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Competences in Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology (MPI
Fundamentals of MPI (includes microbiology and cell biology) PhD students in MPI need to master the fundamental concepts of Infection Biology with an emphasis on neglected infectious diseases of importance to public health. These include:
– Disease systems Life cycle and biology of infectious agents; working techniques in modern biology (biochemistry, genetics, immunology, molecular and cellular biology); tools for diagnosis and interventions (drugs and vaccines).
– Basic epidemiological concepts Epidemiological study design; risk factor concepts; basic statistical analysis skills; understanding problems in the national health programmes of countries with limited resources.
While it is not possible to acquire in-depth knowledge in all of these areas during the course of PhD studies, training should target acquisition of specialist-level knowledge in the disease(s) relevant to the research project and basic knowledge in understanding infectious diseases in resource restricted countries.
Research skills
Students need to be: – Trained in general research skills for laboratory and field work (including safety guidelines). – Able to interpret and critically review data, and pose innovative and relevant research questions. – Informed by a systematic and timely review of the literature, to deduce from it further relevant theoretical and conceptual models, and to select an appropriate research approach to address the research question. – Equipped to work in a research team, apply resources responsibly, ensure ethical and responsible professional conduct, and effectively communicate the findings and implications of their research to a broader research community (through scientific publications, presentations, teaching), as well as to non-specialists.
Personal and management skills Many practical skills are acquired during the research work. As the project progresses, the student should gradually take over more tasks related to project management and leadership and thus develop these skills.
Scientific writing skills for production of papers, grant applications, and reports are also important. Training in presentations skills and ethical conduct is another essential part of doctoral training.