Broadcast Schedule Beyond the Classroom DCTV - Chorus NTL Channel 802 Wednesday, 3 March 2010 7pm Beyond the Classroom - The Communities Episode 1: Kilbarrack 7:20pm
Beyond the Classroom - The Practitioners Footage from wide range of groups (including Warrenmount, D8CEC & Tallaght.)
Wednesday, 10 March 2010 7pm Beyond the Classroom - The Communities. Episode 2: Tallaght 7.20pm Beyond the Classroom - The Practitioners. Episode 2. Video footage primarily from An Cosan Wednesday, 17 March 2010 7pm Beyond the Classroom - The Communities. Episode 3: Pavee Health Project. 7.20pm Beyond the Classroom - The Practitioners. Episode 3. Video footage from RADE. Wednesday, 24 March 2010 7pm Beyond the Classroom - The Communities. Episode 4: Main 7.20pm
Beyond the Classroom - The Learners. Whole episode 50 minute special.
As well as these initial broadcasts each weeks material will be repeated the following day at 12:30 and then the following Sunday at 12:30