Financial Report 2022

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Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil, Switzerland

+ 41 (0)61 284 81 11,

Financial Report 2022 2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 3 Comment on the Financial Report 2022 4 Balance Sheet 5 Income Statement 5 Statement of Changes in Equity 6 Cash Flow Statement 7 Notes 26 Partners and Funders 29 Report of the Auditors

Comment on the Financial Report 2022

Income Statement

Swiss TPH presents an ordinary result of CHF – 125,647 in 2022, compared to CHF +3,261,026 in 2021. The operating result from activities amounts to CHF – 346,284, which represents a decrease of CHF 880,935 in comparison to 2021 (CHF +534,651). This result was achieved despite a challenging environment with a strong Swiss Franc, increases in energy costs and growing operating expenses of our new headquarters “Belo Horizonte”.

The financial result reached CHF +220,636 (compared to CHF +172,378 in 2021), mainly due to on favourable exchange rate transactions and unrealised gains on foreign currency holdings in USD/CHF and EUR/CHF. This is one of the active risk mitigation measures taken by Swiss TPH management in order to reduce currency exposure.

In 2022, Swiss TPH reports no extraordinary result. In 2021 an extraordinary gain of CHF +2,553,997 resulting from the sale of the property at Socinstrasse in Basel was realised.

The operating income of Swiss TPH increased (+10.9%) from CHF 94.5 million in 2021 to CHF 104.8 million in 2022. Excluding the effect on the income statement from the utilisation of the “Belo Horizonte” investment fund (CHF 2.1 million), sales growth would have been as high as CHF 8.2 million or 8.7% in nominal terms in 2022, as compared to 2021.

The core funding increased slightly from CHF 21.3 million in 2021 to CHF 22.7 million in 2022 (+6.7%). The project restricted funds from the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) has been reclassified from core funding to self-managed income. Previous year disclosure has been updated accordingly to ensure comparability of the figures.

In 2022, Swiss TPH managed to increase its share of competitively acquired third-party funding. Self-managed income from research, education and services increased to CHF 78.5 million in 2022, representing a growth of CHF 10.2 million or 14.9% compared to the previous year (CHF 68.3 million).

Personnel expenses increased by 4.7% or CHF 2.6 million from CHF 55.2 million in 2021 to CHF 57.8 million in 2022. The growth was mainly driven by higher salary costs (+CHF 1.2 million) with 14 additional employees on the payroll. Furthermore, an increase in travel expenses due to rising travel activities and costs (+CHF 1.1 million) was registered.

Other operating expenses increased by 20.5% or CHF 5.9 million from CHF 28.6 million in 2021 to CHF 34.5 million in 2022. With an increase of CHF 2.4 million, local project expenditures contributed substantially to the rise and are the consequences of enhanced project activities. Furthermore, an increase of 3.4 million in renting, energy and maintenance expenditures mainly contributed to the rise in other operating expenses. The majority of local project expenditures, totalling CHF 27.4 million in 2022 versus CHF 25.0 million in 2021, were spent in Africa (CHF 16.2 million, an increase of CHF 0.5 million). The local expenditures for European projects rose by CHF 2.4 million to CHF 10.4 million.

The depreciation costs amounted to CHF 3.3 million in 2022 (CHF +1.8 million) compared to 2021. This rise was mainly driven by the completion of the investments for the new headquarters “Belo Horizonte” in 2022. The depreciation costs contain CHF 2.1 million, which were covered by the utilisation of the investment fund “Belo Horizonte” recognised within other operating income.

Balance Sheet

Total assets decreased by 20.6% (CHF 18.4 million) to CHF 70.9 million compared to 2021.

Current assets decreased by 25.6% or CHF 18.6 million yearon-year to CHF 54.2 million in 2022 from CHF 72.8 million in 2021. Therein cash and cash equivalents decreased by CHF 5.4 million or 14.8% from CHF 36.2 million in 2021 to CHF 30.8 million in 2022. The reason was the remaining purchase of fixed assets for Swiss TPH, which were capitalized in 2022 and the reduction of payables.

Other short-term receivables decreased by CHF 2.3 million or 21.0% to CHF 8.7 million in 2022 compared to the previous year due to the decreased number of advances for projects to be implemented locally or for subcontractors within project assignments.

Swiss TPH also noted a decrease in prepayments and accrued income from 2021 to 2022. The decline amounted to CHF 3.7 million or 33.5% and is due to decreased advance payments for projects on behalf of Swiss TPH.

Non-current assets increased slightly by CHF 0.2 million to CHF 16.8 million in 2022 compared to 2021. The categories “Building” and “Equipment” increased by CHF 11.9 million mainly due to the reclassification of assets under construction, which decreased sharply by CHF 14.9 million. The assets under construction reclassified in 2022 mainly consist of laboratory equipment, furniture, IT-equipment and other fixtures and fittings in the new headquarters.

Current liabilities declined sharply to CHF 49.7 million in 2022 compared to CHF 67.4 million in 2021 as a result of active cash management by reducing payables to prevent negative interest on bank accounts. In this regard, payables from goods and services decreased from CHF 10.6 million in 2021 to CHF 3.1 million in 2022. Other payables decreased from CHF 5.5 million in 2021 to CHF 2.0 million in 2022.

Accrued liabilities and deferred income decreased from CHF 48.7 million in 2021 to CHF 42.2 million in 2022.

Non-current liabilities decreased slightly from CHF 13.4 million in 2021 to CHF 12.8 million in 2022.

As a result of the 2022 loss of CHF 125,647, equity decreased from CHF 8,544,462 (31 December 2021) to CHF 8,418,815 (31 December 2022).

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 3

Balance Sheet

Financial Report 2022 4 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Notes 31.12.2022 CHF 31.12.2021 CHF Assets Cash and cash equivalents 4.1 30,838,809 36,197,403 Projects abroad 1,301,292 1,410,935 Receivables from services 4.2 5,884,155 13,261,099 Rudolf Geigy Foundation 179,883 7,047 Other short-term receivables 4.3 8,656,165 10,950,497 Provision for bad debts 4.4 – 73,800 – 82,800 Prepayments and accrued income 4.5 7,311,831 10,999,588 Inventories 4.6 66,263 27,344 Current assets 54,164,596 72,771,113 Building 4.7 1,383,805 0 Equipment 4.7 11,739,809 1,208,126 Assets under construction 4.8 0 14,921,376 Long-term financial assets 4.9 62,536 62,536 Intangible assets 4.7 3,570,552 372,441 Non-current assets 16,756,702 16,564,479 Total assets 70,921,299 89,335,592
Liabilities and equity Payables from goods and services 3,063,351 10,577,377 Other payables 1,982,476 5,515,201 Projects with own accounts 1,058 0 Key deposit 42,710 89,725 Accrued liabilities and deferred income 4.11 42,232,970 48,687,171 Short-term provisions 4.12 2,359,774 2,550,961 Mortgages 4.10 0 0 Current liabilities 49,682,338 67,420,436 Other long-term liabilities 4.13 1,284,381 1,285,380 Long-term provisions 4.14 2,423,273 2,085,314 Investment fund Belo Horizonte 4.14 9,112,492 10,000,000 Non-current liabilities 12,820,146 13,370,694 Total liabilities 62,502,484 80,791,130 Equity on January 1st 8,544,462 5,283,436 Result of the year – 125,647 3,261,026 Total equity at the end of the year 8,418,815 8,544,462 Total liabilities and equity 70,921,299 89,335,592

Income Statement

*2021: 1,750K reclassified under position self-managed income (restricted funds)

Statement of Changes in Equity

The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) announces a loss of CHF – 125,647 for the year 2022, in contrast to a gain of CHF 3,261,026 in 2021, which included an extraordinary gain resulting from the sale of the property at Socinstrasse in Basel.

Hence, the equity slightly decreased to CHF 8,418,815 in 2022 compared to CHF 8,544,462 in 2021. Nonetheless, the equity ratio could be increased to 11.9% in 2022 compared to 9.6% in 2021 due to reduction of the balance sheet total as of 31 December 2022.

