Vol 13 No 1
February • March 2013
Camping and
Striving for
Fabric Structures Committee
Light Weight Structures’ powerful grip
sets the standard
www.pathfinderaus.com.au STA member news
S H A D E C L O T H Chino
Karloo (Sand)
Bundena (Blue)
Graphite (Charcoal)
strength and performance superior in
Abaroo (Red)
(Dark Blue)
Koonunga (Green)
Domino (Black)
For a shadecloth that is superior in strength and performance characteristics, Monotec is the unsurpassed choice! 100% Australian made and owned • 3.25 metre and 6.5 metre widths • 14 cool colours • 10 year UV warranty including removal and replacement • Manufactured using 100% round monofilament yarn • Custom colours, widths and lengths available by request • Install and forget – NO re-tensioning
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Sherbet (Orange)
Bubblegum (Pink)
National Distributor: Ricky Richards (Sales) Pty Ltd 16 Park Road, Homebush NSW 2140 Phone: 02 9735 3333 Fax: 02 9735 3311 www.rickyrichards.com.au
Jazzberry (Purple)
CONNECTIONS magazine is published on behalf of the Specialised Textiles Association Inc. by CommStrat Limited.
Publisher CommStrat Editor & WRITER Nicola Card nicola.card@commstrat.com.au Design & production Annette Epifanidis annette@commstrat.com.au National Sales MANAGER Yuri Mamistvalov Phone: 03 8534 5008 yuri@commstrat.com.au Contributors Barb Ernster, Jamie Howard, Roger La Salle, Beatrice Moonen and Lucille Scott.
37 8
COMMSTRAT ABN 31 008 434 802
Level 8, 574 St Kilda Rd Melbourne Vic 3004 www.commstrat.com.au Specialised Textiles Association Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Road, St Kilda Vic 3182 Phone: 03 9521 2114 Local call: 1300 555 787 Fax: 03 9521 2116 www.specialisedtextiles.com.au Disclaimer: Except where specifically stated, the opinions and material published in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher or the STA Council.
Report by STA President STA office update Presenting a local and global overview Young Leaders’ Challenge Jamie Howard on the next gen’s progress 32 Fabric Structures Committee report By Beatrice Moonen 43 STA welcomes new members
NEWS CORNER 8 Members' news 45 Aussie Quality
subscriptions To subscribe to Connections for just $75 inc GST annually contact Ruth Spiegel ruth.spiegel@commstrat.com.au
18 Recreation related structures Showcasing member talent
What’s this year’s plan? Roger La Salle’s sage advice Camping and caravans A snapshot of the market and emerging trends 36 Stainless story board Miami Stainless and Sydney TAFE join forces 37 Light Weight Structures, heavy hitters Lucille and Trevor Scott’s professional supremacy 40 Spotting tent quality IFAI reviews superior shelters 16 28
SPOTLIGHT ON MEMBERS 27 First class canvas
TRAINING AND EVENTS 48 Industry events and RTOs
12 Sustainability Industry initiatives and developments
From the office of the President Lance St Hill Hello all. It is now time for belated good wishes for the
each of the four halls in the Gold Coast Exhibition
New Year, and let us all hope that it is a good one for
everyone. In what seems like the blink of an eye, we are
This is an excellent achievement and suggests that the
well into the second month of 2013. The festive season is
broader industry, including BMAA and STA members
just a dim memory and we are all hard at it again, many
and individuals, have been hoping for an event
hoping for a better year than last.
such as this. In addition to the massive support from
We have commenced the year with some extremes
exhibitors we urge all other industry players to support
in weather ranging from devastating bush fires to
the exhibition by attending all or part of the event.
more catastrophic flooding in many parts of the east
We will soon be circulating information on exhibition
coast. That is Australia for better or for worse. The hot
registrations and the social events that form part of the
summer (while it lasted) has been positive for many in
overall exhibition.
