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ADULT LEARNERS’ FESTIVAL 2010 INFORMATION DAY REPORT ©AONTAS – The National Adult Learning Organisation | The Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 is kindly sponsored by

Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report 1. THE ADULT LEARNERS’ FESTIVAL The Adult Learners’ Festival is a nationwide celebration of adult learning coordinated by AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation. It is about: 

Celebrating adult learning and the achievements of adult learners

Showcasing the work of adult education providers

Promoting the work of AONTAS and the adult education sector

Ensuring that adult education is placed firmly on the political agenda

The 2010 Festival takes places from 22 – 26 February and is themed “Better Together”. In the last three years, the festival has become a firm fixture on the adult learning calendar with events taking place nationwide, including anything from information sessions, taster workshops, sample lectures to small gatherings of people who love to learn. Events are organised by all kinds of organisations throughout the country e.g. VEC, Libraries, Universities, Museums, Galleries, Workplaces, NGOs and much more!

2. OVERVIEW OF THE ADULT LEARNERS’ FESTIVAL INFORMATION DAY The Adult Learners’ Festival Information Day was held on Wednesday 20th January 2010 in The Gresham Hotel in Dublin. The aim of the meeting is to encourage organisations to become involved in the Festival by organising an event or activity. The Information Day promised:    

the chance to learn more about the Adult Learners’ Festival, networking opportunities event and activity ideas how to promote adult learning using new and traditional media.

The environment in which organisations are working is dramatically different to previous Adult Learners’ Festivals with organisations trying to meet increased demand with fewer resources. The Information Day focussed on the importance of collaboration when working at local level and organising festival events. It also created an opportunity to develop the capacity of event organisers to publicise their work through a workshop on promoting adult learning using new and traditional. The meeting used discussion groups to facilitate networking and the exchange of ideas. 57 participants were seated in seven colour coded round tables of 8 – 10 with an AONTAS staff member or a former event organiser present. 59% of participants had never been involved in previous Festivals. Of the 41% of participants who took part in previous festivals, they were 2

Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report involved in a number of different ways including former event organisers, STAR Award nominees, and Local Links.

3. CONTENT OF THE DAY The morning commenced with an overview Adult Learners’ Festival and the key messages for the 2010 Festival from AONTAS Director, Berni Brady. Niamh Farren, Communications Officer AONTAS, provided an input on the Festival Themes and the resources available to event organisers. Niamh emphasized the importance of collaboration when holding an event, pointing out that it can result in better outcomes for learners. Niamh also highlighted the importance of documenting and evaluating your work during the Festival. Please see Appendix 3 for Niamh’s presentation. Following her presentation, Niamh invited participants to outline their experience of organising an event in previous years and share ideas about what they can do for the 2010 Festival within their groups. The short discussion focused on the following three questions: 1. Have you organised an event last year or in previous years? What kind of event do you think you could organise this year? Awards / Certificate ceremony Bringing the Library out to the community Coffee Morning Congress: All centres urban and rural to put up festival banners and advertise FETAC courses Event for internal staff and learners

GIY Ireland setting up a stall at the Farmers Market to highlight education Gorta: Adult education – highlighting needs of people in the third world. Specialists to give workshops on poverty, aids etc Information session on setting up your own business Learner Development Day

Exhibition of Learners Work

Learners evening with learners’ stories

Fun days in the library

Learning story through art

Local history events Online computers Open days around the county Seminar on cultural development Stand at a local shopping centre Theatre Night Training for public on social media Visit to TCD / Dail Workshop on allotments, beekeeping, sustainable living

2. If you organised an event for previous Adult Learners’ Festivals, what worked well? 

Working with other groups in the area 3

Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report 3. If you organised an event for previous Adult Learners’ Festivals, what would you do differently?  

