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Fianna Fáil – Progressive Democrats coalition is in Government.

Fianna Fáil – Progressive Democrats coalition is in Government.

Fianna Fáil – Progressive Democrats coalition is in Government.

Fianna Fáil – Progressive Democrats coalition is in Government.

Fianna Fáil is in Government.

Fianna Fáil is in Government.

Fianna Fáil is in Government.

Fianna Fáil – Progressive Democrats coalition is in Government.

Fianna Fáil – Progressive Democrats coalition is in Government.

Fianna Fáil – Progressive Democrats coalition is in Government.

Michael Martin is replaced by Michael Woods as Minister of Education and Science in January.

Michael Martin is replaced by Michael Woods as Minister for Education and Science in January.

Michael Woods is Minister for Education. Síle de Valera appointed Minister of State at the Department of Education and Science (with special responsibility for Adult Education, Youth Affairs and Educational Disadvantage).

Michael Woods is Minister for Education. Síle de Valera is Minister of State at the Department of Education and Science (with special responsibility for Adult Education, Youth Affairs and Educational Disadvantage).

Mary Hanafin is Minister of Education and Science. Síle de Valera is Minister of State at the Department of Education and Science (with special responsibility for Adult Education, Youth Affairs and Educational Disadvantage).

Mary Hanafin is Minister of Education and Science. Síle de Valera is Minister of State at the Department of Education and Science (with special responsibility for Adult Education, Youth Affairs and Educational Disadvantage).

Mary Hanafin is Minister for Education and Science. Síle de Valera is Minister of State at the Department of Education and Science (with special responsibility for Adult Education, Youth Affairs and Educational Disadvantage).

Mary Hanafin is Minister for Education and Science. Minister Sean Haughey, appointed Minister of State at the Department of Education & Science and the Department of EnterpriseTrade & Employment with special responsibility for Lifelong Learning, Youth Work and School Transport.

Batt O'Keeffe is Minister for Education. Minister Sean Haughey, appointed Minister of State at the Department of Education & Science and the Department of EnterpriseTrade & Employment with special responsibility for Lifelong Learning, Youth Work and School Transport.

Batt O'Keeffe is Minister for Education. Minister Sean Haughey, appointed Minister of State at the Department of Education & Science and the Department of EnterpriseTrade & Employment with special responsibility for Lifelong Learning, Youth Work and School Transport.


The Government publishes The White Paper on Adult Education ‘Learning for Life.’

The Government publishes the discussion document ‘Towards a National Framework of Qualification.’

The Higher Education Authority publishes the report ‘ Progressing the Action Plan: Funding to Achieve Equity of Access to Higher Education.’

Minister of Education, Mary Hanafin, announces a 22% increase in the ‘top-up’ grant for full-time students from disadvantage backgrounds.

The OECD report ‘Education at a Glance’ notes an increase in the numbers of students progressing to Third Level in Ireland.

The National Qualifications Authority is established.

The Minister of State for Adult Education, Ms. Síle de Valera announces the fourth television series of ‘Literacy Tuition for Adults.’

Ireland’s booming adult education sector was creating demand for teachers.

The National Development Plan for the years 2000-2006 is published, £73.8 million is allocated to the National Adult Literacy Strategy.

The Minister of State for Adult Education, Mr. Willie O'Dea launches the Back to Education Initiative, providing some 4000 extra part-time places under PLC, Youthreach, Traveller, and VTOS programmes. Minister Dempsey TD, accounces cuts of €6m from initiatives to reduce drop-out from schools and €5m cut to disadvantaged early school leavers. The Report on the Taskforce on Lifelong Learning was published in October. The Minister for Education and Science, Noel Dempsey announces a €5 million cut from programmes aimed at attracting socio-economically disadvantaged school-leavers to third level, a €6 million cut in the School Retention Initiative and a €3.8 million cut in The Back to Education Initiative. The Minister of State for Adult Education, Mr. Willie O'Dea establishes the National Adult Learning Council. The Council was a key recommendation contained in the White Paper on Adult Education ‘Learning for Life.’ The Minister of State for Adult Education, Mr. Willie O'Dea grants €5 million to 22 women’s projects.

