Australian scientific research of the highest international standard The australian national University (anU) has a rich history of discovery and a culture of enquiry that creates an exceptional and unrivalled research and learning environment.
Global climate change is now a major focus of public policy discussion. This remarkable consequence of intensified human activity underscores the crossroads that we have reached in our relations with the natural world. Climate change, along with various other global environmental changes and the proliferation of cities as our dominant habitat, have great consequences for our wellbeing, health and survival. Professor Tony McMichael nhMrc australia fellow national centre for epidemiology and Population health, australian national University
The University was established by the Federal Government in 1946 to lead the intellectual development of the country through research and education of the highest international standard. Today, ANU is one of the world’s leading centres of research and scholarship, and is consistently recognised as Australia’s top university. ANU is truly Australia’s national university, setting the bar in research, teaching and community engagement on issues of national and international significance. Our students study alongside and learn from distinguished academics – individual thinkers who are at the forefront of their respective fields: leading and shaping debates, making global breakthroughs and extending knowledge in new and profound directions. ANU also has strong relationships with important decision makers and remains a significant contributor to the advancement of the nation and its role in the world. The University is positioned closely to and aligned with other Australian national institutions, research organisations, offices of government, foreign ministries and the Australian Parliament. The University stands alongside the world’s other leading research and educational institutions as a member of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) – a strategic partnership based on a shared global vision, research-led teaching and a commitment to educating future leaders.
With its legacy of intellectual leadership, position of national prominence and its global reach, anU is truly a national institution of international distinction.
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Title: Australian Scientist
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Notes: Includes index
Foreword by Prof. Ian Chubb
The Australian Academy of Science is an important body that promotes and supports science and scientists in Australia.
About the Australian Academy of Science.
Chapter One — Australian science
Contemporary research is thriving in an increasingly borderless world. Significant benefits are flowing from cooperative engagement.
Australian Synchrotron
Curtin University
Griffith University
Southern Cross University
Chapter Two — Challenges and opportunities
How private money led to Nobel prizewinning discoveries in medicine and physiology.
Australian National University
Australian Astronomical Observatory
University of Wollongong
University of Western Sydney
Chapter Three — A world of research
The challenges facing the world today are too big to solve alone. How scientific cooperation can ensure a future for all.
James Cook University
Edith Cowan University
Flinders University
Chapter Four — Australia’s scientific research system
Converting ideas into social and commercial benefits — the benefits of new ideas are extending well beyond the laboratory.
National Measurement Institute
Swinburne University of Technology
Ian Wark Research Institute
University of New England
Chapter Five — Strength in partnership
How multicultural Australia can contribute to closer scientific research cooperation between East and West.
Australian Antarctic Division
Chapter Six — International research
The greater the investment researcher mobility, the richer the global return.
CQ University
University of Western Australia
Chapter Seven — Medical research
From penicillin to a vaccine for the human papilloma virus, local scientists are breaking new ground worldwide.
Brien Holden Vision Institue
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Peter Mac Cancer Centre
Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Chapter Eight — Global leaders
Profiles of eminent Australian members of the international scientific research community.
Australian Institute of Policy and Science /CSL La Trobe University University of Tasmania
University of Adelaide
Chapter Nine — Young Australian scientists
Rigour, intellect, discipline and irrepressible energy — a new generation of local scientists is ready to break fresh ground.
Bond University
RMIT University
University of the Sunshine Coast
Chapter Ten — Future science
How scientific training can benefit the commercial world.
Shelston IP
Chapter Eleven — Who’s who
Scientists who direct the future of science via the Australian Academy of Science Council.
Australian SCIENTIST
FOREWORD The Australian Academy of Science is an important body that promotes and supports science and scientists in Australia. Australia is strong in science. Our contribution to global scientific output is 10 times our contribution to the world’s population. We have world class researchers and institutions across a wide range of fields, from agriculture to zoology and much in between. Our universities are major sources of our scientific expertise — from the building of our national capacity to contributing to knowledge through our research and its application. The scientists celebrated within this publication, some of whom I know personally, are an inspiration to all of us, not just those of us with a passion for science. The narratives recorded in this book illustrate the immeasurable contributions of these Australians that stand to benefit humankind for generations to come. Science is global. Many of the big problems confronting us are ones where solutions require teams that transcend national boundaries. Our scientists play their part. Many of those featured in this book have made or enhanced their contributions through working with scientists elsewhere — whether it be working in partnerships from Australia, or by joining international research teams overseas and bringing their enhanced expertise to Australia. They continue to visit and be visited keeping Australian science ‘international’. Just as the achievements of my generation are built on the shoulders of earlier ones, so too will the achievements of Australia’s newest scientists one day take us beyond the horizons of those who nurtured them. We, as Australians, must resolve to strengthen our support of today’s and tomorrow’s scientists, so that every one of them will have the opportunities and mentoring required to bring out the absolute best of their individual and collective capabilities. I am pleased to contribute to this celebration of Australian scientists and their achievements — may there be many more such scientific lives and many more celebrations. Professor Ian Chubb, Chief Scientist for Australia
Australian SCIENTIST
About the Australian Academy of Science INTRODUCTION The Australian Academy of Science was established by Royal Charter in 1954 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Modelled on the Royal Society of London, it is the national institution representing science in Australia. Although the Academy receives some financial support from the Australian government, it is an independent body and has no statutory obligation to government. The Academy’s objectives are to promote science through a range of activities. It has five major program areas: • recognition of outstanding contributions to science • national science education • public awareness of science
• international scientific relations
• science policy
STRUCTURE OF THE ACADEMY The work of the Academy is founded on the knowledge and experience of its fellows. The fellowship of the Academy is made up of about 420 of Australia’s top scientists, eminent in some branch of the physical or biological sciences. The Council manages the business of the Academy. The decisions of the Council are carried out by the secretariat in Canberra, overseen by an executive committee. Sixteen fellows are elected to the Academy each year by their peers, and occasionally corresponding members or additional fellows join through special elections. Fellows contribute to the Academy in an honorary capacity by serving on Council, committees and as advisers.
RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE The Academy encourages and rewards excellence in science through a number of medals and lectures. Outstanding research by both early-career and senior researchers is recognised through several annual awards, such as the Pawsey and Gottschalk medals.
PUBLIC AWARENESS OF SCIENCE The Academy produces reports, conference proceedings and other publications. The Academy shares editorial responsibility with CSIRO for 11 Australian journals of scientific research. Interviews with Australian Scientists is a DVD series in which some of Australia’s greatest scientists talk about their research and scientific achievements.
NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION The Academy advises governments on science education and produces a number of educational materials. Nova: Science in the News is an online educational resource for schools. Another innovative initiative linking the teaching of science with the teaching of literacy in Australian primary schools is an Academy program called Primary Connections. The success of Primary Connections has recently led to the development of another science education program, Science by Doing, aimed at secondary school teachers and their students.
SCIENCE POLICY As an independent body of Australia’s leading research scientists, the Academy brings together experts from universities, industry and government to consider and report on scientific issues. The Academy supports 21 national committees that foster a designated field of science and serve as a link between Australian and overseas scientists in that field. The committees comment on proposals and advise on science policy. The Academy has published many reports and position statements on public issues such as stem cell research, genetic engineering and climate change. It also makes submissions to government ministers and parliamentary enquiries.
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RELATIONS The Academy represents Australia on the International Council for Science and about 30 of its affiliated bodies. As well as organising several regular international symposia on a range of scientific issues, the Academy operates a program in international scientific collaborations to improve Australian access to global science and technology in North America, Europe and northeast Asia. The Academy is also active in organising significant national and international scientific conferences. Australian Academy of Science Gordon Street, Acton ACT 2601 GPO Box 783, Canberra ACT 2601 General enquiries: Telephone: + 61 2 6201 9400
Science diplomacy begins from the premise that scientific values of rationality, transparency and universality are the same the world over.
1 Australian science Strong recognition of the value of international scientific engagement and collaboration is a hallmark of Australian science. Led by the Australian Academy of Science and other scientific and professional organisations, this recognition reflects the international culture of scientific practice, the ethical imperative to share knowledge for the good of humanity, and the need to enrich Australian science and society through linkages with the world’s best science. The objectives of the Academy in
by Britain’s Royal Society and the American
promoting international scientific and
Association for the Advancement of Science.
technological collaboration are to improve
The report from that meeting, New Frontiers
Australian access to science and technology,
in Science Diplomacy, published in January
to increase awareness of Australian research,
2010, begins from the premise that scientific
and to enhance research capabilities.
values of rationality, transparency and
There is also an emerging realisation that
universality are the same the world over and
international scientific engagement can make
can underpin good governance and build trust
an important contribution to “soft diplomacy”
between nations.
as the world’s societies address many issues
“Science provides a non-ideological
that require the sharing and implementation of
environment for the participation and free
scientific knowledge.
exchange of ideas between people, regardless
In 2009, delegates from 20 countries on all continents attended a meeting co-hosted
of cultural, national or religious backgrounds,” the report says.
“The brief is to try to make sure that Australia has greater influence on the work of ICSU, particularly to ensure that science is developed on an equitable basis worldwide.” Prof. Bruce McKellar
““The scientific community often works
in 2006 and based in Kuala Lumpur, ROAP’s
beyond national boundaries on problems of
priority areas are the ecosystem, human-
common interest, so is well placed to support
induced and natural hazards and disasters,
emerging forms of diplomacy that require non-
and sustainable energy.
traditional alliances of nations, sectors and nongovernmental organisations.” With a membership that includes 119 national scientific bodies and 30 international scientific unions, the International Council for Science
To further its interaction with ICSU, the Academy has formed a new committee, chaired by Professor McKellar, to focus on ICSU activities. “The brief is to try to make sure that Australia
(ICSU) is a premier vehicle for strengthening
has greater influence on the work of ICSU,
international science for the benefit of society.
particularly to ensure that science is developed
Because of its broad and diverse membership, ICSU is increasingly called upon to speak on behalf of the global scientific community and to
on an equitable basis worldwide for the benefit of societies worldwide. “If you look at what ICSU has been doing
act as an adviser in matters ranging from ethics
more recently, it has been emphasising the reach
to the environment.
of science into developing countries, building up
ICSU mobilises knowledge and resources to
scientific capacity in developing countries.”
focus on activities in three areas: international
An example of this work is a ROAP workshop
research collaboration; science for policy; and the
in Singapore last year, which brought together
universality of science. This is done though links
scientists from the region with expertise in the
with strategic partners, the scientific community,
fluid mechanics and geomechanics of natural
policy makers and the broader society.
disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami and
The Academy takes advice from its national committees for science to appoint delegates
cyclonic storms. “The people who took part are continuing
to the business meetings of the ICSU and its
to work in collaboration. That is the kind of
member unions. Professor Bruce McKellar of
small-scale contribution we have made in the
the University of Melbourne is currently chair
first few years — we are now trying to move to
of ICSU’s Regional Committee for Asia and
do more coordinated and long-term projects.”
the Pacific, which guides the Regional Office
Another forum for international scientific
for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP). Established
diplomacy is the InterAcademy Council,
Australian Science in the international context
created in 2000, which aims to mobilise the
sponsors workshops and serves as a forum
best researchers across the globe to advise
for the exchange of ideas and experiences
international bodies such as the United Nations
among academies. It helps science academies
and the World Bank on the global challenges
to achieve a greater public presence within
of our time. The IAC recently released the
their nation and region.
reports Women for Science and Lighting the
The IAP’s flagship program focuses on
Way: Toward a Sustainable Energy Future.
capacity building for younger and smaller
Current important issues for the IAC are
science academies, particularly those in
emerging infectious diseases and water supply
developing countries. In addition, IAP supports
and quality.
projects that are coordinated by member
The governing board of the IAC comprises
academies and regional networks. The projects
the presidents of 15 academies of science
include digital knowledge and infrastructure,
and equivalent organisations (including the
science education, water research and
Academy), representatives of the InterAcademy
management, and biosecurity.
Panel on International Issues (IAP), the
The Academy has endorsed statements
International Council of Academies of
by the IAP on tropical forests and climate
Engineering and Technological Sciences, and
change and on ocean acidification, joining over
the InterAcademy Medical Panel of medical
50 academies from around the world to express
academies, plus the African Academy of
their concern over these issues.
Sciences and the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World.
The Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies (FASAS), founded in 1984, brings
The goal of the IAP, a global network of over
together 15 scientific academies and societies
100 of the world’s science academies, is to help
from the Asian region. For the period 2010 to
member academies work together to advise
2012, the AAS is providing secretariat services
citizens and public officials on the scientific
to FASAS and the AAS president has assumed
aspects of critical global issues.
the presidency of FASAS.
Networks and links created by the IAP allow
FASAS emphasises the importance of S&T for
academies to raise both their public profile
development in the region, and the integration
among citizens and their influence among policy
of S&T into national development planning
makers. IAP organises international conferences,
and policymaking processes. To achieve these
The Australian Academy of Science website,
aims it focuses on the promotion of good
in the international arena, to gain information
teaching practices at all levels of science and
and knowledge of techniques that will stimulate
the importance of science and technology in
and advance Australian research, and to be
governance, business and everyday life.
involved in large international projects. The Academy’s international exchange
Bilateral engagement builds on the work of multilateral scientific organisations and
programs comprise scientific visits and
enables focused cooperation between scientists
exchanges to Asia, Europe and North America,
to address issues specific to national needs and
and also short-term, long-term and postdoctoral
capacities. The Academy’s bilateral activities
fellowships to Japan. Funding for the program
are substantially supported by the International
is derived from a variety of sources. The
Science Linkages (ISL) — Science Academies
Australian government is a major contributor
Program, which is funded by the Department
through the DIISR-ISL program, which
of Innovation, Industry Science and Research.
contributes travel and living costs to support
A key component of the program is a series of
collaborative research between Australian
scientific symposia and workshops on global
scientists and technologists and their colleagues
issues, conducted in Australia and overseas.
in Europe, the US, Canada, Mexico, China,
The program gives Australian researchers the opportunity to collaborate with overseas
Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Scientific collaboration and engagement
colleagues, to widen research perspectives and
ultimately relies on relationships between
experience, to exchange ideas, to be recognised
individual scientists, and Australia’s long history
Australian Science in the international context
Scientific collaboration and engagement ultimately relies on relationships between individual scientists and offers a basis for enhancing its role in international collaboration.
as a provider of education in the sciences and
Professor Holmes said Australia has benefited
other disciplines offers a basis for enhancing its
in recent years from the very large numbers
role in international collaboration.
of southeast Asian alumni who studied under
The Academy’s immediate past-president,
the auspices of the Colombo Plan, which was
Professor Kurt Lambeck, has noted that
established in 1949 by the seven founding
Australia is highly successful in attracting
nations of Australia, Canada, Ceylon, India,
international students at the postgraduate
New Zealand, Pakistan and the UK, to be
level, a large proportion of whom study in
later joined by Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia,
science and engineering.
Japan, Laos, the Philippines, the US, Vietnam
“Australia could significantly expand its sphere of influence in global science through
and Thailand. “With the benefit of hindsight, the Colombo
a more systematic cultivation of the science
Plan could be seen as an opportunity for
alumni of Australian universities,” Professor
investment in not only intellectual capital, but
Lambeck says.
also soft diplomacy,” Professor Holmes said.
This opportunity was highlighted by Professor Andrew Holmes, the Academy’s Foreign Secretary, in an address to a conference hosted by the Royal Society in June 2010 on “Science Diplomacy — applying science and innovation to international challenges”.
Lighting the way for Australian research The Australian Synchrotron is helping Australian scientific and industrial researchers to achieve and retain positions at the forefront of their fields. Synchrotron science enables users to study the structure and properties of materials at unprecedented levels of detail. These technologies surpass conventional methods and help drive innovation across many areas of pure and applied research and industrial development. Enhanced access to synchrotron technologies is boosting Australia’s reputation in global scientific circles, enabling a stronger national contribution to the international development of advanced research capabilities and techniques, and attracting experts from around the globe to live and work in Australia. The Australian Synchrotron supports a broad array of scientific disciplines, including biosciences, medical
The Australian Synchrotron supports a broad array of scientific
research, drug development, environmental science,
disciplines. Photo: Sandra Morrow.
agriculture, minerals exploration and processing, advanced materials, engineering and forensics.
be as good”, and the soft x-ray beamline “offers
In addition to supporting research by users who
a great combination of very high energy resolution,
visit from around the world, facility staff collaborate
high spatial resolution and large intensity”.
nationally and internationally in their own right. Research conducted at the Australian Synchrotron has contributed to the assembly of nanomaterials, improved cancer detection methods and alumina
The Australian Synchrotron’s medical and imaging facility is being upgraded to become the most advanced instrument of its kind in the world. The infrared microspectroscopy beamline is widely
extraction processes, progressed the development of
considered one of the world’s best in terms of its ability
advanced materials and antimalarial drugs, and helped
to obtain detailed nano-scale information on chemical
advance the understanding of processes involved in
bonding. A separate branchline, also considered
bacterial infection.
world-leading, has high resolution and far-infrared
The Australian Synchrotron’s nine world-class beamlines are all highly regarded by users.
capabilities suited to studies of atmospheric gases. The Australian Synchrotron is playing an important
A Melbourne-based scientist credits the high-
role in training the next generation of Australian
throughput macromolecular beamline with
scientists. The facility organises educational tours
revolutionising his research by providing access to
and professional development workshops and has
new methods for structure determination. Overseas
successfully embedded synchrotron science into high
researchers note that the microcrystallography
school curricula. This work provides inspiration to
beamline “takes 10 minutes to provide data that
budding scientists and has a positive effect on the
would otherwise take two to three days, and wouldn’t
broader community.
Australian Scientist
TURNING BRIGHT IDEAS INTO BRILLIANT OUTCOMES The Australian Synchrotron’s world-leading capabilities provide unique tools for analysing human tissue, plants, proteins, artefacts, fibres, fluids, gases, minerals, metals and many other diverse materials. Thousands of researchers from around Australia and New Zealand, along with others from further afield, are already using our facilities to advance their work. To find out how the Australian Synchrotron can help you achieve your
Artwork by Chris Henschke
objectives, visit our website.
Big expectations on a miniature scale. From within the spectacular new Resources and Chemistry Precinct at Curtin, Professor Julian Gale is rebuilding the fundamental structures of some of nature’s most complex creations to see what makes them tick. Throw the word ‘nanotechnology’ into polite conversation, and you’re likely to get a variety of reactions, many following a general pattern of apocalyptic prophecy and the ‘grey goo’ theory. But, as Professor Gale describes, there’s much work to be done on even understanding the fundamentals of how our world is put together on a molecular level. Our conversation conjures up a world in which scientists have been forced to see problems only on a macro scale – the smallest visible grain of sand still a monolith compared to the infinitesimal scales generated on Curtin’s custom software. “Working on a scale of individual atoms, we’re looking at how we can use virtual models and computing to solve physical science problems,” he explains. “Broadly, what we do is computational nanoscience. Within that, we have three main foci; clean energy, minerals and water.” These three areas are some of the most hot-button topics in the scientific world right now. From solid-state batteries to technologies for a hydrogen economy, the computer simulations developed by Gale and his team have the potential to instigate new developments in hundreds of future technologies. “The beauty of computer models is that you can look at hypothetical possibilities,” he explains of his work’s potential. “The experimentalist might say you’re living in cuckoo land, you’re off looking at fantastical things that can’t be made; but occasionally you come up with ideas that inspire them to go away and do something different and actually make these things in the real world. Experimentalists traditionally like a good challenge, and if you set a realistic one they’re pretty good at achieving it.” The disconnect between physical experimentation and virtual simulation has long been constrained by two important factors: computing power and the age of the field itself. Compared to hundreds of years of scientific experimental process, computation has barely existed before the 1950s, and is only now gaining the necessary processing power to render an accurate picture of extremely complicated natural systems, even for tiny fractions of a second. But Professor Gale is excited by the many recent successful applications of virtual computer models to real-world experimental science, and expects a surge of this technology in the coming years. In the meantime, the pioneering work done by the team in studying crystal growth – for which Professor Gale was recently awarded 20
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an Australian Research Council Professorial Fellowship – is already showing practical possibilities in the field. “Where computational nanoscience is starting to come into its own is in its application to specific real-world problems. Take the desalination plant at Kwinana. We have a situation where impurities in the seawater can collect on the reverse osmosis membrane. For example, dissolved carbon dioxide can grow into a limestone scale. This means the filter needs downtime to be cleaned, and more electricity to run it because the water needs to be forced through these blocked pores. But if we can understand how this problem occurs on the tiniest molecular level, we could potentially design a better membrane to suppress this process, or prevent it completely. It’s about being smarter about how we do things through thinking small.”
Australian Scientist
Dr Katherine Trinajstic Senior Research Fellow Department of Chemistry School of Science Dr Katherine Trinajstic is
sexual activity and live birth, as
and gas exploration. Notably,
internationally known for her
opposed to the laying of eggs
Dr Trinajstic’s research success
landmark discoveries in the field
— occurred 200 million years
is partly due to her application
of vertebrate palaeontology. Her
earlier than previously thought.
of recently developed analytical
research involves analyses of
She has also discovered fossils
methods not previously used in
fossils she has recovered from
of primitive sharks and jawless
fossil analysis. Her application
the renowned Gogo geological
fish in the Canning Basin of
of synchrotron methods (using
formation in the Kimberley region
Western Australia — discoveries
synchrotron radiation for imaging)
of Western Australia, and may
important not only for the
and computerised tomography
lead to the formation soon being
knowledge they provide about
(CT scans) to the study of fossils
listed as a World Heritage site.
Australia’s past biodiversity, but
is significant because it avoids
Her examinations of
also because they have enabled
damage to the fossil samples
placoderm fossils have revealed
other geological formations in
during analysis, which previously
that the phenomenon of
Australia to be dated, which has
was an accepted risk.
viviparity — or reproduction by
important implications for oil
Professor Igor Bray Director Institute of Theoretical Physics Faculty of Science and Engineering Professor Igor Bray has produced
physicists for more than 60 years.
to describe atomic collision
breakthrough research in the
The CCC theory now provides
systems. The reformulation of
field of quantum mechanics,
a basis for advances in diverse
the underlying scattering theory
specifically in the area of atomic
scientific fields and industries —
provides a unified approach
collision theory, which governs the
including astrophysics, plasma
to such collisions, and applies
ubiquitous interactions of particles
displays, lasers, lighting and
generally across atomic, molecular,
on the atomic scale.
fusion energy.
nuclear and high-energy physics.
An Australian Research Council
Most recently, Bray’s team
The breakthrough was published
(ARC) Professorial Fellow, Bray
within the Institute of Theoretical
in a special 2009 issue
became internationally known in
Physics has resolved a foundational
of Annals of Physics, with an
the 1990s for the convergent
problem that has plagued quantum
editor’s foreword by the 2004
close-coupling (CCC) theory he
mechanics since its inception in the
Nobel Prize-winning physicist
developed with colleague Professor
1920s. Resolving “the Coulomb
Professor Frank Wilczek.
Andris Stelbovics. The research
three-body problem”, as it is
solved a fundamental scattering
known, means that physicists will
problem that had perplexed
no longer rely on approximations 21
Partner with our experts to create your health solution
National Centre for Adult Stem Cell Research Director Professor Alan Mackay-Sim; the Eskitis Institute Director Professor Ron Quinn; the Institute for Glycomics Director Professor Mark von Itzstein; the Griffith Health Institute Director Professor Lyn Griffiths and Pro Vice Chancellor (Health) Professor Allan Cripps.
At Griffith Institutes of Health, many of Australia’s leading scientists are working collaboratively to find integrated solutions for healthcare. From drug discovery through to clinical trials, the institutes’ expertise includes natural products, vaccines, carbohydrate chemistry, medicinal chemistry, the genetic basis of disease and healthcare economics.
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Work with our renowned experts, use our high-tech facilities and access a range of resources such as Nature Bank, a unique collection of more than 200,000 optimised natural product fractions derived from 45,000 samples of plants and marine organisms.
Australian Scientist
Professor Ron Quinn Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies Griffith University After obtaining his PhD from
leadership, the Institute established
with drug-like properties.
the University of New South
Nature Bank, a globally important
Professor Quinn has attracted
Wales (1970), Professor Quinn
biological resource with enough
major partnerships in natural
completed postdoctoral work
biota to support 100 years of drug
product drug discovery, including
at Arizona State University,
discovery activity. Nature Bank
AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Actelion,
University of Hawaii and the
provides fractions pre-selected
Medicines for Malaria Venture
Australian National University.
for favourable physicochemical
and Drugs for Neglected Diseases
He started at Griffith University
properties. The resulting screening
initiative. Professor Quinn was
in 1982 and was appointed
set has over 200,000 high quality
elected Fellow of the Australia
Professor in 1994. Professor
natural product fractions derived
Academy of Technological
Quinn was appointed Director of
from a library of more than
Sciences & Engineering (2003)
the Eskitis Institute for Cell and
45,000 samples of plants and
and received the RACI Adrien
Molecular Therapies in 2003.
marine invertebrates from tropical
Albert Award (2004). In 2010,
His research interests include
Australia, Papua New Guinea and
Professor Quinn was honoured
developing an understanding of
China. The Nature Bank platform
with the award of a Member of the
molecular interactions involved
enables faster and more successful
Order of Australia for service to
in biological processes. Under his
identification of novel compounds
scientific research.
Dr Rohan Davis Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies Griffith University Dr Rohan Davis obtained his
at the Eskitis Institute of Cell and
research contributions involve
Bachelor of Science with Honours
Molecular Therapies.
preserving and continuing to
from the University of Melbourne
He has authored 59 publications
develop Nature Bank, discovering
(1992) and subsequently gained
in the fields of natural products
new anti-malarials and anti-
several years of industry experience
and medicinal chemistry, and
trypanosomal agents, and potential
working for AstraZeneca. Awarded
currently holds one patent.
lead compounds in drug discovery
a PhD from Griffith University
Like his colleague and mentor
programs. Dr Davis is establishing
in 2001, he then obtained two
Professor Quinn, Dr Davis’s
an international reputation and has
years post-doctoral experience at
research interests include develop-
been an invited speaker at natural
the University of Utah, Salt Lake
ing an understanding of molecular
product meetings in China (2009)
City, USA. Returning to Griffith
interactions involved in biological
and in the US (2010).
University in 2003, Dr Davis is
processes via the Esktitis Institute’s
currently a Senior Research Fellow
Nature Bank. Dr Davis’ significant 23
Professor Leigh Sullivan Professor of GeoScience Director of Southern Cross GeoScience, Southern Cross University Professor Leigh Sullivan is a
will have on the health of the
the health of thousands of inland
leading geoscientist with a high
coastal areas around the globe that
wetlands and rivers.
international profile. He is a
contain acid sulfate soil. The
Professor Sullivan is co-leading
co-director of Southern Cross
research includes major field
an Australian team that is leading
GeoScience. Professor Sullivan’s
projects within tropical and
the world in the development
two key areas of research activity
temperate Australia, as well as in
of secure, low-cost solutions
are acid sulphate soils and
the low-lying Mekong Delta of
to reduce global CO2 emissions.
the health of waterways, and
Vietnam where 20 million people
These practical solutions work
developing secure and practical
reside and grow crops and fish and
by enhancing the production of
carbon biosequestration solutions
shrimp on acid sulfate floodplains.
carbon trapped within the
to reduce global CO2.
He is also leading major research
naturally-produced microscopic
projects in the Murray-Darling
silica particles — known as
research that is examining the
basin examining the impacts of
plantstones — in crops, pastures,
likely impacts that rising sea levels
drought and acid sulfate soil on
forestry and horticulture.
Professor Sullivan has instigated
Associate Professor Anja Scheffers Coastal geomorphologist Southern Cross University Australian Research Council Future Fellowship Associate Professor Scheffers,
that shape and modify coastal
natural hazards such as tsunamis
a coastal geomorphologist at
landscapes over a variety of length
and storms and the development
Southern Cross University, was
and time scales and
of long-term records of tsunamis/
named one of 200 Future Fellows
the coupling and feedback between
cyclones from geological and
in 2009. Dr Scheffers is the
such processes, their rates,
biological proxy evidence as well
recpient of an Australian Research
and their relative roles, especially
as historical documentary records.
Council Future Fellowship for a
in the contexts of variation in
Her work is exploring linkages
project which will look at tropical
climatic and tectonic influences
between Late Quaternary climate
cyclone activity that has taken
and in light of changes due to
and landscape change focusing
place over the past 7000 years in
human impact.
on past sea levels and the
Western Australia. Dr Scheffers is
Dr Scheffers is investigating
particularly interested in processes
past and modern marine physical
response of coastal ecosystems, particularly coral reefs.
