CP BRItAIN communist-party.org.uk
November 2018
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‘Since at least 2015 we have seen that the demise of the electoral far right in the UK has been giving way to something far more sinister, which is evolving from the embers of the two betterknown far-right groups operating in the UK, the electorally dead and insignificant British National party (BNP) and the moribund EdL (shaken by a paedophile scandal involving one of its leading members). Although both spawned cheaper imitations upon their demise, they also spawned a million angry voices on social media.’ Matthew Collins head of research for Hope not Hate
Workers of all lands, unite!
Demonstration MARCH AGAINST RACISM & FASCISM Saturday 17 November 12 noon BBC Portland Place London W1A 1AA
Big money behind the racists AGAINST RACISM
voice of the ‘white working class’. tony Conway, convenor of the Communist Party anti-racist, antiIG MONEy from the United fascist commission said: “Former States alt-right is backing a dangerous street movement of BNP activist Robinson came to home grown British fascists. Boosted prominence as front man for the violent English Defence League and by the racist right in the USA and with attacks on Muslims and across Europe a mixed bag of migrants. tattooed nazis, former members of “Internationally the far right are the fascist BNP, alt-right poseurs and football thugs are taking to the streets mobilising behind him. Donald Trump’s ex-chief of staff Steve in an attempt to grow the fascist Bannon and racist Dutch politician fringe into a mass movement. Geert Wilders campaigned for his the release of convicted criminal tommy Robinson on bail is release. US officials have denied reports that Trump’s ‘ambassador hailed as a victory by a reactionary for religious freedom’ lobbied the band of far-right figures. British government to let Robinson In Britain the assorted miniout of gaol.” groups of the fascist right, the the right-wing US Middle East democratic Football Lads Alliance Foundation (MEF) and Bannon’s (dFLA), shadowy alt-right figures former employer Breitbart funded and the UKIP rump are rallying Robinson’s defence. And behind Robinson. the convicted thug and fraudster reportedly “played a key role in legally and diplomatically” lobbying Stephen yaxley-Lennon, trading our government for Robinson’s under the made-up name tommy release.the head of MEF is daniel Robinson, is free without bail Pipes, son of CIA analyst Richard conditions following his arrest for contempt of court after he failed to Pipes – the theoretician behind donald Rumsfields’s Middle East derail the successful prosecution of war project. a paedophile ring. Last June tommy Robinson’s Newly-enriched poser Robinson Hitler-saluting goons attacked antiis making a mint from his internet racists and clashed with the police. notoriety as a champion of ‘free this was followed by attacks on speech’ and as the self-appointed
MAX LEVITAS ASt ENd antifascist Max Levitas has died. Communist Party general secretary Robert Griffiths expressed “great sadness at the passing away of our dear comrade at 103, the oldest and longest serving member of the Communist Party.” Former communist councillor
trade unionists and the ransacking of the left wing Bookmarks shop. Fuelled by big money donations driven by his well-funded social media operation the tommy Robinson roadshow has netted him a country house and a globetrotting life style. His bid for fame and fortune fits into a new broad spectrum operation by the far right that takes in squads of street fighters and mobs of football hooligans. the boundaries between the tory right (now reinforced by UKIP defectors), UKIP itself, the fascist formations and a newer, more middle class, ‘identitarian’ movement with Continental and US links are blurred. the core belief of this racist alliance is virulent Islamophobia. this is not mere rhetoric but translates directly into arson attacks on mosques and Muslims. Echoed by UKIP’s latest leader and sparked by Boris Johnson’s attack on Muslim women’s right to dress how they choose the fascist right is emboldened. tony Conway, said: “Defeating modern day racism and fascism in our communities requires a wide range of approaches. This month a mass turnout in Liverpool sent
fascists scurrying home protected by a police cordon. But everyday activity in working class communities to defend our public services, schools and NHS is very important. We need practical activity to unite workers rather than name-calling Winning decent pay and conditions for all workers, including migrants, will help take the poison out of the immigration debate which is why breaking free from the European Court of Justice combined with Labour’s pledge to restore workers’ rights is so important.” H
We need to talk a bit about fascism FASCISM NICK WRIGHt