the shade and covering sectors of the industry, and not
Suppliers to the industry have shown their support, we
unhelpful for many in the water storage area. Of course,
need “YOU” to show your support by attending, and by
once the rains started, much of that work ceased. I
sending some of your staff as well.
think that overall the industry is a little slower than what
For some, sustainability is seen as a catchword of the lunatic fringe but it is an issue for us all and one where we all can play some part. For example reduction of waste in all its forms can have a very positive impact in our business.”
we would like. And now, on top of the extreme weather events, we
Member sessions As you are aware STA member sessions are being
have to endure a seven month election campaign. Many
held in state capitals towards the end of this month and
of us will be approaching our candidates to outline what
in mid March. These sessions present an opportunity
we consider sensible policy to help or bolster, rather
for all members, and interested non-members, to
than impede, our industry. To help us progress.
hear about STA initiatives and to have their say. I urge
Talking of progression, the article in this issue on
you to come along for an update and then benefit
sustainability may be useful, timely and interesting in
from networking with others in your state. Check
these current times. In essence sustainability is the
our website or the member newsletters for more
capacity to endure and essentially is a melding of
information regarding session dates, times and venues.
environmental, economic and social dimensions. For
While I am talking about members and getting
some, sustainability is seen as a catchword of the lunatic
involved, I would like to suggest that you consider
fringe but it is an issue for us all and one where we all
filling a vacant position on one of the various sub
can play some part. For example reduction of waste
committees or nominate for the STA Committee of
in all its forms can have a very positive impact in our
Management. There will be three COM vacancies
this year in June. Working with the COM is extremely
Waste does not have to be something we put in the bin
rewarding and I commend it to anyone considering
but can be as simple as wasted effort or thoughts. It is
it. While there is some work involved, the sense of
often said that we should not dwell on the past but rather
achievement - of putting something back into the
concentrate on today and the future. We cannot change
industry - is most worthwhile. We can all criticise
the past, but what we do today can affect the future. As
from the sidelines. If you have ideas, let us know, get
Mother Teresa said “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has
involved, provide suggestions and positive solutions.
not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
Welcome back all. Enjoy this issue of Connections and keep an eye out for the member newsletters from
Super Expo
STA Manager Ana Drougas and myself, stay involved
I am pleased to announce that all of the June 2013 Super
in the association. After all, you only get out what you
Expo exhibition booths have been sold. That is, covering
put in.
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IndustrIal tEXtIlEs
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STA MATTERS Specialised Textiles Association
The STA diary A recap on recent and upcoming association activities.
Our year ahead is looking to be an exciting and positive one. 2013 will bring to fruition the release of our industry Accreditation Program, a combined SuperExpo (BMAA and STA) and commencement of specific industry training just to name a few.”
Welcome to our first issue of Connections for 2013. As I am writing, I am trying not to reflect too much on the year that has passed but rather look forward with optimism for the year that is already passing us by so very quickly! So far this year, reports are showing that Australian manufacturing has ensured a slow start to the year, natural disasters have continued to plague our country, unemployment figures are continually rising, our skilled workforce is reducing … all of which leaves me wondering what 2013 will actually bring with it. Will it be as challenging as 2012? Manufacturing employs nearly one million Australians and is a central part of a resilient, diverse and broad-based economy. It faces challenges from
While the months ahead may not bring about the changes
the high Australian dollar, economic weakness in
we would like to see in our country, I am certain of one
Europe and intense global competition.
thing. Change is about to take place within our association and industry. Our year ahead looks to be an exciting and
The September Federal election
positive one. 2013 will bring to fruition the release of our industry Accreditation Program, a combined SuperExpo
With our Prime Minister having called an election for
(BMAA and STA) and commencement of specific industry
14 September this year, I wonder how much hope we
training just to name a few of the great things we have in
are placing on the election to bring about necessary
store for this year!.