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 5 Notes 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Self-managed income from research, education and services 4.15 78,486,756 68,295,056 Core funding national and local government* 4.16 22,708,900 21,290,000 Other operating income 4.17 3,479,914 1,857,510 Change in unbilled services 4.18 130,108 3,043,501 Total operating income 104,805,677 94,486,067 Personnel expenses 4.19 – 57,783,263 – 55,210,993 Material expenses 4.20 – 3,951,564 – 2,658,670 Depreciation of tangible assets 4.7 – 2,050,268 – 1,265,919 Amortisation on intangible assets 4.7 – 1,276,597 – 211,345 Administrative expenses 4.21 – 5,637,321 – 6,020,321 Other operating expenses 4.22 – 34,452,948 – 28,584,168 Total operating expenses – 105,151,961 – 93,951,416 Operating result – 346,284 534,651 Financial result 4.23 220,636 172,378 Ordinary result – 125,647 707,029 Extraordinary result 4.24 0 2,553,997 Result of the year – 125,647 3,261,026
Notes 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Equity as of 1 January 8,544,462 5,283,436 Result of the year – 125,647 3,261,026 Equity as of 31 December 8,418,815 8,544,462

Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 31 December

Financial Report 2022 6 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Notes 31.12.2022 CHF 31.12.2021 CHF Cash flows from operating activities Result of the year – 125,647 3,261,026 Adjustments for non-cash income and expenses 2,855,119 121,024 Depreciation of tangible assets 4.7 2,050,268 1,265,919 Depreciation of project investments 4.7 228,613 273,582 Amortisation of intangible assets 4.7 1,276,597 211,345 Gain on asset disposals 4.24 0 – 2,553,997 Losses for bad debts 40,378 42,056 Decrease (–) / Increase (+) in long-term provisions 4.14 – 549,550 142,253 Decrease (–) / Increase (+) in short-term provisions 4.12 – 191,188 739,867 Changes in operating assets and liabilities – 4,340,365 – 8,571,942 Increase (–) / Decrease (+) in receivables 9,558,707 – 5,398,833 “Increase (–) / Decrease (+) in prepayments and accrued income” 4.5 3,687,757 – 3,168,558 Increase (–) / Decrease (+) in inventories 4.6 – 38,919 200,989 Decrease (–) / Increase (+) in payables – 11,092,709 1,368,564 “Decrease (–) / Increase (+) in accrued liabilities and deferred income” – 6,454,201 – 2,076,174 “Decrease (–) / Increase (+) in long-term liabilities and long-term deferred income” 4.12 – 999 502,070 Cash inflow from operating activities – 1,610,893 – 5,189,892
Cash flows from investing activities Outflows for purchase of tangible assets 4.7 – 3,747,702 – 14,987,207 Inflows from disposals of tangible assets 4.7 0 4,048,960 Inflows from subsidies for fire protection measure 4.7 0 0 Outflows for purchase of intangible assets 4.7 0 – 85,598 Inflows from disposals of intangible assets 4.7 0 13,204 Out-/Inflows for investment in financial assets 4.8 0 0 Gain on asset disposals 4.24 0 2,553,997 Cash drain from investing activities – 3,747,702 – 8,456,644 Cash flows from financing activities Repayment mortgage Basler Kantonalbank 4.1 0 – 1,000,000 Cash advance from subsidies 4.16 0 0 Cash inflow from financing activities 0 – 1,000,000 Net de-/increase in cash and cash equivalents – 5,358,595 – 14,646,536 thereof blocked by projects 1,059,137 – 241,271 thereof fully disposable – 6,417,730 – 14,405,264 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 36,197,403 50,843,938 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 30,838,809 36,197,403 thereof blocked by projects 4,371,345 3,312,209 thereof fully disposable 26,467,464 32,885,194


1. General information

The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a public organisation based in Allschwil with its own legal status under the laws of Switzerland (“öffentlich-rechtliche Anstalt”).

By uniquely combining research, education and services, Swiss TPH aims to improve the health and well-being of populations through a better understanding of disease and health systems and by acting on this knowledge. Our translational approach, from innovation and validation to application, enables us to bring novel diagnostics, drugs and vaccines directly to people and communities. On 1 January 2017, the treaty between the Canton Basel-Stadt and the Canton Basel-Landschaft concerning the common ownership of the Swiss TPH came into force.

2. Organisation and Governance Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is called the “Kuratorium”. Four members each are appointed by the Governments of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and the Canton of Basel-Landschaft, whereas the President is appointed by both Governments

As of 31 December 2022, the composition of the Kuratorium was as follows:

Dr. Andreas Burckhardt (until 31.12.2022)


Dr. Eva Herzog (as of 01.01.2023) President

Dr. Rolf Borner

Dr. Ariane Bürgin

Prof. Dr. François Chappuis

Prof. Dr. Sabina De Geest

Dr. Olivier Küttel

Dr. Cornelia Staehelin

Dr. Benedikt Knüsel (until 31.08.2022, Observer SERI)

Dr. Luca Tratschin (as of 01.12.2022, Observer SERI)


The Committee monitors the financial and accounting processes and systems of Swiss TPH, evaluates the independence and effectiveness of the external auditors and ensures the flow of communication between the Directorate, the Administration, Auditor, and the Board of Governors (“Kuratorium”). The Committee makes appropriate recommendations to the Kuratorium.

The actual members are:

Dr. Eva Herzog (as of 01.01.2023) President

Dr. Rolf Borner

Dr. Ariane Bürgin

Dr. Alban Frei (as of 01.02.2023)


PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Basel has been assigned by the Governments of the Cantons BaselStadt and Basel-Landschaft as the auditor of Swiss TPH.

3. Basis of preparation and accounting policies

Accounting Standard

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER, issued by the foundation for accounting and reporting recommendation, Switzerland.


Swiss TPH presentation currency is CHF (Swiss francs).

Foreign currency transactions

Assets and liabilities in foreign currency are valuated at the exchange rate provided by the federal tax administration at the balance sheet date. Foreign currency transactions are recorded on initial recognition in the functional currency at the transaction rate. Exchange rate differences are recognised in the income statement.

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 7

Revenue recognition

Revenues from rendering medical services and fees from education and training are recognised in the period of providing those services. Revenues from projects are recognised to the extent of the recoverable expenses of the reporting period. Project results are neutralised during the project period, an eventual result is realised at the end of the project. Funds from national and local government are recognised in the period for which they were funded.

Borrowing costs

All borrowing costs are recognised in the income statement in the period in which they are incurred.

Property, plant and equipment

Core tangible fixed asset items are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

Depreciation is charged so as to allocate the cost of assets less their residual values over their estimated lifetime, using the straight-line method. The following annual rates are used for depreciation of property, plant and equipment.

The capitalisation of maintenance costs depends on whether they are value-preserving or value-adding, respectively extending the useful life of the respective fixed asset. Whenever there is an indication that there has been a significant change in depreciation rate, useful life or residual value of an asset, the deprecation of that asset is revised prospectively to reflect the new expectations.

Long-term financial assets

Employer contribution reserves or similar items are recognised as assets under long-term financial assets. The difference to the respective value of the prior year is recognised as personnel expenses in the result of the period.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets are purchased computer software that is measured at cost less accumulated amortisation and any accumulated impairment losses. Software is amortised over its estimated useful life time of 4 years using the straight-line method.


Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and selling price. Cost is calculated using the average-method.

Impairment of assets

At each reporting date, fixed and intangible assets are reviewed to determine whether they have suffered an impairment loss. If there is an indication of possible impairment, the recoverable amount of any affected asset is estimated and compared with its carrying amount. If the estimated recoverable amount is lower, the carrying amount is reduced to its estimated recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognised immediately in the income statement.

Fixed assets at costs less than CHF 5,000 are not capitalised.

Fixed assets purchased with project funds for the purpose of project operations are not capitalised as the ownership of these assets remains with the donor.