HILE WE face growing racism, Islamaphobia and anti-semitism, the indiscriminate use of the term ‘fascist’ doesn’t help us strengthen the movement fighting racism and real fascism. It doesn’t help us understand the true nature of fascism for the word to be used as an all-purpose term of abuse directed at right-wing politicians in general or to label arbitrary abuses of power. there are real and dangerous fascists in Britain. they are organised in small and fractious groups deeply penetrated by anti-fascist activists, police and the intelligence agencies. Recent convictions show that violent elements exist in the underground British Resistance group, while more media-savvy operators get blanket media coverage and massive funding. After a short-lived rise to prominence the fading English defence League is now seen more as the first vehicle to subsidise tommy Robinson’s extravagant lifestyle rather than a mass movement with a future. But there is a wider circle of right-wing nationalist, xenophobic, and racist organisations — some of s Workers of all lands, unite! which have intellectual pretensions — and all of which feed of the atmosphere enabled by state racism, sets out a progressive and realistic millionaire media manipulation and racist throwback labour movement policy on migration, labour and refugees. £2 ideas about race, heredity and genetics, often imported from the US. Racist organisations, even when electorally successful (like the BNP in previous EU elections), are Jeremy Corbyn said he was Max Levitas was a veteran of the 1936 Battle of Cable Street (above), “deeply saddened by the passing of often short lived. And it is clear that groups like the latest — the ‘democratic Football Lads Alliance’ my friend Max Levitas. when police protecting Oswald “Max was one of that wonderful which include real fascists in their ranks - can on Mosley’s British Union of Fascists occasion break out of their isolation. But experience generation that helped to defeat were defeated in their attempt to shows that with mass action and unity they can be fascism in the 1930s. force a way through. Irish president Michael d. Higgins beaten back. dublin born son of Jewish the big danger is when these groups get a hearing said: “I have heard with great immigrants who had fled the antiin working class communities and it is here that we sorrow of the passing of Max semitic pogroms of tsarist Russia, need to be absolutely clear what kind of danger they Max Levitas inspired generations of Levitas, anti-fascist and defender of pose and the best way to defeat them. anti-fascist activists and communists. democracy and its core values.” H We have history to help us find clarity. Fascist political movements grew up, principally in Germany and Italy, but also in most European countries and in North America in the desperate conditions after the 1914-1918 Great War. the early fascist organisations were violent and were used by the ruling class as a counterweight to working class revolt. CONTINUED OVERLEAF
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‘Millions stand behind me’: 1930s anti fascist montage by John Heartfield on the cover of the AIZ Workers Illustrated Newspaper
to promise ‘jam today’ as well as ‘jam tomorrow’. For sure, there was precious little of either in his modest CONTINUED Proto-fascist groups of right-wing little basket. military veterans were mobilised to defeat the socialist Although tory Chancellors and revolution in Germany, (the notorious Black and tans Prime Ministers are ready to steal used by the British government to suppress the Irish manifesto Jeremy Corbyn and John were similar). In Italy, faced by working class revolt, the www.manifestopress.org.uk Mcdonnells clothes – whether on banks and big business backed Mussolini to form the ending austerity, forsaking new PFI first fascist administration. In the 1920s Hitler and his schemes or introducing a ‘living fledgling Nazi party were mocked but when, in the wage’ – they have ignored the 1930s, the votes of the left and especially the Shadow Chancellor’s appeal to Communist Party of Germany (KPd) surpassed the reform and halt the roll-out of Nazis, the ruling circles in Germany appointed Hitler as Universal Credit. Hammond’s puny Reichs Chancellor. tinkering with future work allowance to begin with the social base of fascism was small reforms and a £1bn rescue fund proprietors, state functionaries, smallholders, former over five years will not end the cuts officers and the middle class millions whose marginal s Granite and that plunges a million more children privileges and savings were undermined by the honey Kevin Marsh into poverty. Brexit proposal would maintain the economic collapse and inter-war financial crises. and Rob Griffiths tell BUDGET the extra £20.5bn promised for Single Market regime over much of What changed the fascists from a dangerous but the story of Phil British industry, severely limiting the the NHS over the next five years minority political force was the decision of the ruling Piratin, key figure at ROBERt GRIFFItHS will merely restore annual real policies of a left-led Labour class in key countries — frightened by working class the Battle of Cable increases of around 4 per cent. revolt — to make them into government parties. Street and Communist t WAS a ‘jam tomorrow’ budget government in matters of state aid, this is where they used to be until By the time war loomed fascist parties were the MP. £14.95 from Chancellor Philip Hammond public ownership, regional 2010, after which they were slashed development, the