Australian Scientist
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“Less than 250 years ago, it was astronomy that provided them with the impetus to end their long isolation from the rest of the human species.� 26
2 Challenges
& opportunities
The story of Australian science is interwoven with the continent’s natural history and the history of its human societies. Modern humans arrived in Australia at
set foot. They invented hunting technologies
least 40,000 years ago, around the same time
to catch the prey they needed to survive; they
their counterparts ventured into Europe.
used fire to do what we would now call natural
But the colonisers of the great southern land
resource management.
found different challenges and opportunities to their cousins in the distant north. No Neanderthal rivals, no cloven-hoofed
Astronomy is a science that beguiles humans, wherever or whenever they live. Australian Aboriginal societies developed systems of
animals, no canine or feline predators, nor
astronomy to explain what they saw in the skies
the grasses that would enable northerners to
and guide their travel on land and sea. Less than
develop rice, wheat and other cereals as staple
250 years ago, it was astronomy that provided
food crops.
them with the impetus to end their long
Life had evolved differently on a continent
isolation from the rest of the human species.
which had been an island for at least 50 million
Europeans began encountering the great
years since breaking from Gondwana and finally
southern land more than 400 years ago,
from Antarctica to push north towards the
but its shape and size defied explorers and
equator. This was a land largely populated by
cartographers for almost two centuries, despite
marsupials and reptiles living in dry rainforests,
some scientific theories that a huge southern
desert, grasslands and eucalypt groves. Over
continent was necessary to balance the known
many generations, the first Australians caused
continents of the north. European science
changes in the mix of flora and fauna in their
had deduced that the Earth was one of several
country, just as humans did wherever they
spherical planets that orbited the Sun. It was
Australian SCIENTIST
also able to predict that Venus would cross
Within two decades Arthur Phillip would
between Earth and Sun on 3 June 1769, and
lead the First Fleet to formally colonise
that timing the event from three points on the
Australia. Cook’s long voyage of scientific
Earth’s surface would enable astronomers to
and geographic discovery had instigated a
calculate the distance to the Sun.
second wave of human colonisation that would
So Captain James Cook was sent to the south
establish a new Australian society and science,
Pacific with a crew, including the first scientists
and again transform the continent’s landscape.
to ever encounter Australia. Cook’s mission observed the transit of Venus
Science would drive an unfolding discovery of the nature of the Australian continent and its
from Tahiti on the appointed day, while other
climate, as the transplanted society explored and
observations were made in Scandinavia and
settled into its new domain.
Canada to provide the data required for a major
That society and its science would slowly
scientific achievement and a big step towards
evolve from its British inheritance to develop
understanding the solar system.
a more distinctively Australian character in
After sailing west and circumnavigating
response to Australia’s distance from the rest of
New Zealand to establish that it was two
the world and the realisation that much about
islands, Cook’s ships encountered the southeast
Australia was unique. The roots of Australian
coast of Australia. On 28 April 1770 they
society and its science would nevertheless
anchored in a sheltered bay, which they explored
remain strongly recognisable while science
for a week. Cook recorded that the waters
contributed to the shaping of the early colonial
abounded with fish and the land was “diversified
societies and to the eventual establishment of
with woods, lawns and marshes”. The mission’s
Australia as a prosperous nation.
botanists, Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander,
The legacy of Joseph Banks would provide a
had found such a wealth of new plant species
foundation for high excellence in the disciplines
that he named the place Botany Bay.
of botany and biology as scientists studied a
Back in England after almost three years
“New World” of life forms, worthy of study for
at sea in an expedition which had cost
their own sake as much as for their relationship
the lives of more than 30 crewmen, Cook
with the rest of the living world.
said in a report to the Admiralty: “I flatter
Agriculture involved importing European
myself that the discoveries we have made,
models of herding and cropping, models
although not great, will apologise for the length
which still dominate our agricultural landscape.
of the voyage.”
Australian agricultural science has thus
Challengences and Opportunities
“Medical research … [a field] where excellence begets excellence. Clever people are attracted to clever people.” Sir Gus Nossal
faced remarkable challenges and has
of science where Australia originally enjoyed
responded strongly, developing systems
no particular advantage, but in which our
and technologies to optimise output from
research achievements currently shine brightest
thin soils in capricious climates.
on the world stage.
Science has always underpinned the
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute was
prosperity of the nation’s agricultural sector,
established in Melbourne in 1915 to undertake
from early innovations such as the stump-jump
medical research, funded by a bequest from
plough through to the work of contemporary
the estate of Walter Hall, who had migrated
molecular biologists who are modifying the
from England and made his fortune partly
genomes of plants to improve functions such
by investing in the Mount Morgan gold mine
as drought and salinity tolerance. In more
in Queensland. A few years later, the Baker
recent times, the scientific emphasis has been on
Institute was also established in Melbourne,
the need to ensure the long-term sustainability
funded by donations from Thomas Baker,
of agriculture by developing methods and
a qualified pharmacist who had made
technologies to conserve the environmental
his fortune by pioneering the supply of
assets that make agriculture possible.
photographic films in Australia and eventually
Discovering and extracting the mineral wealth beneath the continent’s ancient crust
forming Kodak Australia. With the benefit of hindsight, it can be said
also presented scientific and technological
that the establishment of the Hall and Baker
challenges that required particular Australian
institutes — both now at the forefront of global
solutions. The continent’s weathered regolith
medical research — seeded a synergistic
and its vast size meant that mining methods
process and a professional culture, which has
developed in other countries were either of little
enabled Australians to make four Nobel Prize-
use or required major modification.
winning discoveries in the fields of medicine
Australia’s first export was 50 tonnes of coal shipped to India from Newcastle in 1799.
or physiology. “A tradition grew up, and medical research
More than two centuries later, our minerals
is one of those fields where excellence begets
sector is Australia’s largest exporter, testimony
excellence. Clever people are attracted to
to the scientific and engineering expertise
other clever people,” says Sir Gus Nossal,
developed over that time.
a former director of the Walter and Eliza
Australia’s mineral wealth also played a part in fostering medical research, an area
Hall Institute and later president of the Australian Academy of Science. However,
Australian SCIENTIST
Australian science is fully responsive to these national challenges … developing innovative technologies to reduce the carbon footprint of energy production and other human activities.
while the philanthropic spirit that gave birth
such as the Cooperative Research Centre
to this tradition was certainly generous, its
program and tax incentives have been
munificence is not matched when it comes to
shaped to engage scientists and entrepreneurs
funding Australian science today. Australia
more closely and encourage Australian
performs poorly internationally on measures
enterprises to invest in research.
of private donations to scientific research, as
They have had some success — the
it does when it comes to commercialising its
performance trends are positive — but there
own innovations, leaving science more reliant
is still more to do before Australia matches
on public funding in Australia than in most
its counterparts on these measures. There
comparable economies.
is also much for science to do as Australia
This can be attributed to some unique
addresses the challenges of the 21st century.
Australian characteristics — its relative youth
The Australian continent is one of the most
as an economy, the fact that many of its major
vulnerable to the effects of global warming,
enterprises are branches of multinationals
yet its economy is highly dependent on fossil
headquartered overseas, a relatively small
fuels as a source of energy and export revenue.
domestic market, and the large distances
Australia is also a major exporter of food as the
to overseas markets. Over recent decades,
world’s rapidly increasing human population
governments have concertedly fashioned science
threatens the integrity of environmental systems,
policy to overcome these obstacles. Initiatives
which support food production in many regions.
Challengences and Opportunities
As in the past, Australian science is fully responsive to these national challenges. Our atmospheric scientists, climatologists and meteorologists are at the forefront of global efforts to understand the world’s climate and the trajectory of change as greenhouse gas emissions increase. Australian researchers in many fields are developing innovative technologies to reduce the carbon footprint of energy production and other human activities in ways that must be affordable to all societies. And our agricultural scientists are leading the world’s effort to produce more food while using less land, water and fertiliser. The Australian scientist certainly is a valuable member of the national team.
Seed you can bank on The flora of the Australian Alps is facing an
the task. However, the researchers are confident their
uncertain future because of the impacts of climate
work and its seed focus will be making an important
change. Now, researchers from the ANU Research
contribution to our effort to manage climate impact
on alpine flora.
of Biology are leading a wide-ranging investigation on the reproductive ecology and demography of alpine
Connecting water with wetland health
flora with a focus on seeds. Part of what they learn
How much water does a wetland need to stay vital?
will help managers establish repositories of seed
It’s far from an academic question because many
(seed banks) to preserve genetic diversity and assist
of Australia’s inland wetlands no longer receive
with ecological restoration.
the natural flooding that has sustained them over
“Very little is known about the demographic,
thousands of years. And it’s a question that Sue
physiological and genetic changes that will occur
Powell has been grappling with for many years,
in Australian alpine plant populations as temperature
first as a scientific officer with the NSW
and CO2 concentrations rise,” says Dr Adrienne
government, and more recently as a PhD scholar
Nicotra, the lead researcher on the project. “Nor do
with the Integrated Catchment Assessment
we know the characteristics of species that will
Management Centre (iCAM) at ANU.
be most affected, or how we might manage for these impacts.” While the project is still in its first year it’s already
Using satellite imagery and applying remote sensing techniques, Ms Powell has been studying flood dynamics out on the wetland and analysing how the
collected seed from around a third of the plant species
vegetation responds. She then models this information
found in Australia’s alpine region.
to explore what might happen given different
Given the serious threat climate change poses to
amounts of environmental flow. The investigation
flora of the Australian Alps, there’s a real urgency in
will ultimately inform policy development and how decisions are made on water allocation. There’s a lot at stake when it comes to decisions on water allocation across most of regional Australia, and especially along the Gwydir. Water is the key environmental variable in this region. It’s the lifeblood of the wetlands but it’s also the key input to the profitability of the surrounding cotton industry. The analysis and modelling Ms Powell is carrying out will enable managers of the nation’s valuable water resources to be more confident about the impacts of the allocations they make.
Australian Scientist
Julie Smith Health Economist and Research Fellow Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health, Australian National University Dr Julie Smith, a health economist
will involve asking employers to
to ill health. Such a policy would
and research fellow at the
describe the advantages gained
help prevent disease and help
Australian Centre for Economic
by providing flexible work
mothers reconcile labour force
Research on Health at the
arrangements designed to enable
participation with protecting their
Australian National University,
breastfeeding mothers to return
own and their children’s health
is working with a team of
to employment gradually, and to
from premature weaning.
researchers and the Australian
take time off during the work day
Breastfeeding Association (ABA)
to express milk for their baby or
also involves adapting a highly
to generate new knowledge on
breastfeed their baby.
successful series of knowledge
how to strengthen community
Smith believes assisting
The research partnership
exchange seminars run by ABA
and policy support for mothers
employed mothers to continue
each year for health professionals
combining breastfeeding with
breastfeeding will reduce
in cities and regional centres
employment. The study, which is
adverse impacts of genetic,
around Australia to engage with
being supported by an Australian
social and environmental factors
human resource managers and
Research Council Linkage Grant,
predisposing infants and children
childcare workers.
Jamie Pittock PhD scholar Fenner School of Environment and Society Australian National University Institute of Medical Research Climate change is invariably
ments are advocating climate
described as a major policy
change mitigation and adaptation
scientists and authorities are
problem. Most decision makers
policies that may greatly increase
committed to tackling climate
immediately think of the
impacts on water resources
change. He says government
challenging task of justifying the
and freshwater ecosystems,
officials largely accept that climate
significant short-term costs of
as evidenced by rising levels
change is real, while politicians
taking action to avoid a global
of hydroelectricity and biofuel
in many other countries are still
calamity for the welfare of future
production. To test his theory,
debating the issue.
generations. Jamie Pittock,
he has been conducting research
a PhD scholar at the Fenner School
into the best ways to integrate
like Australia, often struggles to
of Environment and Society at the
climate, river management and
implement policies that address
Australian National University,
water policies, based on six WWF
climate change. However, he is
sees another side to the problem.
projects in China, India, Tanzania,
hopeful that current academic
Pittock believes many govern-
lower Danube, Mexico and Brazil.
endeavours will lead to a solution.
Pittock is convinced that China’s
Pittock observes that China,
Dr Chris Lidman ARC Future Fellow Australian Astronomical Observatory After completing his PhD at the
commissioning astronomical
accelerate. The discovery has led
Australian National University
instrumentation and in developing
to many awards, including the
in 1994, Dr Chris Lidman moved
observatory operations at both
2007 Gruber Prize in Cosmology.
to Chile to work at the European
Even though a decade has now
Southern Observatory (ESO), first
In 1996 Dr Lidman joined the
passed since the effects of Dark
as an ESO fellow based at the La
Supernova Cosmology Project
Energy were first noted, its
Silla Observatory, then as one of
(SCP), in which he now plays a
physical nature is still unknown.
the first astronomers to work at the
leading role. In 1999 the SCP
It is one of the biggest mysteries
ESO Very Large Telescope, located
published a landmark paper
of modern physics.
on Cerro Paranal in Northern
showing that the universe is
Chile. During the 15 years he
dominated by an unknown form of
to Australia to take up a Future
worked at the observatories,
energy (now called Dark Energy),
Fellowship at the Australian
he played a central role in
which is causing its expansion to
Astronomical Observatory.
In 2010 Dr Lidman returned
Dr Gayandhi De Silva Researcher Australian Astronomical Observatory Born in Sri Lanka, Dr Gayandhi
Observatory (ESO) in Chile,
stars. It forms the basis of the
De Silva migrated to Australia
supporting science operations
field of “galactic archaeology”,
in 1994. Initially, Dr De Silva
at the Cerro Paranal observatory.
which is uncovering the origins
was interested in pursuing
She moved to ESO’s headquarters
and travels of the stars that make
mathematics, but after enjoying
in Germany in 2008. While
up our galaxy.
a summer vacation at the Siding
at ESO, Dr De Silva and her
Springs Observatory in NSW she
Australia in 2010 to take up
chose observational astronomy as
used the ESO’s Ultraviolet and
a position with the Australian
her professional career.
Visual Echelle Spectrograph
Astronomical Observatory.
to investigate the chemical
She is the Project Scientist for
composition of star clusters.
HERMES, a high-resolution
Dr De Silva obtained her PhD in Astronomy from Mount Stromlo Observatory, part of the Australian
De Silva’s work validated the
Dr De Silva returned to
spectograph being built by the
National University. Following
technique of “chemical tagging”
AAO, which will be the next major
her PhD studies, she worked at
of stars—that is, obtaining unique
instrument for the Australian
the European Southern
chemical identifiers for individual
astronomical community.
Australian Scientist
The Australian Astronomical Observatory. New name, same starring role. In the 1960s, scientists and politicians in the United Kingdom and Australia took the farsighted decision to build the first major modern telescope in the southern hemisphere. At the time it was commissioned, the Anglo-Australian Telescope was arguably the most sophisticated optical telescope in the world—a landmark in the technological development of both countries. In 2008, an independent review found that it was still the most productive 4-metre telescope in the world, and one of the top five telescopes of any size. The observatory that operates the telescope is now entering a new chapter in its history. On 1 July the Anglo-Australian Observatory became the Australian Astronomical Observatory, a division of the Commonwealth Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. But although now under the sole stewardship of Australia, the AAO continues to welcome astronomers from all around the globe for partnerships in discovery.
Dr Zenobia Jacobs Centre for Archaeological Science University of Wollongong Doctor Zenobia Jacobs is an
a reliable timeline for modern
on the important turning points
archaeologist and Australian
human evolution in South Africa,
in human evolution and what
Research Council (ARC) Queen
but her current interests also
factors triggered the first wave of
Elizabeth II Research Fellow in
include archaeological questions
human migrations out of Africa
the Centre for Archaeological
in other parts of Africa and the
to populate the rest of the world,
Science and School of Earth
world, as well as geological topics
including Australia.
and Environmental Sciences.
such as sea-level change for one of
Her technical speciality is
her ARC-funded projects.
In 2009, Dr Jacobs was the recipient of a L’Oréal Australia
geochronology, with a focus on the
Dr Jacobs is generating
For Women in Science Fellowship
development of optically stimulated
high-resolution chronologies
and was awarded the Sir Nicholas
luminescence dating methods
for when and where Homo
Shackleton Medal for outstanding
for individual sand-sized grains
sapiens first showed signs of
young Quaternary scientists
of quartz and their application
symbolic behaviour, and whether
by the International Union for
to archaeological questions of
Neanderthals developed similar
Quaternary Research (INQUA).
global significance. Her work has
behaviours independently. Such
concentrated on providing
information will help shed light
Professor Gordon Wallace Intelligent Polymer Research Institute University of Wollongong Professor Gordon Wallace’s
an Australian Research Council
Foundation Ireland in 2003;
research interests include organic
(ARC) Federation Fellow, is
named NSW Scientist of the Year
conductors, nanomaterials and
currently Research Director of the
(Chemistry) in 2008; appointed
electrochemical probe methods
ARC’s Centre of Excellence for
as a professor in the World
of analysis and their application
Electromaterials Sciences (ACES).
Class University by the South
in the development of intelligent
Gordon received the Inaugural
Korean Government in 2009; and
polymer systems. A current
Polymer Science and Technology
received the SPIE Smart Materials
focus is the development of
Award from the Royal Australian
Research Lifetime Achievement
biocommunications from the
Chemical Institute (RACI) in
Award (USA) in 2009.
molecular to skeletal domains
1992; the RACI Stokes Medal
in order to improve human
for Research in Electrochemistry
of the Australian Academy of
performance via medical
in 2004; and the HG Smith
Science, the Australian Academy
bionics. He is recognised as a
Memorial award from the RACI
of Technological Sciences and
pioneer in the emerging field of
in 2008. He was awarded an ETS
Engineering, the Institute of
nanobionics. Gordon Wallace,
Walton Fellowship by the Science
Physics (UK) and the RACI.
Gordon is an elected Fellow
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Australian Scientist
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Dr Ivan Greguric Head of Research and Innovation ANSTO Life Sciences Dr Ivan Greguric graduated with a BSc (Hons) in
doubled in size to over 20 members, and significant
Chemistry prior to being awarded a PhD in synthetic
investment was made in radiochemistry equipment,
chemistry at University of Western Sydney. After
alongside the development of 18F radiolabeling
completing his doctorate, Dr Greguric was employed
and automation.
by Schering-Plough Animal Health in animal health
During his decade at ANSTO, Dr Greguic’s role
care research, where he formulated and developed
has evolved into that of a facilitator and builder
animal pesticide products. His duties included
of core radiopharmaceutical competencies in
HPLC methods development and validation, drug
infrastructure, radiolabelling mythologies/techniques
feasibility trials, pharmacokinetics, drug safety trials,
and staff training.
protocol report preparation and scale-up of lead/ final formulations for plant manufacture. After working at Schering-Plough, Dr Greguric participated in radioisotope research as an executive post-doctoral fellow in the ARI research group
He has been involved with collaborations specifically linked to French organisations, most Australian universities and key nuclear medicine and PET centres. Dr Greguric’s research activities include
at ANSTO (now known as ANSTO Life Sciences),
participating in the PBR project led by Andrew
under the guidance of Bill Burch, on the Recovery
Katsifis with a CRC in biomedical imaging
of 201Tl at the National Medical Cyclotron
development. He is the primary inventor of a
during 2000.
melanoma imaging agent [18F]MEL050 (CRCBID),
Dr Greguic then joined the ANSTO radio pharmaceutical group led by Andrew Katsifis, working primarily as a synthetic chemist in the drug
the first human study of which was conducted at Peter Mac Cancer Centre in June 2010. He has also assisted with the development of an
targeted synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals for use
amino acid radiotracer, [18F]-FPM (CRCBID),
in imaging and therapeutic applications in cancer
which is headed for its first human clinical study,
and neuroscience.
in late 2010.
He subsequently developed skills in radiolabelling
At present his research time is focused in the
I123, I125 and Tc99m with proteins, peptides
development of Iodobenzamides compounds for
and small molecules and made the transition from
melanoma therapy (CRCBID), development of
synthetic chemist to competent radiochemist.
caspase-3 (apoptosis) radioligands and the broad
Over the next five years, Dr Greguic focused on
development of metallo chelation ligands for Ga68,
the development of the ANSTO radiochemistry
Lu177 and Zr89 complexation in partnership with
team’s capability. During this period, the group
Peter Barnard at the La Trobe University.
Australian Scientist
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Professor David Tissue Centre for Plants and the Environment University of Western Sydney Professor Tissue is an international
around the world. He operates
Professor Tissue’s goal is to
expert on the effects of climate
a precipitation manipulation
determine the mechanisms
change on ecosystems. His current
experiment in the desert at
that regulate and integrate the
research on plant response to
Big Bend National Park in Texas
developmental and physiological
changes in global climate primarily
and is a close collaborator with
processes that influence leaf
considers the interactive effect
the USDA, working on water
level carbon balance and plant
of elevated CO2 and associated
stress response in crops including
growth from the cell to the
environmental factors (e.g.
ecosystem level. This information
temperature, nutrients and water)
In addition, Professor Tissue
will be used to determine the
on leaf level physiology and its
was a founding member of
impact of climate factors on
implications for plant growth.
PrecipNet, an international
carbon and water flux and,
He has worked at Free Air
consortium of scientists studying
ultimately, on growth in natural
CO2 Exchange (FACE) sites in
the impact of variable rainfall on
and agricultural ecosystems.
forest and desert environments
native and agricultural ecosystems.
Associate Professor Ian Anderson School of Natural Sciences University of Western Sydney Associate Professor Ian Anderson’s
sequestration. It is funded by
research will utilise a PALM laser
work centres on the molecular
a Life Sciences Research Award
microdissection microscope facility
ecology of soil micro-organisms.
from the NSW Office for Science
established within the Centre
He has particular interest in soil
and Medical Research.
for microbial and plant sciences
fungi, including those that form
In collaboration with Professor
research. Associate Professor
mycorrhizal associations with
Cairney, he is also developing
Anderson was named ProSPER.
the roots of plants.
innovative approaches, based
Net-Scopus 2009 Asia Pacific
His current research is focused
on fluorescent in situ hybridisation
Young Scientist of the Year in the
on determining the effect of
and laser microdissection
area of agriculture and natural
climate change on the structure
microscopy, to determine,
resources and received the NSW
and activity of eucalypt forest
at the cellular level, the nature
Young Tall Poppy Science Award
soil microbial communities,
of the interaction between
in 2008 for his excellence in
and the potential role of soil
basidiomycete fungi and roots
research achievements and passion
microbes in increasing soil carbon
of Australian Ericaceae. This
for communicating science.
Australian Scientist
Climate Change and Energy Research at the University of Western Sydney
UWS has established one of Australia’s largest and most comprehensive research facilities, following the awarding of a $40 million grant in 2009. This project is an initiative of the Australian Government, being conducted as part of the Nation-Building Economic Stimulus Package. It supports Australia’s response to climate change – assisting the nation to adapt to a carbon-constrained economy and driving innovation in developing energy alternatives. The new national Climate Change and Energy Research Facility (CCERF) at UWS will act as a beacon for the best and brightest climate change and energy researchers from around Australia and the world. The integrity of excellent teaching and research, the initiative to explore new horizons and the responsibility to create an environment where innovation thrives are key drivers in advancing the University’s mission. If you have any enquiries about the Climate Change and Energy Research Facility – perhaps41you are interested in joining or collaborating with UWS – please email for further information. 04/08/2010 CHS2061
Cross-disciplinary collaboration will be crucial to achieve technological advances, particularly in the health and allied fields.
3 A world of research The world is changing rapidly, as is the way we conduct research and development. Australian Science demands more collaboration, especially international collaboration. Recently, Australia’s Commonwealth
To ensure successful outcomes and
Science and Industrial Research Organisation
achieve impact in these endeavours, we will
(CSIRO) undertook a global foresight activity.
need much stronger collaboration between
The report from this project, Our Future
research groups. Particular emphasis will
World: An Analysis of Global Trends, Shocks
be on both cross-disciplinary collaboration
and Scenarios, identified a number of global
and international collaboration. Cross-
research trends that could be amalgamated into
disciplinary collaboration will be crucial to
five “megatrends”. One of these trends was
achieve technological advances, particularly
summarised as “More from Less” and relates
in the health and allied fields. A good
to a trend of increasing demand for a depleting
Australian example of the impact that cross-
natural resource base due to population and
disciplinary collaboration can yield is Bionic
economic growth. It will become paramount
Vision Australia, which is a partnership of
that these natural resources (such as energy,
Australia’s leading researchers whose aim
minerals, water and land for food production)
is to develop a bionic eye. This requires a
be used in the most efficient manner. Their
team of experts from a number of different
utilisation will be increasingly constrained by
disciplines and brings together the leading
the impact of a changing climate. Thus, the link
experts in such fields as vision science,
between energy, water, food and climate will be
materials biocompatibility, wireless integrated
a dominant strategic research theme.
circuits, ophthalmology and bio-engineering.
Relative Citation Impact
European Union
USA 30
Asia Pacific
20 1.00 0.50
Collaborations with USA (not involving Europe)
00 1990
Collaborations with Europe (not involving USA) Source: Thompson Scientific National Science Indicators
Collaborations involving both Europe and USA Australian Publications with not International Collaborations
Figure 1. Relative citation impact — science citation index publications 1991–2005
Figure 2. Contribution of the USA, European Union and Asia
Source: FEAST 2009, “A Bibliometric Analysis of Australia’s International Research
Pacific regions to World Science output, 1990–2004.
Collaboration in Science and Technology: Analytical Methods and Initial Finding”, Discussion Paper 1/09.
Another example of the need to foster cross-
which will be the largest and most sensitive
disciplinary research is the CSIRO National
radio telescope ever built. The SKA project
Flagship program. National Research
currently involves more than 30 institutes in
Flagships are large-scale multidisciplinary
15 countries, with Australia shortlisted as one
research partnerships that harness world-
of the final two countries in contention to host
class expertise to tackle national priorities.
the SKA.
Indeed, in a recent review of the Flagships, it
Scientific research and technological
was concluded that “Flagships offer the most
development are, by their very nature,
promising mechanisms yet to drive large-scale
international activities. New research often
activity addressing Australia’s national research
builds on the results of work undertaken
priorities in a collaborative, cooperative and
previously in another country. Australia
intensively managed manner”.
accounts for about two per cent of the World’s
International collaboration is increasingly
research effort. So, international research
important in addressing global challenges and
collaboration is important in order to tap into
for making the most efficient use of physical
the other 98 per cent.
infrastructure and knowledge capital. Some
The relative citation impact of Australian
good examples of large-scale international
research undertaken in collaboration with
collaboration are the CERN Large Hadron
partners in other countries is significantly
Collider (LHC), where more than half of the
higher than research where such collaboration
world’s particle physicists, representing
is not involved (see Figure 1).
85 nationalities and more than
More remarkably, the impact is almost
500 universities, do research; and the
tripled when there are both European and
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope,
USA collaborators. This provides yet another
Ideas, notes “Australia has everything
Asia Pacific
European Union
to gain from improving connections within the national innovation system and expanding its participation in international research
30 USA
and innovation networks”. The performance of our neighbours in the Asia Pacific region is changing dramatically.
It is therefore important for Australia to 2004
Source: Thompson Scientific National Science Indicators
collaborate with them. Both India and China are emerging as economic powerhouses and much of this future growth will be fuelled by
Figure 3. Contribution of the USA, European Union and Asia Pacific
an emphasis on science and technology.
regions to World Material Science output, 1990–2004.
Indeed, it can be seen in overall science metrics that, whilst the USA and Europe have experienced a decline or plateau in global
example of the importance of international
science output, the Asia Pacific region continues
research cooperation.
to grow (Figure 2). This is further exemplified
International research collaboration enables
in the material science domain where the Asia
Australian researchers and their students to
Pacific region is now the dominant global engine
acquire new knowledge that may be applied
of research and development (Figure 3).
in Australia. It also enables the application
China is emerging as a world leader in science
of Australian knowledge to the needs of other
and technology. The challenge for Australia
countries. This can create opportunities for
will be to overcome the challenge of different
the export of products and services.
cultures and languages to produce good
Research equipment and techniques are constantly evolving. International research
collaborative outcomes. In conclusion, in an increasingly
collaboration helps Australian researchers to
interconnected global economy, collaboration
keep up to date by accessing new techniques
between countries and across disciplines will
and equipment in other countries. Experience
be crucial to achieving successful outcomes in
with new equipment in overseas laboratories
our research endeavours, particularly in major
helps our researchers to determine what
strategic issues such as the nexus between
is needed here. For example, Australia’s
energy, water, food and climate. Jason Mitchell,
investment in a leading-edge synchrotron was
a neuroscientist from Harvard articulated it
informed by a sizeable group of Australian
succinctly when he said:
researchers that had gained experience with
“The most dramatic innovation introduced
synchrotrons in Japan, the USA, the UK
with the roll-out of our species is not the
and France. The Australian government’s
prowess of individual minds but the ability to
national innovation agenda, Powering
harness that prowess across many individuals.”
