Speakers Alex Baird
Former Chair Ayr Trades Union Council
Chris Bartter
Formerly UNISON publicity officer; chair Board Wildcat Theatre
Eric Blackburn
Chair Paisley Trades Union Council
Andrew Clark
Former Scottish Representative Morning Star
Jackson Cullinane
Political Officer, UNITE Scotland
Susan Galloway
Member of Scottish Committee, CPB
Richard Leonard
Political Officer, GMB Scotland
Pat McIlvogue
SULF, UNITE Scotland
Drew McFarlane
Scottish Organiser, Equity
Dave McLennan
Director, Wildcat Theatre Company
Vince Mills
Chair, Scottish Labour Campaign for Socialism
Elaine Smith
Labour MSP, Coatbridge and Chryston
Everyone is welcome. There is no charge. A collection will be taken to help defray expenses. The STUC Building is 200 yards from Kelvinbridge Underground The Ex Services Club, 15 Academy Street, Ayr is 10 minutes from the station Paisley Town Hall is 3 minutes from Paisley Gilmore Street Station (10 minutes from Glasgow Central) The Daisy Park Centre, 105 Roman Road, is 5 minutes from Motherwell Rail Station
Scottish Morning Star Campaign Committee Education Series
Our movement and our culture
OUR FUTURE >> It's coming yet, for a' that, that man to man the world o'er, shall brithers be for a' that. Teach Contentment. Those for whom the taxes are destined Demand sacrifice. Those who eat their fill speak to the hungry Of the wonderful times to come. Those who lead the country into the abyss Call ruling too difficult For ordinary men. Bertolt Brecht ‘Those who take the meat from the table’
Autumn 2010