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Since January 1, 2017, Swiss TPH consists of the following five departments:
Epidemiology and Public Health (EPH)
EPH explores new approaches in epidemiology; assesses interventions for disease control; investigates the environmental, social, economic and bio-genetic causes of health and disease and studies determinants of health seeking behaviour and health system organisation and planning in Africa, Asia and Europe.
Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology (MPI)
MPI studies host-parasite relationships, determinants of infection and morbidity at the molecular, cellular, clinical and population levels and develops tools for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
Swiss Centre for International Health (SCIH)
SCIH assists in health project implementation; acts as executing and support agency for health development; and offers short- and long-term consultancies and expertise in all aspects of health services management, planning, risk analysis and evaluation.
Medicine (MED)
MED builds on a foundation of clinical medical services, diagnostics, pharmaceutical medicine and clinical research. It includes medical services, advice for travellers to tropical and subtropical countries, vaccination services and 24-hour emergency services, a reference diagnostic laboratory specialised for tropical infectious diseases, and a clinical research unit, as well as offers for professional support for clinical trials, services and training on regulatory topics and quality assurance of internally conducted trials.
Education and Training (ET)
ET is the Swiss TPH hub for all teaching and student affairs (including PhD students). It coordinates teaching and training activities on all levels within Swiss TPH, University of Basel and external partners. Scientists from all Swiss TPH departments contribute to the wide range of educational and teaching activities of the Swiss TPH.
For further information (projects and staff) see: www.swisstph.ch