Dr Tracy Ainsworth ARC Postdoctoral Fellow ARC Centre for Coral Reef Studies James Cook University Dr Tracy Ainsworth was awarded
an International Sciences Linkages
temperatures increase the
an ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship
Award, 2010). Dr Ainsworth has
susceptibility of corals to disease.
in 2008 to join the ARC Centre
pioneered the imaging of coral
Dr Ainsworth’s studies in this area
for Coral Reef Studies and pursue
host-microbe interactions in situ
have documented the role played
her studies into coral biology and
with particular emphasis on how
by apoptosis in bleaching. She has
the influences of climate change.
climate change influences the
also demonstrated that different
This formed the basis of her PhD,
function of the symbiosis. She has
mechanisms, pathology and cellular
completed at the University of
localised the microbial communities
processes accompany very similar
Queensland in 2008. Since then
of corals within specific habitats
coral diseases. Given the reliance
she has received several awards,
and was the first to couple these
of hermatypic corals on microbial
including three from the Australian
with host cellular responses in situ.
symbiosis, she is now asking
Academy of Science (Early Career Research Award 2008, 2010 and
In addition to promoting coral bleaching, elevated ocean
if microbial symbioses are also important for deep ocean reefs.
Professor Bob Pressey ARC Centre for Coral Reef Studies James Cook University Professor Bob Pressey leads
systematic conservation planning
spatial data sets on biodiversity,
the Conservation Planning for
into actual conservation decisions
geographic information systems,
a Sustainable Future research
on the ground. This was facilitated
spatial modelling of species and
program in the ARC Centre for
by his unique combination of
human activities, and the socio-
Coral Reef Studies at James
scientific leadership and agency
economic issues involved in
Cook University. He has been a
experience during almost 20 years
implementing conservation action.
fellow of the Australian Academy
with the New South Wales National
Professor Pressey has a deep
of Science since 2009, and was
Parks and Wildlife Service. He has
understanding of the needs of users
awarded the inaugural Australia
made internationally acclaimed
and managers of natural resources.
Ecology Research Award by the
scientific advances that have
He, along with his growing research
Ecological Society of Australia in
reshaped his research field, resulting
group, is now applying this to the
2008. Professor Pressey has led a
in requests to contribute to policy at
marine environment with particular
worldwide shift towards translating
state and national levels. Pressey’s
emphasis on the Great Barrier Reef
the concepts and techniques of
research encompasses aspects of
and the Coral Triangle.
ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies Global leadership in the provision of scientific knowledge necessary for sustaining the ecosystems and economic value of the world’s coral reefs.
Research Excellence • R anked #1 globally for the number and quality of scientific publications in coral reef science • W orld’s largest provider of graduate training in coral reef science • O ver 50 research fellows supported by national competitive grant schemes • G uiding policy development, management and sustainable use of coral reefs globally
National and International Linkages • T he ARC Centre, through its networks and activities nationally and internationally, represents a global hub for coral reef science collaborations. • Linked to 345 institutions in 52 countries • H ost of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns 9th-13th July 2012
© Giles Winstanley/
CRICOS Provider Code: 00117
Professor Ralph Martins Foundation Chair of Aging and Alzheimer’s Head of the Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Care Professor Martins is Edith Cowan
Alzheimer’s disease. He currently
PhD students such as molecular
University’s Foundation Chair of
leads a large multidisciplinary
biologists, psychologists and
Ageing and Alzheimer’s, and Head
team of over 40 researchers that
exercise physiologists. Professor
of the Centre of Excellence for
undertakes research into diagnosis
Martins is also Director of
Alzheimer’s Disease Research and
and biomarker discovery, basic
Research for the McCusker
Care. One of the world’s leading
science into understanding disease
Foundation, a not-for-profit
researchers into Alzheimer’s
mechanisms and the development
organisation established to
disease, his motivation for starting
of prevention and treatment
enhance medical research into
research into Alzheimer’s disease
strategies. This dedication to
Alzheimer’s disease in Western
was a result of his father-in-law
world-leading research resulted in
Australia. Edith Cowan University
being diagnosed with the disease.
him being named WA Australian of
Vice-Chancellor Professor Kerry
the Year for 2010.
Cox said that research undertaken
In the mid-1980s, Professor Martins was a member of a Perth
Professor Martins finds his
at Australian universities can
research team that discovered
association with Edith Cowan
have a real and tangible impact on
the beta amyloid protein, which
University provides a wide range
the lives and wellbeing of people
accumulates in the brain of
of specialist skills via academic
around the world.
sufferers and is the foundation of
collaborators, as well as through
Associate Professor Daniel Galvão Director of the Vario Health Institute Edith Cowan University local industry partners with
function-reducing treatment side
recognised strengths in areas
effects and improve quality of life
related to exercise science, health
in prostate cancer survivors.
Associate Professor Daniel
promotion, human biology, nursing
Galvão is the Director of the
and palliative care, nutrition,
Professor Galvão has been the
Vario Health Institute, which
occupational therapy, psychology
Australian researcher contributing
facilitates collaboration between
and public health to promote a
to the writing committee for the
researchers, educators, industry
holistic approach to understanding
influential American College
and government to optimise
health and lifestyle issues.
of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
health and improve quality of
Associate Professor Galvão
Internationally, Associate
Consensus Statement on Exercise
life for people of all ages, within
was recognised in the 2009
Guidelines for Cancer Survivors,
differing social, cultural, political
New Independent Researcher
which is now the guideline for
and environmental contexts. Vario
Infrastructure Support (NIRIS)
all exercise assessment, and the
brings together a significant group
Awards. His research has facilitated
prescribed model for cancer
of research centres, internationally
the use of exercise as an important
management in North America
recognised investigators and
strategy to mitigate physical
and much of the world.
Australian Scientist
ReseaRch and innovation at ecU Making a diffeRence At Edith Cowan University (ECU), our focus has only ever been on research that makes a difference. That’s why we continue to develop world-class research and innovation which not only engages with communities, but which creates strong social, economic, environmental and cultural impacts too. Right now, we welcome collaborative research partnerships in the following areas: • Aboriginal Health, Education and Community • Business and Society • Education • Engineering and ICT • Environment and Sustainability • Health and Wellness • Security, Law and Justice • Society and Community • Communications, Humanities, Media and Creative Arts Start the journey and reach your potential. Call 134 ECU (134 328), email or visit our website.
303 ECU5219 CRICOS IPC 00279B
Dr Kathryn Burdon Post Doctoral Fellow Department of Ophthalmology School of Medicine Flinders University Dr Burdon followed her Bachelor
returning to Australia to take
do so. The work currently covers
of Science degree, majoring in
up a position in the Department
a variety of diseases, including
biochemistry and microbiology,
of Ophthalmology at Flinders
glaucoma, keretoconus and
with a PhD at the Menzies Centre
University in 2005. Her research
diabetic eye disease, as well as
for Population Health Research
is currently supported by two large
work on cataracts in children.
(now the Menzies Institute) at
grants from the NH&MRC.
In 2009, Dr Burdon received
the University of Tasmania, in
Dr Burdon’s research aims to
a Young Tall Poppy Science Award.
the newly formed Department
determine the genetic risk factors
The award recognises the achieve-
of Genetic Epidemiology. She
for common blinding diseases.
ments of South Australian scientists
then spent two years working on
More specifically, it is attempting
under 35. They are selected
the genetics of heart disease in
to identify which genes can cause
on the basis of their research
diabetes at a large medical school
which blinding diseases and
revelations and their passion for
in North Carolina, USA, before
ultimately to understand how they
communicating their work.
Dr Amanda Ellis Senior Lecturer in Chemistry/ Nanotechnology School of Chemical & Physical Sciences Flinders University After completing her PhD at the
her carbon nanotube modification
University of Technology Sydney
work was on conductive films and
seven years ago, Dr Ellis took up
solar cells. Awarded a New Zealand
study of science at the nanoscale
two postdoctoral positions in the
Foundation of Research Science
(less than one billionth of a metre).
United States. The first was at
and Technology fellowship at
Her work primarily involves
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Industrial Research Ltd, New
the modification of surfaces
(RPI), where her nanotechnology
Zealand, she worked on
for applications in desalination,
work pertained to carbon nanotube
microfluidics (in particular
forensic science and biosensing.
functionalisation and surface
switchable surfaces) and carbon
She has projects focusing on
modification for microelectronic
nanotubes. An academic at Flinders
fingerprinting using quantum
device applications for IBM. The
University since 2006, Dr Ellis has
dots, carbon nanotubes for water
second position was at New Mexico
54 peer-reviewed publications, five
filtration and DNA profiling in
State University, where the focus of
full patents and has attracted over
forensic terrorist and crime scenes.
$4 million in research funding. Dr Ellis’ research involves the
Australian Scientist
g n i t s Inve n
s a e id i
Robust research is vital to understanding our world. It will help unlock the answers to the medical, environmental, economic and social challenges we will face in the future. At Flinders University we are making a major investment in the next generation of young researchers, giving them the knowledge and skills to rise to those challenges Supporting young researchers
Harnessing new talent
Flinders has programs specifically designed to nurture and mentor young researchers, encouraging their growth and development, and turning ideas into outcomes.
More broadly, Flinders University continues to build on its excellent reputation for research with an accelerated employment program for emerging leaders in academia, supporting staff to become more research-active, expanding industry and academic relationships, and strengthening international research collaborations.
The University recently recognised the outstanding results, and future potential, of nine young men and women with the Vice-Chancellor’s inaugural Awards for Early Career Researchers in which cash rewards accompanied the accolades. They included medical scientist Dr Kathryn Burdon (pictured) who is researching the genetic causes of diabetes-related eye disease.
Family Friendly Fellowships It is a feature of active research and engagement with one’s peers that young researchers travel to attend conferences and add to the pool of ideas, from which solutions can emerge.
A vibrant, supportive and sustaining culture is fundamental to successful research. With innovative programs that bring out the best in its young men and women, Flinders University is making the investment in ideas that will deliver dividends for society at large.
Flinders University has introduced a bold new concept of Family Friendly Fellowships. These Fellowships allow staff who are carers to travel and alleviate the stress of conference participation on families by facilitating travel for partners and children or providing support for family members who remain at home while a carer is away. The Fellowships will also facilitate re-entry to the workforce after parental leave.
inspiring achievement CRICOS Provider Number: 00114A
All participants operate in an environment shaped by the culture and broader political economy.
4 Australia’s scientific research system “The national innovation system is an open network of organisations interacting with each other in an environment that stimulates and regulates their activities and interactions.” The Australian Innovation System Report 2010.
Australia has a long history of successful
the workings of the engine room of Australian
innovation, from the boomerang to wireless
innovation and plot its development and
local area networking, from the stump-jump
performance, primary components of the system
plough to the black box flight recorder. The
are businesses, universities, publicly funded
spark that ignites innovation is ultimately
research organisations and governments.
provided by people, but their new ideas can
On the second tier are education, finance,
only be developed into products and services
infrastructure and other organisations that
for social or commercial benefit if they are
facilitate networks and provide financial and
supported by a national innovation system.
human capital.
According to the Innovation System Report, the first of an annual series designed to reveal
“All participants operate in an environment shaped by the culture and broader political
“We are near the top of OECD when it comes to government funding of research. What we don’t have is generous funding from the philanthropic sector and the private sector.”
economy, which influences the scale, direction
39.1 per cent of Australian companies reported
and relative success of all innovative activities,”
undertaking innovation, a rise of 6.4 percentage
the report says.
points compared to the previous year.
While innovation provides the spark, the fuel that drives this engine is money. Expenditure by Australian businesses on
This trend is buoyed by the Commonwealth, which allocates around a quarter of its innovation spending to encourage business investment,
research and development (BERD) generally
including R&D tax incentives. The remainder is
accounts for around 60 per cent of Australia’s
shared across universities, research agencies and
gross expenditure on research and development
programs that support international collaboration,
(GERD), followed by the Commonwealth
and largely distributed via the Australian Research
which contributes around 30 per cent,
Council and the National Health & Medical
with the remainder coming from state and
Research Council. In 2009–10 the Commonwealth
territory governments, overseas sources and
budgeted $8.6 billion for science and innovation,
philanthropic support.
a 25 per cent increase compared to 2008–09.
For a number of reasons, particularly the fact
“Successive governments of all political
that Australia is a relatively young economy,
persuasions have actually funded research
private investment in innovation accounts for
generously in Australia,” says Professor Bob
a lower proportion of the national total than in
Williamson, Science Policy Secretary for the
most comparable developed economies.
Australian Academy of Science.
The latest available data cited by the
“We are near the top of the OECD when it
Innovation System Report shows that Australia’s
comes to government funding of research.
BERD to GDP ratio of 1.27 per cent in 2007–
What we don’t have is generous funding from
08 was just 80 per cent of the OECD average
the philanthropic sector and the private sector.
of 1.58 per cent, but a marked improvement on
This is partly a reflection of the fact that
the 1998–99 result of 46 per cent. In 2007–08,
industry in Australia has never been heavily involved in research.”
The Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) model, introduced in 1990 to address the
- Defence - General advancement of knowledge: - R&D financed from other sources than GUF - General advancement of knowledge: - R&D financed from General University Funds (GUF) - Agriculture - Health
shortfall in private R&D by supporting research partnerships between publicly funded researchers and end-user companies, is a unique aspect of Australia’s innovation system. Over three decades, 185 research ventures have
- Industrial Production and technology
been supported by the CRC program, receiving
- Energy + Environment
more than $3.3 billion from the Commonwealth
- Transport, telecommunication and other infrastructures - Exploration and exploitation of space - Exploration and exploitation of the earth
and $10.8 billion in cash or kind from other participants. While this indicates that the CRC program has encouraged a resilient cultural
change in the attitude of businesses to investing in innovation, there is much further to go before
Contribution to absolute increase in GERD by source of funds, 1984-85 to 2006-07
Australia’s innovation system matches optimal 4%
3% State Government
Other Australian
Australian Government
international paradigms. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has found that 84 per cent of businesses that undertook innovation in 2006–07 did so with no collaborative arrangements. Maturity and size were key indicators, with 60 per cent of large, innovation-active mining firms engaged in collaboration, compared to only 13 per cent of innovation-active manufacturing SMEs. This profile led the World Competitiveness Report 2009–10 to classify Australia as competitively disadvantaged on measures of networking and linkages.
66% Business
Percentage of the total GERD increase over 22 years Source: ABS (2008), Research and Experimental Development, All Sector Summary, Australia, 2007-07, cat. no. 8112.0; special ABS data request and DSSIR caculation
“It is troubling that collaboration and networking are consistent weaknesses in the Australian innovation system, particularly in comparison with the world’s most innovative countries,” the Innovation System Report says. “Australia lags significantly behind leading OECD countries in collaboration for innovation,
“It is troubling that collaboration and networking are consistent weaknesses in the Australian innovation system, particularly in comparison with the world’s most innovative countries.”
particularly between large firms and higher education institutions.” Our innovation system is also characterised
Over the same period the share allocated to industrial and energy research rose from around 21 per cent to 35 per cent, signalling a stronger
by low levels of international engagement.
commitment to applied research and the need
Research funding from overseas accounted
to respond to climate change, while health
for around 2.4 per cent of GERD in 2006,
and environment research also showed modest
the latest available figure, ranking 25 out of
gains. The biggest winner in 2009–10 was
29 OECD countries. We earned the same low
research into low-carbon and renewable energy,
ranking for patented products or processes
which received slightly more than $1 billion,
invented in Australia in collaboration with at
a 290 per cent rise from the previous year’s
least one foreign inventor, while only one per
allocation of $270 million.
cent of Australian businesses collaborated with
These outcomes reflect the hard decisions
overseas partners in innovation, placing us
required when even the historically
second last in the OECD.
unprecedented 25 per cent increase in overall
While the private sector is playing a more important role in our innovation system, the last decade has seen a fall in emphasis
Commonwealth funding in 2009–10 could not meet the demands of all sectors. “In the 21st century no country can be
on basic research, shown by the proportion
good at everything, even the US focuses on its
of public funding allocated to “general
strengths,” Bob Williamson says.
advancement of knowledge”. In 2009-10
“But it should not be a backward-looking
this accounted for around 30 per cent of the
focus on strengths. We shouldn’t be looking at
Commonwealth’s research funding, down
what we were good at five or 10 years ago; we
from almost 50 per cent ten years earlier.
have to look at what is going to be important.”
Dr Ilya Budovsky Section Manager, Electricity National Measurement Institute Dr Ilya Budovsky heads the
and microamps. His work in
sinusoidal and distorted waveforms
electricity section at Australia’s
applying thermal converters to
to quantum-based standards, thus
National Measurement Institute.
the measurement of wideband
ensuring quality for providers and
He received his PhD in electrical
electrical power resulted in the
consumers of electrical energy.
engineering in 1995 from the
world’s first electrical power
Dr Budovsky has coordinated
Mendeleyev Institute of Metrology,
standard for frequencies up
key international comparisons of
St Petersburg, Russia. Ilya com-
to 200kHz.
AC-DC transfer standards and
menced in 1991 as a research
Presently, Dr Budovsky’s
assessed metrology laboratories
scientist, assumed responsibility
team, together with Japanese,
in Australia and overseas. He is a
for the low frequency standards
German, French and American
senior member of IEEE, represents
team in 1997, and was appointed
scientists, is developing quantum
Australia on the Consultative
to his current role in 2008.
AC standards which generate
Committee for Electricity and
Dr Budovsky’s research has
voltages with precise values in
Magnetism and chairs the Asia
improved the accuracy of thermal
terms of fundamental constants
Pacific Metrology Program’s
converters and extended their
of nature. The new standards will
Technical Committee on Electricity
usage from volts to millivolts
allow direct traceability of both
and Magnetism.
Dr Catrin Goebel Director, Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory National Measurement Institute Dr Catrin Goebel has a degree
hormones and haemoglobin-
As ASDTL’s Research Manager,
in industrial chemistry and has
based blood substitutes. She has
she works closely with the other
been working in the National
a particular interest in improving
34 World Anti-Doping Agency-
Measurement Institute’s Australian
detection and quantification of
accredited laboratories to develop
Sports Drug Testing Laboratory
peptide hormones such as insulin
world’s best practice anti-doping
(ASDTL) in Sydney since
using mass spectrometry. Her work
methodologies. She regularly
2000. During that time, she also
has enabled the implementation
presents her work at international
completed her PhD in medicine
of improved methods with which
conferences. Most recently, at
and, since 2009, has been ASDTL’s
to detect these agents. Analysis of
the annual Cologne Doping
Research Manager.
multiple residues of several different
Conference, she presented her
Dr Goebel’s expertise lies in
classes of banned substances
work on the detection of luteinising
using LC— mass spectrometry
in sports is difficult at best. Dr
hormone (LH) in urine as a marker
for the analysis of performance-
Goebel’s work lays the foundation
for anabolic steroid doping and
enhancing agents such as diuretics,
for screening methods that detect
the identification of doping with
corticosteroids, narcotics, peptide
multiple substances simultaneously.
recombinant LH.
Australian Scientist
Professor Peter Drummond Professor of Theoretical Physics, ARC Centre for Quantum-Atom Optics, Swinburne Centre for Atom Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy Professor Peter Drummond is
Professor Drummond’s joint
where temperatures are reduced
from Swinburne University of
research with theoretical colleagues
to less than a millionth of a degree
Technology’s Centre for Atom
at Swinburne in relation to ultra-
above absolute zero.
Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy.
cold atoms and quantum optics
He has been a fellow of the
has led to the development of new
Drummond’s work is evidenced
Australian Academy of Sciences
theoretical calculations in both
by exceptional citation rates, even
since 2003. He was awarded
fields. This theoretical work has
within the relevant field of research,
the 2005 Harrie Massey Medal
been characterised by testable
indicating a high degree of
and 2008 Walter Boas Medal
predictions and consequently this
visibility for the theoretical work.
from the Australian Institute
has been adopted by a range of
of Physics.The latter medal is
experimental groups. This has led
physics — both fermions and
awarded for original research
to recent high-profile experiments
bosons — Professor Drummond
that makes the most important
in ultra-cold atomic physics at
also works on quantum inform-
contribution to physics carried
Swinburne, which has one of the
ation, foundations of quantum
out in the five years prior to the
world’s leading laboratories in this
measurement, genetics and
date of the award.
exciting new field of physics —
computational physics.
The importance of Professor
As well as ultra-cold atomic
Professor Alex Babanin Swinburne Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Faculty of Engineering & Industrial Sciences Professor Alexander Babanin
Australian Defence Force Academy
and dissipation; surface and bottom
is from Swinburne University
in Canberra from 1997 to 2000;
boundary layers; extreme waves;
of Technology’s Centre for
and in the University of Adelaide
ocean mixing; wave climate. Results
Sustainable Infrastructure. He has
from 2000 to 2004. He has
of his research have revealed
a degree in physics and a master
worked at Swinburne University of
new physical mechanisms in the
in physical oceanography from the
Technology since 2004.
processes of small-scale air-sea
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State
Alex’s areas of expertise and
interaction, wave breaking and
University in Moscow, Russia.
research involve wind-generated
spectral dissipation of wave
He worked as a research scientist
waves, air-sea interactions and
energy, and upper-ocean mixing.
in the Marine Hydrophysical
ocean turbulence (including
His work is particularly relevant to
Institute in Sebastopol in Russia
spectral modelling of the wind-
the modelling of extreme weather
from 1983 to 1996, where he
generated waves); dynamics of
conditions and ocean circulation,
also completed his PhD; in the
surface ocean waves; wave breaking
including climate change.
Australian Scientist
Some call us small. We call it fat-free. It’s research focus, coupled with research agility. As such, our ability to turn ideas into commercial partnership opportunities is exceptional. Just ask Boeing, Ford and Cisco Systems. And despite our size, citations of Swinburne’s research have grown 250 per cent since 1999, a rate of growth that outstrips all the Go8 universities.* Combine this with a major investment of $250 million over four years, and our quest for research excellence is unparalleled.
ReseaRch at swinbuRne
1300 275 788 * ISI Thomson 2009
CRICOS Provider: 00111D
Laureate Professor John Ralston Director, Ian Wark Research Institute University of South Australia
Professor John Ralston is a physical chemist,
have formal links (strong collaborative research and
specialising in colloid and surface chemistry, with
technology transfer to industry) with more than 30
complementary training in metallurgical engineering
highly-reputed research institutions in Europe, North
and technology. He has established a very strong
and South America, Asia and southern Africa and
international reputation in research, particularly in
informal links with many others.
the physical chemistry of mineral flotation, static and dynamic wetting and the stability of colloidal systems. Professor Ralston is the creator and foundation
Professor Ralston is and has been a member of numerous national and international associations and committees, including the College of Reviewers,
director of the Ian Wark Research Institute (The
Canada Research Chairs Program; the International
Wark™), which incorporates the ARC Special
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC),
Research Centre for Particle and Material Interfaces
Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Division
and the headquarters for the Australian Mineral
(2002-2004); the International Association of Colloid
Science Research Institute (AMSRI), at the
and Interface Science; and the Australian Research
University of South Australia.
Council’s Advisory Council.
The research outcomes of Professor Ralston
Professor Ralston’s work in both fundamental
and his team create enormous improvements
and applied science has been recognised by his
to productivity, profitability and environmental
peers in Australia by his election as a fellow
sustainability for industries in the mining,
of both the Academy of Technological Sciences
materials, specialty chemicals, pharmaceutical and
and Engineering (in 1993) and of the Australian
biotechnology sectors.
Academy of Science (in 2005).
Professor Ralston’s research outcomes have been
The significant contribution, and impact, of
documented and published in over 350 refereed
Professor Ralston’s research has also been recognised
journal articles and textbook chapters, plus numerous
through numerous awards. During 2007, he was
refereed conference papers and industry reports.
named South Australian Scientist of the Year and
In The Wark, Professor Ralston has assembled a
South Australian of the Year. This was followed by
team of researchers with backgrounds in chemistry,
the award of an Officer of the Order of Australia in
physics, engineering, mathematics and biotechnology.
2008 and the Australian Academy of Technological
They collaborate internally and with their colleagues
Sciences and Engineering Clunies Ross Lifetime
elsewhere in Australia and around the world.They
Achievement Award in 2009.
Making the world micro. Researchers at the Ian Wark Research Institute (The Wark™), led by Laureate Professor John Ralston AO FAA FTSE, are developing a range of real world applications for microfluidic chips, such as extraction of metals, chemical recovery and biomedical diagnostics. Faster reaction rates, greater process control and a smaller process footprint provide an excellent vehicle for ‘process intensification’ which also benefits from minimal contamination risks. The Wark™ hosts the South Australian node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility, a $12million state-of-the-art micro fabrication facility. The Wark™ team has successfully demonstrated proof-of-principle capabilities of the microfluidic chip approach and is now focussed on the wider implementation of the technology such as ‘tailoring’ the surfaces in the microchip channels. This research program, with a significant international component has attracted strong interest from key players in the mineral and chemical processing industries. It’s another example of The Wark’s world-class research in interfacial science and engineering and demonstrates why it remains an international leader in its field of research. For more information about The Wark™ visit
A microfluidic device prototype is being designed at The Wark™ to efficiently capture cancer cells from patient’s blood, which are present in ratios as low as 1 to 10 per billion blood cells.
In the minerals processing industry, ‘lab on a chip’ technology has been developed to enhance solvent extraction selectivity and increase transfer rates by factors of 100 to 1,000.
Australian Scientist
Professor Fritz Geiser Professor of Zoology Coordinator of the Research Centre for Behavioural and Physiological Ecology Professor Fritz Geiser has worked
international perception that
that marsupial pygmy-possums
in zoology at the University of New
many mammals and birds use it
can hibernate without feeding
England since 1988. He conducts
for energy conservation. He has
for up to one year.
research into the ecological
estimated that 43 per cent of all
physiology and biochemistry
Australian terrestrial mammals
contributed significantly to
of mammals and birds, especially
use torpor, and has shown that
knowledge about metabolic fuel
with regard to hibernation and
the rate of extinction in mammals
use during torpor, chronobiology
daily torpor. He has discovered
worldwide is strongly reduced
of hibernation, interrelations
torpor in many Australian species,
in those that employ torpor. He
between torpor and reproduction,
including tawny frogmouths
was the first to discover that
mechanisms of animals’ thermal
and kookaburras.
dietary fats can substantially
tolerance, and the evolution of
Professor Geiser’s work on
Professor Geiser has
modify hibernation patterns, that
endothermy and torpor. He has
the diversity of species that
torpid desert marsupials bask
published 170 scientific papers
employ torpor has substantially
during rewarming from torpor to
that are frequently cited, and his
contributed to the current
minimise energy expenditure, and
work is recognised worldwide.
Dr Pierre Moens Senior Lecturer School of Science and Technology University of New England Dr Pierre Moens gained his PhD
Irvine) and Professor Glenn
biophysical techniques in studying
degree from the Catholic University
King (Institute for Molecular
the interactions between proteins
of Louvain after investigating —
Bioscience, Queensland). Working
involved in cancer aggressiveness
in collaboration with Dr Terence
at the University of Bordeaux in
and the cell membrane with the aim
Partridge — the function of
France and then with Professor
of developing better, more cost-
dystrophin in a murine model of
David M. Jameson in Hawaii,
effective drugs against cancer. To
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Dr Moens gained experience in
achieve these goals, Dr Moens and
Then, in a postdoctoral position
molecular biology techniques and
his collaborators are combining
with Professor Cris dos Remedios
the application of fluorescence to
many different approaches —
at the University of Sydney, he
biological systems. Since arriving at
including biochemistry, structural
was introduced to fluorescence
the University of New England in
biology, cell biology and biophysics.
spectroscopy and biophysics
2003 he has established continuing
They are also taking advantage
and met several of his current
collaborations with world leaders
of cutting-edge developments
collaborators — Professor Enrico
in Europe, the United States and
in molecular imaging and
Gratton (University of California,
Australia, and has applied advanced
image analysis.
Australian Scientist
5 Strength in partnership In August 2010 the 30th anniversary of the China-Australia Agreement on S&T Cooperation was celebrated at the Shanghai World Expo with a program highlighting the scope of the relationship and key challenges facing science and society in all nations. An astronomy roundtable and workshops
so an energy-hungry world can avoid the worst
on climate change, biotechnology and
effects of climate change, which would hit
nanotechnology drew leading researchers from
Australia harder than most.
Australia and China, led on the Australian side
“We can’t do it on our own so we need the
by then chief scientist Penny Sackett and her
skills of our traditional European and north
two immediate predecessors, Professor Jim
American partners, but we also need to engage
Peacock and Professor Robin Batterham.
with the emerging world, particularly China,
This high-level presence underlined
which is leading the world in renewable energy
the importance for Australia of scientific
research, and India, which is putting money on
collaboration with China and other strategic
the table to do it,” Holmes says.
partners with whom Australia has formal science
One example of this engagement was
and technology agreements— the United States,
announced in July between CSIRO and the
the European Union, France, India and Indonesia.
China United Coalbed Methane Corporation.
Interwoven with these bilateral agreements
The jointly funded $10 million demonstration
is a rich fabric of collaboration defined by
project aims to capture up to 2000 tonnes of
research themes.