Similarly, at each reporting date, inventories are assessed for impairment by comparing the carrying account of each inventory item with its selling price less costs to complete and sell. If an item of inventory is impaired, an impairment loss is recognised immediately in the income statement.

If an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but not in excess of the amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been

Financial Report 2022 8 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Asset category Annual depreciation rate Useful life in years Land 0.00%Buildings Basel 3.00% 33.33 Building installations Basel 5.00% 20.00 Furnishings 10.00% 10.00 Laboratory equipment 12.50% 8.00 Medical equipment 20.00% 5.00 Offices machines, communication systems 20.00% 5.00 Vehicles 20.00% 5.00 Tools, utensils 10.00% 10.00 Hardware 25.00% 4.00 Collections, books, movies 10.00% 10.00 Assets in leasing depending on contracts

recognised for the asset in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised immediately in the income statement.


An impairment in receivables is recognised if the carrying amount of the assets is less than the present value of the expected future cash flow. The provision for bad debts is calculated by categorising the debts as follows:


Payables are recorded at their fair value, represented by the amount to pay.


Provisions are determined based on impartial and economically reasonable principals. Risks are taken into account adequately.

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 9
Due amount Days past due Provision < CHF 30,000 >0 2% > CHF 30,000 1 – 90 2% > CHF 30,000 91 – 180 15% > CHF 30,000 181 – 270 30% > CHF 30,000 271 – 360 50% > CHF 30,000 >360 100%

4. Notes on the financial statement

4.1 Cash and cash equivalents

The procurement of remaining fixed assets for the new headquarters “Belo Horizonte” in Allschwil was completed and the investment capitalized in 2022. These assets are now reclassified from assets under construction to different asset categories (table 4.7).

In addition, the reduction of payables as part of the active liquidity management to prevent unnecessary negative interest on bank accounts resulted in a significant cash outflow of CHF 5.4 million.

Receivables from services

The open positions of receivables from services as per 31.12.2022 has been reduced by an effective dunning process and systematic management of receivables.

Financial Report 2022 10 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
2022 CHF 2021 CHF Cash in hand 53,632 59,092 Post accounts 1,124,256 747,852 Bank accounts 25,289,575 32,078,251 Cash and cash equivalents projects abroad 4,371,345 3,312,209 Bank accounts in Basel 2,454,888 1,110,696 Cash in hand 14,859 6,343 Bank accounts abroad 1,901,598 2,195,170 TOTAL 30,838,809 36,197,403 4.2
2022 CHF Foreign currency Exchange rate 2021 CHF Foreign currency Exchange rate Open positions in CHF 2,938,475 9,257,382 Open positions in USD 2,204,845 2,383,029 0.9252 2,467,596 2,708,248 0.9111 Open positions in EUR 378,321 383,129 0.9875 1,187,076 1,145,660 1.0361 Open positions in GBP 0 0 0 18,991 15,389 1.2341 Receivables from medical and diagnostic services 362,513 330,054 Medical services 83,447 67,350 Diagnostics 279,066 262,704 TOTAL 5,884,155 13,261,099


short-term receivables

Payments up to 07 February 2023 are included in the calculation.

4.5 Prepayments and accrued income

Swiss TPH recorded a decrease in prepayments and accrued income from 2021 to 2022. The reduction amounted to CHF 3.7 million or 33.5% and is due to lower advance payments in pro -

jects on the part of Swiss TPH. This is also the result of active liquidity management to prevent unnecessary negative interest on bank accounts.

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 11
2022 CHF 2021 CHF Staff advances 66,629 61,500 Advances for project activities 8,540,525 10,822,995 Withholding tax 0 4,118 Basel based rent deposits 49,012 49,014 Fixed deposits 0 0 Other receivables 0 12,870 TOTAL 8,656,165 10,950,497 4.4 Provision for bad debts Provision in % Amount CHF 2022 Provision CHF Provision in % Amount CHF 2021 Provision CHF Amounts due > CHF 30,000 1 – 90 days 2% 1,624,882 32,498 2% 678,642 13,573 90 – 180 days 15% 0 0 15% 187,182 28,077 180 – 270 days 30% 28,635 8,590 30% 53,134 15,940 270 – 360 days 50% 0 0 50% 0 0 > 360 days 100% 0 0 100% 0 0 Amounts due < CHF 30,000 > 0 days 2% 1,633,646 32,673 2% 1,260,039 25,201 TOTAL 73,761 82,791 Provision for bad debts (rounded) 73,800 82,800
2022 CHF 2021 CHF Advance payments projects 5,723,205 5,575,783 Prepayments pension funds 953,344 4,743,138 Overhead contribution for SNSF projects 416,483 528,069 Accounts paid in advance 218,799 152,598 TOTAL 7,311,831 10,999,588
2022 CHF 2021 CHF Vaccines 66,263 27,344 TOTAL 66,263 27,344
4.6 Inventories

4.7 Tangible and intangible assets

The assets under construction have been completed and reclassified to their respective asset categories in the year 2022.

As a result the annual depreciation costs of CHF 3.6 million in 2022 doubled compared to 2021.

CHF 2.1 million of the annual depreciation costs (CHF 3.6 million) are covered by the utilisation of the investment fund “Belo Horizonte” recorded within other operating income.

Financial Report 2022 12 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Tangible assets Land and buildings without CIP Assets under construction (Land and Buildings) Land and buildings Laboratory equipment Other equipment Assets under construction (Equipment) Finance leases Net carrying amount 1 January 2021 4,706,909 0 4,706,909 1,144,425 334,620 544,802 0 Cost 1 January 2021 11,015,359 0 11,015,358 5,147,435 2,852,232 544,802 0 Additions 0 0 0 229,610 107,442 14,376,574 0 Reclassifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disposals – 8,632,824 0 – 8,632,824 – 326,639 – 245,971 0 0 31 December 2021 2,382,534 0 2,382,534 5,050,405 2,713,703 14,921,376 0 Accumulated depreciation 1 January 2021 6,308,450 0 6,308,450 4,003,010 2,517,612 0 0 Annual depreciation 673,906 0 673,906 333,691 258,322 0 0 Impairment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reclassification 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disposals – 4,599,821 0 – 4,599,821 – 323,372 – 233,281 0 0 31 December 2021 2,382,534 0 2,382,534 4,013,329 2,542,653 0 0 Net carrying amount 31 December 2021 0 0 0 1,037,077 171,050 14,921,376 0 Net carrying amount 1 January 2022 0 0 0 1,037,077 171,050 14,921,376 0 Cost 1 January 2022 2,382,534 0 2,382,534 5,050,405 2,713,703 14,921,376 0 Additions 1,216,798 0 1,216,798 440,667 0 1,861,623 0 Reclassifications 437,466 0 437,466 5,997,951 5,872,874 – 16,782,999 0 Disposals – 2,382,534 0 – 2,382,534 – 151,501 – 104,492 0 0 31 December 2022 1,654,264 0 1,654,264 11,337,522 8,482,085 0 0 Accumulated depreciation 1 January 2022 2,382,534 0 2,382,534 4,013,329 2,542,653 0 0 Annual depreciation 270,459 0 270,459 1,003,670 776,139 0 0 Impairment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reclassification 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disposals – 2,382,534 0 – 2,382,534 – 151,501 – 104,492 0 0 31 December 2022 270,459 0 270,459 4,865,498 3,214,300 0 0 Net carrying amount 31 December 2022 1,383,805 0 1,383,805 6,472,025 5,267,785 0 0
Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 13 Software Software work in progress Total intangible assets Total fixed assets register 498,188 13,204 511,392 7,242,148 2,084,390 13,204 2,097,593 25,790,286 85,598 0 85,598 15,072,805 0 0 0 0 – 9,965 – 13,204 – 23,168 – 9,267,889 2,160,023 0 2,160,023 31,595,202 1,586,202 0 1,586,202 18,548,138 211,345 0 211,345 1,750,845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 9,965 0 – 9,965 – 5,205,725 1,787,582 0 1,787,582 15,093,258 372,441 0 372,441 16,501,944 372,441 0 372,441 16,501,944 2,160,023 0 2,160,023 31,595,201 0 0 0 3,747,702 4,474,709 0 4,474,709 0 – 8,670 0 – 8,670 – 3,207,435 6,626,062 0 6,626,062 32,135,470 1,787,582 0 1,787,582 15,093,258 1,276,597 0 1,276,597 3,555,479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 8,670 0 – 8,670 – 3,207,435 3,055,510 0 3,055,510 15,441,302 3,570,552 0 3,570,553 16,694,168 Intangible assets Equipment Total without Projects Projects Total tangible assets 2,023,847 6,730,756 0 6,730,756 8,544,469 19,559,826 4,132,865 23,692,692 14,713,625 14,713,625 273,582 14,987,207 0 0 0 0 – 572,610 – 9,205,434 – 39,287 – 9,244,721 22,685,485 25,068,018 4,367,160 29,435,179 6,520,622 12,829,071 4,132,864 16,961,936 592,013 1,265,919 273,582 1,539,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 556,653 – 5,156,474 – 39,287 – 5,195,761 6,555,982 8,938,516 4,367,159 13,305,675 16,129,503 16,129,503 0 16,129,503 16,129,503 16,129,503 0 16,129,503 22,685,485 25,068,018 4,367,160 29,435,179 2,302,291 3,519,089 228,613 3,747,702 – 4,912,174 – 4,474,709 0 – 4,474,709 – 255,993 – 2,638,528 – 560,238 – 3,198,765 19,819,608 21,473,870 4,035,536 25,509,408 6,555,982 8,938,516 4,367,159 13,305,675 1,779,809 2,050,268 228,613 2,278,881 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 255,993 – 2,638,527 – 560,238 – 3,198,765 8,079,798 8,350,257 4,035,535 12,385,792 11,739,810 13,123,614 0 13,123,616

