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Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative Participative Inc lusiveness Political Holistic Empowerment The Community Education Network Social Change Justice Equality Why invest in community Challenge education? The Community Education Network is a Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic platform for community education groups In the current economic climate it is within the AONTAS Transformation membership and it serves Creative Participative Inclusiveness imperative that adults, particularly those Justice Empowerment Social Change Equality as a space for promoting community education most marginalized, are able to obtain and as a political platform for shaping policy. It Justice Equality Transformation appropriate, accessible andHolistic professional Empowerment Political Challenge Social Change AONTAS Community is the only Network at national level dedicated community education opportunities that meet toPolitical community education, with overHolistic 60 Creative Participative Challenge Empowerment Social Change their personal, social, civic andInclusiveness economic organisations and local networks it is dynamic Education Network needs. Community education is an effective, Justice Equality Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic and proactive space. value-for-money education service that has many other beneficial outcomes for Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality the learner in terms of: health benefits, Who can join theTransformation Community EducationCreative Participative Inclusiveness What is Community Education? social inclusion, active citizenship, personal Empowerment Network? Political Challenge Holistic Social Change Justice Equality Transformation development in addition to upskilling. Any local, self-managed, independent Community education is a process education organisation that is Creative Participative Inclusivenesscommunity Political Challenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change of personal and community committed to raising the profile of, and How is it funded? Justice Equality Transformation Creative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic lobbying for,Participative a community education sector transformation, empowerment, that is committed to social change. Community education is funded through challenge, social change Inclusiveness and collective Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative Participative various streams which makes planning and responsiveness. It is communityMission Statement delivering courses difficult and unsustainable. PoliticalTheChallenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation led reflecting and valuing the lived funding is also inadequate. To achieve a greater public understanding of experiences of individuals and their the value of community education andHolistic have it Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Empowerment Social Change community. Through its ethos and In 2007, ₏10.4 million yearly = 0.1% recognised as a distinctly funded sector of the total education budget. There holistic approach Challenge community education Education system. Inclusiveness JusticeofEquality Transformation CreativeIrishParticipative Political Holistic are approximately 300,000 adult builds the capacity of groups to engage learners in Ireland of which 10% are Justice Equality Empowerment Social Change Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness Join the Network Today in developing a social teaching and participating in community education For more information or to join please contact learning process that is creative, Political Challenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation but only receiving 5.7% of the adult Niamh O’Reilly or Jenny Gunning on 014068220 participative and needs-based. and further education budget. or Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic Empowerment Change Community education Social is grounded on principles of justice, equalityHolistic and The Community Network For More Information Visit: Justice EqualityEducation Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge inclusiveness. It differs from general call for... Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative Inclusiveness adultParticipative education provision due to its A distinct multi-annual funding stream that AONTAS (National Adult Learning Organisation) political and radical methodologies. Political Challenge Holistic Social Change Justice Equality Transformation is accessible for independent community Empowerment 2nd Floor, 83-87 Main Street, Ranelagh, D6 education providers in a flexible manner. Ph: 01 4068220/1 Fax: 01 4068227 Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic

mpowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness olitical Challenge Social Change Reflections from Community Education Justice Equality Case Study: Transformation An Cosán What does this mean forHolistic learners andEmpowerment Participants their communities? reative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change An Cosán is a community education centre in Jobstown Tallaght. The centre was established Community educationTransformation enables participants eet new Inclusiveness ustice Equality Creative Participative Political Challenge Holistic ance to m on the basis of the belief that education is the to emerge with more than just new personal It was a ch other “ learn from ” y fast trackParticipative out of poverty. An Cosán (the path) is skills and knowledge;Social it leads to an increased riends and mpowerment Change JusticefEquality Creative Inclusiveness communit myTransformation so called because it offers local people a path embers of ability to act as part of a united community m to learning and leadership. The centre provides olitical forChallenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation improved social justice. adult community education and early childhood nse of a seHolistic reative Participative Inclusiveness Political Empowerment Social Change ever felt such education and care and social enterprise to an It provides learning opportunities that “I have nChallenge t I’ll never forge area of Dublin that is severely disadvantaged address the needs of the community and the hievement and oup” the gr ustice Equality Transformation CreativeacParticipative Inclusiveness Political Holistic by poverty and high Challenge levels of unemployment. the support of individual whilst ensuring that the learners’ The courses delivered within the centre experiences are recognised, valued and used mpowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness are designed to address educational needs as part of the learning process. identified by the community. While all of the “My pe rso na l sat isf olitical Challenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation ac tio n wi th courses from basic education to their HETAC engaging in ed The wellbeing of the participants and their uc ati on an d thi nk ing support the personal and professional led community is nurtured during the learning me to gain emChallenge reative Participative Inclusiveness Political Empowerment Social Change ployment in my Holistic degrees development of students this is allied with process. This process also ensures that the loc al co mm un ity ” education and action for social change. An ustice Equality Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic tutor and participantTransformation are on an equal level Cosáns’ vision is for a community committed as the learner identifies the knowledge mpowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness to a radical form of education, teaching and which would be useful to them and the tutor dent, it “Now I am more confi learning together how to re-order our society responds by creating a collaborative, creative to rld wo w ne olitical Challenge Holistic Empowerment Change Justice Equality Transformation has opened up aSocial and economy so that we can shape our ways of learning experience that facilitates and lvement in e... Thanks to my invo being human together. learner involvement. ation I am havingHolistic Empowerment Social Change reativesupports Participative Inclusiveness mPolitical Challenge educ ity un m m co the time of my life.” The values of community Transformation education are put ustice Equality Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge into practice by the group and are promoted locally and nationally: justice, equality and Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative Participative olistic Empowerment Social inclusiveness. nclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Community education supports the ransformation Creative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic Empowerment empowerment of people to identify Participative action that is needed regarding their issues and ocial Equality Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political alsoChange to understandJustice why such collective action should be taken. It also supports hallenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change Justice Equality Transformation Creative the challenging of the existing social and economic structures. articipative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic Empowerment Social Change Justice quality Transformation Creative Participative Inclusiveness Political Challenge Holistic

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