CO2 from a coal fired power station, sequester it
Professor Andrew Holmes, Foreign Secretary of the Australian Academy of Science, says none is more important than the challenge of developing carbon-neutral energy technologies
in coal seams unsuitable for mining, and harvest methane displaced by the CO2 for use as fuel. This is one of more than 3500 collaborative research agreements between Australian
Australian Pavillion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010.
research institutions and overseas counterparts,
“We have to have a commitment to small
which focus on research themes and specific
exchanges because they are the sprat to catch
projects under the umbrella of government-
the mackerel,” says Andrew Holmes.
level agreements. Despite this extensive network of international
“There is a kind of entry criterion: getting a small grant to show that you can collaborate,
research collaboration, there is still much to
then using that demonstration as a mechanism
do. Compared to other developed countries,
to help you gain entry to larger collaborations.”
Australia has a relatively low level of
Australia’s multicultural strengths will
international collaboration when measured
also enhance our ability to contribute to the
by R&D-funded overseas scientific publications
emerging emphasis on establishing science
co-authored with overseas researchers, patents
as a more powerful platform for diplomacy.
with foreign co-inventors, or firms involved
In January 2010 a Royal Society publication,
in international cooperation on innovation.
New Frontiers in Science Diplomacy, noted that
The prospects are good for improving our
a long tradition of operating across national
performance on these metrics, notably through
boundaries has left science well placed to support
the internationalisation of our knowledge
emerging forms of ‘soft diplomacy’, identifying
base. The proportion of our population
relations between Western and Islamic cultures
with tertiary qualifications earned overseas
as a key area for science to play a role.
is the second-highest in the OECD, and
In this context, the Australia-Indonesia Treaty
Australia has the sixth-highest proportion of
for Cooperation in Scientific Research and
international students enrolled in advanced
Technological Development, signed in 2005
research programs. This raises the potential for
with the world’s most populous Islamic nation,
Australia’s international scientific collaboration
could become Australia’s most important
to be enhanced via the establishment of links
international research partnership by the time
by individual researchers.
it, too, celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Collaboration the essence of Antarctic science John Gunn, Chief Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division
An Antarctic under-ice landscape of smoothly rolling plains, large mountain ranges, deep valleys and sub-glacial lakes was “seen” for the first time by an international team of scientists operating out of Australia’s Casey station in January 2009.
Australian Antarctic Division (AAD)
in Antarctica, with its difficulty of access, expensive
scientists worked with colleagues from the United
logistics, vast distances and inhospitable weather and
States, Scotland and France aboard a Basler
terrain. The Antarctic Treaty enshrines the notion of
aircraft-turned-airborne-sensor lab to examine the
international cooperation in order to explore, discover
East Antarctic ice sheet and the landscape hidden
and protect the greatest wilderness on the planet.
thousands of metres beneath it. On board the aircraft, high resolution ice-
Australia has played a leading role in Antarctic science since Sir Douglas Mawson’s expedition to
penetrating radar provided images of the underside
the magnetic South Pole almost 100 years ago.
of the ice sheet and layers within the ice; a gravity
Since that heroic era of exploration, the AAD, on
sensor and magnetometer measured the density and
behalf of the Antarctic science community, has
composition of the rock lying beneath the ice; a laser
developed and supported a comprehensive science
altimeter mapped the ice surface and digital cameras
program that has earned a reputation for excellence
captured images of the surface features.
in discovery, innovation and delivery on national
This groundbreaking work typifies the spirit of cooperation fundamental to Antarctic scientific
and international goals. Our scientists led many projects in the recently
research. Collaboration is important in any scientific
completed International Polar Year and are strong
endeavour, but nowhere is this more apparent than
contributors to setting research directions in
Australian Scientist
Photo above: This 60km section of radar signals over Aurora Basin shows the lower half of the East Antarctic ice sheet. The strong bedrock reflection is seen through about four kilometres of ice, and internal layers in the ice can be seen sweeping over an 800m change in bedrock height. Image by Roland Warner and Jason Roberts, Australian Antarctic Division © Commonwealth of Australia
Antarctic science’s peak organisation, the Scientific
examine the roles of Antarctica and the Southern
Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).
Ocean in global change; terrestrial and ocean
The Australian program draws from a broad range
ecosystem change; natural resource management and
of disciplines and institutions and is strengthened by
wildlife conservation; and approaches to minimising
collaboration with renowned international scientists.
the impacts of an increasing human footprint on the
In 2008/2009 the program supported 119 projects,
Antarctic continent. A ‘frontier science’ theme will
which were led by scientists from 31 institutions and
support less policy-focused science that is aligned
involved collaboration with a further 242 institutions
with national science priorities.
from 28 countries. Over the past five years, the
The program is open to researchers from around
program has also supported 141 higher degree
the world who wish to pursue studies in line with the
students, including 98 PhD students.
strategic plan. I would encourage those with relevant
A new Australian Antarctic Science strategic plan
expertise, a commitment to solving these global issues
( seeks to encourage, guide
and, perhaps most importantly, a sense of adventure,
and focus program research over the next
to examine the plan and make contact with the AAD.
10 years, with key thematic areas designed to provide input into government policy and environmental management priority areas. Thematic areas will 69
Professor Ian Snape Geochemist and Principal Research Scientist Australian Antarctic Division Professor Ian Snape’s research
He leads a multidisciplinary
mitigation in freezing ground.
concerns interdisciplinary
team comprising 15 researchers
This project is a significant
investigations that involve the
from the Australian Antarctic
collaboration between Arctic and
identification, transport, fate
Division, and universities in
Antarctic governments, industry
and impacts of contaminants
Australia, Canada and the US. His
and academia. He also co-leads an
in the Antarctic environment.
scientific research outputs include
ambitious international program
His research team has identified
80 peer reviewed journal articles, a
of research on spatial variability in
processes of biodegradation of
co-edited book and more than 100
polar soil ecosystems. This involves
petroleum hydrocarbons using
environmental consultancy reports.
analysis and sampling of landform
organic chemistry, isotopic
Professor Snape co-leads
features at a variety of spatial scales
techniques and microbial ecology
several international research
across the Arctic and Antarctic to
and have developed water
collaborations including the
examine those factors that influence
treatment techniques for mitigation
development of permeable reactive
soil ecosystem vulnerability to
of contaminated runoff.
barriers for petroleum spill
pollution and climate change.
Dr Andrew Klekociuk Senior Research Scientist: Atmospheric Composition, Australian Antarctic Division Dr Andrew Klekociuk gained a
aurorae and auroral energetics.
measurements in the context of
PhD in physics from the University
Since 1994 Dr Klekociuk has been
describing basic atmospheric
of Tasmania in 1991. In 1987,
leading a collaborative project
processes and their relationship
prior to completing his PhD, he
between the Australian Antarctic
with global climate change. His
joined the Australian Antarctic
Division and the University of
current research centres on
Division as a research physicist,
Adelaide to develop and operate
processes related to stratospheric
and has remained with the Division
a sophisticated LIDAR (light
ozone depletion and associated
ever since. In 1988 he wintered
detection and ranging) facility
feedbacks to polar climate.
at Macquarie Island, where he
at Davis station in Antarctica,
maintained the Upper Atmospheric
for the study of atmospheric
is Co-Chair of the Scientific
Physics observatory and collected
processes and climate. The Davis
Committee on Antarctic Research
data for a research project on
LIDAR measures atmospheric
(SCAR) Action Group for Polar
pulsating aurorae. Following this
density, temperature and aerosol
Atmospheric Chemistry at the
he was involved with three field
characteristics from 5 to 95 km
Tropopause, and Co-Convenor of
campaigns on mainland Antarctica
altitude, and his research has
Session T2-2 for the International
and Alaska to study pulsating
centred on interpretation of these
Polar Year Oslo Science Conference.
Internationally, Dr Klekociuk
Australian Scientist
Australian Science in Antarctica Celebrates 100 Years
Australia has been at the leading edge of scientific research in Antarctica since Sir Douglas Mawson’s epic expedition to the icy southern continent in 1911. Today, research institutions from all over Australia and around the world contribute to the Australian Antarctic Program, which is at the forefront of scientific research on climate change, ocean acidification, conservation and human impacts on the environment. A new Australian Antarctic Science Strategic Plan is providing research directions for the future. Refer to our website for further details:
Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Australian Antarctic Division 71
6 International research Over the past 20 years, Australian scientific output has become increasingly international as the problems being tackled by our researchers become larger in scale, scope and complexity. This trend will only accelerate, which
Key to international collaboration
means that Australian scientists will need
Most scientific collaboration occurs on an
increasing support to build and maintain the
ad hoc basis. For example, two researchers
relationships required to make this happen.
who have met at a conference decide to share
International collaboration is the major driver of Australia’s increased scientific output. FEAST’s bibliometric analysis of scientific journal publications involving Australian authors
insights and data and ultimately publish a joint paper on their findings and arrange to spend time in each other’s laboratory. Further down the track these researchers
clearly shows that the increase in publications
may formalise their collaboration with a joint
is being driven almost entirely by internationally
proposal for funding. A prior relationship and
co-authored papers, predominately with Europe
development of trust is a necessary prerequisite
and the USA (see FEAST Discussion Paper
for minimising the risks and maximising the
success of this more rigorous engagement.
One of the major factors contributing to this
When it comes to international funding
statistic is the rise of increasingly complex global
programs, the importance of trust is further
issues being tackled by researchers (population
accentuated as researchers are often engaging
health, climate change, biodiversity, etc.) that by
with foreign programs that have vastly different
their nature require international cooperation.
rules and expectations to domestic programs.
International Collaborations in Australian Publications, Science Citation Index, 1991–2005.
In a recent survey (FEAST Discussion Paper
different national environments, funding
regimes, cultures, problem formulation, etc.
of Australian participants in the European
— the experience has a multiplying effect that
Union’s Seventh Framework Program for
enables them to think about and tackle scientific
Research and Technological Development (FP7)
problems with an array of new mindsets.
— which is a €50 billion multilateral research
Additionally, by spending quality time in
program — FEAST confirmed that almost
overseas laboratories they are building strong
all engagement occurred through pre-existing
social capital with their counterparts.
relationships with European colleagues, most
Nations across the globe have expressed
of which had been cemented via lab visits or
concern for a long time about ‘brain drain’ —
overseas sabbaticals.
that is, the movement of talent from their home nation to abroad. Whilst a simple catchphrase
Multiplying and circulating
that has been used to rally domestic support for
When researchers spend time in an overseas lab,
scientific research, it fails to capture the essence
they clearly stand to gain scientific knowledge
of modern research — which is a global game!
and know-how, thereby adding to their already
More recently, the phrase ‘brain circulation’
existing capabilities.
has been used in some parts of the world to
Conversely, they are also able to contribute
encourage domestic researchers to pursue
to the scientific base of the laboratory they are
international opportunities and experiences with
visiting as well as expose their own research to
the understanding that they will, at some point,
wider audience. More subtly, however, when
return to their home country with enviable skills
exposed to other research environments —
and professional connections.
An investment Traditionally, when we think about public funds being awarded to researchers to spend time
spend important time overseas building their professional links. One of the smartest investments we can make
overseas, we generally relate it to an investment
in Australian science is developing the global
in knowledge. However, as discussed above,
presence of our researchers.
we should increasingly consider the opportunity
as an investment in social capital — the more we invest in researcher mobility, the greater
The Forum for European-Australian Science
the accumulation of social capital in the global
and Technology Cooperation (FEAST)
research system, and the greater access we will
highlights, promotes, and facilitates research
receive to cutting edge research not available
collaboration between Europe and Australia.
in Australia.
More information about FEAST can be found at
In the recent House of Representatives
inquiry into Australia’s international research collaboration, it is noted that amongst the key impediments to Australia’s international engagement are issues relating to researcher
Acknowledgements: Certain data included herein are derived from the Web of Science® prepared by THOMSON REUTERS®, Inc. (Thomson®), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: © Copyright THOMSON REUTERS® 2006. All rights reserved.
mobility. These include difficulties encountered by foreign researchers seeking to enter Australia to pursue their careers, and the difficulty domestic researchers experience in securing (or resecuring) funds to enable them to
Professor Brenda Happell Director of Institute of Health and Social Science Research, Professor of Contemporary Nursing Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health Professor Brenda Happell is from
at the University of Melbourne,
include seclusion and other
CQUniversity’s Institute for Health
Professor Happell established a
coercive practices, and physical
and Social Science Research and
highly successful and innovative
health associated with mental
School of Nursing and Midwifery.
centre. She was responsible for
illness. During her career she has
She is qualified as a general and
the implementation of a world first
obtained more than $5 million in
mental health nurse; she is also a
academic position for a consumer
competitive funding, published
qualified secondary school teacher,
of mental health services, and
more than 200 articles in refereed
with postgraduate qualifications,
has maintained a long-standing
journals, authored two books and
including a PhD, in Education.
interest in consumer participation
several book chapters. She has
She is an internationally
in mental health.
also established an impressive
recognised leader in mental health
Professor Happell is a strong
record as the Editor-in-Chief of
nursing. As inaugural director
advocate for the human rights
the International Journal of Mental
of the Centre for Psychiatric
of people diagnosed with mental
Health Nurses, including its recent
Nursing Research and Practice
illness and her research interests
ERA reclassification from B to A.
Dr Corneel Vandelanotte Acting Director, Centre for Physical Activity Studies, NHNMRC & NHF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Physical Activity Studies, Institute for Health and Social Sciences Research Dr Corneel Vandelanotte is
the best presentation at National
dietary interventions, and, as such,
an NHRMC & NHF Post-
Conference on Physical Activity
applying a population health
doctoral Research Fellow and
and Health organised by Sports
approach to behaviour change.
acting director of the Centre
Medicine Australia in Melbourne.
for Physical Activity Studies at
In 2007, he was awarded a four-
in research evaluating the efficacy
the Institute of Social Sciences
year NHMRC & NHF post-
of interactive telecommunication
Research, CQUniversity. He
doctoral research fellowship.
technology (e.g. smart phones)
completed his PhD in 2004 at
In early 2009, Dr Vandelanotte
to improve chronic disease self-
Ghent University in Belgium. In
commenced his appointment with
2005 he moved to Australia where
CQUniversity in Rockhampton.
he first worked at the Cancer
Dr Vandelanotte’s areas of
Dr Vandelanotte is also involved
As Australia is facing an obesity epidemic, Dr Vandelanotte’s work
Prevention Research Centre at
expertise and research involve the
is crucial to reducing the burden
the University of Queensland in
development and evaluation of
of disease and health care costs
Brisbane. In 2005, he was awarded
website-delivered and computer-
related to physical inactivity
an Early Investigator Prize for
tailored physical activity and
and overeating.
Australian Scientist
CQUniversity Australia has a focus on research that makes a difference. Research that addresses the issues affecting our communities. Dynamic research from real people like… » Dr Mitch Duncan who, with funding from the Heart Foundation of Australia and New Zealand, is examining physical activity levels and associated health outcomes. » Dr Kerry Reid-Searl, our Nurse Educator of the Year, who is literally changing the face of nursing education with her innovative approach to teaching and curriculum development. » Dr Brenda Happell, a leader in mental health nursing and patient advocacy, investigating the links between our minds and our bodies when it comes to health. » And Dr Corneel Vandelanotte, a recipient of the prestigious NHMRC Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, who is undertaking groundbreaking research into the development and evaluation of web-delivered physical activity interventions.
CRICOS Codes: QLD 00219C; NSW 01315F; VIC 01624D
CQUniversity Research… making a difference.
‘We are building one of Australia’s truly great universities.’ Professor Scott Bowman Vice-Chancellor CQUniversity Australia
13CQUni 13 27 86 ROCKHAMPTON
Professor Cheryl Praeger School of Mathematics and Statistics The University of Western Australia A Winthrop Professor in the
focuses on the theory of groups,
of UWA teaching and research
UWA School of Mathematics
which can be regarded as the
staff, ARC postdoctoral research
and Statistics and an Australian
mathematical representation of
staff, research students, honours
Research Council Federation
students, and a regular stream of
Fellow, Professor Praeger is in the
Her work has resulted in
international research visitors.
top one per cent of highly cited
theoretical and computational
mathematicians in the world.
advances that have opened up new
well known for promoting
She is recognised for adapting
mathematical areas now studied by
the involvement of women in
a 19th century theory by a now
mathematicians worldwide.
mathematics and for her work
Professor Praeger is also
celebrated rebel French teenager,
Named 2009 WA Scientist
Evariste Galois, for use in today’s
of the Year, Professor Praeger
Trust, which encourages the study
information technology revolution.
runs two ARC-funded research
of mathematics by primary and
Professor Praeger’s research
programs which involve a team
secondary school students.
with the Australian Mathematics
Associate Professor Kevin Pfleger Molecular Endocrinology Laboratory Western Australian Institute for Medical Research The University of Western Australia Associate Professor Kevin Pfleger
which are proteins that enable cells
beginning in 2005. He has won
is head of the Laboratory for
to respond to particular hormones
national and international awards
Molecular Endocrinology – GPCRs,
in an appropriate manner.
in his field and been invited to
which is a world-leader in its field,
Associate Professor Pfleger
speak at numerous conferences and
having developed technology which
studied Natural Sciences
places special light-emitting labels
(Pharmacology) at Cambridge
on proteins of interest, allowing
University in the UK and
his WAIMR laboratory, Associate
interactions between proteins to be
obtained his PhD in Molecular
Professor Pfleger is Chief Scientific
studied. Advances demonstrated by
Endocrinology from the University
Officer of the WAIMR/University of
him and the laboratory have enable
of Edinburgh. In 2002, he joined
Western Australia spin-off company
these interactions to be monitored
the Western Australian Institute
Dimerix Bioscience. In December
in real time in living cells for longer
for Medical Research as a research
2009, he was named Western
time periods than previously
fellow and was awarded a Peter
Australian Young Scientist of the
possible. His work focuses heavily
Doherty Fellowship by the National
Year at the Western Australian
on G-protein coupled receptors,
Health & Medical Research Council
Science Awards.
universities all over the world. In addition to being head of
Australian Scientist
Achieve international research excellence.
BC&YUNWG430 CrICos Provider Code 00126G
Join us.
If you want to achieve world-class results and work with researchers who are already doing just that, we invite you to join The University of Western Australia. As a member of Australia’s Group of Eight research-intensive universities, our focus is on working with the brightest and the best. We continue to attract international award-winning teachers, researchers and students whose individual reputations have helped to build ours. To explore the exciting opportunities available visit
7 Medical research International research collaboration is a cornerstone of both basic and applied research in Australia. A key question for Australian policy
Australians are also well connected throughout
makers is whether and how Australian
the globe. Over 36 per cent of publications
researchers can meet pressing national health
derived from NHMRC-funded research have
issues, step up their engagement with international
one or more international authors. Half of these
partners in order to address global health and
collaborations are with the USA, and 16.5 per
ensure we generate the best outcomes from
cent with the UK.
Australia’s excellence in research.
As part of the global community, Australia
Australians are proud of their track record
is a growing recipient of external funding
on research. One often-quoted research mantra
derived from industry and philanthropic
is that “despite having only 0.3 per cent of
sources. In a major economic analysis of the
the world’s population, Australia contributes
impact of Australian research in 2003, Access
3 per cent of the OECD’s medical research
Economics noted one measure of Australia’s
publications”. Australia has been home to six
attractiveness internationally is the amount
Nobel laureates in medicine: from Howard
of overseas funding it receives, which then
Florey’s involvement in the discovery of
amounted to around $121 million (four per
penicillin through to Barry Marshall and Robin
cent) of Australian R&D spending.
Warren’s discovery of the Helicobacter pylori
Between 2004 and 2008 Australia’s National
bacterium. The ground-breaking vaccine
Health and Medical Research Council provided
for human papilloma virus was the result of
563 grants, totaling almost $400 million, which
Australian medical research.
leveraged over $200 million from international
sources. In 2008, Australia was fourth on the
For example, the George Institute has
list of NIH funding recipients (behind Canada,
established a research centre in China, in
South Africa and the UK), receiving 50 grants
partnership with Peking University Health
amounting to over $14 million.
Science Centre, to address the threat of chronic
The pharmaceutical sector is a major investor, contributing in excess of $700 million p.a. to research and clinical trial activity in Australia and much of this is sourced from overseas. Australia is increasingly being recognised
disease. This marks an important milestone in improving health care in this booming nation. The Queen Elizabeth Research Institute, University of Adelaide, University of Philippines, Monash Medical Centre and Perak College
by overseas philanthropic granting agencies.
of Medicine Malaysia are collaborating in
For example, Australian universities and research
the construction of an evidenced-based
institutes were the recipients of seven of 76
maternal health research program in southeast
grants awarded by the Bill and Melinda Gates
Asia. Disorders related to pregnancy and
Foundation to combat disease in the developing
childbirth represent one of the biggest health
world under the Grand Challenges Explorations
risk differences between the developed and
program. These grants reflect Australian
developing worlds. By establishing a network
expertise in immunology and drug development.
of researchers and teachers of evidence-based
Australia is also contributing to regional
health care across four southeast Asian countries
development through collaborative research,
supported from Australia, this collaborative
training, education and health programs.
project aims to improve the clinical treatment
“Research Australia’s submission to the enquiry presented a range of principles for international engagement.”
of pregnancy and childbirth related disorders
exposure and experience, and improved visa
and the health outcomes of mothers and infants.
and immigration processes to enable uptake
The Australian government established
of research positions within an Australian
a parliamentary enquiry into Australia’s
setting from international experts.
international research collaboration. Research
In its June 2010 report, the enquiry noted
Australia’s submission to the enquiry presented
that collaboration at an international level is an
a range of principles for international
absolute necessity. Recommendations focused
engagement. These included:
on the mechanics of building partnerships
• Building Australia’s knowledge base through
and the opportunity for Australia to develop
transfer of skills, expertise, knowledge and
a strategic approach to help it to build on its
resources within the domestic economy
scientific strengths and explore opportunities
• Providing government, industry and the
for new collaborative partners.
research community with more economic
There is no doubt that the future will offer
information, a business case and the cost
exciting prospects for Australian researchers.
benefits of international collaboration • Better national information regarding the depth and breadth of collaboration • Capacity building to support travel, exchanges and international fellowships to provide Australian researchers with international
Note: Research Australia is the nation’s largest alliance working to make health and medical research a higher national priority. Research Australia is supported by 170 organisations that together represent the voices of research institutes, universities, industry, hospitals, philanthropic groups and the community.
Professor Shaun Jackson Professor of Haematology Australian Centre for Blood Diseases Monash University Professor Shaun Jackson is a co-
attacks and stroke. In 2010,
professorial position at the Scripps
founder of the Australian Centre
Professor Jackson was awarded
Research Institute in San Diego
for Blood Diseases (ACBD),
an NHMRC Australia Fellowship
in the USA. He has established
a Monash University centre
to advance his team’s work on the
a large multidisciplinary research
located at AMREP. The ACBD
development of new approaches
program involving scientists at
is the nation’s pre-eminent
to treat heart disease and stroke.
Scripps, the Walter and Eliza
blood centre with internationally
The Australia Fellowships are
Hall Institute, Monash and RMIT
recognised research, treatment and
Australia’s most prestigious award
University to examine innovative
educational programs. Professor
for excellence in the fields of
new approaches to the treatment
Jackson’s research group is
health and medical research. In
of blood clotting diseases, focusing
renowned for its work on blood
addition to his role at Monash,
on biomechanical mechanisms that
clotting diseases relevant to heart
Professor Jackson has an adjunct
activate the blood clotting system.
Associate Professor Josephine Forbes Glycation and Diabetes Laboratory Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute Associate Professor Josephine
communication and research and a
therapy, since current medicines
Forbes is from the Baker IDI
Young Researcher Award in 2002
only slow down the progression
Heart and Diabetes Institute.
from the International Diabetes
of diabetic kidney disease.
She is currently involved in
Federation as one of the most
In particular, she studies the
establishing the Australian Academy
promising young scientists in the
biochemical process of advanced
of Young Scientists. Associate
western Pacific region.
glycation, which irreversibly
Professor Forbes was awarded the
Associate Professor Forbes’
Commonwealth Health Minister’s
area of expertise and research is
bodies and during modern food
Award for Medical Research and
within diabetes and its devastating
preparation techniques. These
an NHMRC excellence award in
complications, including kidney
modified proteins cause damage via
2010, each of which recognises
disease, which affects more than
a number of pathways, including
emerging medical researchers in
400,000 Australian individuals and
interruption of energy production in
the middle of their careers. She has
costs billions of health care dollars
cell power stations (mitochondria)
also received a Young Tall Poppy
per annum. Her research focuses
and via “caramelisation” of blood
Award for excellence in scientific
on identification of new targets for
vessels, causing stiffening.
modifies proteins both within our
Australian Scientist
Prof. Brien Holden, PhD DSc OAM Chief Executive Officer Brien Holden Vision Institute Professor Brien Holden OAM has
in the US. He was also behind
was developed by Brien Holden
been a major figure in international
the development of soft toric
and partners through the Vision
eye health and vision care for
contact lenses for the correction
CRC (which he helped establish)
nearly 40 years. His influence
of astigmatism, one of the most
and has been recently released
extends across science, research
successful toric designs ever.
across the world.
and development, professional
Professor Holden’s research
Brien has long been involved
and academic education and
focus is now on myopia (short-
in humanitarian efforts to
international public health.
sightedness) and presbyopia (old
provide eye care to indigenous
He has initiated and guided
sight) — refractive conditions
Australians and developing
projects involving international
that affect the sight of billions —
communities throughout the
researchers and industry that
and has engaged an international
world. His contributions have been
developed the silicone hydrogel
team of partners to develop
acknowledged through a host of
contact lens — a revolutionary
novel technologies to solve these
national and international awards
advance for the contact lens
problems. The first spectacle
and honours, including the Medal
industry that today captures more
design demonstrating an ability to
of the Order of Australia and six
than 50 per cent of the market
control the progression of myopia
honorary doctorates.
Prof. Mark Willcox, BSc PhD Chief Scientific Officer Brien Holden Vision Institute Professor Mark Willcox is
Institute of Dental Research. In
and ways of preventing or
renowned internationally for his
1993, he joined the Cornea and
controlling this disease. Microbial
steerage of basic and translational
Contact Lens Research Unit of the
keratitis is a serious but rare
research and for establishing
School of Optometry and Vision
infection of the front surface of the
successful partnerships between
Science at the University of New
eye (the cornea) and is the only
academic research and industry.
South Wales.
contact lens-related condition that
Following the completion of
Professor Willcox specialises in
is potentially sight threatening.
his PhD in medical microbiology
the areas of ocular microbiology,
at Manchester University in
tear film biochemistry and corneal
Professor Willcox was recently
1987, Professor Willcox took up
immunology. His particular field
named the British Contact Lens
a fellowship in Australia at the
of research is microbial keratitis
Association Medalist for 2011.
Amongst many awards,
Australian Scientist
Professor Andrew Scott Director, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Director, Centre for PET, Austin Health Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne Professor Scott has been Head,
based therapy and recombinant
tracers. He is a chief investigator
Tumour Targeting Program, Ludwig
antibodies. This has culminated
of NHMRC program and project
Institute for Cancer Research
in six antibodies being taken from
grants, and funding from NIH,
(LICR) since 1994, Director of
discovery to humanisation and
state and federal governments,
the Centre for PET, Austin Health,
first-in-man trials with Professor
and philanthropic sources. The
since 1996, and was appointed
Scott as principal investigator,
importance of Professor Scott’s
Director LICR Melbourne (Austin
and all of these antibodies have
contributions to medical research is
Branch) and Member of LICR in
been licensed to pharmaceutical
reflected in over 210 publications
2005. Professor Scott’s areas of
or spin-off companies for further
with more than 4300 citations in
research interest include tumour
development. As Director of Centre
prestigious journals such as New
immunology, targeted therapies
for PET, Professor Scott leads
England Journal of Medicine,
and molecular imaging of cancer.
the largest academic molecular
Lancet Oncology, PNAS, Journal
At LICR, he has led a basic and
imaging program in Australasia,
of Experimental Medicine, Journal
translational oncology research
with an internationally renowned
of Clinical Oncology and Journal of
program focused on immune-
program for novel imaging
Nuclear Medicine.
Associate Professor Matthias Ernst Interim Director, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (Parkville Branch) Associate Professor Matthias
the University of Melbourne.
established permissive signalling
Ernst was appointed in 1998
Associate Professor Ernst’s research
thresholds for intestinal
as joint-laboratory head of the
involves a number of international
tumourformation and research
Colon Molecular and Cell Biology
collaborations and embraces
efforts are now focused to translate
Laboratory at the Ludwig Institute
reverse genetics in the move to
these findings into new therapeutic
for Cancer Research (LICR) Parkville
dissect molecular mechanisms
opportunities. The importance
Branch and is currently the Interim
regulating epithelial homeostasis in
of Associate Professor Ernst’s
Director of the LICR Parkville
the gastro-intestinal tract in health
work is evidenced by more than
Branch. Associate Professor Ernst
and disease. His investigations have
3400 citations and publications in
is an NHMRC Senior Research
recently identified epithelial Stat3
prestigious journals, including Nature
Fellow and Chief Investigator on
hyperactivation as a molecular
Medicine, Nature Immunology,
a $20 million NHMRC program
mechanism linking inflammation
Cancer Cell, Journal of Experimental
grant. Recently, he was promoted
of intestinal tumourigenesis. His
Medicine, PNAS, Journal of Clinical
to Member of LICR. He holds
group’s complementary interest in
Investigation and Gastroenterology.
an honorary appointment at
canonical Wnt signalling genetically
Australian Scientist
“I am persuaded that eventual mastery of cancer will come only from intense and unremitting scientific exploration over many decades” Daniel K. Ludwig December17, 1974
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research The largest international academic non-profit institute dedicated to understanding and controlling cancer. A global network of ten Branches with leading Affiliates and clinical trial sites. Mission: To improve patient outcomes through integrated programs that translate basic laboratory discoveries into patient benefits through conducting its own clinical trials. Australia: Over 250 scientists, post-doctoral research fellows and students work alongside clinicians and research nurses in the two Melbourne sites embedded in the Parkville and Austin research precincts.