Investments > CHF 5,000 with project funds (not capitalised)

The ownership of investments paid with project funds generally remains with the donor. Therefore, these investments are not capitalised but

recorded in the fixed assets register and disclosed below:


Financial Report 2022 14 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Fire insurance value 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Property plant “Gebäuderversicherung des Kantons Basel-Stadt, Socinstr. 57, Basel” 0 9,342,000 Index 0.00 138.20 Equipment "Police 3.233.381 - AXA Winterthur Insurance (from 01.04.2022)" 21,200,000 13,000,000 2022 additions No Project Item Purchase of date Value in CHF 627.0 3486 - SDC JOHI Ph2 04.21 – 03.26 Land Cruise 76 Hardtop 10 seater 5 door 01.01.22 35,043 629.0 1130 - IHI Institutional Support to Ifakara P250-5 CALG Basic generator FG Wilson 01.02.22 42,407 630.0 6424 - Botnar MistraL 06.20 – 12.22 Delft Ultra X-ray system 01.02.22 57,780 638.0 5514 - SBFI NIIDS 2 01.21 – 12.22 A28574 QS5 0.2ML QPCR System Tower 01.05.22 56,972 699.0 5516 - EKFS IMC 04.22 – 03.25 Mindray M7 Adv. Ultrasound System 121-001024-05 01.06.22 12,833 847.0 3191 - SNF Spatio-temporal modelling 10.20 – 09.23 2 Precision 7920 Rack XCTO Base 01.11.22 23,578 Total Additions 228,613 2022 disposals No Project Item Date of purchase Value in CHF 371.0 3000 - Management EPH Nanoscan 3910 Combo Unit 3914 01.07.14 36,568 380.0 3180 - BMA Manag.StatisticalModelling P.Vounatsou Dell Precision Tower 7910 CTO Base 01.10.14 8,015 404.0 3180 - BMA Manag.StatisticalModelling P.Vounatsou Dell PrecisonTower 7910 (80FPQ52) 01.08.15 9,750 404.0 3180 - BMA Manag.StatisticalModelling P.Vounatsou Dell PrecisonTower 7910 (80FPQ52) 01.08.15 9,750 404.0 3180 - BMA Manag.StatisticalModelling P.Vounatsou Dell PrecisonTower 7910 (80FPQ52) 01.08.15 9,750 404.0 3180 - BMA Manag.StatisticalModelling P.Vounatsou Dell PrecisonTower 7910 (80FPQ52) 01.08.15 9,750 404.0 3180 - BMA Manag.Statisti
calModelling P.Vounatsou Dell PrecisonTower 7910 (80FPQ52) 01.08.15 9,750 404.0 3180 - BMA Manag.StatisticalModelling P.Vounatsou Dell PrecisonTower 7910 (80FPQ52) 01.08.15 9,800 404.0 3180 - BMA Manag.StatisticalModelling P.Vounatsou Dell PrecisonTower 7910 (80FPQ52) 01.08.15 10,184

2021 additions

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 15 404.0 3180 - BMA Manag.StatisticalModelling P.Vounatsou Dell PrecisonTower 7910 (80FPQ52) 01.08.15 9,750 191.0 3300 - EHS- HIA Management M. Winkler Toyota Hilux 1 Projet Ales 01.06.10 23,242 192.0 3300 - EHS- HIA Management M. Winkler Toyota Hilux 2 Projet Ales 01.06.10 23,242 223.0 3300 - EHS- HIA Management M. Winkler Mikroskop CX21LEDFS1 01.10.10 1,674 224.0 3300 - EHS- HIA Management M. Winkler Mikroskop CX21LEDFS1 (2) 01.10.10 3,348 417.0 3400 - HAHU-OH Management J. Zinsstag Toyota Hilux Double Cabin 6 Seater LHD 01.03.16 25,184 418.0 3400 - HAHU-OH Management J. Zinsstag Toyota Hilux Double Cabin 6 Seater LHD 01.03.16 26,690 416.0 3411 - SDC JOHI, Ethiopia 15 – 12.20 (gesp 22.11.21) Toyota Land Cruiser 76 Hardtop 10 seater 01.03.16 37,153 493.0 3411 - SDC JOHI, Ethiopia 15 – 12.20 (gesp 22.11.21) Leica DM1000 LED + Zubehör 01.01.18 12,135 508.0 3411 - SDC JOHI, Ethiopia 15 – 12.20 (gesp 22.11.21) QS5 0.2ML QPCR System Tower 01.07.18 42,723 515.0 3411 - SDC JOHI, Ethiopia 15 – 12.20 (gesp 22.11.21) Hettich Centrifuge Mikro + Aerosol 01.07.18 5,479 569.0 3448 - BMGF-AFROBIOTA 7.20 – 12.22 (gesp. 21.12.21) Anaerobic Chamber + Incubator Dehumidifer 01.08.20 49,868 570.0 3448 - BMGF-AFROBIOTA 7.20 – 12.22 (gesp. 21.12.21) CM Infinite Mono 200 01.08.20 34,730 585.0 3448 - BMGF-AFROBIOTA 7.20 – 12.22 (gesp. 21.12.21) Kühl-Zentrifuge 5427 R inkl Rotor FA– 45–30–11 01.10.20 6,495 509.0 3485 - CDC Brucellosis 07.17 – 07.22 Microplate Multiskan FC 01.07.18 7,791 256.0 4000 - GEND Management N. Probst Nanopartikel Messgeräte (MiniDSiSC) (8) 01.03.11 36,000 287.0 4014 - SNF/UniBS Sapaldia 5 04.18 – 12.22 Sysmex U725-G Innova Green Line 01.04.12 15,097 568.0 4014 - SNF/UniBS Sapaldia 5 04.18 – 12.22 Ultra Tiefkühlschrank DF 8520+ 01.07.20 16,172 516.0 5029 - SBFI ZIK 10.16 – 09.20 (gesp. 08.09.21) App based tourist monitoring and daily survey 01.08.18 16,209 517.0 5029 - SBFI ZIK 10.16 – 09.20 (gesp. 08.09.21) App based tourist monitoring and daily survey 01.07.18 29,430 545.0 6400 - MED CRU Management CC Seqstudio Smartst 01.09.19 15,373 432.0 7500 - PCU - PC - Management CC P. Mäser Mückenschleuse UG 01.05.16 9,137 Total Disposals 560,238 Total 2022 – 331,624
No Project Item Purchase of date Value in CHF 599.0 3411 - SDC JOHI, Ethiopia 15 – 12.20 (gesp 22.11.21) HDE60086FV 01.03.21 27,926 600.0 6413 - STJF NIIDS 04.19 – 12.22 QS5 0.2 LAP YPCR System 01.01.21 42,347 606.0 3411 - SDC JOHI, Ethiopia 15 – 12.20 (gesp 22.11.21) WingtraOne Package 01.03.21 18,390 610.0 6424 - Botnar MistraL 06.20 – 12.22 X-Ray truck with Easy DR 01.03.21 59,502

