Possible Steps in Qualitative Research Design a) Decide general topic of the study i) Extent of phenomena, interaction with context, level and kinds of data, etc. b) Decide issue you will address i) Level of specificity: how focused you will be on ii) Relationship to theory: emerging, enacting, or a hybrid iii) Examine potential study in relation to previous research c) Decide general approach i) Critical, cultural, grounded, ethnographic, interactionist, feminist, etc. ii) Consider implications for theory and method iii) Consider research conditions/environment iv) Investigator’s relationship to the informants and data v) Form of data analysis (to help establish form of data) vi) Significance to field and literature vii)Ensure that procedures and analytical framework works with research topics/concerns d) Ensure practicality of the design i) Possibility of gathering data in an appropriate way (1) Participant observation, focus group, conversational analysis, depth interviews, etc. ii) Possibility of interacting for time and in way needed for data collection e) Collect data (participant observation etc.): i) Create data-texts (initial reminder notes) ii) Immediately develop field notes iii) Work into initial transcripts, artifacts, etc. OR f) Collect data (textual analysis) i) Gather theoretically-based texts ii) Use combination of initial and emergent theory iii) Identify and write up patterns related to approach and theory g) Revisit and revise format, research questions, goals, etc. h) Analyze data, perhaps by i) Coding or grouping ii) Semiotic or symbolic analysis i) Return to respondents for debriefing i) Examine the fit of your perspective and theirs j) Organize data in a form for suitable analysis i) Transcripts, field notes, diagrams, mapping, etc. k) Develop initial analysis with pattern identification, emergent theory, etc. i) Establish most productive and appropriate structure for explanation l) Write up in appropriate format i) Integrate with previous findings and theory ii) Identify and arrange emergent patterns of meaning iii) Consider theory and significance Lofland/Lofland (1995) Task one, gathering data: researcher as witness and instrument Task two, focusing data: social science guidance Task three, analyzing data: emergent analysis