The MeLbouRne–PARkvILLe bRAnCh has an outstanding track record in basic research into the biology of solid tumours with a particular focus on colorectal cancer. The Branch supports stateof-the-art platform technologies, including forward and reverse genetics in different model organisms and complements the human cancer genetics research supported through the Ludwig Colon Cancer Initiative. The Melbourne Branch is one of six founding partners of the Parkville Comprehensive Cancer Centre. The MeLbouRne–AustIn bRAnCh located at Austin Health, is the principal translational and clinical research site for LICR global programs. Laboratory research focuses on cancer immunology, antibody-based therapeutics, signalling pathways in cancer, epigenetics of colon cancer, and tumour biology. Clinical oncology involvement is achieved through the unique joint arrangements with Austin Health in Medical Oncology and Positron Emission Tomography. LICR is a founding partner of the Olivia NewtonJohn Cancer Centre, and will have 89 new laboratories in this facility completed in 2012.
Associate Professor Ricky Johnstone Pfizer Australia Research Fellow Co-Head of Cancer Therapeutics Program Assistant Director Cancer Research Associate Professor Ricky
totalling more than $17 million.
— and recently initiated clinical
Johnstone is Assistant Director of
Reflecting this success, he was
trials of two HDACi in the
Peter Mac Cancer Research and
promoted to NHMRC Principal
treatment of T cell lymphoma.
co-head of Peter Mac’s Cancer
Research Fellow in 2009.
Therapeutics Program. To date
Associate Professor Johnstone
Associate Professor Johnstone uses genetically manipulated
he has published over 110 peer-
is seeking to understand the
tumour models to identify
reviewed manuscripts.
molecular events underpinning
which apoptotic proteins and
cancer cell death initiated by
pathways are necessary for the
Johnstone was appointed as an
chemotherapeutic-drugs and to
therapeutic effects of HDACi.
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
decipher how tumours become
Using microarray gene expression
and awarded a Pfizer Australia
multidrug resistant. He focuses on
profiling, he has identified genes
Senior Research Fellowship.
inhibitors of the enzyme histone
involved in apoptosis that are
He has since leveraged the
deacetylase (HDACi) — novel
regulated differently in tumours
outcomes of his fellowship-related
chemotherapeutic drugs that
and normal cells, providing a
research, being named as chief
regulate gene transcription by
molecular basis for the selective
or co-chief investigator on grants
altering the structure of chromatin
effect of HDACi on tumour tissue.
In 2005, Associate Professor
Dr Belinda Parker Peter Mac Research Fellow Metastasis Research Laboratory Dr Belinda Parker is an early career
aim of developing novel therapies
Stanford University and Professor
scientist at the Peter MacCallum
for patients with advanced breast
Bonnie Sloane at Wayne State
Cancer Centre. She was awarded
University, USA. In addition to
a Career Development Award
One of her research projects
(CDA1) in 2009 and currently
has revealed the contribution of
research group recently revealed
holds a number of grants, including
a specific group of proteases, the
a novel mechanism whereby
one as chief investigator on an
cathepsins, to the spread of breast
cancer cells escape recognition
NHMRC project grant.
cancer to bone and the potential
by the immune system to be able
Dr Parker’s primary research
the work on proteases, Dr Parker’s
for blocking cathepsin activity
to survive and grow in bone.
focus is on breast cancer
using specific protease inhibitors as
The results of this study reveal
metastasis. She aims to utilise
targeted therapeutics.
a novel mechanism of cancer
models of breast cancer to identify
This work has been supported by
cell outgrowth from dormancy
key molecular mechanisms of
crucial international collaborations
and an exciting new therapeutic
spread to distant tissues, and to
with two leaders in the cathepsin
opportunity to prevent secondary
target these mechanisms with the
field, Professor Matthew Bogyo at
tumours in breast cancer patients.
Australian Scientist
Australia’s only public hospital solely dedicated to cancer, Peter Mac is a leader in multidisciplinary cancer care and a national and international leader in laboratory, clinical and translational research. Fundamental to Peter Mac’s excellence and leadership in cancer research is the fusion of an integrated, sophisticated research facility within a world-class cancer hospital, providing uniqueopportunities for medical advances to be accelerated and tested and for clinical questions to guide the research agenda. Peter Mac research has experienced an unprecedented and sustained period of growth and development over the past decade. Underpinned by scientific excellence and research leadership, Peter Mac employs 450 laboratory and clinical researchers, a quarter of its total workforce. Former Director of Research Joe Sambrook is emblematic of Peter Mac’s research excellence. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre The best in cancer care, accelerating discovery, translating to cures.
His election to the Australian Academy of Science in 2000 recognised his significant contribution to understanding the processes underpinning cancer development. Recent success through our research leadership includes: • Access for Peter Mac patients to many novel therapies and early phase clinical trials. • Driving and nurturing collaborative research programs (AOCS, ASSG, VBCRC, Pfizer TORCH, kConFab, Melbourne Melanoma Project) across Australia. • 20 prestigious peer-reviewed fellowships (Australia Fellowship, NHMRC, ARC, CCV, NBCF, VCA, Viertel, VESKI) awarded to Peter Mac researchers. For more information about research at Peter Mac: web: email:
Professor Andreas Strasser Joint head Molecular Genetics of Cancer Division Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Dr Strasser and his team are
cells have two distinct signalling
Dr Strasser and his team
investigating the control of
pathways leading to apoptosis,
discovered novel regulators
apoptosis, the cell death program
one triggered by ligation of cell
that are essential for initiation
essential for development and
surface “death receptors” and the
of programmed cell death and
homeostasis. By using transgenic
other by certain developmental
showed that they function
mice over-expressing the cell death
cues, cytokine deprivation or stress
as sentinels for damage to various
inhibitor Bcl-2, and knockout mice
signals. Using genetically modified
vital intra-cellular structures,
lacking one of its antagonists, they
mice, they could determine
such as the cytoskeleton.
demonstrated that abnormalities in
signalling mechanisms that are
the control of apoptosis can cause
responsible for killing useless
implications for cancer research,
autoimmune disease or cancer and
or potentially dangerous cells at
developmental biology and
render tumour cells refractory to
the different checkpoints during
immunology and suggest novel
anti-cancer therapy.
lymphocyte development.
therapeutic strategies for
Dr Strasser and his co-workers established that mammalian
Using biochemical and molecular biology techniques,
These discoveries have major
tumours, autoimmunity and degenerative diseases.
Dr Wai-Hong Tham Postdoctoral Researcher Infection and Immunity Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Dr Tham’s post-doctoral research
on the surface of the erythrocyte,
regions erythrocytes have
has focused on how the malaria
which then initiates a cascade
extremely low levels of this host
parasite Plasmodium falciparum
of signalling events required for
receptor. Currently, Dr Tham is
invades red blood cells, a process
invasion. Dr Tham’s work focuses
involved in studies elucidating
critical for parasite survival and
on the function of the parasite
the effects of this receptor
malaria pathogenesis. This deadly
ligand PfRh4 in red blood cell
deficiency on parasite invasion.
parasite inflicts the highest rate of
recognition and invasion. She
Understanding the function
human mortality, partly due to its
has recently identified the host
of parasite invasion ligands is
utilisation of multiple pathways for
erythrocyte receptor of PfRh4
paramount in developing rational
invasion into erythrocytes.
and shown that this interaction
designs for a blood-stage malaria
For the malaria parasite to enter
mediates a new invasion pathway
vaccine to alleviate the
erythrocytes, parasite ligands must
utilised by malaria parasites.
300 million infections a year
recognise their cognate receptors
Interestingly, in malaria-endemic
caused by Plasmodium falciparum.
Australian Scientist
8 Global leaders Australian science punches above its weight, as is evident in the extraordinary achievement of scientific heroes like Howard Florey or, more recently, expats Sir Marc Feldmann and Elizabeth Blackburn. This chapter celebrates scientists whose
Jennie Brand-Miller, biochemist
achievements are of such magnitude that the
Suzanne Cory, molecular geneticist
Australian Academy of Science believes they
Peter Doherty, Nobel laureate
are not only leaders among Australia’s scientific
Ian Frazer, immunology and cancer research
fraternity, but also eminent voices in the global
Martin Green, solar energy researcher
community. One has won fame as a Nobel
John Hopwood, lysosomal diseases researcher
laureate. Another can point to praise from
Terry Hughes, coral reef researcher
peers, but also sees her work used every time
Kurt Lambeck, professor of geophysics
she opens a box of breakfast cereal. A third
Jim Peacock, geneticist
has changed thinking about clean energy and
Barry Marshall and Robin Warren,
a fourth is not only a prodigious scientist, but
Helicobacter pylori researchers
is also cited as an example of Australia’s
Mike Raupach, climate change research
success as a multicultural nation. The Global
Brian Schmidt, astronomer
Leaders are candidates to become our next
Terry Tao, professor of mathematics
scientific heroes. These are the 15 scientists
Bob Vincent, solar-terrestrial physicist
chosen by the Australian Academy of Science:
John Zillman, meteorologist
Jennie Brand-Miller BiochemisT
Good eating, good science, good health
Jennie Brand-Miller is unusual. She is a practising
papers. Her book The New Glucose Revolution is an
scientist with an impressive list of academic
international best seller.
publications, and a best-selling author of popular books on diet and health. “When they made porridge into instant porridge,
Recent population studies by Professor BrandMiller and her team have looked at groups of 5000 people over a decade, and assessed the prevalence
and when they made rice into instant rice, they made
of particular diseases while monitoring the diet
it into food with a high glycaemic index,”
of the subjects.
she says. “Natural uncultivated foods usually have a low glycaemic index.” The concept of a glycaemic index (GI) came to
“The low-glycaemic diet is actually the traditional diet of most human beings,” says Professor BrandMiller. “For example, the Mediterranean diet is
Jennie Brand-Miller while she was doing research
low GI, with pasta, legumes, fruit and vegetables.
into Australian Aboriginal diets. The GI ranks the
Vinegar dressings and alcohol also lower the
carbohydrates in food according to their effect on
glycaemic response to food. This is one element of the
blood sugar, a significant driver of general health,
Mediterranean diet that makes it so healthy.”
but especially important to sufferers of diabetes. In 2010, Professor Brand-Miller was presented
The Indian diet, with lentils, pulses, and basmati rice, is also a “low GI star performer” says Professor
with the 2009 Sir Kempson Maddox Award by
Brand-Miller. “High GI diets are a product of modern
the NSW branch of Diabetes Australia. Initially
processing methods, which provide light, fluffy,quick-
attracting a hostile reception from researchers
cooking food.”
and food manufacturers, Professor Brand-Miller’s
Professor Brand-Miller says that what
work on nutrition and carbohydrates is widely
contemporary medical practitioners refer to as
acknowledged today.
a “normal” glucose response is actually an abnormal
The glycaemic index, an unknown concept only
response to an exceptional diet of processed
two decades ago, is recognised worldwide as an
carbohydrates. “Aboriginal bush foods give an
important tool for maintaining good dietary health.
amazing insight into what was the standard diet for
Professor Brand-Miller has written a number of
humanity,” she says. “And these natural foods have
popular books, as well as more than 200 academic
a low glycaemic index.”
Global Leaders
Suzanne Cory Molecular Geneticist
Looking into the dark heart of cancer
I’m amazed at the strength and breadth of Australian
the University of Geneva. Returning to Australia in
science,” says Professor Suzanne Cory, and suggests
1971, she joined WEHI, becoming the director in
that isolation and the harsh Australian environment
1996. She became the Professor of Medical Biology
have contributed to this. “We had to learn to stand on
at Melbourne University (1996-2009) and was on
our own feet, and our investment in science helped us
the board of CSIRO from 2002 to 2007 when she
to do this.” However, she says, Australia is certainly
became deputy chairman.
internationally competitive in the sort modern,
As well as the Australia Prize, she has been awarded
high-tech research which can be done anywhere
the Charles S. Mott Prize of the General Motors
in the world. “It would be quite wrong if Australia
Cancer Research Foundation, the Royal Medal of
were only to tackle the sorts of science where we have
The Royal Society and a L’Oreal-UNESCO Women
a natural advantage,” she says. “We need knowledge
in Science Award. She was elected to the Australian
on all fronts in order to have a successful and
Academy of Science in 1986 and the Royal Society
economically prosperous society.
in 1992. She is also an elected member of the
It is encouraging that a very high proportion of
US National Academy of Sciences, the American
Australians have been recorded in surveys as being very
Academy of Arts and Sciences, the French Academy
interested in scientific issues. As science educators,
of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
we should be able to tap in to that interest.” Molecular
In 1997 she became a Companion of the Order of
geneticist Professor Cory was awarded the 1998
Australia and in 2009 was appointed Chevalier de
Australia Prize for her work at the Walter and Eliza
l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur by France.
Hall Institute (WEHI), with her husband Professor
In May 2010 Professor Cory was elected to succeed
Jerry Adams, on the genetic origins of cancer. Cancer,
Professor Kurt Lambeck as president of the Australian
she says, is the result of an accumulation of slight
Academy of Science. She is continuing her cancer
genetic errors; and in order to understand and combat
research at WEHI and is a Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow
cancer, we need to have an intimate understanding of
of the University of Melbourne.
the life and death of the normal cell. Professor Cory was born in Melbourne, and studied science at Melbourne University, Cambridge and
Peter Doherty Nobel Laureate
On the shoulders of giants
Peter Doherty won the Nobel prize in 1996, with
working with nuts and bolts,” he says. “We were
his colleague Rolf Zinknagel, for “their discoveries
very good at innovation, and I am afraid that this
concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune
may be declining.”
defence”. In his Nobel Lecture, Peter Doherty
However Professor Doherty looks forward to a new
described the debt that he owed to his predecessors
era in science, in which dealing with huge datasets is
in Australian immunology as “a direct consequence
only possible through advanced computing.
of themes developed in Australia” by Sir MacFarlane
“For example, we’re looking at the genomics,
Burnet and Frank Fenner, and later Gus Nossal,
proteomics and lipidomics of early influenza virus
Jacques Miller, Gordon Ada and others.
infection: these are massive datasets that we can only
Professor Doherty says that, of the awards and honours which he has achieved as well as the Nobel
handle through high-powered computing. “Even if you start out with a clear hypothesis,
Prize, he particularly values his election to the
often you end up by reacting to the huge datasets,”
Australian Academy of Science, to the Royal Society,
he says. “That’s going to be characteristic of 21st
and to the US National Academy of Science. And he
century science.”
is especially proud of the 1986 Gairdner International
Traditional laboratory science is still vital, says
Award for Medical Science, Canada, and the Paul
Professor Doherty, but a lot of young researchers
Erlich Prize for Immunology (1983).
are coming in from mathematics and statistics
Australian science, he says, has a history of dealing
and are bringing a whole new and different
with Australian issues, but because of the relatively
approach to biological sciences like cancer research
limited science funding, we have needed to be “a bit
and immunology.
cleverer” and have developed a highly cooperative
“What’s happening in science is a tremendous
ethos. But, he warns, we may be losing the proverbial
convergence, looking at very complex issues,”
Australian ability to improvise and innovate.
he says. “How smart are we? We’re still very limited
“As we abandon our manufacturing industries, we are increasingly losing people who are good at
in our approach, and there are hugely important problems to solve.”
Global Leaders
Ian Frazer Immunology & Cancer Research
Recognition is due to the science that shapes society
When Ian Frazer started his research career, a
commercially, and to date more than six million doses
clunky PC and the back of an envelope were the
have been distributed in Australia, with more than 54
best of research aids. Today, he says, computational
million doses given to girls aged 13 to 17 worldwide.
power allows the assembly of such vast quantities
Professor Frazer has received more than 20 national
of data that researchers can conduct almost
and international awards for scientific research.
“hypothesis-free science”.
Among them was Queenslander of the Year and
“We’ll be finding more and more information,
Australian of the Year in 2006, the International Life
then writing programs to try and make sense out
Award for Scientific Research in 2007 and the Prime
of it,” he says. “It is beyond the ability of an
Minister’s Prize for Science in 2008.
individual human being to encompass all the available information.” Ian Frazer was born in 1953 in Glasgow, Scotland,
Professor Frazer says that he values the awards that he has received, not for himself, but for the science: “It’s nice to get the recognition
and studied medicine at Edinburgh University. In
for science. I think it’s very important to show
1974, he spent three months
the community at large that science contributes to
at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical
society, and the interaction between science and
Research in Melbourne, and returned there in
society is vitally important.
1981 when he became particularly interested
“We live in a very scientific world. Understanding
in human papilloma viruses (HPV). In 1985
how science in fact shapes society is something that
he took up a teaching position with the
people are perhaps not yet prepared to accept,”
University of Queensland and decided to
he says. “Communicating as scientists with the
continue his work with HPV and cervical cancer with
community is becoming more and more challenging.”
his colleague, the late molecular virologist
Professor Frazer is currently director of the
Dr Jian Zhou. This led to the development
Diamantina Institute for Cancer, Immunology and
of a vaccine that prevents infection with HPV
Metabolic Medicine at the University of Queensland.
and cervical cancer. The vaccine is now produced
Martin Green Solar Energy Researcher
Letting the sun shine in
Seldom has the development of a technology been
worth of sales made under licence to UNSW,
more timely. The citation for the Eureka Prize for
with this figure soon to be exceeded annually.
2010 describes photovoltaics innovator Martin
Research is an ongoing process, and Professor Green
Green as “a shining light” in the battle against global
has developed what is called “third generation” solar
warming and climate change.
cell technology, tapping into
Professor Martin Green is known internationally for
the full thermodynamic potential of photovoltaic
his work on solar cells at the University of New South
conversion. Having created the world’s leading
Wales. He and his UNSW group have spent the past
photovoltaics research centre, Professor Green has
three decades investigating solar cell performance, and
also been colleague and mentor to many of the
have achieved a remarkable success rate.
most distinguished international solar researchers
“It was regarded as a mature technology when we
and industrialists. “Globally, we need a clean,
started,” says Professor Green, “but we were confident
cost-effective, electricity generation option.
that this was just the beginning. And we were very
Photovoltaics provide a solution, provided that we
conscious that what we were doing was exactly what
can increase the volumes and get the costs down
the world needed, exactly when the world needed it.”
dramatically,” says Professor Green.
Professor Green and his team have since
Professor Green’s global leadership has been
improved the performance of this apparently
recognised by his appointment as chair of the panel for
mature technology by over 50 per cent and have
review of the US Department of Energy’s photovoltaic
been inventors of several technologies that have
program, and membership of the United Nations
revolutionised the solar industry.
Industrial Development Organisation Consultative
Professor Green says that commercialisation
Group on Solar Energy Research and Applications.
of his innovative work has always been a priority,
Professor Green has received two Eureka Prizes,
and the team’s early work has been adopted under
a Clunies Ross Award (1992), the Australia Prize
licence by BP and put into production in Australia,
(1999) with Stuart Wenham and the 2004 World
India and Spain. In association with UNSW,
Technology Award for Energy. He has received several
the world’s largest manufacturer of solar cells
international awards, including the 2002 Right
is now in China. Cumulatively, says Professor
Livelihood Award, commonly known as the Alternative
Green, there have been more than a billion dollars
Nobel Prize, and the 2007 SolarWorld Einstein Award.
Global Leaders
John Hopwood Lysosomal Diseases Researcher
Taking the research results into the community The greatest challenge for scientists is
recognition of scientific research is not always
to make sure that they can apply their research
as positive as it might be, especially in the practical
and their knowledge where it is most needed
matter of funding.
by the community, according to Professor John
In 2006, Professor Hopwood and his team
Hopwood, head of the Lysosomal Diseases
announced successful trials of a new treatment
Research Unit based at the Women and Children’s
for two childhood lysosomal diseases, and two
Hospital in Adelaide.
drugs were approved by the USA Food and
Professor Hopwood won the 2008 South Australian of the Year Science Award for his
Drug Administration for clinical use. Professor Hopwood has over 380 peer-reviewed
three decades of research into genetic disorders
scientific publications, over 30 international
that affect children. He leads the 10-member
patents and over $30 million in competitive
committee charged with directing the research
research funding. He is an affiliate professor in
of the new South Australian Health and Medical
the Department of Paediatrics at the University
Research Institute (SAHMRI) being built in
of Adelaide and Department of Pharmacy at the
Adelaide. An extremely ambitious project set
University of South Australia.
to open in 2013, SAHMRI will house some
Professor Hopwood has been honoured with
600 medical researchers under the motto
the Lemberg Medal for Excellence in Biochemistry,
“from the research bench to the bedside”.
a Member of the Order of Australia, a Fellow of the
“My passion as a scientist is interacting with
Australian Academy of Science, Honorary Fellow
patients and their families, when we’ve actually made
of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia,
some difference in their quality of life,” says Professor
the South Australia Premier’s Science Award for
Hopwood. “It is a very focusing and rewarding aspect
Excellence in Commercialisation of Research,
of being a scientist in this genetic area. It has kept me
South Australia Scientist of the Year, ATSE Clunies
motivated for 30 years!”
Ross Award and, most recently, was awarded the
Professor Hopwood stresses the vital importance
prestigious 2009 CSL Florey Medal for significant
of “translating” the work of research scientists
achievements in biomedical science and human
into clinical practice and into the community.
health advancement.
But at the same time, he suggests that the
Terry Hughes coral reef researcher
The human context
Coral reefs have to be seen in context, says Professor
have devastating and far-reaching effects, which are
Terry Hughes. Natural ecosystems cannot
almost impossible to predict.
be treated in isolation, as if they were not part of
“A great deal of the recent literature describes
the human world, the animal world, the oceans
the loss of coral, the decline of the reefs,” he says.
and the atmosphere.
“These are depressing facts, but they shouldn’t be
Professor Hughes is Director of the ARC Centre
seen in isolation. If we ask what are we going to do
of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook
about it, we can’t ignore questions like food security
University in Townsville.
for coastal human populations, or options for future
“In recent years I’ve wandered into what is strange
development. People in the vast majority of countries
territory for a marine biologist,” he says. “Increasingly
which have coral reefs actually depend on the reefs for
I’ve been working with social scientists and reef
their livelihood.”
managers, and looking more at the human dimension of coral reefs.” Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is unusual, says Professor Hughes, because it is part of a wealthy country and does not suffer the degradation caused
Because of the links between natural ecosystems and human populations, says Professor Hughes, science is increasingly adopting a multidisciplinary approach involving the social sciences as well as ecology. “Many researchers,” he says, “including myself,
in developing countries by subsistence fishing,
are referring to social ecological systems, where
subsistence farming and deforestation.
people are not separate from the ecosystem, and
“The Barrier Reef model is admirable, but it’s not a model that is easily exported,” he says. “Effective
everything we do has an ecological footprint.” When it comes to encouraging people to modify
reef management has to be tailored to local
their behaviour, Professor Hughes says “the solution
conditions and availability of local resources.”
is to stop paying subsidies for more or bigger, but
Professor Hughes has a special interest in
to recognise and subsidise change for the better!”
understanding the processes that govern the
Professor Hughes remains optimistic that good
scarcity or abundance of species, and has travelled
science and good management will save coral reefs
widely in the Pacific and Caribbean to observe reefs
in the long term, especially Australia’s Great Barrier
in decline. The loss of biodiversity, he says, can
Reef — arguably the best-managed reef in the world.
Global Leaders
Kurt Lambeck Professor of Geophysics
Understanding how the Earth works
Kurt Lambech is interested in the big questions:
The scientific community is not standing up to this
how the Earth works, why it works the way it
as perhaps it should.”
does, the role of the oceans, the future of the Earth’s inhabitants. Professor Lambeck was President of the Australian
Professor Lambeck is confident that the scientific process is robust. Scientists, he says, are not all prima donnas, but at the same time no scientist is
Academy of Science in 2006-2010;
interested in repeating work which another scientist
he was elected to the Academy in 1984, and to
has already done. Research results are published, the
the Royal Society in 1994. His international
work is validated by other researchers and becomes
recognition is shown by his membership of the
part of the accepted body of knowledge,
academies of the Netherlands, Norway, France
or is refuted. “The process is still alive and well,”
and the United States, and the Academia Europaea.
he says. The planet under stress has interested
His international prizes and awards include the
Professor Lambeck in recent years. “The unifying
Tage Erlander Prize from the Swedish Research
theme to my recent work has been the reaction of the
Council, the Prix George Lemaitre (Belgium)
Earth to stress,” he says. “There is a range
and the Eminent Scientists Award from the
of techniques to measure the response of the
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
planet to stress, and to predict the response
Professor Lambeck worked in the US and French
to new stresses. We are particularly interested
space science communities before returning
in developments in plate tectonics, and in the
to Australia.
effects of diminishing ice sheets and the ‘rebound’
Professor Lambeck is concerned by what he sees as a “loss of confidence” in the whole culture of science throughout the wider community.
effect as ice disappears.” Asked about his view of the planet’s immediate future, Professor Lambeck admitted that he oscillates
“For example, most of the public accepts the
between admiration for mankind’s capacity for
realities of climate change,” he says. “But through
cleverness, and the reverse. But by and large, he
the activities of some who wish to minimise the
thinks, humanity will rise to the challenge and ensure
perception of the consequences, the public is
a viable future for the planet and the species.
beginning to doubt the authority of science.
Jim Peacock Geneticist
Chief among scientists
It is a binding obligation that scientists should
has long been acknowledged as a global leader in
communicate what they are doing and why, says
plant science. In 2000, he and his colleague Dr Liz
Dr Jim Peacock.
Dennis were awarded the $300,000 Prime Minister’s
“Scientists have to point out what their work
Prize for Science for their work in the discovery of
could mean in the future, to the environment, to
the flowering switch gene, a key gene in determining
the community, or to the economy,” he says. “And
when plants end their vegetative growth phase and
it’s important that they communicate in a way
begin flowering. This discovery will help boost the
which can be understood.”
productivity of the world’s crops. They are also
Although Dr Peacock is recognised around the world for his plant genetics research, he has also devoted much of his time to achieving “scientific
working to increase the nutritional value of crops eaten by billions of the world’s poorest people. Dr Peacock was chief of CSIRO’s Division of
literacy” among Australian children. He was
Plant Industry, which he built into one of the world’s
instrumental in developing the Academy’s Primary
foremost plant science institutes, from 1978 until
Connections program, in which the teaching of
he retired from the role in 2003. In 2002 he was
science is integrated with the teaching of basic literacy
elected president of the Australian Academy of
in primary schools.
Science. His many other honours include election
“Science is a way of thinking,” says Dr Peacock,
to the Royal Society in 1982, the BHP Award for
and he is proud too of CSIRO’s Scientists in Schools
Science Excellence in 1988, and election to the
program, in which some 1800 working scientists
US Academy in 1990.
are ‘paired’ with science teachers across Australia.
In 1994, Dr Peacock was made Companion of
“It’s been an amazing success for the scientists
the Order of Australia (AC), and in 2006 he was
and the teachers as well as for the children,” he
appointed Australia’s chief scientist.
says. “The scientists can’t resist the eagerness of
“People are very attracted to the truth,” says
the children, and the teachers enjoy working with
Dr Peacock. “The skill is to remove the mystery
the scientists, gaining more confidence in teaching
and misinformation and bring the truth to them in
science. It’s been a wonderful success.” Dr Peacock
ways they will understand.”
Global Leaders
Barry Marshall and Robin Warren Helicobacter pylori researchers
Winners of the Nobel prize
Helicobacter pylori is one of a handful of bacteria
radical step of drinking a culture of the bacteria.
which are known to the general public by name. Just
“After a few days I was vomiting,” says Dr Marshall.
as well known are the names of Nobel laureates Robin
“The bacteria had indeed started attacking the lining
Warren and Barry Marshall.
of my stomach. And, after that, people became a bit
Everyone once knew that stress causes ulcers, it was regarded as a medical “fact”. But two
more convinced!” Dr Marshall is confident that great and original
researchers quite independently had their doubts.
scientific discoveries still come from academic or
In 1981 they met, compared their quite different
curiosity-driven research.
approaches to the problem, and agreed to cooperate
“The Helicobacter discovery was a reminder that
on the novel research program, which led to Barry
bacterial infectious diseases were not something
Marshall and Robin Warren being awarded a Nobel
out of the 19th century,” says Dr Marshall.
prize in 2005.
