashi will lead a Chenrezig practice day Vajrayogini practitioners don't forget that the Practice Group is offering a rich, varied and frequent set of events for you to get involved, including Long sadhana sessions, self initiation sessions and three retreats each at least five days long. On the evening of Friday 5th September at 7.30pm in the Library at Jamyang we will hold an exploratory meeting to se if there is the energy to bring together a small group for the study and practice of the short sadhana of heruka Five Deities. Nothing as grand as a tantra practice group, just something to help each other get a solid sadhana practice established at home. And we finish November with a visit of the Heart Shrine Relic Tour on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd November. We need volunteers to help that run smoothly for people so if you in or near London and want to get involved in the planning and the days themselves please contact Mike Murray at the Centre.

Community Programme Highlights New Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Courses (MBSR), not just for stressed folks but also for folks who don't want to go there, start from Thursday 18 September. One course runs in the morning and a separate one in the evening, so do check it out. The first of Geshe Tashi's Community Dharma afternoons for children and parents and friends and relatives is on Sunday 5 October at 2pm. With a parental dharma creche run by Geshe Tashi while you kids get on with the serious business of creative play with Kate, you can come along secure in the knowledge that your parents wil be supervised at all times and looked after and not get into any trouble. The ever popular Dying Well Group enabled by Sue Aldam and Robin Bath will meet again on Saturday 11 October. The ever popular Jamyang Walk with Robin Bath is on Saturday 25 October. Chi Kung/ tai Chi with Sifu Wiliam Walker starts again on Monday 1 September. Chair Yoga with Cathy returns on Tuesday 2 September in the day time as does

Satyananda Yoga with Judy in the evening of Tuesday 2 September. Hridaya Yoga with Naz and Vinayassa Flow with Mary start again on Wenesday 3 September The Community Programme always need big hearted volunteers to help so don't fell shy to get involved ...... To get involved with any of these or for more information please contact either Jane or Vinod in the Community Team

Return to Contents Golden Light Sutra Recitation for Peace in the Middle East and for World Peace

Tasha Krett, devoted practitioner and a founding member of the recitation group, writes What initially started about a month ago as a one-off group recitation of the Sutra of Golden Light at Jamyang (as one of the main practices that Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche has recommended to help to bring peace to the Middle East conflict) has now become a weekly group recitation until December for that and World Peace. Rinpoche explained the benefits of reciting the Golden Light Sutra, for world peace as follows: 'Anybody who wants peace in the world should read the Golden Light Sutra. This is a very important practice to stop violence and wars in the world. The Golden Light Sutra is one of the most beneficial ways to bring peace. This is something that everyone can do, no matter how busy you are, even if you can read one page a day, or a few lines, and in this way be continually reading the Golden Light Sutra'. 'The holy Golden Light Sutra is the king of the sutras. It is extremely powerful and fulfills all one's wishes, as well as brings peace and happiness for all sentient beings, up to enlightenment. It is also extremely powerful for world peace, for your own protection, and for the protection of the country and the world. Also, it has great healing power for people in the country'. The Sutra of Golden Light Recitation group is now held from 7.30pm till about 9pm each Thursday at Jamyang in the Library, and all are most welcome to join any Thursday, and if you have a copy of the sutra please bring it along (as there are limited texts available at Jamyang) or copies can be printed off from the following link: For more information on the sutra and its benefits as well as a compilation of some of the personal experiences shared by some people who've recited the sutra please see the links below: A.dpuf


Robin Bath, Jamyang roving reporter and ready raconteur, reports ... Over to the east of London lies a vast area of more than 55,000 ancient oak and beech trees. It is the capital's largest open space stretching for 13 miles, containing some of the rarest wildlife in the country in a patchwork of historic wood pastures, heathlands, lakes, ponds and shady pathways. On August 4th the Jamyang Walk met at Chingford station on a warm, sunny day and nine of us set off to explore this delightful area. Climbing a gentle hill we soon came to Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge, a fine three storey Tudor building dating from 1543 that overlooked the open grasslands and the edge of the forest that we were heading for. A dappled pathway led through the trees on towards High Beech for a lunch stop beneath a large spreading hornbeam, and with a broad vista to the north towards Waltham Abbey. After the break we came upon the "Up and down ride" a hilly section that was quite testing for the legs, taking us past some huge trunked beech trees comprising 90% of England's ancient population to be found within the forest. The route doubled back beside a lily bedecked fishing pond and the large expanse of Connaught Water Lake before the slope back up to the Lodge and the descent to Chingford where we arrived tired but content.