Run fewer evening events Run events for morning / afternoon and not the whole day

Following the short discussion, Niamh Farren delivered a workshop on promoting the Adult Learners’ Festival using new and traditional media. The workshop provided tips on writing press releases, preparing for media interviews and using social networking and the internet to promote your event and the work of your organisation. The workshop was interactive, allowing participants to draw on their existing experience of using the media and encouraging them to share their approaches as well as asking questions. Niamh gave a short PowerPoint presentation which explained AONTAS PR strategy for the Festival as well as useful pointers in new and traditional media. The workshop was complimented by the resources available in the Explore Festival Toolkit. Following her input, Niamh invited participants to share ideas on promoting events and the work of adult learning organisations within their groups. The discussion focused on the following three questions: i. How can you promote your event locally? Activelink Asking people to blog Bluetooth Bring a friend CIC Citizens Information Communication between organisations

Id and contact other organisations

Phone around local groups

It stays at the same time each year, can be worked into workplan

Post office

Let the people invited have more control

Send a speaker out to the groups to promote ourselves

Library newsletter

Community Halls

Local centres of education e.g. VTIS, VEC

Community printers

Local chambers of commerce

Photo call / celebrity Posters

Shops TV shows e.g. The Afternoon Show, Ireland AM Use local farmers market 4

Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report Competitions e.g. FLICKR photo competition

Local church

Credit union

Local Newspaper

E-mailing all contacts

Local politicians

Event section on website

Local radio

Flier / Leaflet drop

Local social welfare office

Get more knowledge about local groups

Mailing list / Webtext

Get organised early Have press releases ready for local media

Local Hospital

Use or rural / urban centres to promote and reach people Use regional media – get a good contact with links in this area Use website, mailing list, twitter


Using local shopping centre to reach people

Online newsletter


Parish newsletter

Work with partners in local area

ii. What can AONTAS do to help you with promotion? Event in a Bag is a good idea

Local networking

Can send extra resources if needed

Organising seminars

Festival promotion is very important

Free publicity great help


Building contacts when attending AONTAS Events

Additional contacts / mailing lists

AONTAS update


Promoting on AONTAS website

News section

Earlier promotion Widen out brief

Can look at press releases if needed

One to one back up / support E-mail Providing information on other organisations Networking opportunities

iii. Do you have any other questions or suggestions about the Festival?  Look at the dates for the Adult Learners’ Festival 2011. April or May may be good time as it coincides with exhibitions of learners work, achievement ceremonies and may be a good time for recruitment for September. The morning concluded with a quick feedback session from each of the seven discussion groups followed by thanks and words of encouragement from AONTAS Director, Berni Brady.


Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report 4. AFTER TODAY, WHAT IS THE ONE ACTION OR IDEA THAT YOU WILL PUT INTO PRACTICE DURING THE ADULT LEARNERS’ FESTIVAL 2010. Each participant was asked to fill out on evaluation form at the end of the event. 39 out of 57 participants responded. One of the questions participants were asked was “After today, what is the one action or idea that you will put into practice during the Adult Learners’ Festival 2010?

‘Bring a Friend’ l Adult education seminar on international development studies l Be more media focused & hoping to make a documentary on Blayney Blades l Become a member of AONTAS Better promotion l Create closer links to Northern Ireland / Adult Education l Green Learning Day l Invite guest speakers to event l Have a staff information meeting l Learner Development Day l Learning Tree l Linking / join forces with the library l More promotion Organise an event for local woman l Organise an event in the library l Organise workplace event, get Chambers to endorse the Festival l Promote our event through the local media l Promote the Festival within our 25 centres l Promotion via Qualifax l Recording event and sharing learning materials l Social Media Training l Try to get more local groups involved l Use Facebook / Twitter to promote our service Use media l Will discuss with team if possible to hold event, if not 2011 l


Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report 5. Participant List NAME 1. Aine Byrne 2. Alan Dalton 3. Ann Devlin 4. Anne Byrne 5. Anne Maree O'Brien 6. Aobhán Haverty, 7. Bernadette Beatley 8. Bernadette Cogan