“They are still very much around, and I think
The two scientists had each become interested in
that there may be viral infectious diseases waiting
the probable role of H. pylori in human gastric ulcers.
to be investigated. For example, what causes
Pathologist Professor Robin Warren was studying
Alzheimer’s? We don’t know. Even obesity has been
gastric bacteria at the Royal Perth Hospital, where
linked to gastric bacterial causes.”
Dr Barry Marshall was the gastroenterology registrar. “When I met Barry, I was just finishing a paper
Dr Warren and Dr Marshall later collaborated on a major study showing the beneficial effect
for publication,” says Professor Warren. “I had
of eradicating H. pylori on the relapse rate of
a suspicion that H. pylori was more than just
duodenal ulcers.
associated with ulcers, but was actually the cause,
As well as the Nobel prize, the two researchers have
while he was looking for a suitable clinical research
jointly received the 1994 Warren Alpert Foundation
project. So we started a joint study, where I did the
Prize (Harvard Medical School) and the Paul Erlich
pathology and he did the clinical work.” When their
and Ludwig Darmstaedter Award (1997), as well as
research initially met with profound skepticism
many individual prizes and awards.
from the medical community, Dr Marshall took the
Mike Raupach Climate Change Research
Global leader in carbon cycle research
Mike Raupach deals in cycles. In his 35 years as an
influenced climate change, and is the author of
active researcher, he has worked on five or six major
a number of papers on the subject.
topics. “These are the great cycles, the cycles of
“The large-scale functioning of the Earth and the
energy, water, carbon and nutrients, which sustain
biosphere have been an inspiration throughout my
the Earth’s systems. Humans are changing these
career,” says Dr Raupach. “It is fascinating that
cycles and interacting with them,” he says.
we have come through a time when we regarded
Dr Raupach was elected a Fellow of the Academy
ourselves as the dominant species, but we are slowly
of Australian Science in 2009, after a long career
realising that our relationship with nature is deeper
with CSIRO, culminating in his present position
than that. It’s a two-way cycle.”
of Leader of the Continental Biogeochemical Cycles
Dr Raupach says that his philosophical approach
Research Team at CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric
does not in any way detract from the integrity of
Research. He was a contributing author of the IPCC
the science. A central element of the discipline of
Working Group One Report in 2007, and
science is that one always remains the servant of the
was an inaugural co-chair of the international Global
data, always subject to what the observations and
Carbon Project.
measurements reveal. However, says Dr Raupach,
His main research interests include the movement
good science is not in any way inconsistent with
and storage of heat, water and carbon in land-
viewing the world as one in which human beings
scapes; global and continental change, especially
and the natural world are partners in the great
the effects of climate and human land use on
cycles of nature.
terrestrial cycles; the global carbon cycle and the
“The big challenge today is to meet the enormous
ways it is influenced by human activities; and the
demand for scientific information at every level, from
mechanics of turbulent flows, such as wind and
the backyard barbecue to the political debate,” says
weather over vegetation.
Dr Raupach, “while at the same time being entirely
Dr Raupach is recognised around the world as a major contributor to the science of human-
rigorous and maintaining an absolute respect for the scientific process.”
Global Leaders
Brian Schmidt Astronomer
Dark energy in an accelerating universe
Nobel prize winner Brian Schmidt believes that
the SkyMapper project, using an automated optical
pure research, especially cosmology, can lead to
telescope, situated at Coonabarabran in NSW, to
a revolutionary understanding of the world and
survey the entire southern sky at a resolution a
humanity’s place in the universe.
million times fainter than what is visible to the naked
Dr Schmidt, of the Australian National University’s
eye. At the heart of the system is a 268-million-
Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
pixel digital camera, designed at the ANU, able to
was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Australian
detect the age, mass, temperature and position of
Science, and a Fellow of the US National Academy
the billions of stars visible and invisible. Because
of Science, in 2008. Among a long list of awards and
images are repeated a number of times, movement
prizes, he won the major Gruber Prize for Cosmology
and changes will also be detected, and it is hoped
in 2007. According to the Gruber Foundation report,
that more “dwarf planets” such as Pluto will be found
it was a “crazy result” which delivered the $500,000
in the solar system. The southern sky is particularly
prize jointly to Dr Schmidt and his team, and a team
interesting, says Dr Schmidt, because the galaxy
in the US led by Professor Saul Perlmutter.
itself cuts through it, and because southern skies are
The “crazy result” which both teams independently discovered was that the expansion of the universe
relatively clear, clean and cloud-free. Dr Schmidt, originally from Montana, pays
is accelerating, not slowing as cosmologists had
tribute to the scientific culture in Australia. “There’s
previously predicted. The expansion of five billion
less power hierarchy in Australia than in the US
years ago was slower than the rate of expansion
or Europe,” he says. “For example, it was possible
today, and driving this expansion is the mysterious
for me as young researcher in Australia to lead an
force of dark energy. Einstein’s Cosmological
international research team, which probably would
Constant, regarded by Einstein himself as a blunder,
not have been possible elsewhere. It’s that ability to
has achieved a new significance.
give everyone a go, which really gives Australia the
Dr Schmidt and his colleagues are continuing to work towards understanding the accelerating universe, concentrating their attention on exploding stars or supernovae. Dr Schmidt is also active in
ability to do interesting science. It’s quite different to the way the rest of the world does things.” Dr Schmidt was the joint winner of the 2011 Nobel physics prize for his research into supernovae.
Terry Tao Professor of Mathematics
Mathematician extraordinaire
When a two-year-old is discovered expounding
just solving the problem. I want to see what happens
mathematics to his fellow toddlers, it’s reasonable
if I make some changes; will it still work? If you
to anticipate a bright future for the boy. So it is no
experiment enough, you get a deeper understanding.
surprise that Australian-born Terence Tao was, at
After a while, when something similar comes along,
24, the youngest full professor ever appointed by the
you get an idea of what works and what doesn’t
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
work. It’s not about being smart or even fast. It’s like
According to his father, Adelaide paediatrician
climbing a cliff: if you’re very strong and quick and
Billy Tao (himself born in Shanghai), the young
have a lot of rope, it helps, but you need to devise a
Terry taught himself numbers and letters by
good route to get up there.”
watching Sesame Street. And from then on his
Among mathematicians, Terry Tao is recognised
progress was remarkable: the University of Adelaide
alongside Dr Ben Green for the Green-Tao theorem
at 14, bachelor’s degree at 16, doctorate at
on the occurrence of prime numbers. At a less
Princeton University at 21, and then joining
theoretical level, his work on “compressed sensing”
the faculty of UCLA.
could revolutionise digital camera technology.
Now 34 and married with a young son, Professor
In 2010 commentary he wrote for,
Terry Tao teaches, gives public lectures to packed
Terry Tao explained that he has become a United
audiences and has gathered an array of the top
States citizen, but retains dual nationality: “Of course,
awards, including the Fields Medal, regarded as the
my life is more than just my work. I am a husband
Nobel prize for mathematics.
and a father and a proud citizen of two countries; my
Terry Tao, believed to be one of the very best
homeland of Australia and my adopted country here in
mathematicians alive today, is a phenomenal solver
the United States. I identify with them both.” He went
of problems, many of them regarded as virtually
on: “I enjoy a good meal, a good vacation or a good
impossible. To explain his ability, he uses a rock-
movie, much as anyone else would. But mathematics
climbing analogy: “Before I work out any details, I
is both my profession and my hobby, and the place
work on the strategy. Once you have a strategy, a
where it seems I am best able to make a contribution;
very complicated problem can be split up into a lot of
so if I had to answer the question ‘Who am I?’ I would
mini-problems. I’ve never really been satisfied with
have to say, ‘a mathematician’.”
Global Leaders
Bob Vincent Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Making waves in the middle atmosphere
The Earth’s atmosphere is criss-crossed by waves,
atmosphere. As well as working with radar, he has
moving horizontally and vertically, and Bob Vincent
collaborated with a French research group using
of Adelaide University is tracking them. Atmospheric
specially designed balloons, which maintain a pre-
waves range from the largest scale planetary
determined altitude near 20 kilometres. “Campaigns
waves to gravity waves with scales as short as a few
using these free floating ‘super-pressure’ balloons
tens of kilometres.
have proved particularly fruitful in helping to
“The important thing is that waves transfer
determine gravity wave sources in remote regions,
energy and momentum from one part of the
such as the Antarctic,” he says. “The momentum
atmosphere to another,” says Professor Vincent.
generated by the breaking waves can be transferred to
“These gravity waves are very similar to the waves
the atmosphere, with significant consequences. This
of the ocean, except that they travel vertically as well
research helps us to understand the behaviour of the
as horizontally. They are a very efficient mechanism
atmosphere, and underpins current climate science.”
for carrying momentum from the lower atmosphere
Professor Vincent talks with enthusiasm about
to higher regions. When they ‘break’ they can drive
the sort of ‘field work’ that his research entails.
large-scale circulations which need to be incorporated
“Designing a wind measuring radar in the laboratory,
into climate models. And gravity waves (or more
then going out to remote sites in the Pacific, or
accurately, buoyancy waves), which have been studied
Antarctica, or the Northern Territory, and installing
for more than 150 years, are not to be confused with
and setting up the radar, tuning it, and making sure
gravitational waves,” he says. Professor Vincent is
that it is working properly is fun.” Professor Vincent’s
President (2010) of the Scientific Committee for
research has had a number of practical applications,
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, was elected to the Academy
including the development of radar used for weather
of Science in 2004 and is a member of the Australian
forecasting by the Bureau of Meteorology. Climate
Antarctic Science Advisory Committee. Much of
change, he says, is an extremely serious issue, which
his work using radar to detect winds high in the
requires an immediate response from the community.
atmosphere has been carried out at Davis Base in
“Adaptation is not going to be easy. The world we are
Antarctica. Professor Vincent’s research involves
leaving for our children and grandchildren is going to
measuring the momentum of gravity waves in the
be very different to the one that we enjoy,” he says.
John Zillman Meteorologist
Climate, weather and courteous discourse
After a distinguished career that has included stints
cooperation between space scientists, meteorologists,
with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and as
hydrologists, oceanographers and other earth system
president of the World Meteorological Organisation,
scientists and service providers. He has an especially
John Zillman AO knows the difference between
optimistic view of future developments in his own
weather and climate.
field of meteorology.
Dr Zillman has been one of the most influential
“The next thing over the horizon is detailed local
figures in shaping climate science in Australia,
weather forecasting and warning,” he says. “Models
and was a leading figure in the establishment of
will have the ability to extract the last little bit of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
information from the observed data, and then provide
(IPCC). Dr Zillman has a scientist’s respect for
an almost limitless amount of forecast information,
scepticism and alternative views, but says that he
for any location, up to six or seven days ahead. It’s
has a total commitment to the concept of the IPCC
already gone far beyond what I expected to happen
and its ability to give an objective and balanced view
in my professional lifetime, and we’re just at the
of the science.
beginning of the process.”
Dr Zillman believes that Australian science,
Dr Zillman was Director of the http://en.wikipedia.
in particular the earth sciences, has a remarkable
org/wiki/Australian_Bureau_of_Meteorology from
track record and an established international
1978 to 2003 and was Permanent Representative
reputation, despite Australia’s comparative lack of
of Australia with the
scientific resources. He singles out the Antarctic and
WMO “WMO” World Meteorological Organisation.
Southern Ocean climate, and the considerable body
He was elected a Fellow of ATSE in 1980 and
of work carried out by Australians in the Southern
served as President of ATSE from 2003 to 2006.
Ocean as one of the important drivers of world
He was President of the National Academies Forum
climate research.
2005–06 and President of the http://en.wikipedia.
“We pioneered the use of satellites and drifting buoys
for synoptic analysis over the Southern Ocean,” he says,
Engineering_and_Technological_Sciences (CAETS)
“and we managed to squeeze every drop of information
in 2005. He was also a member of the Prime
from sparse Southern Ocean shipping.”
Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation
Dr Zillman looks forward to a renewed Australian commitment to space science, and enhanced
Council (PMSEIC). In 2005 he was awarded the 50th International Meteorological Organisation Prize.
Associate Professor Dissanayake Reader and Associate Professor School of Psychological Science Director, Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, La Trobe University Associate Professor Cheryl
Science, the Society for Research
in early social-cognitive development
Dissanayake joined La Trobe
in Child Development and the
and autism spectrum disorders. Her
University in 1996, having spent
Australian Psychological Society.
work incorporates studies of both
three years as a postdoctoral
In 2005 she co-founded the
autistic and normal populations
researcher, most of them in the
Australasian Autism Research
and she enjoys collaborations with
Department of Psychiatry’s
Alliance, and in 2008 established
colleagues in Australia, the USA and
Neuropsychiatric Institute at the
and was appointed Director of the
the UK. Current research projects
University of California in
Olga Tennison Autism Research
include identification of early
Los Angeles. A registered
Centre. The Centre has attracted
markers of autism in infancy (both
psychologist, she is a member
large amounts of funding from
social-cognitive and biological);
of multiple professional bodies,
private and government sources
co-morbidity of autism and Fragile
including the International Society
for research into the nature, causes
X Syndrome; self-other relations
for Autism Research, the American
and treatment of autism. Dr.
in autism; pretend play; and a new
Association for Psychological
Dissanayake’s research interests are
area of research, autism in girls.
Professor David Vaux School of Molecular Sciences Director, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Sciences La Trobe University A Fellow of the Australian Academy
has served as a member of the
of cancer in humans and are
of Science since 2003, Professor
editorial boards of eight high-profile
recognised as a landmark in cancer
David Vaux is Director of the
international scientific journals,
research. He continues to play a
La Trobe Institute for Molecular
which include Apoptosis, Cell Death
leading role in the field, with his
Sciences, an NHMRC Australia
and Differentiation, Disease Models
work on the IAP family of proteins
Fellow and a recipient of more than
and Mechanisms & EMBO Reports.
(cellular inhibitors of apoptosis) and
a score of prestigious honours and
Professor Vaux is renowned for
the mammalian antagonists of IAPs
awards, including the Gottschalk
his discoveries that the oncogene
(Smac/Diablo and HrtA2/Omi).
Medal, the Glaxo-Wellcome
Bcl-2 promotes cell survival, and
He serves on the scientific advisory
(Australia) Prize, the Roche Medal,
that it is a functional homologue
board of TetraLogic Inc., a small
the Victoria Prize, the ANZSCDB
of the nematode gene ced-9.
pharmaceutical company that has
President’s Medal, the Lemberg
These findings provided the first
developed an IAP antagonist drug
Medal and, most recently, the
experimental evidence implicating
that is currently undergoing clinical
MacFarlane Burnet Medal. He
failure of cell death as a cause
trials for the treatment of cancer.
Australian Scientist
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Professor Anthony Thomas Australian Laureate Fellow School of Chemistry & Physics The University of Adelaide has
receipt of the Fellowship, Professor
Academy of Science, the Australian
become a major centre for global
Thomas returned to the University
Institute of Physics, the UK Institute
research into nuclear and particle
of Adelaide to lead the recently
of Physics and the American
physics after winning a highly
formed Research Centre for
Physical Society. Professor Thomas
prestigious Australian Laureate
Complex Systems and the Structure
has served as president of the
Fellowship from the Australian
of Matter. Before taking his position
Australian Institute of Physics,
Research Council (ARC).
at Jefferson Lab in 2004, he was
vice-president of the Australian
The Fellowship, one of only 15
director of the University’s ARC
Academy of Science, secretary of
awarded nationwide in 2010,
Special Research Centre for the
IUPAP Commission C12 and is
was awarded to internationally
Subatomic Structure of Matter and
the inaugural chair of the IUPAP
renowned physicist Professor
Elder Professor of Physics. Professor
Working Group on International
Anthony Thomas FAA, Chief
Thomas’s many awards include the
Cooperation in Nuclear Physics
Scientist and Associate Director
Harrie Massey Medal (UK Institute
(WG.9). Under his leadership,
for Theoretical and Computational
of Physics), the Thomas Ranken
WG.9 provided expert advice to
Physics at Jefferson Lab, the US
Lyle Medal (Australian Academy of
the OECD Global Science Forum
Department of Energy’s Thomas
Science) and the Walter Boas Medal
Working Group on nuclear physics,
Jefferson National Accelerator
(Australian Institute of Physics).
which prepared a global roadmap
Facility in Virginia, USA. Following
He is a Fellow of the Australian
for research in nuclear physics.
Professor Tanya Monro ARC Federation Fellow School of Chemistry & Physics Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing Professor Tanya Monro is an ARC
Premier’s Science & Research
Physical Scientist of the Year, in
Federation Fellow and Director
Council, a Bragg Fellow of the
2007–2008 she was the ‘Women in
of the Institute for Photonics
Royal Institution of Australia, a
Physics Lecturer’ for the Australian
and Advanced Sensing (IPAS)
Fellow of the Australian Academy
Institute of Physics and in 2006
at the University of Adelaide.
of Technological Sciences and
was presented with a Bright Spark
The vision of IPAS is to pursue
Engineering (ATSE). In 2010
Award by Cosmos magazine.
a transdisciplinary research
she was a finalist in the Scopus
agenda, bringing together physics,
Young Researcher awards and in
University of Adelaide in 2005 as
chemistry and biology to create
2009 was named Emerging Leader
the inaugural Chair of Photonics.
knowledge and disruptive new
in the Science category in The
She has published over 330 papers
technologies, and solve problems
Weekend Australian Magazine’s
in journals and refereed conference
for health, the environment,
Emerging Leader awards. In 2008
proceedings, and raised over $65
defence, food and wine. Professor
she won the Prime Minister’s
million for research, including
Monro is a member of the SA
Malcolm McIntosh Prize for
funding for a building for IPAS.
Professor Monro came to the
Australian Scientist
Dr Kiran Ahuja School of Human Life Science University of Tasmania The flavour-potent chilli could
showing there is a beneficial
standard dose of aspirin on platelet
also pack a punch in the future
relationship between the chemicals
aggregation and will be followed
prevention and treatment of
and the formation of fatty deposits
up with a dietary intervention study
diabetes and cardiovascular disease
on the inner wall of arteries —
with human volunteers.
— the leading causes of chronic
a precursor to many cardiovascular-
illness and death in developed
related health issues.
countries. UTAS School of Human
Most recently Dr Ahuja and her
Dr Ahuja says it is possible that, one day, chillies could replace aspirin, or be combined
Life Sciences research fellow Dr
co-researchers have found that
with aspirin, as a medication for
Kiran Ahuja is investigating the
capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin
the prevention and treatment
biological activity of the two active
inhibit platelet aggregation,
of cardiovascular disease. This
ingredients of chillies — capsaicin
which can lead to thrombosis or
work on blood coagulation
and dihydrocapsaicin — and
blood clots. This year, Dr Ahuja’s
follows on from Dr Ahuja’s earlier
whether chillies could replace
research will assess the comparative
investigations for her PhD thesis
aspirin in preventing blood clots.
effects of aspirin and chilli on
that showed chilli intake improves
platelet aggregation. The study
post-meal glucose and insulin
on the antioxidant properties of
will investigate what amount of
response and hence may play a role
these two chemicals, with results
chilli gives the same effect as a
in diabetes prevention.
Dr Ahuja’s research has focused
Dr Jane Sargison School of Engineering University of Tasmania Dr Jane Sargison is one of the
attended Oxford University with
grants. She has also conducted
few active female engineering
this scholarship for three years.
consultancy studies for such
researchers in Australia.
She then returned to Hobart and
organisations as Hydro Electric
started as a research fellow at
Corporation, Rolls Royce and the
UTAS in 2001.
Australian Maritime College.
Dr Sargison’s ability was recognised as an undergraduate student and she was a university
Dr Sargison’s areas of research are
Dr Sargison co-supervises many
medallist at the University of
experimental and computational
PhD and masters students in the
Tasmania when she graduated
fluid dynamics, thermodynamics
School of Engineering and teaches
in 1997 with a Bachelor of
and heat transfer. She is chief
some undergraduate courses.
Engineering, first class honours.
investigator in three Australian
She was also a Rhodes scholar and
Research Council Linkage
In 2009 she was awarded a Rising Star Award from UTAS.
If losing your albatross becomes a pain, take two chillies and see us in the morning.
Australian Scientist
As a hub for globally significant research, Tasmania continues to put runs on the board. Our unique, isolated situation and our focus on distinctive research make UTAS one of the top 10 research universities in Australia. In fact, UTAS continues to be recognised for research results that are international in quality and scope, in areas such as Antarctic and marine studies; sustainable primary production; environment; community place and change; population and health; and frontier technologies. For instance, by tracking Shy Albatross juveniles across the Southern Ocean, UTAS researchers are revealing why they are not surviving long enough to breed. Chillies have been flagged by the UTAS School of Human Life Sciences as a replacement for aspirin in the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A study led by theTasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research has created a “scab-free spud” – using cell selection techniques in the pursuit of the perfect potato. And researchers at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies have discovered that microscopic plants that support the ecosystem are unlikely to survive the predicted warmer winters due to climate change. If you’re interested in the kind of spectacular outcomes that research in a global laboratory test bed can provide, log on to or, and to find out more about the Tasmanian research sector, go to
9 Young Australian scientists The Australian scientists profiled show that the 20s and 30s can be a time of extraordinary productivity. All were selected by the Australian Academy
Stephen Blanksby, mass spectrometry
of Science as among the Australians most-likely
Marnie Blewitt, epigenetics researcher
to make significant global impact in coming
Sean Connelly, coral reef researcher
years. Most also demonstrate how a youthful
Vanessa Hayes, professor of genomic medicine
perspective can add significantly to our research
Daniela Rubatto, Earth scientist
capabilities. These are the Australian Academy
Ron Smernik, soil scientist
of Science’s 10 rising stars:
Nicole Webster, marine scientist James Whisstock, computational biologist David White, marine geologist Stuart Wyithe, astrophysicist
Stephen Blanksby Mass Spectrometry
Blood, sweat, tears … and roofing iron
A good tool has many uses, says Stephen Blanksby,
“We have been trying to understand the molecular
and researchers from a diverse range of disciplines are
structure of tears,” says Dr Blanksby. “The familiar
requesting that the mass spectrometry unit at
‘dry eye’ sensation that some contact lens wearers
the University of Wollongong becomes a part of
feel may be associated with the lipids in tears.
their projects.
It’s exciting research.”
“Mass spectrometry (MS) means being able to
The challenge for the future, according to Dr
identify molecules by their weight,” says Dr Blanksby.
Blanksby, is using MS to the greatest advantage,
“This helps us to understand the molecular structure,
applying techniques that are faster, more accurate and
and can be applied to medical research, where we
more selective than traditional MS in order to derive
can observe very subtle changes in cell membranes
more detailed information about molecular structure
associated with diet, exercise, illness or age.
with ever less sample to analyse.
“Using a related technology, we’ve been able to help
Dr Blanksby completed his PhD in 1999 at the
Australian industry by identifying anti-oxidants in the
University of Adelaide, where he undertook mass
polymer coating of roofing iron and fences,” he says,
spectrometry-based studies of highly unsaturated
“and improving these traditional products to cope with
cumulenes of interest in the interstellar medium.
the harsh conditions found on a typical Australian roof!”
He then took up a postdoctoral appointment at the
Dr Blanksby looks forward to a continuing increase
University of Colorado, Boulder, where he worked on
in MS as a research technique, and is proud to find
using ion-chemistry and spectroscopy to investigate
that researchers trained in Australia find a ready
the reactivity and thermochemistry of peroxyl radicals.
welcome in MS chemical and biological laboratories
Since his appointment to the University of
around the world, while the Wollongong team is
Wollongong in 2002, he has made significant
hopeful of exporting home-grown technologies.
contributions to the fields of ion-molecule chemistry
Dr Blanksby and his team have also been
and lipid mass spectrometry. He has published over 70
collaborating with an Australian visual research
papers and was awarded the 2007 Rennie Medal from
institute, which has a particular interest in problems
the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the 2009
associated with contact lenses.
LeFévre Prize from the Australian Academy of Sciences.
Young Australian Scientists
Marnie Blewitt Epigenetics Researcher
What makes the genes go round
As well as being a young mother, Dr Marnie Blewitt
answer. It’s not difficult for an Australian scientist to
leads a research team in epigenetics. Highlights
find jobs in science overseas.”
of her career include journal articles, conference
Dr Blewitt is enthusiastic about the daily tasks
presentations, and a number of awards and prizes.
of the laboratory researcher. “Lab work is really
In 2009 she was awarded the l’Oreal Australia For
exciting,” she says. “It’s fun. It’s one of the reasons
Women in Science Fellowship.
why I went into science in the first place. It’s a
“The Human Genome Project identified 30,000
pleasure not to have to sit at a computer all day, but
genes making up a human. But how do the genes
to go into a lab and perform physical experiments.
know which human characteristic they cause?
That part of science is really enjoyable.”
If similar or identical genes produce quite different
Biology is the basis of Marnie Blewitt’s
results, then the reason must be something outside
enthusiasm. People, she says, are wired differently,
the gene sequence,” she says. “This is the exciting
and her interests and talents lie in the biological
field of epigenetics.”
sciences. She hopes her research will lead to some
Dr Blewitt took her degree at Sydney University,
fundamental insights into how epigenetics controls
and studied in Paris and Oxford before gaining
the expression of the genes. It may also have some
her PhD in 2004. She is currently a Peter Doherty
important application to disease.
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne.
“When epigenetics goes wrong it can cause cancer,” she says. “If we can understand the
She is confident that Australian science is very
molecular mechanisms, then perhaps we can design
highly regarded overseas. “Even though researchers
targeted therapies to treat these tumours in the most
in Europe or the United States may have access to a
effective ways possible.”
far larger pool of money, Australian researchers are seen as being very resourceful,” she says. “They are regarded as being a real asset in any lab. They think about things from different angles to try to get to the
The numbers of biodiversity
Sharks, corals and no-take fishing zones can all
works. The more rigorously we confront models
be better understood through mathematics, says
with data, the more fruitful that dialogue. It’s when
Sean Connolly.
our data depart unaccountably from our models
Professor Connolly has an ARC Professorial Fellowship in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Townsville. He uses complex mathematical models to understand
that things get exciting. “This is what sparks major theoretical change in ecology,” he says. As well as having a distinguished record of scientific
the processes that maintain biodiversity on coral reefs.
publication, Professor Connolly has been very active
His research findings have been published in Nature,
in communicating the results of his research to
Science and Ecology Letters, among others.
the public at large, and he has made a number of
“My research group integrates mathematical
appearances on ABC Radio’s The Science Show, as
modelling and empirical work to examine the causes
well as many public forums, newspaper stories, and
of large-scale patterns in marine biodiversity,” he
radio and TV appearances. He was one of a team of
says. “Happily, much of the empirical work is done
scientists who wrote The Townsville Declaration on
wearing a wetsuit on the Great Barrier Reef.”
Coral Reef Research and Management (2002), and
Professor Connolly says that modelling is
has published other papers on the effects of climate
becoming increasingly important in the ecological sciences, and that in recent decades it has become
change and terrestrial runoff on the health of the Reef. Originally from the USA (he obtained his PhD
increasingly good at maximising the information
from Stanford University in 1999 and moved to
that can be gleaned from data.
James Cook University in 2000), Professor Connolly
“Today we can link, quantitatively, models of ecological dynamics with observations collected now
remains optimistic about the future of coral reefs. “Australians love the sea, and the reef in particular
and over the past decades. This allows us to make more
is a national icon,” he says. “Reefs worldwide
definitive statements about the degree of uncertainty
are being degraded, but I think we can avoid a
associated with our understanding of how things work,
catastrophic collapse if we manage our effects on
and with our projections about the future,” he says.
climate and our extraction of reef resources.
“The scientific process is a dialogue between
“Many people depend on the reef for their
our perceptions — empirical data — and our
livelihoods, so it’s in our own interest to protect reefs
pre-conceptions — our theories about now nature
for future generations.”
Young Australian Scientists
Vanessa Hayes professor of genomic medicine
The science of extremes Vanessa Hayes is a geneticist with an impressive record of laboratory research, but her career has included
This study provides not only a glimpse into humanity’s
trekking the Kalahari Desert in search of early human
ancient past as hunter-gatherers and sheds light into its
genetic characteristics, and encounters with Archbishop
transition and expansion as farmers, but will contribute
Desmond Tutu and the Tasmanian devil,
to defining human phenotypic characteristics.
for the same purpose. “I like to go to the extremes of science,”
“Australia is unique in the way it celebrates its scientists,” says Dr Hayes. “I’ve lived in many
says Dr Hayes. “That’s why I went to Namibia.
countries and Australia is far ahead of the game
Africa holds a vast untapped resource, which we
when it comes to recognition and public coverage
haven’t used or appreciated. Identifying extreme
for local scientific research.
human characteristics is a great way of rapidly
“It is therefore up to us as Australian scientists
advancing scientific knowledge on the genetic basis
to utilise these opportunities and relay our message
to human adaption and human disease.”
to the public,” she says. “If we cannot communicate
Prostate cancer is a major cause of death in
our science to the lay person, then we have ultimately
Australia, but nearly all the sufferers are of European
failed. We need to take responsibility for
extraction, says Dr Hayes. It is African men, she
implementing changes.”
believes, who hold the genetic key and who have the
Now a Conjoint Professor of Medicine at the
greatest incidence of the disease. She believes that all
University of New South Wales and resident in Sydney,
populations need to be included in DNA databases.