Gareth Sparham on the Wisdom Gone Beyond

Steff Hill, Jamyang Trustee and FPMT Recognised Foundation Level course teacher writes ... One weekend this August, a small group of fortunate people found themselves basking in enunciations of the 18000 verses of the Prajnaparamitas, as currently being translated by Gareth Sparnham. Beginning and ending with the Thought, we were held in our understanding of what this Thought could mean by a man, self-proclaimed as having once been a quasi-hermit yogi. The profundities of wisdom contained within these verses seemed to radiate through him as Gareth spoke early on of the challenges, as a translator, of trying to respectfully give voice to this particular author, the Buddha, and his "sacred book" rather than a straightforward text or commentary by Nagarjuna, for instance. His acute sensitivity to this perplexing yet clearly joyful dilemma resulted in gently refined discussions rooted in his deep respect for this translation project. Coupled with his immense knowledge of and simple ease with the material, he was able to transition effortlessly from the "sacred book" through commentaries of well-known Indian and Tibetan scholars and logicians to Tsong Khapa's classic Lam Rim. It is here where these verses of the 18000 found ground, context and reality, and where our understanding could be explored. Gareth's skilful approach brought to life the Buddha as he might have originally delivered his discourse through his power over the great Bodhisattvas' forming part of his entourage at that time. The vastness of the material appeared to orientate itself within an accessible spiritual landscape as Gareth interweaved the three scopes of the Lam Rim with this perfection of wisdom, an understanding which the aspiring Bodhisattva should make every effort to perfect. He traversed the interconnectedness of descriptions of a Bodhisattva's armour, likened to the impenetrable nature of a Japanese warrior's suit, which manifests in the conduct of the six paramitas. A system of restraint and practice whereby all six are found in each individual one in order to secure that conduct as being that of a Bodhisattva. Continuously circling around the three scopes, he combined this with the cultivation of the three higher trainings which in classic presentations seems to arise prior to the six paramitas and subsequent to the practice of Refuge. Both he described as systems by which to constrain and restrain actions created by the three doors, and yet all three not necessarily being mutually exclusive but rather based in the ground of seeking a helping hand through the conduct of Refuge which spirals upwards throughout all scopes in order to accomplish that Thought - Bodhichitta.

His final comments were the creation of one of many mental images used throughout the weekend of deep green-blue roots from which shoots can sprout forth as being a more literal translation of what it means to engage in a dedication. Certainly, Gareth's weekend seemed to have this quality. The verses and his comments on them made sense in that moment, filled with richness's and insights impossible to later recapture articulately, but which regardless have made lasting impressions on my mental continuum. A wonderful feeling and experience or perhaps it was just the effects of the moon. It was at its brightest and closest to the earth in twenty years that weekend as it became full. A symbol of wisdom perfected in Tibetan art and it did feel like a wisdom blessing of sorts took place that weekend. Faiths Together in Lambeth interfaith Walk Saturday 20 September

Dear members and friends of FTiL, This year's Inter Faith Walk in Lambeth will take place on Saturday 20th September. Starting at 10.15am at Holy Spirit Church near Clapham Common Southside, six centres will be visited during the day and the event will end at 4.30pm after the visit to Lambeth Masjid and Progressive Community Centre near Loughborough Junction. The six centres and the times are: (1) 10.15 - 11.05 Holy Spirit Church, Narbonne Avenue, SW4 9JU (2) 11.35 - 12.20 London Shambhala Meditation Centre, 27 Belmont Close, SW4 6AY (3) 12.30 - 1.30 Ahl-ul-Bayt Islamic Centre, 11-13 Edgeley Road, SW4 6EH (time to eat packed lunches here) (4) 2.00 - 2.40 SGI-UK South London Centre, 1 Bernays Grove, SW9 8DF (5) 3.00 - 3.40 Brahma Kumaris Inner Space, Shakespeare Business Centre, 245a Coldharbour Lane, SW9 8RR (6) 3.50 - 4.30 Lambeth Masjid and Progressive Community Centre, 194 Coldharbour Lane, SE5 9QH You can join the walk at any of the centres - we will keep to time. Please dress modestly and be prepared to remove your shoes and/or cover your head at certain times. Please check at each centre for any restrictions on photography. Please bring a packed vegetarian lunch - there will be a lunch break during the visit to the Ahl-ul-Bayt Islamic Centre. Those who wish to reduce the amount of walking will find bus 155 useful for travel between centres 1, 2 and 3, and bus 322 between centres 3 and 4. Centres 4, 5 and 6 are very close to the route of buses 35 and 45. I do hope you will be able to join us for part or all of the Walk. If you can let us know in due course, by e-mail, that would be very helpful for our hosts. Best wishes,

