Durham Energy Institute Review, Issue 11, Spring 2019

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DEI 10 Year Anniversary Celebrations

2019 marks the 10 year anniversary since DEI was created. A lot of research, activity, outreach and collaboration has been achieved in that time. This is a great opportunity to celebrate all these achievements and to remember some of the key highlights. DEI was born in 2009 out of the realisation that energy challenges cross conventional discipline boundaries and that new ways of thinking about and conducting energy research are required. A key focus of DEI activities over the past 10 years has therefore been to connect energy research from different disciplines within the university and the wider energy sector. It was one of the first energy centres to focus on building true multidisciplinary research – not just between Engineers and Economists but also with Anthropologists, Geographers, Physicists, Chemists, Biologists, Philosophers, Law researchers etc. We have also had a strong emphasis on developing collaborative research through partnerships with industry, policy and community organisations ensuring our research is relevant, effective and achieves maximum impact in the Energy sector.

DEI has now grown into an internationally leading institution, recognised for its ability to apply new methods and perspectives to existing and emerging energy challenges. To celebrate the 10 year anniversary we plan: •

DEI Podcasts – chats with our key researchers and associates about their research and activities

DEI Perspectives series – accessible articles with academic insights on emerging energy issues and research

DEI Symposium – Celebrating 10 years of Society and Energy research

Roaming exhibition – The History of DEI in 10 Objects

Celebration event bringing together all the people who have contributed to DEI’s success over the years

Special 10th Anniversary issue of DEI Review – showcasing key research and collaboration highlights from the past 10 years as chosen by the DEI community

Nominate your key DEI highlight or achievement over the past 10 years! Get in contact with your suggested DEI highlight, achievement or publication by email to evelyn.tehrani@durham.ac.uk @DEI_Durham and or #DEIhighlights or on @DurhamEnergyInstitute or DEI Group linkedin.com/ groups/4992133

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