changes to our industry and country. I would be
We anticipate introducing a basic accreditation
interested to hear what your thoughts are on the
program for members on April 1 to coincide with the
election and your predictions for the year ahead and
new membership year. Members have contributed over
its effects on our industry.
the past few months by providing feedback on the draft
Each issue of Connections features two or more specialist articles that focus on an industry sector. Upcoming features are as follows:
April/May 2013 Blinds and awnings, Transport and tarps June/July 2013 Tents and marquees Sail makers and tension structures If you would like to be involved in any of these features by providing commentary or insights please contact the editor Nicola.card@commstrat.com.au 4 · CONNECTIONS
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STA MATTERS questionnaire which has now been
of member volunteers, the first
finalised and will become the basis
round of trainees enrolled for the
of the accreditation application
Certificate II Blinds Awnings course
form. If successful, applicants will
which took place on Thursday
become either a Level 1, Level 2
February 21.
or Level 3 accredited member.
The Certificate II in Blinds and
Accreditation will only be open to
Awnings (targeting Shade Sail
current financial STA members and
installation) consists of fourteen (14)
will target businesses rather than
Units of Competency with 6 Core
and 8 Elective units required to be
SuperExpo 2013
satisfied, to receive the qualification. If your company has identified
Another major item on our agenda
a training need in the installation
for the year is the June 5 to 7
of blinds, awnings and shade
SuperExpo 2013 - a collaborative
structures and wasn't part of this
trade event between STA and BMAA.
round of funding, please contact
Trade Exhibition space for this event
our office as additional training
is now full and work is underway
positions have become available.
for the conference program for the event. The SuperExpo will bring looking for information on industry trends, research, technology and
Before I sign off, I would like
product advancements in all areas of
to remind you that Awards for
our industry.
Excellence categories and entry
Mark the dates in your diary
criteria have been revised. By the
to attend the Australian textile
time this issue has been mailed, all
industry's largest traded exhibition
members will have received relevant
showcasing the latest trends and
information on how to enter this
innovative designs, products and
year’s Awards for Excellence.
services on display by industry
The STA Awards for Excellence
leaders. Further information can be
offer members the opportunity
obtained on the SuperExpo website
to showcase their technical skills,
at www.SuperExpo2013.com.au
design excellence and innovation to the entire industry.
Below: The SuperExpo 2013 will be held at the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre from June 5 to 7.
SPECIALISED TEXTILES Association Inc. Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Rd St Kilda, Vic 3182 Ph: (03) 9521 2114 Local Call: 1300 555 787 Facsimile: (03) 9521 2116 Email: ana@specialisedtextiles.com.au Web: www.specialisedtextiles.com.au
ASSOCIATION MANAGER Ana Drougas Email: ana@specialisedtextiles.com.au
President Lance St Hill Fabric Solutions Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 6283 Yatala DC Qld 4207 Mobile: 0400 103 534 Ph: (07) 3807 0200 Fax: (07) 3807 8217 Email: lances@fabricsolutions.com.au
Awards for Excellence 2013
together industry professionals
STA Council of Management
This year's Awards for Excellence
Training initiatives
dinner will be taking place on
After a tremendous amount of work
Wednesday June 5 on the Gold
and time invested by STA, NSW
Coast. So members, get those
TAFE and a hard working group
entries in!