Alan Gad FTiL

Interfaith Internship Opportunities

We cut and paste an email from the Three Faiths Forum below Want to work in interfaith? 3FF is one of the UK's leading intercultural organisations, running education, engagement and action programmes that bring diverse communities together. We are currently looking for motivated and ambitious interns from different faiths and beliefs to join our team in a variety of roles ranging from media to education. 3FF's voluntary internship programme gives opportunities to 30-40 people each year from diverse backgrounds to gain hands-on experience of the interfaith/intercultural charity field and develop skills for their future careers.

Our internships are for three days per week for 12 weeks, based in our Kentish Town office. Travel and lunch expenses are reimbursed. The next closing date for applications is 9am, 9th September. For more information about the roles available and details on how to apply please visit If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to drop us an email at; Best wishes Sumayyah Sumayyah Tasnim Admin, Operations and Volunteering Intern | 3FF e: t: +44 (0) 207 482 9549 Star House, 104 Grafton Road, London, NW5 4BA

Buddhist Speakers needed in Schools The Three Faiths Forum (3FF) is looking for Buddhist speakers in schools in England and Wales.

We cut and paste below..... The 3FF Schools Team are currently looking for confident and enthusiastic volunteers from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds to work with us in schools across London. Help us inspire young people by sharing your experiences and beliefs! This is a flexible part-time role. Volunteers are offered 3FF's faith awareness training as well as support with crafting their personal story. We ask for a minimum commitment of one school visit per month (although can be flexible about time and day; volunteers are invited to select slots for themselves. We also offer a development programme. We are lucky to have a range of speakers from different backgrounds and walks of life. Although all applications are welcome, we are currently particularly interested in volunteers from Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh backgrounds as our priority is developing a more diverse contingent of speakers. This exciting opportunity offers: Training in public speaking and interfaith dialogue; Mentoring and support from the UK's leading provider of interfaith workshops; Experience engaging with young people; A chance to explore your own sense of identity; Networking opportunities; Reimbursed travel expenses; Access to our speaker development programme. The requirements are: Willingness to engage in respectful dialogue with people of other faiths and beliefs; At least one free morning/ afternoon per month to attend school workshops and traing; Enhanced DBS check (funded by 3FF). The expectations are that you will attend training and practice sessions; Present your five minute personal story and answer pupils' questions about your experiences and beliefs; Remember 3FF are not asking you to be a representative or expert vof your faith - just of yourself!

All the details about the opportunity can be found at, including a link to our application form. "Speaking in schools has been a fascinating journey... I find it a great reflective experience that continues to prompt me to think more about my own choices and how to explain and articulate my faith to others."- 3FF Volunteer Speaker If you have any questions or would like further information, please don't hesitate to contact Thanks and best wishes. 3FF Schools Team

Stephen Shashoua Director | 3FF E: T: +44 (0) 207 482 9536 Twitter: @Stephen3FF

Star House, 104 Grafton Road, London, NW5 4BA

For more on the Three Faiths Forum For more on the Schools project of 3FF

Beijing IT Dhyana Camp A bijou storyette, on the BBC News website, from China on an IT Dhyana Camp being advertised by the Longquan Monastery in Beijing for employees in the city's internet and technology companies.

FPMT Jamyang is affiliated with FPMT (Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition) and is one of more than 150 centers and projects worldwide. FPMT is based on the Gelugpa tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa of Tibet as taught by our founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe and spiritual director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche. If you would like to receive FPMT's monthly newsletters please subscribe here.

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