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A O N TA S Adult Learners Festival 2009 Are you interested in being involved in promoting the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival in your area? If so, you can become a ‘Local Link’. Acting as a Local Link for the festival can be a benefit to your work and adult learners in your area! What do Local Links do? Local Links organise events to coincide with the week of the festival: 2nd – 6th February 2009. They often do this in collaboration with other adult and community education groups thereby maximising the impact of the event and reaching the greatest number of learners in an effective way. Local links also encourage other groups to hold or attend an event during the festival and help promote the week. The Adult Learners’ Festival is a perfect opportunity to showcase your work and that of adult learners, to promote and raise awareness about adult learning and to gain greater political interest for adult and community education.

All we ask: The idea is that these activities can be incorporated into your existing work: • Mention the festival at any meetings you attend • Plan your events during the festival (2 - 6 February 2009) • Work with other groups in your area on an event • Promote it to the local media.

AONTAS will support you in the following way! • Local Links Day in November 2008 which includes media training, the chance to meet other local links and share ideas • Adult Learners’ Festival promotional material for your event • Your event will be promoted in the AONTAS E-bulletin and the Adult Learners’ Festival website • A dedicated AONTAS staff member will be on hand to answer any queries you may have, provide you with additional promotional material and give you regular festival updates • The AONTAS Communications Officer will be on hand to help you with any media / promtional work

A O N TA S Adult Learners Festival 2009 Thoughts from 2008 Local Links....

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