Kent Williamson Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) 25 Dawson Street Brunswick, Vic 3056 Ph: (03) 9925 9182 Fax: (03) 9925 9129 Email: kent.williamson@rmit.edu.au www.rmit.edu.au Gary Smith Campbell & Heeps 5/125 Highbury Rd, Burwood, Vic 3125 Mobile: 0419 311 899 Ph: (03) 98086911 Fax: (03) 9808 3148 Email: gsmith@campbellheeps.com.au Tom Gastin Pattons—Textile Fabrication 80 McDougall St, Kirribilli, NSW, 2061 Mobile: 0414 952 007 Ph: (02) 9955 2563 or 1300 799 980 Fax: (02) 9959 3158 Email: tom@pattons.com.au David Burton Ricky Richards 16 Park Road, Homebush NSW 2140 Ph: 02 9735 3333 Fax: 02 9735 3311 Email: David.burton@rickyrichards.com.au Jamie Howard Total Shade Solutions 4 Aldinga St, Brendale Qld Ph: 07 3889 7200 Fax: 07 3889 8865 Email: Jamie@totalshadesolutions.com.au
Connections Magazine Advertising submissions: yuri@commstrat.com.au Ph: 03 8534 5008 Editorial: Nicola Card nicola.card@commstrat.com.au
Member news
Spice up your barbecue Looking for a colourful addition to your backyard barbecue? You need go no further than Color my Barbecue, the fledgling business launched by Newcastle resident turned entrepreneur Sarah Thomas. If her dreams and efforts come to fruition, BBQs across the nation could well take on a bright new look. Many months ago, after coming up with an idea to create and market a colourful range of covers, Sarah approached her friend and fabricator Dan Hunt of Macdiarmid Sails in Belmont, Newcastle. “I told him about my ‘want’ for a colour outside the square and he loved it! I also mentioned that I wanted to source a quality material that could withstand strong winds and storms,” Sarah told Connections. “Dan immediately recommended a tough Wax Converters Textiles’ product, saying it would fit the bill perfectly.
Sarah proudly models the very popular Tomato sauce cover.
“I set to work cutting the covers which are available in two sizes, one for hooded four burner
factor’ so I had to go for it. I later rang Dan
barbecues and the other for larger six burners as
to ask about the availability of other colours
my research indicated these are the most popular
and originally chose 11, including beetroot,
sizes, however others can be made to order.”
sunflower, grass, lagoon, ocean and gumleaf,
Sarah manages all measuring and cutting of
am really keen to keep it all Australian made.” Home grown expertise and quality is close to the heart of the crew at WCT. James Kelman said “This fabric is a stock
but have since added lollipop pink and
line item available in 23 colours – and
covers before passing the material on to Dan
purplicious – suggested by my five year old
Sarah is offering every single colour for the
for stitching.
niece! – to the range. I just changed the names
to reflect Aussie culture.
“I have been granted a license to use the
He explained that fabric construction is so tough that “When tested to regular tear
“Our first cover was ‘tomato sauce’ and
‘Australian made’ logo in my advertising and
method it cannot be torn. It is a unique
everyone who saw it said it had the ‘wow
since my family owns ‘Waratah park/Skippy’ I
construction, very strong.”
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Member news
Just some of the colours in the WCT Endeavour 600 swatch. Known as Endeavour 600gsm the tarpaulin
environment. Due to the large colour range it
quality fabric is UV stabilised, waterproof
has picked up many uses in sporting goods
and anti mildew with an easy clean finish.
such as goal posts, tackle bags and shields,
Appropriately too, it is flame retardant.
and of course barbecue covers, but most of
“The fabric has a five year warranty as a fixed cover material but not as a tarpaulin which can be flapping around in any
our Endeavour 600 is taken up for tarpaulins and covers.” Back to Sandra who currently runs a well established home cleaning business but now holds a dream for Colour my BBQ to enable her to move on. “I've dribbled it onto Facebook on the quiet
For more information: www.
this week only to be overwhelmed by 386 hits
already with 15 orders in the wings waiting for
me to hit the green light, hopefully a sign of
Connie Hellyar of One Link Agencies can be
things to come!” she enthused.