Assets under construction with the substantial amount of CHF 14.9 million were reclassified to the corresponding asset categories in 2022 (table

4.7). These are mainly furniture, laboratory equipment, IT-equipment and other fixtures and fittings in the new headquarters in Allschwil.

4.9 Long-term financial assets

Financial Report 2022 16 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 4.8 Assets
Description Category 01.01.22 Change 31.12.22 01.01.21 Change 31.12.21 Neubau Belo Horizonte (BKP9) Tangible 4,219,200 – 4,219,200 0 0 4,219,200 4,219,200 Neubau IT (10Mio) Tangible 5,530,433 – 5,530,433 0 488,372 5,042,061 5,530,433 Neubau IT (NICHT 10Mio) Tangible 186,741 – 186,741 0 0 186,741 186,741 Neubau Laboratory Equipment (10Mio) Tangible 3,974,531 – 3,974,531 0 56,430 3,918,101 3,974,531 Neubau Laboratory Equipment (NICHT 10Mio) Tangible 1,010,472 – 1,010,472 0 0 1,010,472 1,010,472 Storage extension Tangible 0 0 0 0 0 0 E-Personaldossier Intangible 0 0 0 13,205 – 13,205 0 Budget tool Intangible 0 0 0 0 0 0 CompuGroup Intangible 0 0 0 0 0 0 Intranet release 2018 (ex17) Intangible 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 14,921,376 – 14,921,376 0 558,006 14,363,370 14,921,376
under construction
2022 CHF 2021 CHF Employer contribution reserves
pension fund 62,536 62,536 TOTAL 62,536 62,536
of the
611.0 6424 - Botnar MistraL 06.20 – 12.22 X-Ray truck with Easy DR 01.03.21 59,502 612.0 3411 - SDC JOHI, Ethiopia 15 – 12.20 (gesp 22.11.21) Precellys 24 Homogenizer for 24x2 01.03.21 17,000 618.0 7826 - MCDI EGMVI 01.15 – 12.22 Proflex 3x32- Well PCR System 01.04.21 10,026 620.0 3660 - BASF TZ 06.20 – 12.23 Basic generator P88- CALG Basic 01.08.21 9,532 620.1 3660 - BASF TZ 06.20 – 12.23 Basic generator P88- CALG Basic 01.08.21 9,178 625.0 7826 - MCDI EGMVI 01.15 – 12.22 CM Infinite F50 01.12.21 20,180 Total Additions 273,582 2021 disposals No Project Item Date of purchase Value in CHF 247.0 3000 - Management EPH / Project already completed Nanopartikel Messgeräte (MiniDSiSC) (2) 23.12.10 12,000 355.0 7100 - MIU Management / Project already completed Automate d’hematologie H18 Light + Biochimie BSA3000 29.01.14 16,748 483.0 3000 - Management EPH / Project already completed Second hand car + restoration 07.12.17 10,538 Total Disposals 39,287 TOTAL 2021 234,295


third parties

There is no existing mortgage in 2022 as Swiss TPH does not own any building.


liabilities and deferred income

Based on the accounts at the end of the year, the project leaders evaluated the accrued revenues and expenses (cost to complete) for their projects. These evaluations were taken into consideration by the Directorate on the occasion of the approval

of the financial statements. All of the project related deferred income is sustained based on existing project contracts. At the moment, there is no indication for any losses from long-term projects, which would need to be recognised.

4.12 Short-term provisions

New Provisions

Remaining provisions

Not compensated vacation: The provision for employee vacation credits was re-evaluated

Advances: Advances granted to a partner institution for which a significant recovery exists were re-evaluated

Court cases: Risk on existing/ongoing court cases were re-evaluated

Research Fund: The research provision was increased by CHF 53,073 due to the internal regulations for the Research Fund.

Reversal of provisions

Insolvency Tajik Bank: Loss of CHF 60,000 as the bankrupt bank will not repay the balance on our account.

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 17
2022 CHF 2021 CHF Projects 40,636,479 47,293,540 Swiss National Science Foundation projects - overhead 871,438 887,720 Provision for Audit PwC 70,500 45,665 Overtime to be paid in the following year 41,727 86,480 Employer’s liability insurance 0 0 Extraordinary compensations paid in the following year 90,000 216,474 Other accrued liabilities 522,827 157,293 TOTAL 42,232,970 48,687,171
Not compensated vacation Insolvency Tojik Bank Tajikistian Advances Court Cases Research fund Total Changes of provisions CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF Carrying amount as per 01.01.2021 1,237,158 60,000 0 0 312,082 1,811,095 Increase/decrease 2021 426,516 0 123,000 280,000 112,206 739,867 Carrying amount as per 31.12.2021 1,663,674 60,000 123,000 280,000 424,288 2,550,961 Carrying amount as per 01.01.2022 1,663,674 60,000 123,000 280,000 424,288 2,550,961 Increase/decrease 2022 – 210,428 – 60,000 4,000 22,167 53,073 – 191,188 Carrying amount as per 31.12.2022 1,453,245 0 127,000 302,167 477,361 2,359,774
Mortgages 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Mortgages in favour of
Short-term payables Carrying amount (Land and buildings, refer to note 4.7) 1,383,805 0

4.13 Other long-term liabilities

The total overhead contribution of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is paid in the year

of grant allocation. The provision allows the use of the contribution during the whole project period.

4.14 Long-term provisions / Long-term deferred income

Changes of provisions and deferred

According to the decision made at the Directorate’s meeting (17 – 19 October 2006), a provision of CHF 500,000 for personnel or their dependants in case of hardship was created. The disposition of fund means is defined in the fund regulations.

The provision for potential taxes abroad is created for those countries where expatriates or local Swiss TPH staff are possibly supposed to pay income taxes.

According to local labour law in various project countries, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Albania and Rwanda, end of contract payments are to be borne by the employer.

4.15 Self-managed income from research,

Swiss TPH committed to cover CHF 10,000,000 of the investments costs of the new headquarters “Belo Horizonte”. For this purpose, this amount was accrued in the period of 2017 – 2020. In 2022 the Investment Fund has been increased to the total amount of CHF 11,216,798 by the contribution of CHF 1,216,798 through the R. Geigy Foundation. Of the annual depreciation costs an amount of CHF 2,104,307 related to investments covered by the Investment Fund, and hence, was released. This resulted in a net release of CHF 887,508 during 2022 and the closing balance of CHF 9,112,492.

* CHF 44,381 included under position of Research

Swiss TPH managed to increase its share of competitive third-party funding. Self-managed income from research, education and services

increased to CHF 78.5 million in 2022, representing a growth of CHF 10.2 million or 14.9% compared to the previous year (CHF 68.3 million).