9. Bernadine L 10. Berni Brady 11. Caroline Egan 12. Catherine Gallagher 13. Catherine McKenzie

14. Ciara Murphy 15. Claire McSimon 16. Colm Davis 17. Eilís Coyne – 18. Eimear Chaomhanach 19. Elaine Gahan 20. Eleonora Peruffo 21. Elizabeth Flanagan 22. Elizabeth Zuba 23. Elly Fairbairn 24. Erin Thomas

25. Fiona Elward 26. Frances O’Gorman




IIPMM National Learning Network FETAC KARE Westmeath VEC

Dublin Dublin

Dublin Kildare Westmeath

Co. Clare VEC Rowlagh Women’s Group Dublin City Public Libraries – Central Library personal interest AONTAS Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups South Dublin County Council St John of God Menni Services (Supported Employment) AONTAS Focus Ireland National Learning Network Local Link for Co Meath Temple Bar Cultural Trust County Dublin VEC AONTAS National Learning Network IIPMM WEB WOMEN'S GROUP Gorta – The Freedom From Hunger Council Congress County Clare Library

Clare Dublin

Dublin Dublin

No E-mail Provided

Dublin No E-mail Provided

Dublin No E-mail Provided



Dublin Dublin Dublin

Dublin Dublin

Clare 7

Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report NAME 27. Grace Fox 28. Irene Fay

29. 30. 31. 32.

Jacinta Cuthbert Joanne Power Kathryn Laing Kirsi Hanifin

33. Laura Burke 34. Lill Coyne 35. Lorraine Cunningham 36. Louise Morgan 37. Mags Murphy

38. Marcella C... 39. Marian Courtney 40. Marian Hickey 41. Marie Daly 42. Mark Wilkins 43. Mary Devlin 44. Mary Farrell

45. Mary Farrell 46. Mary Hilda Cavanagh 47. Mary Quinlan 48. Maura Ryan 49. Michael Potter 50. Niamh Farren 51. Nora Gubbins 52. Pauline Comaskey 53. Peadar Lynch

ORGANISATION Ballyhoura Folklore Project Canal Local Employment Service Network AONTAs Waterford City Vec AONTAS Labour Women/labour Party KARE GIT

The Digital Hub Director of Councillor Services and Training-Labour Party Interior Design Chambers Ireland CPLN-local employment service Rowlagh Women’s Group Union Reps ICTU National Learning Network Co Longford Adult Educational Guidance Service Co Longford Adult Guidance


E-MAIL No E-mail Provided

Dublin Waterford Dublin


Dublin Dublin 1

Dublin 23

No E-mail Provided


Belfast Dublin

No E-mail Provided

Co. Longford


Taemur Consulting WEB WOMEN'S GROUP National Learning Network AONTAS North Tipperary VEC Longford Women's link personal interest Dublin

Dublin Tipperary Longford No E-mail Provided 8

Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report NAME 54. Phil Keane

55. PJ Gallagher 56. Regina Dunne 57. Sandra Hosty 58. Sandra Turner

59. Sean O'Reilly 60. Selina Reddy 61. Sofia ForeroGomez 62. Suzanne Walsh 63. Veronica Bayly

ORGANISATION Canal Local Employment Service Network Individual Member National College of Ireland De Paul Ireland Offaly County Council – Library Service NQAI CPLN-local employment service Epic ProgrammeBusiness in the Community Ireland Tallaght Centre for the Unemployed



Dublin No E-mail Provided

Dublin 22




Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report Appendix 1: Information Day Agenda Date: Wednesday, 20 January 2010 Time: 09:30 – 12.30 Venue: The Gresham Hotel, O’ Connell Street, Dublin 1 A light lunch of soup and sandwiches will be served at 12.30.