Dr Hayes recently accepted a position as Professor of
Defining the genomic profile of population diversity
Genomic Medicine at the J. Craig Venter Institute in San
will facilitate major breakthroughs in understanding
Diego, California. Dr Hayes studied in South Africa,
the origins of multiple complex diseases.
and did a PhD in cancer genetics at the University of
In 2010, Dr Hayes travelled thousands of kilometres
Groningen, Netherlands. She received an Australian-
through southern Africa and the Kalahari Desert, taking
American Fulbright Professional Scholarship (2009);
blood samples from poorly defined Khoisan (click-
the Ruth Stephens Gani Medal for Human Genetics,
speaking) and African Bantu populations. Her work
Australian Academy of Science (2008); an Australian
identified the most divergent complete human genomes
Young Tall Poppy Award for Science (2007); the NSW
sequenced to date, including that of Archbishop
Premier’s Award for Outstanding Cancer Research
Desmond Tutu and !Gubi, a Kalahari bushman.
Fellow (2007); the BNP Paribas Award for Cancer
This data, published in Nature, provided an additional
Genetics (2006); and has produced 50 peer-reviewed
1.3 million DNA variations to current databases.
publications since 1996.
Daniela Rubatto Earth Scientist
An enquiring mind amongst the mountains
Daniela Rubatto describes herself as an earth scientist who is passionate to find out about the mountains. “Those great big things on the horizon, how did
As a scientist, Dr Rubatto enjoys being able to move between Australia and other parts of the world. Australian science, she says, is extremely
they get there? Where do they come from? How long
international. Much of her research has been done
have they been there?” she wonders.
in the western alps of Italy, in the Sikkim Himalaya,
Her main research interest, she says, is in
and in the interior of Australia. She appreciates what
geochronology of metamorphic processes, crustal
she thinks of as the Australian attitude to scientific
growth and mountain building.
research: enjoy it, do not take it too seriously,
In 2002, she discovered a key geochemical signature in the mineral zircon in metamorphic rocks that experienced extreme conditions. This geochemical fingerprint allows the age
but be very good at it! “Although I spend time in the mountains, and I love walking the mountain trails, for my research I do not join extreme field trips, and I do most of my
extracted from the mineral to be linked with the
‘extreme’ work in the laboratory,” she says. “Life is
pressure and temperature that the rocks have
too precious, and family keeps me from doing rash
experienced, and thus to time the path the rocks have
things or being away too long!”
travelled at depth. Dr Rubatto has a particular interest in the mineral zircon, indeed she speaks of it with a surprising fondness. “Zircon never lets you down,” she says. “It’s such a solid material to work with, with so much information contained in it. You can follow millions of years of the Earth’s evolution in zircon, if you just know how to read it. It’s a never-ending puzzle which is a joy to work on!”
Young Australian Scientists
Ron Smernik soil scientist
Covering a wide range of disciplines
All human activities ultimately depend on water and
to a very different purpose,” he says. “The result is
air, and the soils which are such a vital part of the
a new perspective on an important material.”
economy and the environment. Ron Smernik’s research is focused on soil organic
Australian scientists, says Dr Smernik, have a certain informality, which stands them in good
matter, a soil component that affects the physical,
stead. They are willing to question authorities and
chemical and biological properties of soil.
orthodoxies, and not be over-awed by the reputations
“I have problems with the term ‘soil scientist’,”
which their international colleagues may have.
says Dr Smernik. “It has the effect of putting things
“Soil science is also vitally important in
into one basket. In fact soil science covers a wide
our context,” says Dr Smernik. “Australia may
range of scientific disciplines.”
not be at the forefront of some of the research
The organic matter that Dr Smernik studies gives
endeavours, but in soil science we more than
structure to soil by holding particles of sand, silt and
hold our own. Even though some of the actual
clay together; it reduces soil strength, enabling root
knowledge that we gather is specific to Australia,
penetration; it enhances water holding capacity and
our research skills will be welcome anywhere
water infiltration; it comprises most of a soil’s nitrogen,
in the world.”
and about half of its phosphorus; and is the source of
Dr Smernik was awarded the Frederick
energy and nutrients for the soil microbes. Finally, soil
White Prize (for researchers under the age
organic matter represents a bigger pool of carbon than
of 40, engaged in one of the physical sciences)
terrestrial biomass and atmospheric CO2 combined.
in 2008. He has a PhD in organic chemistry,
Dr Smernik uses innovative nuclear magnetic
and recently was granted an Australian Research
resonance (NMR) technologies to characterise
Council QEII Fellowship to carry out research
soil properties.
at the University of Adelaide on the influence
“My approach has been to adapt standard chemistry methodologies, in particular NMR spectroscopy,
of organic matter on the toxicity and movement of organic pollutants in soils and sediments.
Nicole Webster Marine scientist
Sponges, microbes and managers Dr Nicole Webster loves sponges, whether they are
that she was interested in science even as a child,
under the Antarctic ice or blooming on the Great
obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at the University
Barrier Reef.
of Canterbury. This enabled her to carry out
“Sponges and microbes play such an important
research through the New Zealand Antarctic base
role in the sea. There are more species of microbes
on the use of sponges as bioindicators in a polluted
in the ocean than anything else,” she says. “Microbes
marine environment. The good news, she says,
actually make up a greater mass than everything else
is that despite very heavy pollution in some areas,
in the ocean put together!
the sponges and their related bacteria are thriving.
“Microbes are at the base of the food chain, so every
Dr Webster, as a working scientist and a
living thing depends on them,” she says. “And they form
young mother of three children, regrets that her
an astonishing range of symbiotic partnerships, such as
opportunities to do field work are diminishing.
the relationships which are essential for the survival of marine organisms like corals and sponges.” Dr Webster says that although sponges in particular
“My role now involves far more planning and collating scientific results, even if it’s exciting research work,” she says. “The actual experimental
are useful as indicators of marine health, they are
work at the laboratory bench is mostly done by
often the poor cousins to corals and “rarely on the
students. As for getting into a wetsuit and diving on
radar” of science and natural resource managers.
the reef, it doesn’t happen as much as it used to!”
Sponges may comprise up to 60 per cent symbiotic
Dr Webster is concerned that important scientific
bacteria, and the various organisms that make up
concepts such as biodiversity and ecosystem services
a sponge are highly sensitive to changes in the
have not had the recognition that they deserve from
environment such as pollution or rising temperatures.
land and marine managers, while the scientific
“We know that the marine ecosystem depends on
knowledge that underpins these ideas has hugely
sponges, especially as highly efficient filters,” says
increased. “Environmental change is occurring, and
Dr Webster. “But what we also know is that the
the rate of change is a real threat,” says Dr Webster,
sponges of the Great Barrier Reef begin to fail as
“but I remain hopeful that most species, including
organisms when sea surface temperatures reach
us, will be able to cope.”
33 degrees Celsius. With impending climate change, this has huge significance.” Dr Webster, who says
Young Australian Scientists
James Whisstock Computational Biologist
Structural and computational biology Professor James Whisstock has been exploring
and in bioinformatics. We use a very big computing
the fundamental shape and structure of components
infrastructure to bring all this together.”
of the living cell, and how they afffect the activities
One of the most exciting moments of Professor
of pathogens and diseases such as cancer. The
Whisstock’s research career came when, after 10 years’
Whisstock Laboratory at Monash University
work, he and his team were able to determine the
is internationally recognised for its groundbreaking
structure of an important protein family belonging
research into the role of proteases and their inhibitors
to the membrane attack complex/perforin superfamily.
in human diseases.
Human deficiency in these proteins may lead to a
In the arcane world of bioinformatics, genomics and protein biology, Professor Whisstock makes a surprisingly simple observation: “Shape is a very
number of serious diseases as well as an increased susceptibility to bacterial infection and cancer. “When we worked out the structure, we could
important thing in biology. If you can see what
see, because of its shape, that it was related to a very
something looks like, you can then understand
ancient family of bacterial toxins,” he says. “Perhaps
how it works. And then you can look at changes or
two billion years have gone by, and here are these
mutations, and how they give rise to deficiencies and
two very powerful weapons. One of them is used
ultimately to disease.”
by bacteria against us, and one we can use against
Professor Whisstock uses x-ray crystallography,
the attack of bacteria. It’s a beautiful irony!”
synchrotron light and advanced super-computing
In 2006 James Whisstock was awarded the
to carry out his basic biological research. His early
Science Minister’s Prize for Life Scientist of the
research focus was on bioinformatics and serpins —
Year, in 2008 the Commonwealth Health Ministers
the latter being a group of proteins able to inhibit the
Award, and in 2010 the Australian Academy
proteases that break down proteins and can lead to
of Science Gottschalk Medal. He is currently an
degenerative disease.
ARC Federation Fellow.
“We are lucky to be working in such an exciting
“Australia is a fabulous environment for science,”
period of science,” he says. “There’s been an explosion
says UK-born Professor Whisstock. “Young,
in data, and the increase in computing power permits
enthusiastic researchers are prepared to take risks
so much more to be revealed from the data. Our lab
and be brave … there’s a great ‘can-do’ aspect
deals in pure biology, in genomics, in crystallography
to Australia.”
David White Marine geologist
Keeping the oil and gas industry on a secure foundation Even deep under the sea, structures need to have a
gravity within the centrifuge to 200G. This enables us
good foundation, especially if they are carrying oil or
to simulate the conditions at the sea floor, and we use
natural gas. Professor David White has made a study
scale models of foundations, anchors and pipelines
of the difficult and challenging science of oil rigs and
to assess their characteristics and their behaviour
seabed pipelines. “Pipelines may have to be laid for
under realistic operating conditions — for example,
hundreds of kilometres, at great depths beneath the
during cyclones.” Professor White is also interested
sea, and be able to carry gases or oil, often very hot
in the unique characteristics of the Australian sea
and at high pressure,” he says. “The pipelines don’t lie
floor, which are quite different to the northern
still. They wriggle around on the seabed. And they get
hemisphere, where ancient rocks, glaciers and rushing
longer as they get warmer.”
rivers provide the sediments that make up the seabed
A problem facing oil and gas operators is finding
conditions of today. Australian offshore soils are
out just what lies beneath the ocean, along the route
predominantly made from soft carbonate minerals,
of any proposed pipeline. This is particularly a
which are the fossil remnants of organisms that lived
problem off the Australian coast, where the variability
in our tropical seas.
is much greater than in oil and gas bearing areas
White started his career as a lecturer at Cambridge
elsewhere in the world. Some Western Australian gas
University, but moved to Australia to become one of
fields now being exploited lie in water that is 1200
the youngest professors at UWA in 2007 at the age
metres deep at the foot of what, on land, would be a
of 31. In 2010 he received the Anton Hales Medal
vast cliff some 100–200km off the northwest coast.
from the Australian Academy of Science, recognising
Marine geologists can learn a lot about the seabed
his contribution to Earth sciences. He has more than
by using seismic methods that measure shock waves
a hundred published papers, and has received the
from detonations and other similar techniques, says
Bishop Medal, the Telford Premium, the RM Quigley
Professor White, but ultimately there is a need to take
Honourable Mention and the BGA Prize (twice).
samples, bring them to the surface, and analyse their
As well as receiving academic recognition, Professor
mechanical properties. “We receive samples at our
White’s work has resulted in designs and techniques
lab in Western Australia, where we use a centrifuge
that are widely used in engineering practice, and
to replicate the in situ strength of the soil,” says
he has been called in as a consultant to oil and gas
Professor White. “We can ramp up the effective
operators based in London, Houston and Norway.
Young Australian Scientists
Stuart Wyithe Astrophysicist
Back to the Big Bang
Astrophysicist Stuart Wyithe has a better idea than
In 2009 he was awarded the Academy’s prestigious
most about what happened at the very beginning.
Pawsey Medal for Physics. The citation for this award
Astronomy, says Professor Wyithe, is a cooperative
stated that he made “outstanding contributions to
science. The people who make observations work
cosmology, and to our understanding of the likely
closely with the people who try to model and interpret
structure of the universe as the first stars formed, with
them, and he, although he is an astronomer, never
work on the birth of black holes, stars and galaxies”.
actually uses a telescope. The raw materials for
Professor Wyithe says that, although astronomy
his research are numbers, and his tools are normal
has no immediate or predictable commercial rewards,
desk-top computers.
there are occasional unexpected spin-off products
“My main interest is in the first galaxies,” he says. “These are literally the first galaxies formed. We have developed a very good picture of the Universe before
such as the Wi-Fi technology patented by CSIRO in 1992. “But the most important spin-off is in terms of
galaxies existed, just three hundred thousand years
training,” he says. “We train a lot of students, and
after the Big Bang.
my students have moved into climate modelling,
“We also have many observations of galaxies as
geothermal research, meteorology and many other
they existed from a billion years after the Big Bang
very different fields, because they have had a technical
right down to today. However, as yet, we have no
training which is very transferable.”
observations of the Universe during the important
Professor Wyithe is confident that most people
in-between period, when the galaxies were forming.
find science inherently interesting, and most young
Astronomers refer to this time as the Dark Ages.”
people find it exciting. In recent decades the style
After taking a physics degree followed by
of research has changed with the increase in
postdoctoral study in astrophysics at Melbourne
computing power, but there is still an important place
University, Professor Wyithe left Australia to do
for curiosity-driven science.
research at Princeton University. In 2001 he was awarded a Hubble Fellowship to Harvard. When he returned to Australia he took the position of Australian Research Council Queen Elizabeth II Fellow at the University of Melbourne.
Professor Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik Associate Professor Biochemistry Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine Associate Professor Sonya
also contributed to the body of
“Validation of novel biomarkers for
Marshall-Gradisnik is one of
knowledge relating to the effect
Australia’s foremost emerging
of doping in sport and she serves
researchers specialising in
as Sports Medicine Australia’s
-Gradisnik is currently collaborat-
the area of neuroimmunology
national spokesperson.
ing with a number or researchers,
and has been instrumental in
The vital research conducted
establishing the Public Health and
by Associate Professor Marshall-
Neuroimmunology Unit (PHANU)
Gradisnik has attracted more than
at Bond University.
$1.2 million in grant funding and
Associate Professor Marshall
including: • Dr Donald Staines, Queensland Health Southern Area Population Health
Much of her work relates
she has produced 32 peer-reviewed
specifically to immunological
papers, five book chapters and two
Miller School of Medicine,
dysfunction in Chronic Fatigue
provisional patents.
University of Florida, USA
Syndrome sufferers and she
Associate Professor Marshall-
• Professor Nancy Klimas,
• Professor Oguz Baskurt,
is regularly asked to speak to
Gradisnik was recently awarded
community groups on behalf of
funding of $555,000 through
Queensland Health and NSW
the 2009-2011 Queensland
Keck School of Medicine,
Health. Her research in the area
Government Smart State Science
Los Angeles, USA.
of exercise immunology has
Research Grant for a project titled
University of Antalya, Turkey • Professor Herbert Meisleman,
Dr Patrick Warnke Professor of Surgery Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine Dr Patrick Warnke is an inter-
from leading institutions
nationally-renowned stem cell
worldwide who are focussed on
researcher and plastic surgeon
developing technologies that will
who created world headlines
enable patients to use their own
after leading a research team that
bodies as “bio-reactors” to grow
years to teaching through lectures,
succeeded in ‘growing’ a new
replacement bones and organs.
clinical skills training and thesis
jawbone for a cancer sufferer using
Dr Warnke continues his role
supervision, winning an award in
the patient’s own stem cells. The
in this groundbreaking medical
2006 for the best student lectures
jaw was the first larger tissue-
field, drawing Bond University’s
of the year within the Medical
engineered body part to be grown.
Faculty of Health Sciences and
Faculty of the Christian Albrecht
In 2007, Dr Warnke launched the
Medicine into the global MyJoint
University in Germany.
revolutionary MyJoint program in
Germany — a cutting edge tissue-
In addition to Dr Warnke’s
As Professor of Surgery, he also designed the new surgical
engineering network comprising
extensive research and publication
curriculum for Bond’s
researchers and practitioners
portfolio, he has devoted many
medical students.
Australian Scientist
Professor David Adams Health Innovations Research Institute Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Professor David Adams is Director of the Health Innovations
American Heart Association. He is currently the elected
new treatments for chronic and neuropathic pain.
Research Institute (HIRi) at
President of the Australian
RMIT University. The theme of
Physiological Society. Professor
Australian Research Council
the RMIT Health Innovations
Adams’ most recent research
grant, Professor Adams and his
Research Institute is “translating
involved the potential for toxins
team work with one of
fundamental science into better
produced by cone snails to
the world’s leading cone snail
health outcomes”.
better control the chronic pain
experts, Professor Frank Mari,
suffered by one in five Australians
at Florida Atlantic University.
Muscular Dystrophy Association
of working age. He leads the
The collaboration with Mari
of America Postdoctoral Fellow-
university’s investigation into
means RMIT can now broaden
ship; a Grass Fellowship in
venom peptides, the cocktail
its investigation beyond
Neurophysiology, Marine Bio-
of agents in cone snail venom
Australian species.
logical Laboratory, Woods Hole,
that paralyses prey. His team
USA; a Beit Memorial Fellowship
focuses on isolating peptides that
researchers in the University
for Medical Research, UK; and a
target particular receptors in the
of Calgary and a group based
Bronze Service Award from the
pain pathways in a bid to find
in Belgium.
Professor Adams has received a
Backed by a $1.4 million
The team also works with
Jason Seris Graduate Leadership Development Program Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology American leadership program.
for the Joint Strike Fighter. Over
Seris recently graduated with
the five-year program,he will
a Bachelor of Engineering
complete five rotations across
(Aerospace), first-class honours,
Rolls-Royce sites. Potentially,
and undertook his internship as
he may find himself working in
part of the RMIT International
Washington DC, Singapore, Tokyo
Industry Experience and Research
and at the company’s headquaters
Program (RIIERP).
in Derby, UK.
He is now joining the Graduate
Jason Seris, an RMIT University graduate, has become the first
Australia is a leading partner
Leadership Development Program
in the Joint Strike Fighter
with the GE Rolls-Royce Fighter
program, and Seris and his fellow
Engine Team.
RMIT interns are making a vital
The Fighter Engine Team is
contribution to the development of
Australian to be chosen for Rolls-
developing the F136, the world’s
the F136 engine, which will power
Royce’s prestigious North
most advanced combat engine,
that aircraft.
GLOBALLY CONNECTED, LOCALLY RELEVANT Research with Global Impact With projects addressing issues of concern at local, national and international levels, RMIT promotes ingenuity and creativity to achieve maximum impact.
to enhance European understanding and engagement with the region, tackling vital issues such as the future of cities, people mobility, border security and climate change.
Ground-breaking success in areas including nanotechnology, engineering, aerospace, complementary medicine and ICT, demonstrate the University’s capacity to make its mark in research and innovation. RMIT research focuses on issues of global importance and encourages collaborative approaches, innovative solutions, and timely and relevant outcomes that benefit society.
Throughout the University, multi-disciplinary projects are carried out in close collaboration with RMIT’s research institutes, other Australian and international universities, industry, government and partner organisations.
The new European Union Centre at RMIT will build bridges with Europe to tackle the complex, difficult problems that impact the way we live. The Centre uses RMIT’s strong links with Asia
With globally recognised researchers supported by state-ofthe-art facilities, RMIT offers exceptional opportunities for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers. For more information visit
mitch S1710
Australian Scientist
Professor Tim Smith Sustainability Research Centre University of the Sunshine Coast Professor Tim Smith is a leading
that assessed Sydney’s ability to
Griffith University. He is also
researcher in the fields of climate
adapt to future climate conditions.
currently leading the Communities
change adaptation and coastal
Professor Smith is currently
Theme of the National Climate
management and Director of the
leading the Adaptive Capacity
Change Adaptation Research
Sustainability Research Centre
Theme in a similar climate change
Facility Network on Marine
at University of the Sunshine
adaptation project for southeast
Biodiversity and Resources, and
Coast. Along with his research
Queensland, which represents
the Adaptive Learning Theme of
partners he was awarded the
Australia’s single largest integrated
the CSIRO Coastal Cluster. Prior
2009 Australian Museum Eureka
climate adaptation research
to his appointment at USC he was
Prize for Innovative Solutions
initiative at the regional scale,
a senior research scientist with
to Climate Change. The award
and involves the Queensland
the CSIRO. He also led the social
was based on research he jointly
and Australian governments,
science portfolios of two national
led with representatives from
the CSIRO Climate Adaptation
research centres (Coastal and
the Sydney Coastal Councils
National Research Flagship, the
Catchment Hydrology CRCs).
Group, WWF and the CSIRO
University of Queensland and
Professor Abigail Elizur GeneCology Research Group University of the Sunshine Coast Professor Abigail Elizur is a
University of the Sunshine
and Development Corporation.
leading researcher in the field of
Coast to become an important
Researchers are examining the
aquaculture biotechnology.
contributor to the Australian
impact of temperature variations
She was awarded the University
Seafood Cooperative Research
on Atlantic salmon breeding stock
of the Sunshine Coast’s Vice-
Centre and other major research.
of different ages in Tasmania
Chancellor’s Medal for Research
Among Professor Elizur’s
in a bid to improve the survival
in 2009 for her involvement in
current projects is one aimed at
a number of major aquaculture
“climate-proofing” Tasmania’s
research projects, particularly the
$270 million salmon aquaculture
USC in 2005, Dr Elizur was
world-first spawning of southern
industry. This project, led by
a senior research scientist with
bluefin tuna in captivity.
Griffith University in partnership
the Queensland Department of
with USC and Salmon
Primary Industries and Fisheries
in fish reproductive physiology
Enterprises of Tasmania, has
and head of the Fish Reproduction
and advancing genetic studies
received funding from the federal
Department at Israel’s National
using genomics has enabled
government’s Fisheries Research
Centre for Mariculture.
Professor Elizur’s expertise
rate of eggs. Prior to her appointment with
Australian Scientist
Forestry project targets climate change
USC’s climate change research received a boost in May with a $300,000 federal government grant to assess how fast-growing tropical hardwood trees can be better used to combat climate change.
It will enhance the forestry sector’s knowledge of tropical trees adapted to drought, and enable the sector to participate in ground-breaking sustainable carbon pollution reduction schemes.
The large collaborative project—involving USC, CSIRO Plant Industries, and Agri-Science Queensland— establishes the group as the major tropical forestry research provider for Australia in addressing climate change.
The grant from the government’s Forest Industries Climate Change Research Fund was for the Forestry Adaptation and Sequestration Alliance project.
The project will assess the drought adaptation and carbon sequestration rates (the rates at which trees absorb carbon from the air) in tropical hardwood plantations.
Project leader Dr David Lee is Associate Professor of Plant Genetics at USC and a Senior Principal Research Scientist with Agri-Science Queensland in the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation.
visit University of the Sunshine Coast
Tel: 07 5430 1234
Fax: 07 5430 1111
CRICOS Provider Number: 01595D 135
10Future science Bob Williamson
Most scientists are inspired by the excitement of discovering new things. This has been true for the whole of human history. The joy of working out the explanation for the force of gravity, the special law of relativity, the periodic table, the double helix, or telomeres, is extraordinary. Most scientists know moments of great excitement, even though few of us will shine as brightly in the constellation of science as Newton or Mendeleev, Einstein or Crick, Franklin or Watson, or Elizabeth Blackburn. Until quite recently, science was performed
find opportunities overseas, while equally
by small, elite groups in one place, usually one
accomplished scientists from other places come
university, one city, one country. During the
to live and work here. No country, however
past 50 years, science has become a global
rich, has every facility in every subject, and
enterprise. Australian scientists now live and
Australia has focused on some fields (such as
work all over the world, and most leading
astronomy and immunology, to name but two)
scientific teams are international, made up of
in which it is particularly strong.
collaborators from many countries. We used to speak of the “brain drain”
A world view of the value of science is now found worldwide. Australia needs science if it
when a scientist left their home country to
is to survive as a prosperous country. To this
live and work in another, but now we think
end, it is vital that Australia nurtures engagement
of a “brain balance”, where some Australians
and participation in the global science effort.
We have a relatively liberal visa and citizenship
supporting early-career scientists to achieve
policy for scientists from other countries
work-life balance alongside a career in science.
who want to carry out research here, but
But is science only for the scientists?
should remain vigilant in practice to minimise
Let’s consider the big issues facing governments
employment barriers. We must introduce
throughout the world. First and foremost,
our own scientists to the international science
climate change, global warming and energy
“When is it ethical to use embryonic stem cells? Are genetically modified foods harmful, or helpful?” arena early in their careers. Some lucky ones
policy. Science stories appear every day in the
are selected to mingle with Nobel laureates
media, but which are true? Can we be skeptical
and thousands of budding scientific elite from
without becoming foolish? How much “margin
around the world at meetings like the one at
of error” is there, and who corrects errors if
Lindau on Lake Constance in Germany in 2010.
they are made? Perhaps more importantly,
We must also ensure that scientists who
how do we ensure that politicians and public
leave Australia to work in other countries keep
servants have enough scientific knowledge
in contact and are in our minds when new
(or can get independent, evidence-based
initiatives are funded at home. After their
information from scientists) to make informed
years abroad, they will return with new and
policy and planning decisions?
different approaches that will help to renew and invigorate Australian science.
What of other issues? When is it ethical to use embryonic stem cells? Are genetically modified
Promoting flexible and sustainable career
foods harmful or helpful? Is the population
paths for our early career scientists will help
growing at an unsustainable rate? Is nuclear
to ensure that ongoing science capability is
power safe? These debates cannot be held
available to tackle the big issues and drive our
without those involved having some level of
nation’s future. Improving mobility between
scientific knowledge. Because of this, education
research, university, industry and government
in the principles of science is a matter for
sectors, valuing alternative science-based careers
everyone, not just for scientists.
outside of academia, and providing career
Australia is fortunate: we have a wonderful
re-entry opportunities for young scientists who
education system. There has been an increasing
experience interruptions or discontinuity in
emphasis on attending university and about
their research efforts all go a long way toward
a third of Australians now study at one of the
30 or so Australian universities, most of which
growing expectation that in future a top-ranking
offer strong science courses. By 2020 I predict
public servant, school principal, politician or
this will rise to 50 per cent, a remarkable
industrialist is likely to have a doctorate.
increase when you consider that a mere
If a doctorate is to be the best qualification for
50 years ago only about 3 per cent of people
any senior appointment, we must ensure that
went on to higher education. In total, there
every PhD is not only trained in depth in his or
are now almost 200,000 students who study
her own subject, but also has a broad knowledge
undergraduate science, engineering, agriculture
of teamwork, media, finance, mentoring and
or information technology in Australian
human relations. Australian universities are
universities. Universities offer exciting new
now responding by ensuring that most PhD
courses combining science with arts or law
students have the opportunity to choose courses
or engineering, creating pathways for a new
that provide these leadership skills.
generation of highly qualified and scientifically literate graduates in a range of professions. However, undergraduate education is only the
For those who are passionate about science, joining the scientific workforce is an important decision. The salaries are not great for junior
beginning. In 2010, anyone aspiring to a career
researchers (although they improve as you
in scientific research would be expected to have
progress). The hours are long and there is little
a PhD. It is remarkable that about 4000 people
job security, particularly in the university sector.
get PhDs from Australian universities in science,
However, in return, a scientist experiences the
“In future a top-ranking public servant, school principal, politician or industrialist is likely to have a doctorate.” engineering and medicine each year. A doctorate
joy of facing new challenges every day and the
used to be training for a career in research,
reward of solving them using skills that are
usually in a research-oriented university, or with
essentially personal, in the knowledge that his
the CSIRO or in a medical research institute.
or her work is a contribution to the future of
Now, however, a PhD trains a young woman
Australian science and the global science effort.
or man for any job that requires a high level
For many scientists, these privileges are
of intelligence combined with the ability to
combined with the wonderful moments of
create, follow and complete a plan of research
participating in the excitement of discovery,
or study. Most students who get a PhD do not
of being at the frontiers of knowledge and
finish up as “boffins” any longer. There is a
blazing new intellectual trails.