The Minister of State for Adult Education, Síle de Valera, approves funding for 11 new Adult Education Guidance projects .

The number of Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) places increases to a total of 20,000.

AONTAS launched its strategic plan 2001-2003 following a consultation process with its members.

AONTAS publishes a response to ‘Toward a National Framework of Qualifications – A Discussion Document.’

AONTAS produces an information referral pack: 4 factsheets on returning to learning.

National Authority of Ireland (NQAI) publication entitled "Towards a National Framework of Qualifications - a Discussion Document".

During May and June AONTAS held its annual series of Regional AONTAS launched its Strategic Plan 2004 – 2006 following a Meetings to establish priorities and clarify key themes on which consultation process with its members. the organisation would base its work over the next three years. AONTAS embarks on a set of regional meetings across the country AONTAS publishes ‘Gender and Learning.’ The report looks at with the aim of consulting with members on issues pertinent to the learning styles of women and men and their implications for adult learning. further education and training. AONTAS publishes the report ‘S.T.A.N.C.E’ which presents an AONTAS developed the Women’s Community Education overview of the 3 year S.T.A.N.C.E (Strategies to Advance Quality Assurance Framework in partnership with women’s Networks’ Collective Empowerment) project. community education groups and networks. The project involved AONTAS publishes a report entitled ‘Community Education’ five groups: which describes the key developments and elements in the area - Access 2000 Wexford of community education and the main challenges it faces. - Amerge, St Johnston, Co Donegal - Clondalkin Women’s Network AONTAS, Meitheal and CAN (Community Action Network) - Longford Women’s Link works in partnership to provide a Community Development - Second Chance Education Project, Co Donegal Consultancy Course. This Equality for Women Measure funded course aims to create greater equality and effective social change by AONTAS in partnership with NALA, WIT, QUB, UCD and training women to take on the role of consultants in community NUI Maynooth founded IRRACE (RAACE). The network was development. established because difficulties in locating existing research, identifying relevant data sources and accessing funding opportunities for research projects was identified.


The Minister for Education, Michael Woods, announces a 5% increase in grants for students attending Third Level and Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses. The Department of Education publishes significant legislation governing Vocational Education Committees. The Education Equality Initiative funds 18 projects.

1969 AONTAS FOUNDED BY FATHER LIAM CAREY AND WAS LAUNCHED BY MINISTER BRIAN LENIHAN AT ITS FIRST ANNUAL COFERENCE Mr Sean O'Murchu elected Chairman of AONTAS 40TH MANY HAPPY RETURNS AONTAS establishes itself as an authoritative body for adult Education in Ireland. Links are built with Government, important sponsors, statutory sector, media and at European level. A notable feature of the decade was the AEO's appointment.


AONTAS produces a mature student information sheet which outlines how to apply to college, and the range of qualifications available. AONTAS embarks on the S.T.A.N.C.E. programme (Strategies to Advance Networks Collective Empowerment). The aim is to develop women’s networks as regionally based infrastructures of support in addressing women’s social exclusion and to facilitate the development of a partnership approach to linking women’s networks and key agencies at national level with a view to influencing policy. AONTAS works with RTÉ in the development of a television programme ‘Invisible Movement’, which provides an insight into women’s community education. AONTAS publishes the report ‘Men on the Move,’ which takes a qualitative approach to exploring barriers to men accessing education and training initiatives in Ireland. AONTAS provides an information and library service. AONTAS responds positively to the White Paper on Adult Education stating that if it is fully implemented it could go a considerable way towards addressing many issues of concern in the sector.


AONTAS hosts a conference entitled ‘Celebrating Difference.’


The European Association for Education of Adults (EAEA) holds its General Assembly in Limerick.