direction of government in Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Romania and is unlikely to fool millions of to around 0.9 per cent. and Finland while the governments of the Baltic states people struggling to get by. they see investment and the like. the damage done by nine years Bribed by payments of £37bn of and Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria could hardly be local services deteriorating, with distinguished from fascism. longer waiting NHS times, cancelled public money, the EU Commission of austerity will not be repaired. Even the 4 per cent increases do will probably reach a settlement In France, Holland, Belgium, Norway and denmark operations, the closure of facilities not keep pace with rising demand, with the tory government fascists formed administrations that collaborated with for the elderly and young people, extending EU membership in all but even with the annual 5 per cent the Nazi occupation. In every country big business, school requests for parental name, keeping economic control of increase in NHS spending on bankers, big landowners and state bureaucrats backed donations, street lights switched off medicines. Northern Ireland and throwing these regimes. (In the Channel Islands, the only part of s The imperial or vanishing community police. the Institute for Public Policy the UK under occupation, the same pattern appeared. controversy the main purpose of the budget French bankers a morsel of trade Research estimates that by 2030 from the City. Like the rest of occupied Europe it was the communists Andrew Murray was to press-gang MPs and the the NHS will need ten times more If enough anti-democratic, proand workers who led the resistance.) subjects the leading public into supporting the tory per year than Hammonds measly EU Labour MPs vote to support Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists had the pro-imperial governments hoped-for bogus such a deal – reports in the Financial extra rations. Social care will need support of some groups in the ruling class, mostly big historians, including Brexit deal. Hence Hammond’s an additional £10bn a year just to landowners, top civil servants and industrialists and in Niall Ferguson, to a warning that a ‘no deal’ Brexit would Times put the number at around 30 maintain current levels of service. so far – then the theresa May and the media principally Lord Rothemere’s Daily Mail. But withering analysis. mean an emergency replacement her government may survive a while So ‘spread-sheet Phil’ is handing fascism, despite its upper class support in royal and £12.95 budget that would maintain if not local councils less than one-tenth longer. the irony, of course, is that ruling class circles, and its well-funded squads of thugs, intensify austerity. never triumphed in Britain. Its an old and impotent trick – his these Labour rebels would be voting (£779m) of that annual sum. But the recipients can sleep more against Keir Starmers ‘six-point test’ For the left in Britain the 1936 fascist revolt against predecessor George Osborne that, with their enthusiastic support, soundly in their beds knowing that a the Popular Front government in Spain was a warning threatened just such an emergency bigger sum (£1bn) will be spent on was designed to block a real Brexit, of what was to come. thousands of anti-fascists, budget should the people vote nuclear submarine patrols. rather than frustrate the bogus mostly workers and communists, volunteered to fight in ‘Leave’ in May 2016, although the extra inflationary subsidies Spain. In Britain – against the opposition of the Labour nothing transpired except Osborne’s Brexit on offer from a largely proto house buyers will do nothing to EU tory Cabinet. Party right wing, the Board of deputies of British Jews emergency exit from Number 11. Should there be no deal with the solve a many-sided crisis. With more and the establishment press – the left wing took action. s Freedom today’s Chancellor is as pro-EU than a million families homeless, the A Popular Front that included the Independent as yesterday’s. together with today’s EU, on the other hand, or if one is from Tyranny Labour Party, the Communist Party and the Labour Phil Katz surveys the pro-EU prime minister, Hammond is rejected by the Commons, then May number of government funded ‘affordable’ and social sector homes will have to resign and a General Party’s Socialist League was established with victory over fascism in under orders from big business to being built has fallen since 2010 to widespread working class and important sections of Europe and warns of keep Britain tied to EU Single Market Election will almost certainly follow 28,000 (from 56,000) and 1,200 middle class opinion backing decisive action. A turning rules, while pretending to implement soon afterwards. the danger posed by (from 36,000), respectively. Rent that’s when Hammond or his point was the Battle of Cable Street, when thousands the 2016 referendum result. a right-wing rewrite successor will be desperate enough subsidies paid to private landlords of East Enders defeated the police trying to force a way of history. £5.95 their Chequers-based bogus through for Mosley’s marchers.
