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to the public on September 12. Hours were very limited at the start, especially in comparison to the library today—it was open on Saturday from 2-5 p.m. and then 6:30-9:00 p.m. Three years later, it opened on an additional day, on Wednesday afternoon and evening, and then in 1900, Monday was added as a third day.
were established, such as a juvenile and agricultural, in 1866 Captain Cyrus Gale offered $1000 to the town to start a library and was joined by fellow resident and jewelry factory owner Milo Hildreth, who donated $250. Both donors offered on the condition that a town hall should be built with a room for books. In 1868, the Northborough Free Library was established in the Northborough town hall and opened
In 1894, Cyrus Gale Jr., son of Captain Cyrus Gale, proposed that the library should be in its own building to have more space for the collection and gave $15,000 to fund it. Consequently, a new library was built on a site that was formerly Dr. Stephen Ball II’s apothecary shop, a shoe shop, and a clothing shop and Peinze’s bakery. The library as we know it today at its location at 34 Main Street was dedicated on June 12, 1895, as the Gale Memorial Library. Since the momentous occasion of the dedication, the library has been a thriving source of not only books but programming, digital collections, and community for people of all ages.