The Further Education & Training Awards Council (FETAC) and the Higher Education & Training Awards Council (HETAC) are established. The Minister of Education, Michael Woods, launches initiatives to tackle educational disadvantage: - A new statutory Educational Disadvantage Committee is established - A larger Forum to Address Educational Disadvantage is set up - The appointment of an acting Director of Programmes to tackle disadvantage is made.

AONTAS publishes ‘Louder than Works,’ which outlines the key concerns of the adult education sector in the wake of the White Paper on Adult Education. AONTAS and the Women's Education and Research Resource Centre (WERRC) undertake research to investigate the role of women’s community education in combating poverty and disadvantage. AONTAS publishes ‘Report of the Action Group on Access to Third Level Education.’ It highlights the importance of bridging courses and outlines the lack of grants for some learners. AONTAS publishes the report ‘At the Forefront,’ which discusses the need for recognition, resources and representation for adult learning. AONTAS launches its pre-election campaign: 3Rs – Recognition, Resource and Representation.

AONTAS publishes ‘Local Structures in Adult Education – A Discussion Paper.’ For the past 30 years AONTAS has been calling for the establishment of effective national and local structures to support and service the development of the adult education sector. The Department of Education & Science appointed Community Education Facilitators to the Vocational Education Committees in September 2002. AONTAS identifies 10 key demands as part of its pre-election strategy.Following the General Election, AONTAS holds its annual series of Regional Meetings to establish priorities for the sector under the newly elected Government. John Ryan is elected as President of AONTAS.


Mr. Noel Dempsey, Minister for Education and Science, welcomes the launch of the 2003/04 version of the Qualifax Career Guidance CD in September.


The Further Education Sector in the Department of Education and Science publishes the 12th Edition of the Guide for Mature Students: Entry to Full-Time Third Level Courses.





Ireland faces a recession and Budget 2009 confirmed a number of cuts in the adult education sector. The Budget 2009 reduced BTEI places by 500, Senior Traveller Training Centre’s places by 100 coupled with across the board cuts to the Vocational Education Committees. In addition to this the National Adult Learning Council was abolished. The supplementary budget on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 recognised the importance of upskilling and retraining to a degree. The Supplementary Budget April 2009 reduced the qualifying periods for the Back to Education Allowance; promised additional places at third level including 1,500 part time places; introduced 277 places for the a pilot training scheme for short time workers; made provisions for an additional 700 places on a new Institutes of Technology training programme and expanded PLC places by 1500 for September 2009 and increased the number of short courses provided by FAS. Minister for Lifelong Learning, Sean Haughey was reappointed following a reshuffle in April of Junior Ministers, ensuring an important voice for the sector. However, 2009 may be the year when ‘free fees’ are abolished - third level colleges face a funding crisis and Minister for Education, Batt O’ Keefe will shortly bring proposals on a new third level fees regime to Cabinet.

The Government announces an increase of 10% to the maintenance grants for Higher and Further education students.

The Government publishes ‘Towards 2016: Ten-Year Framework Social Partnership Agreement 2006-2015.’

In July 2003, the Minister for Education and Science, Noel Dempsey, published the Education for Persons with Disabilities Bill.

The National Centre for Guidance in Education celebrates its 10th anniversary and launches the publication ‘NCGE in Support of Guidance: Policy and Practice 1995 – 2005.’

AONTAS make a presentation to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education & Science regarding the needs of the adult and community education sector. AONTAS initiates a Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) pilot project for women’s community education. A researcher works closely with five women’s community education groups to articulate a shared vision, and set of goals, principles, dimensions and practices of women’s community education. A report on the findings of this project was published for use by all women’s community education groups.

The Irish Research Association of Adult and Community Education, IRAACE (at the time RACE) is officially launched.

AONTAS hosts its first Adult Learners Festival in January. Over one hundred events are held by members across the country.

AONTAS calls on the Government to abolish fees for part-time Third Level courses.

AONTAS publishes the Information Booklet. It acts a one-stop-shop information resource for any adult wishing to return to learning.