AGENDA 09:30 – 10:00

Registration with tea, coffee and biscuits

10:00 – 10:20

Welcome and overview of the Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Policy Aspects and Festival Messages Berni Brady, Director, AONTAS

10:20 – 10:35

Festival Themes Niamh Farren, Communications Officer, AONTAS     

Celebrate Learning : The STAR Awards Ceremony Green Learning Day Learning Communities (plus some info about the TV series) Learning @ Work Lobby for Learning

AONTAS Support and Resources/ Event in a Bag

10:35 – 10:50

Organising an Event – Practical Advice Experience of past event organisers, and get ideas for your events

10:50 – 11:00

Tea Break

11:00 – 12:00

Workshop: Promoting the Adult Learners’ Festival - Using Traditional and New Media Niamh Farren, Communications Officer, AONTAS 

Tips on writing press releases, preparing for media interviews. Using social networking and the internet to promote your event.

12:00 – 12:20

Workshop feedback and Final Questions

12:20 – 12.30

Thanks & Close Berni Brady, Director, AONTAS

12.30 – 1.30

Lunch 10

Adult Learners’ Festival 2010 Information Day Report Appendix 2: Supports and Resources This year we've made it as easy as possible for you to participate. The A- Z of activities on our website will help you decide on something simple and easy that you can organise within your group or community. Once you have decided on an activity, you can enter details about your event directly on our website. AONTAS will send you a copy of our 'Event in a Bag' which contains promotional and display materials. Details of your event will be included on the website in the lead up to the Festival, along with your contact details. AONTAS can also help you promote your event in your local media, or put you in contact with organisations or people that are involved in your area. Event in a Bag If you are planning an event for the Adult Learners' Festival (22 -26 February 2010) we have everything you might need in an Event in a Bag. The Event in a Bag is an exciting resource for the Adult Learners' Festival 2010. This complete kit of materials is designed to support you in holding local events and activities during the week of the festival. An Event in a Bag contains:        

10 A3 Posters 10 A5 Fliers 4 Banners 6 Balloons 30 Bookmarks 30 Pens 1 AONTAS Information Booklet 1 Explore Magazine with Festival Toolkit

A limited number of posters and fliers are available as Gaeilge: A3 Poster (Irish Language) A5 Flier (Irish Language) Get your Event in a Bag by registering your event on the Calendar of Events by clicking here or contact Eleonora Peruffo at / 01 4068220. Festival Themed Days Monday, 22 February 2010: Tuesday, 22 February 2010: Wednesday, 22 February 2010: Thursday, 22 February 2010: Friday, 22 February 2010:

Celebrate Learning Green Learning Learning Communities Learn at Work Lobby for Learning 11

Appendix 3

AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival 2010

‘Better Together” Festival Themes

Themes • European Year of Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion • Collaboration – results in better outcomes for learners • Promoting what we already do • Each day of the Festival will promote a different aspect to learning

Thematic Days – Monday 22nd • Monday 22nd February – ‘Celebrate Learning’ • STAR Awards Ceremony – 3pm at No. 6 Kildare St • 110 projects nominated – shortlist of 40 available from Feb 1st • Winners announced on the day

Tuesday 23rd – Green Learning • Promote learning initiatives focusing on environmental education, sustainable living, gardening, recycling • Participating organisations include GIY Ireland (Grow it Yourself), ENFO and the Cultivate Centre

Wednesday 24th Learning Communities • Promoting all aspects of non-formal learning • Promoting the role of community education in combating poverty and social exclusion • Launching a series of TV programmes ‘Beyond the Classroom’ – on DCTV • Involvement from local libraries, community groups, art galleries, museums

Thursday 25th – Learn @ Work • Promoting the importance of workplace learning • Particular focus on business sector, through IBEC and Small Firms Association • Open to any organisation who wants to run an event which promotes access to learning for their staff – eg Arts Council

Friday 26th – Lobby for Learning • AONTAS to host an adult education ‘clinic’ with the education spokespeople from government and opposition parties • Focus on learners and providers – opportunity to air their concerns and feed into future Manifestos, through a ‘listening post’ • Brief response from elected representatives at the end

