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How to get a Visa & resident permit

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mobility. However, be aware of the dangers posed by tram tracks! Cross the tracks only in steep angles! Help preventing or reducing the number of bike accidents along the tram ways! Second hand bicycles are for example available via UniMarkt or at the Fleamarket on Petersplatz.

With its location at the German and French borders, your identity might be checked at any time and any place in the city. Hence, it is essential that you always carry your picture identity card or passport with you. If you cross the border it is crucial to have your swiss permit AND your passport with you.

Socializing and Integration On meetup.com you can find lots of various socializing groups: www.meetup.com/cities/ch/basel A group of greatest interest, and in which many PhD students are registered, is the “Computational Methods for Research Community”: www.meetup.com/Basel-Computational-Methods-for-Research-Community-BCMRC.

A great resource about various options for socializing within and outside the University, is available from the University’s website: https://www.unibas.ch/en/University/Administration-Services/Vice-President-s-Office-for-Peopleand-Culture/National-and-International-Cooperation/Welcome-Center/Life-in-Basel/Social-Life-Integration.html.

Of interest for international students is probably also the Cafe International, organized by the University: https://www.unibas.ch/en/University/Administration-Services/Vice-President-s-Office-for-Peopleand-Culture/National-and-International-Cooperation/Welcome-Center/Caf--international0.html

How to get a visa & resident permit

For students from countries requiring a visa for entry into Switzerland, you have to apply for the visa at the Swiss embassy in your country. This must be done well in advance, as it will take at least 6-8 weeks for the visa to be issued. Only apply for a visa once you have received the ok from the student administration and your letter of admission from the University of Basel. More information can be found on: www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html.

In most cases, the Swiss TPH will assist PhD candidates requiring a visa or residence permit and will also help arrange accommodation, insurance and travel. Sometimes, however, this is not possible and candidates must apply for a visa on their own.

Master students are responsible to apply for their visa and residence permits themselves - see information below.

All foreign students (EU or non-EU countries) need to obtain a residence permit. It is your responsibility to check with the Migration Office Basel-Stadt “Migrationsamt Basel” or Migration Office Basel-Land “Migrationsamt Basel-Land”.

What you need to get a visa and/or a residence permit 1. A Letter of Admission from the Study Secretariat of the University of Basel (or for PhD-Students, a confirmation from the Swiss TPH Student Administration). 2. A written application indicating the reason for travel, duration of stay (length of your whole stay for study purposes), degree you will study, your plans for the future (work). 3. Curriculum vitae. 4. Evidence of sufficient financial resources to live in Switzerland. This usually involves provid-

ing proof that a solvent person will cover all the living expenses of the student, or providing a statement of account, a grant, or – for PhD-students – the contract of employment. 5. Written declaration that you will leave Switzerland after completion or discontinuation of your studies. After registering at the University of Basel, students must present in person at the Migration Office in Basel (Spiegelgasse 6, Basel) or Basel-Land (Parkstrasse 3, Frenkendorf) to get a biometric residence permit.

After having arrived in Basel, be prepared to show the following documents at the relevant migration office/community (PhD candidates: only if you are staying longer than 4 months in Switzerland) 1. Your passport (with visa, if required). 2. Valid students ID-card (“Legi”) of the University of Basel. 3. Proof of financial means. 4. Documents indicating your civil status, as appropriate (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, family register, etc.). 5. Copy of rental agreement. The residence permit is only valid for one year. The immigration office will send out instructions for renewal. Students are responsible to inform ET or HR about expiry of their permit so that ET/HR can appy for a renewal of the Swiss permit if necessary.

Also have a look at the information on the University’s website: https://www.unibas.ch/en/Studies/Application-Admission/Visa---Residence-Permit-.html

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