The Empire and Ukraine
are twice the amount of government spending on new social housebuilding. For millions of ‘Generation Rent’ young people, the prospect of home ownership does not exist. the government has pledged to ensure that 300,000 new houses are built every year, but the numbers have yet to rise to even half of that. History since 1946 indicates that such a target will never be achieved without a major council housing programme – and Hammond’s £500m addition to the Housing Infrastructure Fund will make very little difference to most councils. the Chancellor’s parsimony when it comes to meeting a basic human need contrasts with his relative generosity when it comes to road transport. Although absent from yesterdays speech, he reportedly intends to spend an extra £28bn on improvements to Englands motorways (84 per cent of Britains total mileage) – but only £420m to local councils to fill in the potholes now pitting local roads. these priorities might suit the road freight lobby, but not motorists and cyclists. they certainly don’t suit our eco-system, which urgently requires measures to transfer freight to the railways (especially when almost two-thirds of lorries run partly loaded or empty). Far from heralding an end to austerity, this Budget retains many of the cuts planned for the next three or four years, especially in local government services. yet Britain remains among wealthiest societies in the world, with one of the lowest rates of tax on corporate profits and a super-rich minority who stash their tax-free dosh in tax havens mostly under British jurisdiction. Hammonds speech made an eloquent case for the election of a left-led Labour government, free from EU rules to pursue policies for the many not the few. H ROBERt GRIFFItHS IS GENERAL SECREtARy OF tHE COMMUNISt PARty
COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA www.communist-party.org.uk
Andrew Murray
Preface by John Foster
It was a split in the ruling class – with Churchill worried at that point more by the Nazi threat to the British empire than by communism – that saw the Chamberlain government replaced by a wartime coalition that included Labour. It took a World War in which our ally – the Soviet Red Army – in the words of Churchill “tore the guts out of the Nazis” to defeat the fascist Axis. today our ruling class is split again over membership of the EU and, true to form, both sides in that debate are mired in racism and xenophobia. the big business Remainers are happy with the Fortress Europe strategy which condemns migrants to drown in the sea, their opposite numbers among the hedge fund Brexiteers unashamedly use racist and anti-migrant rhetoric to play on the fears of working people. Only the left-wing Lexit campaign stood for both working class internationalism and solidarity. But we face a new danger. If the clear decision of the British people to leave the EU is subverted, the racist right wing will be given a big boost, UKIP will be turbo charged into an electoral recovery and the fascist fringe will find new opportunities to promote race hatred, Islamaphobia and anti-semitism. Fascism is never the main instrument of the capitalist class until it has no alternatives left. But the battle for working class power takes an easier road when fascist ideas remain on the margins and fascist organisations find little support in the working class. H NICK WRIGHt IS EdItOR OF UNIty!
sThe Empire and Ukraine Andrew Murray sets the Ukraine crisis in its global and local contex. £11.95 s China’s new era Kenny Coyle strips away the layers of myth and misunderstanding about China’s growing role in the world. £2
s Marx’s Das Kapital and capitalism today by Robert Griffiths Illustrated £8
s State Monopoly Capitalism by Gretchen Binus, Beate Landefeld and Andreas Wehr. Introduction by Jonathan White £4.95
s The EU, Brexit and class politics Which way for the labour movement? by Robert Griffiths £2 www.communist-party.org.uk
Corbyn, the labour movement and
A PEOPLES'S BREXIT As a divided tory Party bungles Brexit we invite you to discuss what it means for the Labour Party and the left Larry Elliot Guardian economics editor Grace Blakely IPPR economist Costas Lapavitas economist and former Syriza MP Mick Cash RMT general secretary John Rees Counterfire Rob Griffiths Communist Party general secretary Paula Barker Unison NW regional convenor (PC) thursday 22 November 7pm National Edcucation Union Mabledon Place London WC1H 9Bd (Euston/Kings Cross)
s Challenge is the magazine of the young Communist League. Britain’s revolutionary youth organisation. ycl.org.uk
Bangladeshi Workers Council www.facebook.com/BWCINUK
s Women & Class by Mary davis has become the standard text for the labour movement’s engagement with the issues. £2
Indian Workers Association GB Contact: Sital Singh Gill iwagb@hotmail.com 07779664845
Caribbean Labour Solidarity www.cls-uk.org.uk info@cls-uk.org.uk
Ruskin House 23 Coombe Road Croydon CR01BD Editorial team: Derek Kotz, Anita Halpin, Deirdre O’Neil Nick Wright