AONTAS successfully applied for funding from The Wheel’s ‘Training Links’ programme. At the annual general meeting members call on the Department of Education and Science to recall the National Adult Learning Council (NALC) in order to enable members of the Council to discuss its review and future direction. AONTAS takes part in the Freshstart Expo in the RDS, Dublin.

Having obtained Wheel funding, AONTAS embarks on establishing a Training Network that focuses on lobbying skills for community education groups across the country. AONTAS holds its first Community Education Network meeting in Dublin. AONTAS publishes a discussion paper on the lifelong learning needs of older people. Following a comprehensive consultation process AONTAS produces its Strategic Plan ‘Policy, Promotion, Practice and Partnership’ which outlines the work for 2007–2010.


AONTAS hosts the Adult Learners Festival in February. The first AONTAS Older Learner Network meeting is held in Galway.

AONTAS hosts the Adult Learners Festival in February. The second AONTAS Senior Learner Network meeting is held.

AONTAS obtains further funding from The Wheel’s ‘Training Links’ programme to build in the previous Training Network.

AONTAS implements the The Wheel’s ‘Training Links’ programme to members of the Community Education Network.

The AONTAS Quality Assurance Framework mainstreaming phase commences.

AONTAS and Dublin Community Television are successful in a bid for a Sound and Vision fund to create television programmes outlining community education.

Ms Marian Duffy is elected President of AONTAS. The Irish Research Association of Adult and Community Education, IRAACE, is re-launched in April. AONTAS undertakes development education for active citizenship research which is funded by Irish Aid.

Don't stop me now Older people Research The research, which involved consultation with service providers nationwide and with older people engaged in lifelong learning, set out to map service provision in Ireland and to offer older learners an opportunity to voice their needs and interests in relation to learning opportunities in later life. AONTAS celebrates its 40th Birthday. Many Happy Returns!

The Training and Support Programme for the Community Education Facilitators (CEFs) based in AONTAS was designed to bring the CEFs together for information, support and training and to enable the CEFs to collectively identify issues that could enhance their work.

AONTAS holds its national conference entitled ‘Reclaim the Right to Learn’ in Malahide in October.

AONTAS hosts a conference entitled ‘Women Learning – An Era of Change.’

AONTAS hosts a conference in Dundalk entitled ‘Citizen Learner,’ to celebrate the European Year of Citizenship Through Education.

AONTAS hosts a conference in Dublin entitled ‘Creating Intercultural Communities.’ AONTAS Director and President participate in the seventh International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) World Assembly entitled ‘Adults’ Right to Learn: Convergence, Solidarity, and Action’ in Nairobi, Kenya.


The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) hosts its General Assembly in collaboration with AONTAS.

AONTAS participates in the Pan-European Preparatory Conference for CONFINTEA VI, in Hungary.


The Long Kesh prison in Northern Ireland is closed.

The Irish voters reject the Nice Treaty in a referendum.

Euro notes and coins are issued to all participating European countries.

"The Spire" on O'Connell Street is officially completed.

The Republic of Ireland bans smoking in all enclosed work places, including restaurants, pubs and bars.

Ireland completes metrication.

Ireland commemorates the 90th anniversary of the 1916 Rising for the first time since 1971.

Direct rule from Westminster is ended as the Northern Ireland Executive takes control.

Ireland Votes Against European Union Treaty of Lisbon.


The world enters Y2K without serious, widespread computer failures.

al-Qaeda terrorists attack the USA killing almost 3000 people - Sept 11.

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother dies aged 101.

A draft of the proposed European Constitution is unveiled.

European heads of state sign in Rome the Treaty and Final Act, establishing the first European Constitution.

Pope John Paul II dies, over 4 million people travel to the Vatican to mourn him.

Google buys YouTube for USD $1.65b.

European leaders sign the Treaty of Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal.

Polar Bear listed as threatened species.

Barack Obama elected as the first African-American President of USA.

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