contacted on 0404 086 158 or at connie@
To help turn her dream into reality Sarah
enlisted the marketing expertise of well known industry identity Connie Hellyer of One Link
For more member news see page 45
Wax Converter’s consolidation While many people were relaxing at the beach or in backyards during the festive season of late last year, hard working staff at Wax Converter Textiles were on the move, relocating their distribution centre from Lidcombe in Sydney’s west to Rutherford in the Hunter Valley. James Kelman explained that after many years spent operating one business across two locations, they decided the time was right to consolidate the burgeoning textile business. “All Wax Converter operations – manufacturing and distribution – are now at the one site in the Hunter Valley where we have installed a new warehouse and distribution centre. The Valley’s hub is in nearby Newcastle and its large freight companies so we can now get to the market faster and more effectively than before. “It makes a lot of sense and it is much easier to control operations on one site,” said James, who then had to forfeit time off over the Australia Day long weekend to move his young family from Sydney to the Hunter Valley. No small feat, given James is now proud father to four children under seven, with the youngest Kelman born in November 2012. 10 · CONNECTIONS
Presented by
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5-7 June 2013
Visit Australia’s largest trade exhibition and conference for the window furnishings & specialised textiles industries. Showcasing the latest trends and innovative designs, products and services on display by industry leaders. Networking events and business sessions will also be taking place during SuperExpo2013. Check out the full program online at
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Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Sustainability and greenability A series of industry initiatives are aimed at creating more sustainable practices. Here we look at some “greener” textiles … and some nice looking urban walls. By Nicola Card. The word ‘sustainability’ is bandied around a fair bit, but as someone said, “A universally accepted definition of sustainability remains elusive”. Taking up the challenge, we checked various references to present ‘sustainability’ thus: the ability for endurance, for planet earth to continue maintaining quality of life and well being in environmental, economic, and social spheres without compromising the future well being of the planet or its people. A good example of what is not sustainable is Beijing’s atmosphere: smog levels recently rocketed to the suffocatingly high 886 micrograms per cubic metre. Putting that in context, the “acceptable” level of fine particles in the air is no more than 25, and once the dial hits 300 the air is described as hazardous. “Officially 886 is off the charts for dangerous air quality,” someone commented. “This is the worst ever air pollution in history … more people now realise sustainability is a matter of life and death.”
Leading the charge Beijing seems a long way from Australia but a wave of diverse activities in the textiles industry underpin sustainable development, and Technical Textiles and Nonwoven Association Executive Manager Kerryn Caulfield told Connections that ‘lightweighting’ was a focus of efforts. “Lightweighting covers all textile technology including fibre and yarn production, knitting, weaving and non woven production across all synthetic and natural raw materials,” she said. “It has profound application in many areas including the military, and in other areas they are using textiles as the solution for [reducing] energy usage.” Late last year TTNA announced that ‘lifecycle thinking’ was being applied to identify areas important to lightweight and to determine other design strategies to reduce material use and the embodied energy within products. The organisation is conducting an analysis of fibre and textile lightweighting technology on manufactured componentry that will conclude with recommendations for integration into fibre and textile industry and eventually be applied to the manufacture of commercially viable lightweight products, Kerryn told Connections. “Mindful of meeting stringent carbon emissions target and reducing fuel consumption.” 12 · CONNECTIONS
Green wall design by Patrick Blanc: Vertical garden Trio at Camperdown, courtesy of Frasers Property.
TTNA is taking the reins by providing technical
But what of PVC waste in off-cuts in the factory or
training aimed at helping manufacturers to better
plant? More efforts to curb and contain are being
understand the changing marketplace and moves
initiated, such as the European PVC industry’s
toward lightweighting.
VinylPlus, a 10-year sustainable development program
The trend is no stranger to Wax Converter Textiles which, through its network of industry contacts and
complemented by awareness and understanding. And Europe is home to PVC recycling plants
intelligence and R+D efforts outcomes, is at the forefront of advances in lightweight materials destined for a range of applications. James Kelman cited an example, saying “Ten years
Cleaning up PVC Developed by Solvay, the Vinyloop© process is a
ago most tents were made using a 12 ounce roofing
mechanical recycling process using an organic
fabric which was also used in walls. This progressed
solvent to separate the PVC compound from other
to 8 ounce walling … and these days it had reduced
types of plastic waste or from the other materials in
again to 8 ounce roofing and 6 ounce walling.”