Support and Resources • Event in a Bag • Toolkits with activity sheets for each day • Press Releases circulated in advance of the Festival to event organisers/ AONTAS membership • will include the most up to date information on events and publicity • Assistance in promoting your own event locally • Statistics / Information

Appendix 4

WORKSHOP Promoting Adult Learning Using new & traditional media Niamh Farren Communications Officer

AONTAS PR Strategy for ALF • Contacting national tv and radio programmes/ papers in advance of the Festival • Regular press releases throughout the Festival • Support members to engage with local media through the provision of press releases • Advertising – through recording of an ad for local and national radio, print advertising • Use of social media – Facebook and Twitter

This workshop • How can we work together to promote adult learning during the Adult Learners’ Festival? • Issue better Press Releases • Understand what journalists are looking for • Explore online media to promote adult learning

The media environment • • • • • • • •

Television Radio Newspapers Magazines Parish Newsletter Websites Blogs/Podcasts Social Networking Sites

• All feed off each other

What does a journalist want? • Something newsworthy – preferably that ties into an existing story • Information provided to a tight deadline • A strong human interest story • Something unusual/ quirky • Something controversial • An authoritative voice • For radio, spokesperson is important, for television, visuals, and for print, good photograph

What you need to deal with the media • A Press Release • Photographs of your event (check with the newspaper about the format) • Spokesperson/ spokespersons –from your organisation, learners that you know • Website or other background materials • Contact details • A strong, simple message! • A good, regularly updated electronic mailing list of relevant media personnel. • Information about their deadlines.

What makes a good press release? • A catchy headline. • Main information in the first paragraph of the press release – i.e. who, why, what, where, how. • Statistics • No jargon – simple straightforward language • Suggest photo opportunities? • VIPs, Celebrity Involvement? • Quotes • A good soundbite/ use metaphors • Timing • Don’t forget to include details about your event – time, date, venue and your own contact details.

Questions to help you write a good press release • What is the problem, or issue that you are trying to address? • Who thinks that this is an important issue? • Why should people care about this issue?

The Internet •Personal •Viral •Interactive ‘Facebook is for people you know, Twitter is for people you want to know.’

What you need to participate • Separate email account is good – eg gmail/ hotmail (allows more people to access) • Register your account with the social networking site (eg Facebook/ Twitter) • Time – you need to build up a network or following and this doesn’t happen by osmosis • Use it regularly – this medium thrives on immediacy

• Allows users to create a group/ network • Key target audience – event organisers and AONTAS members • Purpose – to allow event organisers to exchange information. AONTAS will post useful resources, updates and event details • Users will need a facebook account to access the site

Event Organisers Page on Facebook

• Allows users to build up a following – AONTAS will post short updates and information about events all through the week • Target audience – general public, politicians, anyone interested in adult learning. • Used by journalists, researchers, politicians, bloggers • Followers can ‘re tweet’ messages, thus maximising publicity on a message.

AONTAS on Twitter

Other online supports • Flickr – for photos and images • Google alerts – set up an account and get news on a particular issue sent directly to your inbox • Youtube (short videos) • Vimeo – for longer films/ programmes

Using social networking as a promotional tool • It’s not about quantity of people, but about quality. Who is following you, not how many. • It’s at its best when used to start conversations, rather than just posting press releases. Ask questions, seek feedback. • Can also help you gather information, by cultivating new contacts • Can help you make contact with people that you wouldn’t normally deal with

Questions • How can you promote your event locally? • What can AONTAS do to help you with promotion? • Do you have any other questions about the Festival?

In summary.... • • • •

Be creative in your promotional work Try a mix of media, rather than relying on one Contact us if you need assistance Submit your event as soon as details are finalised • Let us know what you are doing, so that we can promote your activities • Tell us how well you get on!

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