Financial Report 2022 18 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
education and services 2022 CHF 2021 CHF As per activity Medical services 6,975,854 7,727,631 Education 1,372,638 1,865,343 Research 35,067,715 28,949,221 Services 32,506,268 28,002,862 Matching funds + OH SNSF-Projects 614,281 * Restricted Funds (i.e. SERI) 1,950,000 1,750,000 TOTAL 78,486,756 68,295,056
Funds for collaborators in case of Hardship Potential taxes abroad End of contract payments SDC-Albania salary provision Office Ruanda salary provision Belo Horizonte Investment Fund Total
income subsidies CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF Carrying amount as per 01.01.2021 500,000 1,314,840 57,171 44,464 26,586 10,000,000 11,943,062 Increase/decrease 2021 0 92,738 8,054 24,783 16,678 0 142,253 Carrying amount as per 31.12.2021 500,000 1,407,578 65,224 69,248 43,264 10,000,000 12,085,314 Carrying amount as per 01.01.2022 500,000 1,407,578 65,224 69,248 43,264 10,000,000 12,085,314 Increase/decrease 2022 0 221,544 102,466 – 2,260 16,209 – 887,508 – 549,550 Carrying amount as per 31.12.2022 500,000 1,629,122 167,690 66,988 59,473 9,112,492 11,535,765
2022 CHF 2021 CHF Swiss National Science Foundation projects - Overhead (long term) 1,284,381 1,285,380 TOTAL 1,284,381 1,285,380

4.16 Core contributions national and local government

In addition to the income generated competitively through research and services, Swiss TPH receives funding from the local and the national

government as well as from the University of Basel:

*reclassification into table 4.15: earmarked SERI funds restricted for projects

Contributions within “University of Basel” include “SNF overhead” and “Unibas matching funds” for 2019. These revenues are project-specific and are no longer included in the core contributions

Existing agreements on Core Funding

Within the scope of the inter-cantonal contract concerning the common ownership of the University of Basel between the cantons of BaselStadt and Basel-Landschaft, Swiss TPH was granted a contribution of CHF 6,608,000 (2021: CHF 6,040,000) for the period of 2022 for struc-

tural professorships and teaching activities within the curriculum of the University of Basel.

Based on the new performance agreement between the University of Basel and the Swiss TPH (in force as of 1 January 2022), the following subsidies have been agreed from 2022 onwards.

Based on the performance mandate of the governments of the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft to the Swiss TPH for the years

2021 – 2024, the following contributions of the cantons were granted.

Based on the “decree regarding the application of Swiss TPH of 30 June 2019 for a federal contribution according to Art. 15 of the Federal Law

on the Promotion of Research and Innovation (FIFG) for the years 2021 – 2024”, the following contributions were approved:

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 19 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Canton Basel-Landschaft 4,000,000 4,000,000 Canton Basel-Stadt 4,000,000 4,000,000 University of Basel 6,608,000 6,040,000 Swiss National Government 8,100,900 7,250,000 Swiss National Government (leading house activities)* 0 0 Subtotal 22,708,900 21,290,000 Deferred income new building Belo Horizonte 0 0 TOTAL 22,708,900 21,290,000 Swiss National Government (leading house activities)* 1,950,000 1,750,000 Overview of the last years 2022 CHF 2021 CHF 2020 CHF 2019 CHF Canton Basel-Landschaft 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,630,000 3,630,000 Canton Basel-Stadt 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,630,000 3,630,000 National Government 8,100,900 7,250,000 7,690,900 7,987,400 University of Basel 6,608,000 6,040,000 6,040,000 6,600,429 TOTAL 22,708,900 21,290,000 20,990,900 21,847,829 2022 CHF 2023 CHF 2024 CHF 2025 CHF University of Basel 6,608,000 6,769,000 6,923,000 7,083,000
2021 CHF 2022 CHF 2023 CHF 2024 CHF Canton Basel-Landschaft 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 Canton Basel-Stadt 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 TOTAL 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000

The amount defined in the service agreement and the decree for 2022 was reduced by the federal government by 0.3% to 8,100,900. Reductions might also occur for the following years within the framework of the debt brake.

As a founding member of the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS)

and the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) in Tanzania, Swiss TPH acts as the leading house on behalf of SERI and administers the following funds based on the performance agreement for the years 2021 – 2024.

Based on the performance agreement for the years 2021 – 2024, the following contributions were granted for international cooperation with foreign partners.

4.17 Other operating income

Other operating income is income which is not related directly to grant and project contracts such as royalties, consultancies, cafeteria, reimbursed travel cost, etc.

4.18 Change in unbilled services

Financial Report 2022 20 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
2022 CHF 2021 CHF As per activity Medical Services 128,331 679,144 Education 359,686 255,863 Research 879,467 911,281 Services 8,123 11,223 Utilisation of Investment fund Belo Horizonte 2,104,307 0 TOTAL 3,479,914 1,857,510
2022 CHF 2021 CHF As per activity Medical Services 88,593 0 Education – 24,516 59,509 Research 27,674 – 993,376 Services – 221,859 – 2,109,633 TOTAL – 130,108 – 3,043,501 Earmarked SERI funds (table 4.15) 2021 CHF 2022 CHF 2023 CHF 2024 CHF Bilateral Cooperation 750,000 950,000 400,000 550,000 Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) in Tanzania 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS) 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 TOTAL SBFI-LEADING HOUSE 1,750,000 1,950,000 1,400,000 1,550,000
2021 CHF 2022 CHF 2023 CHF 2024 CHF Swiss Federal Government 7,250,000 8,100,900 8,216,800 8,375,000

4.19 Personnel expenses

Personnel expenses increased by 4.7% or CHF 2.6 million from CHF 55.2 million in 2021 to CHF 57.8 million in 2022, mainly driven by higher salary costs (+CHF 1.2 million), explained by 14 additional employees on the payroll. Furthermore, an increase in travel expenses due to rising travel

Pension funds

Swiss TPH’s pension plan is a pension scheme according to the federal law on occupational pension schemes (BVG) and is part of the “Helvetia Sammelstiftung für Personalvorsorge”, contract number 30935. The funding consists of employers’ contributions, employees’ contributions and

activities (+CHF 1.1 million) which reached the level before the COVID– 19 pandemics.

All expenses and costs are recognised in the income statement. In respect of accruals for overtime and vacation please refer to note 4.11 and 4.12.

of an annual interest (1% since 1 January 2017). This pension plan is part of a collective plan with reinsurance arrangements (full insurance within the framework of a collective insurance contract), the Swiss TPH is not the risk bearer and therefore no additional payment obligations can arise in case of a deficit.

No compensation is paid to the Board of Governors. Only defined trip allowances and boarding costs are paid.

Expenses to the Directorate are paid according to the Manual for Employees.

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 21
2022 CHF 2021 CHF As
Salaries 40,571,966 39,966,609 Allowances 1,259,154 1,441,692 Social insurance 6,270,291 5,644,153 Consultancies 4,790,661 5,173,221 Recruiting 199,747 37,275 Continuous education 1,683,897 1,208,612 Travel expenses 2,359,656 1,211,697 Other personal costs 647,891 527,734 TOTAL 57,783,263 55,210,993 Pension benefit expenses 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Helvetia Sammelstiftung (Employer contribution) 2,682,673 2,234,990 TOTAL 2,682,673 2,234,990 Compensation 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Board of Governors (Kuratorium) Members of the Board of Governors (CHF; expenses) 0 0 Heads 9 9
per nature
Directorate salaries Members of the Directorate (CHF; salaries only) 1,274,204 1,247,614 Heads 7 7 FTE 6.8 6.8

4.20 Material expenses

> CHF 5,000 with project funds

The increase of material expenses from 2.7 million in 2021 to 4.0 million in 2022 is primarily due to the rising project activities in 2022.

4.21 Administrative expenses

Informatics contains procurement for IT-equipment <CHF 5,000.

4.22 Other operating expenses

Other operating expenses increased by 20.5% or CHF 5.9 million from CHF 28.6 million in 2021 to CHF 34.5 million in 2022. Thereof, CHF 2.4 million relate to local project expenditures and are the consequences of the renewed increase in

project activities. Furthermore, an increase of 3.4 million in renting, energy and maintenance expenditures mainly contributed to the rise in other operating expenses.