Australian innovation patent advantage Ignore it at your potential peril By Caroline Bommer and Peter Treloar
The Facts: In addition to “standard” patents, the Australian patent system offers a unique form of protection called the “innovation patent”. The term of an innovation patent is eight years
of our innovation patent as a powerful strategic
compared to 20 years for a standard patent. However,
property in its own right and/or to maximise their
unlike a standard patent, an invention claimed in
advantage during litigation. Such was the case in
an innovation patent does not have to pass the test
Dura-Post (Aust) Pty Ltd v Delnorth Pty Ltd [2009]
for “inventive step” — rather, it must meet the
FCAFC 81, where the Full Federal Court recently
(lower) test for “innovative step”. Further, in certain
decided to uphold a trial judge’s decision that an
circumstances, it is possible to file innovation patents
innovation patent was not subject to an obviousness
from standard patents and vice versa. With astute
test, but rather to the substantially weaker “innovative
management, therefore, a patentee can avail of the
step” test being something peculiar to Australian
“best of both worlds” and thereby strengthen their
IP position. The lack of an obviousness test provides a great opportunity for patentees to take advantage 140
In the Dura-Post case, relating to the simple subject matter of elastically deformable roadside
Australian Scientist
posts, the patentee had filed multiple divisional innovation patents from a standard patent and successfully sued on the innovation patents. The successful innovation patent claims each defined a new, but arguably non-inventive, combination of known features. However, the court concluded, based on evidence, that in each case the claimed difference over the prior art, while small, did provide a substantial or “real” contribution to the working of
be examined substantively unless and until the patentee
the invention and as such passed the threshold test.
wishes to establish enforceable rights. In this way,
The implications and recommendations The absence of an obviousness test allows applicants
they can be both powerful and flexible, as it is clear from this latest case that minor points of distinction disclosed within the specification may be sufficient to establish patentable rights. For the same reasons, it is difficult to accurately
to potentially obtain protection for
predict the potential scope of granted but unexamined
more marginal developments and/or obtain broader
innovation patents of third parties. This arguably
rights for an invention in Australia than would be
provides an added incentive for applicants to attempt
possible in nearly all other jurisdictions.
to dominate particular market sectors through
As such, we would encourage potential applicants to consider innovation patents as an adjunct to a
innovation patents. However, it is worth noting that the innovation
standard patent application in order to obtain a
patent regime appears to be at odds with one of
fast-to-grant right with potentially broader claims.
IP Australia’s stated goals — aligning Australian
They should also be considered as an adjunct to or
patentability standards with those of other major
alternative for developments that would normally at
jurisdictions such as Europe and the US. Such policy
best be protected via the useful, but limited, registered
considerations may give rise to a substantive review
designs regime. Importantly, many applicants are
or revision of the regime in due course, although any
already doing this.
resultant changes would almost certainly not have
It is undoubtedly preferable to be the holder of innovation patents in your particular IP space, than
retrospective effect. Meanwhile, based on the law as it presently stands,
trying to operate around competitors’ rights, which
our recommendation is to take full advantage
may prove to be unexpectedly broad and difficult to
of the significant strategic and commercial
challenge successfully. Innovation patents proceed to
benefits that innovation patents currently provide.
“grant” after a basic formalities review. They need not
Your competitors may already be doing just that!
11 Who’s who The Academy’s affairs are conducted by a council of 17 Fellows, elected at the Annual General Meeting, that meets five times each year. It includes the seven-member Executive Committee and other Council members.
Executive Committee of Council President: Professor Suzanne Cory Professor, Molecular Genetics of Cancer
Secretary (Education and Public Awareness): Professor Jenny Graves
Division, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Director, Australian Research Council Centre
of Medical Research
for Kangaroo Genomics Head, Comparative Genomics Research Group,
Secretary (Physical Sciences): Professor Peter Hall
Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University
ARC Federation Fellow and Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne
Foreign Secretary: Professor Andrew Holmes Laureate Professor, School of Chemistry, Bio21
Secretary (Biological Sciences): Professor Graham Farquhar
Institute, University of Melbourne
Professor of Environmental Biology and
and Health Technologies
CSIRO Fellow, CSIRO Molecular
Associate Director, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University
Treasurer: Professor Michael Dopita Emeritus Professor, Research School of
Secretary (Science Policy): Professor Bob Williamson
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University
Honorary Senior Principal Fellow and Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne 143
Council members Professor Andy Gleadow
Dr Oliver Mayo
Professor of Earth Sciences, School of Earth
Honorary Research Fellow, CSIRO Livestock
Sciences, University of Melbourne
Industries, South Australia
Professor Chris Goodnow
Professor Hugh Possingham
ARC Federation Fellow and Chief Scientific
ARC Federation Fellow, Professor and Director,
Officer, Australian Phenomics Facility,
The Ecology Centre, University of Queensland
John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University
Professor Michelle Simmons ARC Federation Fellow and Professor, Centre
Professor Doug Hilton FAA,
for Quantum Computer Technology,
Principal Research Fellow, Walter and Eliza Hall
University of New South Wales
Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne
Professor Mark von Itzstein Professor Richard Hobbs
ARC Federation Fellow, Professor and Director,
Australian Professorial Fellow, School of Plant
Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University
Biology, University of Western Australia
Professor Chennupati Jagadish ARC Federation Fellow and Distinguished Professor, Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University
Professor Yiu-Wing Mai University Chair, Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Director, Centre for Advanced Materials Technology, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney
Index A AAD, 68, 70–71 AAO See Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, 15 Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) Awards, 62 Fellows, 23, 36, 62, 114 Presidents, 110 Access Economics, 81 Ada, Gordon, 98 Adams, David, Professor, 132 Adams, Jerry, Professor, 97 Adrien Albert Awards, 23 African Academy of Sciences, 15 agricultural sector See Australian agriculture Ahuja, Kiran, Dr, 116 Alfred Medical Research & Education Precinct (AMREP) See AMREP Alternative Nobel Prize, 100 Alzheimer’s Disease research, 48 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Consensus Statement of Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors, 48 American Heart Foundation’s Bronze Service Award, 132 American Physical Society Fellows, 114 AMREP, 84–85 Anglo-Australian Observatory, 35 See also Australian Astronomical Observatory ANSTO 38–39 See also ANSTO Life Sciences ANSTO Life Sciences, 38 Antartic science collaboration, 68–71 Antartic Treaty, 68 Anton Hales Medal, 128 ANZSCDB President’s Medal, 112 apoptosis control research, 92 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, 102 Asia Pacific region’s growth in global science output, 45 astronomy and commercial spin-off products, 129 Australasian Autism Research Alliance, 112 Australia barriers to international collaboration, 75
bilateral engagements, 68 Captain Cook’s mission to, 28 continent’s early natural history, 27–28 contribution to medical research, 81 first coal exports, 29 international collaborations in publications 1991–2005, 74 Joint Strike Fighter program, 132 medical and imaging facilities, 18 mineral wealth and impact on medical research, 29 Nobel laureates from, 81, 98, 105 nurturing and attracting return of researchers abroad, 138 patents system, 140–142 proportion of international students enrolled in advanced research, 67 scientific collaboration with China, 66 Australia Fellowships, 84 Australia Prize, 97, 100 Australia-Indonesia Treaty for Cooperation in Scientific Research and Technological Development, 67 Australian Aboriginal societies, 27 Australian Academy of Science annual awards, 10 bilateral engagements, 16 Council members, 144 editorial responsibilities, 10 establishment of, 10 Executive Committee, 143 Fellows, 36, 60, 62, 101, 106, 107, 112, 114 fellowship structures, 10 funding sources for exchange programs, 16 Global Leaders, 95–116 interaction with ICU, 14 international exchange programs, 16 LeFevre Prize, 120 objectives of, 10, 13 Medals, 10, 112, 114, 127, 128, 129 Presidents (2006–2010), 103, 104 Primary Connections science literacy program, 11, 104 Science by Doing program, 11 young prominent scientists, 119–134 Australian Academy of Young Scientists, 84
Australian agriculture, 28–29 environmental considerations, 31 Australian alpine flora research, 32 Australian Antarctic Science Advisory Committee, 109 Australian Antartic Division (AAD), 68, 70–71 University of Adelaide collaboration, 70 Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO), 34–35 Fellowships, 34 HERMES project, 34 Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA), 33 Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 109, 110 Australian Bureau of Statistics, 56 Australian Centre for Blood Diseases (ACBD), 84 Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health, 33 Australian expenditure by businesses on research and development, 55 Australian government, 16 parliamentary enquiry into international research collaboration, 83 Powering Ideas agenda, 45 Australian gross expenditure on research and development, 55 Australian Institute of Physics Fellows, 114 Medals, 60, 114 Women in Physics Lecturer, 114 Australian Museum’s Eureka Prize, 100, 134 Australian National University (ANU), 3–5, 32, 33, 107 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) See ANSTO Life Sciences Australian of the Year (2006), 99 Australian Physiological Society, 132 Australian research and relative citation impact in collaboration, 44–45 Australian Research Council (ARC), 55 Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, 102, 122 Fellowships, 20, 21, 24, 36, 78 114, 125, 129 Linkage grants, 33, 116, 131 145
Australian SCIENTIST
Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre, 134 Australian Synchrotron, 18–19 Australian-American Fullbright Professional Scholarships, 122 autism spectrum disorders research, 112
B Babanin, Alex, Professor, 60 Baker, Thomas, 29 Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, 84, 85 Baker Institute, 29 Banks, Joseph, 28 Barnard, Peter, 38 Baskurt, Oguz, Professor, 130 Batterham, Robin, Professor, 66 Beit Memorial Fellowship for Medical Research, 132 BGA Prize, 128 BHP Award for Science Excellence, 104 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 82 bioinformatics research, 127 biological research using innovative technologies, 127 bionic eye development, 43 Bionic Vision Australia, 43 Bishop Medal, 128 Blackburn, Elizabeth, 95 Blanksby, Stephen, Dr, 120 Blewitt, Marnie, Dr, 121 blood clot prevention research, 116 BNP Paribas Award for Cancer Genetics, 123 Bogyo, Matthew, Professor, 90 Bond University, 130–131 Bragg Fellow, 114 brain balance, 137 brain circulation, 74 brain drain, 75, 137 Brand-Miller, Jennie, Professor The New Glucose Revolution, 96 Bray, Igor, Professor, 21 breast cancer metastasis research, 90 breastfeeding, workplace and community research, 33 Brien Holden Vision Institute, 86–87 Bright Spark Award, 114 British Contact Lens Association Medalist, 86 Budovsky, Ilya, Dr, 58 Burch, Bill, 38 Burdon, Kathryn, Dr, 50, 51 Burnet, Macfarlane, Sir, 98 Burnet Institute, 85
C Cairney, Professor, 40 cancer and failure of cell death research, 112 cancer and genetic origins research, 99 cancer cell death research, 90 cancer management models research, 48
Career Development Award (CDA1), 92 Central Queensland University (CQU), 76–77 consumer participation in mental health research, 76 interactive telecommunication technology and chronic disease self-management research, 76 Centre for PET, 88 Centre for Psychiatric Nursing Research and Practice, 76 Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Care, 48 CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project, 44 Charles S. Mott Prize, 97 Chevalier de ‘Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur recipient, 97 China collaborative research programs, 82 emerging leader in science and technology, 46 scientific collaboration with Australia, 66 China United Coalbed Methane Corporation, 66 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome research, 130, 131 Chubb, Ian, Professor, 9 climate and human-influenced change research, 106 Clunies Ross Lifetime Achievement Award,100, 101 collaborative research, regional development, 82 Colombo Plan, 17 Commonwealth funding allocation, 57 in innovation research, 55 Commonwealth Health Minister’s Award, 84, 127 Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) See CSIRO Communities Theme of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility Network on Marine Biodiversity and Resources, 135 Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) (1994), 104 Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) (1997), 97 computerised tomography (CT) scans, 21 Connolly, Sean, Professor, 122 convergent close-coupling (CCC) theory, 21 Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), 30 funded programs, 55–56 Cory, Suzanne, Professor, 97, 142 Cosmos Bright Spark Award, 114 cost-effective drugs against cancer development, 64 Cox, Kerry, 48 CRC See Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) cross-disciplinary collaboration, 43, 44 CSIRO bilateral engagements, 66 Chinese-joint demonstration projects, 66 Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship, 134 editorial responsibilities, 10 National Research Flagship program, 44 Scientists in Schools program, 104 Wi-Fi technology patent, 129 CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, 106
CSL Florey Medal, 101 CSL Limited, 47, 111 Curtin University, 20–21
D dark energy research, 34, 107 Davis, Rohan, Dr, 23 Davis station, Antarctica, 70, 109 De Silva, Gayandhi, Dr, 34 Dennis, Liz, Dr, 104 Department of Innovation, Industry Science and Research AAO, 36 ISL program funding, 16 desalination plant projects, 20 diabetes and glycaemic index research, 96 Diamantina Institute for Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine, 99 Dissanayake, Cheryl, Associate Professor, 112 DNA databases, 123 Doherty, Peter, Professor, 98 Dopita, Michael, Professor, 143 dos Remedios, Cris, Professor, 64 Drummond, Peter, Professor, 60 Dura-Post (Aust) Pty Ltd v Delnorth Pty Ltd (2009), 140, 141
E Early Investigator Prize, 76 ecological science, use of mathematical modelling, 122 Ecology Letters, 122 Edith Cowan University (ECU), 48–49 Elizur, Abigail, Professor, 134 Ellis, Amanda, Dr, 50 Eminent Scientists Award, 103 epigenics research, 121 Ernst, Matthias, Associate Professor, 88 ethical issues in science, 138 ETS Walton Fellowship, 38 Eureka Prize, 100, 130 European Union’s Seventh Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP7), 74 evidence-based maternal health research programs, 82 evidence-based medicine, 131
F Farquhar, Graham, Professor, 143 FASAS, 15–16 FEAST See Forum for European-Australian Science and Technology Cooperation (FEAST) Federation of Asian Scietific Academies and Societies (FASAS), 15–16 Feldmann, Marc, Sir, 95 Fenner, Frank, 98 Fenner School of Environment and Society, 33
Fields Medal, 108 Fisheries Research and Development Corporation funding, 134 Flinders University, 50–51 Fellowships, 51 Florey, Howard, 81, 95 Forbes, Josephine, Associate Professor, 84 Forest Industries Climate Change Research Fund, 135 Forum for European-Australian Science and Technology Cooperation (FEAST), 74, 75 bibliometric analysis of scientific journals, 73 fossil fuels and Australia’s reliance on, 30 Frazer, Ian, Professor, 99 Frederick White Prize, 125 Free Air CO2 Exchange (FACE), 40 funding sources, 16, 54, 57, 81 See also private funding; public funding
G Gairdner International Award for Medical Science, 98 Gale, Julian, Professor, 20 Galvão, Daniel, Associate Professor, 48 Galxo-Wellcome (Australia) Prize, 112 gastric bacteria research, 105 Geiser, Fritz, Professor, 64 General Motors Cancer Research Foundation’s Prize, 97 geochronology of metamorphic processes research, 124 George Institute, 82 GE-Rolls Royce Fighter Engine Team, 132 Gleadow, Andy, Professor, 144 Global Carbon Project, 106 global climate and plant response to changes research, 40 global research trends, identifiable, 43 glycaemic index (GI) and diabetes research, 96 Goebel, Catrin, Dr, 58 Goodnow, Chris, Professor, 144 Gottschalk Medal, 10, 112, 127 Grand Challenges Explorations program, 82 Grass Fellowship in Neurophysiology, 132 Gratton, Enrico, Professor, 64 Graves, Jenny, Professor, 143 Green, Ben, Dr, 108 Green ,Martin, Professor, 100 Green-Tao theorem, 108 Greguric, Ivan, Dr, 38 Griffith University, 22–23 aquaculture partnerships, 134 major drug discovery partnerships, 23 Nature Bank, 22, 23 Gruber Prize in Cosmology, 34, 107
H Hall, Peter, Professor, 142 Hall, Walter, 29
Happell, Brenda, Professor, 76 Harrie Massey Medal, 60, 114 Harvard Medical School, 105, 129 Hayes, Vanessa, Dr, 123 Health Innovations Research Institute (HIRi) international collaborations, 132 Helicobacter pylori bacterium discovery, 81, 105 HERMES, 34 HG Smith Memorial Award, 36 hibernation and daily torpor research, 64 Hilton, Doug, Professor, 144 Hobbs, Richard, Professor, 144 Holden, Brien, Professor, 86, 87 Holmes, Andrew, Professor, 17, 66, 67, 143 Hopwood, John, Professor, 101 Hubble Fellowship, 129 Hughes, Terry, Professor, 102 Human Genome Project, 121 human genome sequencing research, 123 human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, 81 development and research, 99
I Ian Wark Research Institute, 62–63 ICSU See International Council for Science (ICSU) immunological dysfunction in Chronic Fatigue Sufferers research, 130 Inaugural Polymer Science and Technology Awards, 36 inland wetlands water management and research, 32 innovation patents, 140–142 innovation research levels of funding, 55 weakness in system, 56–57 Innovation System Report 2010, 53–54, 55, 56 Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS), 114 Institute of Health and Social Science Research, 76 Institute of Physics (UK), 36 Institute of Theoretical Physics, 21 Integrated Catchment Assessment Management Centre (iCAM), 32 intellectual property, 138–142 See also innovation patents InterAcademy Council (IAC), 14–15 flagship programs, 15 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 110 International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), 4 international co-authored papers in journals, 73 international collaboration, 43, 44–45, 66–67, 73 Australian parliamentary enquiry into, 83 main impediments to Australia’s, 75 international collaboration projects, 44 International Council for Science (ICSU), 11, 16–19 International Diabetes Federation’s
Young Researchers Award, 84 International Life Award for Scientific Research, 99 International Meteorological Organisation Prize, 110 International Science Linkages (ISL) Science Academies Program, 16 International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 36 Interviews with Australian Scientists (DVC series), 10 IP Australia, 142 IPCC, 110 IPCC Working Group One Report (2007), 106, 110 ISL See International Science Linkages (ISL) IUPAP Commission 114 IUPAP Working Group on International Cooperation in Nuclear Physics (WG9), 114
J J. Craig Venter Institute, 122 Jackson, Shaun, Professor, 84 Jacobs, Zenobia, Dr, 36 Jagadish, Chennupati, Professor, 144 James Cook University, 46–47, 102, 122 Jameson, David M, Professor, 64 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science’s Award, 103 Johnstone, Ricky, Professor, 90 journals, 21, 76, 88, 112, 122, 123 journals and international co-authored papers, 73
K Katsifis, Andrew, 38 King, Glenn, Professor, 64 Klekociuk, Andrew, Dr, 70 Klimas, Nancy, Professor, 130
L La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, 112, 113 La Trobe University, 38, 84, 112–113 Laboratory for Molecular Endocrionology, 78 Lambeck, Kurt, Professor, 17, 97, 103 LeFevre Prize, 120 Lemberg Medal for Excellence in Biochemistry, 101, 112 LICR, 88–89 LIDAR (light detection and ranging) facility, 70 Lidman, Chris, Dr, 34 Life Sciences Research Award, 42 Ludwig Darmstaedter Award, 105 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR), 88–89 lysosomal diseases and approved treatments for clinical use, 101 Lysosomal Diseases Research Unit (SA), 101
M Macfarlane Burnet Medal, 112 Mai, You-Wing, Professor, 144 malarial parasite research, 92
Australian SCIENTIST
Mari, Frank, Professor, 132 marine ecology and sponge research, 126 Marshall, Barry, Dr, 81, 105 Marshall-Gradisnik, Sonya, Professor, 130, 131 Martins, Ralph, Professor, 48 mass spectrometry (MS) application research, 120 mathematical modelling in ecological science, 122 Mawson, Douglas, Sir, 68 Mayo, Oliver, Dr, 144 McCusker Foundation, 48 McKellar, Bruce, Professor, 14 McMichael, Tony, Professor, 2 Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) recipients, 86 medical and imaging facilities, 18 medical research evidence-based maternal health programs, 82 medical precinct, 85 overseas funding contribution, 82–83 Meisleman, Herbert, Professor, 130 Member of the Order of Australia (AM) recipients (2010), 23, 101 microbial keratities research, 86 Miller, Jacques, 98 Mitchell, Jason, 46 Moens, Pierr, Dr, 64 Monash Medical Centre, 82 Monash University, 84, 85, 127 Monro, Tanya, Professor, 114 multilateral research programs, 74 Muscular Dystrophy Association of America Postdoctoral Fellowship, 132 MyJoint program, 130
N nanobionics research, 36 nanomaterials, 18 nanotechnology applications, 20 National Conference on Physical Activity and Health, 76 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), 55 Awards, 84 Fellowships, 84, 90, 112 grants provided between 2004 and 2008, 81–82 program grants for LICR, 88 National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding recipients, 82 National Measurement Institute, 58–59 National Medical Cyclotron, 38 National Research Flagship program, 44 natural ecosystems and reef management research, 102 natural resource management, 27 Nature Bank, 22 New Frontiers in Science Diplomacy, 11, 67 New Independent Researcher Infrastructure Support (NIRIS) Awards, 48
New Zealand Foundation of Research Science and Technology Fellowship, 50 NHMRC See National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Nicotra, Adrienne, Dr, 32 Nobel laureates, Australian, 81, 105 Nobel Prize winner (1996), 98 Nossal, Gus, Sir, 98 Nova: Science in the News, 11 NSW Office for Science and Medical Research’s Life Sciences Research Award, 40 NSW Premier’s Award for Outstanding Cancer Research Fellow, 123 NSW Scientist of the Year (Chemistry), 36
O oceanography research, 60 OECD Global Science Forum Working Group, 114 Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) recipients, 62 Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, 112 Our Future World: An Analysis of Global Trends, Shocks and Scenarios, 43
P Parkes, Dish Radio Telescope, 46 Partridge, Terence, Dr, 64 Pater MacCallum Cancer Centre See Peter Mac Cancer Centre Paul Erlich Prize for Immunology, 98 Pawsey Medal, 10, 129 Peacock, Jim, Professor, 66, 104 Peking University Health Science Centre, 82 Perak College of Medicine (Malaysia), 82 Perlmutter, Saul, Professor, 107 Peter Doherty Fellowship, 78 Peter Mac Cancer Centre, 38, 90–91 Pfizer Australia Senior Research Fellowships, 90 Pfleger, Kevin, Associate Professor, 78 pharmaceutical sector as major investor in medical research, 82 PhD, value of attaining, 139 Phillip, Arthur, 28 photovoltaic research, 100 Pittock, Jamie, 33 plant genetics research, 104 polar soil ecosystems research, 70 Possingham, Hugh, Professor, 144 Powell, Sue, 32 Praeger, Cheryl, Professor, 78 PrecipNet, 42 Primary Connections science literacy program, 11, 104 primary school education and Primary Connections program, 11 Prime Minister’s Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year, 114 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science, 99, 104 Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC), 110 private donations to scientific research, 30
private funding, low levels in innovation funding, 55 Prix Geroge Lemaitre (Belgium), 103 ProSPER.Net-Scopus Asia Pacific Young Scientist of the Year, 40 public funding of scientific research, 30, 55, 56 See also Commonwealth funding as social capital investment, 75
Q Queens Elizabeth Research Institute, 82 Queensland Government Smart State Science Research Grants, 130 Queenslander or the Year (2006), 99
R Ralston, John, Laureate Professor, 62, 63 Raupach, Mike, Dr, 106 Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP), 14 Remedios, Cris dos, 64 Rennie Medal, 120 Research Australia, 83 Research Centre for Complex Systems and the Structure of Matter, 114 researcher mobility issues, 75, 138 researchers and benefits of spending time in overseas labs, 74 Right Livelihood Award, 100 Rising Star Award, 116 river management and water policies research, 33 RM Quigley Honourable Mention, 128 RMIT University, 84, 132–133 Roche Medal, 112 Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Awards, 23, 34 Medals, 36, 120 Royal Charter (1954), 10 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Honorary Fellows, 101 Royal Institution of Australia’s Bragg Fellows, 114 Royal Society of London, 10, 13, 98, 103, 104 Royal Medal, 97 Rubatto, Daniela, Dr, 124 Ruth Stephens Gani Medal for Human Genetics, 122
S SA Young Tall Poppy Science Award (2009), 48 Sackett, Penny, 66 SAHMRI, 101 Salmon Enterprises of Tasmania, 134 Sargison, Jane, Dr, 116 SCAR, 69 Scheffers, Anita, Associate Professor, 22 Schmidt, Brian, Dr, 107 science and loss of confidence throughout wider community, 103 science as global enterprise, 137–138 Science by Doing program, 11 science citation index publications 1991–2005, 44 Science Foundation Ireland’s ETS Walton Fellowship, 36
Science Minister’s Prize for Life Scientist of the Year, 127 Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), 69 scientific diplomacy, 14–15 See also soft diplomacy scientific research See also medical research convergence mathematical disciplines, 98 funding situation, 30 importance of collaboration, 68 overseas funding, 57, 81 private funding resources, 54 scientists and Australian opportunities, 138 Scopus Young Researcher (finalist), 114 Scott, Andrew, Professor, 88 Scripps Research Institute (USA), 84 seed banks, 32 Seris, Jason, 132 Shanghai World Expo 2010, 66 Shelston IP, 140–142 Silva, Gayandhi De, Dr, 34 Simmons, Michelle, Professor, 144 Sir Kempson Maddox Award, 96 Sir Nicholas Shackleton Medal, 36 SkyMapper project, 107 Sloane, Bonnie, Professor, 90 Smernik, Ron, Dr, 125 Smith, Julie, Dr, 33 Smith, Tim, Professor, 134 Snape, Ian, Professor, 68 soft diplomacy, 13–14, 16, 67 soil science using NMR technologies, 125 Solander, Daniel, 27 solar cell development research, 100 Solar World Einstein Award 100 South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), 101 South Australian of the Year (2007), 62 South Australian Premier’s Science & Research Council, 114 South Australian Premier’s Science Award, 101 South Australian Scientist of the Year, 62, 101 Southern Cross Geoscience, 24 Southern Cross University, 24–25 SPIE Smart Materials Research Lifetime Achievement Award (USA), 34 Sports Medicine Australia, 76, 130 Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope project, 44 Staines, Donald, Dr, 130 standard patent applications, 141 Stelbovics, Andris, Professor, 21 stem cell and cancer research, 130, 131 Stokes Medal for Research in Electrochemistry, 36 Strasser, Andreas, Professor, 92 stratospheric ozone depletion research, 70 Sullivan, Leigh, Professor, 24 Sustainability Research Centre, 134
sustainable health communities program, 131 Swedish Research Council’s Tage Erlander Prize, 103 Swinburne University of Technology, 60–61 synchrotron science, 18, 21
T Tage Erlander Prize, 103 Tao, Billy, Dr, 108 Tao, Terry, Professor, 108 Telford Premium, 128 TetraLogic Inc., 112 Tham, Wai-Hong, Dr, 92 The New Glucose Revolution (Brand-Miller), 96 The Townsville Declaration on Coral Reef Research and Management (2002), 122 The Weekend Australian Magazine’s Emerging Leader Awards, 114 Thomas, Anthony, Professor, 114 Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal, 114 Trinajstic, Katherine, Dr, 21
U UK Institute of Physics, 114 ultra-cold atomic physics research, 60 undergraduate degrees in universities, 139 University of Adelaide, 114–115 collaborative research programs, 70, 82 University of Melbourne, 76, 129 University of New England (UNE), 64–65 international collaborations, 65 University of Philippines, 82 University of Sunshine Coast (USC), 134–135 aquaculture partnerships, 134 collaborative forestry sustainability projects, 135 funded projects, 135 Medals, 134 University of Tasmania, 116–117 University of Western Australia, 78–79 University of Western Sydney, 40–41 University of Wollongong, 36–37, 120 urology research, 131 US National Academy of Sciences, 98, 104, 107
The Wark, 62 See also Ian Wark Research Institute Warnke, Patrick, Dr, 130, 131 Warren, Robin, Dr, 81, 105 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, 105 weather forecasting and use of radar, 109 Webster, Nicole, Dr, 126 Wenham, Stuart, 100 Western Australian Institute for Medical Research, 78 Western Australian of the Year (2010), 48 Western Australian Scientist of the Year (2009), 78 wetlands See inland wetlands water management and research Whisstock, James, Professor, 127 Whisstock Laboratory, 127 White, David, Professor, 128 Wilczek, Frank, Professor, 21 Willcox, Mark, Professor, 86 Williamson, Bob, Professor, 55, 57, 143 Women and Children’s Hospital (SA), 101 Women for Science and Lighting the Way: Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, 15 Working Groups, 106, 110, 114 World Competitiveness Report 2009–10, 56 World Material Science output (1990–2004), 45 World Science output (1990–2004), 44 World Technology Award for Energy, 100 Wyihte, Stuart, Professor, 129
Y Young Researchers Award, 84 Young Tall Poppy Science Award, 38, 50, 84, 123
Z Zhou, Jian, Dr, 99 Zillman, John, Dr, 110 Zinknagel, Rolf, 98
V Vandelanotte, Corneel, Dr, 76 Vario Health Insitute, 48 Vaux, David, Professor, 112 Victoria Prize, 112 Vincent, Bob, Professor, 109 Vision CRC, 86 von Itzstein, Mark, Professor, 144
W Wallace, Gordon, Professor, 36 Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, 29, 84, 92–93, 97 Postdoctoral Fellowships, 121 Walter Boas Medal, 60, 114
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