a PVC composite. Solvents and separation enable
Quality has not diminished; with technological advances fabrics are more durable than ever. “These tents are much lighter weight, and larger
recovery of all the components of the original PVC formulation in a suspension and eventually the humid PVC compound is dried with hot air and ready to be
tents can fold into a same sized area. They fabrics
reused. Meanwhile the solvent is regenerated by a
are also used for flip-out, off-road camper trailers.
multi-step condensation and separation process, and
This area has undergone a boom in the past ten years
is entirely recycled.
and most manufacturers are now using lighter weight materials.” James added that in other PVC developments, WCT
The first Vinyloop© plant was built in Italy in 2001 to treat post-consumer PVC cable waste. More recently a specific recycling technology called Texyloop®,
has a capability to produce a 10 kg psm security
based on the Vinyloop© process has been developed
screen which is in demand at airports.
and a recycling plant is now operational in Europe.
He also revealed that in mid march WCT is launching a new, lighter weight fabric weighing just 440gsm called Duralight 440. Stay tuned for more details on this, once distributors and suppliers have been notified. A salient reminder that once Nylex closed its doors,
Aussie first - Texyloop: Innova Ferrari recycling plant
WCT became the only Australian manufacturer of
During the past 12 months, Innova International
outdoor industrial PVC fabric.
has invested considerable time promoting the
But like it or not, the spotlight often lands on PVC/
Texyloop® recycling process to architects, specifiers
Polyvinyl chloride/ ‘vinyl’, which dumped in landfill
and fabricators. To date in Australia 9000 square
poses environmental threats due to its chlorine and
meters of ‘retired’ architectural fabric has been
other contents. The good news is that given its long
collected from projects nationwide and is being
lasting, durable nature, around 80% of PVC is destined
stored and awaiting transfer at Innova’s Melbourne
for use in products which notch up a lifespan of
collection depot, with more material being collected
between 15 and 100 years.
during 2013, Chris Arkell told Connections. FEBRUARY • MARCH 2013 · 13
SPECIAL FEATURE MSA says The Manufacturing Skills Australia’s Sustainability Issues in Textiles guide focuses on the manufacture of fabric from natural and man-made fibres – processes such as stripping, blending, dyeing and weaving or knitting. Among other things the guide illustrates how some of the processes relate to specific sustainability issues including water consumption and chemical use. Using a risk rating system the Guide details some of the potentially high impact sustainability issues.
Innova plans to return containers with recyclable materials to Europe in the next few months, once target fabric quantities have been collected. The company is also investigating methods of increasing packing efficiency for shipping by using bailing and shredding equipment to reduce the environmental impact of the transportation. Those attending the 2012 STA Exhibition in Melbourne will have noticed a series of Texyloop® recycling bins placed throughout the Expo hall. Innova supplied Serge Ferrari® recyclable fabric to exhibitors Elizabeth Machines, Pathfinder, Aeronaut and Ultracut, for demonstration on cutting equipment and welding machinery. More than 200 square meters of used fabric was collected for Texyloop® recycling, instead of simply ending up in landfill. “This was the first time an environmentally responsible disposal
Above: Innova Texyloop recycling in action
method was made available to exhibitors,” Chris said. “And in another Australian first, Helioscreen Australia in NSW became the first blind and awning manufacturer to adopt the Texyloop® recycling program for production waste and replaced fabric. Helioscreen started segregating and collecting Serge Ferrari® Soltis® fabric offcuts for return to Innova in October 2012.” Innova has commissioned prototypes of clearly identifiable Texyloop® bags for customer use in their premises for the collection of REACH compliant production waste.