Financial Report 2022 22 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
2022 CHF 2021 CHF As per nature Maintenance and rent 4,503,148 2,131,155 Maintenance, repair of equipment 1,072,947 538,894 Vehicle costs 5,754 4,049 Insurance 100,516 100,057 Energy, disposal 1,179,427 687,411 Marketing and PR 212,552 138,013 Project expenditures abroad 27,378,604 24,984,589 TOTAL 34,452,948 28,584,168
2022 CHF 2021 CHF As per nature Informatics 2,285,379 2,969,860 Office material, printed matters 200,196 274,949 Phone, fax, internet 246,707 223,067 Postage 183,252 268,433 Audit fees headquarters 77,506 80,560 Audit fees projects 84,315 64,615 Consultancy fees 1,019,062 1,291,525 Expenses meetings, guests, seminaries 1,107,110 490,300 Donations, fees 433,794 357,012 TOTAL 5,637,321 6,020,321
2022 CHF 2021 CHF
(not capitalised) 228,853 273,582 Equipment < CHF 5,000 239,531 233,107 Consumables 3,456,674 2,100,922 Documentation 1,781 9,284 Periodical publications 15,909 24,891 Books 8,817 16,886 TOTAL 3,951,564 2,658,670
As per nature

Project expenditures abroad by donors

Please note: A donor is listed if more than CHF 40,000 is expensed in 2022.

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 23 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Project expenditures abroad by geographical regions Northern Africa 0 0 Southern Africa 1,329,437 1,518,358 Eastern Africa 8,163,421 6,570,025 Western Africa 3,433,339 2,943,642 Middle Africa 3,259,666 4,700,872 Africa 16,185,862 15,732,897
SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation) 12,198,249 11,792,601 European Comission 2,085,942 616,251 SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) 2,029,958 1,642,520 GF (Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) 1,747,594 1,175,034 Botnar Research Centre for Child Health 1,468,499 1,881,215 UniSanté Lausanne 1,234,151 1,050,153 SBFI 947,286 911,002 Other 917,903 1,086,928 Swiss TPH (Institutional Projects) 608,434 651,072 EDCTP, AA The Hague 600,321 679,337 CDC Foundation 585,888 48,905 Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation 333,329 541,959 PATH 317,822 95,614 SAMW 309,944 80,454 KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) 187,756 199,891 RGS 185,090 108,921 FIND 182,788 145,781 Innosuisse 156,000 0 The World Bank Group 154,110 0 GAVI (The Vaccine Alliance) 131,045 80,399 SNIS 119,354 0 Sumaya Biotech GmbH & Co. KG 104,717 0 GIZ 104,575 43,185 Elrha 98,375 0 Moritz Straus Stiftung 98,248 178,509 Uni Heidelberg 95,766 179,736 Health Effects Institute 92,090 100,577 BASF 91,963 106,334 BMGF (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) 53,822 500,664 Biovision 49,694 0 CDC Foundation 44,354 347,628 Novartis 43,536 79,575 CHAI (Clinton Health Access Initiative) 0 262,819 ISPM 0 132,529 Fondazione Adiuvare 0 103,404 ANSES 0 94,974 Royal Commonwealth Soc. for the Blind 0 66,618 Total 27,378,604 24,984,589

The main local expenditures were incurred in the following countries, which include the expenditures of Swiss TPH projects and local offices abroad: Albania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Moldova, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Ukraine.

4.23 Financial Result

Most of the local project expenditures, totalling CHF 27.4 million in 2022 versus CHF 25.0 million in 2021, were spent in Africa (CHF 16.2 million, an increase of CHF 0.5 million). The local expenditures for European projects rose by CHF 2.4 million to CHF 10.4 million.

The financial result reached CHF +220,636 (CHF +172,378 in 2021), which was primarily based on favourable exchange rate transactions and un-

realised gains on foreign currency holdings in USD/CHF and EUR/CHF.

Financial Report 2022 24 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Southern Asia 0 52,802 South-Eastern Asia 148,279 12,437 Central Asia 880 504,841 Eastern Asia 594 0 Western Asia 73,110 153,397 Asia 222,863 723,477 Eastern Europe 5,623,506 3,422,006 Western Europe 4,792,507 4,601,171 Europe 10,416,013 8,023,177 Northern Amercia 265,831 398,790 Northern America 265,831 398,790 South America 242,065 106,248 Central America 45,970 0 Latin America and the Caribbean 288,034 106,248 Oceania 0 0 Oceania 0 0 TOTAL 27,378,604 24,984,589
2022 CHF 2021 CHF Financial income Interests on bank- and post accounts 5 6 Interests on fixed deposits and call money 0 0 Exchange rate differences (gains) 1,097,662 964,195 Total financial income 1,097,667 964,201 Financial expenses Card fees – 12,737 – 5,840 Bank accounts fees – 30,952 – 29,985 Interest on mortgages 0 – 10,413 Interest on arrears – 496 21 Other interests – 8,662 – 60,643 Exchange rate differences (losses) – 824,057 – 682,673 Miscellaneous – 127 – 2,290 Total financial expenses – 877,030 – 791,823 Financial result end of the year 220,636 172,378

In 2022, Swiss TPH reports no extraordinary result. In 2021 an extraordinary gain of CHF +2,553,997

5. Contingent liabilities

Total off-balance sheet leasing liabilities which cannot be withdrawn or expire within the next 12 months:

6. Related party transactions

The purpose of the R. Geigy Foundation is to support Swiss TPH in different projects. The following list shows the granting of funds:

resulting from the sale of the property at Socinstrasse in Basel was realised.

7. Risk assessment

Swiss TPH actively manages its risks related to the financial statement. A yearly risk assessment considers the probability of occurrence and the severity of damages of the identified risks and appropriate measures are defined. The risk assessment is performed by the Directorate and then subsequently reviewed and approved by the Board of Governors.

8. Approval of financial statements

These financial statements were prepared and approved by the management of Swiss TPH as representatives of the Board of Directors. They are subject to final approval by the Board of Governors (Kuratorium) on 17 May 2023.

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 25
Item yearly costs in CHF contract until Parking slots 241,007 31. Oct 2066 Building Allschwil 1,924,678 31. Dec 2046
Granting of Funds 2022 CHF Malaria funds Strategische Unterstützung Swiss TPH 350,000 Scholarship for HCM 39,000 A. Ayman, Investigating Arboviruses Sudan 34,000 A. Walz, Fast-track PhD 81,000 H. Greter, Schisto Projekt Lake Tschad 9,000 Contribution Belo Horizonte 1,216,798 Total 1,729,798
4.24 Extraordinary Result 2022 CHF 2021 CHF Extraordinary income 0 2,553,997 Extraordinary expenditures 0 0 TOTAL extraordinary result 0 2,553,997

Partners and Funders

Core Funding

Canton Basel-Landschaft, CH

Canton Basel-Stadt, CH

State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), CH

University of Basel, CH

Research Funding

Botnar Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH), CH

EU research grants (e.g. ERC, Horizon, EDCTP), EU National Institutes of Health (NIH), US

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), CH University of Basel, CH


Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, US

Albert-Heim-Stiftung, CH

Anesvad, ES

Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation Lesotho (BCMCFL), LS

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), US

Biovision, CH

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, DE

CDC Foundation, US

Cesti Fondatione Onlus, IT

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), US

Computer Simulation & Advanced Research Technologies (CSART), AU

Eckenstein-Geigy-Stiftung, CH

Elrha, GB

Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (EKFS), DE

Fondation Botnar, CH

Fondazione Adiuvare, CH

Fondazione lstituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare (INGM), IT

Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft (FAG), CH

Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT), JP

Health Information Traceability Foundation (HIT), CH

Krebsforschung Schweiz, CH

Moritz Straus-Stiftung, CH

Novartis Foundation, CH

R. Geigy Foundation, CH

Sight and Life (SAL), CH

Sint Antonius Foundation, NL

Skat Foundation, CH

Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, CH

Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS), CH

Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA), CH

Walter Fischli Stiftung, CH

Wellcome Trust, GB

Public Clients Switzerland

Amt für Ausbildungsbeiträge Basel-Stadt, CH

Amt für Umwelt und Energie Basel-Stadt, CH

Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung (ARE), CH

Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE), CH

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit des Kantons Basel-Stadt, CH

Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), CH

Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER), CH

Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSV), CH

Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), CH

Federal Office of Sport (FOSPO), CH

Federal Office of the Environment (FOEN), CH

Federal Statistic Office (BFS), CH

Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz, CH

Innosuisse - Swiss Innovation Agency, CH

Kantonsspital Basel-Landschaft, CH

MeteoSchweiz, CH

Nationales Referenzzentrum für Legionellen (NRZL), CH

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), CH

Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), CH

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), CH

Swiss Pathogen Surveillance Platform (SPSP), CH

Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN), CH

University Hospital Basel, CH

Public and Public-Private Clients International

African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), KE

African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), ET

Agence Française de Développement (AFD), FR

Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (ANSES), FR

Asian Development Bank (ADB), PH

Association of Churchbased Development NGOs (ACDEP), GH

Bundesamt für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (BfAA), CH

Canadian Association for Global Health (CAGH), CA

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US

Centre de Support en Santé Internationale (CSSI), TD

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), DE Direction des Services Vétérinaires (DSV), FR

Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), CH

Elgo Dimitra - Ellinikos Georgikos Organismos, GR Epicentre, FR

European Institute of Public Health Policy (EIPHP), UA

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), CH

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, CH

German Institute for Medical Mission (DIFAM), DE Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, CH

Grand Challenges Canada, CA

Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), BE

Helse Nord Tuberculosis Initiative Malawi (HNTI), NO

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), ZA

Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), US Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), FR Institut de Recherches en Elevage pour le Développement (IRED), TD Institut National d’Hygiène Publique (INHP), CI Institut national de l'environnement industriel et des risques (Ineris), FR Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS), MZ

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), CH

ISGlobal, ES

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), DE Medical Care Development International (MCDI), US

Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), CH

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, FR National Center of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (NCTLD), GE

National Public Health Center (Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ), HU

Norwegian Agency of Development Cooperation (Norad), NO

Nutrition International, CA

Organisation de Coordination pour la lutte contre les endémies en Afrique Centrale, CM

Right to Care Zambia (RTCZ), ZM

Schistosomiasis Control Initiative Foundation (SCI), GB

Swiss Red Cross (SRC), CH

The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML), US tropEd Network for Education in International Health, DE

Financial Report 2022 26 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Unitaid, CH

United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), GB

United Nations Children Fund International (Unicef), US

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), US

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), US

United States Agency for International Development (USAID), US

West African Health Organisation (WAHO)

World Bank, US

World Health Organization (WHO), CH

World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), FR

Private Clients and Non-Profit Organisations


Anglo American Services (UK) Ltd., GB

Astellas Pharma AG, CH

Bacoba AG, CH


Bayer AG, CH

BioInitials, CH

Bristol Myers Squibb, US

Cardno Emerging Markets East Africa Ltd. (CEM), KE

Conseil Santé, FR

Effectum Medical AG, CH

Fields at Work GmbH, CH

Game Solutions Lab, NL

GFA Consulting Group GmbH, DE

Grolimund + Partner AG, CH

Health Effects Institute (HEI), US

Hemex AG, BS

Ideas for Change, ES

Insuco, UK

International Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health (IAMANEH), CH

Life4me+, CH

Lygature, NL

Martin Systems GmbH, DE

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), CH

Merck, DE


Novartis Pharma AG, CH

OmicScouts, DE

OptiMedis AG, DE

Oryx Expertise, FR

Pact, US


Privatklinik Meiringen, CH


Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM), PG

Science for Change, ES

Seboche Mission Hospital, LS


SolDevelo, PL

SolidarMed, CH

Specs Compound Handling B.V., NL

Swiss Excellence Forum, CH

Syngenta, CH

Terre des hommes, CH

Universitätsklinikum Bonn (UKB), DE

VisibleSolutions AG, CH

Wits Health Consortium (Pty) Limited (WHC), ZA

Academic Partners

Academic Medical Center (Academisch Medisch Centrum), NL

Addis Ababa University (AAU), ET

Agricultural University of Athens, GR

Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI), ET Berner Fachhochschule (BFH), CH

Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin, DE Boston University, US

Brown University, US

Centre hospitalier régional et universitaire de Besançon (CHRU), FR

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), FR

Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM), CH

Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS), CI

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, DE

College of Art and Sciences, Xavier University, Cincinnati, US

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IT

Cyprus University of Technology, CY

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH

Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

Eucor – The European Campus, CH, DE, FR

Forschungszentrum Borstel, Leibniz Lungenzentrum (FZB), DE

Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), CH

Ghent University, BE

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, US

Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, DE

Ifakara Health Institute (IHI), TZ

Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), GB

Inselspital Bern, CH

Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT), FR

Institut Pasteur, FR

Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), Bern, CJ

Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp (ITM), BE

Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHMT), PT Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS), MZ

Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie “Chiril Draganiuc”, MD

Institutul de Pneumoftiziologie “Marius Nasta” (IPMN), RO

James Cook University (JCU), AU

KEMRI - Wellcome Trust Research Programme, KE

Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), KE

Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute (Lao TPHI), LA

Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), CH

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), GB

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), GB

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), CH

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), DE

Makerere University, UG

Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM), MZ

Massachusetts General Hospital, US

Moi University, KE

MRC/Wits Agincourt Field Office, ZA

National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), TZ

National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (ICMR), IN

National Institute of Health (NIH), US

Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, PL

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), NO

Obafemi Awolowo University, NG

Ospedale San Raffaele (SRL), IT

Palestine Polytechnic University, PS

Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (PNG IMR), PG

Paul Scherrer Institute, CH

Penta Child Health Research, IT

Financial Report 2022 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 27

PNG National Research Institute, PG

Public Health Laboratory Ivo de Carneri (PHL-IdC), TZ

Qom University of Medical Sciences, IR

Radboud University Nijmegen, NL

Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC)

Sapienza University of Rome, IT

School of Social Work Fribourg (HETS-FR), CH

South African Medical Research Council, ZA

Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ), CH

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), CH

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), CH

Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+), CH

swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC), CH

Technische Universität München (TUM), DE

Temple University, US

The Aurum Institute, ZA

The George Institute for Global Health India, IN

Umeå University, SE

Unisanté, CH

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), PE

Universität St. Gallen, CH

Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB), CH

Université de Genève, CH

Université de Lausanne, CH

Université de Neuchâtel, CH

Université des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTTB), ML

Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (UFHB), CI

University of Antwerp, BE

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwest Switzerland (FHNW), CH

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), CH

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO), CH

University of Basel, CH

University of Bergen (UiB), NO

University of Bern, CH

University of Bologna, IT

University of Buea, CM

University of Calabar, NG

University of California San Francisco (UCSF), US

University of Cambridge, GB

University of Cape Town, ZAUniversity of California, San Francisco (UCSF), US

University of Dundee, GB

University of Ghana, GH

University of Ghent, BE

University of Gothenburg, SE

University of Groningen (RUG), NL

University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), GH

University of Heidelberg, DE

University of Ibadan (UI)

University of KwaZulu-Natal

University of Lugano, CH

University of Luzern, CH

University of Maiduguri, NG

University of Malawi, MW

University of Maryland, US

University of Montpellier, FR

University of Nebraska, US

University of Oxford, UK

University of Pécs, HU

University of Sao Paulo (USP), BR

University of Strasbourg, FR

University of the Witwatersrand, ZA

University of Turin, IT

University of Utrecht, NL

University of Vienna, AU

University of Warwick, GB

University of Washington (UW), US

University of Zurich, CH

Weizmann Institute of Science, IL Yale University, US

*The list reflects all Swiss TPH partners and funders that are within our staffmanaged project database.

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