Recycle, re-use Melbourne based The Banner Lady proudly promotes its Satin Skins as 100% eco-friendly, with all their satin being recyclable. In late 2011 the company started collecting satin banner off cuts, overruns and discontinued client banners, and supplying these to Reverse Art Truck which provides schools, kindergartens and playgroups with a large variety of affordable art and craft materials for various creative programs. And that means less material is destined for landfill. Banner Lady CEO Richard Gill told Connections “We encourage our corporate and other customers to return old banner skins and we pass these on to Reverse Art Truck, in turn school students and other groups use the material for drawing or painting on, some even turn scraps into carry bags or shopping bags. “It gives us a good way of recycling our satins and other off-cuts that would otherwise not be used for anything, just be dumped and end up in landfill.”
Eco-friendly satin banners and inks The company prides itself on its range of high quality satin banners which, using 70% less material, weigh just one third of their vinyl counterparts and reduce energy in production and transportation. 14 · CONNECTIONS
Left: Lightweight satin, used by the Banner Lady
Greener walls, better life styles A green or “living” wall which is either free-standing or integral to a building is partially or completely covered with plantations that effectively reduce overall temperatures of the building (insolation/absorption of solar radiation). And let’s face it – the back-to-nature soft look is much easier on the eye than stark grey concrete. Matt Gisler of Miami Stainless told Connections about his company’s interest and development of green walls, saying that Stainless Steel Trellis, also known as Vertical Garden Mesh, Green Wall Garden Mesh or Green Façade, is stainless steel wire in lines or patterns across an existing surface or between uprights such as walls or posts. There is a difference between a green wall – often built with bucket like structures – and a cable trellis using stainless steel wires. The latter is not an entirely new concept, it is based on a mesh arrangement used in gardening for years but a reinvention of sorts. “Stainless Steel Trellis can be placed in the same green technology basket as solar panels or wind turbines as they can reduce the ‘Urban Heat Island Effect’ held by development materials such as concrete, which retain heat. “The major advantages of Green Walls over other green technology are their beauty and regulation of interior temperatures created by shading,” Matt said. “When applied specifically to vertical structures, Green Walls create an insulating layer of air between the vegetation and façade which evens out temperature fluctuations and noticeably reduces heating and cooling costs.” Matt commented that another major benefit of Green Walls has been identified through psychological research. Dr Rachel Kaplan’s research into the impact of nature on people’s mental functioning explains the mental and physical restoration derived from nature, which has important implications for how we build our homes, work environments and cities. “Even a glimpse of nature from a window helps. In one well-known study, for instance, Rachel Kaplan found that office workers with a view of nature liked their jobs more, enjoyed better health and reported greater life satisfaction!” Matt said. Types of Stainless Steel Trellis include horizontal or vertical single wire systems or a combination of both horizontal and vertical wire to form a grid pattern which can be installed as horizontal or diagonal and a home for leaf-stem climbers, leaf climbers and scrambling plants. Green Walls and façades are increasingly popular among government entities, architects, planners, green specialists and DIYer’s to create vertical gardens for decoration and to provide shade, privacy and space dividers. In some cases, even animal enclosures. “Miami Stainless is driving product innovation in cable trellis and by 2014 we will be working more with the government and councils and will have cost effective offerings for consideration,” Matt told Connections.
Further, the company uses non-solvent, vegetable based inks that are water based and used in the printing process, are environmentally friendly compared with oil based solvent-based inks. Dye-sublimation printing technology ensures they can fully use the benefits of water soluble inks which are transferred to satin fabrics using pressure and temperatures of around 200°C. Banner Lady stands are manufactured from high quality “100% recyclable” lightweight aluminium which reduces emissions levels in transportation. Further information Texyloop®: Innova International, ph 03 9551 8722 or email texyloop@ innova.com.au. www.reversearttruck.com.au www.compositesaustralia.com.au Vinyl Council Australia’s Findings on Life Cycle Assessment The Manufacturing Skills Australia’s Sustainability Issues in Textiles guide
FEBRUARY • MARCH 2013 · 15